June 2009, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 245-256 Addressing and measuring small business social responsibility in the African context: a stakeholder framework
by Dennis Yao Dzansi & Marius Pretorius - 257-264 Refugees in Jordan: sociological perspective
by Fayez A. Simadi & Ghazi S. Nahar - 265-279 Before and after: employees' views on corporate social responsibility: energy‐sector stakeholders in Nordic post‐merger integration
by Jari Syrjälä & Tuomo Takala
March 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 6-18 Organizational culture and CSR: an exploratory study of Estonian service organizations
by Krista Jaakson & Maaja Vadi & Katrin Tamm - 19-33 CSR as a tool to fight against poverty: the case of Mauritius
by Nicolas J.F. Ragodoo - 34-47 Status and direction of corporate social responsibility in Indian perspective: an exploratory study
by Sudhir Chandra Das - 48-61 Corporate social responsibility in Poland: the Responsible Business Forum 2002‐2007 report perspective
by Izabela Koładkiewicz - 62-69 Building a model of corporate social responsibility in the old industrial region(in the case of Upper Silesia): a sociological perspective
by Marek S. Szczepański & Robert Geisler & Anna Śliz - 70-82 Corruption and economic growth in some selected transitional economies
by Hakeem Ishola Mobolaji & Kamil Omoteso - 83-93 Contribution on the analysis of the environmental disclosure: a comparative study of American and European multinationals
by Dammak Saida - 94-111 Corporate governance and law‐role of independent directors: theory and practice in India
by Iti Bose - 112-122 The forgotten managing agency system: a nineteenth century model of Indian corporate governance
by Kamal Ghosh Ray - 123-140 Implementation of best practice code: practical implications from the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Maria Aluchna
October 2008, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 428-438 Do offshore outsourcing firms in the USA use their investments on corporate social responsibility to alleviate negative attitudes toward offshore outsourcing?
by Goitom Tesfom & Nancy J. Birch - 439-455 Relevance of data mining for accounting: social implications
by Branka Mraović - 456-463 Corporate social responsibility: an attitude of Ethiopian corporates
by Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri & Zelalem Temesgen - 464-473 Creating socially responsible systems for holistic development
by Ipshita Bansal & Jaya Srivastava - 474-490 Organization types and corporate social responsibility reporting in Finnish forest industry
by Pasi Tuominen & Terhi Uski & Iiro Jussila & Ulla Kotonen - 491-503 Is socially responsible behavior good business? An investigation of tomorrow's business leaders
by Cynthia Rodriguez Cano & Doreen Sams & Joe Schwartz - 504-516 Voluntary disclosure in Malaysian corporate annual reports: views of stakeholders
by Nazli A. Mohd Ghazali - 517-526 The US financial services sector and illegal aliens: financial institutions legally meeting consumer demands – or social responsibility challenged business practices?
by Thomas A. Hemphill - 527-537 Understandable and functional organizational values: true or false?
by Merita Mattila - 538-548 Beyond philanthropy: corporate social responsibility in the Nigerian insurance industry
by Musa Obalola
August 2008, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 265-282 A toolkit for designing firm level strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives
by Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya & Arunditya Sahay & Ashok Pratap Arora & Abha Chaturvedi - 283-296 Bakhtin's theory of speech as human agency
by Branka Mraović - 297-305 E‐learning: the latest spectrum in open and distance learning
by A.S. Guha & Subhashish Maji - 306-323 Corporate social and environmental reporting: a survey of disclosure practices in Egypt
by Riham Rizk & Robert Dixon & Anne Woodhead - 324-348 The abandoned mandatory OFR: a lost opportunity for SER?
by Jill Frances Solomon & Carla Rhianon Pel Edgley - 349-365 Exploring the responsiveness of companies: corporate social responsibility to stakeholders
by Katherine Trebeck - 366-377 It's just another war!
