- ECO2009/06 Structural Vector Autoregressions with Markov Switching
by Markku Lanne & Helmut Luetkepohl & Katarzyna Maciejowska - ECO2009/05 Price Discrimination in the Concert Industry
by Pascal Courty & Mario Pagliero - ECO2009/04 The Impact of Price Discrimination on Revenue: Evidence from the Concert Industry
by Pascal Courty & Mario Pagliero - ECO2009/03 Curbing cream-skimming: Evidence on enrolment incentives
by Pascal Courty & Do Han Kim & Gerald Marschke1 - ECO2009/02 A Test of Narrow Framing and its Origin
by Luigi Guiso - ECO2008/01 Can stabilization policies be efficient?
by Aurelien Saidi
- ECO2008/41 Bankruptcy: Is It Enough to Forgive or Must We Also Forget?
by Ronel Elul & Piero Gottardi - ECO2008/40 Deep Habits and the Dynamic Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks
by Morten O. Ravn & Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe & Martín Uribe & Lenno Uuskula - ECO2008/39 Labor-Market Volatility in the Search-and-Matching Model: The Role of Investment-Specific Technology Shocks
by Renato Faccini & Salvador Ortigueira - ECO2008/38 A Measure for Credibility: Tracking US Monetary Developments
by Maria Demertzis & Massimiliano Marcellino & Nicola Viegi - ECO2008/37 Economics and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Markus Kitzmueller - ECO2008/36 Intergenerational Transfers of Time and Public Long-term Care with an Aging Population
by Atsue Mizushima - ECO2008/35 Population Aging and Economic Growth: the effect of health expenditure
by Atsue Mizushima - ECO2008/34 Path Forecast Evaluation
by Òscar Jordà & Massimiliano Marcellino - ECO2008/33 Forecasting Exchange Rates with a Large Bayesian VAR
by A. Carriero & G. Kapetanios & M. Marcellino - ECO2008/32 A Monthly Indicator of the Euro Area GDP
by Cecilia Frale & Massimiliano Marcellino & Gian Luigi Mazzi & Tommaso Proietti - ECO2008/31 Financial Literacy and Portfolio Diversification
by Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli - ECO2008/30 Long Term Persistence
by Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales - ECO2008/29 Stock Prices and Economic Fluctuations: A Markov Switching Structural Vector Autoregressive Analysis
by Markku Lanne & Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2008/28 The home bias of the poor: terms of trade effects and portfolios across the wealth distribution
by Tobias Broer - ECO2008/27 Reassessing Labor Market Reforms: Temporary Contracts as a Screening Device
by Renato Faccini - ECO2008/25 Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear AR-GARCH Models
by Mika Meitz & Pentti Saikkonen - ECO2008/24 Testing for the Cointegrating Rank of a Vector Autoregressive Process with Uncertain Deterministic Trend Term
by Matei Demetrescu & Helmut Luetkepohl & Pentti Saikkonen - ECO2008/23 A Statistical Comparison of Alternative Identification Schemes for Monetary Policy Shocks
by Markku Lanne & Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2008/22 Dynamic Factors in the Presence of Block Structure
by Marc Hallin & Roman Liska - ECO2008/21 Competition, Human Capital and Income Inequality with Limited Commitment
by Ramon Marimon & Vincenzo Quadrini - ECO2008/20 Modeling Expectations with Noncausal Autoregressions
by Markku Lanne & Pentti Saikkonen - ECO2008/19 Peer Effects and Peer Avoidance: Epidemic Diffusion in Coevolving Networks
by Constanza Fosco & Matteo Marsili & Fernando Vega-Redondo - ECO2008/18 Is Transparency to No Avail? Committee Decision-Making, Pre-Meetings, and Credible Deals
by Otto H. Swank & Bauke Visser - ECO2008/17 Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables Using Diffusion Indexes in Short Samples with Structural Change
