- 60 Separation of Powers, Political Competition and Efficient Provision of Public Goods
by Aristotelis Boukouras & Kostas Koufopoulos - 59 Frictions to Political Competition and Financial Openness
by Aristotelis Boukouras & Kostas Koufopoulos - 58 Political Competition, Ideology and Corruption
by Aristotelis Boukouras & Kostas Koufopoulos
- 57 Aid-Dependency and Attributes of an Aid-Exit Strategy
by Admasu Shiferaw & Degol Hailu - 56 Multi-product Firms and Product Basket Adjustments in Ethiopian Manufacturing
by Admasu Shiferaw - 55 Distribution Dynamics of Regional GDP per Employee in Unifi ed Germany
by Sebastian Vollmer & Hajo Holzmann & Florian Ketterer & Stephan Klasen - 54 Price Dynamics in Tanzanian Maize Markets: Insights from a Semiparametric Cointegration Model
by Rico Ihle & Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel - 53 Assessing Seasonal Asymmetric Price Transmission in Ghanaian Tomato Markets With the Johansen Estimation Method
by Rico Ihle & Joseph Amikuzuno - 52 Deadly Cities? A Note on Spatial Inequalities in Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Isabel Günther & Kenneth Harttgen - 51 Stages of Agricultural Commercialization in Uganda: The Role of the Markets
by Oleg Nivievskyi & Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel & Sergiy Zorya - 50 Direct Simultaneous Inference in Additive Models and its Application to Model Undernutrition
by Manuel Wiesenfarth & Tatyana Krivobokova & Stephan Klasen & Stefan Sperlich - 49 Foreign Aid and Recipient Countries’ Exports: Does Aid Promote Bilateral Trade?
by Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D. & Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso & Adriana Cardozo & Dierk Herzer & Stephan Klasen - 48 Linking Smallholders to Markets: Determinants and Impacts of Farmer Collective Action in Kenya
by Elisabeth Fischer & Matin Qaim - 47 Poverty Severity in a Multidimensional Framework: The Issue of Inequality between Dimensions
by Nicole Rippin - 46 Identifying the Income-Poor: Some Controversies in India and Elsewhere
by Sreenivasan Subramanian - 45 Child Costs and the Causal Effect of Fertility on Female Labor Supply: An investigation for Indonesia 1993-2008
by Jan Priebe - 44 Vulnerability to Downside Risk and Poverty in Vietnam
by Felix Povel - 43 Perceived Vulnerability to Downside Risk
by Felix Povel - 42 Throwing Foreign Aid at HIV/AIDS in Developing Countries: Missing the Target?
by Peter Nunnenkamp & Hannes Öhler - 41 Fragility and MDG Progress: How useful is the Fragility Concept?
by Kenneth Harttgen & Stephan Klasen - 40 Who crops coca and why? The case of Colombian farmers
by Marcela Ibáñez - 39 Adoption of certified organic technologies: The case of coffee farming in Colombia
by Marcela Ibáñez - 38 Funding, Competition and the Efficiency of NGOs: An Empirical Analysis of Non-charitable Expenditure of US NGOs Engaged in Foreign Aid
by Peter Nunnenkamp & Hannes Öhler - 37 On weighting the components of the Human Development Index: A statistical justification
by Georges Nguefack-Tsague & Stephan Klasen & Walter Zucchini - 36 Does membership on the UN Security Council influence IMF conditionality?
by Axel Dreher & Jan-Egbert Sturm & James Raymond Vreeland - 35 Undernutrition and the Nutrition Transition: Revising the undernutrition aspect of MDG I
by Mark Misselhorn - 34 Does Conditionality Work? A Test for an Innovative US Aid Scheme
by Hannes Öhler & Peter Nunnenkamp & Axel Dreher - 33 Cash Crop Choice and Income Dynamics in Rural Areas: Evidence for Post-Crisis Indonesia
by Stephan Klasen & Jan Priebe & Robert Rudolf - 32 Low Malnutrition but High Mortality: Explaining the Puzzle of the Lake Victoria Region
by Johannes Gräb & Jan Priebe - 31 A Constructive Proof for the Extremal Coefficient of a Dissipative Max-Stable Process on Z being a Set Covariance
by Andree Ehlert & Martin Schlather - 30 Some Results for Extreme Value Processes in Analogy to the Gaussian Spectral Representation
by Andree Ehlert & Martin Schlather - 29 Why it pays for aid recipients to take note of the Millennium Challenge Corporation: Other donors do!
by Axel Dreher & Peter Nunnenkamp & Hannes Öhler - 28 Supermarkets, farm household income, and poverty: Insights from Kenya
by Elizaphan J.O. Rao & Matin Qaim - 27 Opportunities and constraints in agriculture: A gendered analysis of cocoa production in Southern Cameroon
by Wokia-azi N. Kumase & Herve Bisseleua & Stephan Klasen - 26 The costs of favoritism: Is politically-driven aid less effective?
