2015, Volume 4
- v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009366023 International legal cooperation in criminal matters
by Lucian Florin Badita - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372167 Globalization and regional conflicts
by Narciz Balasoiu - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009366031 Armed forces in the current security environment
by Cristina Stefan - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372175 Integration of electric plants that use renewable energy into national power system
by Comsa Mircea Leonard - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009366039 The change management and classified information- the British model
by Maftei Ciprian Vasile - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372187 Legal framework regarding aviation in EU and harmonization rules for public operators
by Dobre Cristian & Purza Simion Adrian - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009366047 Politico-military crises and realities of the moment
by Bakhaya Irina - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372195 Aspect of the democratic control over the national security system
by Irimia Ana Irina - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009366055 Afghanistan - the current security situation
by Ioana Alina Dima - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372203 Public safety in Romania – some legal considerations
by Margarit Nicolae Sorin - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009366063 The national security and military strategy of Romania from the perspective of international humanitarian law. The relevance of Romania's membership at the Euro-Atlantic structures
by Ene Roland Dorian - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372215 The importance of public authorities control in order to respect the human rights in armed conflicts and peacekeeping operations
by Mituletu Buica & Constantin Florin - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372223 Sustainable development and forest criminal offenses
by Mincan Stefan Alin - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372003 The cost of financing a competitive military forces
by Ene Roland Dorian - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372011 Importance of military power in securing Romania
by Dorin Marinel Eparu - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372019 Spatial elements of the military facilities – between relocation and reconversion
by Florentina Iugan - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372027 National defense – major element in power relations. transfer towards multipolarity – the influence on national defense
by Gheorghe Mihaela - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372035 Considerations on the use of mobile robots with interchangeable operational platform in emergency situations
by Nuta Ionel - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372039 National interest on technology development and improvement intervention in emergencies
by Nuta Ionel - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372047 The management of police specialised tactical units
by Iulian Aurelian Vasile - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372051 New dimensions in studying crisis indicators
by Iuliana Udroiu - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372063 The consequences of anxiety on the institutions and organizations of national defense and security system
by Danut Maftei & Maftei Ciprian Vasile - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372067 Logistic decisional system inside military organization, during peace time
by Marius Milandru - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372071 The collaborative principle - fundamental for a conceptual system of social working and collaboration platform in postmodern intelligence
by Daniela Elena Mitu - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372079 Communication strategy of the Ministry of National Defence. Essential investment for a competitive Romania army inside NATO and EU
by Munteanu Nicoleta Annemarie - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372087 Research on predictive maintenance to reduce the costs of using centrifugal pumps
by Niculescu Dan Florin - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372095 The efects of standardization and interoperability of ally frame work, up on the new type of national defense resources management
by Ovidiu Mosoiu - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372103 The environmental impact on the economic development
by Irina Tataru - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372111 Cybersecurity strategies of some geopolitical actors
by Virgil Tosa - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372119 Military environment – an open and integrated into society system
by Adela Vilcu - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372123 NATO, OSCE and EU policies for implementing UN resolutions related to women, peace and security
by Adela Vilcu - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372131 Directions and strategies to enhance the military centers
by Viorel Stoica - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372139 The impact on the evolution of the European security environment on ground combat forces
by Florin Barbu - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372147 Working market under the sign of the future psychosis
by Mihaela Radu - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372155 The information security in cyberspace
by Manea Valentin - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009366015 Theoretical aspects regarding military intervention
by Adrian Diaconu - v:4:y:2015:id:2822000009372159 The information warfare and cyberspace
by Manea Valentin
2015, Volume 3
- v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326107 Technology impact on emergency action for sustainable development and environmental protection in Romania
by Nuta Ionel - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326115 A study on the factors affecting the adequacy, sustainability and security of retirement-income
by Militaru Nicolae Daniel - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326119 Climate change in agricultural areas from Muntenia. Scenarios for Romanian plain and piedmont plain
by Chiper Alexandru Marian - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326131 The influence of the oil price on stocks listed at the Bucharest stock exchange
by Popescu Oana Madalina - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326135 Opinions on the impact of accounting policies on tourist entities’ competitiveness
by Traian-Ovidiu Calota - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326139 The placement of business law within the profession of lawyers in relation with national economic security
by Dumitrescu Bogdan - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326155 Eco-economic analysis - support for the orientation of strategies in the electricity sector
by Calanter Paul - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326163 Iterative methods used to solve economic systems
by Popirlan Cristina - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326171 Valences of internal control in the context of the impact of the utility of accounting information over the business environment
by Prozan Mihaela - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326175 Lactic acid bacteria species and cholesterol level
by Rusu Elena & Cristescu Cristina & Cojocaru Manole - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326183 Identifying similarities at cultural level adapted to Romanian specificity, from the project management perspective
by George Cornel Dumitrescu & Taranu Mariana Camelia - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326187 New dimensions of the extractive industry in the national and global context
by Rakos Ileana-Sorina - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326199 Financial instruments used against foreign-exchange risk
by Tanase Alin-Eliodor - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326207 Power – its manifestation through a polyvalent competition in security field
by Gheorghe Mihaela - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326211 The impact of fiscal policy in direct taxation field on private business environment in Romania
by Trandafir Adina - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326223 The case ''Charlie Hebdo'' : implications regarding the guarantees of freedom of expression
by Chiper Valentina - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326231 Correspondance between cerebral dominance and personality typology
by Dumitru Grigore - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326243 Terrorism impact on society
by Alexe Ioana Valeria - v:3:y:2015:id:2822000009326247 The main international actors involved and their interests in the Afghanistan
by Dima Ioana Alina
2015, Volume 2
- v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009326087 To healthy life through education for choosing life
by Stanciu Vasile Miltiade - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009326095 Assessment of water quality used in food industry
by Onet Cristian - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009327023 In vitro alteration of some taxoni in danger of extinction from protected areas from Bihor country (drosera rotundifolia huds.)
