2015, Volume 18, Issue 5/6
- 420-447 Defluoridation of waters using low-cost HNO 3 activated carbon derived from stems of Senna Occidentalis plant
by Mekala Suneetha & Bethanabhatla Syama Sundar & Kunta Ravindhranath - 448-464 Recycling of lead crystal glass sludge to produce foam glass
by Hussein ElKersh & Salah El-Haggar - 465-477 Evaluation of the 'Clean Air Works' program on actual ozone concentrations: a case study in North Carolina
by Eleftherios Giovanis - 478-503 Cooling performance of residential greenery in localised urban climates: a case study in Shanghai China
by Feng Yang & Stephen S.Y. Lau & Feng Qian
2015, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 275-290 Adoption of clean technology for sustainable development: a literature review
by Vinod C. Durge & Shirish Sangle - 291-308 Lean thinking as organisational practice in enabling supply chain sustainability
by Stuart So & Hongyi Sun - 309-329 The challenge of mission drift through growth in the hybrid organisation
by Connie Van der Byl & Harrie Vredenburg - 330-345 Assessment of organisational performance of environmental audits in the aerospace industrial company
by Pu-Hai Chiang & Chau-Chen Torng - 346-357 Investigating the causal relationship between energy consumption and firm growth in India
by Mousami Prasad & Trupti Mishra - 358-373 Measuring China's industrial energy efficiency, both DEA and directional distance function approach at the provincial level
by Weiping Jia & Wanming Li
2015, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 185-206 Affinity-based biosensors for pathogenic bacteria detection
by Riccarda Antiochia & Gabriele Favero & Marcelo Enrique Conti & Franco Mazzei & Cristina Tortolini - 207-217 Characterisation of soil irrigated with pulp and paper mill wastewater for variation in physico-chemical, biological and enzymatic properties
by Prashant R. Thawale & R. Karthik & Surbhi Jore & Sanjeev K. Singh & Asha A. Juwarkar - 218-230 Shadow price estimation of firm's pollutants: FOA and SA approaches
by Yulin Liu & Zunbao Yu - 231-253 Rare earth and trace elements in soil-plant system irrigated with treated wastewater in an arid environment
by Khadija Semhi & Osman Abdalla - 254-272 Drivers and barriers of developing low-carbon buildings in China: real estate developers' perspectives
by Lianying Zhang & Jinli Zhou
2015, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 99-115 Reliability of carbon footprint as a decision-making tool for product development - a critical review
by Gregor RadonjiÄ - 116-135 How do office buildings take advantage of energy efficiency? A study of the relationship between operating expenses and energy certification
by Nikodem Szumilo - 136-152 EU corporate social responsibility regulations vs. practice in the private and public sector
by Anna Czarczyńska - 153-169 The comparison of socially responsible indices in Central and Eastern Europe
by Bogna Janik & Marcin Bartkowiak - 170-184 Novel grey models for the trend forecast of Taiwan waste gas apparatus
by Chen-Fang Tsai & Shin-Li Lu
2015, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-8 Effects of chlorpyrifos insecticide, on cholinesterase activity and its depuration in the crab Barytelphusa guerini
by Madhusudan Reddy Narra - 9-29 Effect of air flow rate and residence time on biodrying of cassava peel waste
by Ranjit Sen & Ajit P. Annachhatre - 30-43 Multilevel contact oxidation treatment of brewery wastewater using spiral biological carriers and their nitrogen removal mechanism
by Tianlong Zheng & Peng Li & Chuanfu Wu & Qunhui Wang & Xuesong Li & Hengyu Ai & Ariunbileg Sharavsambuu - 44-53 Impact of conventional N-fertiliser application in various soil types on ground water pollution in the Gaza Strip
by Abdelmajid Nassar - 54-82 Seasonal effects of major primary pollutants in Ali Sabah Al-Salem residential area in Kuwait
by Layla T. Al-Awadi & Viktor Popov & A.R. Khan - 83-94 Removal of copper ion in aqueous solution by activated carbon from sewage sludge
