- EPRG2502 The forward market dilemma in energy-only electricity markets
by Jonty Flottmann & Paul Simshauser & Phillip Wild & Neda Todorova - EPRG2501 The inc-dec game and how to mitigate it
by Pär Holmberg
- EPRG2420 Experience curves for electrolysis technologies
by Saheed Bello & David M Reiner - EPRG2419 Competition vs. coordination: optimising wind, solar and batteries in renewable energy zones
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG2418 Designing cost-efficient, flexible, energy solutions for a decarbonised GB power system
by Hanzhe Xing & Stuart Scott & John Miles - EPRG2417 From local carbon emissions pilots to the national carbon emissions trading scheme in China
by Chunyan Dai & Michael G Pollitt - EPRG2416 The European Union's CBAM: averting emissions leakage or promoting the diffusion of carbon pricing?
by Michael A Mehling & Geoffroy Dolphin & Robert A Ritz - EPRG2415 Marginal pricing and the energy crisis: where should we go?
by Ibrahim Abada & Andreas Ehrenmann & Yves Smeers - EPRG2414 Demand shocks from the gas turbine fleet in Australia's National Electricity Market
by Paul Simshauser & Joel Gilmore - EPRG2413 Measuring a paradox: zero-negative electricity prices
by Daniel Davi-Arderius & Tooraj Jamasb - EPRG2412 How does carbon pricing policy influence carbon emission intensity? New evidence from Canadian Provinces
by Saheed Bello & Rita Onolemhemhen - EPRG2411 Uncertainty, regulation and the pathways to net zero
by Michael G Pollitt & Daniel Duma & Andrei Covatariu - EPRG2410 Paul Lewis Joskow (1947-)
by Michael G Pollitt - EPRG2409 David Michael Garrood Newbery (1943-)
by Michael G Pollitt - EPRG2408 Farmers' preferences for incentives on solar pumps: evidence from a choice experiment in Punjab
by Sukhgeet Kaur & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG2407 Using rewards and penalties to incentivize energy and water saving behaviour in agriculture: evidence from a choice experiment in Punjab
by Sukhgeet Kaur & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG2406 Output vs input subsidies in agriculture: a discrete choice experiment to estimate farmers’ preferences for rice and electricity subsidies in Punjab
by Sukhgeet Kaur & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG2403 Renewable integration: the role of market conditions
by Daniel Davi-Arderius & Tooraj Jamasb & Juan Rosellon - EPRG2402 Investigating the regional and individual drivers of the support for renewable energy transition: the role of severe material deprivation
by Efthymios Altsitsiadis & Micha Kaiser & Anastasios Tsakas & Anastasios Kyriakidis & Angelos Stamos - EPRG2401 Marginal curtailment of wind and solar PV: transmission constraints, pricing and access regimes for efficient investment
by David Newbery & Darryl Biggar
- EPRG2323 Comparison of policy instruments in the development process of offshore wind power in North Sea countries
by Hongyun Zhang & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG2322 Non-firm vs. priority access: on the long run average and marginal cost of renewables in Australia
by Paul Simshauser & David Newbery - EPRG2321 On static vs. dynamic line ratings in renewable energy zones
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG2320 Estimating the target-consistent carbon price for electricity
by David Newbery - EPRG2319 High renewable electricity penetration: marginal curtailment and market failure under "subsidy-free" entry
by David Newbery - EPRG2318 Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) for electricity in Europe? The untold story
by Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG2317 Energy markets under stress: some reflections on lessons from the energy crisis in Europe
by Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG2316 The incremental impact of China’s carbon trading pilots
by Mei Lu & Michael G. Pollitt & Ke Wang & Yi-Ming Wei - EPRG2315 Toward an operational definition and a methodology for measurement of the active DSO (distribution system operator) for electricity and gas
by Andrei Covatariu & Daniel Duma & Monica Giulietti & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG2314 Supply-side crediting for accelerated decarbonisation: a political economy perspective
by Michael A. Mehling - EPRG2313 Supply-side offset crediting to manage climate policy spillover effects
by Michael A. Mehling - EPRG2312 Multi-objective auctions for utility-scale solar battery systems: lessons for ASEAN and East Asia
by Natsuko Toba & Tooraj Jamasb & Luiz Maurer & Anupama Sen - EPRG2311 The regulation of electricity transmission in Australia's national electricity market: user charges, investment and access
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG2310 Multi-unit auctions with uncertain supply and single-unit demand
by Edward Anderson & Pär Holmberg - EPRG2309 The options value of blue hydrogen in a low carbon energy system
by David Webbe-Wood & William J. Nuttall & Nikolaos K. Kazantzis & Chi Kong Chyong - EPRG2308 The economic value of flexible CCS in net-zero electricity systems: the case of the UK
by Chi Kong Chyong & David M. Reiner & Rebecca Ly & Mathilde Fajardy - EPRG2307 Regulation of access, fees, and investment planning of transmission in Great Britain
by David Newbery - EPRG2306 Renewable investments in hybridised energy markets: optimising the CfD-merchant revenue mix
by Nicholas Gohdes & Paul Simshauser & Clevo Wilson - EPRG2305 An assessment of the European electricity market reform options and a pragmatic proposal
by J.P. Chaves & R. Cossent & T. Gómez San Román & P. Linares & M. Rivier - EPRG2304 Contract design for storage in hybrid electricity markets
by Farhad Billimoria & Paul Simshauser - EPRG2303 Determinants of public preferences on low carbon electricity: evidence from the United Kingdom
by Juyong Lee & David M. Reiner - EPRG2302 Modelling flexibility requirements in European 2050 deep decarbonisation scenarios: the role of conventional flexibility and sector coupling options
by Chi Kong Chyong & Michael Pollitt & David M. Reiner & Carmen Li - EPRG2301 Air pollution and firm-level human capital, knowledge and innovation
by Tiago Cavalcanti & Kamiar Mohaddes & Hongyu Nian & Haitao Yin - EPRG2220 Frequency markets and the problem of predictability
by Zeenat Hameed & Michael Pollitt & Paul Kattuman & Chresten Træholt
- EPRG2219 The sunshine state: implications from mass rooftop solar PV take-up rates in Queensland
by Paul Simshauser & Tim Nelson & Joel Gilmore - EPRG2218 Democracy, economic development and lowcarbon energy: when and why does democratisation promote energy transition?
by Zeynep Clulow & David M. Reiner - EPRG2217 Net zero Saudi Arabia: how green can the oil kingdom get?
by Jim Krane - EPRG2216 The 2022 energy crisis: horizontal and vertical impacts of policy interventions in Australia's national electricity market
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG2215 Green growth and net zero policy in the UK: some conceptual and measurement issues
by Victor Ajayi & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG2214 Changing times: Incentive regulation, corporate reorganisations, and productivity in Great Britain’s gas networks
by Victor Ajayi & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG2213 Measuring the effects of power system reform in Jiangsu province, China from the perspective of social cost benefit analysis
by Tianyu Li & Ciwei Gao & Michael G. Pollitt & Tao Chen & Hao Ming - EPRG2212 Defining gas price limits and gas saving targets for a large-scale gas supply interruption
by Karsten Neuhoff - EPRG2211 Carbon pricing and industrial competitiveness: border adjustment or free allocation?
by Robert A. Ritz - EPRG2210 On dividends and market valuations of Australia’s listed electricity utilities: regulated vs. merchant
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG2209 Modelling future trends of annual embodied energy of urban residential building stock in China
by Wei Zhou & Alice Moncaster & Eoghan O’Neill & David M Reiner & Xinke Wang & Peter Guthrie - EPRG2208 Climate change and economic activity: evidence from US states
by Kamiar Mohaddes & Ryan Ng & M. Hashem Pesaran & Mehdi Raissi & Jui-Chung Yang - EPRG2207 Wind, water and wires: evaluating joint wind and interconnector capacity expansions in hydro-rich regions
by David Newbery - EPRG2206 The case of 100% electrification of domestic heat in Great Britain
by Vassilis M. Charitopoulos & Mathilde Fajardy & Chi Kong Chyong & David M. Reiner - EPRG2205 How to distinguish climate sceptics, antivaxxers, and persistent sceptics: Evidence from a multi-country survey of public attitudes
by Zeynep Clulow & David Reiner - EPRG2204 Renewable entry costs, project finance and the role of revenue quality in Australia’s National Electricity Market
by Nicholas Gohdes & Paul Simshauser - EPRG2203 People-centric Emission Reduction in Buildings: A Data-driven and Network Topology-based Investigation
by Ramit Debnath & Ronita Bardhan & Kamiar Mohaddes & Darshil U Shah & Michael H. Ramage - EPRG2202 The Levelised Cost of Frequency Control Ancillary Services in Australia’s National Electricity Market
by Joel Gilmore & Tahlia Nolan & Paul Simshauser - EPRG2201 Where next for the electricity distribution system operator? Evidence from a survey of European DSOs and National Regulatory Authorities
by Karim Anaya & Monica Giulietti & Michael Pollitt
- EPRG2126 Incentive regulation, productivity growth and environmental effects: the case of electricity networks in Great Britain
by Victor Ajayi & Karim Anaya & Michael Pollitt - EPRG2125 Rooftop solar PV and the peak load problem in the NEM’s Queensland region
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG2124 An evaluation of a local reactive power market: the case of Power Potential
by Karim Anaya & Michael Pollitt - EPRG2123 State-Level Electricity Generation Efficiency: Do Restructuring and Regulatory Institutions Matter in the US?
by Victor Ajayi & Tom Weyman-Jones - EPRG2122 Market Pilot Operations: Lessons from Guangdong Province
by Yang Liu & Zhigao Jiang & Bowei Guo - EPRG2121 Optimising VRE plant capacity in Renewable Energy Zones
by Paul Simshauser & Farhad Billimoria & Craig Rogers - EPRG2120 The further economic consequences of Brexit: energy
by Michael Pollitt - EPRG2119 Should the EU ETS be extended to road transport and heating fuels?
by Michael Pollitt & Geoffroy Dolphin - EPRG2118 Hayek and the Texas blackout
by Stephen Littlechild & Lynne Kiesling - EPRG2117 Market Power and Price Exposure: Learning from Changes in Renewables Regulation
by Natalia Fabra & Imelda - EPRG2116 Global carbon price asymmetry
by Robert Ritz - EPRG2115 Market power and long-term gas contracts: the case of Gazprom in Central and Eastern European Gas Markets
by Chi Kong Chyong & David Reiner & Dhruvak Aggarwal - EPRG2114 Identifying residential consumption patterns using data-mining techniques: A large-scale study of smart meter data in Chengdu, China
by Jieyi Kang & David Reiner - EPRG2113 Machine Learning on residential electricity consumption: Which households are more responsive to weather?
by Jieyi Kang & David Reiner - EPRG2112 What is the effect of weather on household electricity consumption? Empirical evidence from Ireland
by Jieyi Kang & David Reiner - EPRG2111 Measuring the Impact of Electricity Market Reform in a Chinese Context
by Michael Pollitt - EPRG2110 Rising Temperatures, Falling Ratings: The Effect of Climate Change on Sovereign Creditworthiness
by Patrycja Klusak & Matthew Agarwala & Matt Burke & Moritz Kraemer & Kamiar Mohaddes - EPRG2109 Strategic Reserves versus Market-wide Capacity Mechanisms
by Pär Holmberg & Thomas Tangerås - EPRG2108 Vulnerable households and fuel poverty: policy targeting efficiency in Australia’s National Electricity Market
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG2107 Designing Efficient Renewable Electricity Support Schemes
by David Newbery - EPRG2106 Political ideology and public views of the energy transition in Australia and the UK
by Zeynep Clulow & Michele Ferguson & Peta Ashworth & David Reiner - EPRG2105 The contribution of taxes, subsidies and regulations to British electricity decarbonisation
by Richard Green & Iain Staffell - EPRG2104 Climate Change Mitigation Policies: Aggregate and Distributional Effects
by Tiago Cavalcanti & Zeina Hasna & Cezar Santos - EPRG2103 Renewable Energy Zones in Australia’s National Electricity Market
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG2102 The cost of uncoupling GB interconnectors
by Bowei Guo & David Newbery - EPRG2101 Electrification and Welfare for the Marginalized: Evidence from India
by Ashish Kumar Sedai & Tooraj Jamasb & Rabindra Nepal & Ray Miller
- EPRG2038 Storing Power: Market Structure Matters
by David Andrés-Cerezo & Natalia Fabra - EPGR2037 An overview of the electrification of residential and commercial heating and cooling and prospects for decarbonisation
by Mathilde Fajardy & David Reiner - EPRG2036 Club goods and a tragedy of the commons: the Clean Energy Package and wind curtailment
by David Newbery - EPRG2035 Carbon pricing and the elasticity of CO2 emissions
by Ryan Rafaty & Geoffroy Dolphin & Felix Pretis - EPRG2034 Overlapping Climate Policies
by Grischa Perino & Robert Ritz & Arthur van Benthem - EPRG2033 Are Consumers Willing to Pay for Industrial Decarbonisation? Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment on Green Plastics
by Victor Ajayi & David Reiner - EPRG2032 Economic Efficiency of Alternative Border Carbon Adjustment Schemes: A Case Study of California Carbon Pricing and the Western North American Power Market
by Qingyu Xu & Benjamin Hobbs - EPRG2031 A review of challenges from increasing renewable generation in the Indian Power System
by Ramit Debnath & Vibhor Mittal & Abhinav Jindal - EPRG2030 A deep-narrative analysis of energy cultures in slum rehabilitation housing of Abuja, Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro for just policy design
by Ramit Debnath & Ronita Bardhan & Sarah Darby & Kamiar Mohaddes & Minna Sunikka-Blank - EPRG2029 Climate targets, executive compensation, and corporate strategy
by Robert Ritz - EPRG2028 China’s Energy Law Draft and the Reform of its Electricity Supply Sector
by Jun Xu & Michael Pollitt & Bai-Chen Xie & Chun-Han Yang - EPRG2027 An Overall Customer Satisfaction score for GB energy suppliers
by Stephen Littlechild - EPRG2026 Going beyond default intensities in an EU carbon border adjustment mechanism
by Michael Mehling & Robert Ritz - EPRG2025 Online reviews and customer satisfaction: The use of Trustpilot by UK retail energy suppliers and three other sectors
by Stephen Littlechild - EPRG2024 Transport policy for a post-Covid UK
by David Newbery - EPRG2023 Generalized linear competition: From pass-through to policy
by Christos Genakos & Felix Grey & Robert Ritz - EPRG2022 A Portfolio approach to wind and solar deployment in Australia
by Chi Kong Chyong & Carmen Li & David Reiner & Fabien Roques - EPRG2021 The Productivity Puzzle in Network Industries: Evidence from the Energy Sector
by Victor Ajayi & Geoffroy Dolphin & Karim Anaya & Michael Pollitt - EPRG2020 Implications of the National Energy and Climate Plans for the Single Electricity Market of the island of Ireland
by David Newbery - EPRG2019 Grounded reality meets machine learning: A deep-narrative analysis framework for energy policy research
by Ramit Debnath & Sarah Darby & Ronita Bardhan & Kamiar Mohaddes & Minna Sunikka-Blank - EPRG2018 Developing a generic System Dynamics model for building stock transformation towards energy efficiency and low-carbon development
by Wei Zhou & Alice Moncaster & David Reiner & Peter Guthrie - EPRG2017 Socially inclusive renewable energy transition in sub-Saharan Africa: A social shaping of technology analysis of appliance uptake in Rwanda
by Olivia Muza & Ramit Debnath - EPRG2016 Forecasting Urban Residential Stock Turnover Dynamics using System Dynamics and Bayesian Model Averaging
by Wei Zhou & Eoghan O’Neill & Alice Moncaster & David Reiner & Peter Guthrie - EPRG2015 The CMA's assessment of customer detriment in the UK retail energy market
by Stephen Littlechild - EPRG2014 Is the NEM broken? Policy discontinuity and the 2017-2020 investment megacycle
by Paul Simshauser & Joel Gilmore - EPRG2013 The cost of CO2 abatement from Britain's only PWR: Sizewell B
by David Newbery - EPRG2012 Electrification and Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women in India
by Ashish Kumar Sedai & Rabindra Nepal & Tooraj Jamasb - EPRG2011 On Green Growth with Sustainable Capital
by Parantap Basu & Tooraj Jamasb - EPRG2010 What effect has the 2015 power market reform had on power prices in China? Evidence from Guangdong and Zhejiang
by Bai-Chen Xie & Jun Xu & Michael G Pollitt - EPRG2009 Willingness to Pay for Better Air Quality: The case of China
by Li-Qiu Liu & Zhong-Ling Yin & Bai-Chen Xie & Wei Zhou - EPRG2008 Merchant utilities and boundaries of the firm: vertical integration in energy-only markets
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG2007 Border Carbon Adjustments and Industrial Competitiveness in a European Green Deal
by Stuart Evans & Michael A Mehling & Robert A Ritz & Paul Sammon - EPRG2006 What does the power outage on 9 August 2019 tell us about GB power system
by Janusz Bialek - EPRG2005 The Cost of Trade Distortion: Britain's Carbon Price Support and Cross-border Electricity Trade
by Bowei Guo & David Newbery - EPRG2004 Identifying innovative actors in the Electricity Supply Industry using machine learning: an application to UK patent data
by Geoffroy G Dolphin & Michael G Pollitt - EPRG2003 Electricity Market Integration, Decarbonisation and Security of Supply: Dynamic Volatility Connectedness in the Irish and Great Britain Markets
by Hung Do & Rabindra Nepal & Tooraj Jamasb - EPRG2002 Merchant renewables and the valuation of peaking plant in energy-only markets
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG2001 Techno-economic study of output-flexible light water nuclear reactor systems with cryogenic energy storage
by Andy Wilson & William J Nuttall & Bartek A Glowacki
- EPRG1937 Cost Pass-through in the British Wholesale Electricity Market: Implications of Brexit and the ETS reform
by Bowei Guo & Giorgio Castagneto Gissey - EPRG1936 What Predicts Government Trustworthiness in Cross-border HK-Guangdong Nuclear Safety Emergency Governance
by Yang Han & Jacqueline CK Lam & Peiyang Guo & Zhonghua Gou - EPRG1935 Carbon cost pass-through in industrial sectors
by Karsten Neuhoff & Robert A. Ritz - EPRG1934 Exploring public support for climate action and renewables in resource-rich economies: The case of Scotland
by Rosemary Ostfeld & David M Reiner - EPRG1933 Applying Bayesian Model Averaging to Characterise Urban Residential Stock Turnover Dynamics
by Wei Zhou & Eoghan O'Neill & Alice Moncaster & David M Reiner & Peter Guthrie - EPRG1932 Measuring inefficiency in international electricity trading
by L.G. Montoya & Bowei Guo & David Newbery & P.E. Dodds & G Lipman - EPRG1931 Seasonal Flexibility in the European Natural Gas Market
by Iegor Riepin & Felix Müsgens - EPRG1930 Assessing Market Power in the Italian Electricity Market: A synthetic supply approach
by Francesco Rossetto & Luigi Grossi & Michael Pollitt - EPRG1929 Does competition increase pass-through?
by Robert Ritz - EPRG1928 Competition in Markets for Ancillary Services? The implications of rising distributed generation
by Michael Pollitt - EPRG1927 Lessons from Australia's National Electricity Market 1998-2018: the strengths and weaknesses of the reform experience
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG1926 Financing low-carbon generation in the UK: The hybrid RAB model
by David Newbery & Michael Pollitt & David M Reiner & Simon Taylor - EPRG1925 Long-Term Macroeconomic Effects of Climate Change: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Matthew E Khan & Kamiar Mohaddes & Ryan N.C. Ng & Hashem Pesaran & Mehdi Raisse - EPRG1924 A Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch Model of the GB Electricity Market – Formulation and Application to Hydro Pumped Storage
by Chi Kong Chyong & David Newbery & Thomas McCarty - EPRG1923 Estimating Lifetimes and Stock Turnover Dynamics of Urban Residential Buildings in China
by Wei Zhou & Alice Moncaster & David M Reiner & Peter Guthrie - EPRG1922 European Gas Markets, Trading Hubs, and Price Formation: A Network Perspective
by David Woroniuk & Arzé Karam & Tooraj Jamasb - EPRG1921 Capacity mechanisms and the technology mix in competitive electricity markets
by Par Holmberg & Robert A. Ritz - EPRG1920 Digitalisation and New Business Models in Energy Sector
by Sinan Küfeoglu & Gaomin Liu & Karim Amaya & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG1919 Can wholesale electricity prices support "subsidy-free" generation investment in Europe?
by Chi Kong Chyong & Michael Pollitt & Reuben Cruise - EPRG1918 The Impact of a Carbon Tax on Cross-Border Electricity Trading (replaced with WP2005)
by Bowei Guo & David Newbery & Giorgio Castagneto Gissey - EPRG1917 Political Economy of Reform and Regulation in the Electricity Sector of Sub-Saharan Africa
by Mahmud I Imam & Tooraj Jamasb & Manuel Llorca - EPRG1916 Elecxit: The Cost of Bilaterally Uncoupling British-EU Electricity Trade
by Joachim Geske & Richard Green & Iain Staffell - EPRG1915 The role of expectations for market design - on structural regulatory uncertainty in electricity markets
by Mirjam Ambrosius & Jonas Egerer & Veronika Grimm & Adriaan H van der Weijde - EPRG1914 Network Utilities Performance and Institutional Quality: Evidence from the Italian Electricity Sector
by Golnoush Soroush & Carlo Cambini & Tooraj Jamasb & Manuel Llorca - EPRG1913 The private and social value of British electrical interconnectors
by David Newbery & Giorgio Castagneto Gissey & Bowei Guo & Paul E Dodds - EPRG1912 How BLUE is the Sky? Estimating the Air Quality Data in Beijing During the Blue Sky Day Period (2008-2012) by the Bayesian LSTM Approach
by Yang Han & Victor OK Li & Jacqueline CK Lam & Michael Pollitt - EPRG1911 Capacity vs Energy Subsidies for Renewables: Benefits and Costs for the 2030 EU Power Market
by Özge Özdemir & Benjamin F Hobbs & Marit van Hout & Paul Koutstaal - EPRG1910 Understanding overlapping policies: Internal carbon leakage and the punctured waterbed
by Grischa Perino & Robert Ritz & Arthur van Benthem - EPRG1909 Production efficiency of nodal and zonal pricing in imperfectly competitive electricity markets
by Mahir Sarfati & Mahammad Reza Hesamzadeh & Par Holmberg - EPRG1908 Challenges to the Future of European Single Market in Natural Gas
by Chi Kong Chyong - EPRG1907 Strengths and Weaknesses of the British Market Model
by David Newbery - EPRG 1906 Causal Tree Estimation of Heterogeneous Household Response to Time-Of-Use Electricity Pricing Schemes
by Eoghan O'Neill & Melvyn Weeks - EPRG 1905 Ownership Unbundling of Electricity Distribution Networks
by Paul Nillesen & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG 1904 The impact of a Carbon Tax on the CO2 emissions reduction of wind
by Chi Kong Chyong & Bowei Guo & David Newbery - EPRG 1903 Energy Systems Integration: Economics of a New Paradigm
by Tooraj Jamasb & Manuel Llorca - EPRG 1902 Central- versus Self-Dispatch in Electricity Markets
by Victor Ahlqvist & Pär Holmberg & Thomas Tangerås - EPRG 1901 On the impact of government-initiated CfD's in Australia's National Electricity Market
by Paul Simshauser
- EPRG 1841 On entry cost dynamics in Australia's National Electricity Market
by Paul Simshauser & Joel Gilmore - EPRG 1840 Pricing in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets with Near-Optimal Unit Commitment
by Brent Eldridge & Richard O'Neill & Benjamin F. Hobbs - EPRG 1839 Restructuring the Chinese Electricity Supply Sector – How industrial electricity prices are determined in a liberalized power market: lessons from Great Britain
by Michael G. Pollitt & Lewis Dale - EPRG 1838 Increase-Decrease Game under Imperfect Competition in Two-stage Zonal Power Markets – Part II: Solution Algorithm
by M. Sarfati & M.R. Hesamzadeh & P. Holmberg - EPRG 1837 Increase-Decrease Game under Imperfect Competition in Two-stage Zonal Power Markets – Part I: Concept Analysis
by M. Sarfati & M.R. Hesamzadeh & P. Holmberg - EPRG 1836 Deploying gas power with CCS: The role of operational flexibility, merit order and the future energy system
by Matthias A. Schnellmann & Chi-Kong Chyong & David M. Reiner & Stuart A. Scott - EPRG 1835 Consumer Engagement in Energy Markets: The Role of Information and Knowledge
by Xiaoping He & David Reiner - EPRG 1834 China's Response to Nuclear Safety Post-Fukushima: Genuine or Rhetoric?
