- 2014-23 Impact of first-birth career interruption on earnings: evidence from administrative data
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & M. Melinda Pitts & Mary Beth Walker - 2014-22 The gap between the conditional wage distributions of incumbents and the newly hired employees: decomposition and uniform ordering
by Esfandiar Maasoumi & M. Melinda Pitts & Ke Wu - 2014-21 The Dynamic Striated Metropolis-Hastings Sampler for High-Dimensional Models
by Daniel F. Waggoner & Hongwei Wu & Tao Zha - 2014-20 Do Minimum Wages Really Increase Youth Drinking and Drunk Driving?
by Laura Argys & M. Melinda Pitts & Joseph J. Sabia - 2014-19 Remittances, entrepreneurship, and employment dynamics over the business cycle
by Federico S. Mandelman & Alan Finkelstein Shapiro - 2014-18 The Implications of a graying japan for government policy
by R. Anton Braun & Douglas H. Joines - 2014-17 Death of a Reserve Currency
by Stephen F. Quinn & William Roberds - 2014-16 Perturbation methods for Markov-switching DSGE models
by Andrew T. Foerster & Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2014-15 Liquidity Premia, Price-Rent Dynamics, and Business Cycles
by Jianjun Miao & Pengfei Wang & Tao Zha - 2014-14 The Response of Stock Market Volatility to Futures-Based Measures of Monetary Policy Shocks
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Ibrahim Jamali - 2014-13 Hedging and Pricing in Imperfect Markets under Non-Convexity
by Hirbod Assa & Nikolay Gospodinov - 2014-12 Spurious Inference in Unidentified Asset-Pricing Models
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti - 2014-11 Minimum Distance Estimation of Dynamic Models with Errors-In-Variables
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Ivana Komunjer & Serena Ng - 2014-10 Family Welfare and the Great Recession
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & Robert E. Moore & Fernando Rios-Avila - 2014-9 Early Public Banks
by William Roberds & Francois R. Velde - 2014-8 Adjusted Employment-to-Population Ratio as an Indicator of Labor Market Strength
by Julie L. Hotchkiss - 2014-7 GDPNow: A Model for GDP \"Nowcasting\"
by Patrick C. Higgins - 2014-6 Risk, Return, and Volatility Feedback: A Bayesian Nonparametric Analysis
by Mark J. Jensen & John M. Maheu - 2014-5 Home Hours in the United States and Europe
by McDaniel Cara & Lei Fang - 2014-4 The Effect of Large Investors on Asset Quality: Evidence from Subprime Mortgage Securities
by Manuel Adelino & W. Scott Frame & Kristopher Gerardi - 2014-3 Trimmed-Mean Inflation Statistics: Just Hit the One in the Middle
by Brent Meyer & Guhan Venkatu - 2014-2 Human Capital Dynamics and the U.S. Labor Market
by Lei Fang & Jun Nie - 2014-1 Inference Based on SVARs Identified with Sign and Zero Restrictions: Theory and Applications
by Jonas E. Arias & Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez & Daniel F. Waggoner
- 2013-20 High-growth firms in Georgia
by Taelim Choi & John C. Robertson & Anil Rupasingha - 2013-19 Estimating the holdout problem in land assembly
by Chris Cunningham - 2013-18 Do homeowners associations mitigate or aggravate negative spillovers from neighboring homeowner distress?
