March 1989, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 20-23 Unemployment in Lancaster and Morecambe
by Phil Regan - 24-27 The Impact of Corporate Restructuring on Human Resource Management Functions
by James Belohlav & Helen LaVan - 28-31 The Application of Stock Control Principles to Employee Resourcing
by Chris Dawson
February 1989, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 3-43 Organisation and Administration of R&D Personnel in Japan
by Hiroki Sato & Koichiro Imano & Shigemi Yahata & Scott T. Davis
January 1989, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-9 An Innovative Employment Training Institution in Sweden: A Test Case?
by Frederick Geers - 10-15 Trends in the Share of Skilled Occupations in Total Employment
by John P. Burkett - 16-22 What Motivates Nigerian Craftsmen in a Task Force Situation: A Case Study of ASCON
by Moses O. Odinye & Erasmus C. Aduaka - 23-25 The Future for Human Resource Professionals
by Barry Smith - 26-32 The Meaning of Work in Saudi Arabia
by Abbas Ali & Mohammed Al‐Shakhis
June 1988, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 3-10 Male And Female Turnover Within Uk Manufacturing
by Edmund H. Bradley & J. Stuart Wabe - 11-16 The Older Worker
by Seymour L. Wolfbein - 17-19 Aids In The Workplace
by Paula de Frisco & Brian H. Kleiner - 20-21 Attracting And Keeping The Best People
by Derek Wake - 22-27 Administrative Education And Training In The Arab World: An Empirical Study
by Abdel Bari I. Durra & Abubakr M. Buera - 28-34 Manager Participation In Management
by Amnon Caspi
April 1988, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 2-87 Keeping Key Players Productive: How to Identify and Manage Stress
by Roy Bailey
March 1988, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 3-6 The New Labour Force
by Seymour L. Wolfbein - 7-9 Household Production And Labour Supply
by Randall G. Holcombe & Steven B. Caudill - 10-22 Sex Discrimination In The Labour Market Of Kuwait
by Djehane A. Hosni & Sulayman S. Al‐Qudsi - 23-31 Demographic Factors Affecting The Black/White Unemployment Differential: 1950–1980
by Lora P. Holcombe
February 1988, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 3-7 Using Democratic Similarity In Human Resources Planning To Build A Committed Workforce
by Andrew J. Templer & Robert H. Schwartz - 8-16 Earnings And Job Mobility Over The Life Cycle: Internal And External Processes
by John Creedy & Keith Whitfield - 17-20 Managing Expatriates
by Chris Brewster - 21-27 The Hungarian Economic Reform: Problems Of Human Resource Management And Corporate Culture
by Magdolna Csath - 28-32 Measuring Internal Strategic Choice Decisions And Their Linkages To The Reward Structure: A Case Study In A High Technology Firm
by Luis R. Gomez‐Mejia & Joseph E. McCann
January 1988, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-7 Management Development In Transition: The Gulf Experience
by Ibrahim S.J. Alhashemi - 8-11 Labour Turnover In Uk Manufacturing 1949–86
by Edmund H. Bradley & J. Stuart Wabe - 12-17 The Occupational Mobility Of Unemployed Labour
by Geraint Johnes - 18-20 Sources Of Growth Of Female Employment In Greece 1971–1981: A Shift Share Analysis
by Athena Petraki Kottis - 21-27 An Empirical Analysis Of Manpower Planning In Hong Kong
by Robert G. Graham & Tuan Chyau - 28-31 The Ideological And Political Work — Motivation Approaches To Management In China
by Chen Wenya
May 1987, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 3-7 The Case for Labour Subsidies in the Greek Economy: A Synthesis
by Bobby E. Apostolakis - 8-11 Automation and Employment Adjustment: A Japanese Case Study
by Yuko Arayama & Panos Mourdoukoutas - 12-17 The Need for a National Maternity Policy in the USA
by Djehane Hosni & Uma Gupta - 18-23 Work Patterns for the 1990s — The Impact of the Information Technology Revolution
by Clive F. Nash - 24-31 The Influence of Job Satisfaction on Social Workers' Relationships with Clients
by Y. Meller & D. Macarov
April 1987, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 3-4 Human Asset Accounting: Where Are We Today?
