June 1997, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 151-162 Using Donation Mechanisms to Value Nonuse Benefits from Public Goods
by Champ, Patricia A. & Bishop, Richard C. & Brown, Thomas C. & McCollum, Daniel W. - 163-185 Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Alternative-Fuel Vehicles
by Kazimi, Camilla - 186-195 Quota-Induced Discarding in Heterogeneous Fisheries
by Turner, Matthew A. - 196-213 Prevention and Treatment in Environmental Policy Design
by Barrett, James & Segerson, Kathleen - 214-219 Modeling Ecological Constraints on Tropical Forest Management: Reply
by Albers, Heidi J.
May 1997, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-16 Distribution of Potential Gains from International Environmental Agreements: The Case of the Greenhouse Effect
by Escapa, Marta & Gutierrez, Maria Jose - 17-32 Woodland Deforestation by Charcoal Supply to Dar es Salaam
by Hofstad, Ole - 33-43 A Structural Equations Approach to Modeling Consumptive Recreation Demand
by Englin, Jeffrey & Lambert, David & Shaw, W. Douglass - 44-58 The Political Economy of Pollution Taxes in a Small Open Economy
by Fredriksson, Per G. - 59-74 Trends in Natural Resource Commodity Prices: Deterministic or Stochastic?
by Ahrens, W. Ashley & Sharma, Vijaya R. - 75-93 Evaluating the Performance of Benefit Transfer: An Empirical Inquiry
by Kirchhoff, Stefanie & Colby, Bonnie G. & LaFrance, Jeffrey T. - 94-105 Stock Pollution, Child-Bearing Externalities, and the Social Discount Rate
by Harford, Jon D.
March 1997, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 277-292 Exhaustible Resource Allocation in an Overlapping Generations Economy
by Olson, Lars J. & Knapp, Keith C. - 293-308 Estimation of Wastewater Treatment Objectives through Maximum Entropy
by Fernandez, Linda - 309-322 Fishing as a Supergame
by Hannesson, Rognvaldur - 323-340 Designing Forest Taxes with Varying Government Preferences and Budget Targets
by Amacher, Gregory S. & Brazee, Richard J. - 341-358 Semi-nonparametric Distribution-Free Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation
by Creel, Michael & Loomis, John - 359-381 Emissions Trading with Shares and Coupons when Control over Discharges Is Uncertain
by Godby, Robert W. & Mestelman, Stuart & Muller, R. Andrew & Welland, J. Douglas
February 1997, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 139-153 On the Welfare Significance of Green Accounting as Taught by Parable
by Weitzman, Martin L. & Lofgren, Karl-Gustaf - 154-169 On Optimal Capacity Expansion for Domestic Processing of an Exhaustible, Natural Resource
by Kumar, Ramesh C. - 170-188 Negotiating an Agreement on Global Warming: A Theoretical Analysis
by Chen, Zhiqi - 189-203 Carbon Taxes with Exemptions in an Open Economy: A General Equilibrium Analysis of the German Tax Initiative
by Bohringer, Christoph & Rutherford, Thomas F. - 204-218 Estimating the Social Value of Geologic Map Information: A Regulatory Application
by Bernknopf, Richard L. & Brookshire, David S. & McKee, Michael & Soller, David R. - 219-232 Treatment of "Don't-Know" Responses in Contingent Valuation Surveys: A Random Valuation Model
by Wang, Hua - 233-250 The Distribution of Pollution: Community Characteristics and Exposure to Air Toxics
by Brooks, Nancy & Sethi, Rajiv - 251-270 Referendum Models and Negative Willingness to Pay: Alternative Solutions
by Haab, Timothy C. & McConnell, Kenneth E. - 271-275 Modeling Ecological Constraints on Tropical Forest Management: Comment
by Barrett, Christopher B. & Batabyal, Amitrajeet A.
