December 1988, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 257-273 Structural changes and price formation in the minerals and metals industry
by de Sa, Paulo - 275-287 State enterprise and resource based industry in oil exporting countries
by Auty, Richard M. - 288-298 Using growth curves to forecast long-term trends for processed raw materials
by Feichtinger, Fritz - 299-299 Economic trends in Canadian gold supply : Michael Doggett and Brian Mackenzie Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Working paper no 41, October 1987, 77 pp
by Govett, M. H. & Govett, G. J. S. - 299-300 Long-term prospects for gold mining : Edited by Brian Mackenzie and Renka Gesing Proceedings of the seventeenth Centre for the Resource Studies Policy discussion seminar, 6-8 October 1986, Kingston, Ontario, September 1987, 239 pp
by Govett, M. H. & Govett, G. J. S. - 301-302 World mineral exploration: Trends and economic issues : Edited by John E. Tilton, Roderick G. Eggert and Hans H. Landsberg Resources for the future, Washington, DC, 1988, 491 pp, $75.00
by Humphreys, David - 302-303 Mineral exploration economics: The search for base metals in Australia and Canada : Brian Mackenzie and Roy Woodall Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Working paper no 40, 123 pp, 1987
by Owen, A. D. - 303-305 The Korean mineral market: Opportunities and marketing strategies for Canada : O. Yul Kwon Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 1988, 158 pp, C$15.00
by Nemetz, Peter N. - 305-306 Commodity policies: Problems and prospects : Alasdair I. Macbean and D.T. Nguyen Croom Helm, London, 1987, 438 pp
by Labys, Walter C. - 306-307 The Cassandra conference: Resources and the human predicament : Edited by Paul R. Ehrlich and John P. Holdren Texas A. and M. University Press, TX, 1988, 330 pp, US$14.95
by Roberts, Fred - 307-308 Natural gas in Europe: Markets, organisation and politics : by Javier Estrada, Helge Ole Bergensen, Arild Moe, and Anne Kristin Sydnes Pinter Publishers, London, 1988, [UK pound]30.00
by Hurst, Christopher
September 1988, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 159-172 Contractual arrangements for the exploitation of natural gas in developing countries
by Hurst, Christopher - 173-179 Petroleum availability in disrupted markets
by Das, S. & Lee, R. & Davis, R. M. & Hadder, G. R. - 180-182 On the efficiency of the London metal exchange : Copper prices
by Paul Hallwood, C. - 183-192 Structural adjustment in Europe : The case of UK coal
by Chakravarty, S. P. - 193-204 Competitive cost analysis in the mineral industries : The example of nickel
by Torries, Thomas F. - 205-217 An economic evaluation
by Ball, Robert & Matthews, Rolf - 218-220 The integrated quality concept : An approach to balanced industrial activity
by Boutoussov, M. - 221-223 Strongly recommended : Resources and world development Edited by D.J. McLaren and B.J. Skinner John Wiley, Chichester, 1987, 940 pp [UK pound]80.00
by Archer, Alan - 223-224 Fascinating chronicle : Selected readings in mineral economics edited by F.J. Anderson CIM, Toronto, 1987, 339 pp, C$60.00
by Humphreys, David - 224-224 Numerous factual errors : Metals production in Africa 1975-1984: statistical survey Edited by E.B. Ocran African Investor Publishing Co, London, UK, 1988, [UK pound]125.00 UK, 1988, [UK pound]125.00
by van Rensburg, Bill
June 1988, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 74-84 A reassessment of the strategic materials question
by Jacobson, D. M. & Turner, R. K. & Challis, A. A. L. - 85-96 Explaining recent metals price swings : Exchange rates and structural considerations
by Adams, F. Gerard & Vial, Joaquin - 97-111 Assessing the impact of the slack demand for metals
by Roberts, Mark C. - 112-120 Input prices and material substitution : Choice of methodology for a disaggregated study
by Holmes, M. J. - 121-134 Implications of the Canada-USA free trade agreement for the Canadian minerals industry
by Anderson, David L. - 135-143 Fair depletion rates
by van Moeseke, Paul - 144-145 Waste minimization : A growing industrial phenomenon
by Purcell, Arthur H. - 146-149 Decision making with expected values and certainty equivalences : A diagrammatic comparison
by MacFadyen, A. J. - 150-151 Primary commodity markets and models : Walter C. Labys Gower, Aldershot, Hants, 1987, 290 pp, [UK pound]38.50
by Hallett, Andrew Hughes - 151-152 The global copper industry: Problems and prospects : Raymond F. Mikesell Croom Helm, London, 1988, 160 pp, [UK pound]27.50
by Radetzki, Marian - 152-153 Modelling sustainable development : International seminar on ecosystems modelling, New Delhi, India, 18-22 January 1988
by Biswas, Asit K. - 153-153 Cheaper to live clean : National workshop on pollution in the industrial environment, Hardwar, India, 15-16 January 1988
by Biswas, Asit K.