by Ron Cheung & Chris Cunningham & Rachel Meltzer - 2013-17 Labor market polarization and international macroeconomic dynamics
by Federico S. Mandelman - 2013-16 Flexible prices, labor market frictions, and the response of employment to technology shocks
by Federico S. Mandelman & Francesco Zanetti - 2013-15 Measuring capital adequacy supervisory stress tests in a Basel world
by Larry D. Wall - 2013-14 The adoption of stress testing: why the Basel capital measures were not enough
by Larry D. Wall - 2013-13 Small and orthodox fiscal multipliers at the zero lower bound
by R. Anton Braun & Lena Mareen Korber & Yuichiro Waki - 2013-12 Monetary policy surprises, positions of traders, and changes in commodity futures prices
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Ibrahim Jamali - 2013-11 Minimum distance estimation of possibly non-invertible moving average models
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Serena Ng - 2013-10 Entry, exit, and the determinants of market structure
by Timothy Dunne & Shawn D. Klimek & Mark J. Roberts & Daniel Yi Xu - 2013-09 Misspecification-robust inference in linear asset pricing models with irrelevant risk factors
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti - 2013-08 A staggered pricing approach to modeling speculative storage: implications for commodity price dynamics
by Hirbod Assa & Amal Dabbous & Nikolay Gospodinov - 2013-07 Optimal Fiscal Policy with Recursive Preferences
by Anastasios G. Karantounias - 2013-06 Land prices and unemployment
by Zheng Liu & Jianjun Miao & Tao Zha - 2013-05 A moment-matching method for approximating vector autoregressive processes by finite-state Markov chains
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Damba Lkhagvasuren - 2013-04 Can't Pay or Won't Pay? Unemployment, Negative Equity, and Strategic Default
by Kristopher Gerardi & Kyle F. Herkenhoff & Lee E. Ohanian & Paul S. Willen - 2013-03 Even one is too much: the economic consequences of being a smoker
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & M. Melinda Pitts - 2013-02 Old, sick, alone, and poor: a welfare analysis of old-age social insurance programs
by R. Anton Braun & Karen A. Kopecky & Tatyana Koreshkova - 2013-01 Perturbation methods for Markov-switching DSGE models
by Andrew Foerster & Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha
- 2012-20 Housing wealth and wage bargaining
by Chris Cunningham & Robert R. Reed - 2012-19 Home production technology and time allocation: empirics, theory, and implications
by Lei Fang & Guozhong Zhu - 2012-18 Analytical solution for the constrained Hansen-Jagannathan distance under multivariate ellipticity
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti - 2012-17 Robust inference in linear asset pricing models
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti - 2012-16 Wages and unemployment across business cycles: a high-frequency investigation
by Lei Fang & Pedro Silos - 2012-15 Comparative advantage and risk premia in labor markets
by German Cubas & Pedro Silos - 2012-14 The Bank of Amsterdam through the lens of monetary competition
by Stephen F. Quinn & William Roberds - 2012-13 The safety and soundness effects of bank M&A in the EU
by Jens Hagendorff & Maria J. Nieto & Larry D. Wall - 2012-12 The devil's in the tail: residential mortgage finance and the U.S. Treasury
by W. Scott Frame & Larry D. Wall & Lawrence J. White - 2012-11 Foreclosure externalities: Some new evidence
by Kristopher Gerardi & Eric Rosenblatt & Paul S. Willen & Vincent W. Yao - 2012-10 A closer look at nonparticipants during and after the Great Recession
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & M. Melinda Pitts & Fernando Rios-Avila - 2012-09 Bayesian semiparametric multivariate GARCH modeling
by Mark J. Jensen & John M. Maheu - 2012-08 Responding to a shadow banking crisis: the lessons of 1763
by Stephen F. Quinn & William Roberds - 2012-07 Why did so many people make so many ex post bad decisions? the causes of the foreclosure crisis
by Christopher L. Foote & Kristopher Gerardi & Paul S. Willen - 2012-06 Estimating a semiparametric asymmetric stochastic volatility model with a Dirichlet process mixture
by Mark J. Jensen & John M. Maheu - 2012-05 Some unpleasant properties of loglinearized solutions when the nominal rate is zero
by R. Anton Braun & Lena Mareen Korber & Yuichiro Waki - 2012-04 The wage impact of undocumented workers
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & Myriam Quispe-Agnoli & Fernando Rios-Avila - 2012-03 Human capital portfolios
by Pedro Silos & Eric Smith - 2012-02 Does employing undocumented workers give firms a competitive advantage?
