March 2000, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 51-59 Mining company approaches to environmental approvals regulation: a survey of senior environment managers in Canadian firms
by Annandale, David - 61-62 Inside Mining: The Economics of the Supply and Demand of Minerals and Metals: Phillip Crowson; Mining Journal Books, London, 1998, hardcover, ISBN 0-900117-86-9
by Maxwell, Philip - 62-63 Global Energy Perspectives: Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Arnulf Grubler, and Alan MacDonald (Eds); Cambridge University Press, 1998, 299 pp., US$27.95 paperback, ISBN 0-521-64569-7
by Stevens, Paul - 64-65 Introduction to Energy: Resources, Technology, and Society: Edward S. Cassedy and Peter Z. Grossman; Cambridge University Press, New York, Second Edition, 1998, 427 pp., US$34.95 softcover, ISBN 0-521-63106-8
by Stevens, Paul - 65-66 The Impact of Climate Change on the United States Economy: Robert Mendelsohn and James Neumann (Eds); Cambridge University Press, 1999, 330 pp., hardcover, ISBN 0-521-62198-4
by Pearce, David - 66-66 Minerals Yearbook of Poland: Andrzej Bolewski, Roman Ney and Tadeusz Smakowski (Eds); Polish Academy of Sciences, 1999, 500 pp., hardcover, ISBN 83-907306-3-4
by Otto, James - 67-67 Mines of Cornwall and Devon: An Historic Photographic Record: Peter Stanier; Twelveheads Press, pp. 108, 115 illustrations, maps and line illustrations, Price [UK pound]15.00 hardbound, ISBN 0 906294 40 1
by Burt, Roger
December 1999, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 211-220 Natural resources planning, management, and sustainable use in China
by Ziran, Zhong - 221-227 Mining taxation issues for the future
by Andrews-Speed, Philip & Rogers, Christopher D. - 229-238 Metal prices and the business cycle
by Labys, W. C. & Achouch, A. & Terraza, M. - 239-255 Long-term perspectives on world metal use--a system-dynamics model
by van Vuuren, D. P. & Strengers, B. J. & De Vries, H. J. M. - 257-264 Decision making with option pricing and dynamic programming: development and application
by Abdel Sabour, Sabry A. - 265-275 The effect of the price of gold on its production: a time-series analysis
by Selvanathan, Saroja & Selvanathan, E. A. - 277-286 Sustainability and the primary extraction industries: theories and practice
by Cowell, Sarah J. & Wehrmeyer, Walter & Argust, Peter W. & Robertson, J. Graham S.
September 1999, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 143-149 Determinants of China's import demand for Australia's iron ore
by Tcha, MoonJoong & Wright, Damione - 151-159 A high-potential sector: titanium metal: Oligopolistic policies and technological constraints as main limits to its development
by Cariola, Monica - 161-171 The definition and measurement of evolutionary materials
by Barbiroli, Giancarlo & Focacci, Antonio - 173-177 On some aspects of land development when the decision to develop is divisible
by Batabyal, Amitrajeet A. - 179-188 Resource recovery from used rubber tires
by Amari, Takeshi & Themelis, Nickolas J. & Wernick, Iddo K. - 189-196 The new reality of mineral development: social and cultural issues in Asia and Pacific nations
by Clark, Allen L. & Cook Clark, Jennifer - 197-204 The future of recycling
by Tilton, John E. - 205-205 Gold; Stewart Murray, Philip Klapwijk, Hester le Roux, Paul Walker; Gold Fields Mineral Services Ltd, London (annual publication), ISBN 0-9518801-8-7, 63 pp, US$195 (softcover)
by Otto, James M. - 205-206 The Crisis of Global Capitalism; George Soros; Soros Foundation, 1998, 245 pp, US$26 hardcover, ISBN 1-891-620-274
by Kim, Hyo-Sun - 206-207 Introduction to Energy: Resources, Technology, and Society, second edition; Edward S. Cassedy and Peter Z. Grossman; Cambridge University Press, 1998, ISBN 0 521 631068, 427 pp. US$34.95 (hardcover), ISBN 0 521 637678, US$34.95 (paperback)
by Alhajji, A. F. - 207-209 Africa: Dilemmas of Development and Change; Peter Lewis (Ed.); Westview Press, Boulder, 1998, ISBN 0-8133-2755-5, 456 pp. US$30 (softcover), US$79 (hardcover)
by Ostensson, Olle - 209-210 Environmental Economics and Policy; Jonathan A. Lesser, Daniel E. Dodds and Richard O. Zerbe, Jr.; Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., Reading, 1997, ISBN 0-673-98210-6, 751 pp. (hardcover)
