2021, Volume 3
- 1 An Evaluation of the Nature of Public Spaces in the Private Realm over the Examples of Privately Owned Public Spaces in NYC
by Tuğçe Ertan - 1 Specialized Foster Care as System Approach, Deinstitutionalization of Social Protection in Case of Adults with Developmental Difficulties in the Republic of Srpska – a Case Stady
by Andrea Rakanović Radonjić & Ljubo Lepir - 1 Conceptual Usage of Systems Dynamics in Patients Rehabilitation Management
by Tudor Irimiaș & Adrian Pîslă - 1 The Importance of Music in the Development of the Child
by Ilir Ramadani - 1 Theoretical Considerations to Improve a Good Questionnaire on Tolerance
by Ylli H. Doci - 1 Improvement of Sports Technique Based on Biomechanical Indicators of Yurchenko Handspring Vault in Women’s Artistic Gymnastics
by Potop Vladimir & Jurat Valeriu - 1 The Concept of Moderation within the Context of Leadership in Malaysia
by Wan Kamal Mujani - 1 Managing Diversity and Capabilities
by Feriha Özdemir - 1 Measurements of Standby Power Consumption of Domestic Appliances in Albania
by Marijon Pano - 1 The Perception and Attitudes Towards City Garbage Management: A First Analysis
by Francesco Ceresia & Ã ngel Solanes Puchol - 1 Sustainability Symbol of Justice
by Noor Farihah Mohd Noor - 1 Leadership as Important Factor for Agricultural Development in Albania
by Rezear Kolaj & Etleva Dashi & Dubravka Skunca - 1 The Challenges of Collective Action for Olive Growers in Albania
by Rezear Kolaj & Dubravka Skunca & Dorjana Zahoalia - 1 Hardiness and Resilience Versus Personality Work in Visually Impaired
by Olga Kvasova
May - August 2016 2021, Volume 2
- 2 The Symptoms of Postpartum Depression in Fathers in the City of Elbasan
by Jonida Mustafaraj & Macaj Orgesa - 2 Remarks on Immanuel Kant`s Theory on European Project
by Magdalini Vampa - 2 Homogenization and Mass Identity vs. Individual Identity. An Analysis in the Light of the Theory of “The Three Dimensional Spiral of Sense
by Miriam Aparicio - 2 From the Synergy to the Discrimination - Analysis of Attitudes and Decisions of the Prison Staff Towards Muslim Prisoners in the Context of Multicultural Education
by Arkadiusz Urbanek - 2 Securitization as Policy Choice: Macedonian Case
by Fatmir Xheladini - 2 Security Implications of Forced Migration and the Refugee Flows
by Fatmir Xheladini - 2 Threatening Conditions and Challenges in the Modern Living of the Old People in Republic of Macedonia
by Hava Rexhep - 2 Offensive Use of Force in Peace Operations: The Force Intervention Brigade
by Menent Savas Cazala - 2 The Distinctive Legal Features of Crimes Against Humanity
by Sulejman Ahmedi - 2 The War of US against ISIS in Psychological Warfare and Internet as the New Frontline
by Urtak Hamiti - 2 NATO in Balkan’s Late Twenties Tide
by Xhavit Sadrijaj - 2 Estimating Barro misery index in democratic states with application in Albania: 2005 – 2014
by Fejzi Kolaneci & Duzha Juxhen & Enxhi Lika - 2 Kosovo – Unique Case of the Parallel Justice System
by Haki Kabashi - 2 State Failure and the Political Violence Phenomenon: A Comparative Analysis of Iraq and Syria Cases
