- 42 Which bite harder: new or old EU fiscal rules? Backcasting Croatian episode under the EDP
by Frane Banić & Milan Deskar-Škrbić & Maroje Lang
- 41 Introducing Policy Analysis Croatian MAcroecoNometric Model (PACMAN)
by Ozana Nadoveza Jelić & Rafael Ravnik
- 40 Return on foreign investments in Croatia and peer countries
by Andrijana Ćudina - 39 Twentieth anniversary of the euro: why are some countries still not willing to join? Economists’ view
by Milan Deskar-Škrbić & Davor Kunovac - 38 International Reserves, Exchange Rate Differences and the CNB’s Financial Result
by Igor Ljubaj
- 37 Residential Property Prices in Croatia
by Davor Kunovac & Karlo Kotarac - 36 Banking Distress in Europe in the Context of the Global Financial Crisis – the Role of Capital Flows
by Mislav Brkić
- 35 Characteristics of Croatian Manufacturing Exporters and the Export Recovery during the Great Recession – the CompNet Trade Module Research Results
by Miljana Valdec & Jurica Zrnc - 34 Quarterly Projection Model for Croatia
by Rafael Ravnik & Nikola Bokan - 33 Seasonal adjustment of time series and calendar influence on economic activity
by Ante Čobanov - 32 Croatia in Global Value Chains
by Ivana Vidaković Peruško & Katarina Kovač & Miroslav Jošić - 31 Persistence of Euroisation in Croatia
by Mirna Dumičić & Igor Ljubaj & Ana Martinis - 30 Is the Euro the Optimum Currency for Croatia: An Assessment Using the Optimum Currency Area Theory
by Mislav Brkić & Ana Šabić
- 29 Estimating Potential Growth and Output Gap in Croatia
by Goran Jovičić - 28 Can the Adoption of the Euro in Croatia Reduce the Cost of Borrowing?
by Davor Kunovac & Nina Pavić - 27 Effects of the Adoption of the Euro on Consumer Prices and Inflation Perceptions: An Overview of Experiences and Assessment of the Possible Impact in Croatia
by Andreja Pufnik - 26 Adoption of the Euro in Croatia: Possible Effects on International Trade and Investments
by Maja Bukovšak & Andrijana Ćudina & Nina Pavić - 25 CNB Transparency and Monetary Policy
by Katja Gattin Turkalj & Igor Ljubaj - 24 Exposure of the Private Non-financial Sector to Interest Rate Risk: Analysis of Results of the Survey on Interest Rate Variability
by Mate Rosan - 23 Price Competitiveness of the Manufacturing Sector – a Sector Approach Based on Technological Intensity Level
by Enes Đozović - 22 Microeconomic Aspects of Productivity Developments during the Great Recession in Croatia – the CompNet Productivity Module Research Results
by Miljana Valdec & Jurica Zrnc
- 21 A Note on Kuna Lending
by Igor Ljubaj & Suzana Petrović - 20 Are Shadow Banks Hiding in Croatia as Well?
by Mirna Dumičić & Tomislav Ridzak
- 19 Features of the Labour Market and Wage Setting in Croatia: Firms Survey Results
by Marina Kunovac & Andreja Pufnik - 18 A Brief Introduction to the World of Macroprudential Policy
by Mirna Dumičić
- 17 Framework for Monitoring Macroeconomic Imbalances in the European Union - Significance for Croatia
by Mislav Brkić & Ana Šabić
- 16 Results of the Fourth CNB Bank Survey
by Tomislav Galac & Lana Dukić - 15 Results of the Fifth CNB Bank Survey
by Lana Ivičić & Mirna Dumičić & Ante Burić & Ivan Huljak
- 14 Results of the Third CNB Bank Survey: Croatian Banking in the Consolidation and Market Positioning Stage, 2000 - 2002
by Tomislav Galac - 13 EU Criteria with Special Emphasis on the Economic Convergence Critaria - Where is Croatia?
by Michael Faulend & Davor Lončarek & Ivana Curavić & Ana Šabić - 12 An Analysis of Housing Finance Models in the Republic of Croatia
by Mladen Mirko Tepuš - 11 How Can Croatia's Deposit Insurance System Be Improved
by Michael Faulend & Evan Kraft - 10 Does Croatia Need Risk-Based Deposit Insurance Premia?
by Tomislav Galac
- 8 Fiscal Consolidation, External Competitiveness and Monetary Policy: A Reply to the WIIW
by Evan Kraft & Tihomir Stručka - 7 Ten Years of Transition - Central Banking in the CEE and the Baltics
by Warren Coats & Marko Škreb - 6 An Analysis of the Operation of Building Societies in the Republic of Croatia
by Mladen Mirko Tepuš
- 5 Currency Crises: Theoretical and Empirical Overview of the 1990s
by Ante Babić & Ante Žigman
- 4 What Has Been the Impact of Foreign Banks in Croatia?
by Tomislav Galac & Evan Kraft - 3 The Lending Policies of Croatian Banks: Results of the Second CNB Bank Interview Project
by Evan Kraft & Hrvoje Dolenec & Mladen Duliba & Michael Faulend & Tomislav Galac & Vedran Šošić & Mladen Mirko Tepuš - 2 Banking System in 1998
by Velimir Šonje - 1 Banking Sector Problems: Causes, Solutions and Consequences
by Ljubinko Jankov
- 9991 Capital Markets Development in Croatia
by Velimir Šonje