by Piper, Steven
June 1999, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 69-76 Gold prices and gold production: Evidence for South Africa
by Rockerbie, Duane W. - 77-86 Externalities from extraction of aggregates: Regulation by tax or land-use controls
by Willis, K. G. & Garrod, G. D. - 87-109 Consumer preferences, technological change, and the short-run income elasticity of metal demand
by Pei, Fanyu & Tilton, John E. - 111-123 Forecasting steel consumption in South-East Asia
by Crompton, Paul - 125-140 US policy instruments to protect coal-bearing fragile lands
by Watson, William D. & Lin, King & Browne, Thomas - 141-142 Macroeconomic implications of recycling: a response to Di Vita
by Rich, V. & Haines, B. & Kearney, P.
March 1999, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-14 What does minerals growth mean to Western Australia?
by Ahammad, Helal & Clements, Kenneth W. - 15-25 Australia-Japan coking coal trade: A hedonic analysis under benchmark and fair treatment pricing
by Swan, Anthony & Thorpe, Sally & Hogan, Lindsay - 27-38 Pricing of Australia's coking coal exports: A regional hedonic analysis
by Hogan, Lindsay & Thorpe, Sally & Swan, Anthony & Middleton, Simon - 39-49 Scarcity rents and the returns to mining
by Frechette, Darren L. - 51-58 Entropy and diminishing elasticity of substitution
by Reynolds, Douglas B. - 59-67 Oil price movements and the Arabian Gulf economies: A sectoral analysis
by Zind, Richard G.
December 1998, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 187-198 Indigenous people and mineral taxation regimes
by O'Faircheallaigh, Ciaran - 199-205 An analysis of the relationship between uncertainty-reducing exploration and resource taxation
by Fraser, Rob - 207-216 Order 636 and the U.S. natural gas industry
by Chermak, Janie M. - 217-228 The minerals sector, sectoral analysis, and economic development
by Davis, Graham A - 229-239 Ghana: revival of the mineral sector
by Addy, Samuel N - 241-249 Mineral wealth and the economic transition: Kazakstan
by Auty, Richard M - 251-264 The development of first-possession rules in US mining, 1872-1920: theory, evidence, and policy implications
by Gerard, David
September 1998, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 139-146 On land use, minerals development, and institutional design in the American west
by Batabyal, Amitrajeet A - 147-155 The existence of metal price cycles
by Labys, W C & Lesourd, J B & Badillo, D - 157-166 Restructuring the Ukrainian coal industry
by Egorova, Victoria & Otto, James - 167-177 The influence of sogo shosha companies on contract bargaining in the Pacific metallurgical coal trade
by Koerner, Richard J
June 1998, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 79-86 Global changes in mining laws, agreements and tax systems
by Otto, James M. - 87-93 Mineral projects in Asian countries: Geology, regulation, fiscal regimes and the environment
by Naito, Koh & Myoi, Hajime & Otto, James & Smith, David & Kamitani, Masaharu - 95-104 Canada's new minerals and metals policy: Advancing the concept of sustainable development in the minerals and metals industry
by Shinya, Wayne M. - 105-114 Risks and opportunities for foreign investment in the mineral sectors of the Central Asian Republics: Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
by Clark, Allen L. & Naito, Koh - 115-123 Emerging mineral policy and legislation in the economic development of the Central Asian Republics
by Clark, Jennifer Cook & Clark, Allen L. & Naito, Koh - 125-132 Asian mining legislation: Policy issues and recent developments
by Smith, David & Naito, Koh
March 1998, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-18 Dematerialization in five US metals sectors: implications for energy use and CO2 emissions
by Ruth, Matthias - 19-24 Are mineral deposits valuable? A reconciliation of theory and practice
by Cairns, Robert D. - 25-38 An option pricing approach to exploration licensing strategy
by Sunnevag, Kjell - 39-48 Alternative methods for estimating resource rent and depletion cost: the case of Argentina's YPF