by Muqing Qiu & Shuiying Xiong & Huazheng Xin
2014, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 459-468 Membrane fouling mitigation by activated carbon addition in activated sludge filtration
by Fei-Yun Sun & Wen-Yi Dong & Ji Li - 469-482 Environmental assessment of marine sediments off Poompuhar, Southeast Coast of India
by Judith D. Silva & Srinivasalu Seshachalam & Saravanan Panchatcharam & Jonathan Muthuswamy Ponniah & Anandasabari Karthikeyan & Priyadarsi D. Roy - 483-507 Bio-conversion of organic waste using composting technologies - a review
by V. Sudharsan Varma & Ajay S. Kalamdhad - 508-520 Biological reduction and removal of Cr(VI) with microbial consortia collected from local water treatment plant
by Mahesh Kumar Gagrai & Chandan Das & Animes Kumar Golder - 521-537 High O 3 episodes in Thailand's Bangkok Metropolitan Regions: sources, spatio-temporal variations and associations with O 3 precursors and meteorological factors
by Arika Bridhikitti - 538-553 Study of mineral aerosols in fine (PM 2.5 ) and coarse (PM 10 ) atmospheric particles over a world heritage site at Agra, India
by Atar Singh Pipal & P. Gursumeeran Satsangi & Suresh Tiwari & Ajay Taneja
2014, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 365-376 Treatment of domestic wastewater using composite ecological system in Chinese rural area
by Qishe Yan & Yanyan Wang & Luyun Zhang & Biqing Zhu & Ruiqin Zhang - 377-392 Evaluation of groundwater potential zones using GIS and remote sensing in Noyyal Basin, Tamil Nadu, India
by A. Geetha Selvarani & G. Maheswaran & K. Elangovan - 393-403 Orientation to the application of economic instruments in industrial solid waste management - a case study in Ho Chi Minh City
by Ngoc Tuan Le & Ky Phung Nguyen - 404-417 Variation in plant biomass and nitrogen removal in two wetland blocks with species composition
by Hai Wang & Cheng-Cai Huang & Ying Ge & Yi-Wei Mo & Si-Xi Zhu & Jie Chang - 418-429 Oxidation of antiepileptic drug oxcarbazepine stimulated by thermally activated persulfate
by Changzheng Cui & Zhaorong Yang & Zhongxin Zhou & Wenhuan Cheng & Kuangfei Lin - 430-449 Thermal comfort study of air-conditioned university laboratories
by M. Hussin & M.R. Ismail & M.S. Ahmad - 450-458 Evaluation of genotoxicity and oxidative damage induced by coke plant wastewater
by Yuxiang Liu & Yao Wang & Yongkang Lv
2014, Volume 17, Issue 2/3/4
- 100-112 Role of pollution control boards in municipal solid waste management
by Kanchan Kumari & S.R. Singh & R.C. Sinha - 113-121 Municipal solid waste: zero tolerance management strategy
by Devendra Goyal & Sunil Kumar & Avick Sil - 122-133 An eco-sustainable model on energy recovery from municipal solid waste
by Anurag Gupta & Purvee Chauhan & Sanjali Jain - 134-142 Role of rag pickers in solid waste management: a case study of Mirzapur, U.P
by Vivek Kumar Ojha & Vaidehi Tripathi & Vijai Krishna - 143-153 Performance of air cathode earthen pot microbial fuel cell for simultaneous wastewater treatment with bioelectricity generation
by Anil Ghadge & M.M. Ghangrekar & Soumya Pandit & Debabrata Das - 154-164 Effect of poultry waste on vermicomposting of anaerobically digested cattle dung slurry
by Anoop Yadav & V.K. Garg - 165-178 Feasibility of high solid anaerobic digestion: option for treatment of distillers grains from cassava ethanol production
by Phonthida Sensai & C. Visvanathan - 179-190 The potential of GHG emission savings for programmatic CDM by municipal solid waste composting in the Western Province - Sri Lanka
by V.K.D.H. Kariyakarawana & N.J.G.J. Bandara & S. Leelarathne - 191-198 Screening of few aquatic floating plants for chromium phytoremediation
by Rupa Chakraborty & Somnath Muherjee & Sunil Kumar - 199-214 Waste incineration for urban India: valuable contribution to sustainable MSWM or inappropriate high-tech solution affecting livelihoods and public health?
