- 284 Opening remarks at the ISO 20022 In-Person Federal Reserve Bank of New York Workshop, New York City
by Richard Dzina - 283 Operational perspectives on monetary policy implementation: panel remarks on \"The Future of the Central Bank Balance Sheet\" at the Policy Conference on Currencies, Capital, and Central Bank Balances, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, California
by Lorie Logan - 282 Important choices for the Federal Reserve in the years ahead: remarks at Lehman College, Bronx, New York
by William Dudley - 281 Luncheon remarks at the Community Bankers Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by Richard Dzina - 280 Introductory remarks at the Community Bankers Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by Kevin J. Stiroh - 279 Welcoming remarks at the Community Bankers Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 278 The evolving first line of defense: keynote address at the 1LoD Summit, New York City
by Michael Held - 277 The importance of incentives in ensuring a resilient and robust financial system: remarks at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C
by William Dudley - 276 Making globalization work: remarks at the Central Bank of Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil
by William Dudley - 275 Comments on “A Skeptical View of the Impact of the Fed’s Balance Sheet”: remarks at the 2018 U.S. Monetary Policy Forum, New York City
by William Dudley - 274 Remarks at the Economic Press Briefing on Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands After Hurricanes Irma and Maria, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 273 Transcript of Banking Culture - Still Room for Improvement?: panel discussion at Thomson Reuters, New York City
by William Dudley - 272 Complexity in banking: stock-taking and the way forward: presentation at the Central Bank of Ireland’s Global Financial Linkages Conference
by Linda S. Goldberg - 271 The outlook for the U.S. economy in 2018 and beyond: remarks at the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, New York City
by William Dudley - 270 The role of the New York Fed as administrator and producer of reference rates: remarks at the Annual Primary Dealer Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by Lorie Logan - 269 The supply of money-like assets: remarks for American Economic Association panel session: The Balance Sheets of Central Banks and the Shortage of Safe Assets, Philadelphia
by Simon M. Potter
- 268 Keynote remarks for the Commemoration of the Centennial of the Federal Reserve’s U.S. Dollar Account Services to the Global Official Sector
by Simon M. Potter - 267 Misconduct risk, culture and supervision: remarks at the Culture Roundtable Session with Business Schools and Financial Services Industry, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by Kevin J. Stiroh - 266 Opening remarks on higher education: financing, costs, and returns: remarks at the Conference on Higher Education Financing and Costs and Returns of Higher Education, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 265 Transcript of Fireside Chat at Rutgers University—New Brunswick: November 29, 2017
by William Dudley - 264 Transcript of Moderated Conversation at UC Berkeley Event, US Economy: 10 Years after the Crisis: November 27, 2017
by William Dudley - 263 Remarks at The Evolving Structure of the U.S. Treasury Market: Third Annual Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 262 Reducing the size of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet: the benefits of moving gradually and predictably: remarks to the National Association of Securities Professionals, New York City
by Simon M. Potter - 261 The Financial Crisis: perspectives from a decade on: remarks to the Administrative and Banking Law Committees of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York City
by Michael Held - 260 Lessons from the financial crisis: remarks at The Economic Club of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 259 Implementing monetary policy with the balance sheet: keynote remarks for ECB Workshop: Money Markets, Monetary Policy Implementation, and Central Bank Balance Sheets, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
by Simon M. Potter - 258 Coming together to address systemic risks: examples of collaboration: remarks at Risk USA 2017 Conference, New York City
by Jeanmarie Davis - 257 Gradual and predictable: reducing the size of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet: remarks at SUERF – The European Money and Finance Forum, New York City
by Simon M. Potter - 256 The monetary policy outlook and the importance of higher education for economic mobility: remarks at the Council for Economic Education’s 56th Annual Financial Literacy & Economic Education Conference, New York City
by William Dudley - 255 Prospects for the local economy and the importance of workforce development: remarks at Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, New York