by Santopietro, George D. - 49-57 Risky choice, risk sharing and decision analysis: Implications for managers in the resource sector
by Walls, Michael R & Clyman, Dana R - 59-75 Trading practices in the coal market: Application of the theory of bilateral monopoly to the Australia-Japan coal trade
by Colley, Peter
December 1997, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 151-162 Dutch disease and policy adjustments to the oil boom: a comparative study of Indonesia and Mexico
by Usui, Norio - 163-171 Derivative mine valuation: strategic investment decisions in competitive markets
by Frimpong, Samuel & Whiting, Jerry M - 173-178 The perplexing dispute over oil
by Wang, Haijiang Henry - 179-186 Macroeconomic effects of the recycling of waste derived from imported non-renewable raw materials
by Di Vita, Giuseppe - 187-190 The Hotelling valuation of natural resources: some further results
by Jamal, A M M & Crain, John L - 191-199 Explaining the resource curse, with special reference to mineral-exporting countries
by Mikesell, Raymond F
September 1997, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 103-108 Can expected tax revenue be increased by an investment-preserving switch from ad valorem royalties to a resource rent tax?
by Fraser, Rob & Kingwell, Ross - 109-124 An industrial ecology of the US glass industry
by Ruth, Matthias & Dell'Anno, Paolo - 125-135 Coking coal procurement policies of the Japanese steel mills: changes and implications
by Chang, Hui-Shung - 137-146 A company perspective on doing business in the former Soviet Union: a mining venture in Kazakstan
by Neumann, Michael J. - 147-147 Trade policy implications of the Basel convention export ban on recyclables from developed to developing countries : Maria Isolda P Guevara and Michael Hart International Council on Metals and the Environment, Ottawa (1996) ISBN 1-895720-13-3, 73 pp, softcover
by Davis, Graham - 147-148 A statistical review of international trade in metal scrap and residues part II/part III : Ulrich Hoffman International Council on Metals and the Environment, Ottawa (1996) ISBN 1-895720-14-1, 52 pp, softcover
by Davis, Graham - 148-149 Minerals and mining in the transitional economies: Poised for the future : James P. Dorian Financial Times Energy Publishing, London (1996) ISBN 1-85334-524-5, 171 pp, US$560.00, spiral bound
by Cordes, John - 149-149 Lake Eyre basin: An economic and resource profile of South Australian portion : ABARE, AGSO and BRS ABARE Research Report 96.1, Canberra (1996) ISBN 0-642-24487-1, 238 pp, softcover
by Maxwell, Philip - 149-150 Manufacturing apartheid: State corporations in South Africa : Nancy L Clark Yale University Press, New Haven and London (1996) ISBN 0-300-05638-9, 226 pp, US$35.00
by de Paula, Germano Mendes
June 1997, Volume 23, Issue 1-2
- 1-1 Foreword
by Cordes, John - 1-7 A national mineral policy as a regulatory tool
by Otto, James M. - 9-14 The vicissitudes of mineral policy in Ghana
by Tsikata, Fui S. - 15-25 South Africa: development of a new mineral policy
by Dale, Michael Otto - 27-32 Mineral policy in Zimbabwe: Its evolution, achievements and challenges
by Hollaway, John - 33-43 The new Argentine mining framework
by Albarracin, Santiago F. - 45-50 Brazil's mineral policy
by Augusto, Carlos & Filho, Vilhena - 51-69 Developing national mining policies in Chile: 1974-1996
by Lagos, Gustavo - 71-77 Mexico: policy and regulatory framework for mining
by Hernandez, Abdon - 79-90 Overview of national mineral policy in China: opportunities and challenges for the mineral industries
by Ziran, Zhong - 91-96 National mineral policy of India -- an overview
by Jhingran, I. G. - 97-101 An overview of Papua New Guinea's mineral policy
by James, Nellie
December 1996, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 1-1 Preface
by Clements, Kenneth W. & Maxwell, Philip - 293-346 New mining and mineral-processing projects in Western Australia: Effects of employment and the macro-economy
by Clements, Kenneth W. & Ahammad, Helal & Qiang, Ye - 347-358 Supporting major new nickel developments: can Western Australia do it again?