by Jacqueline CK Lam & Lawrence YL Cheung & Y. Han & SS Wang - EPRG 1833 Strategic behaviour in a capacity market? The new Irish electricity market design
by Juha Teirilä & Robert A. Ritz - EPRG 1832 Utilities Governance, Incentives, and Performance: Evidence from the Water Sector in India
by Sai Amulya Nyathikala & Tooraj Jamasb & Manuel Llorca & Mukul Kulshrestha - EPRG 1831 Pass-through, profits and the political economy of regulation
by Felix Grey & Robert A. Ritz - EPRG 1830 Economic Assessment of Using Electric Vehicles and Batteries as Domestic Storage Units in the United Kingdom
by Donato A. Melchiorre & Sinan Küfeoglu - EPRG 1829 Reactive Power Procurement: Lessons from Three Leading Countries
by Karim L. Anaya & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG 1828 Regulated electricity networks, investment mistakes in retrospect and stranded assets under uncertainty
by Paul Simshauser & Alexandr Akimov - EPRG 1827 Price discrimination and the modes of failure in deregulated retail electricity markets
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG 1826 Electric Power Distribution in the World: Today and Tomorrow
by Sinan Küfeoglu & Michael Pollitt & Karim Anaya - EPRG 1825 Shadow Pricing of Electric Power Interruptions for Distribution System Operators in Finland
by Sinan Küfeoglu & Niyazi Gündüz & Hao Chen & Matti Lehtonen - EPRG 1824 A novel machine learning approach for identifying the drivers of domestic electricity users' price responsiveness
by Peiyang Guo & Jacqueline CK Lam & Victor OK Li - EPRG 1823 Objective vs. Subjective Fuel Poverty and Self-Assessed Health
by Manuel Llorca & Ana Rodríguez-Álvarez & Tooraj Jamasb - EPRG 1822 Regional Differences in Economic Impacts of Power Outages in Finland
by Niyazi Gündüz & Sinan Küfeoglu & Christian Winzer & Matti Lehtonen - EPRG 1821 Missing money, missing policy and Resource Adequacy in Australia's National Electricity Market
by Paul Simshauser - EPRG 1820 Does environmental heterogeneity affect the productive efficiency of grid utilities in China?
by Xiao-Yan Liu & Li-Qiu Liu & Bai-Chen Xie & Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG 1819 Economic dispatch in the electricity sector in China: potential benefits and challenges ahead
by Hao Chen & Chi Kong Chyong & Jia-Ning Kang & Yi-Ming Wei - EPRG 1818 European Industrial Energy Intensity: The Role of Innovation 1995-2009
by Victor Ajayi & David Reiner - EPRG 1817 UK Electricity Market Reform and the Energy Transition: Emerging Lessons
by Michael Grubb & David Newbery - EPRG 1816 When is a carbon price floor desirable?
by David M. Newbery & David M. Reiner & Robert A. Ritz - EPRG 1815 The European Single Market in Electricity: An Economic Assessment
by Michael G. Pollitt - EPRG 1814 The impact of PVs and EVs on Domestic Electricity Network Charges: a case study from Great Britain
by Sinan Küfeoglu & Michael Pollitt - EPRG 1813 Simulation and Evaluation of Zonal Electricity Market Design
by M. R. Hesamzadeh & P. Holmberg & M. Sarfati - EPRG 1812 Unintended consequences: The snowball effect of energy communities
by Ibrahim Abada & Andreas Ehrenmann & Xavier Lambin - EPRG 1811 Trust in Government and Effective Nuclear Safety Governance in Great Britain
by Jacqueline CK Lam & Victor OK Li & David M. Reiner & Yang Han & Shan Shan Wang - EPRG 1810 A comparison of public preferences for different low-carbon energy technologies: Support for CCS, nuclear and wind energy in the United Kingdom
by Hao Yu & David M. Reiner & Hao Chen & Zhifu Mi - EPRG 1809 Institutions and Performance of Regulated Firms: Evidence from Electric Utilities in the Indian States
by Tooraj Jamasb & Manuel Llorca & Pavan Khetrapal & Tripta Thakur - EPRG 1808 Systems Innovation, Inertia and Pliability: A mathematical exploration with implications for climate change abatement
by Michael Grubb & Jean-Francois Mercure & Pablo Salas & Rutger-Jan Lange & Ida Sognnaes - EPRG 1807 Restructuring the Chinese Electricity Supply Sector: An assessment of the market pilot in Guangdong Province
by Michael G. Pollitt & Chung-Han Yang & Hao Chen