by Regina Dube & Vaishali Nandan & Shweta Dua - 215-236 Mechanical biological treatment for municipal solid waste
by Anurag Garg - 237-251 Future outflows of toxic material from end-of-life computers in India
by Neelu Jain & Pamela Chawla - 252-267 Wastewater as anolyte for bioelectricity generation in graphite granule anode single chambered microbial fuel cell: effect of current collector
by Soumya Pandit & Vinay Patel & M.M. Ghangrekar & Debabrata Das - 268-282 Vermicomposting technology: an efficient biological processing of obnoxious weed water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
by Snehalata R. Ankaram & K.R. Rao & Laxmi C. Mushan & Prajakta V. Kale - 283-292 Municipal solid waste - waste to energy conversion in India: an overview
by M. Vikram Reddy - 293-299 Formulating LandGem model for estimation of landfill gas under Indian scenario
by Avick Sil & Sunil Kumar & Rakesh Kumar - 300-309 Co-processing waste materials in cement production: experience from the past and future perspectives
by Dieter Mutz & Vaishali Nandan - 310-333 Status of municipal solid waste management system in India
by Poonam Vaidya & Rakesh Kumar & Prabhu Ravikumar Kantoji - 334-363 Development of algae-based technology to mitigate energy crisis in coal mining areas: a critical review
by Kumar Nikhil
2014, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-13 Potential and limitation of UAV for monitoring subsidence in municipal landfills
by Daniela Gasperini & Pascal Allemand & Christophe Delacourt & Philippe Grandjean - 14-29 Environmental Kuznets curve for pollutants emissions in China's textile industry: an empirical investigation
by Laili Wang & Xuemei Ding & Xiongying Wu - 30-43 Small domestic wastewater treatment using waste materials
by Md. Maruf Mortula & Graham A. Gagnon - 44-56 Promotion of pyrene removal from soils by Bidens maximowicziana
by Lu Sijin & Teng Yanguo & Wu Jing & Wang Jinsheng - 57-82 Fuzzy TOPSIS method for ranking barriers to environmentally conscious manufacturing implementation: government, industry and expert perspectives
by Varinder Kumar Mittal & Kuldip Singh Sangwan - 83-96 Research on pollution prevention and control technologies in the industry of vanadium extraction from stone coal
by Jia Li & Yimin Zhang & Tao Liu
2013, Volume 16, Issue 5/6
- 373-383 Study on environmental impact model of grid-connected wind power generation
by Hao Chang & Jicheng Liu & Cunbin Li - 384-396 A GIS-based methodology to delineate aquifer recharge areas
by Asheka Rahman & Mohammad Anwar Rahman - 397-403 Analysis of the business practices of sustainability in construction companies in the infrastructure sector in Brazil
by Marcelo Jasmim Meirino & Sergio Luiz Braga França & Leonardo Bezerra Pimentel - 404-419 Management in a Brazilian metal mechanic leading company: social and environmental perspectives
by Eliana Andréa Severo & Julio Cesar Ferro De Guimarães & Augusto da Cunha Reis & Eric Charles Henri Dorion - 420-436 Sustainability in the civil construction industry: an exploratory study of life cycle analysis methods
by Julio Vieira Neto & José Rodrigues De Farias Filho - 437-450 Virtual organisation model: the new organisation and value chain framework
by Elizabeth Freitas Rodrigues & Paulo Roberto Tavares Dalcol & Nélio Domingues Pizzolato & Úrsula Maruyama - 451-466 Qualitative risk assessment for using a mature oil field as a pilot experiment of CO 2 geological storage in Brazil
by MaÃsa Matos Paraguassú & George Câmara & Paulo Sérgio Rocha & José Célio Silveira Andrade - 467-479 Some reasons to implement reverse logistics in companies
by Caroline Rodrigues Vaz & Bernard Grabot & Mauricio Uriona Maldonado & Paulo Mauricio Selig - 480-494 Model to assess economic impact of hot environments on productivity
by António Oliveira Sousa & João Santos Baptista
2013, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 279-289 Tyres: destination end
by Aurelio RamÃrez-Hernández & Jorge Conde-Acevedo - 290-311 Biosorption of strontium by Padina sp. algae biomass: process optimisation and equilibrium study
by M.H. Khani - 312-325 Sewage of Tripoli: a review of the current situation and of the future planning
by Ghinwa Melodie Naja & Bohumil Volesky - 326-342 Assessment of environmental profile in the vicinity of Indian cement industry
by Sudheer Kumar Shukla & Ajay Singh Nagpure & Rajni Sharma & Deepti Sharma & R.N. Shukla - 343-354 Lead contamination in soil and groundwater in and around a lead processing industry: a case study
by A. Ramesh & P.V. Sivapullaiah & H. Lakshmi Kantha & B.S. Nangendra Prakesh - 355-369 pH and redox buffering systems of landfill leachate contaminated aquifer materials
