June 1988, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 89-99 Stepwise Aggregation for Optimal Planning
by Kuboniwa, Masaaki - 101-115 Notes on the Foreign Trade Structure of Japan and the Federal Republic of Germany : A Comparative Snslysis by Input-Output-Tables
by Yoshinaga, Kohei
December 1987, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 87-105 Agreed Specialisation and Cross Direct Investment
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 107-122 Exports and Technological Changes in the Adjustment Process of the Japanese Economy in the 1970s
by Fujita, Natsuki & James, William,E. - 123-154 The Significance of Standerdization in the Development of the Machine-Tool Industry : The Cases of Japan and China (part 1)
by Kiyokawa, Yukihiko - 155-171 Development of the Farm Machinery Industry in Japan : A Case Study of the Walking Type Tractor
by Kako, Toshiyuki - 173-181 Some Thoughts in Sequential Two Sample Problems with Data Dependent Allocation Rule
by Takahashi, Hajime - 183-189 Support Prices for Optimal Programs of Capital Accumulation in a General Reduced Model under Uncertainty, 不確実性下の一般誘導型モデルにおける資本蓄積の最適計画に関する支持価格
by Takekuma, Shin-ichi
June 1987, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-25 Two Competing Hypotheses for the Nenko Wage System -Skill or Living Cost Compensation?-
by Ono, Akira - 27-39 Transplantation of the European Factory System and Adaptations in Japan : The Experience of the Tomioka Model Filature
by Kiyokawa, Yukihiko - 41-61 The Soviet Military Burden : A Critical Analysis of Current Research
by Dudkin, Lev & Дудкин, Лев & Vasilevsky, Anatol - 63-85 Input-Output Analysis of the Structure of Soviet Foreign Trade -A Comparative View-
by Kuboniwa, Masaaki
December 1986, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 99-109 Condition for the Aggregation of Industrial Sectors into the Capital-Goods Sector and the Consumption-Goods Sector
by Ara, Kenjiro - 111-132 Choice of Technology : A Case Study of the Japanese Cotton Weaving Industry 1902-1938
by Minami, Ryoshin & Makino, Fumio - 133-148 Overview of Fiscal Deficits in Japan : with Special Reference to the Fiscal Policy Debate
by Ishi, Hiromitsu - 149-165 Economic Growth and Regulation of Financial Markets : Japanese Experience during Postwar High Growth Period
by Teranishi, Juro - 167-180 Darling, Goodenough and McKenna : Economic Thoughts of the City towards British Return to Gold in 1925
by Kamitake, Yoshiro
June 1986, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-10 Technical Progress in Silk Industry in Prewar Japan -The Types of Borrowed Technology-
by Ono, Akira - 11-33 History and Present of the Helical Waterwheel ; Its Unique Position in the Modern Technology of Japan : Part I / Investigations for the Period of 1920-1942
by Murota, Takeshi - 35-47 Demand for and Supply of Price Information in Markets for Consumer Goods
by Arai, Kazuhiro - 49-75 Derivation of U. S. Commodity-By-Commodity Input-Output Tables from SNA Use and Make Tables
by Kuboniwa, Masaaki & Matsue, Yumiko & Arita, Fumiko - 77-97 From External Effects to Energy Externality : New Proposals in Environmental Economics
by Pillet, Gonzague
December 1985, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 99-116 The Allocation of Japanese Direct Foreign Investment and Its Evolution in Asia
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 117-124 The Economic Analysis fo the Multinational Enterprise : Reading Versus Japan ?