by J. David Brown & Julie L. Hotchkiss & Myriam Quispe-Agnoli - 2012-01 Making the case for a low intertemporal elasticity of substitution
by R. Anton Braun & Tomoyuki Nakajima
- 2011-16 Do borrower rights improve borrower outcomes? Evidence from the foreclosure process
by Kristopher Gerardi & Lauren Lambie-Hanson & Paul S. Willen - 2011-15 Systematic and liquidity risk in subprime-mortgage backed securities
by Mardi Dungey & Gerald P. Dwyer & Thomas Flavin - 2011-14 Impact of the business environment on output and productivity in Africa
by El-hadj Bah & Lei Fang - 2011-13 Making the case for a low intertemporal elasticity of substitution
by R. Anton Braun & Tomoyuki Nakajima - 2011-12 Reexamining the empirical relation between loan risk and collateral: the roles of collateral characteristics and types
by Allen N. Berger & W. Scott Frame & Vasso P. Ioannidou - 2011-11 Land-price dynamics and macroeconomic fluctuations
by Zheng Liu & Pengfei Wang & Tao Zha - 2011-10 New Keynesian dynamics in a low interest rate environment
by R. Anton Braun & Lena Mareen Korber - 2011-09 Accounting for the cyclical dynamics of income shares
by Enchuan Shao & Pedro Silos - 2011-08 Chi-squared tests for evaluation and comparison of asset pricing models
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti - 2011-07 Monetary and exchange rate policy under remittance fluctuations
by Federico S. Mandelman - 2011-06 Creating an EU-level supervisor for cross-border banking groups: Issues raised by the U.S. experience with dual banking
by David G. Mayes & Maria J. Nieto & Larry D. Wall - 2011-05 Measuring the welfare gain from personal computers: a macroeconomic approach
by Jeremy Greenwood & Karen A. Kopecky - 2011-04 Uninsured countercyclical risk: an aggregation result and application to optimal monetary policy
by R. Anton Braun & Tomoyuki Nakajima - 2011-03 Price discrimination and business-cycle risk
by Marco Cornia & Kristopher Gerardi & Adam Hale Shapiro - 2011-02 To work or not to work: the economics of a mother's dilemma
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & M. Melinda Pitts & Mary Beth Walker - 2011-01 A decomposition of the black-white differential in birth outcomes
by Brian S. Armour & M. Melinda Pitts & Mary Beth Walker
- 2010-19 The impact of medical and nursing home expenses and social insurance
by Karen A. Kopecky & Tatyana Koreshkova - 2010-18 Confronting model misspecification in macroeconomics
by Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2010-17 How Amsterdam got fiat money
by Stephen F. Quinn & William Roberds - 2010-16 Entry cost, financial friction, and cross-country differences in income and TFP
by Lei Fang - 2010-15 The effect of social entitlement programs on private transfers: new evidence of crowding out
by Kristopher Gerardi & Yuping Tsai - 2010-14 Expected returns to stock investments by angel investors in groups
by Ramon P. DeGennaro & Gerald P. Dwyer - 2010-13 Fixed-term and permanent employment contracts: theory and evidence
by Shutao Cao & Enchuan Shao & Pedro Silos - 2010-12 Decomposing the education wage gap: everything but the kitchen sink
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & Menbere Shiferaw - 2010-11 Further results on the limiting distribution of GMM sample moment conditions
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti - 2010-10 Financial literacy and subprime mortgage delinquency: evidence from a survey matched to administrative data
by Kristopher Gerardi & Lorenz Goette & Stephan Meier - 2010-09 Prudential discipline for financial firms: micro, macro, and market structures
by Larry D. Wall - 2010-08 What explains differences in foreclosure rates? a response to Piskorski, Seru, and Vig
by Manuel Adelino & Kristopher Gerardi & Paul S. Willen - 2010-07 The information revolution and small business lending: the missing evidence
by Robert DeYoung & W. Scott Frame & Dennis C. Glennon & Peter Nigro - 2010-06 Tests of ex ante versus ex post theories of collateral using private and public information
by Allen N. Berger & W. Scott Frame & Vasso P. Ioannidou - 2010-05 What do premiums paid for bank M&As reflect? the case of the European Union
by Jens Hagendorff & Ignacio Hernando & Maria J. Nieto & Larry D. Wall - 2010-04 On the Hansen-Jagannathan distance with a no-arbitrage constraint
by Nikolay Gospodinov & Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti - 2010-03 Investment-specific technology shocks and international business cycles: an empirical assessment
by Federico S. Mandelman & Pau Rabanal & Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez & Diego Vilán - 2010-02 Assessing the impact of education and marriage on labor market exit decisions of women
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & M. Melinda Pitts & Mary Beth Walker - 2010-01 Do credit constraints amplify macroeconomic fluctuations?