by Dong Jun & Wang Min & Bai Xuemei & Zhou Rui
2013, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 179-202 Mapping expert perspectives of the aviation sector
by Namasoondrum P. Mootien & James P. Warren & Dick Morris & Marcus P. Enoch - 203-222 The potential of four tropical wetland plants for the treatment of abattoir effluent
by Robinson Odong & Frank Kansiime & John Omara & Joseph Kyambadde - 223-233 Radiometric ratings for phosphogypsum in industrial areas in Romania
by Marian Romeo Calin & Elena Botezatu & Alexandru Erminiu Druker & Ileana Radulescu - 234-243 Evaluating alternative aluminium sources for chloride removal from recycled cooling water
by Ahmed Abdel-Wahab & Bill Batchelor - 244-258 Inhibition of seed germination and seedling growth of Triticum aestivum L. by industrial wastewaters
by Hedi Ben Mansour & Wissem Mnif & Dorra Amira & Ridha Mosrati & Leila Chekir-Ghedira - 259-278 Sustainable development and adjustment of low carbon industrial investment in dual heritage areas using SD-FREVM: a case study in China
by Jiuping Xu & Zhiwei Zhang & Liming Yao
2013, Volume 16, Issue 1/2
- 3-20 Application of gold and silver colloidal nanoparticles for the surface-enhanced Raman spectrometric analysis of melamine and 4-aminobiphenyl
by Ngee Sing Chong & Katrina A. Smith & Sunil Setti & Beng Guat Ooi - 21-33 Experimental investigation of inorganic nanofiltration membranes prepared by atomic layer deposition and sol-gel methods for saltless water softening
by Gordon N. Nangmenyi & Xiu Lin & Ernie Lee & Chris Yuan - 34-48 Investigation of removal of N-nitrosamines and their precursors in water treatments using activated carbon nanoparticles
by Chuan Wang & Honglan Shi & Craig D. Adams & Terry Timmons & Yinfa Ma - 49-64 Plasmonic colorimetry: visual detection of environmentally relevant species
by Fei Yan - 65-81 Influence of bed height on the quality of rice husk ash in a fluidised bed combustor
by Mohd. Rozainee & Saik Peng Ngo & Arshad Adam Salema & Anwar Johari & Kean Giap Tan - 82-101 Assessment of arsenic and vanadium pollution in surface sediments of the Egyptian Mediterranean coast
by Safaa A. Abdel Ghani & Aida H. Shobier & Mohamed A. Shreadah - 102-128 Decision making for produced water management: an integrated multi-criteria approach
by Abdullah Mofarrah & Tahir Husain & Kelly Hawboldt - 129-145 Characterisation of LD slag of Bokaro Steel Plant and its feasibility study of manufacturing commercial 'fly ash-LD slag' bricks
by Rajeev Singh & A.K. Gorai & R.G. Segaran - 146-159 Studies on hydrothermally synthesised zinc oxide nanorod arrays for their enhanced visible light photocatalysis
by Mohammad Abbas Mahmood & Tanujjal Bora & Joydeep Dutta - 160-177 Evaluation of air pollution, local meteorology and urban public health
by Dawn Roberts-Semple & Yuan Gao
2012, Volume 15, Issue 3/4/5/6
- 195-207 Management of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), an aquatic weed waste, by vermicomposting technology
by Snehalata R. Ankaram & Laxmi C. Mushan & K.R. Rao - 208-219 Photocatalytic degradation of supra black-T dye on charcoal under sunlight
by Reena Amatya Shrestha & Mika Sillanpää & Jarina Joshi & Ackmez Mudhoo - 220-227 Conservation of iron and lime bearing raw materials by recycling of basic oxygen furnace (BOF) sludge in iron ore sintering
by A.K.P. Singh & M.T. Raju & Usha Jha - 228-246 Critical analysis of existing solid waste management practices towards a sustainable solution in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
by Bisrat Kifle - 247-260 Assessment of genotoxicity of landfill leachate by comet assay using golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
by Veerapas Na roi-et & Wilai Chiemchaisri & Chart Chiemchaisri & Kazuo Yamamoto - 261-274 Release behaviour of chromium from ferrochrome slag
by C.R. Panda & K.K. Mishra & B.D. Nayak & D.S. Rao & B.B. Nayak - 275-290 Integrated management of diluted distillery effluent and fly ash as a potential biofertiliser: a case study on the vegetative growth and chlorophyll content of the marigold plant, Tagetes patula
by Kanchan Kumari & Nitish Ranjan & J.P. Sharma & P.K. Agarwal & R.C. Sinha - 291-304 Methane emission potential of open dumps in Chennai: a case study
by Obulisamy Parthiba Karthikeyan & Kurian Joseph & S. Esakku - 305-324 A decision support system for waste collection management and its potential improvement with Radio-Frequency Identification Technology (RFID)
by Izabela Nielsen & Ming K. Lim & Peter Nielsen & Rebecca Aggarwal - 325-332 Is human excreta a waste?
