- 2010-22 The Weight of the Crisis: Evidence From Newborns in Argentina
by Carlos Bozzoli & Climent Quintana - 2010-21 Exclusive Content and the Next Generation Networks
by Juan José Ganuza & María Fernanda Viecens - 2010-20 The Determinants of Success in Primary Education in Spain
by Brindusa Anghel & Antonio Cabrales - 2010-19 Explaining the fall of the skill wage premium in Spain
by Florentino Felgueroso & Manuel Hidalgo & SergiJiménez Martín - 2010-18 Some Students are Bigger than Others, Some Students’ Peers are Bigger than Other Students’ Peers
by Joan Gil & Toni Mora - 2010-17 Electricity generation cost in isolated system: the complementarities of natural gas and renewables in the Canary Islands
by Gustavo A. Marrero & Francisco Javier Ramos-Real - 2010-16 Killing by lung cancer or by diabetes? The trade-off between smoking and obesity
by Federico A.Todeschini & José María Labeaga & Sergi Jiménez Martín - 2010-15 Does gender matter for academic promotion? Evidence from a randomized natural experiment
by Natalia Zinovyeva & Manuel F. Bagues - 2010-14 Spain, Japan, and the Dangers of Early Fiscal Tightening
by Javier Díaz Giménez & R. AntonBraun - 2010-13 Competition and horizontal integration in maritime freight transport
by Rafael Moner & José J. Sempere & Pedro Cantos & Oscar Álvarez - 2010-12 Eppur si Muove! Spain: Growing without a Model
by Michele Boldrin & José Ignacio Conde-Ruiz & Javier Díaz Giménez - 2010-11 The Spanish Business Bankruptcy Puzzle and the Crisis
by Marco Celentani & Miguel García-Posada & Fernando Gómez - 2010-10 Promoting Employment of Disabled Women in Spain; Evaluating a Policy
by Judit Vall Castello - 2010-09 The Role of Construction in the Housing Boom and Bust in Spain
by Carlos Garriga - 2010-08 Did Good Cajas Extend Bad Loans? Governance, Human Capital and Loan Portfolios
by Vicente Cuñat & Luis Garicano - 2010-07 Unemployment and Temporary Jobs in the Crisis: Comparing France and Spain
by Samuel Bentolila & Pierre Cahuc & Juan José Dolado & Thomas Le Barbanchon, . - 2010-06 La Subida del Impuesto Sobre el Valor Añadido en España: Demasiado Cara y Demasiado Pronto
by Juan Carlos Conesa & Julián Díaz-Saavedra & Josep Pijoan-Mas & Javier Díaz Giménez - 2010-05 Off-the-peak preferences over government size
by Francisco Martínez Mora & M. Socorro Puy - 2010-04 Green Shoots? Where, when and how?
by Gabriel Pérez-Quiros & Maximo Camacho & Pilar Poncela - 2010-03 The Spanish Crisis from a Global Perspective
by Jesús Fernández-Villaverde & Lee Ohanian - 2010-02 Fiscal Centralization and the Political Process
by Fernando Albornoz & Antonio Cabrales - 2010-01 The Evolution of Adult Height Across Spanish Regions 1950-1980: A New Source of Data
by Mariano Bosch & Carlos Bozzoli & Climent Quintana
- 2009-40 Demographic Change and Pension Reform in Spain: An Assessment in a Two-Earner, OLG Model
by Alfonso R. Sánchez Martín & Virginia Sánchez Marcos - 2009-39 The "New Growth Model". How and with Whom?
by Florentino Felgueroso & Sergi Jiménez Martín - 2009-38 Rain and the Democratic Window of Opportunity
by Markus Brückner & Antonio Ciccone - 2009-37 International Commodity Prices, Growth, and the Outbreak of Civil War in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Markus Brückner & Antonio Ciccone - 2009-36 Determinants of Economic Growth: Will Data Tell?
by Marek Jarocinski & Antonio Ciccone - 2009-35 The timing of work and work-family conflicts in Spain sho has a split work schedule and why?
