September 2008, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 522-540 The strategic significance of environmental sustainability by Australian‐listed property trusts
by Graeme Newell - 541-551 The greening of commercial leases
by Mark Hinnells & Susan Bright & Angela Langley & Lloyd Woodford & Pernille Schiellerup & Tatiana Bosteels - 552-561 Retrofitting commercial office buildings for sustainability: tenants' perspectives
by Evonne Miller & Laurie Buys - 562-576 Responsible property investing: what the leaders are doing
by Gary Pivo & UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative Property Working Group
August 2008, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 376-387 Underpricing of European property companies and the IPO cycle: a note
by Theo Freybote & Nico Rottke & Dirk Schiereck - 388-398 CAPM‐based capital budgeting and nonadditivity
by Carlo Alberto Magni - 399-417 The specific risk of the UK real estate securities market
by Vladimir Kovac & Stephen Lee - 418-446 Extreme returns and value at risk in international securitized real estate markets
by Kim Hiang Liow
July 2008, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 286-303 Moving towards a global real estate index
by Ermina Topintzi & Henry Chin & Peter Hobbs - 304-328 Listed property trusts and downside systematic risk sensitivity
by Chyi Lin Lee & Jon Robinson & Richard Reed - 329-341 Covenant strength in shopping centres: a diversified risk?
by Norman Hutchison & Alastair Adair & Julie McWilliam - 342-361 A behavioural study of the decision processes underpinning disposals by property fund managers
by Richard J. MacCowan & Allison M. Orr
April 2008, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 195-209 Depreciation, income distribution and the UK REIT
by Andrew Baum & Steven Devaney - 210-231 Time‐varying performance of four Asia‐Pacific REITs
by Chiang Yat‐Hung & So Chun‐Kei Joinkey & Tang Bo‐Sin - 232-246 German property investment vehicles and the introduction of G‐REITs: an analysis
by Ulrich Schacht & Jens Wimschulte - 247-274 Securitising China real estate: a tale of two China‐centric REITs
by Michael C.H. Quek & Seow Eng Ong
March 2008, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 110-131 Herding and positive feedback trading on property stocks
by Rhea Tingyu Zhou & Rose Neng Lai - 132-150 Real estate private equity: the case of US unlisted REITs
by John Corgel & Scott Gibson - 151-161 Real estate security and other investment assets
by Amidu Abdul‐Rasheed & Aluko Bioye Tajudeen & Nuhu Muhammad Bashar & Saibu Muibi Olufemi - 162-176 Real estate portfolio strategy and product innovation in Europe
by Martin Hoesli & Jon Lekander
February 2008, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 8-37 Solutions to the five key brownfield valuation problems
by Bruce R. Weber & Alastair Adair & Stanley McGreal - 38-58 The liquidity of direct real estate in institutional investors' portfolios: The Netherlands
by Aart Hordijk & Bert Teuben - 59-79 Workout management of non‐performing loans
by Nico B. Rottke & Julia Gentgen - 80-95 Dual rate is defunct?
by David Mackmin - 96-100 Facing the future: energy performance certificates and commercial property
by Tim Dixon & Miles Keeping & Claire Roberts
October 2007, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 542-578 The mortgage lending value: prospects for development within Europe
by Sven Bienert & Wolfgang Brunauer - 579-602 Gearing and the Australian real estate investment market
by Anthony J. De Francesco - 603-625 Optimal holding period for a real estate portfolio
by Michel Baroni & Fabrice Barthélémy & Mahdi Mokrane - 626-651 Property stigma: wind farms are just the latest fashion
by Sally Sims & Peter Dent - 652-667 The effect of upward‐only rent reviews on UK prime retail property capital values
by Matthew Scrimshaw
August 2007, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 427-443 Expanding the academic discipline of real estate valuation
by Kerry D. Vandell - 444-467 Re‐engineering a valuation degree: how did we get here and where do we go?
