- 136 Fiscal Space in the Arab Countries
by Khalid Abu-Ismail & Rathin Roy & Raquel Almeida Ramos - 135 Social Policies and the Fall in Inequality in Brazil: Achievements and Challenges
by Pedro H. G. Ferreira de Souza - 134 Has IMF Advice Changed After the Crisis?
by Rathin Roy & Raquel Almeida Ramos
- 100000 IPC-IG collection of One Pagers
by Ipc - 133 Bolsa Familia as Seen Through the Lens of the Decent Work Agenda
by Ana Flávia Machado & Gustavo Geaquinto Fontes & Mariangela Furlan Antigo & Roberto Henrique Gonzalez & Fabio Veras Soares - 132 Integrating Public Works and Transfers in Ethiopia: An Innovative Approach to Social Protection, Employment and Decent Work
by Maikel Lieuw-Kie-Song - 131 Snakes and Ladders, Buffers and Passports: Rethinking Poverty, Vulnerability and Wellbeing
by Andy Sumner & Rich Mallett - 130 Providing Incentives to Women Farmers for Sustainable Food Production
by Savita Mullapudi Narasimhan - 129 How Effective are the Non-monetary Components of CCT Programs?
by Clarissa Gondim Teixeira & Fabio Veras Soares & Elydia Silva & Guilherme Issamu Hirata - 128 Emerging Opportunities for the Productive Inclusion of Local and Traditional Communities
by Radhika Lal & Waldemiro Francisco Sorte Junior - 127 Food Security as a Pathway to Productive Inclusion: Lessons from Brazil and India
by Danuta Chmielewska & Darana Souza - 126 Inclusive and Sustainable Development: For Whom?
by Leisa Perch - 125 Measuring MDG Achievements: Rate of Progress Matters Most
by Degol Hailu & Raquel Tsukada - 124 Conditional Cash Transfers and the Basic Income Grant in Brazil: Will They Ever Merge?
by Tatiana Britto & Fabio Veras Soares - 123 Addressing Unsustainable Debt in Small Island Developing States
by Gail Hurley
- 122 The Consolidation of Social Assistance Policy in Brazil
by Luciana Jaccoud & Patricia Dario El-Moor Hadjab & Juliana Rochet Chaibub - 121 Benefits Sharing: Blending Climate Change and Development in National Policy Efforts
by Leisa Perch - 120 Global Poverty and the New Bottom Billion: Three-Quarters of the World’s Poor Live in Middle-Income Countries
by Andy Sumner - 119 How Can Petrobras Biocombustíveis Engage Small-Scale Farmers While Promoting Sustainability in Brazil’s Biodiesel Programme?
by Clovis Zapata & Diego Vazquez-Brust & José Plaza-Úbeda - 118 Addressing the Plight of Poor Households by Zero-Rating VAT on Basic Commodities in Namibia
by Ojijo Odhiambo & John E. Odada - 117 Targeting and Coverage of the Bolsa Família Programme: What Is the Meaning of Eleven Million Families?
by Sergei Suarez Dillon Soares - 116 Employment Policies in Brazil: History, Scope and Limitations
by Roberto Henrique Gonzalez - 115 Empowering or Reinforcing Traditional Roles: Can CCTs Address Gender Vulnerabilities?
by Fabio Veras Soares & Elydia Silva - 114 What Are the Implications of the Global Crisis and Its Aftermath for Poverty Reduction, 2010–2020?
by Andy Sumner & Joe Ballantyne & Andrew Curry - 113 Sustaining Development and Resilience in SIDS: Beyond Crisis Management
by Leisa Perch & Rathin Roy - 112 Rethinking Public Employment Programmes: Moving Beyond Safety Nets?
by Radhika Lal - 111 How Much Do Non-Cash Components and Externalities Affect the Impact of Cash Transfers?
by Rafael Perez Ribas & Fabio Veras Soares & Clarissa Gondim Teixeira & Elydia Silva & Guilherme Issamu Hirata - 110 Supporting Food Production and Food Access through Local Public Procurement Schemes: Lessons from Brazil
by Darana Souza & Danuta Chmielewska - 109 How Should MDG Implementation Be Measured: Faster Progress or Meeting Targets?
by Sakiko Fukuda-Parr & Joshua Greenstein - 108 Unintended Effects of Microfinance: An Increase in Child Labour in Some Contexts?
by Christian Lehmann & Guilherme Issamu Hirata - 107 What Is the Impact of the Bolsa Família Programme on Education?
by Paul Glewwe & Ana Lúcia Kassouf - 106 Direct or Mediated Relationships? Civic Involvement and Social Accountability in the Bolsa Família Programme
by Felipe Hevia - 105 Green Jobs for the Poor: Why a Public Employment Approach is Needed Now
by Maikel Lieuw-Kie-Song & Radhika Lal - 104 Sustainable Agriculture: A Way Out of Food Poverty
by Tuya Altangerel & Fernando Henao - 103 Trends in South-South Cooperation
by Michelle L. Chang - 102 The Doha Round and Kenya: Good and Not So Good Lessons
by Eduardo Zepeda
- 101 Water Supply in Rural Ghana: Do Women Benefit?
