- 94-12 Revenues from the inflation tax and the Laffer curve: some preliminary empirical findings for Argentina and Israel
by Carlos E. Zarazaga - 94-11 Viability of traditional banking activities: evidence from shifts in conduct and excess capacity
by Sherrill Shaffer - 94-10 Models of the term structure of interest rates
by John Y. Campbell & Andrew W. Lo & A. Craig MacKinlay - 93-28/R Market conduct and aggregate excess capacity in banking: a cross- country comparison
by Sherrill Shaffer - 93-27/R Do suburbs need cities?
by Richard Voith - 95-5 The dynamics of the exchange rate under a crawling peg regime: a game theory approach
by Gregory P. Hopper - 95-3 A welfare comparison of intermediaries and financial markets in Germany and the U.S
by Franklin Allen & Douglas Gale - 94-9 Financing constraints and investment: new evidence from hospital industry data
by Paul S. Calem & John A. Rizzo - 94-8 Bank managers' objectives
by Joseph P. Hughes & Loretta J. Mester - 94-7 The importance of the tax system in determining the marginal cost of funds
by Shaghil Ahmed & Dean Croushore - 94-6 Shared ownership and pricing in a network switch
by James J. McAndrews & Rafael Rob - 94-5 The marginal cost of funds with nonseparable public spending
by Shaghil Ahmed & Dean Croushore - 94-3 The optimal inflation tax when income taxes distort: reconciling MUF and shopping-time models
by Dean Croushore
- 93-30 Entry and exit, product variety and the business cycle
by Satyajit Chatterjee & Russell W. Cooper - 93-29 Inventories, production smoothing, and anticipated demand variations
by Satyajit Chatterjee & B. Ravikumar - 93-28 Market conduct and excess capacity in banking: a cross-country comparison
by Sherrill Shaffer - 93-27 Does city income growth increase suburban income growth, house value appreciation, and population growth?
by Richard Voith - 93-26 Hyperinflations and moral hazard in the appropriation of seigniorage
by Carlos E. Zarazaga - 93-25 Macroeconomic risk and Treasury bill pricing: an application of the Factor-Arch model
by Keith Sill - 93-24 Recent research in commercial banking: information and lending
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 93-23 The impact of branch banking on pricing and service availability: theory and evidence
by Paul S. Calem & Leonard I. Nakamura - 93-22 Testing neoclassical convergence in regional incomes and earnings
by Gerald A. Carlino & Leonard O. Mills - 93-21 What determines the sacrifice ratio?
by Laurence Ball - 93-20 Money and output: the relative importance of real and nominal shocks
by Shaghil Ahmed - 93-19 Patterns of residential mortgage activity in Philadelphia's low-and moderate-income neighborhoods: 1990-1991
by Paul S. Calem - 93-18 Network externalities and shared electronic banking network adoption
by Robert J. Kauffman & James J. McAndrews - 93-17 Accounting for the demand for financial capital and risk-taking in bank cost functions
by Joseph P. Hughes & Loretta J. Mester - 93-16 Why are credit card rates sticky?
by Loretta J. Mester - 93-15 Loan screening within and outside of customer relationships
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 93-14 Ricardian equivalence with wage-rate uncertainty
by Dean Croushore - 93-13 Relative-price changes as aggregate supply shocks
by Laurence Ball & N. Gregory Mankiw - 93-12 Regime switching with time-varying transition probabilities
by Francis X. Diebold & Joon-Haeng Lee & Gretchen C. Weinbach - 93-11 Testing structural stability with endogenous break point: a size comparison of analytic and bootstrap procedures
by Celia Chen & Francis X. Diebold - 93-10/R A positive analysis of bank closure
by George J. Mailath & Loretta J. Mester - 93-10 When do regulators close banks? When should they?
