February 1967, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 39-50 Terms of Trade Effect in National Accounts
by Kurabayashi, Yoshimasa - 51-60 Recent Changes in the Subcontracting System of the Japanese Motor Industry : A Comparison with the British Model
by Toike, Masaharu - 61-74 International Comparison of Saving Ratios by Occupational Groups (I)
by Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki - 75-78 On CES Production Function
by Ara, Kenjiro
June 1966, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-16 Developmental Patterns of Asian Nationalism from a Point of View of Culture Contact
by Itagaki, Yoichi - 17-37 A Pacific Economic Community and Asian Developing Countries
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 38-55 Internal and External Matrix Multipliers in the Input-Output Model
by Miyazawa, Kenichi - 56-79 Business Cycles in Japan, 1868-1962
by Fujino, Shozaburo - 80-99 Rationalizing Intra-Industry Wage Differentials : An Analytical Framework
by Odaka, Konosuke
February 1966, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-12 Two Tentative Sections of Mathematics for Economics
by Yamada, Kinichi - 13-44 Choice of Techniques and Choice of Industries
by Ishikawa, Shigeru - 45-60 Japan’s Foreign Aid Policy
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 61-76 A Note on Basic Concepts of National Accounts
by Kurabayashi, Yoshimasa - 77-90 Observations on the Prospects for Japanese-Australian Trade
by Arndt, H.W.
June 1965, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-19 An Approach to the Measurement of National Saving in Japan (1878-1940)
by Emi, Koichi - 20-31 Arthur Cecil Pigou, 1877-1959
by Shionoya, Yuichi - 32-61 Lands and Peasants in the Eighteenth Century Maratha Kingdom
by Fukazawa, Hiroshi - 62-73 Production, Cost and Income Distribution of the Electric Supply Industry in Pre-War Japan
by Minami, Ryoshin
January 1965, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-11 An Essay on the Historical Uniqueness of Petty’s Labour Theory of Value
by Matsukawa, Shichiro - 12-26 Trend and Fluctuation in the Terms of Trade of Primary Exports
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 27-57 Strategy of Foreign Trade under Planned Economic Development -with Special Reference to China’s Experience
by Ishikawa, Shigeru - 58-67 Bank Debits and Deposit Turnover in Japan
by Ito, Masakichi - 68-83 The Armaments Expansion Budgets and the Japanese Economy after the Russo-Japanese War
by Ohkawa, Masazo - 84-96 A Simple Model of Economic Development in the Early Stage of Industrialization
by Fujino, Shozaburo
June 1964, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-15 The Phase of Unlimited Supplies of Labor
by Ohkawa, Kazushi & Minami, Ryoshin - 16-36 The Pattern of International Trade Among Advanced Countries
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 37-51 The Permanent Income and the Transaction Demand for Money by Households
by Fujino, Shozaburo - 52-89 Patterns of Industrial Growth in the United States and Sweden -A Critique of Hoffmann’s Hypothesis-
by Shionoya, Yuichi
February 1964, Volume 4, Issue 1/2
- 1-20 State and Economy in Historical Perspective
by Itagaki, Yoichi - 21-36 Factors in Japan’s Economic Growth
by Shinohara, Miyohei - 37-50 Progress in the Empirical Analysis of Consumption Function in Japan
by Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki - 51-61 A Model of Economic and Demographic Development
by Minami, Ryoshin
June 1963, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-5 Regional Input-Output Analysis -An Interpretation of Chenery’s Model-
by Yamada, Isamu - 6-15 The Growth of the Japanese Economy in the First Half of the Meiji Period -In Terms of Problems of Underdeveloped Nations
by Emi, Koichi - 16-24 Price Rise Based on Dynamic Productivity Differentials
by Takasuka, Yoshihiro - 25-36 Revolution and Chinese Tradition in Yenan Communism
by Muramatsu, Yuji - 37-67 A Study of the Local Administration of Adilshahi Sultanate (A.D. 1489-1686)
by Fukazawa, Hiroshi - 68-70 A Note on Input-Output Matrices
by Ara, Kenjiro
October 1962, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-9 The Definition and Range of the Small-Medium Business
by Yamanaka, Tokutaro - 10-33 Economic Fluctuations in Prewar Japan : A Preliminary Analysis of Cycles and Long Swings
by Ohkawa, Kazushi & 大川, 一司 & Rosovsky, Henry - 34-48 The Soviet Agriculture Today
by Nonomura, Kazuo - 49-60 The 300th Anniversary of J. Graunt’s Obseruations (1662) -An Essay on its present-day significance-
by Matsukawa, Shichiro - 61-72 The Historical Premises for the Modernization of Japan -On the structure of the Tokugawa Shogunate-
by Nagahara, Keiji - 73-82 Einige Notizen uder den XII. Internationalen Byzanitinistenkongress -Byzantinistik und Japan-
by Watanabe, Kinichi - 83-102 Some Aspects of a System of Integrated National Economic Accounts
by Kurabayashi, Yoshimasa
March 1962, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-15 Dynamic Analysis of Agricultural Income in Japan
by Baba, Keinosuke - 16-29 An Analysis of Employment Structure in Japan
by Umemura, Mataji - 30-39 Inventory Cycles and the Dual Structure
by Shinohara, Miyohei - 40-49 A Model of Dual Economy
by Ara, Kenjiro - 50-80 A Comparison of Size Structures in Indian and Japanese Manufacturing Industries
by Ishikawa, Shigeru - 81-89 The Problem of Rouble
by Nonomura, Kazuo
September 1961, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-12 Strategy and Policy of Economic Development in Underdeveloped Countries : A Significance of the Stage Theory
by Itagaki, Yoichi - 13-25 Balanced Growth and the Problem of Agriculture -with special reference to Asian peasant economy-
by Ohkawa, Kazushi & 大川, 一司 - 26-41 Labor, Capital and Land in Economic Growth
by Ara, Kenjiro - 42-55 Behavior of Commercial banks and the Supply of Money
by Fujino, Shozaburo - 56-66 A National Budget Model for Economic Planning
by Kurabayashi, Yoshimasa - 67-82 Freedom and Economic Theory -Second research report on Menger’s unpublished paper-
by Emil, Kauder
October 1960, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-12 The Japanese Economy and the Role of the Government
by Nakayama, Ichiro - 13-28 Some Notes on the Controversy Concerning Boeke’s “Dualistic Theory” : Implications for the Theory of Economic Development in Underdeveloped Countries
by Itagaki, Yoichi - 29-51 Economic Development and Import Dependence in Japan
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 52-58 The Logistic View Versus the National Income View of Foreign Trade Dependence, with Special Reference to Japan
by Hollerman, Leon - 59-83 Growth and the Long Swing in the Japanese Economy
by Shinohara, Miyohei - 84-89 A Note on the Keynesian Unemployment
by Ara, Kenjiro - 90-97 The Social Structure of Early Medieval Japan
by Nagahara, Keiji