by Brad Johnson & Brian H. Kleiner - 5-12 Manpower Planning in Developing Countries: Status, Criticisms and Lessons
by Garth Mangum & Stephen Magnum & MacLeans Geo‐JaJa - 13-19 Comparable Worth — Issues to Resolve before Equity Can Become Reality
by Peter W. Stonebraker & Helen LaVan - 20-25 Socio‐economic Method of Strategic Planning of Education
by János Timár - 26-35 Earnings Differentials in Manufacturing in Greece: A Statistical Exploration
by Athena Petraki Kottis
March 1987, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 3-8 Manpower Planning of Future Requirements
by Brian Wilson - 9-10 A Cognitive Look at Organisational Development, or Meanings have Feelings, Don't They?
by Dag Bjorkegren - 11-17 Economic Estimates of Capital and Disaggregated Labour in Northern Europe, 1953–85
by Bobby E. Apostolakis - 18-24 Manpower Planning with Occupational Choice: A Nigerian Example of Mismatch
by MacLeans A. Geo‐JaJa
February 1987, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 3-6 Value Systems as Predictors of Work Satisfactions of Arab Executives
by Abbas Ali - 7-10 New Structures of Work — An Irish Perspective
by Eileen Drew - 11-19 Managing Professionals in Organisations
by Susan Segal‐Horn - 20-28 Effective Decision Making
by Jimmy Algie & William Foster - 29-36 A Policy Agenda for the 90s
by Colin Leicester
January 1987, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-9 Labour Time Reduction as an Instrument for Full Employment: a Revival from the Discussion of the 1930s
by J.T.J.M. van der Linden - 10-14 The Obsolescence of Administration and the Administration of Obsolescence
by Zmira Laufer - 15-18 Training of African Managers — Some Lessons from Evaluation
by Robert Youker - 19-31 Management Development in Small and Medium‐sized Enterprises in Newfoundland and Labrador
by Michael Skipton
May 1986, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 2-7 Market Structure and the Labour Process — The Process of Concentration of Control
by Andre Manders - 8-12 Productivity, Satisfaction and Involvement: A Brief Note on Some Conceptual Issues
by Rabindra N. Kanungo - 13-19 The Impact of Cultural Values Upon Managers' Choice of Social Power Base
by M. Ceyhan Aldemir - 20-20 The Manpower Society
by John Houston - 21-27 Equity‐Efficiency Conditions of Competitive‐Co‐operative Product and Labour Markets
by Masudul Alam Choudhury - 28-39 The Impact of Unemployment: A Local Study
by C.A. Barton & R. Cutler & D.L. Hodgson & K.J. Rowles
April 1986, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 2-6 Manpower Requirements of the Electronic Sub‐Assembly Test Process
by L. Brennan & P. Claffey & J. Dineen & M.E.J. O'Kelly - 7-12 Individual Propensities for Emotional Supportiveness within a Dual Career Context: Work and Non‐work Reactions
by Arthur G. Bedeian & Kevin W. Mossholder & John Touliatos - 13-17 Basic Needs and the Manpower Dilemma of Kuwait
by Djehane A. Hosni & Sulayman S. Al‐Qudsi - 18-22 The Political Dimensions of QWL
by Albert Cherns - 23-27 Management Development for the New Work Culture
by Philip R. Harris - 28-36 Labour Market Outlook in the Construction Industry
by Masudul Alam Choudhury
March 1986, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 3-9 Manpower Planning—What Trade Unions Can Do
by Sid Platt - 10-19 What Can Business Contribute Towards Creating Employment?