by Nityanand Singh Maurya - 333-345 Actively aerated methanobiofilters to control methane emissions from landfills
by C.K. Haththotuwa & J.P.A. Hettiaratchi & C.H. Hunte - 346-362 Global warming potential of waste management options: case study of Delhi
by Anand Bohra & Arvind K. Nema & Poonam Ahluwalia - 363-376 Information communication technology (ICT) - its waste and consequences
by Poonam J. Prasad - 377-387 Electrochemical treatment of landfill leachate
by C. Ramprasad & A. Navaneetha Gopalakrishnan - 388-399 Evaluation of geomembrane, amended soil and composite liner system as lining materials for chromium decontamination in landfill site
by Sudipta Ghosh & Somnath Mukherjee & Sunil Kumar - 400-416 Assessment of recycling potential of municipal solid waste in Mauritius
by Dinesh Surroop & Sumayya Mauthoor - 417-437 Home composting of organic waste - part 1: effect of home composter design
by Bijaya K. Adhikari & Anne Trémier & José Martinez & Suzelle Barrington - 438-464 Home composting of organic waste - part 2: effect of management practices
by Bijaya K. Adhikari & Anne Trémier & José Martinez & Suzelle Barrington - 465-500 Microbial characterisation of vermicompost and compost of urban waste processed by three earthworm species - Eudrilus eugeniae, Eisenia fetida and Perionyx excavatus
by Swati Pattnaik & M. Vikram Reddy - 501-515 Effective policy framework for the promotion of 3R technology transfer
by Chettiyappan Visvanathan & Prakriti Kashyap - 516-523 Quantification of municipal solid waste for Patna city
by Ran Vijay Singh - 524-538 The use of methanotrophic applications to control of fugitive methane emissions from the biodegradation of organic waste
by Uriel Mancebo & J. Patrick A. Hettiaratchi & Sunil Kumar & Omar Hurtado - 539-558 Removal of phenols from aqueous solutions of treated rice husk ash
by R.M. Aghav & Pradyut Kundu & Sunil Kumar & Somnath Mukherjee
2012, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 103-113 Divalent zinc removal from aqueous solutions by adsorption on magnetite nanoparticles: kinetics and isotherm
by Xue Song Wang - 114-123 Evaluation of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of treated tannery wastewater in southern Brazil
by Daniel Bühler & Daniel Rodrigo Marinowic & Marco Antonio Siqueira Rodrigues & Luciano Basso Da Silva - 124-145 Nuclear community considering threats and benefits of final disposal. Local opinions regarding the spent nuclear fuel repository in Finland
by Matti Kojo & Mika Kari & Tapio Litmanen - 146-153 Effect of Na 2 CO 3 on the pretreatment of oily sludge using wet air oxidation
by Guolin Jing & Mingming Luan & Tingting Chen - 154-168 Integration of EcoDesign in the early steps of the innovation process
by Marc Trela & Jean-François Omhover & Améziane Aoussat - 169-179 A synthetic biofilter media for ammonia (NH 3 ) removal
by Zarook M. Shareefdeen - 180-192 Ozone degradation of chloramphenicol: efficacy, products and toxicity
by Junliang Wang & Wenshan Sun & Chao Xu & Weiping Liu
2012, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-15 An overview of Total Factor Productivity estimations adjusted for pollutant outputs: an application to sugarcane farming
by Richard Mulwa & Ali Emrouznejad & Ernst-August Nuppenau - 16-27 A study on PbO in CRT funnel glass at high-temperature condition
by Zhongguo Li & Wenyi Yuan & Shufang Ding & Ying Chen & Jinhui Li - 28-49 Design for remanufacturing: What performances can be expected?
