January 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 24-39 Untangling Multimedia Effects on EFL Incidental Vocabulary Learning via Playing an Online Hidden-Object Game
by Emad A. Alghamdi - 40-54 Local Norms in CALL Language Practice
by Jonathan R. White - 55-68 Digital Storytelling and Its Tools for Language Teaching: Perceptions and Reflections of Pre-Service Teachers
by Asuman Aşık
October 2015, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-15 Mobile-based Extensive Reading: An Investigation into Reluctant Readers
by Brett Milliner & Travis Cote - 16-36 A Pedagogical Corpus to Support a Language Teaching Curriculum to Revitalize an Endangered Language: The Case of Labrador Inuttitut
by Elizabeth Gatbonton & Ildiko Pelczer & Conor Cook & Vivek Venkatesh & Christine Nochasak & Harriet Andersen - 37-51 The Effects of Flipped Classrooms on English Composition Writing in an EFL Environment
by Adrian Leis & Simon Cooke & Akihiko Tohei - 52-65 Practicing the English Present Simple Tense in Active Worlds
by Mariusz Kruk - 66-82 Applying Genre-based and L2 Pragmatic Instruction to Teaching Oral Presentations on the Web
by Hung-Tzu Huang & Yu-Jung Chang
July 2015, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-19 Computer-Mediated Communication for Course Delivery and Teaching Materials Development: A Case Study
by Sumie Akutsu & Tim Marchand - 20-41 Telecollaboration in Foreign Language Curricula: A Case Study on Intercultural Understanding in Video Communication Exchanges
by Linda van der Kroon & Kristi Jauregi & Jan D. ten Thije - 42-59 Learners of Different Language Proficiency Levels and Incidental Focus on Form in Synchronous Text-based Discussion
by Wan-Tsai Kung & Zohreh R. Eslami - 60-74 Speech Recognition Software Contributes to Reading Development for Young Learners of English
by Kenneth Reeder & Jon Shapiro & Jane Wakefield & Reg D'Silva - 75-88 Smartphone Assisted Language Learning and Autonomy
by Adrian Leis & Akihiko Tohei & Simon D. Cooke
April 2015, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-21 From Preservice to Inservice: Can Practicing Foreign Language Learning Online Help Teachers Transfer Linguistic, Cultural, and Technological Awareness into Teaching English Language Learners?
by Congcong Wang - 22-39 Engagement and Teamwork in Chinese as a Foreign Language and Culture Curriculum Development for Teacher Education
by Tingting Wang - 40-57 Do Opposites Attract?: Willingness to Communicate in the Target Language for Academically, Culturally, and Linguistically Different Language Learners
by Mark R. Freiermuth & Hsin-Chou Huang - 58-71 EFL Learners' Implicit Theory of Intelligence and the Application of MMORPG in EFL Learning
by Liwei Hsu - 72-84 Integrating International Video Chat into the Foreign Language Curriculum
by Tasha N. Lewis & Holly Schneider
January 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-21 The Effects of Digital Game Play on Second Language Interaction
by Hayo Reinders & Sorada Wattana - 22-34 Materials Design and Pedagogy for Technology-Enhanced Language Learning
by Hazel L.W. Chiu - 35-52 Do-It-Our-Way or Do-It-Yourself?: ESP Learner Control in Personal Learning Environments
by Anna Franca Plastina - 53-70 The Effects of Video Projects on EFL Learners' Language Learning and Motivation: An Evaluative Study
by Hsin-chou Huang - 71-88 Promoting Critical Thinking for All Ability Levels in an Online English as a Second Language Course
by Linor Lea Hadar & Lynne Genser
October 2014, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-13 In-Game Culture Affects Learners' Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games
by Julie Bytheway - 14-28 Using Mobile Technologies with Young Language Learners to Support and Promote Oral Language Production