by George J. Mailath & Loretta J. Mester - 94-4 The durability of information, market efficiency, and the size of firms
by Arthur Fishman & Rafael Rob - 94-2 A positive analysis of bank closure
by George J. Mailath & Loretta J. Mester - 94-1 Efficiency of banks in the Third Federal Reserve District
by Loretta J. Mester - 93-9 Strategic complementarity in business formation: aggregate fluctuations and sunspot equilibria
by Satyajit Chatterjee & Russell W. Cooper & B. Ravikumar - 93-8 Stable cartels with a Cournot fringe
by Sherrill Shaffer - 93-6 On comparing information in forecasts from econometric models: a comment on Fair and Shiller
by Francis X. Diebold - 93-5 On maximum-likelihood estimation of the differencing parameter of fractionally integrated noise with unknown mean
by Yin-Wong Cheung & Francis X. Diebold - 93-4 Exact maximum likelihood estimation of ARCH models
by Francis X. Diebold & Til Schuermann - 93-3 Financial intermediation as vertical integration
by Mitchell Berlin & Loretta J. Mester - 93-2 On cointegration and exchange rate dynamics
by Francis X. Diebold & Javier Gardeazabal & Kamil Yilmaz - 93-1 Regional income dynamics
by Gerald A. Carlino & Robert H. DeFina
- 92-26 PSTAR+: a small macro model for policymakers
by Herbert E. Taylor - 92-25 Can a time-varying risk premium explain the failure of uncovered interest parity in the market for foreign exchange?
by Gregory P. Hopper - 92-24 Search, switching costs, and the stickiness of credit card interest rates
by Paul S. Calem & Loretta J. Mester - 92-23 A note on antitrust in a stochastic market
by Sherrill Shaffer - 92-22 Sources of macroeconomic fluctuations in small open economies
by Shaghil Ahmed & Jae Ha Park - 92-21 Estimating house price appreciation: a comparison of methods
by Theodore M. Crone & Richard Voith - 92-20 \"Flight to quality\" in bank lending and economic activity
by William W. Lang & Leonard I. Nakamura - 92-19 Vector-autoregression forecast models for the Third District states
by Theodore M. Crone & Sherry Delaney & Leonard O. Mills - 92-18 Bank branching
by Leonard I. Nakamura & Bruno Parigi - 92-17 Optimal linear taxation of polluting firms
by Sherrill Shaffer - 92-16 An empirical investigation of money demand in the cash-in-advance model framework
by Keith Sill - 92-15 The importance of the tax system in determining the marginal cost of funds
by Shaghil Ahmed & Dean Croushore - 92-14 Efficiency in the savings and loan industry
by Loretta J. Mester - 92-13 Structure, conduct, performance, and welfare
by Sherrill Shaffer - 92-12 Reputation acquisition and persistence of moral hazard in credit markets
by Paul S. Calem - 92-11 A revenue-restricted cost study of 100 large banks
by Sherrill Shaffer - 92-10 Leasing as a lottery: implications for rational building surges and increasing vacancies
by Joseph Gyourko & Richard Voith - 93-7 Monetary policy and oil price shocks: empirical implications of alternative responses
by Robert H. DeFina & Herbert E. Taylor - 92-9 Debt covenants and renegotiation
by Mitchell Berlin & Loretta J. Mester - 92-8 Perfectual signaling with imperfectly correlated costs
by Loretta J. Mester - 92-7 Results of a survey of ATM network pricing
by James J. McAndrews - 92-6 Ricardian equivalence under income uncertainty
by Dean Croushore - 92-5 The location and quality effects of mergers
by Paul S. Calem - 92-4 Further evidence concerning expense preference and the Fed
by Loretta J. Mester - 92-3 The Delaware Valley Mortgage Plan: an analysis using HMDA data
by Paul S. Calem - 92-2 The marginal cost of funds with nonseparable public spending
by Shaghil Ahmed & Dean Croushore
- 91-24 When do regulators close banks? When should they?
by George J. Mailath & Loretta J. Mester - 91-23 A neoclassical model of seasonal fluctuations
by Satyajit Chatterjee & B. Ravikumar - 91-22 The effect of transitional dynamics on the distribution of wealth in a neoclassical capital accumulation model
by Satyajit Chatterjee - 91-21 A quality and risk-adjusted cost function for banks: evidence on the \" too-big-to-fail\" doctrine
by Joseph P. Hughes & Loretta J. Mester - 91-20 The effects of countercyclical monetary policy on money and interest rates: an evaluation of evidence from FOMC documents
by John F. Boschen & Leonard O. Mills - 91-19 Changing capitalization of CBD-oriented transportation systems: evidence from Philadelphia, 1970-1988
by Richard Voith - 91-18 Have regional per-capita incomes converged?