January 1997, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-21 A Model of Regulated Open Access Resource Use
by Homans, Frances R. & Wilen, James E. - 22-37 Does Altruism Undermine Existence Value?
by McConnell, K. E. - 38-50 Small Pollution Markets: Tradable Permits versus Revelation Mechanisms
by Andersson, Fredrik - 51-64 The Choice between Emission Taxes and Output Taxes under Imperfect Monitoring
by Schmutzler, Armin & Goulder, Lawrence H. - 65-84 Perceptions versus Objective Measures of Environmental Quality in Combined Revealed and Stated Preference Models of Environmental Valuation
by Adamowicz, Wiktor & Swait, Joffre & Boxall, Peter & Louviere, Jordan & Williams, Michael - 85-94 Sustaining Open Space Benefits in the Northeast: An Evaluation of the Conservation Reserve Program
by Parks, Peter J. & Schorr, James P. - 95-108 Decentralized and Efficient Control of Transboundary Pollution in Federal Systems
by Silva, Emilson C. D. - 109-124 Information As Regulation: The Effect of Community Right to Know Laws on Toxic Emissions
by Konar, Shameek & Cohen, Mark A. - 125-138 Optimal Procurement Contracts for Electricity Generation
by Blair, Benjamin F.
November 1996, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 269-286 A Model of Intertemporal Emission Trading, Banking, and Borrowing
by Rubin, Jonathan D. - 287-301 Do Contingent Valuation Estimates Pass a "Scope" Test? A Meta-analysis
by Smith, V. Kerry & Osborne, Laura L. - 302-313 Cost-Effective Policies to Improve Urban Air Quality in Santiago, Chile
by O'Ryan, Raul E. - 314-336 An Economic Analysis of the Fisheries Bycatch Problem
by Boyce, John R. - 337-351 An Empirical Analysis of Exposure-Based Regulation to Abate Toxic Air Pollution
by Marakovits, Donita M. & Considine, Timothy J. - 352-367 Leisure/Labor Tradeoffs: The Backward-Bending Labor Supply in Fisheries
by Gautam, Amy Buss & Strand+, Ivar & Kirkley++, James - 368-386 Moral Hazard, Externalities, and Compensation for Crop Damages from Wildlife
by Rollins, Kimberly & Briggs, Hugh III - 387-402 Combining Intended Demand and Yes/No Responses in the Estimation of Contingent Valuation Models
by Niklitschek+, Mario & Leon+, Javier - 403-405 On the Harrison and Rubinfeld Data
by Gilley, Otis W. & Pace, R. Kelley
September 1996, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 129-144 Tropical Forest Protection: An Empirical Analysis of the Costs Borne by Local People
by Shyamsundar, Priya & Kramer, Randall A. - 145-159 Using Conjoint Analysis to Derive Estimates of Compensating Variation
by Roe, Brian & Boyle, Kevin J. & Teisl, Mario F. - 160-177 Nonconvexities in Optimal Pollution Accumulation
by Tahvonen, Olli & Salo, Seppo - 178-185 A Test for Payment Card Biases
by Rowe, Robert D. & Schulze, William D. & Breffle, William S. - 186-197 The Effect of Catastrophic Risk on Forest Investment Decisions
by Yin, Runsheng & Newman, David H. - 198-218 Environmental and Agricultural Policy Effects on Information Acquisition and Input Choice
by Underwood, Nora A. & Caputo, Michael R. - 219-239 Regulating Automobile Pollution under Certainty, Competition, and Imperfect Information
by Innes, Robert - 240-268 On Endogenous Growth: The Implications of Environmental Externalities
by Elbasha, Elamin H. & Roe, Terry L.
