2007, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 440-456 Fast solution technique for unit commitment by particle swarm optimisation and genetic algorithm
by Y.M. Chen & Wen-Shiang Wang - 457-474 Damping power system oscillations by genetically optimised PSS and TCSC controller
by Sidhartha Panda & Ramnarayan Patel - 475-488 Improved genetic algorithm for voltage security constrained optimal power flow problem
by D. Devaraj & J. Preetha Roselyn - 489-508 Neural-based Tabu Search method for solving unit commitment problem for utility system
by C. Christober Asir Rajan & M.R. Mohan - 509-531 An optimal energy allocation model using fuzzy linear programming for energy planning in India for the year 2020
by S. Jebaraj & S. Iniyan
2007, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 261-270 Solar thermal power plants for the Spanish electricity market
by M. Eck & F. Rueda & S. Kronshage & C. Schillings & F. Trieb & E. Zarza - 271-279 Increasing of the quality of energy from stochastic fluctuating sources using dynamic power conditioning
by C. Sourkounis & F. Richter - 280-289 Polygeneration-IGCC concepts for the production of hydrogen rich fuels based on lignite
by Bernd Meyer & Katrin Ogriseck - 290-295 Biofuel from algae – photobiological hydrogen production and CO 2 -fixation
by Katrin Mullner & Thomas Happe - 296-306 Adiabatic compressed air energy storage plants for efficient peak load power supply from wind energy: the European project AA-CAES
by Christoph Jakiel & Stefan Zunft & Andreas Nowi - 307-318 Combined fuel cell–gas turbine plant for highly efficient power generation from renewable energy sources
by Michael Monsberger & Viktor Hacker & Simon Fraser & Wolfgang Sanz & Florian Luckel & Herbert Jericha - 319-330 How sustainable are our energy technologies? Photovoltaics and wind energy systems as examples
by Tobias J. Petrovic & Hermann-Josef Wagner - 331-339 The viessmann domestic fuel cell energy centre in its trial phase
by Klaus Heikrodt - 340-354 Combined cycles for CO 2 -capture with high efficiency
by Reinhard Leithner - 355-365 Energy technologies for rural areas – decentralised power generation through MARKAL modelling: a case study
by Jyotirmay Mathur - 366-383 The 700°C steam turbine power plant – status of development and outlook
by Heiner Edelmann & Martin Effert & Kai Wieghardt & Holger Kirchner - 383-390 Pressurised pulverised coal combustion – a coal-based combined-cycle state of the cooperative project: cleaned flue gas matches specifications for use with gas turbines
by Malte E.C. Forster
2007, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 109-117 Power electronics for distributed and co-generation
by Ahmed Faheem Zobaa & Afshin Majd - 118-136 A new microturbine-based dispersed generation scheme
by Afshin Majd & Mehrdad Kazerani - 137-162 Exploring the practical issues and use of modern power, control and sensing circuitries of a 6/4-pole switched reluctance motor drive
by Shanmugam Paramasivam & R. Arumugam - 163-186 Application of power electronics with the US DOE distributed generation programme
by Donald Collins & Mark C. Williams & Wayne Surdoval - 187-203 Harmonic and interharmonic distortion analysis in the grid-connected wind electric generator
by V. Suresh Kumar & P.S. Kannan - 204-218 Programmed PWM to improve power quality in systems with distributed generation units
by Han Huang & Shiyan Hu & Dariusz Czarkowski - 219-240 Characteristics of modern nonlinear loads and their influence on systems with distributed generation
by Doron Shmilovitz & Jiwu Duan & Dariusz Czarkowski & Zivan Zabar & Serena Lee - 241-257 Hardware-in-the-Loop testing platform for distributed generation systems
by Antonello Monti & Ferdinanda Ponci & Zhenhua Jiang & Roger A. Dougal
2007, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-16 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) essentials
by Aviel Verbruggen - 17-35 Quantifying Combined Heat and Power (CHP) activity
by Aviel Verbruggen - 36-52 Qualifying Combined Heat and Power (CHP) activity
by Aviel Verbruggen - 53-69 EU-GCC energy policy cooperation through upstream oil and gas advanced technology transfer
by Konstantinos D. Patlitzianas & Argyris G. Kagiannas & Dimitris Th. Askounis & John Psarras - 70-88 Optimum distribution of heat exchanger inventory and optimum thermal capacitance rate matching for power optimisation of a regenerated closed Brayton cycle
by Lingen Chen & Fengrui Sun & Chih Wu - 89-96 Energy consumption and firm characteristics in the Hellenic manufacturing sector