by James S. Baxter - 468-481 What we do and can do for a living
by Sing‐cheong Liu & Mark Wang & Bo‐sin Tang & Siu‐wai Wong - 482-514 Where is the world of property valuation for taxation purposes going?
by David Tretton - 515-524 Market value and depreciated replacement cost: contradictory or complementary?
by Nick French & Laura Gabrielli
July 2007, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 342-358 Socially responsible property investment (SRPI)
by Daniel Rapson & David Shiers & Claire Roberts & Miles Keeping - 359-369 Tests of common real estate risk premia in a time‐varying expected return framework
by Tien Foo Sing & Leiting Deng & Hong Wang - 370-387 International variation in office yields: a panel approach
by Ruth Hollies - 388-400 Social responsibility: key terms and their uses in property investment
by Claire Roberts & Dan Rapson & David Shiers
May 2007, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 223-240 A comparison of the forecasting ability of ARIMA models
by Simon Stevenson - 241-273 Serial persistence in individual real estate returns in the UK
by Steven P. Devaney & Stephen L. Lee & Michael S. Young - 274-288 Regime switching and asset allocation
by K.H. Liow & H. Zhu - 289-305 Exploring office investment decision‐making in different European contexts
by Claire Roberts & John Henneberry - 306-321 The valuation of licensed premises
by Howard Day & Rupert Kelton
March 2007, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 111-135 The magnetism of suburban shopping centers: do size and Cineplex matter?
by Joseph T.L. Ooi & Loo‐Lee Sim - 136-146 Retail properties in Hong Kong: a rental analysis
by E.C.M. Hui & C.Y. Yiu & Y. Yau - 147-165 The significance and performance of retail property in Australia
by Graeme Newell & Wen Peng Hsu - 166-178 A move toward European retail
by David Skinner - 179-206 Modeling the structure of CV formation and expectations
by Kim Hin (David) Ho
February 2007, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 7-22 Diversity and value in Africa's real estate
by M.S. Ramabodu & B.G. Kotze & J.J.P. Verster - 23-42 Factors influencing the choice of property portfolio diversification evaluation techniques in Nigeria
by A. Olaleye & B.T. Aluko & C.A. Ajayi - 43-61 The response of Nigerian valuers to increasing sophistication in investors' requirements
by O.A. Ogunba & C.A. Ajayi - 62-76 Compulsory acquisition of oil exploration fields in Delta State, Nigeria
by P.S. Ogedengbe - 77-94 Nurturing property investment by re‐engineered systems for land pricing by local authorities
by Wilfred M. Matipa & Ronald Barham
November 2006, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 474-489 Real estate value: creation and destruction
by Stephen Roulac & Alastair Adair & Stanley McGreal & Jim Berry & Suzanne Allen - 490-520 Natural vacancy rates in global office markets
by Ben Sanderson & Kieran Farrelly & Corin Thoday - 521-541 An analysis of the UK development industry's role in brownfield regeneration
by Tim Dixon & Yasmin Pocock & Mike Waters - 542-558 Fiscal incentives and urban regeneration in Dublin 1986‐2005
by Brendan Williams
September 2006, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 386-399 An assessment of property performance forecasts: consensus versus econometric
by Sotiris Tsolacos - 400-433 Addressing risk and uncertainty in property valuations: a viewpoint from Germany
by David Lorenz & Stefan Trück & Thomas Lützkendorf - 434-442 The stability of the co‐movements between real estate returns in the UK
by Stephen Lee - 452-461 Estimating the risk of inflation in property investments
by Ernest Wood
July 2006, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 279-294 Factors influencing hotel investment decision making
by Graeme Newell & Ross Seabrook - 295-323 Macroeconomic risk influences on the property stock market