July 1996, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-18 Learning and Stock Effects in Environmental Regulation: The Case of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
by Kolstad, Charles D. - 19-36 Environmental Inspections and Emissions of the Pulp and Paper Industry in Quebec
by Laplante, Benoit & Rilstone, Paul - 37-48 Adaptive Cost-Effective Ambient Charges under Incomplete Information
by Ermoliev, Yuri & Klaassen, Ger & Nentjes, Andries - 49-64 Reconsidering the Use of Hicks Neutrality to Recover Total Value
by Flores, Nicholas E. - 65-78 Natural Resource Prices: Will They Ever Turn Up?
by Berck, Peter & Roberts, Michael - 79-95 Must Contingent Valuation Surveys Cost So Much?
by Harrison, Glenn W. & Lesley, James C. - 96-111 Compliance and Enforcement: Air Pollution Regulation in the U.S. Steel Industry
by Gray, Wayne B. & Deily, Mary E. - 112-128 Toward a More Complete Model of Individual Transferable Fishing Quotas: Implications of Incorporating the Processing Sector
by Matulich, Scott C. & Mittelhammer, Ron C. & Reberte, Carlos
May 1996, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 265-281 Environmental Policy and International Trade when Governments and Producers Act Strategically
by Ulph, Alistair - 282-300 Taxing Variable Cost: Environmental Regulation as Industrial Policy
by Simpson, R. David & Bradford, Robert III - 301-315 Incomplete Information and Incentives to Free Ride on International Environmental Resources
by Bac, Mehmet - 316-322 Testing the Reliability of the Benefit Function Transfer Approach
by Downing, Mark & Ozuna, Teofilo Jr. - 323-336 Pollution Taxes and Pollution Abatement in an Oligopoly Supergame
by Damania, D. - 337-347 Testing the Internal Consistency of Contingent Valuation Surveys
by Diamond, Peter - 348-368 When is a Life Too Costly to Save? The Evidence from U.S. Environmental Regulations
by Van Houtven, George & Cropper, Maureen L. - 369-380 Embedding in Market Demand Systems
by Randall, Alan & Hoehn, John P. - 381-395 The Determinants of an Environmentally Responsive Firm: An Empirical Approach
by Henriques, Irene & Sadorsky, Perry
March 1996, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 133-160 EPA's New Emissions Trading Mechanism: A Laboratory Evaluation
by Cason, Timothy N. & Plott, Charles R. - 161-173 Marketable Permits, Market Power, and Cheating
by van Egteren, Henry & Weber, Marian - 174-185 Land Use Externalities: Mechanism Design for the Allocation of Environmental Resources
by Burton, Peter S. - 186-198 Optimal Production and Reclamation at a Mine Site with an Ecosystem Constraint
by Roan, Philip F. & Martin, Wade E. - 199-217 The Effects of Hazardous Waste Taxes on Waste Generation and Disposal
by Sigman, Hilary - 218-232 Correlated Uncertainty and Policy Instrument Choice
by Stavins, Robert N. - 233-253 Bargaining in Environmental Regulation and the Ideal Regulator
by Amacher, Gregory S. & Malik, Arun S. - 254-264 Backstop Technology and Growth: Doomsday or Steady State?
by Prell, Mark A.
January 1996, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-17 Trade with Polluting Nonrenewable Resources
by Tahvonen, Olli - 18-33 Population Pressure and Land Degradation: The Case of Ethiopia
by Grepperud, Sverre - 34-42 The Compleat Fish Wars: Biological and Dynamic Interactions
by Fischer, Ronald D. & Mirman, Leonard J. - 43-57 Information Bias in Contingent Valuation: Effects of Personal Relevance, Quality of Information, and Motivational Orientation
by Ajzen, Icek & Brown, Thomas C. & Rosenthal, Lori H. - 58-72 The Price of Pollution: A Dual Approach to Valuing SO2Allowances
by Coggins, Jay S. & Swinton, John R. - 73-94 Modeling Ecological Constraints on Tropical Forest Management: Spatial Interdependence, Irreversibility, and Uncertainty
by Albers, Heidi J. - 95-111 Incentives for Advanced Pollution Abatement Technology at the Industry Level: An Evaluation of Policy Alternatives
by Jung, Chulho & Krutilla, Kerry & Boyd, Roy - 112-131 Starting Point Bias in Dichotomous Choice Valuation with Follow-Up Questioning
by Herriges, Joseph A. & Shogren, Jason F.