by Gerald A. Carlino & Leonard O. Mills - 91-17 Potential merger synergies among large commercial banks
by Sherrill Shaffer - 91-16 The effects of exchange rate and productivity changes on U.S. industrial output at the state level
by Gerald A. Carlino & Brian J. Cody & Richard Voith - 91-15 Optimal acceptance policies for journals
by Leonard I. Nakamura & Sherrill Shaffer - 91-14 Efficient two-part tariffs with uncertainty and interdependent demand
by Sherrill Shaffer - 91-13 Property taxes, homeownership capitalization rates, and housing consumption
by William T. Bogart & Richard Voith - 91-12 Conduct in a banking duopoly
by James DiSalvo & Sherrill Shaffer - 91-11 Further evidence on business cycle duration dependence
by Francis X. Diebold & Glenn D. Rudebusch & Daniel E. Sichel - 91-10 Forecast announcements and locally persistent bias
by Sherrill Shaffer - 92-1 Commercial bank information: implications for the structure of banking
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 91-9 Delegating monitoring with diseconomies of scale
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 91-8 The short-run costs of disinflation
by Dean Croushore - 91-7 The effect of rent control on housing quality change: a longitudinal analysis
by Choon-Geol Moon & Janet G. Stotsky - 91-6 Expense preference and the Fed revisited
by Loretta J. Mester - 91-5 Reputation acquisition, collateral, and moral hazard in debt markets
by Paul S. Calem - 91-4 Financing constraints and investment: new evidence from the U.S. hospital industry
by Paul S. Calem & John A. Rizzo - 91-3 Housing appraisals and redlining
by William W. Lang & Leonard I. Nakamura - 91-2 Worker debt with bankruptcy
by James J. McAndrews & Leonard I. Nakamura - 91-1 A measure of Federal Reserve credibility
by Dean Croushore & Ronald S. Koot
- 90-30 Reforming deposit insurance when banks conduct loan workouts and runs are possible
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 90-29 Monetary and exchange rate policies in anticipation of a European central bank
by Brian J. Cody - 90-28 Regulation and endogenous contestability
by Sherrill Shaffer - 90-26 Who changes the prime rate?
by Loretta J. Mester & Anthony Saunders - 90-25 The impact of domestic market structure on exchange rate pass-through
by Ahmed H. Mohamed - 90-24 Stable cartels with a Cournot fringe
by Sherrill Shaffer - 90-23 Persistence and convergence in relative regional incomes
by Gerald A. Carlino & Leonard O. Mills - 90-22 Transportation, sorting, and house values in the Philadelphia metropolitan area
by Richard Voith - 90-21 Debt covenants and renegotiation
by Mitchell Berlin & Loretta J. Mester - 90-20 The role of monetary and real shocks in near-permanent movements in GNP
by John F. Boschen & Leonard O. Mills - 90-19 Seigniorage and the European Community: is European economic and monetary union in danger?
by Brian J. Cody - 90-18 A test of competition in Canadian banking
by Sherrill Shaffer - 90-17 Regional authorities, public services, and the location of economic activity
by James J. McAndrews & Richard Voith - 90-16 When does the prime rate change?