by Kim Hiang Liow & Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim & Qiong Huang - 324-342 Asset allocation
by Kim Hin/David Ho & Seow Eng Ong & Tien Foo Sing - 343-362 Strategic management and operations of real estate valuation service providers in Hong Kong
by Lay Cheng Lim & Alastair Adair & Stanley McGreal & James Webb - 363-373 The private finance initiative and value for money
by Michael Pitt & Norman Collins & Andrew Walls - 374-380 Value and worth: probability analysis
by Nick French
May 2006, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 188-210 Interest rate risk and time‐varying excess returns for Asian property stocks
by Kim Hiang Liow & Qiong Huang - 211-220 Central and Eastern European property investment markets: issues of data and transparency
by Alastair Adair & Suzanne Allen & Jim Berry & Stanley McGreal - 221-238 Network connectivity and office occupiers' space decision: the case of Suntec City
by Tien Foo Sing & Joseph T.L. Ooi & Ah Long Wong & Patrick K.K. Lum - 239-258 Real option premium in Hong Kong land prices
by Yat‐Hung Chiang & Chun‐Kei Joinkey So & Chi‐Wai Stanley Yeung - 259-263 Property depreciation in Government
by Anthony Andrew & Michael Pitt
March 2006, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 102-122 Monte Carlo simulations for real estate valuation
by Martin Hoesli & Elion Jani & André Bender - 123-135 Real estate in the mixed‐asset portfolio: the question of consistency
by Stephen Lee & Simon Stevenson - 136-149 Institutional real estate portfolio diversification in Ireland and the UK
by Stanley McGreal & Alastair Adair & James N. Berry & James R. Webb - 150-175 Biases in appraisal land price information: the case of Japan
by Chihiro Shimizu & Kiyohiko Nishimura - 176-179 Value and worth: scenario analysis
by Nick French
January 2006, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 7-26 The impact of the New Basel Capital Accord on real estate developers
by Christoph Pitschke & Stephan Bone‐Winkel - 27-48 The performance of property developments of institutional investors
by Björn‐Martin Kurzrock & Michael Roth - 49-67 Uncertainty and feasibility studies: an Italian case study
by Nick French & Laura Gabrielli - 68-78 Architecture for a real estate analysis information system using GIS techniques integrated with fuzzy theory
by Elli Pagourtzi & Konstantinos Nikolopoulos & Vassilios Assimakopoulos - 79-87 Market valuation of real estate finance mergers: a note
by Marc Kirchhoff & Dirk Schiereck & Markus Mentz - 87-91 Freehold valuations: the relationship between implicit and explicit DCF methods
by Nick French
December 2005, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 480-493 The impact of information and communications technology on commercial real estate in the new economy
by Tim Dixon - 494-505 Impact of information and communications technology on real estate space
by Tien Foo Sing - 506-515 Information and communications technology and industrial property
by Bob Thompson - 516-524 Broadband technology
by Vivienne Spurge & Claire Roberts - 525-532 UK call centres: crossroads of an industry
by Jon Snow
October 2005, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 394-411 Testing the statistical significance of sector and regional diversification
by Stephen Lee & Simon Stevenson - 412-423 Lessons from the private finance initiative in the UK
by Timothy Dixon & Gaye Pottinger & Alan Jordan - 424-444 The importance of property‐specific attributes in assessing CBD office building quality
by Daniel Ho & Graeme Newell & Anthony Walker - 445-454 Reporting on contaminated land: a comparison of Australian and British practice standards
by Alastair Adair & Nelson Chan - 455-470 Apportionment in property valuation: should we separate the inseparable?