November 1995, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 1-19 Optimal Adders for Environmental Damage by Public Utilities
by Burtraw Dallas & Harrington Winston & Krupnick Alan J. & Freeman III A. Myrick - 20-33 Siting Noxious Facilities: Are Markets Efficient?
by Ingberman Daniel E. - 34-42 Stochastic Trends and Structural Breaks in the Intensity of Metals Use
by Labson B. Stephen - 43-63 Dynamic Incentives of Environmental Regulations: The Effects of Alternative Policy Instruments on Technology Diffusion
by Jaffe Adam B. & Stavins Robert N. - 64-77 Pollution Taxes and Revenue Recycling
by Parry Ian W. H. - 78-97 Assessing the Economic Cost of Greenhouse-Induced Sea Level Rise: Methods and Application in Support of a National Survey
by Yohe Gary & Neumann James & Ameden Holly - 263-270 Consumer Surplus from Discrete Choice Models
by McConnell K. E. - 271-297 Effects of Carbon Taxes in an Economy with Prior Tax Distortions: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
by Goulder Lawrence H. - 298-303 On the Value of a Collection of Species
by Polasky Stephen & Solow Andrew R. - 304-320 Alternatives for Managing Drought: A Comparative Cost Analysis
by Fisher Anthony & Fullerton David & Hatch Nile & Reinelt Peter - 321-338 Structural Estimation of the Stochastic Dynamic Decision Problems of Resource Users: An Application to the Timber Harvest Decision
by Provencher Bill - 339-356 Pollution-Controlling Innovation in Oligopolistic Industries: Some Comparisons between Patent Races and Research Joint Ventures
by Hackett Steven C. - 357-367 A Demand Theory for Number of Trips in a Random Utility Model of Recreation
by Parsons George R. & Kealy Mary Jo - 368-377 Modeling Recreation Demand in the Presence of Unobservable Travel Costs: Toward a Travel Price Model
by Englin Jeffrey & Shonkwiler J. S. - 378-392 Averting Behavior and Policy Evaluation
by Bresnahan Brian W. & Dickie Mark - 393-397 The Context for Substitutes in CVM Studies: Some Empirical Observations
by Neill Helen R.
September 1995, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 133-148 Transaction Costs and Tradeable Permits
by Stavins Robert N. - 149-161 Uncertainty and Irreversibility in Groundwater Resource Management
by Tsur Yacov & Zemel Amos - 162-168 Neoclassical Growth, the J Curve for Abatement, and the Inverted U Curve for Pollution
by Selden Thomas M. & Song Daqing - 169-180 Efficiency vs Bias of Willingness-to-Pay Estimates: Bivariate and Interval-Data Models
by Alberini Anna - 181-196 Contingent Valuation When Respondents Are Ambivalent
by Ready Richard C. & Whitehead John C. & Blomquist Glenn C. - 197-213 Expanding U.S. Log Export Restrictions: Impacts on State Revenue and Policy Implications
by Johnson Ronald N. & Rucker Randal R. & Lippke Holly - 214-227 A Discrete-Count Model of Recreational Demand
by Feather Peter & Hellerstein Daniel & Tomasi Theodore - 228-237 Environmental Standards and Industrial Policy
by Cadot Olivier & Sinclair-Desgagne Bernard - 238-251 Assessing the Validity and Reliability of Contingent Values: A Comparison of On-Site Users, Off-Site Users, and Non-users
by Whitehead John C. & Blomquist Glenn C. & Hoban Thomas J. & Clifford William B. - 252-261 The Cyclical Exploitation of Renewable Resource Stocks May Be Optimal
by Wirl Franz
July 1995, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-24 Energy Taxation as a Policy Instrument to Reduce CO2 Emissions: A Net Benefit Analysis
by Boyd Roy & Krutilla Kerry & Viscusi W. Kip - 25-41 A Spatial Model of Optimal Water Conveyance
by Chakravorty Ujjayant & Hochman Eithan & Zilberman David - 42-63 The Effect of Labor Market Performance on Deforestation in Developing Countries under Open Access: An Example from Rural Nepal
by Bluffstone Randall A. - 64-77 Overlapping Generations and Environmental Control
by Marini Giancarlo & Scaramozzino Pasquale - 78-91 Garbage, Recycling, and Illicit Burning or Dumping
by Fullerton Don & Kinnaman Thomas C. - 92-104 Comparing Three Approaches That Generate Bids for the Referendum Contingent Valuation Method
by Elnagheeb Abdelmoneim H. & Jordan Jeffrey L. - 105-120 Technological Change and the Dynamics of Resource Scarcity Measures
by Farzin Y. H. - 121-132 An Independent Sample Test of Yea-Saying and Starting Point Bias in Dichotomous-Choice Contingent Valuation
by Holmes Thomas P. & Kramer Randall A.