by Theodore Papadogonas & John Mylonakis & Demosthenes Georgopoulos - 97-105 Control systems for small hydropower plants: a review
by Himani Goyal & T.S. Bhatti & D.P. Kothari
2006, Volume 4, Issue 3/4
- 236-254 Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) controllers: an overview
by S.N. Singh - 255-273 New Static Var Compensator (SVC) based damping control using remote generator speed signal
by Ran Peng & Rajiv K. Varma & Jin Jiang - 274-293 MATLAB-based modelling of Distribution STATCOM applied to isolated power system
by Bhim Singh & Alka Adya & A.P. Mittal & J.R.P. Gupta - 294-319 Multi-objective optimal placement with multi-type FACTS devices by hybrid TS/SA approach
by Pornrapeepat Bhasaputra & Weerakorn Ongsakul - 320-348 The Unified Power Flow Controller in the voltage stability problem
by Nijaz Dizdarevic & Sejid Tesnjak & Goran Andersson - 349-378 Transient stability and power flow model of the unified power flow controller for various control strategies
by Claudio A. Canizares & Edvina Uzunovic & John Reeve - 379-393 A novel hysteresis switching strategy for harmonic compensation
by M. Nanda Kumar & Krishna Vasudevan - 394-409 A sensitivity-based approach for optimal location of multi-converter unified power flow controller considering its impact on generation and wheeling costs
by J.G. Singh & S.N. Singh & S.C. Srivastava
2006, Volume 4, Issue 1/2
- 4-18 Power quality issues and power electronics
by Ashish Pandey & D.P. Kothari & S.S. Bhat - 19-36 Required changes in emission standards for high-frequency noise in power systems
by C.M. Lundmark & E.O.A. Larsson & M.H.J. Bollen - 37-59 Harmonics impacts evaluation for single-phase traction load
by Peter E. Sutherland & Marek Waclawiak & Mark F. McGranaghan - 60-73 Harmonic assessment of electrical power systems
by N.R. Watson - 74-84 Characterisation of power quality disturbances based on wavelet transforms
by El Sayed Mohamed Tag Eldin - 85-102 Assessing harmonic current source modelling and power definitions in balanced and unbalanced networks
by Gary Atkinson-Hope & W.C. Stemmet - 103-117 Power factor improvement using active filter for unbalanced three-phase non-linear loads
by M.V. Aware & A.G. Kothari & S.S. Bhat - 118-125 A novel shunt active filter algorithm: simulation and analog circuit-based implementation
by Manjula G. Nair & G. Bhuvaneswari - 126-141 A new transformerless series hybrid active power filter (TL-SHAPF) topology
by Nagarajan Raghavan & Krishna Vasudevan & K. Shanthi Swarup & Thomas Ellinger & Juergen Petzoldt - 142-160 Modelling of DSTATCOM for distribution system
by Bhim Singh & Alka Adya & A.P. Mittal & J.R.P. Gupta - 161-178 Analysis and design of single-phase power factor-corrected AC–DC Cuk converter with high-frequency isolation
by Bhim Singh & Mahima Agrawal - 179-204 Active waveshaping of AC mains current in direct torque-controlled permanent magnet synchronous motor drive
by Bhim Singh & B.P. Singh & Sanjeet Dwivedi - 205-228 A novel harmonic mitigator-based 12-pulse rectification for vector-controlled induction motor drives
by Bhim Singh & G. Bhuvaneswari & Vipin Garg
2005, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 313-323 Issues related to wind energy conversion systems
by Walmir Freitas & Ahmed Faheem Zobaa & Jose C.M. Vieira & James S. McConnach - 324-341 A study of wind energy contribution to global climate change mitigation
by Lev S. Belyaev & Oleg V. Marchenko & Sergei V. Solomin - 342-354 A summary of wind power impacts on electric power system operating costs
by J. Charles Smith & Edgar A. DeMeo & Brian Parsons & Michael Milligan - 355-362 On wind energy, electricity free market, and life cycle assessment in Brazil
by Claudio Frate-Albuquerque & Armando Caldeira-Pires - 363-377 Estimation of capacity credit for wind power in Libya
by Wedad B. El-Osta & Mohamed Ali Ekhlat & Amal S. Yagoub & Yousef Khalifa & E. Borass - 378-393 Wind energy in Italy: regulatory and technical aspects
by Luigi Salvaderi & Enzo Dalpane - 394-412 Air concentrating nozzles: a promising option for wind turbines
by S. Shikha & T.S. Bhatti & D.P. Kothari
2005, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 185-195 An introduction to reactive power compensation for wind farms
by Khaled A. Nigim & Ahmed Faheem Zobaa & Ibrahim El-Amin - 196-212 Reactive power compensation strategies for wind generation in distribution systems: a power quality approach
by Angel L. Trigo Garcia & Jose Maria Maza Ortega & Esther Romero Ramos - 213-222 Reactive capability limits of wind farms
