- 9339 Searching for a stable M2-demand equation
by Evan F. Koenig - 9338 Exchange rate uncertainty and economic growth in Latin America
by Darryl McLeod & John H. Welch - 9337 Assessing the economic cost of unilateral oil conservation
by Stephen P. A. Brown & Hillard G. Huntington - 9336 Income taxes as reciprocal tariffs
by W. Michael Cox & David M. Gould & Roy J. Ruffin - 9335 Problems of testing fiscal solvency in high inflation economies: evidence from Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico
by John H. Welch - 9334 The inefficiency of seigniorage from required reserves
by Scott Freeman - 9333 Wealth effects, heterogeneity and dynamic fiscal policy
by Zsolt Becsi - 9332 Endogenous growth and international trade
by Roy J. Ruffin - 9331 The credibility and performance of unilateral target zones: a comparison of the Mexican and Chilean cases
by Raul Anibal Feliz & John H. Welch - 9330 On the existence of nonoptimal equilibria in dynamic stochastic economies
by Jeremy Greenwood & Gregory W. Huffman - 9329 Retaliation, liberalization, and trade wars: the political economy of nonstrategic trade policy
by David M. Gould & Graeme L. Woodbridge - 9328 On the optimality of interest-bearing reserves in economies of overlapping generations
by Scott Freeman & Joseph H. Haslag - 9327 Coal, natural gas and oil markets after World War II: what's old, what' s new?
by Shengyi Guo & Mine K. Yücel - 9326 Clearinghouse banks and banknote over-issue
by Scott Freeman - 9325 Growth and equity with endogenous human capital: Taiwan's economic miracle revisited
by Maw-Lin Lee & Ben-chieh Liu & Ping Wang - 9324 A general two-sector model of endogenous growth with human and physical capital: balanced growth and transitional dynamics
by Eric W. Bond & Ping Wang & Chong K. Yip - 9323 Retaliation, liberalization, and trade wars: the political economy of nonstrategic trade policy
by David M. Gould & Graeme L. Woodbridge - 9322 Recessions and recoveries in real business cycle models: do real business cycle models generate cyclical behavior?
by Nathan S. Balke & Mark A. Wynne - 9321 Should bond funds be included in M2?
by John V. Duca - 9320 The output effects of government consumption: a note
by Mark A. Wynne - 9319 Allocative inefficiency and local government: evidence rejecting the Tiebout hypothesis
by Lori L. Taylor - 9318 Why the composite index of leading indicators doesn't lead
by Kenneth M. Emery & Evan F. Koenig - 9317 An alternative neo-classical growth model with closed-form decision rules
by Gregory W. Huffman - 9316 Price stabilization, output stabilization and coordinated monetary policy actions
by Joseph H. Haslag - 9315 Output, inflation, and stabilization in a small open economy: evidence from Mexico
by John H. Rogers & Ping Wang - 9314 Technological unemployment
by W. Michael Cox - 9313 Default risk, dollarization, and currency substitution in Mexico
by William C. Gruben & John H. Welch - 9312 Borrowing constraints, household debt, and racial discrimination in loan markets
by John V. Duca & Stuart S. Rosenthal - 9311 Real effects of money and welfare costs of inflation in an endogenously growing economy with transactions costs
by Ping Wang & Chong K. Yip - 9310 Does it matter how monetary policy is implemented?
by Joseph H. Haslag - 9309 The algebra of price stability
by Nathan S. Balke & Kenneth M. Emery - 9308 On quantity theory restriction and the signalling of the money multiplier
by Joseph H. Haslag - 9307 Money demand and relative prices during episodes of hyperinflation
by Ellis W. Tallman & Ping Wang - 9306 Constructing an alternative measure of changes in reserve requirement ratios
by Joseph H. Haslag & Scott E. Hein - 9305 Money, output, and income velocity
by Theodore Palivos & Ping Wang - 9304 The political economy of school reform
by Shawna Grosskopf & Kathy J. Hayes & Lori L. Taylor & Anke Weber - 9303 A general two sector model of endogenous growth with human and physical capital
by Eric W. Bond & Ping Wang & Chong K. Yip - 9302 The new face of Latin America: financial flows, markets, and institutions in the 1990s
by John H. Welch - 9301 Human capital externalities, trade, and economic growth
by David M. Gould & Roy J. Ruffin
- 9216 An analysis of the impact of two fiscal policies on the behavior of a dynamic asset market
by Gregory W. Huffman - 9215 Energy security: a comparison of protectionist policies
by Carol Dahl & Mine K. Yücel - 9214 Forecasting turning points: is a two-state characterization of the business cycle appropriate?