by N. Tchertchian & D. Millet & A. El Korchi - 50-60 Removal of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn from real contaminated soils with fresh and regenerated Na 2 EDTA
by Ming Lei & Min Zeng & Pu-feng Qin & Bo-han Liao & Bai-qing Tie & Mikiya Tanaka - 61-78 Dishwasher's environmental impact analysis and improvement by addressing EUP directive in China dishwasher manufactures
by Liu Zhifeng & Gao Yang & Hu Di & Ling Bo - 79-93 Removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions by living and non-living cultured sludges: equilibrium modelling
by Poh-Ying Chan & Si-Ling Ng & Chye-Eng Seng & Poh-Eng Lim - 94-101 Phenol degradation kinetic property in coking wastewater with pulse corona
by Chenglun Liu & Longjun Xu & Yuling Yang
2011, Volume 14, Issue 5/6
- 369-378 Heavy metal leaching potential of discarded mobile phone wastes: a laboratory-based study
by Devika Bajpai & Poonam Ahluwalia & Arvind K. Nema - 379-396 Framework for eco-innovative design with application in low-voltage electric appliance industry
by Stelian Brad & Emilia Brad & Bogdan Mocan - 397-416 An integrated modularity approach for green product development
by Fanbin Kong & Xinguo Ming & Lei Wang & Pengpeng Wang & Huailiang Zuo & Lina He - 417-434 GP-based optimisation of product parameters of design alternatives to support life cycle design
by Suiran Yu - 435-451 Sparse principal component analysis based sustainability assessment of EOL ICT service infrastructures
by Bingbing Li & Hongchao Zhang & Derrick Tate & Li Ding & Lei Zhang - 452-464 Simulation research on the influence of stress relaxation on plastic IC delamination during scrapped PCB disassembly
by Danfeng Long & Dong Xiang & Yehong Dong & Guanghong Duan - 465-484 Application of FCE–AHP method for multi-criteria decision-making of municipal solid waste management alternatives: a case study in the Dalian Development Zone of China
by Jing Du & Ling Xu & Shuo Wang & Fenglin Yang & Junior B.N. Adohinzin & Sachihiko Harashina - 485-500 Computer waste management: a review on Indian initiatives
by Pamela Chawla & Neelu Jain & Deepak Bagai - 501-515 Model and solution to the product disassembly sequence planning
by Zhifeng Liu & Di Hu & Bingbing Li - 516-530 Achieving sustainability through product-service life cycle management
by Pengpeng Wang & Xinguo Ming & Dong Li & Zhenyong Wu & Zhitao Xu & Wenyan Song
2011, Volume 14, Issue 1/2/3/4
- 2-8 Research experiences in microwave-assisted chemical oxygen demand determination
by Ackmez Mudhoo & Sanjay K. Sharma - 9-18 Modelling resorcinol adsorption in water environment using artificial neural network
by Ramhari Aghav & Somnath Mukherjee - 19-32 Recycling of Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) sludge in iron and steel works
by A.K.P. Singh & M.T. Raju & Usha Jha - 33-42 Phytoremediation of chromium(VI)-laden waste by Eichhornia crassipes
by Gurdeep Singh & Alok Sinha - 43-66 Physical methods in wastewater treatment
by Kavindra Kumar Kesari & Hriday N. Verma & Jitendra Behari - 67-83 Effect of microwave temperature, intensity and moisture content on solubilisation of organic fraction of municipal solid waste
by Haleh Shahriari & Mostafa Warith & Kevin J. Kennedy - 84-102 Assessment of treatment capabilities of Varthur Lake, Bangalore, India
by Durga Madhab Mahapatra & H.N. Chanakya & T.V. Ramachandra - 103-114 Constructed wetland system for treating wastewater of scattered small industries: a case study of fermented fish production industry in Phayao City, Thailand
by Ranjith Perera & Suwasa Kantawanichkul - 115-131 Adsorption of emulsified oil from spent metalworking fluid using agro-waste of Cajanus cajan
by Sandeep Tiwari & Vimal K. Gupta & P.C. Pandey & H. Singh & P.K. Mishra - 132-146 Biosorbent-assisted ceramic microfiltration process for treatment of herbal pharmaceutical wastewater with high organic loading