by Alberto Rios Villacorta & Santiago Arnaltes Gomez & Jose Luis Rodriguez-Amenedo - 223-236 Impacts of dynamic reactive power compensation devices on the performance of wind power generators
by Walmir Freitas & Mauricio B.C. Salles & Jose C.M. Vieira & Andre Morelato & Luiz Carlos Pereira Da Silva & Vivaldo Fernando Da Costa - 237-252 Reactive power compensation of wind-diesel hybrid power systems using Matlab/Simulink
by R.C. Bansal - 253-268 Analysis and experimental verification of a control scheme for unified power quality conditioner
by Peng-Cheng Zhu & Xun Li & Yong Kang & Jian Chen - 269-298 Reactive power compensation of wind energy conversion system by using Unified Power Flow Controller
by Nijaz Dizdarevic & Matislav Majstrovic & Goran Andersson - 299-309 Efficient pricing of a bundled product of both real and reactive power
by Serhiy Kotsan
2005, Volume 3, Issue 1/2
- 1-11 Decentralised energy systems: state of the art and potentials
by Dieter Bohn - 12-23 Performance of water/steam injected gas turbine power plants consisting of standard gas turbines and turbo expanders
by Hermann Haselbacher - 24-38 Demands on thermal power plants in the liberalised energy market
by Dietmar Hein & Klaus Kwanka & Thomas Fischer - 39-49 Development of a lignite-fired power plant concept with integrated pressurised fluidised-bed drying and fuel cells
by F.U. Leidich & R. Breitenfelder & H. Mandel & J. Krautz & M. Gniazdowski - 50-65 Enhancing the dynamic performance of electricity production in steam power plants by the integration of transient waste heat sources into the feed-water pre-heating system
by K. Roth & V. Scherer & K. Behnke - 66-84 The isoengine: realisation of a high-efficiency power cycle based on isothermal compression
by Claus Linnemann & Mike W. Coney - 85-99 First industrial application of an open absorption cycle for heat transformation in a district-heating network
by Petra Bittrich & Dietrich Hebecker & Thomas Bergmann - 100-114 Implementation of renewable energies in German energy economy
by Joachim Nitsch & Wolfram Krewitt & Franz Trieb - 115-122 Exergy of solar radiation
by Stephan Kabelac - 123-336 Solarthermal parabolic trough power plants with integrated storage capacity
by Wolf-Dieter Steinmann & Markus Eck & Doerte Laing - 137-146 High efficient utilisation of solar energy with newly developed parabolic trough collectors (SOLITEM PTC) for chilling and steam production in a hotel at the Mediterranean coast of Turkey
by Ahmet Lokurlu & Fritz Richarts & Dirk Kruger - 147-157 Utilisation of deep geothermal energy for heating purposes
by Thomas Kattenstein & Hermann-Josef Wagner - 158-182 The economics of wind energy within the generation mix
by Helmut Alt
2004, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 301-322 Energy policy indicators for the assessment of the Euro-Mediterranean energy cooperation
by Argyris G. Kagiannas & Alexandros Flamos & Dimitris T. Askounis & John Psarras - 323-334 Effect of window type, size and orientation on the total energy demand for a building in Indian climatic conditions
by Inderjeet Singh & N.K. Bansal - 335-353 Quantitative analysis of technological development within renewable energy technologies
by Stine Grenaa Jensen - 354-368 General Electric, a model of corporate citizenship and business evolution
by Sameer Kumar & Jeffrey L. Ricker - 369-391 Benefit-cost analysis of Automotive Lightweighting Material projects
by Sujit Das & Bruce E. Tonn & Jean H. Peretz - 392-402 Energy analysis of manufacturing process of a motorcycle
by Archak Patnayak & Narendra Kumar Bansal & Jyotirmay Mathur
2004, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 209-218 Time-saving innovations and their impact on energy use: some lessons from a household-production-function approach
by Mathias Binswanger - 219-225 Market versus planning failures: the case of the German heating sector
by Martin Reeker & Dirk T.G. Rubbelke - 226-239 Do energy audits help reduce barriers to energy efficiency? An empirical analysis for Germany
by Joachim Schleich - 240-249 The impacts of technological learning on the optimum technology mix: simulations for the Indian power sector
by Jyotirmay Mathur & Narendra Kumar Bansal & Hermann-Joseh Wagner - 250-261 Technological change, energy consumption, and the costs of environmental policy in energy–economy–environment modelling
by Andreas Loschel - 262-271 Evaluating advanced automotive energy technologies: a multivariate mobility contribution metric