by K. Eylem Özkaya Lassalle - 2 The Appraisal of Commitment in Organizational Environments- Differentiating Organizational Commitment from Employee Satisfaction
by Radu Florea - 2 The comparison of MCDM Methods including AHP, TOPSIS and MAUT with an Application on Gender Inequality Index
by Latife Sinem Sarul & Eren Özge - 2 The Representation of Women in Turkish Local Governments
by Pinar Savaş Yavuzçehre & Ciğeroğlu-Öztepe Mısra - 2 Self Presentation of Communist Albania Through the Antagonist Discourse
by Romira Muka - 2 Migration as an Early European Reality
by Dorina Gjipali - 2 The Emotional and Social Effects of Dyslexia
by Enkeleda Sako - 2 Recogntion in International Law: Recognition of States and European Integration - Legal and Political Considerations
by Ermira Mehmeti - 2 The Accuracy, Balance and Verification of News, in Independent Press, During the Electoral Campaign 2009 in Albania
by Isida Hoxha - 2 The Impact of Avoidable Mortality on the Life Expectancy in Bulgarian Population
by Mariana Mourgova - 3 Geographic Information System(GIS) and Roadeng Usage to Determine the Environmentally Sensitive Forest Road Route in Mountainous Terrain
by Erhan Çalışkan - 3 The Investigation the Effects of the Performance of an Independent Emotion Recognition of Model Used in the Dimensioning of Emotions
by Turgut Özseven - 3 Comparison of Different Time and Frequency Domain Feature Extraction Methods on Elbow Gesture’s EMG
by Cemil Altın - 3 Utilization Trends of Endocrine Therapies for Breast Cancer in Albania During 2004-2014
by Laerta Kakariqi - 3 Study of the Effective Factors on Air Pollution in Iran Cities
by Saeede Safari - 3 Infrastructure –Transportation and Networks: Thoughts on the City of Tomorrow
by Efthimios Bakogiannis & Charalampos Kyriakidis - 3 The Transition to Democracy in Bulgaria: Much-Needed Reforms, Showed by AI-Approach, AI-Methodology and AI-Cognitive G-Space Architecture
by Georgi Goshev - 3 Theory of Architectural, Social Participation and “Contact†by Robert Zemeckis
by Karol Wysznacki
January - April 2016 2021, Volume 2
- 1 Labour Law of E.U. About the Free Circolation: A Comment on Recent Discussion According to Most Relevant Pronunciations of Justice Court
by Antonio Vito Pasquale Boccia - 1 The Modern Mind, Religion, and the Spiritual in the Thinking of Frank C. Doan
by SimuÈ› Ciprian - 1 Supervision and Control of Local Governance in the Republic of Kosovo
by Mervete Shala - 1 The Role of the Investigative Prosecutor and Judge in the Pre-Trial Proceedings in Kosovo (1999-2013)
by Haki Kabashi - 1 Rule of Law: Its Impact on Quality of Life
by Noor Farihah Mohd Noor - 1 Brain Circulation, the Phenomenon and Challenges
by Lajda Bana
EJIS September-December 2021, Volume 2
- 4 Professional Development in Greek Military Services. Searching a Dominant Leadership Style
by Elissavet Karageorgou & Lazaros Rizopoulos & Theodoros Stefou - 4 PMI (Public Media Institution Radio Television of Vojvodina the New Media Organization
by Sonja Kokotović - 4 Jurisprudential Analysis on the Implementation of and Compliance with European Safety Standards on Patient Mobility in the Romanian Health System
by Cristina-Luiza Erimia & Sîrbu Rodica & Stelian Paris - 4 Understanding Implementation of Basel II and III in Albania: Obstacles and Solutions
