June 1983, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 171-182 The measurement of goal attainment of governmental R&D support
by Brokhoff, Klaus
April 1983, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 61-90 Assessing basic research : Some partial indicators of scientific progress in radio astronomy
by Martin, Ben R. & Irvine, John - 91-103 Technological balance of payments and international competitiveness : The case of the Federal Republic of Germany
by Horn, Ernst-Jurgen - 105-112 R&D price indexes and real R&D expenditures in the United States
by Mansfield, Edwin & Romeo, Anthony & Switzer, Lorne - 113-120 The influence of Ministry of Defence funding on semiconductor research and development in the United Kingdom
by Dickson, Keith
February 1983, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-14 A review of literature and hypotheses on new technology-based firms
by Bollinger, Lynn & Hope, Katherine & Utterback, James M. - 15-36 A bibliometric analysis of pharmaceutical research
by Koenig, Michael E. D. - 37-59 Monitoring and control in agricultural research systems : Maize in Northern India
by Biggs, Stephen D.
December 1982, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 333-346 The R&D performance through time of young, high-technology firms : Methodology and an illustration
by Teubal, M. - 347-357 The evaluation of technology R&D: A continuing dilemma
by deLeon, Peter - 359-372 R&D effort and US exports and foreign affiliate production of manufactures
by Glick, Reuven - 373-383 Research priorities and science policy objectives for the management of soils in arid lands
by Hallsworth, E. G.
October 1982, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 271-287 Government policy, innovation and economic growth : Lessons from a study of satellite communications
by Teubal, Morris & Steinmueller, Edward - 289-310 Innovation and technical change : A case study of the U.K. tractor industry, 1957 1977
by Gibbons, M. & Coombs, R. & Saviotti, P. & Stubbs, P. C. - 311-320 The role of government in supporting measurement standards for high-technology industries
by Tassey, Gregory - 321-327 Farmers' financing of agricultural research in Israel
by Gelb, Ehud & Kislev, Yoav
August 1982, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 209-225 The climate for innovation in industry : The role of management attitudes and practices in consumer electronics
by Rosenbloom, Richard S. & Abernathy, William J. - 227-245 Inter-industry technology flows in the United States
by Scherer, F. M. - 247-259 International comparisons of R&D effort : The case of the Canadian pharmaceutical industry
by Palda, Kristian S. & Pazderka, Bohumir - 261-266 An assessment of the benefits of the diffusion of an innovation
by Reekie, W. Duncan
June 1982, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 147-162 Technological paradigms and technological trajectories : A suggested interpretation of the determinants and directions of technical change
by Dosi, Giovanni - 163-171 Technological change in the Norwegian whaling industry : A case-study in the use of patent-statistics as a technology indicator
by Basberg, Bjorn L. - 173-192 The commercialization of federally sponsored technological innovations
by Ettlie, John E. - 193-203 Characteristics of research and development performing firms in Canadian manufacturing
by Chand, U. K. Ranga
April 1982, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 83-94 Some determinants of cost distributions in the process of technological innovation
by Kamin, J. Y. & Bijaoui, I. & Horesh, R. - 95-115 Appropriability of innovation benefit as a predictor of the source of innovation
by Von Hippel, Eric - 117-132 Influential factors in manufacturing innovation
by Bessant, J. R. - 133-140 A note on the time lag between the life cycle of a discipline and resource allocation in Japan
by Tsukahara, Shuichi & Yamada, Keiichi
February 1982, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial statement
by Freeman, Christopher & Pavitt, Keith - 3-13 Measuring the contribution of biomedical research to the production of health
by Vehorn, Charles L. & Landefeld, J. Steven & Wagner, Douglas P. - 15-31 The funding of university research : A comparative study of the United Kingdom and Canada
by Chapman, I. D. & Farina, C. & Gibbons, M. - 33-51 R&D, patenting and innovative activities : A statistical exploration
by Pavitt, Keith
October 1981, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 294-311 A cognitive approach to science policy
by Rip, Arie - 312-334 Science, technology, and regional economic development: Review and prospects
by Malecki, Edward J. - 336-355 The content of productivity growth in Swedish manufacturing
by Carlsson, Bo - 356-366 The present status and problems of impact research in technology policy: A case study on the federal program for funding research and development personnel in Germany
by Meyer-Krahmer, Frieder - 368-402 The farm tractor and the nature of technological innovation
by Sahal, Devendra
July 1981, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 202-220 The impact of the science research council's policy of selectivity and concentration on average levels of research support: 1965-1974
by Farina, C. & Gibbons, M. - 222-243 Technology and economic growth: He case of Japan
by Peck, Merton J. & Goto, Akira - 244-259 Scientists as consultants to industry in a developing country: An analysis of their roles and economic effectiveness
by Avriel, Deborah - 260-288 Non-price factors in the export competitiveness of agricultural engineering products
by Rothwell, Roy
July 1981, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 108-126 Commercial innovation from university faculty
by Roberts, Edward B. & Peters, Donald H. - 127-147 Towards an understanding of technical change in semi-industrialized countries
by Teitel, Simon - 148-171 Production of microbial protein: a study of the development and introduction of a new technology
by Marstrand, Pauline K. - 172-194 Transfer of indigenous technology--some indian cases
by Rajan, J. V. & Seth, N. D. & Subramanian, S. K. & Chakrabarti, Alok K. & Rubenstein, A. H.
