- 2025-01 Financing EU Health Innovation: the role of Venture Capital
- 2024-03 The impact of the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard in Science and Policy
by CONFRARIA Hugo & GRASSANO Nicola & MONCADA PATERNO' CASTELLO Pietro & NINDL Elisabeth - 2024-02 Corporate Venture Capital in the Automotive Sector
by GAVIGAN James & FAKO Peter & COMPANO Ramon - 2024-01 Economic complexity and the sustainability transition: A review of data, methods, and literature
by CALDAROLA Bernardo & MAZZILLI Dario & NAPOLITANO Lorenzo & PATELLI Aurelio & SBARDELLA Angelica - 2023-01 Walking the Green Line: Government Sponsored R&D and Clean Technologies
by RENTOCCHINI Francesco & VEZZANI Antonio & MONTRESOR Sandro
- 2023-03 Industrial Innovation for Open Strategic Autonomy - leaving no one and no place behind
by AMARAL-GARCIA Sofia & CONFRARIA Hugo & DOMNICK Clemens & HERVAS Fernando & MONCADA PATERNO' CASTELLO Pietro & RENTOCCHINI Francesco & ZAURINO Elena - 2023-02 Regional incidence and persistence of high-growth firms: Testing ideas from the Entrepreneurial Ecosystems literature
by Alex Coad & Clemens Domnick & Pietro Santoleri & Stjepan Srhoj
- 2022-02 Economic crisis accelerates urban structural change via inter-sectoral labour mobility
by STRAULINO Daniel & DIODATO Dario & O'CLERY Neave - 2022-01 High-Growth Enterprises in times of COVID-19: an overview
by COAD Alexander & AMARAL-GARCIA Sofia & BAUER Peter & DOMNICK Clemens & HARASZTOSI Peter & PAL Rozalia & TERUEL Mercedes
- 2021-01 Patenting in 4IR Technologies and Firm Performance
by BENASSI Mario & GRINZA Elena & RENTOCCHINI Francesco & RONDI Laura - 2020-07 A Preliminary Index of SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Testing Patents
by MAVRIDIS, Dimitrios & CSÉFALVAY, Zoltan & GKOTSIS, Petros & POTTERS, Lesley
- 2020-06 How the "EU Innovation Champions" successfully absorbed and reacted to the shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
by DE MASSIS Alfredo & DI MININ Alberto & MARULLO Cristina & ROVELLI Paola & TENSEN Rik & CARBONE Antonio & CRUPI Antonio - 2020-05 The role of gender in linking external sources of knowledge and R&D intensity
by AMOROSO Sara & AUDRETSCH David - 2020-04 Regulations and technology gap in Europe: the role of firm dynamics
by Sara Amoroso & Roberto Martino - 2020-03 Organization and geography of global R&D and innovation activities: insights from qualitative research on leading corporate R&D investors
by Mafini Dosso & Paulina Ramirez - 2020-02 The EU vs US corporate R&D intensity gap: Investigating key sectors and firms
by Pietro Moncada-Paterno-Castello & Nicola Grassano - 2020-01 On R&D sectoral intensities and convergence clubs
by CATTARUZZO Sebastiano
- 2019-08 Asbestos, leaded petrol, and other aberrations: Comparing countries’ regulatory responses to disapproved products and technologies
by Alexander Coad & Gianluca Biggi & Elisa Giuliani - 2019-07 Financial constraints and intangible investments. Do innovative and non-innovative firms differ?
by Sandro Montresor & Antonio Vezzani - 2019-06 Labor mobility from R&D-intensive multinational companies: Implications for knowledge and technology
by Jacob Rubak Holm & Bram Timmermans & Christian Richter Ostergaard & Alexander Coad & Nicola Grassano & Antonio Vezzani - 2019-05 Teaming up with Large R&D Investors: Good or Bad for Knowledge Production and Diffusion?
by Sara Amoroso & Simone Vannuccini - 2019-04 Concordance and Complementarity in IP Instruments
by Marco Grazzi & Chiara Piccardo & Cecilia Vergari - 2019-03 A geography of corporate knowledge flows across world regions: evidence from patent citations of top R&D-investing firms
by Mafini Dosso & Didier Lebert - 2019-02 What are the policy options? A systematic review of policy responses to the impacts of robotisation and automation on the labour market
by Zoltan Csefalvay - 2019-01 Intellectual Property Protection Mechanisms and the Characteristics of Founding Teams
by Sara Amoroso & Albert N. Link - 2018-04 Heterogeneity of technology-specific R&D investments. Evidence from top R&D investors worldwide
by Petros Gkotsis & Antonio Vezzani
- 2018-05 Do firms publish? A multi-sectoral analysis
by Roberto Camerani & Daniele Rotolo & Nicola Grassano - 2018-03 Explaining Growth Differences across Firms: The Interplay between Innovation and Management Practices
by Livio Romano - 2018-02 Inward Greenfield FDI and Patterns of Job Polarisation
by Sara Amoroso & Pietro Moncada-Paterno-Castello - 2018-01 From R&D to market: using trademarks to capture the market capability of top R&D investors
by Castaldi Carolina & Mafini Dosso
- 2017-07 Firm market valuation and intellectual property assets
by Mafini Dosso & Antonio Vezzani - 2017-06 Manufacturing the future: is the manufacturing sector a driver of R&D, exports and productivity growth?
by Alex Coad & Antonio Vezzani - 2017-05 European R&D networks: A snapshot from the 7th EU Framework Programme
by Sara Amoroso & Alex Coad & Nicola Grassano - 2017-04 Persistent heterogeneity of R&D intensities within sectors: Evidence and policy implications
by Alex Coad - 2017-03 Sources of Knowledge Used by Entrepreneurial Firms in the European High-Tech Sector
by Sara Amoroso & David B. Audretsch & Albert N. Link - 2017-02 The short-run effects of Knowledge intensive greenfield FDI on new domestic entry
by Sara Amoroso & Bettina Mueller - 2017-01 Design, innovation and performance in European firms
by Sandro Montresor & Antonio Vezzani
- 2016-07 Technological diffusion as a recombinant process
by Petros Gkotsis & Antonio Vezzani - 2016-06 Sector dynamics and demographics of top R&D firms in the global economy
by Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello - 2016-05 EU corporate R&D intensity gap: What has changed over the last decade?
by Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello - 2016-04 Diversity in one dimension alongside greater similarity in others: Evidence from FP7 cooperative research teams
by Alexander Coad & Sara Amoroso & Nicola Grassano - 2016-03 Whos doing who? Growth of sales, employment, assets, profits and R&D entangled in a curious five-way love triangle
by Alexander Coad & Nicola Grassano - 2016-02 Corporate R&D intensity decomposition: Theoretical, empirical and policy issues
by Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello - 2016-01 Regulation, red tape and location choices of top R&D investors
by Daria Ciriaci & Nicola Grassano & Antonio Vezzani
- 2015-10 Profits, R&D and labour: Breaking the law of diminishing returns to labour
by Sara Amoroso - 2015-09 Top R&D investors and international knowledge seeking: the role of emerging technologies and technological proximity
by Mafini Dosso & Antonio Vezzani - 2015-08 The impact of skill endowments and collective bargaining on knowledge-intensive greenfield FDI
by Sara Amoroso & Mafini Dosso & Pietro Moncada-Paterno-Castello - 2015-07 Employment Effect of Innovation
by D'Artis Kancs & Boriss Siliverstovs - 2015-06 Patent Boxes Design, Patents Location and Local R&D
by Annette Alstadsæter & Salvador Barrios & Gaetan Nicodeme & Agnieszka Maria Skonieczna & Antonio Vezzani - 2015-05 Key Enabling Technologies and Smart Specialization Strategies. European Regional Evidence from patent data
by Sandro Montresor & Francesco Quatraro - 2015-04 Multinationality, R&D and Productivity Evidence from the top R&D investors worldwide
by Davide Castellani & Sandro Montresor & Torben Schubert & Antonio Vezzani - 2015-03 Macro-Economic Models for R&D and Innovation Policies
by Francesco Di Comite & dArtis Kancs - 2015-02 Determinants of R&D offshoring
by Gavin Murphy & Iulia Siedschlag - 2015-01 R&D profitability: the role of risk and Knightian uncertainty
by Sara Amoroso & Pietro Moncada-Paterno-Castello & Antonio Vezzani
- 2014-04 Innovation and Productivity in Services: Evidence from Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom
by Bettina Peters & Rebecca Riley & Iulia Siedschlag & Priit Vahter & John McQuinn - 2014-03 Intangible investments and innovation propensity. Evidence from the Innobarometer 2013
by Sandro Montresor & Antonio Vezzani - 2014-02 The hidden costs of R&D collaboration
by Sara Amoroso - 2014-01 On the R&D giants' shoulders: Do FDI help to stand on them?
by Sandro Montresor & Antonio Vezzani
- 2013-04 Do KIBS make manufacturing more innovative? An empirical investigation for four European countries
by Daria Ciriaci & Sandro Montresor & Daniela Palma - 2013-03 Knowledge search versus knowledge deployment: How foreignness can be both an asset and a liability for firms
by Jörg Zimmermann & Wolfgang Sofka - 2013-02 The production function of top R&D investors: Accounting for size and sector heterogeneity with quantile estimations
by Antonio Vezzani & Sandro Montresor - 2013-01 Innovation and Job Creation: A sustainable relation?
by Daria Ciriaci & Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello & Peter Voigt
- 2012-06 R&D and Non-Linear Productivity Growth of Heterogeneous Firms
by d'Artis Kancs & Boriss Siliverstovs - 2012-05 Absorptive capacity, innovation cooperation and human-capital. Evidence from 3 European countries
by Chiara Franco & Alberto Marzucchi & Sandro Montresor - 2012-04 Research cooperation within and across regional boundaries. Does innovation policy add anything?
