- 14767 The Court of Justice of the European Union and fixed-term workers: still fixed, but at least equal
by Caroline de la Porte & Patrick Emmenegger - 14738 Italy's labour market reforms of 2012: did they reduce unemployment?
by Martin Myant
- 14226 Eliminating occupational cancer in Europe and globally
by Jukka Takala - 14016 The public-private sector pay debate in Europe
by Thorsten Schulten & Torsten Müller - 13940 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): a controversial agreement and dangerous for workers
by Claude Serfati (IRES) - 13713 Free movement of labour in Europe: a solution for better labour allocation?
by Janine Leschke & Béla Galgóczi - 13554 Beyond the CEE 'black box': crisis and industrial relations in the new EU member states
by Magdalena Bernaciak - 13476 Spain’s labour market reforms: the road to employment – or to unemployment?
by Laszlo Horwitz & Martin Myant - 13427 'Better regulation': a bureaucratic simplification with a political agenda
by Eric van den Abeele - 12729 The European sectoral social dialogue: an uneven record of achievement?
by Christophe Degryse - 12353 The TTIP’s impact: bringing in the missing issue
by Martin Myant & Ronan O’Brien
- 12286 Trade union membership retention and workplace representation in Europe
by Jeremy Waddington - 12147 About the baby and the bathwater: assessing the European Platform against Poverty
by Bart Vanhercke & Sebastiano Sabato - 11981 Integrating social and environmental dimensions in public procurement: one small step for the internal market, one giant leap for the EU?
by Eric van den Abeele - 11270 Why have some countries become more unemployed than others? An investigation of changes in unemployment in EU member states since 2008
by Martin Myant & Agnieszka Piasna - 11251 The EU's REFIT strategy: a new bureaucracy in the service of competitiveness?
by Eric van den Abeele - 11243 Has the EU become more intrusive in shaping national welfare state reforms? Evidence from Greece and Portugal
by Sotiria Theodoropoulou - 11226 A gender perspective on older workers’ employment and working conditions
by Patricia Vendramin & Gérard Valenduc - 11091 Social dumping and the EU integration process
by Magdalena Bernaciak - 10332 Labour law reforms in Europe: adjusting employment protection legislation for the worse?
by Isabelle Schömann
- 8595 The Euro crisis and its impact on national and European social policies
by Maria Jepsen & Philippe Pochet & Christophe Degryse