October 2007, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 29-31 Managerial Role in International Marketing Strategies
by Dr. Ajay Jain - 32-34 Managing Marketing-Finance Interface (The Need of Today)
by Dr. Raghavendra Dwivedi - 35-42 Impact of Rural-Urban Migration on Income (Case Study of Selected Large & Medium Scale Industries)
by Dr. Khalid Anwar - 43-45 Role of Outsourcing Strategy in a Competitive Dynamic Environment in India
by Dr. Anish Kumar - 46-48 Banking Transformation Through Information Technology in India
by Dr. R. C. Lal & Amardeep - 49-53 In the context of knowledge and education, human resource is an investment in the human capital promoting
by Dr. Smt. Preeti Rani & Dr. Mayank Aggarwal - 54-62 Productivity of Human Resource in Higher Education
by Prof. N. A. Khan - 63-66 Relevance of Value Education Through Content Areas (The Mula Mantra for Success)
by Dr. Suman Sharma - 67-77 MIS— A Thriving Technology Towards Advancement of Organizational Efficiency
by Dr. Shwetabh Mittal - 78-81 E-Marketing - A Strategic Tool for Marketing in the 21st Century
by Arti Singhal - 82-83 India is the Fastest Growing Wealth Creator in The World
by Hari Om Agarwal & Vikas Sharma - 84-86 Prospects of India’s Foreign Trade with China
by Deepa Gupta
April 2007, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-11 All Sports Bobbers (The Case Study)
by Rebecca Zaharia & James Ondracek & M.Saeed - 12-18 Impact of Globalization of Small Scale Industries (Analysing the Growth of SSIs & The Policy Reforms)
by Dr. Shiv Kumar Deene & D. M. Madari - 19-25 Attrition in IT-BPO : A Critical Appraisal in Indian Context (The Alarming Cost and Less Competitive Advantage)
by Dr. Ashutosh Nigam - 26-32 Indian Banking : Moving Towards Information Technology (The Problems and the Solutions)
by Dr. R. K. Uppal. & Rimpi Kaur - 33-37 Issues of Business Education in the 21st Century (Demonstrating the Learning and Spreading Skills)
by Dr. Navin Kumar Garg & Aditi Garg - 38-44 Historical Review of ino-India Relation (The Fact Sheet on India – China Relations)
by Dr. Pawan Kumar Oberoi & Dr. Tanuj Kumar - 45-48 Challenges and Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy (The Role and Relevance in Indian Economy)
by Hari Om Agarwal - 49-51 Need of Export Promotion Organizations in Emergent India (The Boost for a Growing Economy)
by Dr. Prateek Gupta - 52-59 Determinants of Life Insurance Consumption in India (Area to be Determined Till Now)
by Sonia Chawala & Fulbag Singh - 60-67 ndia’s Foreign Trade With China (A Historical Showcase)
by Deepa Gupta & Dr. A.K. Garg - 68-74 Customer Relationship Management in Retail Sector (The Mula Mantra for Success)
by Sumith C. - 74-89 Indian Economy and Small Business Administration (Umbrella Cover to SSI Sector)
by Ruchi Tyagi & Tanuj Sharma - 75-78 Effects of Intrinsic Motivation & Spirituality on Employees (Reducing Inner, Intra and Inter Stress)
by Vikas Sharma & Dr. R.K. Singhal - 85-86 Comparative Capital Budgeting Practices in India (A Case Study of Selected Companies)
by Vipin Kumar garg - 87-94 Prospects of Training & Development in Tourism Sector (The Current Scenario)
by Dr. Shalini Garg - 95-102 Role of FDI in Rural Infrastructure Development (The Relation with Their Education & Occupation)
by Dr. Kavita Saxena & Dr. P.K. Saxena & S.N. Ghosh - 103-108 Can Uttaranchal Become a Tourist Paradise? (The Relation between Resources and Infrastructure)
by Dr. P. N. Singhal & Prof. G. Raghavan & Surinder Pal
October 2006, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 5-6 Special Report- The 10th May, 1857 Windowing in the History on Completing 150 Years of the Meerut Revolt against Britishers. The native sepoys had terminated the use of cow-fat-greased cartridges. A massive Massacre of British Officers and their families took place after the Revolt. The given lines have been taken from the famous book on Indian Freedom Struggle - “Battles of the Indian Mutiny†written by ‘Michael Edwardes’ published first by in 1963 by B.T. Batsford Ltd. and then by Pan Books Ltd., London in 1970. The detailsof the Author are not given the book
by Dr. Himanshu Agarwal - 7-12 The History and Mystery of Worldwide Merger Waves (The stature in Context to Liberalisation)
by Dr. Bhagaban Das & Alok Kumar Pramanik - 13-16 Environmental Responsibility of Business (The Emerging issues in Society)
by Dr. Tapas Kumar Bose - 17-21 Media Effectiveness on Brand Preference (A Case study of Consumable oil)
by N. Rajalingam - 22-29 Management of Non Performing Assets (The Significance of Balance Sheet Transparency)
by Dr. P.N. Singhal & Dr. G. Raghvan & Surinder Pal - 30-35 Growth and Challenges of BPO Industries in India (Their role and contribution in the development)
by Dr. Rakesh Kumar - 36-41 Business Strategies for Sustainable Growth (Application of Competitive Advantage Tool of Porter)