January 1981, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 2-24 Alternative conceptions of technology
by Sahal, Devendra - 26-44 Evolutionary behavior of complex sociotechnical systems
by Bonen, Z. - 46-76 University research grants management: accountability viewed as an exchange - the U.S. case
by Arnow, Kathryn Smul - 78-98 The impact of r&d spending on the foreign sales of new canadian industrial products
by McGuinness, Vorman W. & Little, Blair
October 1980, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 302-356 Government policy and technical choice in the West German reactor programme
by Keck, Otto - 358-376 The state and technical innovation: a case study of the electrical vehicle in France
by Callon, M. - 378-388 The transfer of U.S. technology abroad
by L. Bosworth, Derek
July 1980, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 203-203 A viewpoint on innovation and the chemical industry
by Colombo, U. - 232-253 A study of technical innovation in Polish industry
by Poznanski, Kazimierz - 254-277 Stages of development of industrial technology in a developing country: A model
by Kim, Linsu - 278-294 The consequences of dissent: Sociological reflections on the controversy of the low dose effects
by Nowotny, Helga & Hirsch, Helmut
April 1980, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 104-114 The power and the glory: a note on patents and scientific authors
by Macioti, Mantredo - 116-146 Science policy in Sweden: sectorization and adjustment to crisis
by Elzinga, Aant - 148-172 Organisational aspects of Nigeria's research system
by Clark, Norman - 174-196 An analysis of factors influencing the utilization of contract research in a developing country, Korea
by Lee, Jinjoo & Rubenstein, Albert H.
January 1980, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 2-22 Dimensions of R&D location in the United States
by Malecki, E. J. - 24-52 Developing countries as exporters of industrial technology
by Lall, Sanjaya - 54-73 The economic effects of innovation: some calculations for The Netherlands
by Spaa, J. H. - 74-96 The origin and direction of industrial R&D in India
by Desai, Ashok V.
October 1979, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 306-338 A quantitative analysis of the science research council's policy of "selectivity and concentration"
by Farina, C. & Gibbons, M. - 340-362 The local government market as a stimulus to industrial innovation
by Roessner, J. David - 364-382 R&D strategy in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry
by Schnee, Jerome E. - 384-398 Centres of decision in french science policy: The contrasting influences of scientific experts and administrators
by Papon, P.
July 1979, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 204-243 European policies on space science and technology 1960-1978
by Schwarz, Michiel - 244-259 Influence of technology on science: a comment on some experiences at IBM research
by Gazis, D. C. - 260-272 Setting research priorities
by Ross, H. H. & Lyon, W. S. & Shults, W. D. - 274-283 Innovation management for an industrial product
by Horsmans, J. Wim - 284-296 An analysis of the role of users in the total r&d portfolios of scientific instrument firms
by Spital, Francis C.