May 1995, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 271-286 An Experiment in Voluntary Environmental Regulation: Participation in EPA's 33/50 Program
by Arora Seema & Cason Timothy N. - 287-306 Optimal Designs for Discrete Choice Contingent Valuation Surveys: Single-Bound, Double-Bound, and Bivariate Models
by Alberini Anna - 307-323 Optimal Pricing of Depletable, Replaceable Resources: The Case of Landfill Tipping Fees
by Ready Mark J. & Ready Richard C. - 324-339 Optimal Capital Accumulation in a Fishery: A Nonlinear Irreversible Investment Model
by Boyce John R. - 340-356 The Economics of Conjunctive Groundwater Management with Stochastic Surface Supplies
by Knapp Keith C. & Olson Lars J. - 357-373 Regulating Pollution under Asymmetric Information: The Case of Industrial Wastewater Treatment
by Thomas Alban - 374-387 Exvessel Price Determination in the Alaska King Crab Fishery: A Formula Price Contract under Uncertainty?
by Matulich Scott C. & Mittelhammer Ron C. & Greenberg Joshua A. - 388-400 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Complex Managed Hydrosystems: An Application to the Columbia River Basin
by Paulsen Charles M. & Wernstedt Kris
March 1995, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 135-154 Project Evaluation for Sustainable Rural Development: Plan Sierra in the Dominican Republic
by De Janvry Alain & Sadoulet Elisabeth & Santos Blas - 155-173 Sequencing and Nesting in Contingent Valuation Surveys
by Carson Richard T. & Mitchell Robert Cameron - 174-189 A Well-Based Cost Function and the Economics of Exhaustible Resources: The Case of Natural Gas
by Chermak Janie M. & Patrick Robert H. - 190-204 An Econometric Model of the Regulated Emissions for Fuel-Efficient New Vehicles
by Khazzoom J, Daniel - 205-222 Public Mechanisms to Support Compliance to an Environmental Norm
by Stranlund John K. - 223-240 A Policy Simulation of the Wetlands Reserve Program
by Parks P. J. & Kramer R. A. - 241-255 House Prices during Siting Decision Stages: The Case of an Incinerator from Rumor through Operation
by Kiel Katherine A. & McClain Katherine T. - 256-269 Discrete Choice under Preference Uncertainty: An Improved Structural Model for Contingent Valuation
by Li Chuan-Zhong & Mattsson Leif
January 1995, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-18 Assessing the Relationship between Government Policy and Deforestation
by Deacon Robert T. - 19-33 Changes in Optimal Pollution Taxes as Population Increases
by Kennedy John O. S. - 34-47 Explaining Irrational Land Use: Risk Aversion and Marginal Agricultural Land
by Parks Peter J. - 48-67 Rent Capture in a Rights-Based Fishery
by Grafton R. Quentin - 68-82 Property Rights and Entrepreneurial Income in Commercial Fisheries
by Terrebonne R. Peter - 83-97 Compensating Wages, Value of a Statistical Life, and Inter-industry Differentials
by Leigh J. Paul - 98-113 Pollution as News: Media and Stock Market Reactions to the Toxics Release Inventory Data
by Hamilton James T. - 114-125 Bias in Discrete Response Contingent Valuation
by Kanninen Barbara J. - 126-133 Does Willingness to Pay Reflect the Purchase of Moral Satisfaction? A Reconsideration of Kahneman and Knetsch
by Nickerson Carol A. E.