by Buckley, Peter J. - 125-133 Multinational Corporations and Global Welfare : An Extension of Kojima and Ozawa
by Gray, H.Peter - 135-145 Toward a Theory of Industrial Restructuring and Dynamic Comparative Advantage
by Kojima, Kiyoshi & Ozawa, Terutomo - 147-163 The Role of Small-Scale Industries in Employment and Exports of Asian Developing Countries
by Naya, Seiji - 165-180 Labour Adjustment in Japanese Incorporated Enterprises : An Empirical Analysis for the Period 1965-1983
by Brunello, Giorgio - 181-185 Heat Economy of the Water Planet Earth : Part II / Revision and Some New Results
by Murota, Takeshi
June 1985, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-35 Japanese and American Direct Investment in Asia : A Comparative Analysis
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 37-43 The Yen and the Dollar : Their Purchasing Power Parity in Efficient Markets
by Fatemi, Ali M. - 45-58 Tax Structure and Saving-Investment Balance
by Noguchi, Yukio - 59-82 Equity and Efficiency in the Public Goods Economy : Some Counterexamples
by Suzumura, Kotaro & Sato, Kimitoshi - 83-97 Inflation in a Large, Open Economy : The Scandinavian Model and the Japanese Economy
by Handa, Jagdish & Okiyama, Yukio
December 1984, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 105-123 Skill Formation in Development : Case Studies of Philippine Manufacturing (II)
by Odaka, Konosuke - 125-136 Transfer of Technology from Japan and the United States to Korean Manufacturing Industries : A Comparative Study
by Lee, Chung,H. - 137-144 The Critical Set of a Demand Correspondence in the Price Space and the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference
by Yamazaki, Akira - 145-154 On Duality Theory for the Continuous Time Model of Capital Accumulation, 資本蓄積の連続時間モデルに関する双対理論について
by Takekuma, Shin-ichi - 155-159 On Multivariate Left Orthogonal Invariant Distributions
by Kariya, Takeaki & Sinha, B.K. & Krishnaiah, P.K. - 161-172 Heat Economy of the Water Planet Earth : An Entropic Analysis and the Water-Soil Matrix Theory
by Murota, Takeshi - 173-182 S. Bowles et al. on Stagflation : A Commentary
by Tsuru, Tsuyoshi
June 1984, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-20 Micro- and Macro-Economic Models of Direct Foreign Investment : Toward a Synthesis
by Kojima, Kiyoshi & Ozawa, Terutomo - 21-29 International Tax Evasion and Avoidance in Japan
by Ishi, Hiromitsu - 31-59 The Diffusion of New Technologies in the Japanese Sericulture Industry : The Case of the Hybrid Silkworm
by Kiyokawa, Yukihiko - 61-69 First, Second and Third Order Efficienciencies of the Estimators for a Common Mean
by Kariya, Takeaki & Sinha, Bimal K. & Subramanyam, Kasala - 71-92 Expected-Utility-Maximizing Search
by Arai, Kazuhiro - 93-104 A New Concept of Equilibrium for a Private Ownership Economy with Profit-Making Firms, 利潤獲得企業が存在する私的所有経済の均衡に関する新概念
by Takekuma, Shin-ichi
December 1983, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 101-108 Optimal Rational Expectations
by Kariya, Takeaki - 109-118 On Existence of Optimal Programs of Capital Trading Structures : The Case of the Japanese General Trading Companies, 枯渇資源を伴う資本蓄積の最適計画の存在について
by Takekuma, Shin-ichi - 119-135 A Transactions Cost Approach to International Trading Structures : The Case of the Japanese General Trading Companies
by Roehl, Thomas - 137-141 Perron-Frobenius Theorem on Non-Negative Square Matrices : An Elementary Proof
by Suzumura, Kotaro - 143-148 A Comparison of Convergence Speed of Old and New Iterative Processes for an Input-Output System
by Kuboniwa, Masaaki - 149-152 On Open Preferences
by Yamazaki, Akira - 153-158 Comments on Professor Minoguchi’s Interpretation of the Treatse and the General Theory
by Mehta, Ghanshyam - 159-159 Reply to Professor Mehta
by Minoguchi, Takeo
June 1983, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-10 Increasing Medical Expenses and the Social Insurance System
by Emi, Koichi - 11-24 Skill Formation in Development : Case Studies of Philippine Manufacturing (I)
by Odaka, Konosuke - 25-41 Renewal of the Textile Industry in Developed Countries and World Textile Trade
by Yamazawa, Ippei - 43-68 Problems of Public Pensions in Japan
by Noguchi, Yukio - 69-94 Competitive Firm Structures and Equilibria in a Coalition Production Economy
by Yamazaki, Akira - 95-100 Macroeconomic Versus International Business Approach to Direct Foreign Investment : A Comment on Professor Kojima’s Interpretation
by Buckley, Peter J.