by Anindya Banerjee & Massimiliano Marcellino & Igor Masten - ECO2008/16 Factor-MIDAS for Now- and Forecasting with Ragged-Edge Data: A Model Comparison for German GDP
by Massimiliano Marcellino & Christian Schumacher - ECO2008/15 Factor-augmented Error Correction Models
by Anindya Banerjee & Massimiliano Marcellino - ECO2008/14 Error Cascades in Observational Learning: An Experiment on the Chinos Game
by Francesco Feri & Miguel A. Melendez-Jimenez & Giovanni Ponti & Fernando Vega Redondo - ECO2008/13 Learning within a Markovian Environment
by Javier Rivas - ECO2008/12 A Modern Reconsideration of the Theory of Optimal Currency Areas
by Giancarlo Corsetti - ECO2008/11 International Competition and U.S. R&D Subsidies: A Quantitative Welfare Analysis
by Giammario Impullitti - ECO2008/10 Technology Adoption, Turbulence and the Dynamics of Unemployment
by Georg Duernecker - ECO2008/09 Network Organizations
by Fernando Vega-Redondo - ECO2008/08 Networks Emerging in a Volatile World
by George Ehrhardt & Matteo Marsili & Fernando Vega-Redondo - ECO2008/07 Network Games
by Andrea Galeotti & Sanjeev Goyal & Matthew O. Jackson & Fernando Vega-Redondo & Leeat Yariv - ECO2008/06 Incomplete Cost Pass-Through Under Deep Habits
by Morten Ravn & Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe & Martin Uribe - ECO2008/05 The Aggregate Effects of Anticipated and Unanticipated U.S. Tax Policy Shocks: Theory and Empirical Evidence
by Karel Mertens & Morten O. Ravn - ECO2008/04 Does Publicity Affect Competition? Evidence from Discontinuities in Public Procurement Auctions?
by Decio Coviello & Mario Mariniello - ECO2008/03 Do Consumers Care about How Prices Are Set?
by Pascal Courty & Mario Pagliero - ECO2008/02 Price Variation Antagonism and Firm Pricing Policies
by Pascal Courty & Mario Pagliero - ECO2008/01 Does Responsive Pricing Smooth Demand Shocks?
by Pascal Courty & Mario Pagliero
- ECO2007/60 Sample Kurtosis, GARCH-t and the Degrees of Freedom Issue
by Maria S. Heracleous - ECO2007/59 RTAs Formation and Trade Policy
by Davide Sala - ECO2007/58 Technology Adoption and the Selection Effect of Trade
by Antonio Navas-Ruiz & Davide Sala - ECO2007/57 Social Capital as Good Culture
by Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales - ECO2007/56 Productivity Growth, Bounded Marginal Utility, and Patterns of Trade
by Philip Sauré - ECO2007/55 International Schumpeterian Competition and Optimal R&D subsidies
by Giammario Impullitti - ECO2007/54 Non-Price Competition and Exchange Rate Pass-Through
by Aurora Ascione - ECO2007/53 Nominal Debt as a Burden on Monetary Policy
by Javier Diaz-Gimenez & Giorgia Giovannetti & Ramon Marimon & Pedro Teles - ECO2007/52 Optimal Pre-Announced Tax Reform Revisited
by Mathias Trabandt - ECO2007/51 Gravity and Information: Heterogeneous Firms, Exporter Networks and the 'Distance Puzzle'
by Sebastian Krautheim - ECO2007/50 Do Unions Matter? Trade Reform and Manufacturing Wages in South Africa
by Riham Shendy - ECO2007/49 Accounting for the Changing Role of Family Income in Determining College Entry
by Christoph Winter - ECO2007/48 What determines entrepreneurial clusters?
by Luigi Guiso & Fabiano Schivardi - ECO2007/47 Risk Aversion, Wealth, and Background Risk
by Luigi Guiso & Monica Paiella - ECO2007/46 The Structure of Multiple Credit Relationships: Evidence from US Firms
by Luigi Guiso & Raoul Minetti - ECO2007/45 Information Acquisition and Portfolio Performance
by Luigi Guiso & Tullio Jappelli - ECO2007/44 Labor Adjustment: Disentangling Firing and Mobility Costs
by Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri & Fabiano Schivardi - ECO2007/43 The Cost of Banking Regulation
by Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales - ECO2007/42 Cultural Biases in Economic Exchange?