by Martine Pellerin - 29-45 Developing Language Awareness in Primary School Children with Multilingual Virtual Talking Books: First Results of the Pilot Study
by Viviane Lohe & Daniela Elsner - 46-58 Technology-Mediated L2 Strategy Instruction and Its Potential to Enhance Evaluation and Research
by Jim Ranalli - 59-75 The Role of Teachers and Their Beliefs in Implementing Technology-Mediated Language Learning: Implications for Teacher Development and Research
by Geoff Lawrence - 76-89 Constructing a Data-Driven Learning Tool with Recycled Learner Data
by Trude Heift & Catherine Caws
July 2014, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-14 Chinese Students' Perceptions of Using Mobile Devices for English Learning
by Bin Zou & Xinxin Yan - 1-19 The Effects of Computerized Graphic Organizers on Students' Performance in English Reading and Writing Tasks
by Hsien-Chin Liou & Sin-Yi Li - 34-51 An Environment for Learner Corpus Research and Error Analysis: The Study of Determiner Errors in Basque
by Larraitz Uria & Montse Maritxalar & Igone Zabala - 52-67 An Empirical Analysis of Extended Meanings of Lexical Items in a H1N1 Corpus
by Jessie Yi-jia Wang - 68-79 A Corpus-Based Study of Evaluative That-Clause in Abstracts of Chinese Learners' Doctoral Dissertations
by Baocui Lou
April 2014, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-10 To Flip Or Not To Flip? That's Not The Question: Exploring Flipped Instruction in Technology Supported Language Learning Environments
by Joy Egbert & David Herman & Aichia Chang - 11-28 The Impact of Keyword Caption Ratio on Foreign Language Listening Comprehension
by Kevin Rooney - 29-45 EFL Teacher's and Learners' Perspectives Towards ATODJ: A Case of CMC and MALL
by Elahe Moladoust - 46-63 Business English Vocabulary Learning With Mobile Phone: A Chinese Students' Perspective
by Haisen Zhang & Wei Song & Ronghuai Huang - 64-82 Learning Chinese Characters with Animated Etymology
by Jian He & Hui Huang
January 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-20 Cluster and Time-Series Analyses of Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training Users: Looking Beyond Scoring Systems to Measure Learning and Engagement
by John-Michael L. Nix - 21-43 Using Website Analysis as a Tool for Computer Assisted Language Learning in a Foreign Language Classroom
by Debopriyo Roy - 44-62 Using a Task-Based Approach for Supporting a Blended Learning Model for English as a Foreign Language
by Anita Ferreira Ferreira & Jaime García Salinas & Sandra Morales - 63-83 Software Aided Classic Chinese Poem Composition
by Hong Lin - 84-100 “I Think” in NS and Chinese NNS Spoken English
by Lan-fen Huang - 101-112 Vocabulary Learning and Consolidation with Mobile Application
by Dongshuo Wang & Bin Zou & Minjie Xing
October 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-8 Finding Gems in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Clues from GLoCALL 2011 and 2012 Papers
by Jeong-Bae Son & Klaus-Dieter Rossade - 9-24 Learning to Learn Digitally: Getting Students on the Road to Autonomy
by N. M. Terhune - 25-32 Reading Online and Offline: Language Teachers’ Perspectives
by Jeong-Bae Son - 33-47 The Application of Corpus Tools in the Teaching of Discipline-Specific Academic Vocabulary: A Case Study for Information Engineering Undergraduates
by Min Zhang
July 2013, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-17 Web 2.0 for Language Learning: Benefits and Challenges for Educators
by Tian Luo - 18-33 Using Social Network-Mediated Bridging Activities to Develop Socio-Pragmatic Awareness in Elementary Korean
by Jonathon Reinhardt & Jieun Ryu - 34-55 Online Communities of Practice and Second Language Phonological Acquisition
by Gillian Lord & Stasie Harrington - 56-76 Questionnaires to Inform a Usability Test Conducted on a CALL Dictionary Prototype