by William Dudley - 254 The U.S. economic outlook and the implications for monetary policy: remarks at Money Marketeers of New York University, New York City
by William Dudley - 253 Remarks to the Assembly of Governors of the Association of African Central Banks, South African Reserve Bank, Pretoria, South Africa
by Simon M. Potter - 252 Remarks at the Economic Press Briefing on the Regional Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 251 The Foreign Exchange Global Code: lessons learned and next steps: remarks at the 2017 FX Week Conference, New York City
by Simon M. Potter - 250 Panel remarks at Bank for International Settlements' annual general meeting, Basel, Switzerland
by William Dudley - 249 The launch of the FX Global Code: panel opening remarks at the Forex Network New York 2017, New York City
by James Bergin - 248 Implementing monetary policy: perspective from the open market trading desk: remarks before the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York City
by Lorie Logan - 247 Remarks at the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
by Michael Held - 246 Benefits and challenges from globalization: remarks at the Bombay Stock Exchange, Mumbai, India
by William Dudley - 245 Remarks at the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association’s Compliance and Legal Society Monthly Luncheon, New York City
by Michael Held - 244 Advancing the Fed's wholesale services in an era of unprecedented challenge and change: remarks at Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association's Operations Conference and Exhibition 2017, Boca Raton, Florida
by Richard Dzina - 243 The future of supervision: lessons from Tocqueville: remarks at the 2017 Community Bankers Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by F. Christopher Calabia - 242 Principles for financial regulatory reform: remarks at the Princeton Club of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 241 Introductory remarks at 2017 Community Bankers Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by Kevin J. Stiroh - 240 Money markets at a crossroads: policy implementation at a time of structural change: remarks at the Master of Applied Economics' Distinguished Speaker Series, University of California, Los Angeles
by Simon M. Potter - 239 The importance of financial conditions in the conduct of monetary policy: remarks at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee, Sarasota, Florida
by William Dudley - 238 Transcript of fireside chat at York College in Queens, New York: March 24, 2017
by William Dudley - 237 Panel remarks at Worthy of Trust? Law, Ethics and Culture in Banking; remarks at the Bank of England, London, United Kingdom
by William Dudley - 236 Reforming culture for the long term : Remarks at the Banking Standards Board, London, United Kingdom
by William Dudley - 235 Reforming culture and conduct in the financial services industry: how can lawyers help?: remarks at Yale Law School's Chirelstein Colloquium, New Haven, Connecticut
by Michael Held - 234 A perspective on supervisory objectives and trade-offs: keynote remarks at Conference on “Optimal Bank Capital Regulation”
by Kevin J. Stiroh - 233 Transcript of the Cornell College of Business Annual New York City Predictions Event: February 15, 2017
by William Dudley - 232 Evolving consumer behavior: remarks at the National Retail Federation Annual Convention, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York City
by William Dudley - 231 Remarks at the Culture Imperative – an Interbank Symposium
by William Dudley
- 230 The U.S. economic outlook and the implications for monetary policy: remarks at the ABNY breakfast with William C. Dudley, the Roosevelt Hotel, New York City
by William Dudley - 229 Remarks on the panel Financial Regulation Nine Years on from the GFC – Where Do We Stand? at the G30’s 76th plenary session at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 228 Opportunities for economic growth in Puerto Rico: remarks at the Puerto Rico Convention Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico
by William Dudley - 227 Opening remarks at the Economic Press Briefing on the Survey of Consumer Expectations. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 226 Opening Remarks at the Evolution of Work Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 225 Opening Remarks at the GARP Global Risk Forum, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
by Kevin J. Stiroh - 224 Keynote Address at the Institute for International Bankers Annual Seminar on Risk Management and Regulatory Examination/Compliance Issues
by F. Christopher Calabia - 223 Remarks at The Evolving Structure of the U.S. Treasury Market: Second Annual Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