April 1979, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 102-153 The influence of market demand upon innovation: a critical review of some recent empirical studies
by Mowery, David & Rosenberg, Nathan - 154-163 Public bodies as entrepreneurs
by Cannon, C. M. & Grossfield, K. - 164-185 Recent trends in research and development in the United Kingdom
by Bosworth, Derek L. - 187-190 Canada-India nuclear cooperation: a rebuttal
by Morrison, Robert W. & Wonder, Edward F. - 191-198 Canada-India nuclear cooperation: a rejoinder to a rebuttal
by Bindon, George & Mukerji, Sitoo
January 1979, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 2-25 The development of an innovation: the case of porvair
by Gibbons, Michael & Littler, Dale - 26-45 The dynamics of scientific manpower and output
by Moravcsik, Michael J. & Gibson, Stephen G. - 46-69 Corporate decision-making for allocations to research and development
by Kay, Neil M. - 70-79 Frameworks for integrating interdisciplinary research
by Rossini, Frederick A. & Porter, Alan L. - 80-92 Research policy and industrial materials
by Ray, G. F.
October 1978, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 324-340 Rates of invention: international patent comparisons
by Schiffel, Dennis & Kitti, Carole - 342-360 Information inputs to new product planning and development
by Holt, Knut - 362-382 The determinants of the potential effectiveness of government-supported industrial research institutes
by Toren, Nina & Galni, Dan - 384-405 Social structures and the flow of scientific information in public agencies: an ideal design
by Boezman, Barry & Roering, Kenneth & Slusher, E. Allen
July 1978, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 220-238 Canada-India nuclear cooperation
by Bindon, George & Mukerji, Sitoo - 240-266 A customer-active paradigm for industrial product idea generation
by Von Hippel, Eric - 268-290 Government research for industry: recent British developments
by Gummett, Philip & Gibbons, Michael - 292-316 Duopoly in the scientific instrument industry: the milk analyser case
by Robertson, Andrew & Frost, Michael
April 1978, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 108-122 1984: a new push of basic innovations?
by Mensch, G. - 124-149 Government influence on the process of innovation in Europe and Japan
by Allen, Thomas J. & Utterback, James M. & Sirbu, Marvin A. & Ashford, Nicholas A. & Hollomon, J. Herbert - 150-174 Toward a conceptual framework of the process of organized innovation technological within the firm
by Baker, Norman R. & Sweeney, Dennis J. - 176-196 Government aid for the development of innovative technology: lessons from the French
by Sirbu, Marvin Jr. - 198-211 The neglect of socioeconomic research by U.S. energy and environmental agencies
by Conn, W. David
January 1978, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-24 Government programs and the growth of high-technology industries
by Schnee, Jerome E. - 27-46 Scientific and political orientation of American scientists
by Anand, Hans Raj & Haberer, Joseph - 49-60 Notes on the inter-industrial flow of technology in post-war Britain
by de Bresson, Christian & Townsend, Joe - 63-87 R & D in Israeli industry
by Blumenthal, Tuvia - 89-98 The leading edge of science in Canada
by Inhaber, Herbert - 99-100 Comment on "automation in textile machinery"
by Bayliss, C. R.
October 1977, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 324-357 Management perceptions of government incentives to technological innovation in england, Trance, West Germany and Japan
by Rubenstein, Albert H. & Douds, Charles F. & Geschka, Horst & Kawase, Takeshi & Miller, John P. & Saintpaul, Raymond & Watkins, David - 358-373 The diffusion and adoption of textile chemicals and dyestuffs within the uk textile industry
by Lancaster, G. A. & White, M. - 374-395 Technological innovation in developing countries: a review of the literature
by Crane, Diana - 396-410 Defense department payments for `company-financed' R&D
by Reppy, Judith - 412-415 Particle physics-an alternative view
by Polkinghorne, J. C.
July 1977, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 202-213 technological choice and socio-economic imperative: a case study of textile technologies in India
by Joshi, Nandini - 214-240 government policies for technological innovation: criteria for an experimental approach
by Robbins, Martin D. & Milliken, J. Gordon - 241-251 rejoinder to "government policies for technological innovation" by robbins and milliken
by Colton, R. M. - 252-252 reply to dr.colton's rejoinder
by Robbins, Martin D. & Milliken, J. Gordon - 254-275 analysis of r & d failure
by Spiller, Pablo T. & Teubal, Morris - 276-293 innovation in canada: an update
by Wilson, Andrew H. - 294-314 growth of an institue
by Hedemark, Inger & Jul, Mogens
April 1977, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 114-126 International licensing of technology: empirical evidence
by Wilson, Robert - 128-151 French science policy and the changing role of the university
by Brickman, Ronald - 152-163 Evaluation of the benefits of laboratory research and information services
by Jones, P. M. S. & Willett, A. L. - 164-176 Automation in textile machinery
by Catling, H. & Rothwell, R. - 178-193 Changes in centralization of science
by Inhaber, H.