by Zheng Liu & Pengfei Wang & Tao Zha - 2008-25 Immigration, remittances, and business cycles
by Federico S. Mandelman & Andrei Zlate
- 2009-29 Managing expectations and fiscal policy
by Lars Peter Hansen & Anastasios G. Karantounias & Thomas J. Sargent - 2009-28 Job search with bidder memories
by Carlos Carrillo-Tudela & Guido Menzio & Eric Smith - 2009-27 Price distributions and competition
by Kenneth Burdett & Eric Smith - 2009-26 Inflation and monetary regimes
by Gerald P. Dwyer & Mark Fisher - 2009-25 Decomposing the foreclosure crisis: House price depreciation versus bad underwriting
by Kristopher Gerardi & Adam Hale Shapiro & Paul S. Willen - 2009-24 Overborrowing and systemic externalities in the business cycle
by Javier Bianchi - 2009-23 Cointegrated TFP processes and international business cycles
by Pau Rabanal & Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez & Vicente Tuesta - 2009-22 Wage dispersion and wage dynamics within and across firms
by Carlos Carrillo-Tudela & Eric Smith - 2009-21 Sector-specific human capital and the distribution of earnings
by Eric Smith - 2009-20 The financial crisis of 2008 in fixed income markets
by Gerald P. Dwyer & Paula A. Tkac - 2009-19 Voters hold the key: lock-in, mobility, and the portability of property tax exemptions
by Ron Cheung & Chris Cunningham - 2009-18 U.K. World War I and interwar data for business cycle and growth analysis
by James M. Nason & Shaun P. Vahey - 2009-17 Why don't lenders renegotiate more home mortgages? redefaults, self-cures, and securitization
by Manuel Adelino & Kristopher Gerardi & Paul S. Willen - 2009-16 Business cycle implications of internal consumption habit for New Keynesian models
by Takashi Kano & James M. Nason - 2009-15 Reducing foreclosures: no easy answers
by Christopher L. Foote & Kristopher Gerardi & Lorenz Goette & Paul S. Willen - 2009-14 Employer monopsony power in the labor market for undocumented workers
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & Myriam Quispe-Agnoli - 2009-13 The 2008 federal intervention to stabilize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
by W. Scott Frame - 2009-12 A note on the estimation of asset pricing models using simple regression betas
by Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti - 2009-11 Pricing model performance and the two-pass cross-sectional regression methodology
by Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti & Jay Shanken - 2009-10 Technological change, financial innovation, and diffusion in banking
by W. Scott Frame & Lawrence J. White - 2009-09 The surprising use of credit scoring in small business lending by community banks and the attendant effects on credit availability and risk
by Allen N. Berger & Adrian M. Cowan & W. Scott Frame - 2009-08 Entry barriers, competition, and technology adoption
by Lei Fang - 2009-07 Product market regulation and market work: a benchmark analysis
by Lei Fang & Richard Rogerson - 2009-06 Decomposing changes in the aggregate labor force participation rate
by Julie L. Hotchkiss - 2009-05 Understanding Markov-switching rational expectations models
by Roger E. A. Farmer & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2009-04 The Federal Home Loan Bank System: the lender of next-to-last resort?
by Adam B. Ashcraft & Morten L. Bech & W. Scott Frame - 2009-03 Sources of the Great Moderation: shocks, frictions, or monetary policy?
by Zheng Liu & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2009-02 Making sense of the subprime crisis
by Kristopher Gerardi & Andreas Lehnert & Shane M. Sherlund & Paul S. Willen - 2009-01 Subprime mortgages, foreclosures, and urban neighborhoods
by Kristopher Gerardi & Paul S. Willen
- 2008-28 Undocumented worker employment and firm survivability
by J. David Brown & Julie L. Hotchkiss & Myriam Quispe-Agnoli - 2008-27 Bank capital ratios across countries: why do they vary?