by Axel Dreher & Stephan Klasen & James Raymond Vreeland & Eric Werker - 25 Are ‘New’ Donors Different? Comparing the Allocation of Bilateral Aid between Non-DAC and DAC Donor Countries
by Axel Dreher & Peter Nunnenkamp & Rainer Thiele - 24 Reexamining the link between gender and corruption: The role of social institutions
by Boris Branisa & Maria Ziegler - 23 Aid Allocation by German NGOs: Does the Degree of Public Refinancing Matter?
by Axel Dreher & Peter Nunnenkamp & Susann Thiel & Rainer Thiele - 22 The Dynamics of Job Creation and Job Destruction: Is Sub-Saharan Africa Different?
by Admasu Shiferaw & Arjun Bedi
- 21 Matching Household Surveys with DHS Data to Create Nationally Representative Time Series of Poverty: An Application to Bolivia
by Melanie Grosse & Stephan Klasen & Julius Spatz - 20 On the relation between income inequality and happiness: Do fairness perceptions matter?
by Christian Bjørnskov & Axel Dreher & Justina A.V. Fischer & Jan Schnellenbach - 19 An Assessment of the Effects of the 2002 Food Crisis on Children’s Health in Malawi
by Renate Hartwig & Michael Grimm - 18 Farmer participation in supermarket channels and technical efficiency: The case of vegetable production in Kenya
by Elizaphan J.O. Rao & Matin Qaim - 17 A survey-based choice experiment on coca cultivation
by Marcela Ibanez & Fredrik Carlsson - 16 Aid Allocation through Various Official and Private Channels: Need, Merit and Self-Interest as Motives of German Donors
by Peter Nunnenkamp & Hannes Öhler - 15 Why we should all care about social institutions related to gender inequality
by Boris Branisa & Stephan Klasen & Maria Ziegler - 14 Endogenous Institutional Change and Economic Development: A Micro-Level Analysis of Transmission Channels
by Michael Grimm & Stephan Klasen - 13 Productive efficiency of specialty and conventional coffee farmers in Costa Rica: Accounting for technological heterogeneity and self-selection
by Meike Wollni & Bernhard Brümmer - 12 Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Penalized Spline Estimators
by Tatyana Krivobokova & Thomas Kneib & Gerda Claeskens - 11 Levels and Trends in Absolute Poverty in the World: What we know and what we don’t
by Stephan Klasen - 10 New Measures of Gender Inequality: The Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)and its Subindices
by Boris Branisa & Stephan Klasen & Maria Ziegler - 9 Pro-Poor Growth Using Non-Income Indicators: An Empirical Illustration for Colombia
by Adriana Cardozo & Melanie Grosse - 8 Pro-Poor Progress in Education in Developing Countries?
by Kenneth Hartgen & Stephan Klasen & Mark Misselhorn - 7 Aid and Trade - A Donor’s Perspective
by Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D. & Inmaculada Martínez Zarzoso & Stephan Klasen & Dierk Herzer - 6 Inequality in Human Development: An empirical assessment of thirty-two countries
by Michael Grimm & Kenneth Harttgen & Stephan Klasen & Mark Misselhorn & Teresa Munzi & Timothy Smeeding - 5 A Human Development Index by Internal Migrational Status
by Kenneth Harttgen & Stephan Klasen - 4 Read my lips: the role of information transmission in multilateral reform design
by Silvia Marchesi & Laura Sabani & Axel Dreher - 3 History without Evidence: Latin American Inequality since 1491
by Jeffrey G. Williamson - 2 Which Firms Invest Less Under Uncertainty? Evidence from Ethiopian Manufacturing
by Admasu Shiferaw - 1 Acting Autonomously or Mimicking the State and Peers? A Panel Tobit Analysis of Financial Dependence and Aid Allocation by Swiss NGOs
by Axel Dreher & Peter Nunnenkamp & Hannes Öhler & Johannes Weisser
- 267 Health shocks and risk aversion: Panel and experimental evidence from Vietnam
by Jan Priebe & Ute Rink & Henry Stemmler - 266 Home bias in humanitarian aid: The role of regional favoritism in the allocation of international disaster relief
by Christian Bommer & Axel Dreher & Marcello Perez-Alvarez - 265 Anemia, diet, and cognitive development: Impact of health information on diet quality and child nutrition in rural India
by Marion Krämer & Santosh Kumar & Sebastian Vollmer - 264 Child-specific son preference, birth order and cognitive skills in early childhood
by Cara Ebert & Sebastian Vollmer - 263 From 'MeToo' to Boko Haram: A survey of levels and trends of gender inequality in the world
by Stephan Klasen - 262 Maternal Age and Offspring Human Capital in India
by Marcello Perez-Alvarez & Marta Favara - 261 What Explains the Uptake of Development Interventions?
by Lennart Kaplan & Jana Kuhnt & Katharina Richert & Sebastian Vollmer - 260 An absolute multidimensional poverty measure in the functioning space (and relative measure in the resource space): An Illustration using Indian data
by Caroline Dotter & Stephan Klasen