January 1977, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 2-34 The super-computer project: a case study of the interaction of science, government and industry in the UK
by Drath, P. & Gibbsons, M. & Johnston, R. - 36-76 In search of useful theory of innovation
by Nelson, Richard R. & Winter, Sidney G. - 78-107 The crisis in particle physics
by Moravcsik, Michael J.
October 1976, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 380-396 The Dutch output of publications in physics
by Chang, Hans & Dieks, Dennis - 398-412 The RKW: A new approach towards technology transfer. methods for the promotion of innovation in small- and medium-sized companies
by Rupp, Erik
July 1976, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 212-239 The dominant role of users in the scientific instrument innovation process
by von Hippel, Eric - 240-268 Decision-making and reorganization of the British nuclear power industry
by Wonder, Edward F. - 270-294 Science and technology in the European communities: the history of the cost projects
by Aked, N. H. & Gummett, P. J. - 295-300 Comment on `science and technology in the European communities: the history of the cost projects'
by Klose, A. - 302-326 The organic chemicals industry of the USSR: a case-study in the measurement of comparative technological sophistication by means of kilogram-prices
by Amann, Ronald & Slama, Jiri
April 1976, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 106-114 Public opinion on innovation in France
by Gaudin, M. T. - 116-157 West German science policy since the early 1960's: trends and objectives
by Keck, O. - 158-178 An educational tv satellite for India: a critical assessment
by Melzer, Alexander - 180-196 Recoupment of government R&D expenditures: issues and practices in the USA
by Windus, Margaret L. & Schiffel, Dennis D. - 197-200 Response to Burns and Studer's "reflections on Alvin M. Weinberg"
by Weinberg, Alvin M. - 201-202 Reply to Alvin M. Weinberg
by Burns, E. M. & Studer, K. E.
January 1976, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 2-9 The costs of technological innovation
by Stead, H. - 11-97 Government policies towards industrial innovation: a review
by Pavitt, K. & Walker, W.
October 1975, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 330-349 The productivity of research effort in the US pharmaceutical industry: a statistical approach
by Koenig, M. E. D. & Gans, D. J. - 350-378 Technical and institutional transfer in agricultural development
by Ruttan, Vernon W. - 380-408 The venture capital market and technological innovation
by Bean, Alden S. & Schiffel, Dennis D. & Mogee, Mary E.
July 1975, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 214-244 The state and technological competition in France or colbertism in the 20th century
by Papon, P. - 246-261 The role of cost - benefit analysis in planning agricultural R & D programmes
by Wise, W. S. - 262-289 Technical change and social need: the case of high rise flats
by McCutcheon, Robert - 290-310 Science and technology in the common market: a progress report
by Macioti, Manfredo - 312-327 Innovation in industry: a discussion of the state-of-art and the results of innovation research in german-speaking countries
by Uhlmann, Luitpold
May 1975, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 108-158 The rhetoric of consensus politics: a critical review of technology assessment
by Wynne, B. - 160-171 Innovations led expansion: the shipbuilding case
by Al-Timimi, W. - 172-188 Field studies with a q-sort/nominal-group process for selecting R & D projects
by Souder, Wm. E. - 190-206 Technological diffusion in the Canadian carpet industry
by Globerman, Steven - 207-210 Response to research policy article on MRCA
by Greenwood, A. - 211-212 MRCA: reply to Mr. Greenwood
by Walker, W. B.
March 1975, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 2-26 Japanese technology policy: achievements and perspectives
by Long, T. Dixon - 28-44 Reflections on Alvin M. Weinberg: a case study on the social foundations of science policy
by Burns, Eugene M. & Studer, Kenneth E. - 46-55 Service cost: an approach to technological policy
by Baruch, Jordan J. - 56-78 The European molecular biology organisation: a case-study of decision-making in science policy
by Drath, L. & Gibbons, M. & Ronayne, J. - 80-86 Phenomenology and models of the growth of science
by Moravcsik, Michael J. - 88-105 Process innovations and improvements as a determinant of the competitive position in the international plastic market
by Schott, B. & Muller, W.