by Priyankari Bhattacharya & Sourja Ghosh & Swachchha Majumdar & Subrata Dasgupta & Sibdas Bandyopadhyay - 147-181 Accumulation and mobility of heavy metals in fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graceum L.) and tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) grown in the field amended with urban wastes, and their composts and vermicomposts
by Swati Pattnaik & M. Vikram Reddy - 182-202 Water quality improvement of industrial shrimp ponds
by Nguyen Thi My Xuan & Dang Vu Bich Hanh & Le Thi Hong Tran - 203-219 Carbon credit from composting of municipal solid waste
by Ajay Bharti & Biswajit Saha - 220-237 Swiss blue dye sequestration by adsorption using Acacia nilotica sawdust
by Monika Jain & Ackmez Mudhoo & Vinod Kumar Garg - 238-251 Comparative assessment of anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste at mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures
by Dinesh Surroop & Romeela Mohee - 252-268 Effect of cycle period and substrate composition on phosphorous removal potential of a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor
by Gargi Biswas & Anupam Debsarkar & Somnath Mukherjee & Siddhartha Datta & Sunil Kumar & Ackmez Mudhoo - 269-281 Predicting the site water balance of a phytocapped landfill using HYDRUS 1D
by Kartik Venkatraman & Nanjappa Ashwath & Ninghu Su - 282-293 Biosorptive uptake of cationic dyes from aqueous phase using immobilised dead macro fungal biomass
by N.S. Maurya & A.K. Mittal - 294-309 A model for assessment of energy utilisation within an urban centre
by P.A. Jayasinghe & A.K. Mehrotra & J.P.A. Hettiaratchi - 310-325 Solid waste management in Patna – analyses of ambient air and ground water pollution
by Kanchan Kumari & Nitish Ranjan & R.C. Sinha - 326-338 Kinetic evaluation for aerobic biodegradation of resorcinol in a batch reactor
by Sudipta Dey & Somnath Mukherjee & Sunil Kumar - 339-357 Review on potential for waste recycled based bioenergy for marine system
by O.O. Sulaiman & A.S. Abd Kader & A.H. Saharuddin & W.B. Wan Nik & K.B. Samo - 358-368 Utilisation of waste in integrated sugar distillery industry with special reference to bio-energy generation: a case study
by Bipasha Dinda & Sundeep
2010, Volume 13, Issue 3/4
- 222-233 Leaf composting in cold climates: a theoretical and an experimental evaluation
by E.M. Bartholameuz & J.P.A. Hettiaratchi & A.A. Mohamad & Sunil Kumar - 234-244 Self-sustained vermicomposting plant at municipal solid waste generation point
by Ajay Bharti & Kirki Ori - 245-252 Assessment of major solid wastes generated in palm oil mills
by Ngu Chard Chard & Nik Norulaini Nik Abdul Rahman & Abbas F.M. Alkarkhi & Anees Ahmad & Mohd. Omar Abdel Kadir - 253-268 Policy interventions needed to manage bacterial build-up in municipal effluent irrigated agroforestry plantations
by Ajay Sharma & Keith Harrower & Nanjappa Ashwath & David Midmore - 269-280 Performance of soil and compost mixture in leachate purification at intermediate cover soil of tropical landfill
by Chart Chiemchaisri & Wilai Chiemchaisri & Thirdpong Srisukphun - 281-301 MSW management strategies for the city of Rome: a comparative assessment
by Francesco Lombardi & Giulia Costa & Renato Gavasci & Paola Muraro - 302-310 Evaluating financial aspects of municipal solid waste management in Mysore City, India
by Ishwar Chandra Yadav & Ningombam Linthoingambi Devi & Surendra Singh & A.G. Devi Prasad - 311-321 Enhancing the hydrolysis step in anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste using rumen fluid
by G. Ganesh & Obuli P. Karthikeyan & Kurian Joseph - 322-335 Dual role of hydrolysis coefficient in modelling of bioreactors