by Pauline Collins - 378-387 Environmental information: special reference to greenhouse gas emissions in Spain
by Isabel Gallego Álvarez - 388-406 Evaluate corporate social responsibility disclosure at Annual Report Companies in multifarious group of industry members of Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX), Indonesia
by Edwin Mirfazli - 407-421 Corporate governance in Turkey: reform and convergence
by Aylin Poroy Arsoy & David Crowther
March 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1/2
- 8-23 Ethics and morality in human resource management
by John Simmons - 24-33 Values in organizations: difficult to understand, impossible to internalize?
by Merita Mattila - 34-40 Corporate governance and innovative leaders
by M.A. Musa & S.E. Ismail & S. Othman - 41-55 Moral commitments to community: mapping social responsibility and its ambiguities among small business owners
by Elizabeth A. Lange & Tara J. Fenwick - 56-62 CSR, women and SMEs: the Croatian perspective
by Mirna Koričan & Ivija Jelavić - 63-81 Corporate ethics: an end to the rhetorical interpretations of an endemic corruption
by Ben Tran - 82-88 Corruption as a moral issue
by Hartmut Kreikebaum - 89-103 Can we teach ethics and professional deontology? An empirical study regarding the Accounting and Finance degree
by Francisco Alegria Carreira & Maria do Amparo Guedes & Maria da Conceição Aleixo - 104-119 Corporate social responsibility, new activism and public relations
by Kristin Demetrious - 120-128 “What we learn today is how we behave tomorrow”: a study on students' perceptions of ethics in management education
by Fernanda Duarte - 129-135 Ten principles of corporate citizenship
by David Birch - 136-142 The “ethics” of being profit focused
by S. Mercia Selva Malar - 143-157 Revisiting rights and responsibility: the case of Bhopal
by Loong Wong - 158-171 Paradigms in corporate ethics: the legality and values of corporate ethics
by Ben Tran - 172-184 Business ethics? A global comparative study on corporate sustainability approaches
by Sharon Moore & Julie Jie Wen - 185-197 The organisation's captives: the no mean production of the contemporary administrative techniques
by Alex Coltro - 198-208 Accountability discourses in advanced capitalism: who is now accountable to whom?
by Miriam Green & Wim Vandekerckhove & Dominique Bessire - 209-216 Corporate social responsibility in India: towards a sane society?
by Aruna Das Gupta & Ananda Das Gupta - 217-227 “Me, myself & I”: practical egoism, selfishness, self‐interest and business ethics
by Jelena Debeljak & Kristijan Krkač - 228-245 Fighting a smoky fire: an analysis of Philip Morris's CEO speeches according to image restoration strategies
by Maria de Fatima Oliveira - 246-254 Back to basics: an Islamic perspective on business and work ethics
by Riham Ragab Rizk
November 2007, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 4-14 No Principals, No Principles and Nothing in Reserve: Shell and the Failure of Agency Theory
by David Crowther & Esther Ortiz Martinez - 15-20 “Thou Shalt not be Good Enough”: (Mis)understanding CSR
by Juliane Riese - 21-30 A Study of Corporate Philanthropic Traits among Major Malaysian Corporations
by Azlan Bin Amran & Lim Lynn Ling & Yahya Sofri - 31-39 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Fetter of Profitability
by Simeon Scott - 40-48 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Empowerment of Women: An Indian Perspective
by Renu Jatana & David Crowther - 49-60 CSR Initiatives of Indian Banking Industry
by Mahabir Narwal - 61-73 Emotionally Sustainable Business and Communities of Commitment
by Tom Cockburn - 74-80 Accounting Ethics Education in Turkish Public Universities
by Kiymet Tunca Caliyurt - 81-91 Transition in Poland: Economic Success and Social Failure?
by Maria Aluchna
August 2007, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 4-8 Personnel's Perceptions in Three Finnish Companies: Local CSR vs. Global CSR?