by Dave Hendriks
August 2005, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 311-328 Affordability and performance in the industrial property market
by Sotiris Tsolacos & Tony McGough & Bob Thompson - 329-341 The spatial pattern of industrial rents and the role of distance
by Neil Dunse & Colin Jones & Jim Brown & William D. Fraser - 342-363 Inflation and rental change in industrial property
by Catherine Jackson & Michael White - 364-378 Corporate strategic decision making
by Stephen Roulac & Alastair Adair & Stanley McGreal & Jim Berry & Louise Brown & George Heaney - 379-385 Pan‐European industrial property
by Bob Thompson
June 2005, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 213-233 The appraisal of urban regeneration land
by Alastair Adair & Norman Hutchison & Jim Burgess & Stephen Roulac - 234-253 Real estate portfolio construction and estimation risk
by Stephen Lee & Simon Stevenson - 254-268 The reporting of risk in real estate appraisal property risk scoring
by Alastair Adair & Norman Hutchison - 269-285 An investigation into the expression of uncertainty in property valuations
by Alexander Joslin
April 2005, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 123-140 A vision for valuation
by Barry Gilbertson & Duncan Preston - 141-147 Value concepts, value information and cycles on the real estate market
by Hans Lind - 148-164 The Swedish property crisis in retrospect: a new look at appraisal bias
by Rickard Enström - 165-181 Valuation model uniformity and consistency in real estate indices
by Aart Hordijk & Wouter van de Ridder - 182-201 The influence of clients on valuations: the clients' perspective
by Deborah Levy & Edward Schuck
February 2005, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 7-21 Investment performance within urban regeneration locations
by Alastair Adair & Jim Berry & Stanley McGreal & Joanna Poon & Norman Hutchison & Craig Watkins & Kenneth Gibb - 22-54 Modelling accessibility to urban services using fuzzy logic
by Marius Thériault & François Des Rosiers & Florent Joerin - 55-75 Cross‐market dynamics in property stock markets
by Kim Hiang Liow & Joseph Ooi & Yantao Gong - 75-89 Discounted cash flow: accounting for uncertainty
by Nick French & Laura Gabrielli - 90-108 Transparency in the German real estate market
by Karl‐Werner Schulte & Nico Rottke & Christoph Pitschke
December 2004, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 458-471 Equilibrium time on the market (ETOM) for commercial real estate in the UK
by Gerald R. Brown & Tien Foo Sing - 472-483 How should unsmoothing affect pension plan asset allocation?
by Philip Booth & George Matysiak - 484-500 The uncertainty of valuation
by Nick French & Laura Gabrielli - 501-511 Different risk measures: different portfolio compositions?
by Peter Byrne & Stephen Lee - 512-532 The level of direct property in Hong Kong property company performance
by Graeme Newell & Chau Kwong Wing & Wong Siu Kei - 533-541 The valuation of specialised property
by Nick French
October 2004, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 354-385 Modelling rental change across key retail investment markets in Britain
by Peter F. Colwell & Catherine Jackson - 386-400 Does corporate real estate create wealth for shareholders?
by Kim Hiang Liow & Joseph T.L. Ooi - 401-413 Contagion or interdependence?
by Patrick Wilson & Ralf Zurbruegg - 414-434 Governance and optimal financing for asset‐backed securitization
by Gang‐Zhi Fan & Tien Foo Sing & Seow Eng Ong & C.F. Sirmans
August 2004, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 298-306 Identifying the dimensions to retail centre image
by Valerie Kupke - 307-319 The decision‐making behaviour of office occupiers
by Chris Leishman & Craig Watkins - 320-338 The influence of family members on housing purchase decisions
by Deborah S. Levy & Christina Kwai‐Choi Lee - 339-346 Multicultural examination of valuation behaviour
by Julian Diaz & Paul Gallimore & Deborah Levy
June 2004, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 214-235 Retention rates, reinvestment and depreciation in European office markets