by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes & Sara de la Rica - 2009-34 Fatter Attraction: Anthropometric and Socioeconomic Characteristics in the Marriage Market
by Pierre-André Chiappori & Sonia Oreffice & Climent Quintana - 2009-33 Infant disease, economic conditions at birth and adult stature in Brazil
by Víctor Hugo de Oliveira Sila & Climent Quintana - 2009-32 Are Drinkers Prone to Engage in Risky Sexual Behaviors?
by Ana I. Gil Lacruz & Marta Gil Lacruz & Juan Oliva - 2009-31 Factors Explaining Charges in European Airports: Competition, Market Size, Private Ownership and Regulation
by Germá Bel & Xavier Fageda - 2009-30 Are Women Pawns in the Political Game? Evidence from Elections to the Spanish Senate
by Berta Esteve-Volart & Manuel F. Bagües - 2009-29 An Integrated Approach to Simulate the Impacts of Carbon Emissions Trading Schemes
by Xavier Labandeira Villot & Pedro Linares & Miguel Rodríguez - 2009-28 Disability, Capacity for Work and the Business Cycle: An International Perspective
by Hugo Benítez-Silva & Richard Disney & Sergi Jiménez Martín - 2009-27 Infant mortality, income and adult stature in Spain
by Mariano Bosch & Carlos Bozzoli & Climent Quintana - 2009-26 Immigration and Social Security in Spain
by Clara I. Gonzalez & José Ignacio Conde Ruiz & Michele Boldrin - 2009-25 Business Cycle Effects on Labour Force Transitions for Older People in Spain
by Sergi Jiménez Martín & Judit Vall Castello - 2009-24 Inequality of Opportunity and Growth
by Gustavo A. Marrero & Juan G. Rodríguez - 2009-23 A Characterization of the Judicial System in Spain: Analysis with Formalism Indices
by Juan S. Mora - 2009-22 Anthropometry and Socioeconomics in the Couple: Evidence from the PSID
by Sonia Oreffice & Climent Quintana - 2009-21 Stimulating Graduates' Research-Oriented Careers: Does Academic Research Matter?
by Mauro Sylos Labini & Natalia Zinovyeva - 2009-20 University Effect on Regional Inovation
by Robin Cowan & Natalia Zinovyeva - 2009-19 Innovation, Tangible and Intangible Investments and the Value of Spanish Firms
by Aitor Lacuesta & Omar Licandro & Teresa Molina & Luis A. Puch - 2009-18 Estimation of Elasticity Price of Electricity with Incomplete Information
by Xavier Labandeira Villot & José María Labeaga & Xiral López-Otero - 2009-17 MEDEA: A DSGE Model for the Spanish Economy
by Pablo Burriel & Jesús Fernández-Villaverde & Juan F. Rubio-Ramírez - 2009-16 Greenhouse gases emissions, growth and the energy mix in Europe: a dynamic panel data approach
by Gustavo A. Marrero - 2009-15 Impact of the Rise in immigrant unemployment on public finances
by Pablo Vazquez Vega & Mario Alloza & Raquel Vegas & Stefano Bertozzi - 2009-14 Responding to Financial Pressures. The Effect of Managed Care on Hospitals´ Provision of Charity Care
by Mas, Núria - 2009-13 Domestic transport cost reductions and firms’ export behaviour
by Pedro Albarrán & Adelheid Holl & Raquel Carrasco - 2009-12 Compatibility with Firm Dominance
by María Fernanda Viecens - 2009-11 Pricing strategies in two-sided platforms: The role of sellers’ competition
by María Fernanda Viecens - 2009-10 Scheduled service versus personal transportation: the role of distance
by Volodymir BilotKach & Xavier Fageda & Ricardo Flores-Fillol - 2009-09 Social Preferences and Strategic Uncertainty: An Experiment on Markets and Contracts
by Antonio Cabrales & Raffaele Miniaci & Marco Piovesan & Giovanni Ponti - 2009-08 Hidden Information, Bargaining Power and Efficiency: An Experiment
by Gary Charness & Marie Claire Villeval & Antonio Cabrales - 2009-07 Democracy and the curse of natural resources
by Antonio Cabrales & Esther Hauk - 2009-06 Social Interactions and Spillovers: Incentives,Segregation and Topology
by Antonio Cabrales & Antoni Calvó-Armengol & Yves Zenou - 2009-05 Chance Constrained Programming with one Discrete Random Variable in Each Constraint
by Emilio Cerdá & Julio Moreno Lorente - 2009-04 Economic Value of Weather Forecasting Systems Information: A Risk Aversion Approach
by Emilio Cerdá & Sonia Quiroga Gómez - 2009-03 Population Ageing, Inequality and the Political Economy of Public Education
by Francisco Martínez Mora - 2009-02 Real Wages over the Business Cycle: OECD Evidence from the Time and Frequency Domains
by Julian Messina & Chiara Strozzi & Jarkko Turunen - 2009-01 The Determinants of Misreporting Weight and Height: The Role of Social Norms
by Joan Gil & Toni Mora
- 2008-42 Social Security incentives, exit from the workforce and entry of the young
by Michele Boldrin & Pilar García Gómez & Sergi Jiménez Martín - 2008-41 The evolution and main determinants of productivity in Brazilian electricity distribution 1998-2005: an empirical analysis
by Francisco J. Ramos-Real & Beatriz Tovar & Mariana Iootty & Edmar Fagundes de Almeida & Helder Jr. Queiroz Pinto - 2008-40 Immigration and Housing Prices in Spain
by Simón Sosvilla - 2008-39 Modeling the Immigration Shock
by Michele Boldrin & Ana Montes - 2008-38 Immigration and the Demand for Health in Spain
by Sergi Jimenez & Natalia Jorgensen & José María Labeaga - 2008-37 Immigration and Students' Achievement in Spain
by Natalia Zinovyeva & Florentino Felgueroso & Pablo Vazquez Vega - 2008-36 Immigration and Social Security in Spain
by Clara Isabel González & J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz & Michele Boldrin - 2008-35 Complements or Substitutes? Immigrant and Native Task Specialization in Spain
by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes & Sara de la Rica - 2008-34 Immigration and Crime in Spain, 1999-2006
by Cesar Alonso & Nuno Garoupa & Marcelo Perera & Pablo Vazquez - 2008-33 A Social Network Approach to Spanish Immigration: An Analysis of Immigration into Spain 1998-2006
by Rickard Sandell - 2008-32 The Consequences on Job Satisfaction of Job-Worker Educational and Skill Mismatches in the Spanish Labour Market: a Panel Analysis
by Lourdes Badillo Amador & Angel López Nicolás & Luis E. Vila - 2008-31 Students’ Assessment of Higher Education in Spain
by César Alonso-Borrego & Antonio Romero-Medina - 2008-30 Body image and food disorders: Evidence from a sample of European women
by Joan Costa i Font & Mireia Jofre-Bonet - 2008-29 Aggregation and Dissemination of Information in Experimental Asset Markets in the Presence of a Manipulator
by Helena Veiga & Marc Vorsatz - 2008-28 The Measurement of Consensus: An Axiomatic Analysis
by Jorge Alcalde-Unzu & Marc Vorsatz - 2008-27 Macroeconomic Consequences of International Commodity Price Shocks
by Claudia S. Gómez-López & Luis A.Puch - 2008-26 The Effect of Short–Selling on the Aggregation of Information in an Experimental Asset Market
by Marc Vorsatz & Helena Veiga - 2008-25 Adult height and childhood disease
by Carlos Bozzoli & Angus Deaton & Climent Quintana - 2008-24 On gender gaps and self-fulfilling expectations: Theory, policies and some empirical evidence
by Sara de la Rica & Juan José Dolado & Cecilia García-Peñalosa - 2008-23 Fuel Consumption, Economic Determinants and Policy Implications for Road Transport in Spain
by Rosa M. González-Marrero & Rosa M. Lorenzo-Alegría & Gustavo A. Marrero - 2008-22 Trade-off between formal and informal care in Spain
by Sergi Jiménez Martín & Cristina Vilaplana - 2008-21 The Rise in Obesity Across the Atlantic: An Economic Perspective
by Giorgio Brunello & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Anna Sanz de Galdeano - 2008-20 Multimarket Contact in Pharmaceutical Markets
by Javier Coronado & Sergi Jiménez Martín & Pedro L. Marín - 2008-19 Financial Analysts impact on Stock Volatility. A Study on the Pharmaceutical Sector
by Clara I. Gonzalez & Ricardo Gimeno - 2008-18 The Determinants of Pricing in Pharmaceuticals: Are U.S. prices really so high?