by Kenneth M. Emery & Evan F. Koenig - 9213 Measuring the value of school quality
by Lori L. Taylor - 9212 The analysis of fiscal policy in neoclassical models
by Mark A. Wynne - 9211 Nominal feedback rules for monetary policy: some comments
by Evan F. Koenig - 9210 Cointegration and tests of a classical model of inflation in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, And Peru
by Raul Anibal Feliz & John H. Welch - 9209 Threshold cointegration
by Nathan S. Balke & Thomas B. Fomby - 9208 On the future erosion of the North American Free Trade Agreement
by William C. Gruben - 9207 The effects of credit availability, nonbank competition, and tax reform on bank consumer lending
by John V. Duca & Bonnie Garrett - 9206 Budget constrained frontier measures of fiscal equality and efficiency in schooling
by Shawna Grosskopf & Kathy J. Hayes & Lori L. Taylor - 9205 Inflation and its variability: a note?
by Kenneth M. Emery - 9204 Does aggregate output have a unit root?
by Mark A. Wynne - 9203 Immigrant links to the home country: implications for trade, welfare and factor rewards
by David M. Gould - 9202 The case of the \"missing M2.\"
by John V. Duca - 9201 Are deep recessions followed by strong recoveries?
by Nathan S. Balke & Mark A. Wynne
- 9119 Student emigration and the willingness to pay for public schools: a test of the publicness of public high schools in the U.S
by Lori L. Taylor - 9118 Allocative inefficiency in education
by Shawna Grosskopf & Kathy J. Hayes & Lori L. Taylor & William Weber - 9117 The algebra of price stability
by Nathan S. Balke & Kenneth M. Emery - 9116 Public debts and deficits in Mexico: a comment
by John H. Welch - 9115 North American free trade and the peso: the case for a North American currency area
by Darryl McLeod & John H. Welch - 9114 The optimality of nominal contracts
by Scott Freeman & Guido Tabellini - 9113 Rational inflation and real internal debt bubbles in Argentina and Brazil?
by John H. Welch - 9112 Credit cards and money demand: a cross-sectional study
by John V. Duca & William C. Whitesell - 9111 An econometric analysis of borrowing constraints and household debt
by John V. Duca & Stuart S. Rosenthal - 9110 Underdevelopment and the enforcement of laws and contracts
by Scott Freeman - 9109 Detecting level shifts in time series: misspecification and a proposed solution
by Nathan S. Balke - 9108 Learning from one another: the U.S. and European banking experience
by Robert T. Clair & Gerald P. O'Driscoll - 9107 Hyperinflation, and internal debt repudiation in Argentina and Brazil: from expectations management to the \"Bonex\" and \"Collor\" plans
by John H. Welch - 9106 What motivates oil producers?: testing alternative hypotheses
by Carol Dahl & Mine K. Yücel - 9105 Variations in Texas school quality
by Beverly J. Fox Kellam & Lori L. Taylor - 9104 Evaluating monetary base targeting rules
by Rik Hafer & Joseph H. Haslag & Scott E. Hein - 9103 Government purchases and real wages
by Mark A. Wynne - 9102 Immigrant links to the home country: empirical implications for U.S. and Canadian bilateral trade flows
by David M. Gould - 9101 Large shocks, small shocks, and economic fluctuations: outliers in macroeconomic times series
by Nathan S. Balke & Thomas B. Fomby
- 9013 Methanol as an alternative fuel
by Mine K. Yücel - 9012 Fisher effects and central bank independence
by Kenneth M. Emery - 9011 Is increased price flexibility stabilizing? The role of the permanent income hypothesis
by Evan F. Koenig - 9010 The impact of differential human capital stocks on club allocations
by Lori L. Taylor - 9009 Does it matter how monetary policy is implemented?
by Joseph H. Haslag & Scott E. Hein - 9008 Lender of last resort: a contemporary perspective
by George G. Kaufman - 9007 The aggregate effects of temporary government purchases
by Mark A. Wynne - 9006 Are net discount ratios stationary?: the implications for present value calculations
by Joseph H. Haslag & Michael Nieswiadomy & Daniel J. Slottje - 9005 U.S. oil demand and conservation
by Stephen P. A. Brown & Keith R. Phillips - 9004 Banking reform
by Gerald P. Dwyer - 9003 Inflation, real interest rates and the Fisher equation since 1983
by Kenneth M. Emery - 9002 Demographics and the foreign indebtedness of the United States
by John K. Hill - 9001 Another look at the credit-output link
by Donald W. Hayes & Cara S. Lown
- 8917 Dynamic modeling and testing of OPEC behavior
by Carol Dahl & Mine K. Yücel - 8916 The location quotient and central place theory
by Robert W. Gilmer & S.R. Keil & R.S. Mack - 8915 Are the permanent-income model of consumption and the accelerator model of investment compatible?