by Elijah Brewer & George G. Kaufman & Larry D. Wall - 2008-26 Determinants of domestic and cross-border bank acquisitions in the European Union
by Ignacio Hernando & Maria J. Nieto & Larry D. Wall - 2008-24 Elimination of gender-related employment disparities through statistical process control
by Mary E. Graham & Julie L. Hotchkiss - 2008-23 Minimal state variable solutions to Markov-switching rational expectations models
by Roger E. A. Farmer & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2008-22 Data breaches and identity theft
by William Roberds & Stacey L. Schreft - 2008-21 Returns to investors in stocks in new industries
by Cora Barnhart & Gerald P. Dwyer - 2008-20 Learning, adaptive expectations, and technology shocks
by Kevin X. D. Huang & Zheng Liu & Tao Zha - 2008-19 Generalizing the Taylor principle: comment
by Roger E. A. Farmer & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2008-18 Structural vector autoregressions: theory of identification and algorithms for inference
by Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2008-17 Firm entry and labor market dynamics
by Enchuan Shao & Pedro Silos - 2008-16 Exchange rates and fundamentals: a generalization
by James M. Nason & John H. Rogers - 2008-15 Bayesian semiparametric stochastic volatility modeling
by Mark J. Jensen & John M. Maheu - 2008-14 Financial and real integration
by Scott L. Baier & Gerald P. Dwyer - 2008-13 Issues in central bank finance and independence
by Ake Lonnberg & Peter Stella - 2008-12 Remittances, exchange rate regimes, and the Dutch disease: a panel data analysis
by Pablo A. Acosta & Emmanuel K. K. Lartey & Federico S. Mandelman - 2008-11 Productivity, energy prices, and the Great Moderation: a new link
by Rajeev Dhawan & Karsten Jeske & Pedro Silos - 2008-10 Technology shocks, employment, and labor market frictions
by Federico S. Mandelman & Francesco Zanetti - 2008-09 The exact distribution of the Hansen-Jagannathan bound
by Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti - 2008-08 Working with children? the probability of mothers exiting the workforce at time of birth
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & M. Melinda Pitts & Mary Beth Walker - 2008-07 The labor market experience and impact of undocumented workers
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & Myriam Quispe-Agnoli - 2008-06 The tax treatment of homeowners and landlords and the progressivity of income taxation
by Matthew Chambers & Carlos Garriga & Don E. Schlagenhauf - 2008-05 On policy interactions among nations: when do cooperation and commitment matter?
by Hubert Kempf & Leopold von Thadden - 2008-04 Comments on Piazzesi and Schneider's \"Bond positions, expectations, and the yield curve\"
by Jon Faust - 2008-03 Comments on Jeske and Kreuger's \"Housing and the macroeconomy: the role of implicit guarantees for government sponsored enterprises\"
by Brian Peterson - 2008-02 Bond positions, expectations, and the yield curve
by Monika Piazzesi & Martin Schneider - 2008-01 Great moderations and U.S. interest rates: unconditional evidence
by James M. Nason & Gregor W. Smith
- 2007-27 Assessing the welfare impact of the 2001 tax reform on dual-earner families
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & Robert E. Moore - 2007-26 Optimal fiscal feedback on debt in an economy with nominal rigidities
by Tatiana Kirsanova & Simon Wren-Lewis - 2007-25 Equilibrium mortgage choice and housing tenure decisions with refinancing
by Matthew Chambers & Carlos Garriga & Don E. Schlagenhauf - 2007-24 Optimal simple and implementable monetary and fiscal rules
by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe & Martin Uribe - 2007-23 Asymmetric expectation effects of regime shifts and the Great Moderation
by Zheng Liu & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2007-22 A discrete choice model of dividend reinvestment plans: classification and prediction
by Thomas P. Boehm & Ramon P. DeGennaro - 2007-21 Accounting for changes in the homeownership rate
by Matthew Chambers & Carlos Garriga & Don E. Schlagenhauf - 2007-20 What determines the output drop after an energy price increase: household or firm energy share?
by Rajeev Dhawan & Karsten Jeske - 2007-19 Cigarette smoking and food insecurity among low-income families in the United States, 2001
by Brian S. Armour & Chung-won Lee & M. Melinda Pitts - 2007-18 Does disability explain state-level differences in the quality of Medicare beneficiary hospital inpatient care?
by Brian S. Armour & M. Melinda Pitts - 2007-17 Federal Home Loan Bank advances and commercial bank portfolio composition
by W. Scott Frame & Diana Hancock & Wayne Passmore - 2007-16 Evidence of demand factors in the determination of the labor market intermittency penalty
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & M. Melinda Pitts - 2007-15 Microentrepreneurship and the business cycle: is self-employment a desired outcome?