by Sherien A. Elagroudy & Mohamed H. Abdel-Razik & Mahmoud M. Abd El-Azeem & Fikry H. Ghobrial & Mostafa Warith - 336-347 Comparative study on treatment of kitchen-sink wastewater using single and multichannel ceramic membrane
by Sourja Ghosh & Priyankari Bhattacharya & Swachchha Majumdar & Subrata Dasgupta & Sibdas Bandyopadhyay - 348-361 Physico-chemical characteristics of leachate from a common hazardous waste disposal facility in South India
by D. Vidhya Lakshmi & Kurian Joseph - 362-371 GHG emissions: an assessment at municipal solid waste disposal site in Indore, India
by Vivek Shrotriya & Ian Smout - 372-399 Sludge composting, sludge pretreatment and radiation technology: a review
by Ackmez Mudhoo & Romeela Mohee
2010, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 116-129 Assessment of geo-hazard potential and site investigations using Resistivity Imaging
by MD. Sahadat Hossain & Maganti Dharmateja & Jubair Hossain - 130-148 Patents as a measure for eco-innovation
by Vanessa Oltra & Rene Kemp & Frans P. De Vries - 149-160 Removal of Particulate Matter (PM) and NO x from marine exhaust gas by combining electrostatic water-spraying scrubber and emulsion oil
by Tran Hong Ha & Osami Nishida & Hirotsugu Fujita & Kartika Kus Hendratna & Wataru Harano - 161-170 Water purification: a sustainable technology for rural development
by Syeda Azeem Unnisa & P. Deepthi & K. Mukkanti - 171-187 Assessment of the challenge of sustainable recycling of municipal solid waste management in India
by Anupam Khajuria & Takanori Matsui & Takashi Machimura & Tohru Morioka - 188-205 Quantitative analysis of automotive exhaust gas by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy
by Zakia Sebih & Serge Bourbigot & Rene Delobel & Franck Poutch - 206-220 A comparative study of the performance behaviour of adsorbent materials used for the treatment of Spent Cutting Fluids
by Sandeep Tiwari & P.C. Pandey & H. Singh & P.K. Mishra
2010, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 4-20 An optimisation model for transportation of hazardous wastes
by Venkatesh Uddameri & Vivekanand Honnungar - 21-36 Sustainable approaches to C&D waste management and global warming impacts
by William E. Boone & Edgar D. Smith & Scott W. Maurer & Howard L. Weinick - 37-50 Alternative methods to control water infiltration for landfills: a case study in the tropics
by Chittaranjan Ray & Clifton Miyasaki & Michal Snehota & Laxman Sharma & Martin Sanda - 51-83 An overview of the sustainability of solid waste management at military installations
by Sharon Borglin & Jennifer Shore & Heather Worden & Ravi Jain - 84-95 Salvage as a recession hedge: green jobs and other economic stimuli
by Amy Bauman - 96-112 Evaluation of resource recovery through a Waste-to-Energy plant operating with municipal solid waste
by William E. Roper & Carl Newby
2010, Volume 12, Issue 2/3/4
- 129-150 Starch-based biosorbents for dyes in textile wastewater treatment
by Gregorio Crini & Pierre-Marie Badot - 151-162 Removal of basic dye (basic magenta) using low-cost biosorbents from aqueous solutions: kinetic and equilibrium studies
by Xue Song Wang - 163-191 Modified biopolymer adsorbent for the removal of dissolved organic pollutants
by Sabrine Alila & Alexandra Isabel Costa & Luis Filipe Vieira Ferreira & Sami Boufi - 192-201 Hydrophobicity in biosorptive flotation for metal ion removal
by A.I. Zouboulis & K.A. Matis - 202-213 Removal of bivalent and trivalent ions by Spirulina platensis biomass: batch experiments and biosorbent characterisation
by Alessandra Lodi & Elisabetta Finocchio & Attilio Converti & Carlo Solisio - 214-228 Biosorption of lead by the immobilised fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium in a packed bed column
by Kannan Pakshirajan & Thiyagarajan Swaminathan - 229-239 Biosorption of inorganic mercury onto marine alga Sargassum tenerrimum: batch and column studies
by N. Rajamohan & B. Sivaprakash