by Luigi Guiso & Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales - ECO2007/41 Markov-Perfect Optimal Fiscal Policy: The Case of Unbalanced Budgets
by Salvador Ortigueira & Joana Pereira - ECO2007/40 Prudent Monetary Policy and Cautious Prediction of the Output Gap
by Frederick van der Ploeg - ECO2007/39 Prudent Budgetary Policy: Political Economy of Precautionary Taxation
by Frederick van der Ploeg - ECO2007/38 Genuine Saving and the Voracity Effect
by Frederick van der Ploeg - ECO2007/37 Partisan Public Investment and Debt: The Case for Fiscal Restrictions
by Roel M.W.J. Beetsma & Frederick van der Ploeg - ECO2007/36 Volatility, Financial Development and the Natural Resource Curse
by Frederick van der Ploeg & Steven Poelhekke - ECO2007/35 Can the Natural Resource Curse Be Turned into a Blessing? The Role of Trade Policies and Institutions
by Rabah Arezki & Frederick van der Ploeg - ECO2007/34 Sustainable Social Spending and Stagnant Public Services: Baumol's Cost Disease Revisited
by Frederick van der Ploeg - ECO2007/33 Higher Education Reform and the Renewed Lisbon Strategy: Role of Member States and the European Commission
by Frederick van der Ploeg & Reinhilde Veugelers - ECO2007/32 The Time-Inconsistency of Alternative Energy Policy
by Agnes d'Artigues & Jacques Percebois & Thierry Vignolo - ECO2007/31 Imitation and Selective Matching in Reputational Games
by Thierry Vignolo - ECO2007/30 Exclusionary Pricing and Rebates When Scale Matters
by Liliane Karlinger & Massimo Motta - ECO2007/29 Semiparametric Methods for the Measurement of Latent Attitudes and the Estimation of Their Behavioural Consequences
by Richard H. Spady - ECO2007/28 The Bargaining Family Revisited: A Comment
by Atsue Mizushima & Koichi Futagami - ECO2007/27 Talent Utilization, a Source of Bias in Measuring TFP
by Hosny Zoabi - ECO2007/26 Endogenous Growth through Selection and Imitation
by Alain Gabler & Omar Licandro - ECO2007/25 Sector-specific Markup Fluctuations and the Business Cycle
by Alain Gabler - ECO2007/24 Export-Supporting FDI
by Sebastian Krautheim - ECO2007/18 Efficiency Gains from Trade Reform: Foreign Technology or Import Competition? Evidence from South Africa’s Manufacturing Sector
by Shendy, Riham - ECO2007/12 A Comparison of Estimation Methods for Vector Autoregressive Moving-Average Models
by Christian Kascha - ECO2007/11 Econometric Analysis with Vector Autoregressive Models
by Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2007/10 The Signalling Power of Sanctions in Collective Action Problems
by Joel van der Weele - ECO2007/09 The Value Added Tax: Its Causes and Consequences
by Michael Keen & Ben Lockwood - ECO2007/08 Friendship Selection
by Javier Rivas - ECO2007/07 Fixing the Quorum: Representation versus Abstention
by Sanne Zwart - ECO2007/06 Voting, Lobbying and the Decentralization Theorem
by Ben Lockwood - ECO2007/05 ‘The Child is Father of the Man:’ Implications for the Demographic Transition
by David de la Croix & Omar Licandro - ECO2007/04 How to Attain Minimax Risk with Applications to Distribution-Free Nonparametric Estimation and Testing
by Karl H. Schlag - ECO2007/03 Rent Seeking, Market Structure and Growth
by Daniel Brou & Michele Ruta - ECO2007/02 Does the Good Matter? Evidence on Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection from Consumer Credit Market
by Alena Bicakova - ECO2007/01 Distribution-Free Learning
by Karl H. Schlag
- ECO2006/42 Strategic Wage Bargaining, Labor Market Volatility, and Persistence
by Matthias S. Hertweck - ECO2006/41 State Aid to Attract FDI and the European Competition Policy: Should Variable Cost Aid Be Banned?