November 1994, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 205-217 Haul Trash or Haul Ash: Energy Recovery as a Component of Local Solid Waste Management
by Keeler Andrew G. & Renkow Mitch - 218-234 Estimation Using Contingent Valuation Data from a Dichotomous Choice with Follow-Up Questionnaire
by Cameron Trudy Ann & Quiggin John - 235-253 An Interregional Hedonic Analysis of Noxious Facility Impacts on Local Wages and Property Values
by Clark David E. & Nieves Leslie A. - 254-258 Incomplete International Cooperation to Reduce CO2 Emissions: The Case of Price Discrimination
by Welsch Heinz - 259-274 Efficient Climate Policy in the Presence of Free Riders
by Hoel Michael - 275-285 Budget-Balancing Incentive Mechanisms
by Herriges Joseph A. & Govindasamy Ramu & Shogren Jason F. - 286-294 A Note on Uncertainty and Rent Capture in an ITQ Fishery
by Grafton R. Quentin
September 1994, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 99-126 The Role of Communication in Resolving Commons Dilemmas: Experimental Evidence with Heterogeneous Appropriators
by Hackett Steven & Schlager Edella & Walker James - 127-146 Guilty until Proven Innocent-Regulation with Costly and Limited Enforcement
by Swierzbinski Joseph E. - 147-162 Environmental Quality and Development: Is There a Kuznets Curve for Air Pollution Emissions?
by Selden Thomas M. & Song Daqing - 163-184 The Environment as a Factor of Production: The Effects of Economic Growth and Trade Liberalization
by Lopez Ramon - 185-204 Individual Transferable Quota Markets and Investment Decisions in the Fixed Gear Sablefish Industry
by Squires Dale & Alauddin Mohammad & Kirkley James
July 1994, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-20 Environmental Conflicts with Reimbursement for Citizen Suits
by Baik Kyung Hwan & Shogren Jason F. - 21-37 An Open-Access Analysis of the Northern Anchovy Fishery
by Opsomer Jean-Didier & Conrad Jon M. - 38-48 Using Automatic Tax Changes to Control Pollution Emissions
by Karp Larry & Livernois John - 49-63 Equilibrium Pollution Taxes in Open Economies with Imperfect Competition
by Kennedy Peter W. - 64-83 An Investigation of Part-Whole Biases in Contingent-Valuation Studies
by Boyle Kevin J. & Desvousges William H. & Johnson F. Reed & Dunford Richard W. & Hudson Sara P. - 84-91 Spreading versus Concentrating Damages: Environmental Policy in the Presence of Nonconvexities
by Helfand Gloria E. & Rubin Jonathan - 92-97 Do We Need the Entry-Exit Condition on Polluting Firms?
by Kohn Robert E.
May 1994, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 215-234 The Economics of Household Solid Waste Generation and Disposal
by Morris Glenn E. & Holthausen Jr. Duncan M. - 235-256 Cooperative Solution of Local Externality Problems: A Case of Mechanism Design Applied to Irrigation
by Loehman Edna & Dinar Ariel - 257-270 What Is Consumer's Surplus Per Day of Use, When Is It a Constant Independent of the Number of Days of Use, and What Does It Tell Us about Consumers Surplus?
