2025, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-11 Anticipating a renaissance in organisation and management theories
by Sasanka Sekhar Chanda - 36-54 Do cognitive and behavioural trust matter when inclusive leadership influences organisational citizenship behaviour among policemen?
by Linus Jonathan Vem & Peter Emmanuelz Omaye & Danjuma Nimfa Tali & Abel Daniel Ochigbo - 55-64 Ecosystem factors and economic policy in the Western Balkans: analysing the impact of COVID-19
by Yllka Poteri Avdiu - 65-82 Effective leadership in the 21st century: leveraging exemplary leadership models to achieve goals
by Seun Faluyi & Jet Mboga - 83-105 Factors affecting young people's intentions to engage in digital entrepreneurship: an analysis employing the theory of planned behaviour
by Lutfije Ademi & Veland Ramadani & Sadudin Ibraimi & Suhejla Idrizi
2016, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 169-181 Could more thoughtful practice of complexity, design thinking and values-based organising address some of the limitations of current management and organising paradigms?
by Kosheek Sewchurran & Felix Philipp & Walter Baets & Jennifer McDonogh - 182-197 Engaging with complex environments: why agility involves more than running hard
by Christiane Prange - 198-217 Programme effect of authentic leadership development on trust
by Tineke Wulffers - 218-243 Power relations and complex organisational development
by Pieter S.J. Avenant & Kurt A. April & B.K.G. Peters - 244-259 No man lives on an island: habitual agency and complexity in entrepreneurial decision-making
by Desmond Ng & Harvey James
2016, Volume 3, Issue 1/2
- 1-21 Towards the measurement of organisational consciousness
by Walter Baets & Erna Oldenboom & Kosheek Sewchurran - 22-84 The capacity of information technology for business model innovation and holistic value creation: a formulative study within the financial services sector in South Africa
by Jacobus P. Kok & Walter Baets - 85-100 Impact of leader-follower interactions and employee satisfaction: mediating effect of employee empowerment
by Mohammad Sohail & Shahab Alam Malik - 101-114 Implications of complexity in strategic management
by Elena Olmedo - 115-138 Complexity approach to joint value discovery in service innovation management
by Erik Lindhult & James K. Hazy - 139-153 Exploring the roles of women in decision-making within sport organisations in Nigeria
by Babatunde Joshua Omotosho - 154-161 Mental health leadership and complexity
by Christopher Peyton Miller
2014, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 239-258 Constructing sustainability in organisations: identity and boundaries in complex adaptive systems
by Terry B. Porter & José-Rodrigo Córdoba-Pachón - 259-277 Creativity in short-term self-directed groups: an analysis using a complexity-based framework
by Petro K. Poutanen & Pirjo Ståhle - 278-292 Projectscapes: the role of spatial settings in managing complex megaprojects
by Alfons Van Marrewijk & Karen Smits - 293-312 A new leadership and its implications on professions
by Ann Svensson - 313-338 Research on emergence of self-organisation through resilience: in cities with system perspective
by Nirmita Mehrotra
2013, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 140-147 Dysfunctional leadership and group unconscious dynamics in the psychoanalytic and complex living system perspectives
by Alessandro Cavelzani & Lloyd C. Williams - 148-161 The rhetoric of business and complexity
by Paolo Magrassi - 162-184 Conceptualising the essential qualities of complex adaptive leadership: networks that organise
by Eugene G. Kowch - 185-197 PISA's failure to test - the limitations of standardisation
by Christian Okholm - 198-212 Music piracy and digital rights management in Mexico: shifting to a sound model
by Anaid Chacon - 213-223 Rupturing the cycle: Japan's leadership vacuum
by Yinghui Xu - 224-235 Embracing complexity in academic performance appraisal
by Lukas Klement & Max C. Mosterd
2012, Volume 2, Issue 1/2
- 6-38 Rare, outlier and extreme: beyond the Gaussian model and measures
by Paul C. Nystrom & Ehsan S. Soofi - 39-51 The structure of economic connections between industries: non-scaling behaviour
by Camila C.S. Caiado & Paul Ormerod - 52-73 Leading large: emergent learning and adaptation in complex social networks
by James K. Hazy - 74-103 The dynamics of organisational response: simulating cultural change
by Colin E. Beech & Rachel A. Dowty & William A. Wallace - 104-136 When organisations and ecosystems interact: toward a law of requisite fractality in firms
by Bill McKelvey & Benyamin B. Lichtenstein & Pierpaolo Andriani
2011, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 322-338 Professional knowledge sharing in aircraft maintenance: a new complexity dynamics
by Ann Svensson - 339-378 Four types of emergence: a typology of complexity and its implications for a science of management
by Benyamin B. Lichtenstein & Bill McKelvey - 379-394 The entrepreneurship of nested systems: a socially complex approach
by Desmond Ng - 395-410 Anthropologising the complexity of leadership: a holistic understanding of cross-cultural context
by Huiyan Fu - 411-418 Paper dialogue: a qualitative research tool for complexity management and leadership
by Pak Tee Ng & Thow Yick Liang
2011, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 211-251 Using scale-free processes to explain punctuated-change in management-relevant phenomena
by Pierpaolo Andriani & Bill McKelvey - 252-274 Levels and degrees of emergence: toward a matrix of complexity in entrepreneurship
by Benyamin B. Lichtenstein - 275-288 The contribution of complexity theory to the study of departmental leadership in processes of organisational change in higher education
by Fabio Bento - 289-300 Complexity in large-scale technical project management
by Sarah Sheard & Ali Mostashari - 301-313 How participants understand complexity theory through a school leadership programme in Singapore
by Pak Tee Ng
2011, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 105-115 Developing managerial understanding of self-organisation
by Saadia Mahmud - 116-132 A complex perspective towards leadership in academic departments: investigating organisational changes in a Norwegian research-intensive academic department
by Fabio Bento - 133-144 Scaling-up innovations using complexity paradigm and agent-based modelling method
by Junsong Huang - 145-163 Leadership for self-organisation: complexity theory and communicative action
by Keith Morrison - 164-191 Parsing the 'influential increment' in the language of complexity: uncovering the systemic mechanisms of leadership influence
by James K. Hazy - 192-207 Emergence and the new intelligence leadership
by Thow Yick Liang
2010, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 4-36 Complexity leadership: the secret of Jack Welch's success
by Bill McKelvey - 37-54 The ecology of management: Cassandra, a holistic diagnostic for sustainable performance
by Walter Baets - 55-71 How innovation and entrepreneurship can conquer uncertainty and complexity: learning about the unexpected
by Carl Henning Reschke & Dieter Bogenhold & Sascha Kraus - 72-82 Complexity and chaos in organisations: complex management
by Elena Olmedo - 83-101 Innovative sustainability and highly intelligent human organisations (iCAS): the new management and leadership perspective
by Thow Yick Liang