by Mario Mariniello - ECO2006/40 Pricing to Habits and the Law of One Price
by Morten O. Ravn & Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe & Martin Uribe - ECO2006/39 Productivity, external balance and exchange rates: evidence on the transmission mechanism among G7 countries
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Luca Dedola & Sylvain Leduc - ECO2006/38 Firm Heterogeneity and the Two Sources of Gains from Trade
by Itai Agur - ECO2006/37 Business Cycle Analysis and VARMA models
by Christian Kascha & Karel Mertens - ECO2006/36 S-Curve Redux: On the International Transmission of Technology Shocks
by Zeno Enders & Gernot J. Mueller - ECO2006/35 Employment Protection, Firm Selection, and Growth
by Markus Poschke - ECO2006/34 How the Removal of Deposit Rate Ceilings Has Changed Monetary Transmission in the US: Theory and Evidence
by Karel Mertens - ECO2006/33 An Evolutionary Theory of Inflation Inertia
by Alexis Anagnostopoulos & Omar Licandro & Italo Bove & Karl Schlag - ECO2006/32 Acquisition of information and share prices: An empirical investigation of cognitive dissonance
by Elena Argentese & Helmut Luetkepohl & Massimo Motta - ECO2006/31 Market vs. Institutions: The Trade-off Between Unemployment and Wage Inequality Revisited
by Alena Bicakova - ECO2006/30 Forecasting Euro-Area Variables with German Pre-EMU Data
by Ralf Brueggemann & Helmut Luetkepohl & Massimiliano Marcellino - ECO2006/29 Testing for the Cointegrating Rank of a VAR Process with Level Shift and Trend Break
by Carsten Trenkler & Pentti Saikkonen & Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2006/28 Is Discrete Time a Good Representation of Continuous Time?
by Omar Licandro & Luis A. Puch - ECO2006/27 Price Variation Antagonism and Firm Pricing Policies
by Pascal Courty & Mario Pagliero - ECO2006/26 Designing Non-Parametric Estimates and Tests for Means
by Karl H. Schlag - ECO2006/25 Slow Money Dissemination
by Zeno Enders - ECO2006/24 Fair Divisions as Attracting Nash Equilibria of Simple Games
by Marco Galbiati - ECO2006/23 Identifying Monetary Policy Shocks via Changes in Volatility
by Markku Lanne, Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2006/22 Economic Consequences of Wars: Evidence from Landmine Contamination in Mozambique
by Ouarda Merrouche - ECO2006/21 The regulation of entry and aggregate productivity
by Markus Poschke - ECO2006/20 Forecasting Realized Volatility by Decomposition
by Markku Lanne - ECO2006/19 Impulse Response Confidence Intervals for Persistent Data: What Have We Learned?
by Elena Pesavento, Barbara Rossi - ECO2006/18 Near-Optimal Unit Root Tests with Stationary Covariates with Better Finite Sample Size
by Elena Pesavento - ECO2006/17 Endogenous Growth and Time-to-Build: the AK Case
by Mauro Bambi - ECO2006/16 The Long-Run Phillips Curve and Non-Stationary Inflation
by Bill Russell, Anindya Banerjee - ECO2006/15 Efficiency Measurement and Regulation in U.S. Telecommunications: A Robustness Analysis
by Marcelo Resende - ECO2006/14 The Economic Importance of Fiscal Rules
by Michael J. Artis, Luca Onorante - ECO2006/13 The Consumption-Tightness Puzzle
by Morten O. Ravn - ECO2006/12 Forecasting Emerging Market Indicators: Brazil and Russia
by Victor Bystrov - ECO2006/11 Environmental Practices and Relational Marketing in the Spanish Automotive Sector: Success Determinants for the Reverse Logistics Programs
by Ma José Álvarez Gil & Nora Lado & Pascual Berrone & F. Javier Husillos - ECO2006/10 Do Amenities and Diversity Encourage City Growth? A Link Through Skilled Labor
by Steven Poelhekke - ECO2006/9 Interaction of Fiscal Policies on the Euro Area: How Much Pressure on the ECB?