by Evan F. Koenig - 8914 Nominal GNP growth and adjusted reserve growth: nonnested tests of the St. Louis and Board measures
by Joseph H. Haslag & Scott E. Hein - 8913 Do maquiladoras take American jobs? Some tentative econometric results
by William C. Gruben - 8912 A dynamic comparison of an oil tariff, a producer subsidy, and a gasoline tax
by Carol Dahl & Mine K. Yücel - 8911 Are reserve requirement changes really exogenous? An example of regulatory accommodation of industry goals
by Cara S. Lown & John H. Wood - 8910 The Clearing House Interbank Payments System: a description of its operation and risk management
by Robert T. Clair - 8909 Macroeconomic policy and income inequality: an error-correction representation
by Joseph H. Haslag & Daniel J. Slottje - 8908 Daylight overdrafts: who really bears the risk?
by Robert T. Clair - 8907 The effects of financial deregulation on inflation, velocity growth, and monetary targeting
by W. Michael Cox & Joseph H. Haslag - 8906 Real money balances and the timing of consumption: an empirical investigation
by Evan F. Koenig - 8905 Stock returns and inflation: further tests of the proxy and debt- monetization hypotheses
by David P. Ely & Kenneth J. Robinson - 8904 Federal Reserve System reserve requirements: 1959-88--a note
by Joseph H. Haslag & Scott E. Hein - 8903 Asymmetric information and the role of FED watching
by Nathan S. Balke & Joseph H. Haslag - 8902 Further evidence on the liquidity effect using an efficient-markets approach
by Kenneth J. Robinson & Eugenie D. Short - 8901 An econometric analysis of U.S. oil demand
by Stephen P. A. Brown & Keith R. Phillips
- 8811 The incidence of sanctions against U.S. employers of illegal aliens
by John K. Hill & James E. Pearce - 8810 Evidence on the two monetary base measures and economic activity
by Joseph H. Haslag & Scott E. Hein - 8809 The contribution of nonhomothetic preferences to trade
by Linda Hunter - 8808 The development and uses of regional indexes of leading economic indicators
by Keith R. Phillips - 8807 Unionization and unemployment rates: a re-examination of Olson's labor cartelization hypothesis
by William C. Gruben & Keith R. Phillips - 8806 Tax policy and Texas economic development
by Stephen P. A. Brown - 8805 Investment and the nominal interest rate: the variable velocity case
by Evan F. Koenig - 8804 Augmented information in a theory of ambiguity, credibility and inflation
by Nathan S. Balke & Joseph H. Haslag - 8803 Theoretical macroeconomic modelling and qualitative specifications of the bond market
by Joseph H. Haslag & William R. Russell - 8802 Exchange and interest rate management and the international transmission of disturbances
by W. Michael Cox & Douglas McTaggart - 8801 Estimating the impact of monetary policy on short-term interest rates in a rational expectations-efficient markets model: further evidence
by Kenneth J. Robinson & Eugenie D. Short
- 8708 Labor choices of farm families: substitutes, complements and simultaneous decision making
by Hilary H. Smith - 8707 Depository institution failures: the deposit insurance connection
by Gerald P. O'Driscoll - 8706 Lower oil prices and state employment
by Stephen P. A. Brown & John K. Hill - 8705 The capital gains and losses on U. S. government debt: 1942-1986
by W. Michael Cox & Cara S. Lown - 8704 Random coefficients models of the inflationary consequences of discretionary central bank behavior
by Kenneth J. Robinson - 8703 Increasing the efficiency of pooled estimation with a block covariance structure
by Jeffery W. Gunther & Ronald H. Schmidt - 8702 The incidence of sanctions against U. S. employers of illegal aliens
by John K. Hill & James E. Pearce - 8701 Financial innovation and monetary policy effectiveness
by Cara S. Lown
- 8606 Fiscal policymaking and the central bank institutional constraint
by Richard C. K. Burdekin & Leroy O. Laney - 8605 Swiss monetary policy: central bank independence and stabilization goals
by Richard C. K. Burdekin - 8604 Structural changes in residential energy demand
by Roger H. Dunstan & Ronald H. Schmidt - 8603 Cross-country evidence on the relationship between central banks and governments
by Richard C. K. Burdekin - 8602 Interaction between central bank behavior and fiscal policymaking: the case of the U.S
by Richard C. K. Burdekin - 8601 Money, deregulation and the business cycle
by Gerald P. O'Driscoll
- 8508 Money: Mengers's evolutionary theory
by Gerald P. O'Driscoll - 8507 The market value of government of Canada debt; Monthly, 1937–84
by W. Michael Cox & Joseph H. Haslag - 8506 Fluctuations in U.S. voting behavior: evidence from Presidential elections
by Richard C. K. Burdekin - 8505 The fairness of discounting: a majority rule approach
by Stephen P. A. Brown - 8504 Specific training, unions, and the relationship between employer size and wages
by James E. Pearce - 8503 Prices vs. quantities in cartel theory with special reference to OPEC
by John K. Hill & Ronald H. Schmidt - 8502 Immigrant decisions concerning length of stay and frequency of visit
by John K. Hill - 8501 The behavior of Treasury securities; monthly, 1942-1984
by W. Michael Cox
- 8411 Natural gas pipelines: rent revealed
by Stephen P. A. Brown - 8410 Financial stability and FDIC insurance
by Roger W. Garrison & Gerald P. O'Driscoll & Eugenie D. Short - 8409 Tax indexation and inflationary finance
by W. Michael Cox & Michael G. Williams - 8408 Insulating policies for large and small countries
by W. Michael Cox & Douglas McTaggart - 8407 Small sample efficiency gains from a first observation correction for Hatanaka's estimator of the lagged dependent variable-serial correlation regression model
by Thomas B. Fomby - 8406 Transportation technologies and the optimal depletion of West Coast oil reserves
by Roger H. Dunstan & Ronald H. Schmidt - 8405 Price expectations, uncertainty, and changes in drilling activity
by Ronald H. Schmidt - 8404 Safety-net mechanisms: the case of international lending
by Gerald P. O'Driscoll - 8403 Do workers earn less along the U.S.–Mexico border?