by Sokol Ndoka & Ermela Kripa - 4 Copyright and Copyright Protection
by Safet Emruli & Besa Kadriu - 4 The Place of the Criminal Justice for Children in the Legal System of Republic of Macedonia from Its Independence Until Today
by Blerta Arifi - 4 Professional Mobility and “Objective†and “Subjective†Satisfaction. a Non- Linear Analysis from the Theory of the Three-Dimensional Spiral of Sense in Population of Doctors
by Miriam Aparicio - 4 The Instability of Mjaft Movement and of G99 Party, Leaded by Mr. Veliaj
by Orges Zani - 4 The Francescanism of Ignazio Silone/ Il Francescanesimo di Ignazio Silone
by Areti Spinoula - 4 Cooperation Between Albania and Kosovo and Its Impact in Strengthening the Rule of Law Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2008-2015
by Bajram Ibraj - 4 Solve Complex Simulations to Enhance Product Performance in Naval Industry
by Mirela Koci - 4 Communication and Social Problems in the Context of Downtown Area Renewal. Case Study of Poznan in Poland
by Bartosz Kazmierczak - 4 Participation and Partnership Within Revival Process. Case Study of a City of Poznan in Poland
by Dominika Pazder - 4 Attachment Style and the Predisposition to Eating Disorders in Adolescence
by Semiramida Manaj - 4 The Socio-Psychological Impact of Divorce on School Children through Analysis of Interviews Implemented to Students and School Psychologists in Tirana\\Albania
by Muhammed Ali Isik
September - December 2021, Volume 1
- 3 Contemporary Models of Organization of Power and the Macedonian Model of Organization of Power
by Driton Kuçi - 3 eParticipation Issues in Contemporary Europe
by Rada Cristina Irimie - 3 The Evaluation of the Drafting Process of Regional’s Development Strategies in Albania. the Research on Gjirokastra’s Region
by Alketa Bejko & Belinda Xarba - 3 The Challenges in Building a Legal State in the Republic of Macedonia
by Mersim Maksuti - 3 Pedagogical Explanation Methods of Teaching Matrix Programming Operations: Effects on Students’ Achievements in IPCs
by Arjan Skuka - 3 Legal Justice and Historical Aspects of the Appearance of Criminality
by Mevledin Mustafi - 3 The Influence of Social Media on Organizational Communication: Case Study in Republic of Macedonia
by Liljana Siljanovska - 3 Prophetic Leadership Model: Conceptualizing a Prophet’s Leadership Behaviour, Leader-Follower Mutuality and Altruism to Decision Making Quality
by Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad - 3 Miskawayh’s Apologia for Greek Philosophy
by Mohd Nasir Omar - 3 Slum Kampong Tourism “Jakarta Hidden Tour†: Designing Eco-Cultural Based Pro-Poor Tourism
by Retnayu Prasetyanti - 3 Development of Social Security in the Czech Republic in the Context of Current International Treaties
by Zuzana Horváthová & Iva Chvátalová - 3 New Perspectives on Contractual Law in the Context of Real Contracts in the Systems of International Contemporary (Roman) Law
by Bashkim Selmani - 3 Importance of Video Aids’ Usage in Teaching and Learning Process of English Language Classes
by Eriselda Vrapi - 3 Justification of Acquisitive Prescription in the Civil Law System. Why is It Not an “Uncompensated Deprivation?