by Luca Onorante - ECO2006/8 Vintage Capital
by Raouf Boucekkine & David de la Croix & Omar Licandro - ECO2006/7 Accounting and Economic Rates of Return: a Dynamic Econometric Investigation
by Rodrigo M. Zeidan & Marcelo Resende - ECO2006/6 Inequality Constraints in Recursive Economies
by Pontus Rendahl - ECO2006/5 Cointegration in Panel Data with Breaks and Cross-Section Dependence
by Anindya Banerjee & Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre - ECO2006/4 Changes in the Importance of Bank Attributes Provoked by a Financial Crisis: A Dynamic Analysis of the Uruguayan Case
by Nora Lado & Anna Torres & Oscar Licandro - ECO2006/3 A Mixture Multiplicative Error Model for Realized Volatility
by Markku Lanne - ECO2006/2 ELEVEN - Tests needed for a Recommendation
by Karl Schlag - ECO2006/1 Hierarchical Structure in Brazilian Industrial Firms: an Econometric Study
by Luis Otávio Façanha & Marcelo Resende
- ECO2005/27 Buying Frenzies
by Pascal Courty - ECO2005/26 The simple geometry of transmission and stabilization in closed and open economies
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Paolo Pesenti - ECO2005/25 Structural Vector Autoregressions with Nonnormal Residuals
by Markku Lanne & Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2005/24 Towards a theory of firm entry and stabilization policy
by Paul Bergin & Giancarlo Corsetti - ECO2005/23 DSGE Models of High Exchange-Rate Volatility and Low Pass-Through
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Luca Dedola & Sylvain Leduc - ECO2005/22 Twin Deficits: Squaring Theory, Evidence and Common Sense
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Gernot J. Müller - ECO2005/21 Openness and the case for flexible exchange rates
by Giancarlo Corsetti - ECO2005/20 The effects of replacement schemes on car sales: the Spanish case
by Omar Licandro & Antonio R. Sampayo - ECO2005/19 The Effect of a Transaction Tax on Exchange Rate Volatility
by Markku Lanne & Timo Vesalay - ECO2005/18 Liquidity runs with endogenous information acquisition
by Sanne Zwart - ECO2005/17 Head-content or Headcount? Temporary Labour Movements as a Source of Growth
by Massimiliano Tani - ECO2005/16 The Impact of Multinational Entry on Domestic Market Structure and R&D
by Stefanie A. Haller - ECO2005/15 Problems Related to Over-identifying Restrictions for Structural Vector Error Correction Models
by Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2005/14 Modeling Conditional Skewness in Stock Returns
by Markku Lanne & Pentti Saikkonen - ECO2005/13 Measuring Market Conduct in the Brazilian Cement Industry: a Dynamic Econometric Investigation
by Rodrigo M. Zeidan & Marcelo Resende - ECO2005/12 The Impact of Internet on the Market for Daily Newspapers in Italy
by Lapo Filistrucchi - ECO2005/11 Fairness vs. Social Welfare in Experimental Decisions
by Stefan Kohler - ECO2005/10 Robust Monopoly Pricing: The Case of Regret
by Dirk Bergemann & Karl Schlag - ECO2005/09 Autoregressive Approximations of Multiple Frequency I(1) Processes
by Dietmar Bauer & Martin Wagner - ECO2005/08 Uncovered Interest Rate Parity and the Expectations Hypothesis of the Term Structure: Empirical Results for the U.S. and Europe
by Ralf Brueggemann & Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2005/07 Estimating market power in a two-sided market: the case of newspapers
by Elena Argentesi & Lapo Filistrucchi - ECO2005/06 Who is against Free Migration? Lobbying, the Non-traded Sector and the Choice between the Customs Union and the Common Market
by Cyrille Schwellnus - ECO2005/05 The Performance of Panel Unit Root and Stationarity Tests: Results from a Large Scale Simulation Study
by Jaroslava Hlouskova & Martin Wagner - ECO2005/04 Mergers and Acquisitions Waves in the U.K.: a Markov-Switching Approach
by Marcelo Resende - ECO2005/03 Endogenous Globalization and Income Divergence
by Yoshiaki Sugimoto - ECO2005/02 Structural Vector Autoregressive Analysis for Cointegrated Variables
by Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2005/01 Policy mix and debt sustainability: evidence from fiscal policy rules
by Peter Claeys
- ECO2004/35 Potential Welfare Losses from Financial Autarky and Trade Sanctions
by Alexis Anagnostopoulos - ECO2004/34 Consumption and Debt Dynamics with (Rarely Binding) Borrowing Constraints
by Alexis Anagnostopoulos - ECO2004/33 A General Test of Gaming
by Pascal Courty & Gerald Marschke - ECO2004/32 Competition, the Lisbon Strategy and the Euro
by Anindya Banerjee & Bill Russell - ECO2004/31 Properties of Recursive Trend-Adjusted Unit Root Tests
by Paulo M. M. Rodrigues - ECO2004/30 A Positive Explanation of EU Enlargement
by Daniel Brou & Michele Ruta - ECO2004/29 Efficient Tests of the Seasonal Unit Root Hypothesis
by Paulo M.M. Rodrigues & A.M. Robert Taylor - ECO2004/28 Demand Estimation for Italian Newspapers: The Impact of Weekly Supplements
by Elena Argentesi - ECO2004/27 Understanding the Dynamic Effects of Government Spending on Foreign Trade
by Gernot J. Mueller - ECO2004/25 Forecasting with VARMA Models
by Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2004/24 A Small Monetary System for the Euro Area Based on German Data
by Ralf Brueggemann & Helmut Luetkepohl - ECO2004/23 Temporary Workers: How Temporary Are They?