by Joana Costa & Degol Hailu & Elydia Silva & Raquel Tsukada - 100 Water Privatisation and Renationalisation in Bolivia: Are the Poor Better Off?
by Degol Hailu & Rafael Guerreiro Osorio & Raquel Tsukada - 99 Raindrops for Education: How To Improve Water Access in Schools?
by Acácio Lourete & Christian Lehmann & Raquel Tsukada - 98 Do CCT Programmes Have a Pro-Poor Spillover Effect?
by Christian Lehmann - 97 Do Poorer Countries Have Less Capacity for Redistribution?
by Martin Ravallion - 96 Do CCTs Lessen the Impact of the Current Economic Crisis? Yes, but..
by Fabio Veras Soares - 95 The Global Economic Crisis Hampers Human Development. How?
by Degol Hailu - 94 Conservation and Ecotourism in Brazil and Mexico: The Development Impact
by David Ivan Fleischer - 93 One Instrument, Many Targets: Timor-Leste’s Macroeconomic Policy Challenge
by Rui A. Gomes & Degol Hailu - 92 Can Low-Income Countries Adopt Counter-Cyclical Policies?
by Degol Hailu & John Weeks - 91 Social Cash Transfers in Zambia: What Is Their Impact?
by Gelson Tembo & Nicholas Freeland - 90 Do CCT Programmes Work in Low-Income Countries?
by Simone Cecchini - 89 What Explains the Decline in Brazil’s Inequality?
by Degol Hailu & Sergei Suarez Dillon Soares - 88 Age and Gender Bias in Workloads During the Lifecycle: Evidence from Rural Ghana
by Raquel Tsukada & Elydia Silva - 87 Towards an MDG-Consistent Debt Sustainability Concept
by Bernhard G. Gunter - 86 The Indonesian Response to the Financial and Economic Crisis: Is the Developmental State Back?
by Degol Hailu - 85 What Is the Impact of Cash Transfers on Labour Supply?
by Clarissa Gondim Teixeira - 84 The 2015 Debt Crisis
by Paul Ladd - 83 HIV and Income Inequality: If There is a Link, What Does It Tell Us?
by Göran Holmqvist - 82 Is the Washington Consensus Dead?
by Degol Hailu - 81 How Does the Financial Crisis Affect Developing Countries?
by Diana Alarcón & Stephany Griffith-Jones & José Antonio Ocampo - 80 Confronting Crises: Learning From Labour Markets in the Past
by Eduardo Zepeda - 79 Impact Is Not Enough: Image and CCT Sustainability in Nicaragua
by Charity Moore - 78 The Rich Expand, the Poor Contract. The Paradox of Macroeconomic Policy in Ethiopia
by Degol Hailu - 77 Is the South Ready for South-South Cooperation?
by Melissa Andrade - 76 South-South Cooperation in Times of Global Economic Crisis
by Michelle Morais de Sa e Silva - 75 Why Aid Does Not Increase Savings Rates in Sub-Saharan Africa?
by John Serieux & Terry McKinley - 74 What Impact Does Inflation Targeting Have on Unemployment?
by Jose Angelo Divino - 19 Women's earning power and wellbeing
by Nanak Kakwani & Hyun H. Son
- 73 Eliminating Gender Inequalities Reduces Poverty. How?
by Joana Costa & Elydia Silva - 72 Free Access to Primary Data Should Be a Right
by Rafael Guerreiro Osorio - 71 Cash Transfers and Child Labour: An Intriguing Relationship
by Guilherme Issamu Hirata - 70 Are the Cheetahs Tracking the Tigers? Probing High Growth Rates in Africa
by Degol Hailu - 69 Where the Line is Drawn. A Rejoinder to Ravallion
by Thomas Pogge - 68 Can we Accurately Project MDG Indicators?
by Rafael Guerreiro Osorio - 67 The Macroeconomics of Scaling-Up Aid: What We Know in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia
by Degol Hailu - 66 Global Poverty Reassessed: A Reply to Reddy
by Martin Ravallion - 65 The New Global Poverty Estimates – Digging Deeper into a Hole
by Sanjay G. Reddy - 64 Is the Conditionality Necessary in Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes? Evidence from Mexico
by Alan de Brauw & John Hoddinott - 63 A Global Realignment by 2020: U.S. Decline, Emerging Economies Rise
by Francis Cripps & Terry McKinley - 62 The Global Benefits and Losses from The U.S. Recession and Recovery Package
by Francis Cripps & Terry McKinley - 61 Where Are the Jobs that Take People Out of Poverty in Brazil?
by Ana Flávia Machado & Rafael Perez Ribas - 60 New York’s Brand-new Conditional Cash Transfer Programme: What if it Succeeds?
by Michelle Morais de Sa e Silva - 59 Equitable Access to Financial Services: Is Microfinancing Sufficient?
by Degol Hailu - 58 What Do We Mean by “Feminization of Poverty”?