by Kitney, Mike & Maxwell, Philip
September 1996, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 141-159 Science in a market economy
by Cook, Peter J. - 161-171 Project NPV as a portfolio of derivative securities A discrete time analysis
by Winsen, Joseph K. - 173-181 Adjusted coal accounts in China
by Liu, Xuelin - 183-196 Metal use and the world economy
by Roberts, Mark C. - 197-205 Economic growth and the demand for construction materials
by Moore, David J. & Tilton, John E. & Shields, Deborah J. - 207-215 Non-conventional fuel tax credits and the extraction R&D model
by Ulibarri, Carlos A. - 217-218 Environment, incentives and the common market : Frank Dietz, Herman Vollebergh and Jan de Vries (eds) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995, 178 pp (hardcover), ISBN 0-7923-9439-9, US$110.50
by Lovett, Jon - 218-218 Investment under uncertainty : Avinash K Dixit and Robert S Pindyck Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1994, xiv + 468 pp (hardcover), ISBN 0-691-03410-9
by Davis, Graham A. - 218-220 Real options: Managerial flexibility and strategy in resource allocation : Lenos Trigeorgis The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996, xiii + 427 pp. (hardcover), ISBN 0-262-20102-X
by Davis, Graham A. - 220-221 Through fortress and rock: The story of gencor 1895-1995 : J D F Jones Jonathan Ball Publishers, Johannesburg, 1995, 277 pp (hardcover), ISBN 1 86842 029 9
by Goode, Richard - 221-221 A bibliography of mineral law and policy 1984-1995 : Katherine M Christie (compiler) Centre for Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, University of Dundee, Dundee, 1996, 169 pp, ISBN 0-906343-86-0
by Otto, James M. - 221-222 Mining royalties between private parties : Karl J C Harries Centre for Resource Studies at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 1996, 459 pp (softcover), ISBN 0-88757-129-8
by Otto, James M. - 222-223 Steel in the 21st century: Competition forges a new world order : William T Hogan Lexington Books, New York, 1994, 202 pp, ISBN 0 02 914795-6, US$40.00
by Mendes de Paula, Germano - 223-223 Mining and mineral resource issues in Asia Pacific (conference proceedings) : D Denoon, C Ballard, G Banks and P Hancock (eds) Division of Pacific and Asia History, Australian National University, Canberra, 1996, A$30
by Macleod, John D. S.
1996, Volume 22, Issue 1-2
- 1-4 Editor's introduction
by Radetzki, Marian - 5-32 Bulk trade and maritime transport costs : The evolution of global markets
by Lundgren, Nils-Gustav - 33-42 The competition between coal and natural gas the importance of sunk costs
by Denny Ellerman, A. - 43-45 Comment : The power of sunk costs: why natural gas is not doing better in competing with coal in power generation (by A Denny Ellerman)
by Eklund, Olle - 47-48 Comment : The competition between coal and natural gas: the importance of sunk costs (by A Denny Ellerman)
by Soderholm, Patrik - 49-60 The role of product differentiation in the iron ore industry : The case of LKAB
by Hellmer, Stefan - 61-62 Comment : The role of product differentiation in the iron ore industry: the case of LKAB (by Stefan Hellmer)
by Ericsson, Magnus - 63-74 Valuing risk and flexibility : A comparison of methods
by Moyen, Nathalie & Slade, Margaret & Uppal, Raman - 75-77 New approaches to valuation: a mining company perspective : Valuing risk and flexibility: a comparison of methods (by Nathalie Moyen, Margaret Slade and Raman Uppal)
by Humphreys, David - 79-86 Is there room for environmental self-regulation in the mining sector?
