1977, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-19 An empirical analysis of the composition of manufacturing employment in the industrialized countries
by Leamer, Edward E. & Stern, Robert M. & Baum, Christopher F. - 21-42 Transmission of inflationary pressures between the E.E.C. members : A tentative measurement using cost-push and demand-pull formulations
by Dramais, Andre - 43-60 Managers' behaviour and perfect competition
by Lesourne, Jacques - 61-81 The household demand for energy and fuels in OECD countries
by Lebanon, Alexander - 83-96 The effects of indexation of wage contracts on macro-economic stability
by Cukierman, Alexander & Razin, Assaf - 97-108 V-Branch: A generalized utility function
by Kraft, Arthur & Kraft, John - 109-119 Estimation of a technology matrix from a domestic coefficients matrix and a row of intermediate imports in input-output analysis
by Parikh, A. & Edwards, R.
December 1976, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 315-338 Quesnay's model of economic development
by Barna, Tibor - 339-347 The risk effect and investment in human capital
by Paroush, Jacob - 349-369 Forecasting the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Finland : A box-Jenkins approach
by Leskinen, Esko & Terasvirta, Timo - 371-396 The allocation of consumer expenditures in a Swedish macroeconomic model
by Lybeck, Johan A.
October 1976, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 207-217 Patterns of factor-saving innovation in the industrialized world
by Davidson, William H. - 219-233 Wage and price determination in a labour-exporting economy : The case of Ireland
by Geary, Patrick T. & McCarthy, Colm - 235-254 Regulation effects on resource allocation of a utility-maximizing firm
by Landsberger, Michael & Subotnik, Abraham - 255-267 Foreign trade, concentration and profitability in open economies
by Pagoulatos, Emilio & Sorensen, Robert - 269-289 Testing the dynamic specification of an econometric model with an application to Belgian data
by Palm, Franz - 291-312 Some general equilibrium analysis applied to fiscal harmonization in the European community
by Whalley, John
August 1976, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 107-138 Future OPEC price and production strategies as affected by its capacity to absorb oil revenues
by Ezzati, Ali - 139-154 Pricing policies for a two-part exhaustible resource cartel : The case of OPEC
by Hnyilicza, Esteban & Pindyck, Robert S. - 155-164 OPEC and the monopoly price of world oil
by Cremer, Jacques & Weitzman, Martin L. - 165-180 Debt and capital accumulation in a two-sector model with non-traded goods
by Hochman, Oded & Razin, Assaf - 181-191 Testing and applying a theory of utility : An attempt to decompose income in compensatory and scarcity rents
by Bouma, Nienke & Van Praag, Bernard M. S. & Tinbergen, Jan - 193-203 Job search models and frictional unemployment
by Stoikov, Vladimir
June 1976, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-14 On the theoretical specification of industrial structure-performance relationships
by Cowling, Keith - 15-31 Factor augmentation in Greek manufacturing, 1958-1969
by Lianos, Theodore P. - 33-49 An estimate of the capital stock for the Belgian industrial sector
by Verstraete, Juan M. - 51-69 The structure of personal influence of the Belgian holding companies : A quantitative analysis
by Cuyvers, Ludo & Meeusen, Wim - 71-86 Economic interdependence among the EEC countries : An unconventional view
by Cherif, M. & Ginsburgh, V. - 87-89 A note on a class of systems of demand functions with no interaction between income and household composition
by Carlevaro, F. - 91-95 A comment on limited independence between income responses and household composition
by Muellbauer, John - 97-103 An addition to the preceding note of Professor Muellbauer
by Carlevaro, F.