by Loretta J. Mester & Anthony Saunders - 90-15 Taxation as insurance against income uncertainty
by Dean Croushore - 90-14 Aggregate deposit insurance funding and taxpayer bailouts
by Sherrill Shaffer - 90-13 Perpetual signaling with imperfectly correlated costs
by Loretta J. Mester - 90-12 Optimal bank closure for deposit insurers
by William W. Lang & Leonard I. Nakamura - 90-11 Forecasting trends in the housing stock using age-specific demographic projections
by Theodore M. Crone & Leonard O. Mills - 90-10 Local market and national components in house price appreciation
by Joseph Gyourko & Richard Voith - 90-9 The welfare effects of distortionary taxation and government spending: some new results
by Shaghil Ahmed & Dean Croushore - 90-8 Ricardian equivalence under income uncertainty
by Dean Croushore - 90-3 Traditional and nontraditional banking: an information-theoretic approach
by Loretta J. Mester - 90-2 The role of commodity prices in formulating monetary policy
by Brian J. Cody & Leonard O. Mills
- 89-30 Are bank loans unique? The case of hospital debt financing
by Paul S. Calem & John A. Rizzo - 89-29 On the reasons for gradual markdowns by retailers
by Paul S. Calem - 89-28 Regulatory distortion of competition
by Sherrill Shaffer - 89-27 Testing for expense preference behavior: mutual versus stock savings and loans
by Loretta J. Mester - 89-26 The concentration/conduct relationship in bank deposit markets
by Paul S. Calem & Gerald A. Carlino - 89-25 Money in the utility function: an adequate microfoundation of money?
by Dean Croushore - 89-24 The effect of government bonds on asset prices: an asset markets equilibrium approach
by Joel F. Houston & Aris Protopapadakis - 89-23 The dynamics of credit markets in a model with learning
by William W. Lang & Leonard I. Nakamura - 89-22 Multiple-market contact in an incomplete-information model with imperfectly correlated cost
by Loretta J. Mester - 89-21 In search of a stable velocity relationship
by Herbert E. Taylor - 89-20 Transactions costs and optimal inflation
by Dean Croushore - 89-19 Bubbles and stock price volatility
by Behzad T. Diba - 89-18 Transaction costs and option configuration
by Sherrill Shaffer - 89-17 Cournot oligopoly with external costs
by Sherrill Shaffer - 89-16 Real and monetary explanations of permanent movements in GNP
by John F. Boschen & Leonard O. Mills - 89-15 Entry-deterring debt
by James J. McAndrews & Leonard I. Nakamura - 89-14 The optimal response of monetary policy to oil price shocks
by Robert H. DeFina & Herbert E. Taylor - 89-13 Learning in the marketplace: free entry is free riding
by William W. Lang & Leonard I. Nakamura - 89-12 An examination of wage behavior in macroeconomic models with long term contracts
by William W. Lang - 89-11 Loan workouts and commercial bank information: why banks are special
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 89-10 The federal funds rate and the channels of monetary transmission
by Ben S. Bernanke & Alan S. Blinder - 88-21 Viability in multiproduct industries
by Loretta J. Mester - 90-7 Consumer choice with state-dependent uncertainty about product quality: late trains and commuter rail ridership
by Richard Voith - 90-6 Regional impacts of exchange rate movements
by Gerald A. Carlino & Brian J. Cody & Richard Voith - 90-5 Immunizing options against changes in volatility
by Sherrill Shaffer - 90-4 Investing in conflict
by Sherrill Shaffer - 90-1 Accounting for differences in aggregate state productivity
by Gerald A. Carlino & Richard Voith - 89-8 Money, inflation and the expected real interest rate
by Behzad T. Diba & Seonghwan Oh - 89-5 Evaluating commodity prices as a gauge for monetary policy
by Brian J. Cody & Leonard O. Mills - 89-4 Intertemporal analysis of state and local government spending: theory and tests
by Douglas Holtz-Eakin & Harvey S. Rosen - 89-3 Strategic role complementarity
by James J. McAndrews - 89-2 Optimal exchange market intervention: evidence from France and West Germany during the post-Bretton Woods era
by Brian J. Cody - 89-1 Pooling intensifies joint failure risk
by Sherrill Shaffer
- 88-20 Credit card rate stickiness in a screening model of consumer credit
by Loretta J. Mester - 88-19 Have money-stock fluctuations had a liquidity effect on expected real interest rates?