by Bomsel, O. & Borkey, P. & Glachant, M. & Leveque, F. - 87-89 Comment : The environment and competitiveness in mining: is there room for environmental self-regulation in the mining sector? (by O Bomsel et al)
by Nilsson, Mats - 91-97 Exhaustible resources and sustainable development : Two different paradigms
by Tilton, John E. - 99-105 The European mining industry : What future?
by Crowson, Phillip - 107-118 From competitiveness to competition : The threat of minimills to large national steel companies
by Crandall, Robert W. - 119-121 Comment : From competitiveness to competition: the threat of minimills to large national steel companies (by Robert W Crandall)
by Sander, Ake - 123-131 Russian gas and aluminium Revisiting the outlook for consumption and exports in a post-depression economy
by Dobozi, Istvan - 133-135 Comment : Russian gas and aluminium: revising the outlook for consumption and exports in a post-depression economy (by Istvan Dobozi)
by Moukhin, Andrew V. - 137-138 Comment : Russian gas and aluminium: revising the outlook for consumption and exports in a post-depression economy (by Istvan Dobozi)
by Bomsel, Olivier
December 1995, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 229-235 Ethics, surface mining and the environment
by Cragg, Wesley & Pearson, David & Cooney, James - 237-254 Metals price volatility, 1972-1995
by Brunetti, Celso & Gilbert, Christopher L. - 255-261 Pig iron production structure in Japan
by Chang, H. S. - 263-273 The effects of technological innovation on hydrocarbon discoveries
by Power, M. - 275-282 Examining hard coking coal price differentials A hedonic pricing approach
by Chang, Hui-Shung - 283-284 Prospects for an electricity futures market A comment
by Pennings, Joost M. E. & Heijman, Willem J. M. - 285-286 Ecological economics : The Group of Green Economists Zed Books, London, 1992, 162 pp, ISBN 1 85649 070 X 22
by Fitzroy, Felix & Wilson, Clevo - 286-287 Economics of the environment: Theory and policy : Horst Siebert Springer-Verlag, New York, 4th edn, 1995, 307 pp (hardcover), ISBN 3 540 58752 7
by Lazo, Jeffrey K. - 287-288 Economists and the environment: What the top economists say about the environment : Carla Ravaioli (with a contribution by Paul Ekins) London, Zed Books, 1995, 212 pp, ISBN 1-85649-278-8
by Soderholm, Patrik - 288-289 The European business environment : Neill Nugent and Rory O'Donnell (eds) Macmillan, 1994, 260 pp (softcover), ISBN 0-333-56643-2
by Erling, Tapani & Hakapaa, Antero - 289-290 Foreign investment in Chile : Roberto Mayorga and Luis Montt Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Kluwer), Dordrecht, 1995, 283 pp (hardcover), ISBN 0 7923 3359 4
by Brown, Douglas H. - 290-291 The future of the environment : Faye Duchin et al Oxford University Press, New York, 1994, 222 pp (hardcover), ISBN 0 19 508574 4
by Fray, Derek - 291-292 World coal companies: A review of strategy and financial performance : Mark Payne Financial Times Energy Publishing, London, 1995, 119 pp, ISBN 1 85334 317 X (US$312)
by Gordon, Richard L.
September 1995, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 155-168 Mineral resources and growth : Toward a long-term convergence?