by Agud Eliza Maria - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009327031 Evaluation of bacterial indicators of preluvosoil quality from CriÅŸ plain
by Onet Aurelia - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009327039 Impact of some technological elements on cucumber production in solars
by Bei Mariana Florica - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009327047 Occupational structure of population in south-west region of oltenia and the integration on national labour market
by Ceana Mihaela - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009326031 Romania’s fiscal competitiveness in European context
by Lazar Maria-Isadora & Grigore Victor - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009327055 The impact of irrigation system on soybean production from CriÅŸ plain
by Domuta Cristian Gabriel - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009327063 Project management approach in USA, Japan and Germany – a comparative analysis
by George Cornel Dumitrescu & Taranu Mariana Camelia - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009327067 Impact of soil-water-atmosphere system in crops of peppers, cabbage and watermelons from the CriÅŸ plain
by Eugen Traian Jude - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009326047 Concepts of sustainable development. Theoretical and methodological approaches
by Neaga Flaviu Doru - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009326055 Water use in maize crop on sloping soils from S-V region of Romania
by Osvat Ionel Marius - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009326063 Parallel projection algorithm for solving economics systems
by Popirlan Cristina - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009326071 The study of treatment technologies for urban and food industry wastewater
by Pantea Emilia-Valentina - v:2:y:2015:id:2822000009326079 The influence of acidity in the evaluation of gustatory quality of the apples
by Pantea Stelian-Dorian
2015, Volume 1
- v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325063 Early detection of hybrid-type security crisis
by Iuliana Udroiu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325071 Etno-linguistic conflicts in the Post-Soviet and Eastern Europe space
by Mihaela Teodor - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325079 Freedom and reforms versus national security
by Ana-Maria Oana Goleanu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325087 Analysis mechanism of crisis situation evolution having a major impact on international security
by Adriana Sauliuc - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328007 The strategic importance of intellectual property protection
by Alisa Valeria Toma - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328011 Climate security, an important concept in the post cold war era
by Mihaela Raileanu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328019 Physicians – culture creators
by Mirela Radu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328023 National cultural heritage from the intellectual property perspective. Conservatism versus modernity
by Alisa Valeria Toma - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009327003 Analytical Hubs in Intelligence - Collaborative Platforms for Promoting the National Interest
by Daniela Elena Mitu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009327007 Population’s Resilience: A Social Perspective on Security Strategies
by Constantin Stoican - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328031 Aspects of the construction / deconstruction of the myths of Frenchness in the work of some French writers of the 20th century. Prolegomena
by Lidia Cotea - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009327011 Reconsideration of Democratic Control Over the Institutions of the Romanian National Security in the Context of the Evolution of Current Risks and Threats
by Anca Cristina Grecea - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328039 Development of vulnerable groups’ parental competence as mediating factor for the next generation’s socioeconomic integration - research project
by Simona Maria Glaveanu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328047 The “Dark Side†of the personality in organizational context
by Mihaela Grigoras - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009326003 Bridging The Gap Between Theory And Practice In Organizations €“ An Intelligent Way To Promote The National Interest
by Marinel Adi Mustata - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328055 The role of the Gattung in the prophetic call narratives
by Ioana Cristina Tempea - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009326011 The Degree of Absorbing the New Forms of Expression Promoted by Contemporary English and its Significance in Addressing English-Learning Professionals
by Marinescu Liviu-Mihail - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009326019 Strengthening Population’s Resilience Against Significant Risk by Exercising Democratic Control over Institutions of National Security Sector
by Stoican Constantin & Grecea Anca-Cristina - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328067 Predisposition evaluation in locus of control placement in patients with oncologic diagnosis
by Gabriela Iliuţă & Irina Anca Tănăsescu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328071 Medical language and literary expression
by Mirela Radu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325007 Socio-economic evolution of Transylvanian Saxons in the context of the Austria-Hungarian collapse and the formation of Greater Romania
by Ovidiu Horia Savu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009328079 The place of the charismata in the orthodox church life and teaching
by Dragos Stefanica - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325015 Environmental campaigns versus skeptical / Lobbysts. Romania on climate changes map
by Mihaela Raileanu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009326039 An Attempt to Define the Concept of Charisma in Orthodox Theology
by Stefanica Dragos - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325023 Middle Kingdom’s Un Diplomacy In The Xxist Century: Some Thoughts On Multilateralism With Chinese Characteristics
by Monica Gheorghita - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009324007 The influence of the globalization on causality between energetic sector and differentiated wages
by Brindusa Covaci - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325031 Russian Federation from a regional power to a great power status? a realistic perspective
by Adrian Pogacian - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009324015 Systemic approach on the implementation of European grants in Romania
by Cristinel Claudiu Cocoșatu - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325039 The communication of accounting information and risk establishment in the economy
by Lucica Sintea - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325047 The national security – an academic perspective
by Cristian Nita - v:1:y:2015:id:2822000009325055 Secret services and the national interest in Romanian interwar period
by Bogdan Teodor