by Joseph Burns & Thomas Cors & Brian Knight & Brian Thelen - 272-283 The impact of national environmental policy on the global success of next-generation automobiles
by Marian Beise & Klaus Rennings - 284-299 A reduced switch count UPF power conditioner for grid connected variable speed wind energy conversion system employing PM generators: a simulation study
by A.B. Raju & B.G. Fernandes & K. Chatterjee
2004, Volume 2, Issue 1/2
- 3-14 The development of the experience curve concept and its application in energy policy assessment
by Lena Neij - 15-32 Experience curves for wind power
by Lena Neij & Per Dannemand Andersen & Michael Durstewitz - 33-51 Sources of experience – theoretical considerations and empirical observations from Danish wind energy technology
by Per Dannemand Andersen - 52-69 Experience curves for power plant emission control technologies
by Edward S. Rubin & Sonia Yeh & David A. Hounshell & Margaret R. Taylor - 70-95 Emission trading and the role of learning-by-doing spillovers in the "bottom-up" energy-system ERIS model
by Leonardo Barreto & Ger Klaassen - 96-105 Technology learning from the lawmaker's point of view
by Stephanie Bauer - 106-129 Innovation in technology for the least product price and cost – a new minimum cost relation for reductions during technological learning
by Romney B. Duffey - 130-141 Endogenous learning in climate-energy-economic models – an inventory of key uncertainties
by Bob van der Zwaan & Ad Seebregts - 142-152 Learning-by-doing on both the demand and the supply sides: implications for electric utility investments in a Heuristic model
by John A. ''Skip'' Laitner & Alan H. Sanstad - 153-178 Riding down the experience curve for energy-efficient building envelopes: the Swiss case for 1970–2020
by Martin Jakob & Reinhard Madlener - 179-202 Reducing costs of emerging renewable energy technologies – an analysis of the dynamic development with wind power as case study
by Stine Grenaa Jensen
2003, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 331-362 Wood fuels sources and markets
by Auke Koopmans - 363-399 Commercialisation options for biomass energy technologies in ESCAP countries
by Sribas C. Bhattacharya - 400-412 Energy from biomass and waste – case studies in China
by H. Huang & C.Z. Wu & J. Chang & Y. Chen - 413-431 The recent development of biomass energy in India: an overview
by J.R. Meshram - 432-448 The promotion and development of renewable energy technologies: current status and pattern of use in Nepal
by Santosh Kumar Ojha - 449-466 National biomass energy program in Thailand
by Boonrod Sajjakulnukit
2003, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 197-228 Energy and the world: a physicist's view
by Jean Louis Bobin - 229-249 Technological potentials for CO 2 emission reduction in the global iron and steel industry
by D.J. Gielen, Y. Moriguchi - 250-261 Flexible energy systems: integration of electricity production from CHP and fluctuating renewable energy
by Henrik Lund - 262-277 Carbon savings potential of energy-efficient motor technologies in Central and Eastern Europe
by T. de Almeida, Paula Fonseca, Anibal Fernando Ferreira - 278-301 Delphi research assessment for popularising Compact Fluorescent Lamps in India
by Arun Kumar, N.K. Bansal, Sudhir K. Jain - 302-314 Actions to promote energy-efficient electric motor repair
by AnÃbal T. de Almeida, Fernando J.T.E. Ferreira - 315-323 Technical Note: Loss-of-load probability of stand-alone solar photovoltaic system
by Mohanlal Kolhe
2002, Volume 1, Issue 1/2
- 1-26 Meeting the energy challenges of the 21st century
by Pierre Bacher - 27-36 Primary energy needs and greenhouse effect increase: what can be done?
by Jean-Marie Loiseaux - 37-58 Capitalisation of environmental technologies in companies: economic schemes in a business perspective
by Woodrow W. Clark & J. Dan Jensen - 59-90 Integrated appraisal of renewable energy strategies: a CGE analysis
by d'Artis Kancs, - 108-144 Research and development on biomass energy in China
by Z. Yuan, C.Z. Wu, H. Huang, G.F. Lin - 145-165 Wind energy development in China: institutional dynamics and policy incentives
by Wen-Qiang Liu, Xi-liang Zhang, Lin Gan - 166-180 Market penetration and pay-back period analysis of a solar photovoltaic system under Indian conditions
by Mohan Lal Kolhe, J.C. Joshi, Ganga Agnihotri, A.M. Shandilya - 181-196 The adoption of cogeneration in the Japanese manufacturing sector: technological, economic and institutional determinants
by David Bonilla, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi