2014, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 315-332 A geovisual analytics approach for mouse movement analysis
by Ali Tahir & Gavin McArdle & Michela Bertolotto - 333-346 Using trajectories for collaborative filtering-based POI recommendation
by Haosheng Huang & Georg Gartner - 347-368 An improved method for density-based clustering
by Hong Jin & Shuliang Wang & Qian Zhou & Ying Li - 369-390 User-centric spatial data warehousing: a survey of requirements and approaches
by Ganesh Viswanathan & Markus Schneider - 391-412 Assessment of OGC web processing services for REST principles
by Carlos Granell & Laura DÃaz & Alain Tamayo & JoaquÃn Huerta - 413-432 Towards effective GML data management: framework and prototype
by Weili Wang & Fubao Zhu & Ting Jin & Zhiping Qian & Long Zhang
2014, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 217-238 Online multi-dimensional regression analysis on concept-drifting data streams
by Chandima Hewa Nadungodage & Yuni Xia & Pranav S. Vaidya & Yu Chen & Jaehwan John Lee - 239-260 Dynamic anonymisation techniques analogy for multiple releases of data
by Preeti Gupta & Vishal Bhatnagar - 261-284 Towards robust classifiers using optimal rule discovery
by Sahar M. Ghanem & Mona A. Mohamed & Magdy H. Nagi - 285-311 Data transformation techniques for preserving privacy in distance-based mining algorithms
by Mohammad Ali Kadampur & D.V.L.N. Somayajulu
2014, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 110-126 Rough mereology classifier vs. simple DNA microarray gene extraction methods
by Piotr Artiemjew - 127-147 Learning of fuzzy spatial relations between handwritten patterns
by Adrien Delaye & Eric Anquetil - 148-167 Iris recognition based on multi-block Gabor features encoding and improved by quality measures
by Nadia Feddaoui & Kamel Hamrouni - 168-186 Crowd behaviour analysis and anomaly detection by statistical modelling of flow patterns
by Saira Saleem Pathan & Ayoub Al-Hamadi & Bernd Michaelis - 187-201 Automatic blush detection in ‘concealed information’ test using visual stimuli
by Shigang Yue & Karl Harmer & Kun Guo & Karen Adams & Andrew Hunter - 202-216 Recognition of signed expressions using visually-oriented subunits obtained by an immune-based optimisation
by Mariusz Oszust & Marian Wysocki
2014, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-21 Dimensionality reduction in text classification using scatter method
by Jyri Saarikoski & Jorma Laurikkala & Kalervo Järvelin & Markku Siermala & Martti Juhola - 22-48 A conceptual framework for community detection, characterisation and membership in a social internetworking scenario
by Pasquale De Meo & Antonino Nocera & Giovanni Quattrone & Domenico Ursino - 49-64 A new clustering algorithm based on Voronoi diagram
by Damodar Reddy & Prasanta K. Jana - 65-82 Improving Bregman k-means
by Wesam Ashour & Colin Fyfe - 83-106 Visualisation techniques and its uses in representation of web usage patterns: a survey
by Ratnesh Kumar Jain
2013, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 301-317 Improving K-means clustering algorithm with the intelligent water drops (IWD) algorithm
by Hamed Shah-Hosseini - 318-332 A new memetic approach for the classification rules extraction problem
by Sadjia Benkhider & Habiba Drias - 333-350 Biclustering of gene expression data based on hybrid genetic algorithm
by J. Bagyamani & K. Thangavel & R. Rathipriya - 351-369 Bacteria foraging optimisation algorithm for tuning of PSS and STATCOM-based controller parameters
by Sidhartha Panda & P.K. Mohanty & B.K. Sahu - 370-379 A dynamic resource constrained project scheduling problem
by André Renato Villela Da Silva & Luiz Satoru Ochi - 380-406 Document summarisation based on sentence ranking using vector space model
by Namita Gupta & P.C. Saxena & J.P. Gupta
2013, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 193-209 SNP locator: a candidate SNP selection tool
by José A. Seoane & Vanessa Aguiar-Pulido & Alba Cabarcos & Sonsoles Quintela & Juan Ramon Rabuñal & Julián Dorado - 210-232 WordNetLoom: a WordNet development system integrating form-based and graph-based perspectives
by Maciej Piasecki & Michał Marcińczuk; Radosław Ramocki & Marek Maziarz - 233-245 A novel approach for effective web page classification
by J. Alamelu Mangai & V. Santhosh Kumar & S. Appavu Balamurugan - 246-260 Using naïve Bayesian classification as a meta-predictor to improve start codon prediction accuracy in prokaryotic organisms
by Sean Landman & Imad Rahal - 261-276 An evolutionary algorithm for global induction of regression and model trees
by Marcin Czajkowski & Marek Kretowski - 277-297 An effective approach to mine relational patterns and its extensive analysis on multi-relational databases
by D. Vimal Kumar & A. Tamilarasi
2013, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 103-122 Annotation tools for syntax and named entities in the National Corpus of Polish
by Jakub Waszczuk & Katarzyna Głowińska & Agata Savary & Adam Przepiórkowski & Michał Lenart - 123-137 Using shallow semantic analysis and graph modelling for document classification
by Przemysław Maciołek & Grzegorz Dobrowolski - 138-157 What do you think about this photo? A novel approach to opinion and sentiment analysis of photo comments
by Slava Kisilevich & Christian Rohrdantz & Veronica Maidel & Daniel Keim - 158-181 Syntactic concordancing and multi-word expression detection
by V. Seretan & E. Wehrli - 182-191 Using genetic algorithms for automatic recurrent ANN development: an application to EEG signal classification
by Daniel Rivero & Vanessa Aguiar-Pulido & Enrique Fernandez-Blanco & Marcos Gestal
2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-19 Parallel, massive processing in SuperMatrix: a general tool for distributional semantic analysis of corpora
by Bartosz Broda & Maciej Piasecki - 20-36 GeoTNavi - smart navigation using geo-temporal traffic information
by Shawn Wang & Susamma Barua & Kunal Desai & Swaroop Deshmukh - 37-56 BioinQA: metadata-based multi-document QA system for addressing the issues in biomedical domain
by Sparsh Mittal & Saket Gupta & Ankush Mittal - 57-75 MapIt: a case study for location driven knowledge discovery and mining
by Satyen Abrol & Latifur Khan & Fahad T. Bin Muhaya - 76-96 Mining strongly correlated item pairs in large transaction databases
by Swarup Roy & Dhruba Kr Bhattacharyya
2012, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 309-333 An efficient approach to categorising association rules
by Dongwoo Won & Dennis McLeod - 334-360 Goodman-Kruskal measure associated clustering for categorical data
by Wenxue Huang & Yuanyi Pan & Jianhong Wu - 361-383 Can unbounded distance measures mitigate the curse of dimensionality?
by Balasubramaniam Jayaram & Frank Klawonn - 384-412 Evolutionary functional link interval type-2 fuzzy neural system for exchange rate prediction
by S. Chakravarty & P.K. Dash
2012, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 205-223 Discovering (frequent) constant conditional functional dependencies
by Thierno Diallo & Nöel Novelli & Jean-Marc Petit - 224-243 EverMiner: consideration on knowledge driven permanent data mining process
by Jan Rauch - 244-254 Rule schemas and interesting association action rules mining
by Angelina A. Tzacheva - 255-266 Detection of research trends from bibliographical data
by Hidenao Abe & Shusaku Tsumoto - 267-285 Dimensionality reduction framework for blog mining and visualisation
by Flora S. Tsai - 286-308 Who are our clients: consumer segmentation through explorative data mining
by Herna L. Viktor & Isis Peña & Eric Paquet
2012, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 107-122 Approximating the covariance matrix of GMMs with low-rank perturbations
by Malik Magdon-Ismail & Jonathan T. Purnell - 123-137 Abstraction through clustering: complexity reduction in automated planning domains
by Luke Dicken & Peter Gregory & John Levine - 138-155 Towards a hybrid NMF-based neural approach for face recognition on GPUs
by Noel Lopes & Bernardete Ribeiro - 156-171 An efficient randomised sphere cover classifier
by Reda Younsi & Anthony Bagnall - 172-187 A generalisation of independence in statistical models for categorical distribution
by Yu Fujimoto & Noboru Murata - 188-202 Dual stream data exploration
by Xi Wang & Malcolm Crowe & Colin Fyfe
2012, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-38 Bilateral semantic negotiation: a decentralised approach to ontology enrichment in open multi-agent systems
by Pasquale De Meo & Giovanni Quattrone & Domenico Rosaci & Domenico Ursino - 39-56 Privacy preserving data mining using particle swarm optimisation trained auto-associative neural network: an application to bankruptcy prediction in banks
by Paramjeet & V. Ravi & Naveen Nekuri & Chillarige Raghavendra Rao - 57-73 Effective operators using parallel processing for nurse scheduling by cooperative genetic algorithm
by Makoto Ohki - 74-104 Application of standalone system and hybrid system for fault diagnosis of centrifugal pump using time domain signals and statistical features
by N.R. Sakthivel & Binoy B. Nair & V. Sugumaran & Rajakumar S. Roy
2011, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 319-340 Applying genetic algorithms to Wall Street
by Laura Nunez-Letamendia & Joaquin Pacheco & Silvia Casado - 341-360 Paving the way for next generation data-stream clustering: towards a unique and statistically valid cluster structure at any time step
by Pascal Cuxac & Alain Lelu & Martine Cadot - 361-374 Face recognition using multi-scale differential invariants in statistical manifold framework
by Jian Zou & Chuan-Cai Liu & Yue Zhang & Gui-Fu Lu - 375-388 Rare events and imbalanced datasets: an overview
by Maher Maalouf & Theodore B. Trafalis - 389-405 Development of neural network-based models to predict mechanical properties of hot dip galvanised steel coils
by Ana Gonzalez-Marcos & Fernando Alba-Elias & Manuel Castejon-Limas & Joaquin Ordieres-Mere - 406-417 Design verification for database applications through analysing their support to data lifecycle
by Sun Ding & Hee Beng Kuan Tan
2011, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 217-251 Model-driven data mining engineering: from solution-driven implementations to 'composable' conceptual data mining models
by Alfredo Cuzzocrea & Jose-Norberto Mazon & Juan Trujillo & Jose Zubcoff - 252-276 Hybrid index-based image search from the web
by Rahul Gupta & S.K. Ghosh & Shamik Sural & Sakti Pramanik - 277-302 A PSO based time series data clustering using modified S-transform for data mining
by Ranjeeta Bisoi & P.K. Dash - 303-318 MIL: a data discretisation approach
by Bikash Kanti Sarkar & Shib Sankar Sana & Kripasindhu Chaudhuri
2011, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 110-129 Parallel hierarchical clustering using weighted confidence affinity
by Baoying Wang & Imad Rahal & Aijuan Dong - 130-149 A pattern matching approach for clustering gene expression data
by Rosy Das & Jugal Kalita & Dhruba K. Bhattacharyya - 150-171 Efficient evaluation of partially-dimensional range queries in large OLAP datasets
by Yaokai Feng & Kunihiko Kaneko & Akifumi Makinouchi - 172-188 Privacy preserving association rules mining on distributed homogenous databases
by Mahmoud Hussein & Ashraf El-Sisi & Nabil Ismail - 189-215 Context dependent semantic granularity
by Riccardo Albertoni & Elena Camossi & Monica De Martino & Franca Giannini & Marina Monti
2011, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-17 An unsupervised neural network approach to predictive data mining
by S.M. Monzurur Rahman & Xinghuo Yu & F.A. Siddiky - 18-41 Automatic generation of initial value k to apply k-means method for text documents clustering
by Namita Gupta & P.C. Saxena & J.P. Gupta - 42-74 Kernel method for improving image retrieval performance: a survey
by Anca Doloc-Mihu - 75-105 A hybrid under-sampling approach for mining unbalanced datasets: applications to banking and insurance
by Madireddi Vasu & Vadlamani Ravi
2010, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 315-333 The hybrid web personalised recommendation based on web usage mining
by Subhash K. Shinde & Uday V. Kulkarni - 334-350 A partition based method for finding highly correlated pairs
by Shuxin Li & Sheau-Dong Lang - 351-368 Quantitative function for community structure detection
by Liang Yu & Lin Gao & Danyang Wang & Shaofeng Fu - 369-387 A quantum evolutionary algorithm for data clustering
by Chafika Ramdane & Souham Meshoul & Mohamed Batouche & Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi - 388-402 Fuzzy neuro genetic approach for predicting the risk of cardiovascular diseases
by Kalavakonda Vijaya & H. Khanna Nehemiah & A. Kannan & N.G. Bhuvaneswari - 403-419 Mining intelligent knowledge from a two-phase association rules mining
by Yuejin Zhang & LingLing Zhang & Ying Liu & Yong Shi
2010, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 196-215 Visual clustering through weight entropy
by P. Alagambigai & K. Thangavel - 216-237 Two-phase clustering based aggregation of sensor data
by Manish Kumar & Pritish Kumar Varadwaj & Shekhar Verma - 238-251 A data mining approach for efficient selection bitmap join index
by Hamid Necir - 252-267 Discovering exclusive patterns in frequent sequences
by Weiru Chen & Jing Lu & Malcolm Keech - 268-287 Classification of varying length multivariate time series using Gaussian mixture models and support vector machines
by S. Chandrakala & C. Chandra Sekhar - 288-299 Extended K-modes with new weighted measure based on the domains
by S. Aranganayagi & K. Thangavel - 300-314 Towards a repository for scientific theory: development of a technical framework and prototype based on TheoryML
by Marc N. Haines & Mujtaba Ahsan
2010, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 95-116 Graphical models based hierarchical probabilistic community discovery in large-scale social networks
by Haizheng Zhang & Ke Ke & Wei Li & Xuerui Wang - 117-136 On privacy-preserving time series data classification
by Ye Zhu & Yongjian Fu & Huirong Fu - 137-175 Entity relationship modelling of business rules: an Oracle prototype
by Rajeev Kaula - 176-193 eWAP-mine: enhanced mining algorithm to mine web access pattern from WAP-tree
by Ratnesh K. Jain & Ramveer S. Kasana & Deepak Kumar Sahu & Suresh Jain
2010, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-21 Support vector machine and wavelet neural network hybrid: application to bankruptcy prediction in banks
by Devulapalli Karthik Chandra & Vadlamani Ravi & Pediredla Ravisankar - 22-74 A team building and team update system in a projectised organisation scenario
by Pasquale De Meo & Diego Plutino & Giovanni Quattrone & Domenico Ursino - 75-94 Modelling of electrical discharge machining process using regression analysis, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and genetic algorithm
by Kuntal Maji & Dilip Kumar Pratihar & Suprakash Patra
2009, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 335-356 Data chain management for planning in city logistics
by Jan Fabian Ehmke & Stephan Meisel & Stefan Engelmann & Dirk Christian Mattfeld - 357-374 ER modelling – a zoom in and zoom out approach
by Xiong Wang - 375-392 Locally application of random subspace with simple Bayesian classifier
by Sotiris B. Kotsiantis - 393-410 Grid-based clustering over an evolving data stream
by Renxia Wan & Jingchao Chen & Lixin Wang & Xiaoke Su - 411-436 Feature subspace SVMs (FS-SVMs) for high dimensional handwritten digit recognition
by Vikas K. Garg & M.N. Murty
2009, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 223-236 Performance analysis of the Bayesian data reduction algorithm
by Douglas M. Kline & Craig S. Galbraith - 237-260 On the selection of k efficient paths by clustering techniques
by Massimiliano Caramia & Stefano Giordani - 261-290 Evaluating corporate performance within the frame of the expert systems technology
by Panagiotis Xidonas & Emmanouil Ergazakis & Kostas Ergazakis & Kostas Metaxiotis & John Psarras - 291-309 Multivariate interpolation using radial basis function networks
by Dang Thi Thu Hien & Hoang Xuan Huan & Huu Tue Huynh - 310-334 CNODE: clustering of set-valued non-ordered discrete data
by Sunil Kumar & Shamik Sural & Alok Watve & Sakti Pramanik
2009, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 119-148 Combining sequence and itemset mining to discover named entities in biomedical texts: a new type of pattern
by Marc Plantevit & Thierry Charnois & Jiri Klema & Christophe Rigotti & Bruno Cremilleux - 149-177 SMART: a subspace clustering algorithm that automatically identifies the appropriate number of clusters
by Liping Jing & Junjie Li & Michael K. Ng & Yiu-ming Cheung & Joshua Huang - 178-205 Design of cluster-wise optimal fuzzy logic controllers to model input-output relationships of some manufacturing processes
by Tushar & Dilip Kumar Pratihar - 206-221 Privacy preserving record linkage approaches
by Vassilios S. Verykios & Alexandros Karakasidis & Vassilios K. Mitrogiannis
2008, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-22 Multi-label large margin hierarchical perceptron
by Clay Woolam & Latifur Khan - 23-44 Completing missing views for multiple sources of web media
by Shankara Subramanya & Zheshen Wang & Baoxin Li & Huan Liu - 45-67 Is an ordinal class structure useful in classifier learning?
by Jens C. Huhn & Eyke Hullermeier - 68-90 Mining event histories: a social science perspective
by Gilbert Ritschard & Alexis Gabadinho & Nicolas S. Muller & Matthias Studer - 91-102 Combining multiple classifiers for wrapper feature selection
by Kyriacos Chrysostomou & Sherry Y. Chen & Xiaohui Liu - 103-118 A relational perspective on spatial data mining
by Donato Malerba