April 1976, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 209-219 Unemployment, inflation and price expectations with empirical results for Belgium
by Carrin, Guy & Barten, Anton P. - 221-238 Macroeconomic adjustment processes
by Helliwell, J. F. & Higgins, C. I. - 239-255 A model of trade and growth for the developing world
by Hicks, Norman L. - 257-279 Resource exploitation theory and the behavior of the oil cartel
by Schmalensee, Richard - 281-285 Capacity expansion and its implications for the size distribution of firms : Some remarks on a recent paper by L. Hjalmarsson
by Vining, Daniel Jr. - 287-292 Reply
by Hjalmarsson, Lennart - 293-307 Household inventory behavior : An empirical investigation of grocery purchases
by Reinhardt, Paul G.
February 1976, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 119-141 An approach to the wage level determination for a developing economy
by Economou, George & Panaretou, F. - 143-163 Scale economies in the EEC : An approach based on intra-EEC trade
by Owen, Nicholas - 165-174 Structural determinants of Swedish foreign trade : A test of the conventional wisdom
by Carlsson, Bo & Ohlsson, Lennart - 175-186 A nested CES-type utility function and its demand and price-index functions
by Keller, Wouter J. - 187-206 Profit rates and structural variables in French manufacturing industries
by Jenny, Frederic & Weber, AndrePaul
1976, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-13 Interest arbitrage in the Euro-currency markets
by Marston, Richard C. - 15-34 Inflation in open economies : Supply-determined versus demand-determined models
by Branson, William H. & Myhrman, Johan - 35-62 The price of energy and potential growth of developed countries : An attempt at quantification
by Gunning, J. W. & Osterrieth, M. & Waelbroeck, J. - 63-115 COMET : A medium-term macroeconomic model for the European economic community
by Barten, A. P. & d'Alcantara, G. & Carrin, G. J.
October 1975, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 331-342 Market behavior and the types of production functions
by Sato, Ryuzo & Koizumi, Tetsunori & Wolkowitz, Benjamin - 343-367 Income tax incidence in an ageing population : An examination of the measurement of income redistribution
by Cowell, F. A. - 369-386 Measuring capacity utilization and excess demand
by Ruist, Erik & Soderstrom, Hans Tson - 387-395 Industry equilibrium under random demand
by Pazner, Elisha A. & Razin, Assaf - 397-410 Factor market distortions, factor intensities and economic welfare : Theory and computation
by Minabe, Nobuo - 411-415 A note on the estimation of the elasticity of the marginal utility of consumption
by Hoel, Michael - 417-423 Aggregate consumption and the distribution of incomes
by Van Doorn, J.
July 1975, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 217-226 The theory of rational random behavior and its application to demand analysis
by Theil, Henri - 227-260 The negativity condition in consumer demand
by Barten, A. P. & Geyskens, E. - 261-273 The measurement of income and price elasticities
by Deaton, A. S. - 275-303 International comparisons of expenditure patterns
by Lluch, Constantino & Powell, Alan - 305-310 Development of the extended linear expenditure system from simple saving assumptions
by Howe, Howard - 311-328 Advertising and the aggregate demand for cigarettes
by McGuinness, Tony & Cowling, Keith
April 1975, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 105-128 Optimal marketing behavior in oligopoly
by Lambin, Jean-Jacques & Naert, Philippe A. & Bultez, Alain - 129-141 Capital-labor substitution in a developing country : The case of Greece
by Lianos, Theodore P. - 143-153 Targets, instruments and generalized inverses
by Russell, Clifford S. & Smith, V. Kerry - 155-171 The impact of West European trade strategies on exports to Eastern Europe
by Wipf, Larry J. & Brada, Josef C. - 173-185 A macroeconomic model for open economies with pegged exchange rates
by Steinherr, Alfred - 187-194 An algorithm of game theory applied to the duopoly problem
by Deschamps, Robert - 195-214 Bilateral monopoly on a market for an intermediate good
by Deschamps, Robert & Jaskold-Gabszewicz, Jean
January 1975, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-15 The owners' interventions in decision-making in large corporations : A new approach
by De Vroey, Michel - 17-38 On the relations between demand creation and growth in a monopolistic firm
by Hochman, Eithan & Hochman, Oded - 39-57 Substitution and output effects in the neoclassical theory of the firm under imperfect competition
by Minguet, Albert - 59-75 Determining factors of interindustry wage level differentials in Greek manufacturing
by Pavlopoulos, P. G. - 77-96 Planning capital-labor substitution and intertemporal equilibrium with a non-linear multi-sector growth model
by Dervis, Kemal - 97-101 A note on aggregation of CES-type production functions
by van der Loeff, S. Schim & Harkema, R.