March 1988, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 3-20 Sorting out materials issues
by Fraser, S. & Barsotti, A. & Rogich, D. - 21-28 Mining interests overseas : UK and the EEC
by Humphreys, David - 29-37 Aspects of copper supplies for the 1990s
by Crowson, P. C. F. - 38-46 Mineral resource development policy in Arctic Alaska
by Sengupta, M. - 47-58 Do forest products trade barriers disadvantage the developing countries?
by Bourke, I. J. - 59-61 Perspectives of the copper industry : Copper '87, Vina del Mar, Chile, 30 November-3 December 1987
by Crowson, P. C. F. - 61-63 Price stability or resource transfer? : Stabilizing speculative commodity markets by S. Ghosh, C.I. Gilbert and A.J. Hughes Hallett Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1987, 448 pp, [UK pound]39.50
by Kirthisingha, P. N. - 63-63 Intellectually appealing? : Towards a new iron age? Quantitative modeling of resource exhaustion by Robert B. Gordon, Tjalling C. Koopmans, William B. Nordhaus and Brian J. Skinner Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1987, 184 pp, [UK pound]19.95
by Radetzki, Marian - 64-64 Reasons to explore : Metallic mineral exploration: An economic analysis by Roderick G. Eggert Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1987, 75 pp
by Slater, David - 65-66 Indispensable reference book : World mineral statistics 1981-1985 by G.J. Lofty, N.E. Sharp, J.A. Hillier and P.H.G. Joseph British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, UK, 1987,338 pp, [UK pound]35.00
by Crowson, P. C. F. - 66-66 A tactician of conservation : The new environmental age by Max Nicholson Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1987, 232 pp
by Lowe, Philip
December 1987, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 255-264 Valuing natural resources and the implications for land and water management
by Pearce, David - 265-278 Does taxation alter exploration? : The effect of uncertainty and risk
by Campbell, H. F. & Lindner, R. K. - 279-288 Net value royalties : Practical tool or economist's illusion?
by Bradley, P. G. & Watkins, G. C. - 289-294 Does area-wide offshore leasing decrease bonus revenues?
by Farrow, Scott - 295-296 Going for gold : African Mining 1987 Harare, 30 August - 2 September 1987
by Viewing, K. A. - 296-297 The world mining industry: Investment strategy and public policy : Raymond F. Mikesell and John W. Whitney Allen and Unwin, London, UK, 1987, [UK pound]25.00
by Humphreys, David - 297-298 The mining law: A study in perpetual motion : John D. Leshy Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1987, 521 pp, $35.00
by Gordon, Richard L. - 298-299 World resources 1987 -- An assessment of the resource base that supports the global economy : International institute of environment and development and the world resources institute Basic Books, New York, 1987, 369 pp, [UK pound]115.25 paper, [UK pound]29.75 hardback
by Roberts, Fred
September 1987, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 166-174 Measuring competitive costs in non-ferrous metal production : The case of aluminium
by Adams, F. Gerard & Duroc-Danner, Bernard - 175-188 The demand for platinum
by Owen, A. D. - 189-206 Producer homogeneity, heightened uncertainty and mineral market rigidity
by Auty, Richard M. - 207-227 US chromium market : An econometric presentation
by Chang, Julius C. - 228-246 Australian natural resources policy : Water and land
by Day, Diana Gwendoline - 247-248 Are metals markets efficient?