January 1975, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 312-336 Between the market and the state: dilemmas of french policy for the electronics industry
by Zysman, John - 338-359 Innovation in industry: the state and results of recent economic research in western european countries except f.r. germany
by Ray, G. F. - 360-371 R & D coordination in industry and university
by Steck, R. - 373-374 MRCA: comments on the article by W.B. Walker
by Saul, S. B. - 375-378 MRCA: reply to Professor Saul
by Walker, W. B.
November 1974, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 220-242 The roles of science in technological innovation
by Gibbons, Michael & Johnston, Ron - 244-257 Management, politics, and science: a nonseparable system
by Blankenship, L. Vaughn - 258-291 SAPPHO updated - project SAPPHO phase II
by Rothwell, R. & Freeman, C. & Horlsey, A. & Jervis, V. T. P. & Robertson, A. B. & Townsend, J. - 292-306 The Indian patent system and indigenous R&D
by Joshi, S. S. & Rajan, J. V. & Subramanian, S. K.
July 1974, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 133-155 Science and technology in Sweden: The fabians versus Europe
by Dorfer, Ingemar N. H. - 156-170 Assessing research output and momentum
by Faust, R. E. - 172-180 Some characteristic aspects of science policy in the federal republic of Germany
by Lubbe, Hermann - 182-200 Scientific cities
by Inhaber, H. - 202-215 Canadian science policy: Report number four revisited
by Wilson, Andrew H.
April 1974, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 2-16 US government support for civilian technology: economic theory versus political practice
by Eads, George - 18-28 The adoption of the sappho method in the Hungarian electronics industry
by Szakasits, Georges D. - 30-38 The `Hungarian sappho': some comments and comparisons
by Rothwell, Roy - 40-76 Behavioural aspects of research management - a review
by Blume, Stuart S. - 78-87 High-voltage electron microscopy in the UK
by Hirsch, P. B. - 88-97 A refinement of extrinsic criteria for scientific choice
by Moravcsik, Michael J. - 98-122 Some aspects of regional-national scientific relationships in East Africa: a summary
by Schlie, Theodore W. & Rubenstein, Albert H. - 124-131 Science policy in New Zealand
by Gimpl, M. L.
January 1974, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 280-305 The multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA): a case study in European collaboration
by Walker, W. B. - 306-321 Some remarks and proposals concerning the planning and performance of technology assessment studies
by Paschen, Herbert & Gresser, Klaus - 322-334 Discussion on principles of organizing applied research and development
by Lovland, Paul - 336-363 The limits of science policy in a developing country: the Turkish case a study based on the experience of the scientific and technical research council of Turkey
by Turkcan, Ergun - 364-379 Innovation in a federal state
by Wilson, Andrew H. - 380-403 R&D, innovation and microeconomic growth: a case study
by Schott, B. & von Grebmer, K.
October 1973, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 160-184 A behavioral study of international technology transfer between the United States and West Germany
by Kohler, B. M. & Rubenstein, A. H. & Douds, C. F. - 186-202 An operational, policy-oriented research categorization scheme
by Falk, Charles E. - 204-225 The role of communications in technological innovation
by Rothwell, R. & Robertson, A. B. - 226-245 Research planning in French science policy: an assessment
by Papon, P. - 246-264 Patent data as a guide to industrial activity
by Reekie, W. D. - 266-275 Measures of scientific growth
by Moravcsik, Michael J.
August 1973, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 88-92 A dying debate
by Koch, Claus - 128-143 What is the place of research and technological innovations in business planning?
by Gold, Bela - 144-156 Nucleonic thickness gauges -- a SAPPHO pair
by Rothwell, R.
April 1973, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 2-16 Public accountability and the project-grant mechanism
by Stein, Bernard R. - 18-39 Technological assessment of external effects
by Teniere-Buchot, P. F. - 40-55 Application of ppbs to r&d planning
by Gresser, Klaus - 56-70 Decision-making in big science--the development of the high-voltage electron microscope
by Leach, B.