February 1983, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 1-20 Conditions for Technological Diffusion : Case of Power Looms
by Minami, Ryoshin & Makino, Fumio - 21-39 An Overview of Postwar Tax Policies in Japan
by Ishi, Hiromitsu - 40-47 Continuous Preference Relations Which are Observable in Markets
by Yamazaki, Akira - 48-56 Some Notes on the Life and Works of Sir Edward Holden
by Kamitake, Yoshiro - 57-67 Public Expenditure in Japan : A Comparative View
by Gould, Frank
June 1982, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-19 Macroeconomic versus International Business Approach to Direct Foreign Investment
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 20-28 Normal Approximation Theorem on the Size Distribution of “Blocking” Coalitions
by Yamazaki, Akira - 29-42 Money Market Stability under Alternative Reserve Requirement Rules
by Horiuchi, Akiyoshi & Oguri, Seiji - 53-67 Theories of the Seniority-based Wage System
by Arai, Kazuhiro - 68-84 Patterns of Final Demand, Demand Linkages Between Socio-Economic Groups and Income Distribution : The Case of Japan
by Grootaert, Christiaan
February 1982, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 1-15 Water Wheels in the Preindustrial Economy of Japan
by Minami, Ryoshin - 16-24 Some Questions about IS-LM Interpretation of the General Theory
by Minoguchi, Takeo - 25-43 A Model of the Relationship between Regulated and Unregulated Financial Markets : Credit Rationing in Japanese Context
by Teranishi, Juro - 44-61 Price Formation and Cooperative Behavior of Firms : A Limit Theorem on Competition among Firms, 価格形成と企業の協力的行動:企業間競争の極限定理
by Takekuma, Shin-ichi - 62-84 Trade Intensities and the Analysis of Bilateral Trade Flows in a Many-Country World : A Survey
by Drysdale, Peter & Garnaut, Ross
June 1981, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-19 A New Capitalism for A New International Economic Order
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 20-31 On the Intertemporal Non-Neutrality of Taxes on Land : A Dynamic Market Clearing Model
by Noguchi, Yukio - 32-60 The Patni System -A Modern Origin of the “Sub-Infeudation” of Bengal in the Nineteenth Century
by Taniguchi, Shinkichi - 61-71 Manufacturing Import Functions for Canada, Japan and the United States
by Akhtar, M.A.
February 1981, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 1-18 Borrowed Technology in the Iron and Steel Industry : A Comparison between Brazil, India and Japan
by Ono, Akira - 19-32 Inflation Adjustment for Individual Income Tax in Japan
by Ishi, Hiromitsu - 33-43 The Process of Writing the General Theory as ‘A Monetary Theory of Production’
by Minoguchi, Takeo - 44-68 Formation of the Census System in Japan : 1871-1945 -Development of the Statistical System in Japan Proper and her Colonies
by Matsuda, Yoshiro - 69-81 Real Money Balances and Production : A Partial Explanation of Japanese Economic Development for 1952-1968
by Sinai, Allen & Stokes, Houston H.