by Antonio Cabrales & Sergi Jiménez-Martín - 2008-17 Does Immigration Raise Natives’ Income? National and Regional Evidence from Spain
by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes & Sara de la Rica - 2008-16 Assessing the Argument for Specialized Courts: Evidence from Family Courts in Spain
by Nuno Garoupa & Natalia Jorgensen & Pablo Vázquez - 2008-15 Do men and women-economists choose the same research fields?: Evidence from top-50 departments
by Juan J. Dolado & Florentino Felgueroso & Miguel Almunia - 2008-14 Demographic Change, Pension Reform and Redistribution in Spain
by Alfonso Sánchez & Virginia Sánchez Marcos - 2008-13 Exploring the Pathways of Inequality in Health, Access and Financing in Decentralised Spain
by Joan Costa i Font & Joan Gil - 2008-12 Hybrid Consumption Paths in the Attribute Space: A Model and Application with Scanner Data
by Sergi Jiménez-Martín & Antonio Ladron-de-Guevara Martinez - 2008-11 Decomposing Body Mass Index Gaps Between Mediterranean Countries: A Counterfactual Quantile Regression Analysis
by Joan Costa-Font & Daniele Fabbri & Joan Gil - 2008-10 How Well do Individuals Predict the Selling Prices of their Homes?
by Hugo Benítez-Silva & Selcuk Eren & Frank Heiland & Sergi Jiménez-Martín - 2008-09 From Income to Consumption: Measuring Households Partial Insurance
by José María Casado García - 2008-08 The Impact of Immigration on the Regional Growth in Spain
by J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz & Juan Ramón García & María Navarro - 2008-07 Differential Grading Standards and University Funding: Evidence from Italy
by Manuel Bagues & Mauro Sylos Labini & Natalia Zinovyeva - 2008-06 Viability of a New Road Infrastructure with Heterogeneous Users in Madrid Access
by Pedro Cantos-Sanchez & Rafael Moner-Colonques & Jose J. Sempere-Monerris & Oscar Alvarez - 2008-05 Gatekeeping versus Direct-Access when Patient Information Matters
by Paula González - 2008-04 The Child is Father of the Man: by Implications for the Demographic Transition
by David de la Croix & Omar Licandro - 2008-03 Trade Liberalization, Competition and Growth
by Omar Licandro & Antonio Navas-Ruiz - 2008-02 The Costs of Kyoto Adjustments for Spanish Households
by Xavier Labandeira & José María Labeaga & Miguel Rodríguez - 2008-01 Institutions, health shocks and labour outcomes across Europe
by Pilar García Gómez
- 2007-39 Wide and Narrow Approaches in Climate Change Policies: The Case of Spain
by Miguel Rodríguez & Xavier Labandeira - 2007-38 An Economic Analysis of Obesity in Europe: Health, Medical Care and Absenteeism Costs
by Anna Sanz de Galdeano - 2007-37 Financial Satisfaction from Intra-Household Perspectives
by Namkee Ahn & Victoria Ateca & Arantza Ugidos - 2007-36 Expenditures at retirement by Spanish households
by José M. Labeaga & Rubén Osuna - 2007-35 Segregación ocupacional y diferencias salariales por género en España: 1995-2002
by Sara de la Rica - 2007-34 Immigrants’ Responsiveness to Labor Market Conditions and their Impact on Regional Employment Disparities: Evidence from Spain
by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes & Sara de la Rica - 2007-33 La productividad en la sociedad de la información: Impacto de las nuevas formas de organización del trabajo
by Rocío Sánchez-Mangas - 2007-32 What Works Best For Getting The Unemployed Back To Work: Employment Services Or Small-Business Assistance Programmes? Evidence From Romania
by Nuria Rodriguez-Planas† - 2007-31 Evaluative Active Labor Market Programmes in Romania
by Nuria Rodriguez-Planas† & Jacob Benus - 2007-30 Regulating Prostitution: A Comparative Law and Economics Approach
by Rocío Albert & Fernando Gómez & Yanna Gutierrez Franco - 2007-29 Valoración y determinantes del stock de capital salud en la Comunidad Canaria y Cataluña
by Juan Oliva & Néboa Zozaya - 2007-28 Proyecciones de tablas de mortalidad dinámicas de España y sus comunidades autónomas
by Javier Alonso Meseguer & Simón Sosvilla Rivero - 2007-27 Un análisis del proceso de feminización de las aulas universitarias
by Pablo Vazquez Vega & Marcelo Perera - 2007-26 Occupational mismatch and moonlighting of Spanish physicians: Do couples matter?