by Humphreys, David - 249-250 A holistic approach : Expert workshop on hazardous wastes management, industrial safety and emergency planning, Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria, 22-26 June 1987
by Biswas, Asit K. - 250-250 Unwanted neighbours : Hazardous waste disposal edited by M. Chatterji Avebury, Aldershot, 1987, 328 pp, [UK pound]27.50
by O'Riordan, T. - 250-251 Metal prices and exchange rates
by Crowson, P. C. F.
June 1987, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 98-102 Resource rent and the valuation of environmental amenities
by Mikesell, Raymond F. - 103-112 Would commodity market stabilization agreements redistribute economic resources to developing countries? : The case of copper
by Hallett, A. J. Hughes - 113-122 Lease delay rights : Market valued permits and offshore leasing
by Farrow, Scott - 123-141 Markets for advanced structural ceramics
by Rothman, E. P. & Rothman, E. P. & Schoenung, J. M. & Clark, J. P. - 142-158 Social forestry projects--an approach to evaluation
by Chopra, Kanchan
March 1987, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-18 Long term contracts and market stability : The case of iron ore
by Rogers, Christopher D. & Robertson, Kirsty & Robertson, Kirsty - 19-34 State ownership and the price sensitivity of supply : The case of the copper mining industry
by Markowski, Aleksander & Radetzki, Marian & Radetzki, Marian & Radetzki, Marian - 35-46 The nickel industry : Continued response to a changing environment
by Mizzi, Philip J. & Maurice, S. Charles & Anders, Gerhard & Maurice, S. Charles & Maurice, S. Charles - 47-54 Interindustry approaches to the analysis of a supply disruption of a critical resource
by Davis, H. Craig & Cherniack, Howard - 55-67 Profiles of Third World mineral producers
by Looney, Robert E. & Knouse, Craig R. & Knouse, Craig R. - 68-84 All estimate of the mineral resources of China
by Clark, Allen L. & Dorian, James P. & Fan, Pow-foong & Clark, Allen L. & Dorian, James P. & Fan, Pow-foong - 85-87 Hydropower pricing for smelters
by van Moeseke, Paul - 88-89 Natural resources and the macroeconomy : J.P. Neary and S. Van Wijnbergen Centre for Economic Policy Research/ Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 1986, 352 pp, [UK pound]29.50
by Radetzki, Marian - 89-90 Steel -- planning for growth : by Tony Bird Financial times business information, 102-108 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1M 5SA, UK, 1986, 112 pp, [UK pound]168 in UK, [UK pound]178/US$267 elsewhere
by Conway, Arthur - 90-91 Silicon nitride and the sialons : Vivien Mitchell Mitchell market reports on advanced materials, 24 Donnington Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 0NA, UK, 1986, 162 pp, [UK pound]500, limp covers, comb bound
by Conway, Arthur
December 1986, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 290-292 Water development policies
by Biswas, Asit K. - 293-306 Implementing environmentally sound management of inland waters
by Derrick Sewell, W. R. & Biswas, Asit K. - 307-316 Environmentally sound management of freshwater resources
by David, Laszlo - 317-334 Zinc processing in the USA : An analysis of a declining industry
by Campbell, Gary A. & Jambekar, Anil & Frame, Brian - 335-345 Asbestos fibre supply and the regulation of asbestos exposure
by Margolis, Stephen E. & Morris, Glenn E. - 346-350 A rate of return analysis for public forestry in Ulster
by Kula, Erhun - 351-352 What future for uranium? : Eleventh Annual Symposium of the Uranium Institute, London, 2-4 September 1986