by Marie-Josée Hamel - 77-98 Learner Fit in Scaling Up Automated Writing Evaluation
by Elena Cotos & Sarah Huffman
April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-16 Technology-Mediated Tasks in English for Specific Purposes (ESP): Design, Implementation and Learner Perception
by Cédric Sarré - 17-40 Effects of Different Types of Tasks on Junior ELT Students’ Use of Communication Strategies in Computer-Mediated Communication
by Nur Eser Altun & Senem Yildiz - 41-55 Negotiation of Meaning in Multimodal Tandem Learning via Desktop Videoconferencing
by Yuping Wang & Jianqiu Tian - 56-81 The Impact of Four Reading Motivational Constructs on Motivating EFL Learners to Read Online Texts in English
by Khalid Al Seghayer - 82-96 From Learning Objects to Language Learning Objects: Communicative Language Teaching Principles in CALL Material
by Rafael Vetromille-Castro & Anne Marie Moor & Gabriela Bohlmann Duarte & Nairana Hoffmann Sedrez - 97-107 The Role of Open Educational Resources in English Language Learning and Teaching
by Dilek Altunay
January 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-15 Integrating Technology-Enhanced Student Self-Regulated Tasks into University Chinese Language Course
by Irene Shidong An - 16-32 Synchronous Text-Based Computer-Mediated Communication Tasks and the Development of L2 Academic Literacy
by Jinrong Li - 33-49 Effects of a Technology-Enriched, Task-Based Language Teaching Curriculum on Chinese Elementary Students’ Achievement in English as a Foreign Language
by Guofang Li & Xiaopeng Ni - 50-72 The French Digital Kitchen: Implementing Task-Based Language Teaching Beyond the Classroom
by Paul Seedhouse & Anne Preston & Patrick Olivier & Dan Jackson & Philip Heslop & Thomas Plötz & Madeline Balaam & Saandia Ali - 73-89 TBLT in Business English Communication: An Approach for Evaluating Adobe Connect and Second Life in a Blended Language Learning Format
by Michael Thomas
October 2012, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-16 Mobile Apps for Learning Vocabulary: Categories, Evaluation and Design Criteria for Teachers and Developers
by Paul Sweeney & Caroline Moore - 17-33 Crowd-Sourcing with the Lingobee App: A Study in Facilitating Pollination across Language and Culture in Self-Directed Learning
by Rebecca Adlard & Tom Ottway & Emma Procter-Legg - 34-49 Teacher Professional Development Using Mobile Technologies in a Large-Scale Project: Lessons Learned from Bangladesh
by Prithvi Shrestha - 50-63 Pervasive Games and Mobile Technologies for Embodied Language Learning
by Paul Driver - 64-67 Evaluating Computer-Assisted Language Learning: An Integrated Approach to Effectiveness Research in CALL
by Ana Sevilla Pavón
July 2012, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-16 A Double-Channel Model for Developing Learner Autonomy in an EFL Context
by Jinghui Wang & Kenneth A. Spencer & Dongshuo Wang - 17-34 Fostering EFL College Students’ Register Awareness: Writing Online Forum Posts and Traditional Essays
by Ching-Fen Chang - 35-53 The Role of Social Networking Sites for Language Learning in UK Higher Education: The Views of Learners and Practitioners
by Billy Brick - 54-75 Promotion of EFL Student Motivation, Confidence, and Satisfaction Via a Learning Spiral, Peer-Scaffolding, and CMC
by Wen-Chi Vivian Wu & Michael Marek & Ling Ling Yen - 76-94 Teaching Phonics to Chinese L1 EFL Pupils: Pathway to the Future
by Yu-Lin Cheng
April 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-15 E-Learner Characteristics and E-Learner Satisfaction: A Study of Taiwanese EFL University Students
by Po Hsuan Chen - 16-29 Auditory and Visual Training on Mandarin Tones: A Pilot Study on Phrases and Sentences