by Juan J. Dolado & Florentino Felgueroso - 2007-25 Determinantes del nivel de catalán de los inmigrantes en Cataluña: Un análisis de sección cruzada a nivel comarcal
by Javier Ortega - 2007-24 Diferencias de género y temporalidad: El caso de los profesionales superiores en el sector sanitario en España
by Juan José Dolado & Florentino Felgueroso - 2007-23 Which Factors Determine Academic Performance of Undergraduate Students in Economics?: Some Spanish Evidence
by Juan José Dolado & E. Morales - 2007-22 Initial Offers and Outcomes in Wage Barganing: Who Wins?
by Jaume Garcia, & Sergi Jiménez-Martín - 2007-21 Testing the Double Jeopardy Loyalty Effect Using Discrete Choice Models
by José M. Labeaga & Mercedes Martos-Partal & Nora Lado - 2007-20 On Various ways of Measuring Unemployment, with Applications to Switzerland
by Jacques Silber & Joseph Deutsch & Yves Flückiger - 2007-19 Earnings Functions and the Measurement of the Determinants of Wage Dispersion: Extending Oaxaca's Approach
by Jacques Silber & Joseph Deutsch - 2007-18 Reforma de las pensiones: la experiencia internacional
by Javier Alonso Meseguer & J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz - 2007-17 Production Subcontracting and Location
by Adelheid Holl - 2007-16 The Effect of Outplacement on Unemployment Duration in Spain
by F. Alfonso Arellano - 2007-15 Can gender parity break the glass ceiling? Evidence from a repeated randomized experiment
by Manuel F. Bagüés & Berta Esteve-Volart - 2007-14 Measuring Poverty: Taking a Multidimensional Perspective
by Jacques Silber - 2007-13 School to Work Transitions and the Impact of Public Expenditure on Education
by Maite Blázquez & José Ignacio García Pérez - 2007-12 La felicidad de los españoles: Factores explicativos
by Namkee Ahn & F. Mochón - 2007-11 ¿Por qué preocupa la inmigración?: Un análisis de los datos de la encuesta del CIS
by Namkee Ahn & Pablo Vázquez - 2007-10 Value of Intangible Job Characteristics in Workers' Job and Life Satisfaction: How much are they worth?
by Namkee Ahn - 2007-09 Transitions into Permanent Employment in Spain:An Empirical Analysis for Young Workers
by Fernando Muñoz-Bullón & J. Ignacio García-Pérez - 2007-08 The Use of Permanent Contracts Across Spanish Regions: Do Regional Wage Subsidies Work?