by Mainardi, Stefano - 169-178 Defining markets for new materials : Developing a utility methodology with case application
by Mangin, Christophe G. E. & de Neufville, Richard & Field, Frank III & Clark, Joel - 179-187 Comparative costs of nickel sulphides and laterites
by Torries, Thomas F. - 189-198 National material metrics for industrial ecology
by Wernick, Iddo K. & Ausubel, Jesse H. - 199-214 Technology change in US iron and steel production : Implications for material and energy use, and CO2 emissions
by Ruth, Matthias - 215-222 The productive efficiency of Chinese iron and steel firms A stochastic frontier analysis
by Wu, Yanrui - 223-224 The low cost planet: Energy and environmental problems, solutions and costs : Dave Toke Pluto Press, Boulder, CO, 1995, 216 pp
by Lin, Gao - 224-225 Polish coal and European energy market integration : Marian Radetzki Avebury, Aldershot, 1995, 127 pp
by Humphreys, David - 225-226 Power base: Coal mining in the life of South Africa : John Lang Jonathan Ball Publishers, Johannesburg, 1995, ISBN 1 86842 028 0, 236 pp, hardback
by Sinding, Knud - 226-227 The future use of energy : Robert Hill, Phil O'Keefe and Colin Snape Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, 1995, ISBN 185383 107 1, 197pp
by Stevens, Paul - 227-228 Minerals, energy and economic development in China : James P Dorian East-West Center, Honolulu, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994, 288 pp
by Ziran, Zhong
June 1995, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 91-97 Whatever happened to security of supply? Minerals policy in the post-cold war world
by Humprheys, David - 99-106 A scrutiny of the motives for hard coal subsidies in Western Europe
by Radetzki, Marian - 107-112 A note on estimating the mortality costs of lead emissions in England and Wales : Filling the data gaps
by Dubourg, W. R. - 113-125 Measuring sustainable income from mineral extraction in Brazil
by Young, Carlos Eduardo Frickmann & da Motta, Ronaldo Seroa - 127-131 The limits to growth : A reappraisal
by Mikesell, Raymond F. - 133-141 The geographical reach of a commodity exchange : The London metal exchange and beyond
by Laulajainen, Risto - 143-144 Environmental policy in search of new instruments : Bruno Dente (ed) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995, ISBN 0 7923 2949 X, [UK pound]73.50/$112.00
by Reid, Colin T. - 144-144 Economic analysis of environmental impacts : John A Dixon, Louise Fallon Scura, Richard A Carpenter and Paul B Sherman Earthscan, London, 2nd edn, 1994, ISBN 1 85383 185 9
by Rogers, Christopher D. - 144-146 In quest of mineral wealth: Aboriginal and colonial mining and metallurgy in Spanish America : Alan Craig and Robert West (ed) Geoscience Publications, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 1994, 360 pp
by Otto, James M.
March 1995, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 3-4 Sustainability and resources policy
by Eggert, Roderick G. - 5-12 Rethinking the internationalization of environmental interest groups A regime approach to behaviour
by Jones, Robert L. & Smith, Zachary A. - 13-20 Windy craggy An analysis of environmental interest group and mining industry approaches
by Hood, George - 21-26 Windy craggy Institutions and stakeholders
by Day, J. C. & Affum, Joseph - 27-35 National geological surveys Policies and practice
by Otto, James M. - 37-42 Jewellery demand and the price of gold
by Batchelor, Roy & Gulley, David - 43-51 Excess capacity and the probability of entry An application to the US titanium industry
by Koscianski, Janet & Mathis, Stephen - 53-60 Theoretically efficient pricing for commercial uses of public land resources
by Kohn, Robert E. - 61-72 A uniform profit margin policy and its effects on mineral producing firms The case of the oil industry
by Kalu, Timothy Ch. U. - 73-74 Mining and the environment: International perspectives on public policy : Roderick Eggert (ed) Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1994
by Clark, Allen L. - 74-74 Environment and resource policies for the world economy : Richard N Cooper The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, 1994
by Davis, Graham - 74-75 Freer trade, protected environment: Balancing trade liberalization and environmental interests : C. Ford Runge et al Council on Foreign Relations Press, New York, 1994
by Davis, Graham - 75-76 Local government and market decentralization: Experiences in industrialized, developing, and former Eastern Bloc countries : Robert J Bennett (ed) United Nations University Press, Tokyo/New York/Paris, 1994