by Conway, Arthur - 352-353 Talking about water : International Symposium on Decision Making in Water Resources Planning, Oslo, Norway, 5-7 May 1986
by Biswas, Asit K. - 353-354 World resources 1986: an assessment of the resource base that supports the global economy, with data tables for 146 countries : A Report from the World Resources Institute and the International Institute for Environment and Development. Basic Books, New York, USA, 1986, 353 pp, [UK pound]11.95
by Roberts, Fred - 354-355 Natural resources: allocation, economics and policy : Judith Rees Methuen, London, UK and New York, USA, 1985, 449 pp, [UK pound]30.00 (hardback), [UK pound]14.95 (paperback)
by Ghatak, Subrata
September 1986, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 162-162 Preface
by Tilton, John E. - 163-174 East-West mineral trade : Introduction
by Tilton, John E. - 175-186 Minerals in East-West trade : An overview
by Hewett, Ed A. - 187-203 Intra-CMEA mineral cooperation : Implications for trade with OECD and third world countries
by Dobozi, Istvan - 204-222 Long term contracts and East-West trade in non-fuel minerals
by Rogers, C. D. - 223-242 An economic analysis of the stability of East-West mineral trade patterns
by Labys, Walter C. - 243-257 Trade in ferroalloying materials : Chromium and molybdenum
by Humphreys, David - 258-268 Aluminium fabricated products : Trends in Hungarian trade
by Dezserine, Maria Major - 269-285 China's foreign trade in metal minerals : Performance and prospects
by Radetzki, Marian - 286-286 Silicon carbide : Vivien Mitchell Mitchell Market Reports on Advanced Materials, 24 Donnington Road, Kenton Harrow, Middlesex HA3 ONA, UK, 1986, 204 pp, [UK pound]500, limp covers, comb bound
by Conway, Arthur - 286-286 Environmental law : David Hughes Butterworth, London, 1986, 390 pp, [UK pound]14.95 paperback
by Green, David
June 1986, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 87-102 The economics of copper smelter pollution control : A transnational example
by Rieber, Michael - 103-115 Prospects for an iron ore cartel
by Jones, Arlene - 117-132 Australian mining and the economy : A general equilibrium analysis
by Higgs, Peter J. - 133-144 International river basins : A policy model for conflict resolution
by Murphy, Irene L. & Sabadell, J. Eleonora - 145-148 Forestry and forest management in Bhutan
by Biswas, Asit K. - 148-150 Development strategy for Malaysian natural resources
by Iqbal, Badar A. - 150-151 African solutions to African problems : First African Ministerial Conference on the environment, Cairo, 16-18 December 1985
by Biswas, Margaret R. & Biswas, Asit K. - 152-152 Mineral resources and their management : by John Bluden Longman, Harlow, UK, 1985, [UK pound]8.95, 302 pp
by Kerry Turner, R. - 152-153 Canadian mineral policy past and present: The ambiguous legacy : by David Yudelman Centre for resource studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1985, 176 pp
by Nappi, Carmine - 153-154 The economics of tin mining in Bolivia : by M. A. Ayub World Bank, Washington, DC, 1985
by Iqbal, Badar A. - 154-155 Large scale water transfers: emerging environmental and social experiences : edited by G.N. Golubev and A.K. Biswas Water Resources Series Vol 7, Tycooly Publishing, Oxford, UK, for the United Nations Environment Programme, 158 pp
by Hall, M. J. - 155-156 State mineral enterprises: an investigation into their impact on international mineral markets : by Marian Radetzki Resources for the future, Washington, DC, 1985, $15.00, 150 pp
by Crowson, P. C. F.