by Er. S. Rajaram & Ashok Kumar & Vivek Gupta - 42-45 Academic Rating : In The Changing Global Scenario (Certification For Education Quality)
by Dr. Ramesh Kumar - 46-48 Role of FDI in Indian Economy (A Concern of the FDI and Indian Regime)
by Dr. Brijesh Kumar & Anuj Singhal - 49-52 Present Scenario of Tea Industry in India(The Role and Relevance in Indian Economy)
by Dr. Poonam Rani - 53-58 Education – An Entrepreneurial Perspective (The most compelling charm for producers)
by Dr. G.P. Prasian & Dr. E. Nixon Singh - 59-64 Education – An Entrepreneurial Perspective (The most compelling charm for producers)Promotion of Units and The Background of Entrepreneur (The Relation with Their Education and Occupation)
by Arun Singhal - 65-69 Blood Systems : A Case Study of Cross Culture Issues and Challenges
by Corrine Bliese & Mohammad Saeed - 70-73 Unravelling of The Leadership Phenomena (Code, Charisma, Capability, and Divinity)
by Dr. Vikas Chandra Agarwal - 74-78 Factoring Services in India (Mechanism, Feasibility and Prospects)
by Sujata Kapoor - 79-83 Indian Tourism Industry in 21st Century
by K. Rajamani - 84-87 Revamping The Financial System (Providing Finance Where it Matters)
by Dr. Vikas Gupta
April 2006, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-8 The US and India-The Growing Partnership
by Dr. Himanshu Agarwal - 9-14 Cross Culture Communication For Managers (A Fit to All application for Quick Globally Success
by Dr. Mrs. M. Jeyarathnam & V. Moahanasundaram - 15-22 Insurance Need for Customer Delight (A Case study of LIC of India’s Performance)
by Dr. Rajeev Kumar Agarwal - 23-27 Indian Managers’ Attitute Towards Business Ethics
by Dr. P.K. Agarwal - 28-33 International Accounting Standards (The Esperanto of Accounting Through Countries)
by Alok Kumar Pramanik - 34-38 A New Approach In Competency Mapping (How Effectively the Personal Deployment Possible)
by Dhruva Kumar Pandey & Raghavendra Dwivedi - 39-46 Life Insurance Distribution in India (The Emerging Paradigms in Intermediation)
by Dr. Fulbag Singh & Sonia Chawla & Bhupinder Singh - 47-52 A State Level Analysis of Poverty in India
by S. S. Chauhan & Dr. Satendra Kumar - 53-58 Rural Marketing in Globalized Era (The most Compelling Charm for Producers)
by M. Sivakumar - 59-64 Transforming Consumer Experience via Advertising (The Emerging Media for Cyber Era)
by S. Sakthivel Rani - 65-67 Economic Development of India and Cottage Industries (Their role and Contribution in the Development)
by Dr. Mayank Mohan - 68-72 The Survival of Public Sector Banks in the Post LPG Era (New Competitive Strategies to Develop Brisk Efficiency)
by Dr. R.K. Uppal - 73-75 Higher Education in Independent India)
by Dr. M. L. Agarwal & Himani Agarwal - 76-79 Socio-Economic Values Among Female and Male Child of Working and Non-working Educated Women
by Dr. Kusum Lata Rautela - 80-83 Determinant of Indian Economy
by Dr. Geeta Tomar & Vivek Gupta - 84-87 Capital Budgeting Decision Mechanism (An appraisal Escorts India Ltd)
by Dr. A. K. Garg & Vipin Kumar Garg
October 2005, Volume 0, Issue 1
- 5-6 Prime Minister Speaks-The Words of Hon’ble Prime Minister for the nation(Compiled Work)
by Dr. Man Mohan Singh - 7-14 Dilemmas of Present Management Leadership (A Constructive Study on Bhagwat Gita)
by Arun Sharma - 15-22 Role of women in Rural Development (Encountering the real ground problems)
by Dr. Manjeet S. Pardesi - 23-27 New Lessons of International Business (The basic constraints and the risks for the marketers)
by S. Rajaram - 28-32 Rural Market-A Gold Mind For The Entrepreneurs (A new face of high scale and profit maximization)
by Raghavendra Dwivedi - 33-40 Transformation in Indian Banks-Challenges and Opprutunities (Applicability of Information Technology)
by Dr. R. K. Uppal & Rimpi Kaur - 41-44 A Historical Tour To Indian Economy (Pre and Post Colonial Preview)
by Dr. (Capt.) Santram - 45-51 Service Loyalty Measurement : A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Through Reliability Assessment
by Duraipandian Israel & J. Clement Sudhahar - 52-55 Business Process Reengineering (A Radical change offering specific recommendations)
by Dr. Sanjeev Verma - 56-62 Factoring Services in Indian Financial Market (The Recent Trends)
by Dr. G.S. Rawat - 63-65 Socio-Economic Conditions of Daily Wage Earners (A Real Case Study of Mussoorie Hill)
by Dr. P.N. Singhal - 66-72 Cotton Textile Industry Workers (A Case Study of Their Problems and Prospects)
by Bhrat Breja - 73-75 A Suitable Tax system in Indian Economic Conditions (A collection of essential features at a glance)
by Virendra Kumar - 76-80 Effectiveness of Indian Monetary Policy in Present Context (An analytical appraisal)
by Dr. S. K. Sharma & Kapil Garg - 81-84 Entrepreneurship Awareness Among College Students (A Case Study of Triunelveli District of Tamil Nadu)
by S. Chockalingam - 85-87 Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation By Expanding Rural Lending
by Vipul Yadav