by Merita Mattila - 9-18 The Current State of Corporate Social Responsibility Among Industrial Companies in Malaysia
by Tamoi Janggu & Corina Joseph & Nero Madi - 19-25 Evolution of Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility by the Companies in ISE National‐30 Index in Turkey
by N. Nalan Altintas & Burcu Adiloglu & A. Taylan Altintas - 26-34 Corporate Social Disclosures by Indonesian Listed Companies: A Pilot Study
by Juniati Gunawan - 35-43 Customer‐owned Firms and the Concept of Regional Responsibility: Qualitative Evidence from Finnish Co‐operatives
by Iiro Jussila & Ulla Kotonen & Pasi Tuominen - 44-49 Corporate Social Responsibility: Future Prospects in the Turkish Context
by Caner Dincer & Banu Dincer - 50-59 A Quest for Ethical Decision Making: Searching for the Holy Grail, and Finding the Sacred Trinity in Ethical Decision‐Making by Managers
by Gian Luca Casali - 60-68 What Level of Trust is Needed for Sustainability?
by Güler Aras & David Crowther - 69-78 Corporate Social Responsibility and Affirmative Action Program
by Prashant Roy & Mohsin Alam - 79-85 Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility: Punishment or Compliance?
by Edwin Mujih
May 2007, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 3-10 Can Ethical Decision Making be Taught? The JUSTICE Approach
by Cubie Lau & John F Hulpke & Michelle To & Aidan Kelly - 11-21 The Role of CSR in Re‐empowering Local Communities
by Hillary J Shaw - 22-31 Environmental Reporting Verification: A Critical Evaluation of Accountants’ Views and Corporate Practices in India
by Shuchi Pahuja - 32-38 Corporate Social Responsibility in Your Own Backyard
by Len Arthur & Molly Scott Cato & Tom Keenoy & Russell Smith - 39-51 Stakeholders' Activisms: Indigenous Peoples' of Sarawak Resistance against the State Government and Corporations
by Mohd Rafi Yaacob & Loong Wong - 52-58 Averting the Catastrophe of Cyberspace
by Julia J.A. Shaw - 59-67 The Bologna Process: Implementation and Developments in Portugal
by David Fátima & Rute Abreu - 68-72 Pease Drum and Tank Recycling and Reconditioning: The Impact of Legislation and Limitations on Being Green
by Khosro S Jahdi - 73-81 Tourism Industry Working Practices and Its Impact on a Geo‐brand Image
by Joao Freire & David Crowther - 82-94 Corporate Sustainability in the Portuguese Financial Institutions
by Paulo Peneda Saraiva & Zélia Maria Silva Serrasqueiro
January 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 6-16 CSR In Iberian America: Opportunity or Moot Point
by Alvaro de Regil Castill - 17-22 CSR in South America: Fostering the Dialogue
by William M. O’Keefe - 23-33 Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America: A Critical Standpoint
by Alex Faria & Fundaçdo Getulio Vargas - 34-39 The Potential for Corporate Social Responsibility in Mexico: Some Reflections
by Caroline Hodges - 40-51 Corporate Social Engagement in Colombia
by Roberto Gutierrez & Ivan Dario Lobo - 52-58 Sustainable management in the Argentinean companies: concepts and degree of implementation
by Maria Florencia Peretti - 59-67 CSR Strategy Formation Processes: A Multiple Case Study from Brazil
by Marcio Mostardeiro - 68-73 Public Policies and Social Private Investment in Contemporary Brazil
by Maria Alice Nunes Costa - 74-89 Banks and Social Responsibility: Incorporating Social Practice in Organizational Structures
by Elvira Cruvinel Ferreira Ventura
March 2006, Volume 2, Issue 3/4
- 237-250 Lemmings in the Casino: Metamorphoses of the Crises of Capitalist Accumulation ‐ Threats and 238 Opportunities of the Current Stage
by Branka Mraovic - 251-260 Disclosure Regulation and Accounting Education in the UK: Moving Towards Corporate Accountability 252 and Transparency
by A. Salama & A. Cathcart & M. Andrews & R. Hall - 261-272 Think global, act local: Corporate Social Responsibility Management in Multinational Companies
by M. Morand & L. Rayman‐Bacchus - 273-281 Cause‐Related Marketing in financial service organisations in Cyprus
by Ioanna Papasolomou & Marlen Demetriou - 282-290 Spivs, Shonks and Sharks: The HIH Collapse as a Moral Tale of Corporate Capitalism
by Fernanda Duarte - 291-299 Integrate Protected Areas into Broader land, Seascapes and Sectors from a Social Responsibility of the 292 Environment perspective
by R. Ş Topal & A. Öngen - 300-307 From what we say to what we tell: the rhetoric of social responsibility in France
by Rodolphe Ocler - 308-320 Consumarchy & CSR
by P. Martin Dumas - 321-327 The Necessity of Fraud Education for Accounting Students: A Research Study From Turkey
by Kiymet Tunca Caliyurt & David Crowther - 328-334 Application of Data Mining Method for Financial Profiling
by Nermin Ozgulbas & Ali Serhan Koyuncugil - 335-343 Fragilitiy in Banking Sector and Public’s Role
by Gökhan Sönmezler & Ismail Siriner
February 2006, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 124-130 Managing Business Crises: The CSR Perspective
by Tejinder Sharma & Mahabior Narwal - 131-135 The Importance of Environmental Communication: Evidence from Turkey
by Caner Dincer & Banu Dincer - 136-141 Understanding the Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility using the Concept of the Shadow Side
by Gary Pheiffer & Dave Griffiths & David Andrew - 142-150 The Failure of Multinational Companies in Developing Countries in Sharing Environmental Responsibilities: The Case of Turkey
by Fulya Akyildiz - 159-164 Studying Corporate Social Responsibility in Finland: Genuine Gesture or Pursuit of a Big(ger) Profit?
by Merita Mattila - 165-172 The shaping of relations between a developing economy and MNCs: Bangladesh and Shipping
by Lez Rayman‐Bacchus & Silvia Chowdhury - 173-185 The Word for World is Not Forest
by David Crowther & Branka Mraović - 186-193 The European Constitution and CSR; Consensus or Conflict
by Julia J.A. Shaw - 194-200 Developing Diversity in SMEs: collaboration between a city, a business school and employers
by Adam Palmer & Nigel Bradley - 201-206 A quite unreasonable state of affairs: Corporate Social Responsibility and the John Lewis Partnership
by Abby Cathcart - 207-215 Who is kidding whom? A study of complicity, seduction and deception in the marketplace
by Chloe Chadderton & Robin Croft - 216-222 CSR in the Community: Redefining the Social Role of the Supermarket Giants
by Hillary Shaw
January 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editorial
by David Crowther - 4-13 Governance Reform And The Changes In Legislation On Corporate Control In China
by Lan Jiang - 14-16 ICT and Distance Education : Critiquing Modes And ‘Limitations’
by Ananya S Guha - 17-22 Leaders or Followers?
by Elizabeth Bruce - 23-34 The Irish Carbon Tax: A Lost Opportunity?
by Margery Stapleton & Helena Lenihan & Sheila Killian & Breda O'Sullivan & Kemmy Business - 36-41 “It was horrid, very very horrid”: a student perspective on coming to an inner‐city university in the UK
by Debbie Holley & Sandra Sinfield & Tom Burns - 42-49 New Urban Poverty as a Social Responsibility Field and Municialities
by Berkan Demiral & Nalan Demiral - 50-61 Shareholders fight for corporate control: Case studies from Poland
by Maria Aluchna - 62-68 Programme Aid Partners in Mozambique: a textual analysis
by Miriam Green & Tom Burns - 69-82 Corporate Social Responsibility at a Multinational Electricity Corporation: A Longitudinal Case Study
by Bernabé Escobar Pérez & José María González González - 83-87 Customer Relationship Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility: Not just ethical standpoints or business strategies
by Diana Luck - 88-95 Has Environmental Investment a Marketing Effect in Turkish Banking Industry?
by Caner Dincer & Banu Dincer - 96-103 Malaysian Corporate Responsibility Disclosure: Miscommunication Between Providers and Users of Information?
by Mustaffa Mohamed Zain & Rashidah Mohammad & Mohd Rashidee Alwi - 104-111 Reaching the true nature of organizations: human and social finalities
by Ana Maria Davila Gomez & David Crowther - 112-119 CSR: Where is the Love?
by Julia J.A. Shaw
March 2005, Volume 1, Issue 3/4
- 122-141 Bhopal Gas Tragedy: Lessons for corporate social responsibility
by Mary Ipe - 142-148 Employee as Corporate Governance Stakeholder in South Africa
by Stella Vettori - 149-152 Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on organizational sustainability: A case study of the Sri Lankan Corporate Sector
by Senani Rajmanthri - 153-166 Metamorphoses of the Crises of Capitalist Accumulation — Threats and Opportunities of the Current Stage
by Branka Mraović - 167-178 Corporate Environmental Strategy: A Perspective & a Theoretical Framework
by Tanuja Agarwala - 179-189 No accounting for a Silent Spring: the discouragement of organic agriculture
by Kiymet Tunca Caliyurt - 190-196 The Environmental Sensibility of Municipalities in Thrace Region
by Berkan Demiral - 197-204 Rules of the Game
by Sue Ann - 205-212 Is it true that social responsibility studies can cause an assimilation problem, and why?
by R. Seminur Topal - 213-224 Corporate Social Responsibility in India: Promoting Human Development towards a Sacro‐Civic Society
by Aruna Das Gupta - 225-240 Corporate Social Responsibility is urgently needed in Health Care
by Rute Abreu & Fátima David & David Crowther
January 2005, Volume 1, Issue 1/2
- 3-3 Editorial
by David Crowther - 4-15 The Crises of Representation in Knowledge‐Based Societies: Why is accounting a social service?
by Branka Mraović - 16-20 Decentralisation, Responsibility and Ethical Dilemmas
by J.P. Minkes & A.L. Minkes - 21-23 Towards bridging the digital divide for all‐round socio‐economic development in India of the 21st century
by Deborah L. Buam - 24-37 Situation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Spain: An Empirical Analysis
by Isabel Gallego - 38-46 NHS managers’ commitment to a socially responsible role: the NHS managers' views of their core values and their public image
by Faruk Merali - 47-52 Are the Organizations Prepared for a Real Efficacy of the Socail and Collective Development? A Critical Reflexion in a Latin American Context
by Ana Maria Davila Gomez & Jair Nascimento Santos - 53-62 Cedric the Pig: Annual General Meetings and Corporate Governance in the UK
by Nic Apostolides & Rebecca Boden - 63-69 Resisting reification: free market or free citizens?
by Hillary J. Shaw & Julia J.A. Shaw - 70-80 Food Safety Problems in the World and in Turkey: Solutions Offered from the Perspective of Social Responsibility
by R. Şeminur Topal - 81-90 An Exploratory Study of Social Responsibility Disclosure on the Internet by Portuguese Listed Companies
by Manuel Castelo Branco & Lucia Lima Rodrigues - 91-97 Socially Responsible Investment, Information and the Myth of Underperformance
by Greig A. Mill & Leigh Holland - 98-103 Beyond voluntary / mandatory juxtaposition. Towards a European framework on CSR as Network Governance
by Wim Vandekerckhove & R M.S. - 104-107 Community Based And Distance Learning : Some Perspectives
by A.S. Guha - 108-117 ‘Radiomarathon’ in the Guinness World of Records: A tool for building a strong corporate reputation through corporate social responsibility
by Ioanna Papasolomou Doukakis