December 1974, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 313-328 Labour protection in Western Europe
by Constantopoulos, Maria - 329-354 The Yugoslav deficit on balance of payments
by Dyker, David A. - 355-378 The American external seigniorage : Origin, cost to Europe, and possible defences
by Kirschen, E. S. - 379-405 Integration effects in the EEC : An attempt at quantification in a general equilibrium framework
by Prewo, Wilfried E. - 417-417 News item
by Brans, J. -Pierre
1974, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 197-205 Tax rebating of exports and the balance of payments
by Georgakopoulos, Theodore - 207-221 RASAT, a model for the estimation of commodity trade flows in EFTA
by Mayes, David G. - 223-244 Investment criteria for production processes of non-storable goods with periodic demand and constant production constraints
by Trauwaert, E. - 245-262 Netherlands company pension funds international portfolio diversification : An empirical analysis 1967 I-1972 II
by Koning, J. - 263-274 Pricing power supplied on an interruptible basis
by Marchand, M. G. - 275-301 Trade and allocation of resources in a distorted economy
by Floystad, Gunnar - 303-306 Further analysis of cross-country comparison of consumer expenditure patterns
by Somermeyer, W. H. - 307-307 Further analysis of cross-country comparison of consumer expenditure patterns
by Gamaletsos, Theodore
August 1974, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 87-101 Economies of scale in households' cash balances : A series of empirical tests
by Babeau, A. - 103-122 Household composition, Engel curves and welfare comparisons between households : A duality approach
by Muellbauer, John - 123-140 The size distribution of establishments and firms derived from an optimal process of capacity expansion
by Hjalmarsson, Lennart - 141-157 Workperformance, interests, powers and environment : The case of cyclical slowdowns in a Hungarian factory
by Hethy, Lajos & Mako, Csaba - 159-175 Information and contrastochastic dynamic economic policies
by Deleau, Michel & Malgrange, Pierre - 177-185 Estimating the flexibility of the marginal utility of money : An errors-in-variables approach
by Biorn, Erik - 187-193 An improvement of the supply analysis of the farming industry : The value added approach
by van den Noort, P. C. & Oskam, A. J.
June 1974, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-6 Ragnar Frisch's role in econometrics : A sketch
by Tinbergen, Jan - 7-23 Remembrances of Frisch
by Samuelson, P. A. - 25-32 The combination of time series and cross-section data in interindustry flow analysis
by Arrow, Kenneth J. - 33-40 Mixed estimation based on quasi-prior judgments
by Theil, Henry - 41-66 Establishing preference functions for macroeconomic decision models : Some observations on Ragnar Frisch's contributions
by Johansen, Leif - 67-86 Causal flows with latent variables : Partings of the ways in the light of NIPALS modelling
by Wold, Herman
December 1973, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 309-328 Balances of payments and exchange markets : A lost correspondence
by Basevi, G. - 329-346 The allocative efficiency of centrally planned foreign trade: A programming approach to the Czech case
by Brada, Josef C. - 347-380 Elasticities of substitution and export demands in a world trade model
by Hickman, Bert G. & Lau, Lawrence J. - 381-392 Beyond (but back to?) the elasticity of substitution in international trade
by Richardson, J. David - 393-408 Size structure, stability and performance of the largest British and EEC firms
by Jacquemin, Alex P. & de Lichtbuer, Michel Cardon
October 1973, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 217-233 Planning and programming in the European Common Market
by Balassa, Bela - 235-264 The relation between income, intelligence, education and social background
by de Wolff, P. & van Slijpe, A. R. D. - 265-287 On the short-run and long-run demand for money
by Grandmont, Jean-Michel - 289-291 The Common Market economies: Interdependence or independence
by Ginsburgh, Victor A. - 293-306 The influence of road characteristics on road accidents in Belgium: An econometric approach
by Dramais, A.