by Morey Edward R. - 271-292 Combining Revealed and Stated Preference Methods for Valuing Environmental Amenities
by Adamowicz W. & Louviere J. & Williams M. - 293-296 Saturday Effects in Tanker Oil Spills: Comment
by Solow Andrew R. - 297-299 Saturday Effects in Tanker Oil Spills: Reply
by Goodstein Eban
March 1994, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 111-128 The Marginal Cost of Species Preservation: The Northern Spotted Owl
by Montgomery Claire A. & Brown Jr. , Gardner M. & Adams Darius M. - 129-148 Choices without Prices without Apologies
by Vatn Arild & Bromley Daniel W. - 149-162 Resource Extraction and the Threat of Possible Expropriation: The Role of Swiss Bank Accounts
by Konrad Kai A. & Olsen Trond E. & Schob Ronnie - 163-180 Hotelling Rents in Hotelling Space: Product Differentiation in Exhaustible Resource Markets
by Kolstad Charles D. - 181-199 Welfare Analysis When Budget Constraints Are Nonlinear: The Case of Flood Hazard Reduction
by Driscoll Paul & Dietz Brian & Alwang Jeffrey - 200-209 On the Environmental Discount Rate
by Weitzman Martin L. - 210-213 Entropy and Natural Resource Scarcity: A Reply to the Critics
by Young Jeffrey T.
January 1994, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-18 Pigouvian Taxation of Energy for Flow and Stock Externalities and Strategic, Noncompetitive Energy Pricing
by Wirl Franz - 19-30 The Value of Water Supply Reliability in Urban Water Systems
by Howe Charles W. & Smith Mark Griffin & Bennett Lynne & Brendecke Charles M. & Flack J. Ernest & Hamm Robert M. & Mann Roger & Rozaklis Lee & Wunderlich Karl - 31-43 Pollution Policy: the Role for Publicly Provided Information
by Kennedy Peter W. & Laplante Benoit & Maxwell John - 44-65 International Trade and the Environment: Policy Reform in a Polluted Small Open Economy
by Copeland Brian R. - 66-87 Modeling Intrastate and Interstate Markets for Colorado River Water Resources
by Booker J. F. & Young R. A. - 88-109 How People Respond to Contingent Valuation Questions: A Verbal Protocol Analysis of Willingness to Pay for an Environmental Regulation
by Schkade David A. & Payne John W.
November 1993, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 201-211 Implicit Environmental Costs in Hydroelectric Development: An Analysis of the Norwegian Master Plan for Water Resources
by Carlsen Arne J. & Strand Jon & Wenstop Fred - 212-234 The Inefficiency of Decentralized Non-renewable Resource Extraction: The Case of Soviet Timber
by Brown Jr. , Gardner & Wong Kar-yiu - 235-241 The Lognormal Diffusion Is Hardly an Equilibrium Price Process for Exhaustible Resources
by Lund Diderik - 242-256 Economic Efficiency Effects of Alternative Policies for Reducing Waste Disposal
by Dinan Terry M. - 257-274 An Emission Saved Is an Emission Earned: An Empirical Study of Emission Banking for Light-Duty Vehicle Manufacturers
by Rubin Jonathan & Kling Catherine - 275-297 Some Welfare Effects of Emission Allowance Trading in a Twice-Regulated Industry
by Coogins Jay S. & Smith Vincent H.
September 1993, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 93-102 Valuing Public Goods: A Comment on Harrison's Critique of Kahneman and Knetsch
by Nickerson Carol A. E. - 103-120 Spatial Interactions in Multiple-Use Forestry and Substitution and Wealth Effects for the Single Stand
by Swallow Stephen K. & Wear David N. - 121-135 Taxes and Subsidies for Pollution-Intensive Industries as Trade Policy
by Conrad Klaus - 136-146 An Economic Analysis of Household Recycling of Solid Wastes: The Case of Portland, Oregon
by Hong Seonghoon & Adams Richard M. & Love H. Alan - 147-161 Common Trends in Economic Activity and Metals Demand: Cointegration and the Intensity of Use Debate
by Labson B. Stephen & Crompton Paul L. - 162-176 Unilateral CO2 Reductions and Carbon Leakage: The Consequences of International Trade in Oil and Basic Materials
by Felder Stefan & Rutherford Thomas F. - 177-195 Seller Incentive Properties of EPA's Emission Trading Auction
by Cason Timothy N. - 196-200 Regulating Agricultural Groundwater Contamination: A Comment
by Miceli Thomas J. & Segerson Kathleen
July 1993, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-11 Design of Sequential Experiments for Contingent Valuation Studies
by Kanninen Barbara J.