by Xinchun Wang - 30-44 Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Learning a Foreign Language Online: Preparing Teachers to Work with Linguistic, Cultural, and Technological Diversity
by Congcong Wang - 45-60 Augmenting the Use of Mobile Devices in Language Classrooms
by Revathi Viswanathan
January 2012, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-12 Digital Storytelling and Oral Fluency in an English Reading Class at a Japanese University
by Midori Kimura - 13-23 Peer Feedback on Second Language Writing through Blogs: The Case of a Vietnamese EFL Classroom
by Phuong Thi Tuyet Nguyen - 24-34 A Corpus-Driven Approach to English Expressions Based on Comparison: Not so Much A as B and Not so Much A but B
by Yae Furuta - 35-50 The Effects of Blended Learning Approach through an Interactive Multimedia E-Book on Students’ Achievement in Learning Chinese as a Second Language at Tertiary Level
by Siew Pei Hwa & Pang Set Weei & Lew Hoi Len
October 2011, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 1-16 Teachers Acquisition of CALL Expertise
by Steven Sharp - 17-32 Developing Intercultural Awareness and Language Speaking Proficiency for Foreign Language Learners through Cross–Cultural Voicemail Exchange
by Amber Yayin Wang & Wan-Jeng Chang - 33-48 “You’re a Winner”: An Exploratory Study of the Influence of Exposure on Teachers’ Awareness of Media Literacy
by J. Egbert & Leslie Huff - 49-58 A Review of CALL and L2 Reading: Glossing for Comprehension and Acquisition
by Lance R. Askildson - 59-68 Developing Business CAT Teaching System and Course for Chinese Universities
by Lifei Wang & Jianling Wan
July 2011, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-13 Towards a More Naturalistic CALL: Video Gaming and Language Learning
by Phil Benson & Alice Chik - 1-16 Interactive Learning Between Chinese Students Learning English and English Students Leaning Chinese on the Platform of Wiki
by Dongshuo Wang & Bin Zou & Minjie Xing - 14-36 The Nature of 'Talk' in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication in a Vietnamese Tertiary EFL Context
by Long V. Nguyen & Cynthia White - 37-53 An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Extended Online Thematic Listening Tasks on the Development of Listening Comprehension
by Yu-Chih Sun & Wen-Li Chang & Fang-Ying Yang - 54-69 Online Interaction Between On-Campus and Distance Students: Learners' Perspectives
by Nobue Miwa & Yuping Wang - 86-98 Teaching Students to Use Text-Profilers: A Needs-Based Approach to Tertiary Level English Vocabulary Instruction
by Ingrid Barth & Esther Klein-Wohl
April 2011, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-15 Normalisation Revisited: The Effective Use of Technology in Language Education
by Stephen Bax - 16-24 Integrating Online Tools to Motivate Young English Language Learners to Practice English Outside the Classroom
by Shelly Sanchez Terrell - 25-42 ESAP Students’ Perceptions of Skills Learning in Computer-Mediated Intercultural Collaboration
by Rachel Lindner - 43-54 Do Students Wish to ’Go Mobile’?: An Investigation into Student Use of PCs and Cell Phones
by Simon Bibby - 55-71 Integrating Technology on Initial Training Courses: A Survey Amongst CELTA Tutors
by Marisa Constantinides
January 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-15 Moving Forward: Anecdotes and Evidence Guiding the Next Generation of CALL
by Joy Egbert & Omran Akasha & Leslie Huff & HyunGyung Lee - 16-32 The History of CALL: The Intertwining Paths of Technology and Second/Foreign Language Teaching
by Mary Ellen Butler-Pascoe - 33-44 Online Approaches to Learning Vocabulary: Teacher-Centred or Learner-Centred?
by Glenn Stockwell - 45-61 How Wiki-Based Writing Influences College Students’ Collaborative and Individual Composing Products, Processes, and Learners’ Perceptions
by Hsien-Chin Liou & Shiu-Lin Lee