by Federico S. Mandelman & Gabriel Montes-Rojas - 2007-14 Taylor rules with headline inflation: a bad idea
by Rajeev Dhawan & Karsten Jeske - 2007-13 U.S. tax policy and health insurance demand: can a regressive policy improve welfare?
by Karsten Jeske & Sagiri Kitao - 2007-12 Understanding the New Keynesian model when monetary policy switches regimes
by Roger E. A. Farmer & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2007-11 Commercial lending distance and historically underserved areas
by Robert DeYoung & W. Scott Frame & Dennis C. Glennon & Daniel P. McMillen & Peter Nigro - 2007-10 Information criteria for impulse response function matching estimation of DSGE models
by Alastair R. Hall & Atsushi Inoue & James M. Nason & Barbara Rossi - 2007-09 Multiple safety net regulators and agency problems in the European Union: Is prompt corrective action partly the solution?
by David G. Mayes & Maria J. Nieto & Larry D. Wall - 2007-08 Remittances and the Dutch disease
by Pablo A. Acosta & Emmanuel K. K. Lartey & Federico S. Mandelman - 2007-07 Simple versus optimal rules as guides to policy
by William A. Brock & Steven N. Durlauf & James M. Nason & Giacomo Rondina - 2007-06 Corporate social responsibility and shareholder's value: an event study analysis
by Leonardo Becchetti & Rocco Ciciretti & Iftekhar Hasan - 2007-05 Uninsurable individual risk and the cyclical behavior of unemployment and vacancies
by Enchuan Shao & Pedro Silos - 2007-04 Model comparison using the Hansen-Jagannathan distance
by Raymond Kan & Cesare Robotti - 2007-03 The McKenna rule and U.K. World War I finance
by James M. Nason & Shaun P. Vahey - 2007-02 Does geography matter to bondholders?
by Bill Francis & Iftekhar Hasan & Maya Waisman - 2007-01 The role of labor market intermittency in explaining gender wage differentials
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & M. Melinda Pitts - 2006-29 Why do borrowers pledge collateral? new empirical evidence on the role of asymmetric information
by Allen N. Berger & Marco A. Espinosa-Vega & W. Scott Frame & Nathan H. Miller - 2006-23 Liquidity creation without a lender of last resort: clearinghouse loan certificates in the Banking Panic of 1907
by Jon R. Moen & Ellis W. Tallman - 2006-19 Indeterminacy in a forward-looking regime-switching model
by Roger E. A. Farmer & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2006-15 Cross-border banking: challenges for deposit insurance and financial stability in the European Union
by Robert A. Eisenbeis & George G. Kaufman
- 2006-28 When target CEOs contract with acquirers: evidence from bank mergers and acquisitions
by Elijah Brewer & William E. Jackson & Larry D. Wall - 2006-27 Preconditions for a successful implementation of supervisors' prompt corrective action: Is there a case for a banking standard in the European Union?
by Maria J. Nieto & Larry D. Wall - 2006-26 Why do banks promise to pay par on demand?
by Gerald P. Dwyer & Margarita Samartin - 2006-25 Credit and the no-surcharge rule
by Cyril Monnet & William Roberds - 2006-24 The predictive power of the Senior Loan Officer Survey: do lending officers know anything special?
by Thomas J. Cunningham - 2006-22 Methods for inference in large multiple-equation Markov-switching models
by Christopher A. Sims & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 2006-21 Business cycles: a role for imperfect competition in the banking system
by Federico S. Mandelman - 2006-20 The conquest of South American inflation
by Thomas J. Sargent & Noah Williams & Tao Zha - 2006-18 Home country versus cross-border negative externalities in large banking organization failures and how to avoid them
by Robert A. Eisenbeis - 2006-17 Business cycles and monetary regimes in emerging economies: a role for a monopolistic banking sector
by Federico S. Mandelman - 2006-16 Forming priors for DSGE models (and how it affects the assessment of nominal rigidities)
by Marco Del Negro & Frank Schorfheide - 2006-14 Crude substitution: the cyclical dynamics of oil prices and the college premium
by Linnea Polgreen & Pedro Silos