by William Dudley - 222 Opening remarks at Reforming Culture and Behavior in the Financial Services Industry: Expanding the Dialogue, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 221 New York City’s return from the brink: remarks at the Lotos Club, New York City
by William Dudley - 220 Concluding remarks at the Monetary Policy Implementation in the Long Run Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
by Simon M. Potter - 219 Remarks at the 40th Annual Central Banking Seminar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 218 Is there room for more monetary cooperation?: panel discussion remarks at the Global Financial Stability in a New Monetary Environment conference, Paris, France
by Simon M. Potter - 217 The role of best practices in supporting market integrity and effectiveness: remarks at the 2016 Primary Dealers Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by Simon M. Potter - 216 Discussion of “Evaluating Monetary Policy Operational Frameworks” by Ulrich Bindseil: remarks at the 2016 Economic Policy Symposium at Jackson Hole, Wyoming
by Simon M. Potter - 215 Remarks at the New York Fed’s Economic Press Briefing on the Regional Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by William Dudley - 214 The U.S. economic outlook and the implications for monetary policy
by William Dudley - 213 Panel remarks at Bank Indonesia–Federal Reserve Bank of New York Joint International Seminar, Bali Indonesia
by William Dudley - 212 Opening remarks at the Economic Press Briefing on the U.S. Economy in a Snapshot, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City, May 2016
by William Dudley - 211 The advantages of probabilistic survey questions: remarks at the IT Forum and RCEA Bayesian Workshop, keynote address, Rimini, Italy, May 2016
by Simon M. Potter - 210 Market structure and liquidity in the U.S. Treasury and agency mortgage-backed security (MBS) markets: Mortgage Bankers Association National Secondary Market Conference and Expo, New York City, May 2016
by Nathaniel Wuerffel - 209 Panel remarks at the 7th High-Level Conference on the International Monetary System, Zürich, Switzerland, May 2016
by William Dudley - 208 Implementing monetary policy post-crisis: What have we learned? What do we need to know? remarks at a workshop organized by Columbia University SIPA and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, May 2016
by Simon M. Potter - 207 Toward a new paradigm for resiliency and security: remarks at SIFMA's 43rd Annual Operations Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, May 2016
by Richard Dzina - 206 Market and funding liquidity: an overview, remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 2016 Financial Markets Conference, Fernandina Beach, Florida, May 2016
by William Dudley - 205 Opening remarks at the Transatlantic Economy: Convergence or Divergence Conference
by William Dudley - 204 Community banking in an ever changing world--remarks at the Community Bankers’ Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City
by F. Christopher Calabia - 203 The theory and practice of supervision--Remarks at the SIFMA Internal Auditors Society Education Luncheon, Harvard Club, New York City
by Kevin J. Stiroh - 202 Opening remarks at the Community Bankers’ Conference
by Kevin J. Stiroh - 201 Economic opportunity and income mobility--remarks at the Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development Annual Community Development Conference, New York City
by William Dudley - 200 The National and Local Economic Outlook: An Update--Remarks at the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut
by William Dudley - 199 The role of the Federal Reserve—lessons from financial crises: Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the Virginia Association of Economists, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia
by William Dudley - 198 Forming the next generation of bankers: the future of business education and ethics: remarks at the Symposium Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Frank G. Zarb School of Business at Hofstra University and Looking Ahead to the Next 50 Years of Business Education, The University Club, New York City
by Michael Strine - 197 Opening remarks at the Conference on Supervising Large, Complex Financial Institutions: Defining Objectives and Measuring Effectiveness
by William Dudley - 196 International spillovers and policies
by Alberto G. Musalem - 195 Operational risk management at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
by Joshua V. Rosenberg - 194 The U.S. economic outlook and implications for monetary policy
by William Dudley - 193 Money markets after liftoff: assessment to date and the road ahead
by Simon M. Potter - 192 Remarks at the New York Fed’s Economic Press Briefing on the Household Debt and Credit Report
by William Dudley - 191 The U.S. economic outlook and implications for monetary policy
by William Dudley
- 190 Modern recipes for financial crises
by James J. McAndrews - 189 Why focus on culture?