by Christopher Cook - 20-26 Socio‐Technical Intervention: From Inductive Strategy Planning to Implementation: Evaluation Study
by Moshe Shelhav - 27-36 The Quality of Work Life Issue: The Corporation as the Next Political Frontier
by John Nirenberg
February 1986, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 2-32 The Margerison‐McCann Team Management Resource — Theory and Applications
by Charles Margerison & Dick McCann & Rod Davies
January 1986, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-11 1. In Search of Job Security: The American Scene
by Richard S. Belous & Stephen L. Mangum - 12-20 2. Temporary Work: The Flip Side of Job Security
by Garth L. Mangum & Stephen L. Mangum - 21-34 3. Current Developments and Future in Union‐Management Co‐operation
by Ernest J. Savoie - 35-52 4. Services to Workers Facing Plant Shutdowns: California and Canada
by Gary B. Hansen
May 1985, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 3-15 Shiftwork and Socio‐Economic Policy
by A.H. Ingram & P.J. Sloane - 16-18 Manpower Planning—Training Planning Co‐operation: A Suggested Model
by P.M. Stokes - 19-26 Manpower Issues in the Arab World
by Stacey Birks & John Fyfe - 27-31 Towards Grounded Definitions of Work and Leisure
by David K. Banner & Alex Himelfarb - 32-35 The Perception of Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity and Organisational Commitment: Differences Between Sexes
by Helen La Van & David K. Banner
April 1985, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 3-10 British Quality Circles in Operation — Some Facts and Figures
by B.G. Dale - 11-20 After Fads and Advocative, Ideological Social Science, Whither OD?
by James A. Lee - 21-24 The Effects of Behaviour Modelling Training on Managerial Attitudes and Performance: A Field Experiment
by Christopher Orpen - 25-27 Expanding Market Share: The Role of American Corporations in Technical Assistance
by Stanley B. Andrews & Harry G. Miller - 28-31 Enterprise Support Organisations in the South Pacific
by John M. Hailey
January 1985, Volume 6, Issue 1/2
- 2-102 Participate, Damn You!
by Mary Weir & Jim Hughes
April 1984, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 3-10 Retail Employment in the Current Recession
by Leigh Sparks - 11-18 Who Gains? A Case Analysis of Employee Ownership and Managerial Prerogatives
by Graham K. Kenny - 19-24 Macro Manpower Planning: Some International Comparisons
by L. Garth & Stephen L. Mangum - 25-31 Using Factor Analysis in the Design and Evaluation of a Manpower Management Information System
by Hussein Abdel‐Aziz Sayed & Mahmoud M.M. Hassan
March 1984, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 3-8 Why Managers Succeed in the Public Sector: An Australian Study
by John Hawkless & Russell Lansbury - 15-25 Equal Opportunity Policy: A Comparative Perspective
by Günther Schmid - 26-31 Conceptual Orientations in the Planning of Health Manpower
by Geoff Hoare & Kenneth Lee & Andrew Long
February 1984, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 3-10 Manpower Issues: Some Emerging Considerations Highlighted in African Countries
by John Fyfe & Stacey Birks - 11-18 Human Resource Systems: Some Value‐Analysing Decisions
by R.P. Mohanty - 19-23 The Need for an Employment Insurance System in the US: The Japanese Lesson
by D. Hosni - 24-32 Trade Unions and Productivity: Theory and Evidence
by T. Sullivan
January 1984, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 2-7 Unemployment Research and Policy in Canada and Australia
by Keith Newton - 8-12 Manpower Planning in Backward Industries
by Alan Williams - 13-23 Developing Education Systems in the Oil States of Arabia: Conflicts of Purpose and Focus
by J.S. Birks & J.A. Rimmer - 24-32 How Shall We Ever Get Them Back to Work?