March 1986, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 4-16 What do we owe the future?
by Streeten, Paul - 17-28 Manganese nodule project economics : Factors relating to the Pacific region
by Johnson, Charles J. & Otto, James M. - 29-39 Maturity management : A new mineral policy for Canada
by Yudelman, David - 40-46 Patterns in natural resource policy : The US experience
by Livingston, M. L. - 47-61 Three views of the contribution of the extractive industries to the Western Australian economy
by Fraser, R. W. - 62-72 Commodity market instability : Empirical techniques for analysis
by Offutt, Susan E. & Blandford, David - 73-74 A note on Hotelling's rule
by Pfingsten, Andreas - 75-77 Tenth annual symposium of the Uranium Institute, : Institution of electrical engineers, London, 3-5 September 1985
by Conway, Arthur - 77-79 CESCO international seminar on challenges of copper to the year 2000, : Santiago, Chile, 28-29 November 1985
by O'Brien, Juan - 79-81 The economics of forestry and natural resources : Per Olov Johansson and Karl Gustav Lofgren Basil Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 1985, 305 pp, [UK pound]29.50
by Kumar, Raj
December 1985, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 231-234 Has the bell tolled for the North American mineral and metal industry?
by Nappi, Carmine - 235-244 Financial failures in mining : Implications for LDC mineral policies
by O'Faircheallaigh, Ciaran - 245-256 The carajas iron ore project: The strategy of a third world state- owned enterprise in a depressed market
by de Sa, Paulo & Marques, Isabel - 257-266 Japan's develop-for-import policy
by Kolenda, T. E. - 267-274 The role of co-products in stabilizing the metal mining industry
by Campbell, Gary A. - 275-283 Materials intensity of GDP: Research issues on the measurement and explanation of change
by Auty, Richard - 284-284 Africa's shared water resources: Legal and institutional aspects of the Nile, Niger and Senegal River systems : by Bonaya Adhi Godana Frances Pinter, London, and Lynne Reinner Publishers, Boulder, CO, USA, 1985, 370 pp
by Biswas, Asit K. - 285-285 The world copper market : by Gerard Wagenhals Springer Verlag, Berlin, West Germany, 1984, 190 pp, DM37.00, paperback
by Markowski, Alek & Radetzki, Marian
September 1985, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 158-159 Effects of a dollar appreciation on dollar prices in international commodity markets
by Radetzki, Marian - 160-176 Probability of continued Soviet mineral self-sufficiency
by Ballinger, Philip R. - 177-190 Recent changes in international commodity agreements
by Kirthisingha, P. N. - 191-200 Market efficiency, filter rules and buffer stock profitability
by Hallwood, Paul - 201-212 The role of the CMEA's foreign trade monopolies in mineral markets
by Kostecki, M. M. - 213-224 Pricing behaviour and market power in North American non-ferrous metal industries
by Nappi, Carmine - 225-226 Australia's Antarctic policy options : edited by Stuart Harris Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 1984, 412 pp
by Mitchell, Barbara
June 1985, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 74-86 The significance of futures trading in minerals and oil
by Weston, Rae & Silverii, Claudio - 87-98 International commodity agreements : The role of consuming nations
by Rieber, Michael - 99-109 Supply responses in tropical forestry : A Malaysian case study
by Kumar, Raj - 110-118 Export efficiency of large projects : The case of aluminium smelters
by van Moeseke, Paul - 119-127 New mine capacity from yet-to-be found copper deposits
by Dale, Larry L. & Hagen, Daniel A. & Moses, Lynn J. - 128-140 Mineral exploration in the USSR and the USA
by Eggert, Roderick G. - 141-149 Uranium resource appraisal : Past trends and outlook for adequacy of supply
by Fujita, A. & Silvennoinen, P. - 150-150 The minerals sector and the australian economy : Edited by L.H. Cook and M.G. Porter George Allen and Unwin, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, 1984, 324 pp, [UK pound]20.00
by Govett, M. H. - 150-151 Minerals handbook 1984-1985 : by Phillip Crowson Macmillan, London, 1984, 294 pp
by Radetzki, Marian
March 1985, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-16 The copper and aluminum industries : A review of structural changes
by Mardones, JoseLuis & Silva, Enrique & Martinez, Cristian - 17-24 Canadian manufacturing : The impacts of natural resource price increases on input demands and costs
by Taher, M. A. & McMillan, M. L. & Buse, A. - 25-42 The global environment : Past, present and future
by Biswas, Margaret R. & Biswas, Asit K. - 43-48 Futures markets and economic efficiency : A theoretical perspective
by Allingham, Michael - 49-62 International commodity transactions : The role of the commodity futures trading commission
by Markham, Jerry W. & Bergin, Kyra K. - 63-64 Efficiency in Welsh coal mining: A comment
by Chakravarty, S. P. & Hojman, D. E. - 65-67 Petroleum company operations and agreements in the developing countries : by Raymond F. Mikesell Resources for the Future, Washington DC, 1984, 160 pp, $20.00
by Kumar, Raj - 67-68 Soviet trade in commodities The soviet impact on commodity markets : Edited by M.M. Kostecki Macmillan, London, 1984, 286 pp, $25.00
by Wright, Arthur W. - 68-69 Water for the third world : Fourth Congress of the Asian and Pacific Regional Division, International Association for Hydraulic Research, Orchid Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 11-13 September 1984
by Biswas, Asit K. - 69-70 International workshop on the international environmental law : Peace Palace, International Court of Justice, The Hague, The Netherlands, 12-14 November 1984
by Biswas, Asit K.