June 1980, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-14 Australia’s Trade with Asia : Some Policy Issues
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 15-26 Mechanical Power in the Industrialization of Japan : A Case Study of the Spinning Industry
by Minami, Ryoshin - 27-47 Effects of Taxation on the Distribution of Income and Wealth in Japan
by Ishi, Hiromitsu - 48-64 Optimal Pricing, Labour Values and Planning with Step-wise Aggregation
by Kuboniwa, Masaaki
February 1980, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 1-10 Manufactured Exports from Thailand and the Japanese Market
by Yamazawa, Ippei - 11-25 A Dynamic Model of Incremental Budgeting
by Noguchi, Yukio - 26-41 United States and Japanese Direct Investment in Korea : A Comparative Study
by Lee, Chung H. - 42-52 A Comment on Professor Kojima’s “Japanese Type versus American Type of Technology Transfer”
by Mason, R.Hal
June 1979, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-19 Economic Growth of Korea under the Japanese Occupation -Background of Industrialization of Korea 1911-1940-
by Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki - 20-32 Occupancy of Deserted Farming Plots by Ke-hu under the Tang Dynasty
by Nakagawa, Manabu - 33-43 The Role of Future Oriented Technology in Japan’s Economic Development
by Blumenthal, Tvia & Teubal, Morris - 44-58 Environmental Goods and Earnings Differences among Japanese Cities
by Vandenbrink, Donna Craig
December 1978, Volume 19, Issue 1/2
- 1-15 Direct Foreign Investment to Developing Countries : The Issue of Over-Presence
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 16-32 Government-Type and Market-Type Higher Education : A Comparative Survey of Financing Higher Education in the Soviet Union, Great Britain, the United States and Japan
by Ohkawa, Masazo - 33-48 Parable and Realism in the Theory of Capital : A Generalization of Prof. Samuelson’s Theory of Surrogate Production Function
by Ara, Kenjiro - 49-61 The Core of “The General Theory”
by Minoguchi, Takeo - 62-74 Japan Seen from the Focus of Her Economic Policy
by Pertot, Vladimir
February 1978, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 1-17 Giant Multinational Corporations : Merits and Defects
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 18-32 Modeling Dualistic Development in Japan
by Minami, Ryoshin & Ono, Akira - 33-61 Industrialization and External Relations : Comparative Analysis of Japan’s Historical Experience and Contemporary Developing Countries’ Performance
by Yamazawa, Ippei & Hirata, Akira - 62-75 On the Factor-Price Frontier in the Pure Theory of International Trade
by Ikema, Makoto
June 1977, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-18 Direct Foreign Investment between Advanced Industrialized Countries
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 19-24 A Note on Unemployment Differentials between Black and White Workers in the United States
by Wolfson, Murray & Orzech, Ze'ev B. - 25-30 International Trade and Capital Movements -A Re-examination-
by Bechler, Ekkehard - 31-34 A Rejoinder on “International Trade and Capital Movements”
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 35-39 Mundell and Kojima on Trade and Capital Movements
by Minabe, Nobuo - 40-41 Bechler’s International Trade and Capital Movements : A Comment
by Minabe, Nobuo
February 1977, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-14 Transfer of Technology to Developing Countries -Japanese Type versus American Type-
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 15-32 Typology of Trade Intensity Indices
by Kunimoto, Kazutaka - 33-50 Sir William Petty : An Unpublished Manuscript
by Matsukawa, Shichiro - 51-65 Size Distribution Analysis Packaged Program and Income Distribution Data Base
by Matsuda, Yoshiro & Nojima, Noriyuki & Sugiyama, Ayako & Terasaki, Yasuhiro
June 1976, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-8 A Competitive Bipolar Key Currency System
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 9-19 Financing of Health Care in Japan
by Emi, Koichi - 20-28 Factor Market Distortions and Factor Substitution in Two-Sector Growth Models
by Hsiao, Frank S.T. - 29-35 Extensions of the Concept of Trade Intensity
by Roemer, John,E.
February 1976, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-16 Economic Integration in the Asian-Pacific Region
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 17-28 Maharashtrian Village Community in the Deccan Riots of 1875
by Fukazawa, Hiroshi - 29-32 Monopoly in the Production of Intermediate Goods
by Ikema, Makoto - 33-38 Japan-Australia Merchandise Trade : Structural Effects on the Australian Economy
by James, David,E.