by Alberto E. Davila & J. Peter Mattil - 8402 Some time series methods of forecasting the Texas economy
by Thomas B. Fomby & William C. Gruben & James G. Hoehn - 8401 Potential effects of state regulatory agencies on the post-decontrol natural gas market
by Ronald H. Schmidt
- 8306 Intratemporal welfare and the optimal depletion of exhaustible resources
by Ronald H. Schmidt - 8305 Deposit insurance in a deregulated financial environment: the case for reform
by Gerald P. O'Driscoll & Eugenie D. Short - 8304 A comparison of forecasting accuracies of alternative regional production index methodologies
by Thomas B. Fomby - 8303 On regional integration in bank commercial lending
by Dale K. Osborne - 8302 Monetary regimes and the term structure of interest rates, 1862–1982
by Scott Ulman & John H. Wood - 8301 Recent interest rate behavior in perspective: some descriptive statistics
by James G. Hoehn
- 8204 Fisher to Fama to Fisher: inflation and interest rates, 1890–1981
by Scott Ulman - 8203 On the selective hedging of bank assets with Treasury bill futures contracts
by Gary D. Koppenhaver - 8202 A note on environmental risk and the rate of discount
by Stephen P. A. Brown - 8201 Money stock control with reserve and interest rate instruments under rational expectations
by James G. Hoehn & Bennett T. McCallum
- 8102 The global dollar: trends and issues in official and private international finance
by Deborah L. Allen & Leroy O. Laney - 8101 Coefficient bias from the observation interval of a time series
by Donald H. Dutkowsky & James M. Holmes & Gary D. Praetzel
- 8005 Unionism and the cyclical behavior of the labor market in U.S. manufacturing
by James E. Pearce - 8004 Cyclical variation in labor force participation and employment
by James E. Pearce - 8003 Trade unionism, implicit contracting, and the response to demand variation in U.S. manufacturing
by James E. Pearce - 8002 Official reserve asset choice and substitution account proposals
by Leroy O. Laney - 8001 The hedging performance of the new futures markets: additional evidence
by Sydney Smith Hicks
- 7905 National monetary independence and managed floating exchange rates
by Leroy O. Laney - 7904 A note on the inadequacy of aggregate bank portfolio statistics
by Sydney Smith Hicks - 7903 Congestion taxes reconsidered
by Dale K. Osborne - 7902 Commercial banks and business loans: this recovery and the future
by Sydney Smith Hicks - 7901 Monetary effects on interest rates: a note on the positive responsiveness of interest rates
by Sydney Smith Hicks
- 7809 On the stability of OPEC
by Dale K. Osborne - 7808 Commercial banks and their business loan portfolios: this recovery and the future
by Sydney Smith Hicks - 7807 Interpersonal comparisons
by Dale K. Osborne - 7806 On banking structure and checking-account prices
by Dale K. Osborne & Jeanne Wendel - 7805 The main fault with traditional research on banking competition
by Dale K. Osborne & Jeanne Wendel - 7804 The effects of recognition and impact lags on monetary rule performance
by Wallace H. Duncan - 7803 A new inflation in the 1970s?
by Charles J. Smaistrla & Adrian W. Throop - 7802 The case for an inflation-adjusted deficit
by Patrick J. Lawler - 7801 A criticism of the traditional analysis of banking competition
by Dale K. Osborne & Jeanne Wendel