by Behzad T. Diba & Seonghwan Oh - 88-18 Contestable two-part tariffs with income effects
by Sherrill Shaffer - 88-17 Structural shifts and the volatility of chaotic markets
by Sherrill Shaffer - 88-16 Changes in interstate banking laws: the impact on shareholder wealth
by Harold A. Black & M. Andrew Fields & Robert Schweitzer - 88-15 Information losses in a dynamic model of credit
by William W. Lang & Leonard I. Nakamura - 88-14 Are production economies a motive for mutual to stock conversions in the savings and loan industry?
by Loretta J. Mester - 88-13 A testing strategy for expense preference behavior
by Loretta J. Mester - 88-12 On gradual price reduction as a retail sales strategy
by Paul S. Calem - 88-11 Testing for cointegration in the presence of moving average errors
by John F. Boschen & Leonard O. Mills - 88-10 What do saving - investment relationships tell us about capital mobility?
by David Y. Wong - 89-9 Incentives to engage in bank window-dressing: manager vs. stockholder conflicts
by Linda Allen & Anthony Saunders - 89-7 Additions to bank loan-loss reserves: good news or bad news?
by Theoharry Grammatikos & Anthony Saunders - 89-6 Can the end user improve an econometric forecast?
by Sherrill Shaffer - 88-9 Employee turnover and regional wage differentials
by Robert H. DeFina - 88-8 Housing price functions and ownership capitalization rates
by Peter Linneman & Richard Voith - 88-7 Exchange controls, political risk and the Eurocurrency market: new evidence from tests of covered interest rate parity
by Brian J. Cody - 88-6 Concentration, prices and output in the automobile industry
by Peter Linneman & Richard Voith - 88-5 Agglomeration economies and technical change in urban manufacturing
by Paul S. Calem & Gerald A. Carlino - 88-4 Natural vacancy rates and the persistence of shocks in U.S. office markets
by Theodore M. Crone & Richard Voith - 88-3 Inflation, taxation, and the international allocation of capital
by David Y. Wong
- 87-21 Exchange controls and the foreign exchange market: a model of political risk
by Brian J. Cody - 87-20 Rational bubbles in stock prices?
by Behzad T. Diba & Herschel I. Grossman - 87-19 From t-bills to common stocks: investigating the generality of intra- week return seasonality
by Mark J. Flannery & Aris Protopapadakis - 87-18 Commuter rail ridership: the long and short haul
by Richard Voith - 87-17 On estimating technical progress and returns to scale
by Paul S. Calem - 87-16 Early unwindings and rollovers of stock index futures arbitrage programs: analysis and implications for predicting expiration day effects
by John J. Merrick - 87-15 The hedging performance of ECU futures contracts
by Anthony Saunders & Stanley J. Sienkiewicz - 87-14 Tests of the relation between money and output in the real business cycle model
by John F. Boschen & Leonard O. Mills - 87-13 Portfolio insurance with stock index futures
by John J. Merrick - 87-12 Bank size, collateral, and net purchase behavior in the federal funds market: empirical evidence a note
by Linda Allen & Stavros Peristiani & Anthony Saunders - 87-11 Hedging with mispriced futures
by John J. Merrick - 87-10 Participation in the underground economy: a theoretical analysis
by Joel F. Houston - 88-2 An analysis of the effect of ownership form on technology: stock versus mutual savings and loan associations
by Loretta J. Mester - 88-1 Credit card rates and consumer search
by Mitchell Berlin & Loretta J. Mester - 87-9 Estimating the size and implications of the underground economy
by Joel F. Houston - 87-8 Financing, commitment and entry deterrence
by Mitchell Berlin & Paul S. Calem - 87-7 The policy implications of the underground economy
by Joel F. Houston - 87-6 Competitive effects of interstate bank mergers and acquisitions
by Paul S. Calem & Janice M. Moulton - 87-5 Testing for expense preference behavior using cost data
by Loretta J. Mester - 87-4 Price discovery in the stock market
by John J. Merrick - 87-3 Compensating variation in wages and rents
by Richard Voith - 87-2 Volume determination in stock and stock index futures markets: an analysis of arbitrage and volatility effects
by John J. Merrick - 87-1 Deposit market segmentation: the case of MMDAs and Super-NOWs
by Paul S. Calem