by J. Ignacio García-Pérez & Yolanda Rebollo - 2007-07 The Redistributive Design of Social Security Systems
by J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz & Paola Profeta - 2007-06 Collective Bargaining and the GenderWage Gap: A Quantile Regression Approach
by Florentino Felgueroso & Juan Prieto Rodríguez & María José Pérez-Villadóniga - 2007-05 Residential Mobility and Labor Market Transitions: Relative Effects of Housing Tenure, Satisfaction and Other Variables
by Namkee Ahn & Maite Blázquez - 2007-04 Una aproximación a la identificación y propagación de los shocks en una economía pequeña y abierta: El caso uruguayo
by Marcelo Perera - 2007-03 Análisis cuantitativo del estado de bienestar en Europa: Modelos y resultados
by Carlos Ocaña Orbis & Gabriel Pérez-Quiros & J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz - 2007-02 A Proposal to Distinguish State Dependence and Unobserved Heterogeneity in Binary Brand Choice Models
by José M. Labeaga & Mercedes Martos-Partal - 2007-01 Felicidad y expectativas
by JF Mochón & Namkee Ahn
- 2006-29 Labour Participation of People Living with HIV/AIDS
by José M. Labeaga & Juan Oliva - 2006-28 Crecimiento económico y generaciones de capital
by Raouf Boucekkine & Omar Licandro & Luis A. Puch - 2006-27 Strategic Weight Within Couples: A Microsimulation Approach
by Amedeo Spadaro & Kristian Orsini - 2006-26 Desigualdad en consumo y renta en España y su relación con algunas variables demográficas
by A. Cutanda & F. Mochón & José M. Labeaga - 2006-25 An Evolutionary Theory of Inflation Inertia
by Alexis Anagnostopoulos & Italo Bove & Karl Schlag & Omar Licandro - 2006-24 Sobre la medición del crecimiento económico en presencia de progreso técnico incorporado
by Jorge Durán & Omar Licandro & Luis A. Puch - 2006-23 Term and Equity Premium in Economies with Habit Formation
by Santiago Budría & Antonia Díaz - 2006-22 Forecasting Stock Price Changes: Is it Possible?
by Pedro N. Rodríguez, & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 2006-21 Labor Market Assimilation of Immigrants in Spain: Employment at the Expense of Bad Job-Matches?
by Cristina Fernández & Ana Carolina Ortega Masagué - 2006-20 Is Discrete Time a Good Representation of Continuous Time?
by Luis A. Puch & Omar Licandro - 2006-19 Implicit Bands in the Yen/Dollar Exchange Rate
by Francisco Ledesma-Rodríguez & Manuel Navarro-Ibáñez & Jorge Pérez-Rodríguez & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 2006-18 Award Errors and Permanent Disability Benefits in Spain
by Sergi Jiménez-Martín & José M. Labeaga & Cristina Vilaplana - 2006-17 Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity in Spain
by Emma García & José M. Labeaga & Ana Carolina Ortega Masagué - 2006-16 Time-to-Build Echoes
by Fabrice Collard & Omar Licandro & Luis A. Puch - 2006-15 The Political Economy of Flexicurity
by Tito Boeri & J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz & Vincenzo Galasso - 2006-14 On The User Cost and Homeownership
by Antonia Díaz & Maria J. Luengo-Prado - 2006-13 Economies of Density, Network Size and Spatial Scope in the European Airline Industry
by Hugo Salgado & Manuel Romero-Hernández - 2006-12 Using machine learning algorithms to find patterns in stock prices
by Pedro N. Rodríguez & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 2006-11 Using machine learning algorithms to find patterns in stock prices
by Nuno Garoupa - 2006-10 Secondhand market and the lifetime of durable goods
by Antonio R. Sampayo & Luis A. Puch & Omar Licandro - 2006-09 A Law and Economics Perspective on Terrorism
by Francesco Parisi & Jonathan Klick & Nuno Garoupa - 2006-08 El diferencial entre las tasas de desempleo de hombres y mujeres en Argentina
by Ana Carolina Ortega Masagué - 2006-07 Efectos de las Ayudas Europeas sobre la Economía Madrileña 2007-2013:Un análisis basado en el Modelo Hermin
by Simón Sosvilla-Rivero & Emma García - 2006-06 Further evidence about alcohol consumption and the business cycle