by Lipinski, Aleksander - 76-77 Korea's mineral trade with China and Russia: Challenges for Canada : Yul Kwon Centre for Resources Studies, Kingston, Ontario, 1994, 223pp
by Chung, Kahp-Chin - 77-78 Mining exploration agreements: A guide to their negotiation and use : Karl J C Harries Centre for Resources Studies, Ontario, September 1994, 341 pp
by Otto, James - 78-79 Taxation of mineral enterprises : J M Otto (ed) Kluwer, London, 1995, 397pp
by Reid, Graham - 79-80 Mining and non-ferrous metals policies of OECD countries : OECD Documents Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, 1994
by Brady, Bruce - 80-81 Modeling large natural resource development projects in an open economy: The case of Australia's North West Shelf gas project : Kenneth W Clements and Robert A Greig Economics Research Centre, Department of Economics, the University of Western Australia/The Blackstone Company, Mount Pleasant MI, 1994, pp xviii+151
by Stevens, Paul
December 1994, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 211-218 State enterprise and the decline of the Zambian copper industry
by Chundu, Askim & Tilton, John E - 219-234 China's steel industry : Its rapid expansion and influence on the international steel industry
by Feng, Lintong - 235-246 Exploration prior to oil lease allocation : A comparison of auction licensing and allocations based on size of work programme
by M H Kretzer, Ursula - 247-255 US North Slope gas and Asian LNG markets
by Attanasi, Emil D - 257-264 LNG prospects in the Asia--Pacific region
by Langton, Thomas - 265-271 Promoting petroleum exploration in Namibia
by Date-Bah, S K - 273-279 The impact of maritime boundary delimitation on the development of offshore mineral deposits
by Dundas, Carl W - 281-281 Taxation and the environment: Complementary policies : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Paris, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1993, reprinted 1994, 116 pp
by Common, MS - 281-282 The measurement of environmental and resource values: Theory and methods : A Myrick Freeman III Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1994, 515 pp
by Li, Binsheng - 282-285 Change in the former Soviet Union and its implications for the Canadian minerals sector: The cases of copper, gold, nickel and uranium : David G Hagland, S Neil MacFarlane and Vladimir Popov with Olga Kvasova and Roman Sheinin Centre for Resource Studies, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, 1994, 161 pp
by Korneyev, Andrei V & Stobart, Christopher - 285-286 The next efficiency revolution: Creating a sustainable materials economy : John E Young and Aaron Sachs World Watch Paper 121, 1994
by Ruud, Audun - 286-287 Industrial minerals directory: A world guide to producers and processors : Joyce Griffiths (ed) Metal Bulletin, New York (1991) 542 pp
by Teoh, Lay-Hock - 287-287 World index of resources and population : David Hargreaves, Monica Eden-Green and Joan Devaney Dartmouth, 1994, 417pp
by Ericsson, Magnus - 287-288 An introduction to mineral economics : Kaulir Kisor Chatterjee Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1993, 353pp Rs85
by Rao, TR - 288-289 South african managed trade policy: The wasting of a mineral endowment : Graham A Davis Praeger Press: Westport, CT, 1994, 153pp
by Kaempfer, William H
September 1994, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 155-168 Green adjustments to GDP
by Hamilton, Kirk - 169-181 Material flows in the transport industry : An example of industrial metabolism
by Ginley, Douglas M - 183-191 Designing optimal regulatory policy strategies for the oil industry : An alternative framework
by Ch U Kalu, Timothy - 193-197 Restructuring the hard coal mining industry in Poland
by Morawski, Eugeniusz - 198-201 Social aspects of restructuring hard coal mining in Poland
by Karbownik, Andrzej & Stachowicz, Jan - 202-202 Environmental economics and the mining industry : Wade E Martin (ed), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 1994, Studies in risk and uncertainty
by Poulin, Richard - 203-204 Green and gold: Sustaining mineral wealth, Australians and their environment : Peter Hancock, Centre for resource and environmental studies, the Australian National University, 1994, 277 pp
by Crowson, Phillip - 204-205 Energy and economic reform in the former Soviet Union : Leslie Diene, Istvan Dobozi and Matian Radetzki, Macmillan/St Martins Press, 1994, 246 pp
by Crowson, Phillip
June 1994, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 83-86 Viewpoint : Sustainable development and mineral resources
by Mikesell, Raymond F