- 2003.6 Squeezing the Interest Rate Smoothing Weight with a Hybrid Expectations Model
by Efrem Castelnuovo - 2003.5 Induced Technological Change under Technology Competition
by Reyer Gerlagh - 2003.4 Environmental Policy and Capital Movements: The Role of Government Commitment
by Laura Marsiliani & Thomas I. Renström - 2003.3 Strategic Action in the Liberalised German Electricity Market
by Wietze Lise & Claudia Kemfert & Richard S.J. Tol - 2003.2 Theory of Privatization in Eastern Europe: Literature Review
by Ibolya Schindele - 2003.1 Privatization and Financial Market Development: Theoretical Issues
by Gabriella Chiesa & Giovanna Nicodano
- 1999.85 The Environmental Kuznets Curve: a Survey of the Literature
by Simone Borghesi - 1999.40 Regulatory Conflict? Environmental and Economic Regulation of Electricity Generation
by Melinda Acutt & Caroline Elliott - 1999.39 Voluntary Environmental Agreements, Emission Taxes and International Trade: The Importance of the Timing of Strategies
by Klaus Conrad - 1999.38 Privatisation, Political Risk and Stock Market Development in Emerging Economies
by Enrico C. Perotti & Pieter van Oijen - 1999.37 Security versus Bank Finance: the Importance of a Proper Enforcement of Legal Rules
by Enrico C. Perotti & Franco Modigliani - 1999.36 Environmental Dumping, Transboundary Pollution and Asymmetric Information. Some Insights for the Environmental Regulation of the European Electricity Market
by Andrea Bigano - 1999.35 Stock-Related Compensation and Product-Market Competition
by Giancarlo Spagnolo - 1999.34 The Growth-Environment Trade-off: Horizontal vs Vertical Innovations
by Andre'' Grimaud & Francesco Ricci - 1999.33 Agriculture, Water Resources and Water Policies in Italy
by Antonio Massarutto - 1999.32 Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Under Incomplete and Costly Information
by Y.H. Farzin & J.D. Kaplan - 1999.31 Valuing Tradable CO2 Permits for OECD Countries
by Larry Karp & Xuemei Liu - 1999.30 Ownership or Performance: What Determines Board of Directors' Turnover in Italy?
by Giorgio Brunello & Clara Graziano & Bruno Parigi - 1999.29 Labour Participation in Different Firm Organisations
by Michele Moretto & Gianpaolo Rossini - 1999.28 Optimal Capacity Adjustment by a Multiplant Firm
by Michele Moretto - 1999.27 Endogenous Uncertainty and Market Volatility
by Mordecai Kurz & Maurizio Motolese - 1999.26 Money, Endogenous Fertility and Economic Growth
by Alberto Petrucci - 1999.25 An Epistemic Characterisation of Extensive Form Rationalisability
by Pierpaolo Battigalli & Marciano Siniscalchi - 1999.24 Dominant Investors and Strategic Transparency
by Enrico C. Perotti & Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden - 1999.23 Ownership and Control: A Spanish Survey
by Rafel Crespi-Cladera & Miguel A. Garcia-Cestona - 1999.22 Ownership and Control in the Netherlands
by Abe de Jongand & Rezaul Kabir & Teye Marra & Ailsa Roell - 1999.21 Strong Managers and Passive Institutional Investors in the UK
by Marc Goergen & Luc Renneboog - 1999.20 Business Groups, Bank Control and Large Shareholders: An Analysis of German Takeovers
by Ekkehart Boehmer - 1999.19 Post-Privatisation Ownership Structure and Productivity in Russian Industrial Enterprises
by John S. Earle - 1999.18 The Influence of Environmental Policy on Innovative Behaviour: An Econometric Study
by Jens Hemmelskamp - 1999.17 Policy Instruments and Incentives for Environmental R&D:A Market-Driven Approach
by Johan Albrecht - 1999.16 Local Electricity Distribution in Italy: Comparative Efficiency Analysis and Methodological Cross-Checking
by Gian Carlo Scarsi - 1999.15 Taxes and Quotas for a Stock Pollutant with Multiplicative Uncertainty
by Michael Hoel & Larry Karp - 1999.14 (Self-) Enforcement of Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism Contracts
by Josef Janssen - 1999.13 Wage Inequalities and Low Pay: The Role of Labour Market Institutions
by Claudio Lucifora - 1999.12 Marginal External Costs of Peak and Non Peak Urban Transport in Belgium
by Leo De Nocker & Stef Vergote & Luc Vinckx & Guido Wouters - 1999.11 Valuing the Recreational Benefits From the Creation of Nature Reserves in Irish Forests
by Riccardo Scarpa & Susan M. Chilton & W. George Hutchinson & Joseph Buongiorno - 1999.10 Bias and Efficiency of Single vs Double Bound Models for Contingent Valuation Studies.A Monte Carlo Analysis
by Pinuccia Calia & Elisabetta Strazzera - 1999.9 Is Ecolabelling a Reliable Environmental Policy Measure?
by Cesare Dosi & Michele Moretto - 1999.8 The Distributional Impacts of Policies for the Control of Transport Externalities.An Applied General Equilibrium Model
by Inge Mayeres - 1999.7 Contingent Valuation Methods.Possibilities and Problems
by Torben Holvad - 1999.6 Towards the Green Environment.Comparison of Environmental Impacts of Urban Public Transport and Automobiles
by Michael Gommers - 1999.5 Bottleneck Congestion and Modal Split Revisited
by Romeo Danielis & Edoardo Marcucci - 1999.4 Road Pricing: Old Beliefs, Present Awareness and Future Research Patterns
by Edoardo Marcucci - 1999.3 Binary Choice with Binary Endogenous Regressors in Panel Data: Estimating the Effect of Fertility on Female Labour Participation
by Raquel Carrasco - 1999.2 Desperately Seeking (Environmental) Kuznets
by Marzio Galeotti & Alessandro Lanza - 1999.1 From State to Market: A Survey of Empirical Studies on Privatization
by William L. Megginson & Jeffry M. Netter