by C. Vilaplana & José M. Labeaga & S. Jiménez-Martín - 2006-05 Las dimensiones del bienestar en las Comunidades Autónomas Españolas. Un análisis de Sigma y Gamma-Convergencia
by Andrés J. Marchante Mera & Bienvenido Ortega Aguaza & José Sánchez Maldonado - 2006-04 Efectos de las ayudas europeas sobre la economía Española , 2000-2006:Un análisis basado en el Modelo Hermin
by Emma García & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 2006-03 Understanding and Forecasting Stock Price Changes
by Pedro N. Rodríguez, & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 2006-02 A Macro and Microeconomic Integrated Approach to Assessing the Effects of Public Policies
by José M. Labeaga & Miguel Rodríguez & Xavier Labandeira - 2006-01 The dynamics of regional inequalities
by Eric Strobl, & Salvador Barrios
- 2005-28 New European Member States and the dependent elderly
by Corinne Mette - 2005-27 Efectos del Programa Operativo Integrado de Castilla-La Mancha, 2000-2006: Un análisis basado en el modelo Hermin
by Emma García & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 2005-26 It's a Small Small Welfare Cost of Fluctuations
by Frank Portier & Luis A. Puch - 2005-25 Obsolescence and Productivity
by Antonio R. Sampayo & Fernando del Río - 2005-24 Structural Funds and Spain’s Objective 1 Regions: An Analysis Based on the Hermin Model
by Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 2005-23 A sequential model for older workers’ labor transitions after a health shock
by Sergi Jiménez-Martín & José M. Labeaga & Cristina Vilaplana Prieto - 2005-22 Price Convergence in the European Car Market
by Salvador Gil-Pareja & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 2005-21 Implicit regimes for the Spanish Peseta/Deutschmark exchange rate
by Francisco Ledesma-Rodríguez & Manuel Navarro-Ibáñezr & Jorge Pérez-Rodríguez & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 2005-20 A Projection of Spanish Pension System under Demographic Uncertainty
by Namkee Ahn & Javier Alonso-Meseguer & Juan Ramón García - 2005-19 The Welfare Cost of Business Cycles in an Economy with Nonclearing Markets
by Elena Casquel & Antoni Cunyat - 2005-18 The Welfare Cost of Business Cycles in an Economy with Nonclearing Markets
by Franck Portier & Luis A. Puch - 2005-17 Life Satisfaction among Spanish Workers: Importance of Intangible Job Characteristics
by Namkee Ahn - 2005-16 Persistence and ability in the innovation decisions
by José M. Labeaga & Ester Martínez Ros - 2005-15 Measuring Changes in Health Capital
by José M. Labeaga & Xisco Oliver & Amedeo Spadaro - 2005-14 Discrete choice models of labour Supply, behavioural microsimulation and the Spanish tax reforms
by José M. Labeaga, Xisco Oliver & Xisco Oliver & Amedeo Spadaro - 2005-13 A Closer Look at the Comparative Statics in Competitive Markets
by José Ramón Ruiz-Tamarit & Manuel Sánchez-Moreno - 2005-12 Wellbeing and dependency among European elderly: The role of social integration
by Corinne Mette - 2005-11 Demand for life annuities from married couples with a bequest motive
by Carlos Vidal-Meliá & Ana Lejárraga-García - 2005-10 Air pollution and the macroeconomy across European countries
by Francisco Alvarez & Gustavo A. Marrero & Luis A. Puch - 2005-09 The excess burden associated to characteristics of the goods: Application to housing demand
by Amelia Bilbao & Celia Bilbao & José M. Labeaga - 2005-08 La situación laboral de los inmigrantes en España: Un análisis descriptivo
by Ana Carolina Ortega Masagué - 2005-07 Demographic Uncertainty and Health Care Expenditure in Spain
by Namkee Ahn & Juan Ramón García & José A. Herce - 2005-06 EL NO-MAGREB. Implicaciones económicas para (y más allá de) la región
by José A. Herce & Simón Sosvilla Rivero - 2005-05 The real picture: Industry specific exchange rates for the euro area
by Simón Sosvilla-Rivero & Sonia Pangusión - 2005-04 A Residential Energy Demand System for Spain
by Xavier Labandeira & José M. Labeaga & Miguel Rodríguez - 2005-03 The Evolution of Retirement
by J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz & Vincenzo Galasso & Paola Profeta