by Alberto G. Musalem - 188 The Federal Reserve’s counterparty framework: past, present, and future
by Simon M. Potter - 187 Panel remarks at the Clearing House annual conference
by William Dudley - 186 Dinner address for the Bank of England-Federal Reserve Bank of New York Conference on Money Markets and Monetary Policy Implementation
by Simon M. Potter - 185 The U.S. economic outlook and monetary policy
by William Dudley - 184 Opening remarks at reforming culture and behavior in the financial services industry: workshop on progress and challenges
by William Dudley - 183 Beyond the macroeconomy
by William Dudley - 182 Welcoming remarks at The Evolving Structure of the U.S. Treasury Market conference
by William Dudley - 181 Panel remarks at the Brookings Institution
by William Dudley - 180 Is the active use of macroprudential tools institutionally realistic?
by William Dudley - 179 Regulation and liquidity provision
by William Dudley - 178 The regional economic outlook
by William Dudley - 177 Workforce development and reinvention in the Rochester economy
by William Dudley - 176 Trends in foreign exchange markets and the challenges ahead
by Simon M. Potter - 175 Remarks at the CPMI’s 25th Anniversary Conference
by William Dudley - 174 The U.S. economy and financial system in an international context
by Alberto G. Musalem - 173 Economic research and stress testing
by James J. McAndrews - 172 The U.S. economic and monetary policy outlook
by William Dudley - 171 Opening remarks at the Mortgage Contract Design: Implications for Households, Monetary Policy, and Financial Stability Conference
by James J. McAndrews - 170 Observations on community banking supervision in the Second District
by F. Christopher Calabia - 169 The global implications of diverging monetary policy settings in advanced economies
by William Dudley - 168 Negative nominal central bank policy rates: where is the lower bound?
by James J. McAndrews - 167 Fostering economic growth in the Bronx
by William Dudley - 166 The U.S. monetary policy outlook and its global implications
by William Dudley - 165 Credit growth and economic activity after the Great Recession
by James J. McAndrews - 164 Money markets and monetary policy normalization
by Simon M. Potter - 163 Opening remarks for the Chapter 9 and Alternatives for Distressed Municipalities and States Workshop
by William Dudley - 162 Challenges posed by the evolution of the Treasury market
by Simon M. Potter - 161 The national and regional economy
by William Dudley - 160 The importance of addressing cybersecurity risks in the financial sector
by Sarah J. Dahlgren - 159 U.S. macroeconomic and regulatory developments and emerging market economies
by Alberto G. Musalem - 158 Opening remarks at the Convening on Student Loan Data Conference
by William Dudley - 157 Remarks at the 2015 U.S. Monetary Policy Forum
by William Dudley - 156 Compliance – some thoughts about reaching the next level
by Thomas C. Baxter - 155 Student debt and higher education financing: a public finance perspective
by James J. McAndrews - 154 The rewards of an ethical culture
by Thomas C. Baxter
- 153 The 2015 economic outlook and the implications for monetary policy
by William Dudley - 152 Testimony on improving financial institution supervision: examining and addressing regulatory capture
by William Dudley - 151 U.S. monetary policy and its global implications
by William Dudley - 150 Panel remarks at the International Symposium of the Banque de France
by William Dudley - 149 The new era of supervision: progress to date and the road ahead
by Sarah J. Dahlgren - 148 Opening remarks at the Workshop on Reforming Culture and Behavior in the Financial Services Industry
by William Dudley - 147 Enhancing financial stability by improving culture in the financial services industry
by William Dudley - 146 Operating global, acting local
by Sarah J. Dahlgren - 145 Interest rate control during normalization
by Simon M. Potter - 144 The national and regional economy
by William Dudley - 143 Restoring confidence in reference rates
by William Dudley - 142 Implementation of open market operations in a time of transition
by Simon M. Potter - 141 Welcoming remarks at Workshop on the Risks of Wholesale Funding
by William Dudley - 140 Reflections on the new compliance landscape
by Thomas C. Baxter - 139 A review of the experience of fielding the Survey of Consumer Expectations
by James J. McAndrews - 138 Update on economic and fiscal conditions in Puerto Rico
by William Dudley - 137 What kind of jobs have been created during the recovery?