by Tommaso Nannicini - ECO2004/22 Monetary and budgetary policy interaction: an SVAR analysis of stabilisation policies in monetary union
by Peter CLAEYS - ECO2004/21 Break Date Estimation and Cointegration Testing in VAR Processes with Level Shift
by Pentti SAIKKONEN & Helmut LUETKEPOHL & Carsten TRENKLER - ECO2004/20 Practical Problems with Reduced Rank ML Estimators for Cointegration Parameters and a Simple Alternative
by Ralf BRUEGGEMANN & Helmut LUETKEPOHL - ECO2004/19 The Asymmetric Effects of Fiscal Policy on Private Consumption over the Business Cycle
by Athanasios TAGKALAKIS - ECO2004/18 Non-Cooperative Network Formation with Network Maintenance Costs
by Filippo VERGARA CAFFARELLI - ECO2004/17 (In)determinacy and Time-to-Build
by Mauro BAMBI & Omar LICANDRO - ECO2004/16 Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Acceding Countries: The Role of Exchange Rate Regimes
by Fabrizio CORICELLI & Bostjan JAZBEC & Igor MASTEN - ECO2004/15 Propriety vs. Public Domain Licensing of Software and Research Products
by Alfonso GAMBARDELLA & Bronwyn H. HALL - ECO2004/14 University-Industry Research Partnerships in the United States
by Bronwyn H. HALL - ECO2004/13 Does the Market Value R&D Investment by European Firms? Evidence from a Panel of Manufacturing Firms in France
by Bronwyn H. HALL & Raffaele ORIANI - ECO2004/12 Recent Advances in Cointegration Analysis
by Helmut LÜTKEPOHL - ECO2004/11 DO SOCIAL POLICIES HARM EMPLOYMENT? Second-best effects of taxes and benefits on labor markets
by Frederick VAN DER PLOEG - ECO2004/10 The detection of hidden periodicities: A comparison of alternative methods
by Michael ARTIS & Mathias HOFFMANN & Dilip NACHANE & Juan TORO - ECO2004/09 The Take-off of Temporary Employment in the Italian Labor Market
by Tommaso NANNICINI - ECO2004/08 Residual Autocorrelation Testing for Vector Error Correction Models
by Ralf BRUEGGEMANN & Helmut LUETKEPOHL & Pentti SAIKKONEN - ECO2004/07 Innovation, investment and productivity: evidence from Spanish firms
by Omar LICANDRO & Reyes MAROTO & Luis A. PUCH - ECO2004/06 Modelling vintage structures with DDEs: principles and applications
by Raouf BOUCEKKINE & David DE LA CROIX & Omar LICANDRO - ECO2004/05 Substitutability and Competition in the Dixit-Stiglitz Model
by Winfried KOENIGER & Omar LICANDRO - ECO2004/04 The short-run dynamics of optimal growth models with delays
by Fabrice COLLARD & Omar LICANDRO & Luis A. PUCH - ECO2004/03 Stability and Cycles in a Cobweb Model with Heterogeneous Expectations
by Laurence LASSELLE & Serge SVIZZERO & Clem TISDELL - ECO2004/02 Could Japan Target the Price Level or Inflation - What Happens to Monetary Policy Effectiveness during Disinflation?