by Alberto Marzucchi & Davide Antonioli & Sandro Montresor - 2012-03 Does size or age of innovative firms affect their growth persistence? -Evidence from a panel of innovative Spanish firms-
by Daria Ciriaci & Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello & Peter Voigt - 2012-02 To what extent are knowledge-intensive business services contributing to manufacturing? A subsystem analysis
by Daria Ciriaci & Daniela Palma - 2012-01 Projection of R&D-intensive enterprise growth to the year 2020: Implications for EU policy?
by Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello & Peter Voigt
- 2011-10 Job Creation Effects of R&D Expenditures: Are High-tech Sectors the Key?
by Francesco Bogliacino & Mariacristina Piva & Marco Vivarelli - 2011-09 The relevance of marketing in the success of innovations
by Abraham Garcia - 2011-08 Design and European firms innovative performance: A less costly innovation activity for European SMEs?
by Daria Ciriaci - 2011-07 The European Research Framework Programme and innovation performance of companies. An empirical impact assessment using a CDM model
by Abraham Garcia - 2011-06 Intangible resources: the relevance of training for European firms innovative performance
by Daria Ciriaci - 2011-05 Access to finance for innovation: the role of venture capital and the stock market
by Francesco Bogliacino & Matteo Lucchese - 2011-04 Job creation in business services: innovation, demand, polarisation
by Francesco Bogliacino & Matteo Lucchese & Mario Pianta - 2011-03 Companies' growth in the EU: What is research and innovation policy's role?
by Pietro Moncada-Paterno-Castello - 2011-02 Evolution of Globalised business R&D: Features, drivers, impacts
by Pietro Moncada-Paterno-Castello & Peter Voigt & Marco Vivarelli - 2011-01 Globalisation, industrial diversification and productivity growth in large European R&D companies
by Michele Cincera & Julien Ravet
- 2010-12 Doing R&D or not (in a crisis), that is the question..
by Michele Cincera & Claudio Cozza & Alexander Tübke & Peter Voigt - 2010-11 Corporate R&D and firm efficiency: Evidence from Europe´s top R&D investors
by Subal C. Kumbhakar & Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Lesley Potters & Marco Vivarelli & Peter Voigt - 2010-10 The determinants of R&D Investment: the role of Cash flow and Capabilities
by Francesco Bogliacino & Sebastian Gómez Cardona - 2010-09 What is small? Small and medium enterprises facing patenting activities
by Abraham Garcia & Dominique Foray - 2010-08 Innovation and Employment: A firm level analysis with European R&D Scoreboard data
by Francesco Bogliacino - 2010-07 Young Leading Innovators and EUs R&D intensity gap
by Michele Cincera & Reinhilde Veugelers - 2010-06 The More You Spend, the More You Get? The Effects of R&D and Capital Expenditures on the Patenting Activities of Biotechnology Firms
by Roberta Piergiovanni & Enrico Santarelli - 2010-05 Profits, R&D and Innovation: a Model and a Test
by Francesco Bogliacino & Mario Pianta - 2010-04 The job creation effect of R&D expenditures
by Francesco Bogliacino & Marco Vivarelli - 2010-03 Financing constraints and R&D investments of large corporations in Europe and the USA
by Michele Cincera & Julien Ravet - 2010-02 Drivers and policies for increasing and internationalising R&D activities of EU MNEs
by Michele Cincera & Claudio Cozza & Alexander Tübke - 2010-01 New insights on EU-US comparison of corporate R&D
by Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello
- 2009-15 R&D-intensive SMEs in Europe: What do we know about them?
by Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Lesley Potters & Peter Voigt - 2009-14 The Performance of Top R&D Investing Companies in the Stock Market
by Michele Cincera & Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello - 2009-13 The impact of innovation on labour productivity growth in European industries: Does it depend on firms' competitiveness strategies?
by Francesco Bogliacino & Mario Pianta - 2009-12 The global economic and financial downturn: What does it imply for firms' R&D strategies?
by Peter Voigt & Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello - 2009-11 Does Europe perform too little corporate R&D? A comparison of EU and non-EU corporate R&D performance
by Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello & Constantin Ciupagea & Keith Smith & Alexander Tübke & Mike Tubbs - 2009-10 Innovation input and innovation output: differences among sectors
by Lesley Potters - 2009-9 Is Corporate R&D Investment in High-tech Sectors more Effective? Some Guidelines for European Research Policy
by Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Maria-Cristina Piva & Lesley Potters & Marco Vivarelli - 2009-8 R&D in low-tech sectors
by Lesley Potters - 2009-7 Business R&D in SMEs
by Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Peter Voigt - 2009-6 Public/Private R&D nexus
by Deborah Cox & Dimitri Gagliardi - 2009-5 Services R&D
by Jeremy Howells - 2009-4 EU-R&D in Services Industries and the EU-US R&D Investment Gap
by Vincent Duchêne & Elissavet Lykogianni & Arnold Verbeek - 2009-3 R&D and Productivity: Testing Sectoral Peculiarities Using Micro Data
by Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Lesley Potters & Marco Vivarelli - 2009-2 EU-US differences in the size of R&D intensive firms
by Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Andries Brandsma - 2009-1 Corporate R&D: A policy target looking for instruments
by Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello & Keith Smith