June 1975, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-12 International Trade and Foreign Investment : Substitutes or Complements
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 13-21 Max Weber und unsere Zeit
by Watanabe, Kinichi - 22-29 The Many Possible Extensions of Product Cycle Analysis
by Rapp, William,V. - 30-33 Capital-Output Ratio in a Liquid Capital Goods Madel
by Ara, Kenjiro
February 1975, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-14 Some Problems of Population Movements in China under the T’ang Dynasty (II)
by Nakagawa, Manabu - 15-40 Effectiveness of KWIC Index as an Information Retrieval Technique for Social Sciences
by Matsuda, Yoshiro & Matsui, Sachiko - 41-53 Protection for Manufactures in Peninsular Malaysia
by Ariff, K.A.M.
June 1974, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-10 Japan and a New World Economic Order
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 11-18 Ein neues Forschungsfeld der Byzantinistik : Ideologie und soziale Wirklichkeit in Byzanz -Eine Stellungnahme zu einigen Ardeiten Hans-Georg Becks-
by Watanabe, Kinichi - 19-25 Seasonal Income and Consumption in Japan and the United States, 1961/4 to 1969/1
by Lucken, J.A. - 26-35 Professor Kojima on the Macroeconomics of Foreign Direct Investment
by Arndt, H.W. - 36-38 Reply
by Kojima, Kiyoshi
February 1974, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 1-8 La peinture murale de TAKAMATSU-ZUKA et le monde extreme-oriental du Haut Moyen Age
by Watanabe, Kinichi - 9-36 Structure and Change of the ‘Sharehold Village’ (Bhagdari or Narwadari Village) in the Nineteenth Century British Gujarat
by Fukazawa, Hiroshi - 37-53 Foreign Trade in Taiwan and Korea under Japanese Rule
by Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki - 54-75 Monopoly Prices in Japan
by Matsuishi, Katsuhiko - 76-86 Industrial Structure in a Dual Economy
by Engwall, Lars
June 1973, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-21 A Macroeconomic Approach to Foreign Direct Investment
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 22-43 Use of National Accounts as a Basis of Economic Data System
by Kurabayashi, Yoshimasa - 44-55 Wage Adjustments in Postwar Japan : An Alternative Approach to the Phillips-Lipsey Curve
by Minami, Ryoshin - 56-83 Cyclical Behavior of Government Receipts and Expenditures -A Case Study of Postwar Japan-
by Ishi, Hiromitsu
February 1973, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-28 Reorganisation of North-South Trade : Japan’s Foreign Economic Policy for the 1970s
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 29-36 Reconsideration of the Theory of Rent
by Minoguchi, Takeo - 37-42 Some Notes on Utility Function
by Ara, Kenjiro - 43-46 Boundedness of the Closed Economy with Samuelson-Leontief Technology
by Suzumura, Kotaro
June 1972, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-39 Nontariff Barriers to Japan’s Trade
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 40-56 Consumer Prices and Real Wages in Taiwan and Korea under Japanese Rule
by Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki - 57-72 Transformations of the Labor Market in Postwar Japan
by Minami, Ryoshin
February 1972, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-13 Banner Estates and Banner Lands in 18th Century China -Evidence from Two New Sources
by Muramatsu, Yuji - 14-40 Rural Servants in the 18th Century Maharashtrian Village -Demiurgic or Jajmani System?