by Silvana Dode - 3 Perception of Lecturer on Intercultural Competence and Culture Teaching Time (Case Study)
by Enkeleda Jata - 3 Distinct Matters between the Phenomenon of Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in Human Beings as Types of Organized Crime in Kosovo
by Armend Podvorica - 3 Diplomatic Means of Resolving the International Dispute? Case of Iranian Nuclear Program
by Mentor Lecaj - 3 Kosovo's Security Policy in Preventing and Fighting Trafficking of Human Beings 2009-2014
by Reshat Maliqi - 3 A Simple Model about Regional Economic Cooperation – A Multidisciplinary Approach
by Fazil Yozgat - 3 Witness Protection in Kosovo: Progress and Challenges
by Kadri Arifi - 3 Violence in YAL with special emphasis on contemporary Macedonian YAL
by Jovanka Denkova
2021, Volume 1
- 2 Online Customer Reviews on Restaurants and Expert Opinions: An Integrated Approach
by Ramazan Göral - 2 Aggresion of Teenagers in Albania
by Ida Kruti - 2 Political Battle of Mass Media Critical Discourse Analysis: Suara Partai Masjumi Magazine and Bintang Merah Magazine in 1951
by Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri - 2 Documentation of the Crime Scene
by Besim Arifi - 2 An Overview on Different Legal Systems and the Reflection in Kosovo
by Samedin Mehmeti - 2 Prishtina-Belgrade Technical Agreement Promotes Political Dialogue but with Delay of its Implementation It Sharpens Ethnic Divisons
by Urtak Hamiti - 2 Chosen Model of Privatization of Socially Owned Enterprise in Kosovo Over Kosovo Trust Agency
by Bajram Fejzullahu - 2 Emperical Data on the Correlation between CEO Duality and the Performance of a Corporate
by Emira Spahaj - 2 Evaluation of Security Issuse. New Threats Twoards National and International Security
by VILMA Spahiu - 2 Application of the Covert Measures with the Focus on Kosovo Legislation
by Kadri Arifi - 2 The Right of Property and its Juridical Protection - Albania Case
by Sofiana Veliu - 2 Fight against Organized Crime as One of the Fundamental Conditions for the Integration in the European Union. Albanian Case
by Vilma Spahiu - 2 Analyzing Energy Security and Sustainable Development in Southeast Europe from a Multidimensional Approach
by Fatri Morina - 2 Graph Coloring Problems in Modern Computer Science
by Besjana Tosuni - 2 The Role of Schools Co-Operative in Cultivating Entrepreneurship Culture and Mind among Chinese Students
by Osman Jusoh - 2 Reality and Imagination, the Potrait of Solitude, Suffering, Desperation and Exclusion, through the Existential Conscoiusnees in the Man’s Character
by Elda Talka - 2 Toward European Integration in Public Administration and Public Services
by Gentiana Kraja - 2 Citizen Journalism - Challenges for Albanian Media
by Erlis Çela
January - April 2015 2021, Volume 1
- 1 Social Media and its Impact on Decision Making for Trip
by Irma Shyle - 1 Transfer of Ownership Title under Albanian Company Law
by Erjola Aliaj - 1 The Inappropriate or Negligent Medical Treatment in Albanian Criminal Legislation
by Rovena Kastrati - 1 Universal Epidemiology of Insidious Meningococcal Syndrome
by Gjovalin Valsa - 1 Psycho Education Program for Prevention of Test Anxiety on 8th Grade Students to Reduce Anxiety and Indecisiveness
by Mehmet Kaya - 1 Problems Associated with the Legal Substance of Real Estate Encumbrances
by Inga Kudeikina - 1 An Integrative Approach in Treating Complete Food Refusal in Children: a Case Study
by Khamsiah Ismail - 1 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Urban Planning
by Sonila Xhafa - 1 Power, National Unity, and Territorial Integrity: the Cases of Russia's Chechnya and Ukraine's Crimea
by Ali Askerov - 1 Historical-Anthropological Ethno-Genesis of Albanian Society Development, Especially the Gjakovar with Surrounding One
by Bekim Avdiaj - 1 The Importance of the Convergence of Legal Cultures for Modern Trends of Integration
by Hanna Duszka Jakimko - 1 Reflections on Movement Patriotic in Elbasan in the Years 1909-1910
by Majlinda Peza - 1 The Necessity / Need of Strengthening the Applicative Character in the Scientific Research in Geography
by Mahir Hoti - 1 Young Communities and the Impact of Wars and Conflicts on the Healthy Growth of Young People: Middle East as a Model Study
by Yaser Snoubar - 1 Injustice: Revealing Human Rights Issues in Ali Akbar Navis's Short Fiction
by Ferdinal Ferdinal - 1 Discussions about the Source and Universality of Moral Case
by Fatih Ufuk Bağcı - 1 Modernization of tax structure in Kosovo
by Remzi Smajli
EJIS September-December 0000, Volume 2
- 4 Independence of Independent Institutions: The Case of Independent Media Commission (IMC) in Kosovo
by Liridon Dalipi & Arben Sahiti