- inv135 Strategy and Structure: Explaning the Diversification Discount
by Felipe Balmaceda - inv134 Firm-Sponsored General Training in a Frictionless Labor Market
by Felipe Balmaceda - inv133 El Sistema De Vouchers En La Educación: Una Revisión De La Teoría Y La Evidencia Empírica Para Chile
by Cristian Aedo & Claudio Sapelli - inv132 Entry, Cream Skimming, and Competition: Theory and Simulation for Chile's Local Telephony Market
by Eduardo Saavedra & Xavier Mancero - inv131 The Impact of Training Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Case of "Programa Joven"
by Cristian Aedo - inv130 Opportunistic Behavior and Legal Disputes in the Chilean Electricity Sector
by Eduardo Saavedra - inv129 Trade Theory and Trade Facts
by Raphael Bergoeing & Timothy J. Kehoe - inv128 Reformas Económicas e Institucionales del Estado en América Latina
by Eduardo Saavedra & Raimundo Soto - inv127 Ambigüedad estratégica en contratos públicos de suministro
by Constanza M. Fosco Perea M - inv126 La crisis eléctrica de 1998-1999: causas, consecuencias y lecciones
by Carlos Díaz & Alexander Galetovic & Raimundo Soto - inv125 Educación en Chile: Evaluación y Recomendaciones de Política
by Cristian Aedo - inv124 Open-Access Issues in the Chilean Telecommunications and Electricity Sectors
by Carlos Diaz & Raimundo Soto - inv123 Impacto en las Finanzas Municipales de la Inversión con fondos Externos
by Katia Macklouf - inv122 Anatomía de una Crísis Eléctrica
by Carlos Díaz & Alexander Galetovic & Raimundo Soto - inv121 Reformas Económicas en Chile: Una Perspectiva Institucional
by Felipe Morandé & Raimundo Soto - inv120 Institutional Reforms in the Electricity Sector
by Raimundo Soto - inv119 Accounting Profits, Market Profits, and the Compensation of Regular Employees
by John M. Abowd & Felipe Balmaceda & David Kaplan. - inv118 Compensation Methods in Competitive Labor Markets
by Felipe Balmaceda - inv117 Post-Privatization Renegotiations and Disputes in Chile
by Federico Basañes & Eduardo Saavedra & Raimundo Soto - inv116 Alternative Institutional Arrangements in Network Utilities: An Incomplete Contracting Approach
by Eduardo Saavedra - inv115 Asset prices in Chile: facts and fads
by Raphael Bergoeing & Felipe Morandé & Raimundo Soto. - inv114 Money demand, financial distress, and exchange-rate uncertainty in Indonesia
by Paul Macnelis - inv113 Una Aplicación de la Teoría de "Two Sided Matching" al Proceso de Admisión de las Universidades Chilenas
by Flavia Roldán - inv112 ¿Qué debemos explicar?: Reportando las Fluctuaciones Agregadas de la Economía Chilena
by Raphael Bergoeing & Juan Enrique Suárez - inv111 Una Evaluación Preliminar del Impacto Económico de El Teniente en la sexta Región
by Raimundo Soto & Raphael Bergoeing - inv110 Educación y Crecimiento Provincial en Argentina
by Oscar Mitnik - inv109 Política Fomento Empresarial y Reconversión Laboral: Experiencias Internacionales y el Caso Chileno
by Raimundo Soto - inv108 Equidad Intergeneracional Bajo Incertidumbre y Costos Ambientales Irreversibles
by José Tomás Morel - inv107 Nonlinearities in the Demand for money: A Neural Network Approach
by Raimundo Soto - inv106 Renegotiating Incomplete Contracts: Over and Under Investment of Concessioned Public Infrastructure
by Eduardo Saavedra - inv105 Can Nonhomothetic Preferences Explain the Post World War II Growth in Trade?
by Raphael Bergoeing - inv100 El Mercado de Clientes No Regulados en la Industria Eléctrica
by Felipe Morandé & Raimundo Soto - inv095 Trade liberalization in Chile:Lessons for Hemispheric Integration
by Raimundo Soto - inv094 El Tipo de Cambio Real de Equilibrio: Un modelo no lineal de Series de Tiempo
by Raimundo Soto - inv093 Real Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Adjustment in Sub-Sahara Africa and Other Developing Countries
by Ibrahim A. Elbadawi & Raimundo Soto - inv088 International Price Signals in Agricultural Markets: DoGovernments Care?
by Jorge Quiróz & Raimundo Soto