December 1984, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 227-240 Strategic metal markets : Prospects for producer cartels
by Radetzki, M. - 241-250 A general agreement on commodity organization : A `GATT for primary commodities'
by Khan, Kabir-ur-Rahman - 251-262 Taxing mineral resource projects : Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines
by Wilson, John - 263-268 South African gold mining taxation : An example of a resource rent tax
by Cloete, S. A. & van Rensburg, W. C. J. - 269-285 Canadian mineral policy debated : Industry reaction to a major federal initiative
by Yudelman, David - 286-286 The world of rivers: International water symposia, 1984 Louisiana world exposition, New Orleans, LA, USA symposium I: Rivers and river management, 10-11 July 1984; symposium II: Water to sustain agriculture and industry, 12-13 July 1984; world water forum of participating nations, 14 July 1984
by Biswas, Asit K. - 287-287 Pacific ocean resources : The emerging maritime economy of the pacific edited by Chennat Gopalakrishnan Butterworth Publishers, Boston, USA, 1984, 240 pp, [UK pound]42.50
by Biswas, Margaret R. & Biswas, Asit K. - 287-288 Soviet involvement in the world economy : Soviet natural resources in the world economy edited by Robert Jensen, Theodore Shabad and Arthur Wright University of Chicago Press, 700 pp, [UK pound]92.00
by Wilson, David - 289-290 Response to `Global 2000' : The resourceful earth: A response to global 2000 edited by Julian L. Simon and Herman Kahn Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1984, 596 pp, [UK pound]14.95
by Roberts, F. - 290-290 Social impact assessment : Measuring the social impact of natural resources policies by William R. Burch Jr and Donald R. De Luca University of New Mexico Press, Alberquerque, New Mexico, 1983, 216 pp, $29.98
by O'Riordan, Timothy
September 1984, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 146-152 Strategic minerals : A conceptual analysis
by Haglund, David G. - 153-162 Mine capacity and mineral price
by Dale, Larry - 163-176 Natural resource economics : Relevance in planning and management
by Hyman, Eric L. - 177-189 The economics of bauxite and aluminium : Distributed lags and new econometric estimates
by Hojman, David E. - 190-212 Petrochemical markets in the UK : Methodological aspects of assessing future demand
by Fayad, M. & Motamen, H. - 213-214 Foreign investment in mining projects: Case studies of recent experiences : Raymond F. Mikessell Oelgeschlager, Gunn and Hain, Cambridge, MA, 1983, 314 pp, [UK pound]27.95
by Rogers, Christopher D. - 214-215 International commodity control: A contemporary history and appraisal : Fiona Gordon-Ashworth Croom Helm, London, 1984 356 pp, [UK pound]19.95
by Khan, Kabir-Ur-Rahman - 215-216 The handbook of mineral economics : Hugh Douglas and Co, London and San Francisco, 1983, 137 pp, [UK pound]50.00
by Radetzki, Marian - 216-216 World Metal Statistics Yearbook 1984 : World Bureau of Metal Statistics London, 1984, 64 pp, [UK pound]50.00
by Radetzki, Marian
June 1984, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 75-80 Mineral reserves : Projected lifetimes and security of supply
by Ray, George F. - 81-100 Mineral resources appraisal and policy : Controversies, issues and the future
by Harris, DeVerle P. - 101-108 Local authority waste paper recovery operations : An appropriate costing system
by Ball, Robert & Ho, Tat Kin - 109-124 Methodological considerations in forecasting Saudi Arabian economic growth
by Looney, Robert E. - 125-133 Copper in India : Present and future outlook
by Ray, S. C. - 134-137 An empirical investigation of returns to scale : The Welsh coal industry
by Fare, Rolf & Yoon, Bong Joon - 138-139 Changing climate : by the Carbon Dioxide Assesment Committee, US National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA, 1983, 496 pp, $29.50
by Idso, S. B. - 139-140 Antarctic resources policy: Scientific, legal and political issues : edited by Francisco Orrega Vicuna Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, 1983, 335 pp, [UK pound]32.50
by Archer, A. A.