by William Dudley - 136 The economic outlook and implications for monetary policy
by William Dudley - 135 More resilient, better managed, less complex: strengthening FMUs and linkages in the system
by Sarah J. Dahlgren - 134 Reform in a time of rapid change
by Christine M. Cumming - 133 U.S. monetary policy and emerging market economies
by William Dudley - 132 The national and regional economy
by William Dudley - 131 Remarks at the Fifth Data Management Strategies and Technologies Workshop
by James J. McAndrews - 130 Global financial stability - the road ahead
by William Dudley - 129 Remarks at the fifth Data Management Strategies and Technologies Workshop
by James J. McAndrews - 128 Economics at the Federal Reserve banks
by William Dudley
- 127 Recent developments in monetary policy implementation
by Simon M. Potter - 126 U.S. and regional economic conditions
by William Dudley - 125 Financial stability: the role of the Federal Reserve System
by Thomas C. Baxter - 124 The national and regional economy
by William Dudley - 123 Ending too big to fail
by William Dudley - 122 Testimony on housing finance reform: essential elements of a government guarantee for mortgage-backed securities
by Joseph Tracy - 121 Title II resolution, a useful tool but not a panacea
by William Dudley - 120 Five years since the crisis: where are we now?
by Sarah J. Dahlgren - 119 Unconventional monetary policies and central bank independence
by William Dudley - 118 Introductory remarks at Workshop on \"Fire Sales\" as a Driver of Systemic Risk in Tri-Party Repo and Other Secured Funding Markets
by William Dudley - 117 The national and regional economy
by William Dudley - 116 Introductory remarks at the Museum of American Finance \"The Fed at 100\" exhibit
by William Dudley - 115 Reflections on the economic outlook and the implications for monetary policy
by William Dudley - 114 From Bagehot to Bernanke and Draghi: emergency liquidity, macroprudential supervision and the rediscovery of the lender of last resort function
by Thomas C. Baxter - 113 Remarks at Panel Discussion on OTC Derivatives Reform and broader financial reforms agenda
by William Dudley - 112 Observations on global financial cycles and recent emerging market volatility
by Terrence J. Checki - 111 Enhancing payment system speed, efficiency and security
by Christine M. Cumming - 110 The national and regional economy
by William Dudley - 109 Are recent college graduates finding good jobs?
by William Dudley - 108 Why financial stability is a necessary prerequisite for an effective monetary policy
by William Dudley - 107 Resolving the unresolvable: the alternative pathways to ending too big to fail
by Thomas C. Baxter - 106 Introductory remarks for the Panel on Regulating Financial Markets: lessons from crisis management
by Christine M. Cumming - 105 Lessons at the zero bound: the Japanese and U.S. experience
by William Dudley - 104 Opening remarks for the Transatlantic Economic Interdependence and Policy Challenges Conference
by William Dudley - 103 Remarks at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of CLS
by Christine M. Cumming - 102 The outlook for the national and local economy
by William Dudley - 101 Observations on the global economy and financial system
by Terrence J. Checki - 100 The implementation of current asset purchases
by Simon M. Potter - 99 The economic outlook and the role of monetary policy
by William Dudley - 98 The implementation of current asset purchases
by Simon M. Potter - 97 The economy and the Household Debt and Credit Report
by James J. McAndrews - 96 Supervisory reform for global banks
by Sarah J. Dahlgren - 95 Fixing wholesale funding to build a more stable financial system
by William Dudley
- 94 Remarks on the role of central bank interactions with financial markets
by Simon M. Potter - 93 Opening remarks at The Spread between Primary and Secondary Mortgage Rates: Recent Trends and Prospects Workshop
by William Dudley - 92 The national and regional economy
by William Dudley - 91 Risk governance: appetite, culture and the limits of limits
by Michael Alix - 90 Solving the too big to fail problem
by William Dudley - 89 The recovery and monetary policy
by William Dudley - 88 Opening remarks at the Distressed Residential Real Estate: Dimensions, Impacts, and Remedies Conference
by William Dudley - 87 Regional and national economic conditions
by William Dudley