by Ken Hall
April 1983, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 3-8 The Job Creation Role of New Shopping Centres — An Australian Experience
by Geoffrey Kiel - 9-17 The Effectiveness of a Participative Management System
by Graham K. Kenny - 19-31 Vocational‐Technical Training Initiatives in Economic Development, Employment and Labour Market Operations
by Frank H. Cassell & Ronald C. Rodgers - 32-36 The Career Patterns and Work Attitudes of Plateaued and Non‐Plateaued Managers
by Christopher Orpen
March 1983, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 3-10 Workers in Transition: The Social Reality Construction of Industrial Attitudes and Behaviour
by Kevin Russell - 11-16 Manpower Forecasting for Megaprojects: The Case of Energy Projects in Western Canada
by Klaus Weiermair - 17-22 Some Influences on the Operation of Joint Health and Safety Committees
by P.B. Beaumont & J.W. Leopold
February 1983, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 2-40 Economic Development and the Labour Market in Iraq
by Abbas Salih Mehdi & Olive Robinson
January 1983, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-20 How to Use Consultants
by Andrew P. Kakabadse
April 1982, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 2-8 The Work Personality: A Neglected Element in Research
by David Macarov - 9-14 Japanese Management and British Workers
by Michael White - 15-23 Differences in Strike Activity between Countries
by S.W. Creigh & N.M.C. Donaldson & E. Hawthorn
March 1982, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-32 Data for Unemployment Analysis
by S.P. Hannah
February 1982, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-47 Workforce in Transition: Australian Eperiences
by Adam Jamrozic & Marilyn Hoey
January 1982, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 2-9 Trainer Role and effectiveness — A Review of the Literature
by T. Leduchowicz - 10-15 Collective Bargaining and Strikes: An Exit‐Voice Analysis
by Peter Enderwick - 24-31 Employment Policy in the Federal Republic of Germany: Lessons to be Learned
by Günther Schmid
April 1981, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 2-22 Determinants of Female Labour Force Participation in the Host Country—
by S. Akhtar - 23-25 Industry Accident Rates:
by P.B. Beaumont - 26-31 Productivity and Pay: A Survey of Workers' Perceptions
by J.M. Rives & J.M. West & C.G. Krenk - 32-36 A Manpower Planning Model for Small Groups
by Richard L Davies & Keith Howard
March 1981, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 2-5 Comparing Work Organisations and Manpower Training Cross‐Culturally
by Arndt Sorge & Malcolm Warner - 6-14 Humanising the Workplace as Squaring the Circle
by D. Macarov
February 1981, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 2-6 Electronic Information Technology: Managing Change in the Office
by Peter C. Thornton & J. Verner Wheelock - 7-16 “Psyching Out” the Internal Labour Market to Help Improve Job or Career Choice
by Frank H. Cassell & Elizabeth Cassell - 19-25 Industrial Accidents: A Useful Indicator of Working Life?
by P.B. Beaumont - 26-32 An Assessment of Manpower and Educational Planning in Turkey: Shifting from Long‐Range Forecasting to Employment Policy
by Ozay Mehmet
January 1981, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-24 Mapping Managerial Styles
by Charles Margerison & Ralph Lewis
April 1980, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 3-5 Cyclical, Non‐Cyclical and Hidden Unemployment in Canada
by Tom Siedule & Keith Newton - 6-12 Labour Shortages: some Limitations of Evidence from the Documented Labour Market
by N.J. Adnett & J.D. Golby & P.D. Taylor - 13-19 Management Training and Development in the UK Foundry Industry
by Clive Smith
March 1980, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 2-5 Technological Change and Manpower: an Historical Perspective
by A.E. Musson - 6-12 Management Requirements for Successful Change
by Nuaia Swords‐lsherwood - 13-20 Manpower and Skill Implications of Technical Change in the Engineering Industry
by Peter Senker - 21-24 Large Firms — Small Firms: Employment in the 1980s
by B.S. Wright - 25-28 Part‐time Workers and the Firm
by A.T. Mallier & M.J. Rosser
February 1980, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 2-7 Part‐time Workers and the Economy
by A.T. Mallier & M.J. Rosser - 8-12 Sealife: The UK Merchant Shipping Industry's Manpower Development Programme —
by Laidon Alexander & Peter Sharpe - 13-13 Case Study: The Perkins Approach to Manpower Planning
by David Freemantle - 14-14 Employment Policy in the EEC
by George Wedell - 15-19 Making Redundancy Redundant—or How to Save Jobs Without Really Trying
by Ian Dey - 20-24 A Systematic Framework for Quality of Working Life Studies
by Barrie O. Pettman & Keith Newton & Norman Leckie
January 1980, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-6 Industrial Structure and Labour Turnover
by K. Holden & D.A. Peel - 7-10 Managing the Manpower Aspects of Applying Micro‐Electronics Technology
by P. Thornton & C. Routledge - 11-16 Objectives and Measures of Co‐ordination between Private and Public Manpower Planning with Particular Reference to the Use of Human Resource Measurement Systems
by K. Weiermair - 17-27 Towards an Industry Manpower Strategy
by Alan Moss - 28-32 An Analysis of the Problem of Industrial Accidents in Britain
by P.B. Beaumont - 33-36 Manpower Planning: The Need for a Diagnostic Approach
by John Fyfe