by Fukazawa, Hiroshi - 41-59 Industry Growth and Foreign Trade -A Study of Japan’s Steel Industry-
by Yamazawa, Ippei - 60-72 The Growth Rate as a Determinant of the Saving Ratio
by Yoshihara, Kunio
June 1971, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-9 A Pacific Free Trade Area : A New Design for World Trade Expansion
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 10-21 An Analysis of the Interdependence between Service and Goods-Producing Sectors
by Miyazawa, Kenichi - 22-32 The Structure and Its Movements of the Tertiary Industry in Japan
by Emi, Koichi - 33-46 Two Departments Analysis of Production Structure during the Upswing of the Business Cycle
by Matsuishi, Katsuhiko
February 1971, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-10 A Note on the Corvee System (vethbegar) in the Eighteenth Century Maratha Kingdom
by Fukazawa, Hiroshi - 11-21 Structural Changes in World Trade Flows
by Yamazawa, Ippei - 22-47 The Pattern of Development of Production-Means Producing Department and Consumption-Means Producing Department in the Upward Process of the Business Cycle
by Matsuishi, Katsuhiko - 48-64 Economic Growth and Social Capital
by Nishibe, Susumu & Kiyokawa, Yukihiko - 65-66 Additivity of Inputs in Transformation Function
by Ara, Kenjiro - 67-72 A Pacific Currency Area : Comment
by Arndt, H.W. - 73-76 A Pacific Currency Area : Reply to Professor Arndt’s Comment
by Kojima, Kiyoshi
June 1970, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-29 Structure of Comparative Advantage in Industrial Countries : A Verification of the Factor-Proportions Theorem
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 30-57 An Analysis of Consumption Pattern in Post-War Japan
by Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki - 58-112 Further Considerations on the Turning Point in the Japanese Economy (III)
by Minami, Ryoshin - 113-116 The Growth of Industrial Economies
by Hoffmann, Walther,G. - 117-121 Reply to Professor Hoffmann
by Shionoya, Yuichi
February 1970, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-17 A Pacific Currency Area : A New Approach to International Monetary Reform
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 18-60 Further Considerations on the Turning Point in the Japanese Economy (I)
by Minami, Ryoshin - 61-90 Intensity Analysis of World Trade Flow
by Yamazawa, Ippei
June 1969, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-17 Asian Developing Countries and PAFTA : Development, Aid and Trade Preferences
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 18-32 The Structure of Income Redistribution within the Framework of an Extended System of National Accounts
by Kurabayashi, Yoshimasa - 33-55 Indices of the Excess Demand for Labor in Prewar Japan, 1929-39 : A Preliminary Study
by Odaka, Konosuke - 56-62 Japan’s Dependence on Exports in Contrast with That of Six Other Nations
by Forrest, Matthew,D. & Yoshihara, Kunio
February 1969, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-12 Trade Preferences for Developing Countries : A Japanese Assessment
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 13-34 Time-Series Analysis of the Consumption Function in Japan by Occupational Group
by Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki - 35-42 Some Problems of Population Movements in China under the T’ang Dynasty (I)
by Nakagawa, Manabu - 43-60 Factor-Proportions Theory Reconsidered
by Yamazawa, Ippei - 61-67 A Note on the Life-Cycle Pattern of Saving in Japan
by Blumenthal, Tuvia
June 1968, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-31 Japan’s Interest in the Pacific Trade Expansion : PAFTA Re-Considered
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 32-44 State and Caste System (jati) in the Eighteenth Century Maratha Kingdom
by Fukazawa, Hiroshi - 45-63 The Income Elasticity of the Tax Yield in Japan
by Ishi, Hiromitsu - 64-75 Structural Factors Causing Present-Day Inflation
by Minoguchi, Takeo
February 1968, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-38 Formation and Transition of the Dual Economy in Japan
by Shinohara, Miyohei - 39-58 Input-Output Analysis and Interrelational Income Multiplier as a Matrix
by Miyazawa, Kenichi - 59-70 On the High Personal Saving Ratio in Japan
by Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki - 71-100 A History of Money Wages in the Northern Kyushu Industrial Area, 1898-1939
by Odaka, Konosuke
June 1967, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-26 Trends in Exports of Manufactured and Semi-manufactured Goods from Developing Countries
by Kojima, Kiyoshi - 27-40 International Comparison of Saving Ratios by Occupational Groups (II)
by Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki - 41-64 On Employment and Wage-differential Structure in Japan : A Survey
by Odaka, Konosuke - 65-76 A Note on Regional Economic Development -A Factor Analysis on the Japanese Case-
by Yamamura, Kozo - 77-78 A Note on Technical Progress
by Ara, Kenjiro
February 1967, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-38 Industrial Growth, Regional Structure and Differentials in Japan
by Shinohara, Miyohei