by Marcelo Medeiros & Joana Costa - 57 Tariff Hikes with Low Investment: The Story of the Urban Water Sector in Zambia
by Hulya Dagdeviren & Degol Hailu - 56 Lessons from the South African Electricity Crisis
by Kate Bayliss - 55 Equitable Access to Basic Services: Who will Guarantee it?
by Degol Hailu - 54 A Consistent Measure of Real Poverty: A Reply to Ravallion
by Thomas Pogge - 53 Which Poverty Line? A Response to Reddy
by Martin Ravallion - 52 Are Estimates of Poverty in Latin America Reliable?
by Sanjay G. Reddy - 51 Inflation-Targeting in Sub-Saharan Africa: Why Now? Why at All?
by Terry McKinley - 50 The Urgent Need for Financial Reform to Mobilise Savings in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Sedat Aybar & Costas Lapavitsas - 49 Latin America’s Progress on Gender Equality: Poor Women Workers Are Still Left Behind
by Eduardo Zepeda - 48 Is Financial Liberalization a Flop? An Africa Assessment
by John Serieux & Terry McKinley
- 47 Conditional Cash Transfers: Why Targeting and Conditionalities Could Fail
by Guy Standing - 46 Wage Cutting in Kenya Will Expand Poverty, Not Decent Jobs
by Robert Pollin & Mwangi we Githinji & James Heintz - 45 Pro-Poor Growth: Though a Contested Marriage, Still a Premature Divorce
by Terry McKinley - 44 ‘Growing Pains’: Key Challenges for New Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Latin America
by Fabio Veras Soares & Tatiana Britto - 43 The Fiscal Impact of Aid Flows: Evidence from Ethiopia
by Pedro M. G. Martins - 42 Why Have Tax Reforms Hampered MDG Financing?
by Terry McKinley - 41 Job Creation versus Cash Transfers in Kenya
by Eduardo Zepeda - 40 Should Khat Be Banned? The Development Impact
by Degol Hailu - 39 Raising Domestic Revenue for the MDGs: Why Wait until 2015?
by Terry McKinley - 38 Correcting Global Imbalances with Exchange Rate Realignment? No thanks!
by Francis Cripps & Alex Izurieta & Terry McKinley - 37 Using ODA to Accumulate Foreign Reserves in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Costas Lapavitsas - 36 Can all Cash Transfers Reduce Inequality?
by Sergei Suarez Dillon Soares & Eduardo Zepeda - 35 The IMF and Constraints on Spending Aid
by David Goldsbrough - 34 Why Is Africa Constrained from Spending ODA?
by Terry McKinley - 33 MDG Targets: Misunderstood or Misconceived?
by Hamid Tabatabai - 32 Debating the Provision of Basic Utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Response to Nellis
by Kate Bayliss & Ben Fine - 31 Privatising Basic Utilities in Africa: a Rejoinder
by John Nellis - 30 The Gross Inequities of Global Imbalances
by Terry McKinley & Alex Izurieta - 29 Why Not ‘Front-load’ ODA for HIV/Aids?
by John Serieux & Terry McKinley - 28 MDGs: Misunderstood Targets?
by Jan Vandemoortele - 27 Has there been any Social Mobility for Non-Whites in Brazil?
by Rafael Guerreiro Osorio
- 26 What is poverty? Good Question
by Terry McKinley - 25 Old-Age Poverty and Social Pensions in Kenya
by Hyun H. Son & Nanak Kakwani - 24 Are Improving Terms of Trade Helping Reduce Poverty in Africa?
by Andrew Mold - 23 Inequality and the Education MDG for Latin America
by Eduardo Zepeda - 22 What is Poverty?
by Nanak Kakwani - 21 Do CCTs Reduce Poverty?
by Eduardo Zepeda - 20 The Gender Pay Gap over Women's Working Lifetime
by Hyun H. Son & Nanak Kakwani
- 18 Headcount Poverty Comparisons
by S. Subramanian - 17 Three models of social protection
by Alejandro Grinspun - 16 India needs an Employment Guarantee Scheme
by Santosh Mehrotra - 15 Leaky Bucket
by Nanak Kakwani & Hyun H. Son - 14 Vietnam: Jobs, Growth & Poverty
by Hyun H. Son - 13 Chinese Boxes: whatever happened to poverty reduction?
by Alejandro Grinspun - 12 Ending world poverty: is the debate settled?
by Jan Vandemoortele - 11 The challenge of pro-poor growth in Uganda
by Barbara Barungi & Eduardo Zepeda - 10 Birth control and poverty in South America
by Marcelo Medeiros - 9 Defining pro-poor growth
by Siddiq Osmani
- 8 Measuring poverty: what's in the line?
by Alejandro Grinspun - 7 Slipping into poverty: a neglected issue in anti-poverty strategies
by M. H. Suryanarayana - 6 Pro-poor growth: finding the Holy Grail
by Alejandro Ginspun - 5 Generic or brand drugs for HIV-AIDS? Southern Africa examples
by Francisco Rossi - 4 Defining pro-poor growth: a response to Kakwani
by Martin Ravallion - 3 Conditional Cash Transfer: a vaccine against poverty and inequality?
by Fabio Veras Soares - 2 Methods in measuring poverty matter: an Indian story
by Nanak Kakwani