March 1984, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 2-18 Antartic minerals : A common heritage approach
by Zorn, Stephen A. - 31-36 Tax neutrality and the Saskatchewan Uranium Royalty
by Campbell, H. F. & Wrean, D. L. - 37-51 Regional resource management techniques : The case of Colorado oil shale development
by Hecox, Walter E. - 52-63 Planning limestone resources for the Indian steel industry
by Murari, Krishna - 64-65 Bauxite requirements
by Gentilhomme, Philippe - 66-67 Frozen Stakes; The Future of Antarctic Minerals : by Barbara Mitchell International Institute for Environment and Development, London, 1983, 114 pp, [UK pound]2.50, $3.80
by Zorn, Stephen A.
December 1983, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 235-251 The uranium and nuclear industries in China
by Geddes, W. P. - 252-260 Taxation of uranium mining in Canada and Australia
by Barnett, Donald W. & Anderson, David L. - 261-274 World demand for cobalt : An econometric study
by Gupta, Poonam & Gupta, Sanjeev - 275-287 Economic cost of mineral supply disruptions : Effects on a small, open economy
by Shechter, M. & Glazer, Y. & Barnett, H. J. - 288-295 Water resource pricing : Policy options
by Chettri, Rahul & Venkatesan, R. - 296-296 Environmental impact assessment : 4th WHO International Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment, Aberdeen, UK, 18-28 July 1983
by Meynell, P-J. - 297-298 Nickel : by Rudolf Wolff and Co Ltd Rudolf Wolff and Co Ltd, London 1983, 115pp, [UK pound]75.00
by Govett, M. H. - 298-298 Minerals handbook 1982-1983: by Phillip Crowson Macmillan, London, 1982, 248 pp, [UK pound]25.00, distributed by Globe Book Series Ltd, Canada Road, Byfleet, Surrey KT14 7JL, UK
by Radetzki, Marian - 298-298 Roskill's metals databook 1983: 4 ed. Roskill Information Services Ltd Roskill Information Services Ltd, 2 Clapham Road, London SW9 0JA, UK, 1983, 284 pp, [UK pound]60.00 (UK only), $150.00 (elsewhere)
by Radetzki, Marian - 299-299 Geopolitique des ressources minieres : by Pierre-Noel Giraud Economica, Paris, 1983, 750 pp, FF 250.00
by Radetzki, Marian - 300-300 Legal and institutional arrangements in minerals development : A study based on an International Workshop, West Berlin, 1980, jointly sponsored by UN Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, and the Development Policy Forum of the German Foundation for International Development Mining Journal Books, London, 1982, 223pp, [UK pound]16.00, $30,00
by Khan, Kabir-Ur-Rahman - 301-301 Mineral policy formulation The role of scientific and technical knowledge : Proceedings of the Tenth CRS policy Discussion Seminar, Kingston, Ontario, 22-24 June 1982 Centre for Resource Studies, Kingston, Ontario, 1983, 135 pp
by Govett, G. J. S.