by Andrew Baum & Neil Turner - 236-258 Trade‐related valuations and the treatment of goodwill
by Neil A. Dunse & Norman E. Hutchison & Alan Goodacre - 259-268 The use of a pending mortgage reference point in valuation judgment
by J. Andrew Hansz - 269-282 Property research priorities in the UK
by Graeme Newell & Patrick McAllister & Elaine Worzala
April 2004, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 147-161 The dependency between returns from direct real estate and returns from real estate shares
by Philip M. Booth & Gianluca Marcato - 162-172 Urban regeneration, property performance and office markets in Dublin
by Stanley McGreal & Jim Berry & Clare McParland & Brian Turner - 173-191 Valuing leasing risks in commercial property with a discrete‐time binomialtree option model
by Tien Foo Sing & Wei Liang Tang - 192-199 Property appraisal in Government
by Anthony Andrew & Michael Pitt
February 2004, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 11-24 Testing the statistical significance of real estate in an international mixed asset portfolio
by Simon Stevenson - 25-54 Property price indices in the Commonwealth
by Sau Kim Lum - 55-75 An analysis of the trends and cyclical behaviours of house prices in the Asian markets
by Ming‐Chi Chen & Yuichiro Kawaguchi & Kanak Patel - 76-100 Land value capture mechanisms in Hong Kong and Singapore
by Eddie Chi‐Man Hui & Vivian Sze‐Mun Ho & David Kim‐Hin Ho - 101-111 Restrictions on the foreign ownership of property
by Richard Ming Kirk Tan - 112-135 Preferences for Korean seniors housing
by Euehun Lee & Karen M. Gibler
December 2003, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 411-434 Macro‐economic factors and foreclosure risk: evidence from mortgages in Singapore
by Peck Yan Nang & Poh Har Neo & Seow Eng Ong - 435-449 Institutional involvement and the REIT January effect over time
by Ming‐Long Lee & Ming‐Te Lee - 450-472 Worst of the good and best of the bad
by Gwilym Pryce - 473-494 Time on the market and commercial property prices
by Allison M. Orr & Neil Dunse & David Martin - 495-501 The RICS valuation and appraisal standards
by Nick French
May 2003, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 1-329 Property Journals Index 1990‐2002
by K.G.B. Bakewell
August 2003, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 307-325 Option pricing model for cash rebate mortgages
by Eddie Lam - 326-347 Comovements in UK regional property markets: a multivariate cointegration analysis
by Andrew C. Worthington & Helen Higgs - 348-365 eBusiness and the City of London office market
by Tim Dixon & Andrew Marston & Bob Thompson & Ben Elder - 366-382 Conditional variance tests of integration between direct and indirect real estate markets
by Tien Foo Sing & Sook Beng Stephanie Sng - 383-401 Real estate appraisal: a review of valuation methods
by Elli Pagourtzi & Vassilis Assimakopoulos & Thomas Hatzichristos & Nick French
June 2003, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 212-232 Identifying short‐term leading indicators for real estate rental performance
by George Matysiak & Sotiris Tsolacos - 233-249 Time weighted portfolio optimisation
by Stephen Lee & Simon Stevenson - 250-270 Residential property value and locational externalities
by Tom Kauko - 271-284 A bounded rationality framework for property investment behaviour
by Anne de Bruin & Susan Flint‐Hartle
April 2003, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 79-108 Accounting for leases – the problem of rent reviews in capitalising lease liabilities
by Neil Crosby - 109-135 Determinants of housing prices in Spanish cities
by Paloma Taltavull de La Paz - 136-153 A model for the valuation of farmland in Spain
by Teresa Garcia & Ildefonso Grande - 154-189 Oligopolistic bidding and pricing in real estate development
by Seow Eng Ong & Fook Jam Cheng & Boaz Boon & Tien Foo Sing
February 2003, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 12-22 Flexible working needs flexible space?
by Virginia Gibson - 23-30 The price of space: the convergence of value in use and value in exchange
by Nick French & Georgina Wiseman - 31-44 Corporate real estate in Ireland
by Stephen Roulac & Alastair Adair & Stanley McGreal & Jim Berry & Louise Brown & George Heaney - 45-60 Office space requirements: comparing occupiers’ preferences with agents’ perceptions
by C. Leishman & N.A. Dunse & F.J. Warren & C. Watkins - 61-72 Value creation through the management of corporate real estate
by Peter J.M.M. Krumm & Jackie de Vries
December 2002, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 434-453 Capital structure and profitability of the property and construction sectors in Hong Kong
by Chiang Yat Hung & Chan Ping Chuen Albert & Hui Chi Man Eddie - 454-472 An international analysis of real estate journals
by Graeme Newell & Peter Acheampong & Roger Juchau & Chau Kwong Wing & James R. Webb - 473-495 Option pricing for real estate development: Hong Kong Disneyland
by Barbara Y.P. Leung & Eddie C.M. Hui - 496-512 REITs in the decentralized investment industry
by Kevin C.H. Chiang & Ming‐Long Lee - 513-524 A comparison of upward‐only and turnover leases
by Patric H. Hendershott
May 2002, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 1-290 Property Journals Index 1990‐2001
by K.G.B. Bakewell
August 2002, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 316-353 Expert valuation witnesses in the UK – problems and solutions
by Neil Crosby & John Murdoch & Anthony Lavers - 354-373 The long‐run diversification attributes of commercial property
by W.D. Fraser & C. Leishman & H. Tarbert - 374-387 Mean reversion of Singapore property stock prices towards their fundamental values
by Tien Foo Sing & Kim Hiang Liow & Wei‐Jin Chan - 388-405 Policy implications of structural options in the development of real estate investment trusts in Europe
by Robert D. Campbell & C.F. Sirmans - 406-418 Appraising property with rough set theory
by Maurizio d’Amato
June 2002, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 213-221 Real time valuation
by Jeffrey D. Fisher - 222-241 Valuing renewal options in public industrial leases in Singapore
by Tien Foo Sing - 242-253 Why do real estate appraisals nearly always equal offer price?
by Carl R. Gwin & Clark L. Maxam - 254-276 Dynamics of property value distribution in an Asian metropolis
by Sun Sheng Han & Shi Ming Yu & Lai Choo Malone‐Lee & Ann Basuki - 277-294 Disaggregating the travel components in shopping centre choice
by Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim
April 2002, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 96-115 A cointegration approach to understanding Singapore’s industrial space supply
by Yuen Leng Chow & Seow Eng Ong & Doreen Chze‐Lin Thang - 116-126 The repayment of mortgages by endowment assurances
by Philip Booth & Bill Rodney - 127-141 Valuation standards
by Clare McParland & Alastair Adair & Stanley McGreal - 142-158 E‐commerce and retail property in the UK and USA
by Elaine M. Worzala & Anne M. McCarthy & Tim Dixon & Andrew Marston - 159-180 Utility wayleaves: a compensation lottery?
by Norman E. Hutchison & Jeremy Rowan‐Robinson - 181-203 The practice of real estate valuation in Portugal
by Vítor M. dos Santos Reis & Mary Lou Downie & Peter Fisher & António Fernandes
February 2002, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 9-22 Rational expectations and market fundamentals
by Eddie Hui & Tsz‐Ying Lui - 23-35 Real estate corporations: the quest for value
by Joseph T.L. Ooi & Kim‐Hiang Liow - 36-58 Estimating local repeat sales house price indices for British cities
by Chris Leishman & Craig Watkins - 59-67 The review of property appraisals
by Anthony Andrew & Michael Pitt - 68-83 Valuation banding – an international property tax solution?
by Frances Plimmer & William McCluskey & Owen Connellan
December 2001, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 453-471 An asset liability management model for housing associations
by Bert Kramer & Ton van Welie - 472-497 Enhancing information use to improve predictive performance in property markets
by Patrick J. Wilson & John Okunev - 498-518 Pricing commercial mortgage‐backed securities
by Clark L. Maxam & Jeffrey Fisher - 519-535 Crossing the great divide?
by Seow Eng Ong & Joseph Ooi & Nyuk Hien Wong - 535-553 Empirical evaluation of the value of waiting to invest
by Tien Foo Sing & Kanak Patel
May 2001, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 1-290 Property Journals Index 1990‐2000
by K.G.B. Bakewell