June 1973, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 107-134 A principal components analysis of market interest rates in The Netherlands, 1962-1970
by Fase, M. M. G. - 135-161 A management model of fast European, centrally-planned economies
by Granick, David - 163-179 Fixed capital cost, depreciation multiplier and the rate of interest
by Horvat, Branko - 181-196 Pollution and the value of time
by Naslund, Bertil - 197-213 Are the budgets of state and local governments destabilizing? A six country comparison
by Snyder, Wayne W.
April 1973, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-20 Further analysis of cross-country comparison of consumer expenditure patterns
by Gamaletsos, Theodore - 21-32 The extended linear expenditure system
by Lluch, Constantino - 33-62 Further evidence on the individual welfare function of income: An empirical investigatiion in The Netherlands
by Van Praag, Bernard M. S. & Kapteyn, Arie - 63-65 Numerical results of an international comparison of infrastructure development over the last 100 years
by Csernok, A. & Ehrlich, E. & Szilagyi, Gy. - 67-83 Demand for investment in productive and financial capital
by Hochman, Eitan & Hochman, Oded & Razin, Assaf - 85-103 Real fixed capital costs under steady growth
by Horvat, Branko
December 1972, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 389-398 Asymptotic behaviour and small sample performance: Experiments on regression parameter estimation with incomplete observations
by Dagenais, Marcel G. - 399-411 The estimation and testing of systems of dmeand equations: A note
by Deaton, A. S. - 413-436 A priori fixed covariance matrices of disturbance estimators
by Dubbelman, C. - 437-440 Distribution of income, social welfare function and the criterion of consumer surplus: Comment
by Kirman, Alam P. - 441-449 A note on biased and inconsistent estimation
by Geary, R. C. - 451-467 A model of the Swedish system for personal income taxation
by Jakobsson, Ulf & Normann, Goran - 469-479 The implications of common property resources for technical change
by Kerry Smith, V.
November 1972, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 211-245 Free trade and European economic development in the 19th century
by Bairoch, Paul - 247-258 Empirical evidence on comparative cost theory from the European Common Market experience
by Glejser, H. - 259-270 EEC tariffs and U.S. direct investment
by Schmitz, Andrew & Bieri, Jurg - 271-290 The production and trade of manufactured products in the EEC and EFTA: A comparison
by Truman, E. M. - 291-335 Two alternative estimates of the effects of EEC and EFTA on the pattern of trade
by Verdoorn, P. J. & Schwartz, A. N. R. - 337-349 Measuring integration effects: A survey
by Verdoorn, P. J. & Van Bochove, C. A. - 351-386 Shapes of Engel curves and demand curves: Implications of the expenditure allocation model, applied to Dutch data
by Somermeyer, W. H. & Langhout, A.
1972, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 111-130 Estimating demand for public goods: An experiment
by Bohm, Peter - 131-180 Private, national and international returns; An application to commodity lending
by Goreux, L. M. - 181-198 Obstacles in the structure of interests and powers to the introduction of efficient money incentives
by Hethy, Louis & Mako, Csaba - 199-207 Statistical analysis of discount rate policy in Belgium, 1957-1968
by Villanueva, Delano P.
1972, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-28 Potential use of the Mansholt Plan for restructuring agriculture in the Italian Mezzogiorno
by Dean, G. W. & De Benedictis, M. & Fabiani, G. & Fanfani, R. & Marenco, G. - 29-45 A process analysis of integrated iron and steel production in the European Coal and Steel Community
by Hall, Thomas W. - 47-63 Patterns of industrial structure and economic development : Triangulation of input-output tables of ECE countries
by Lamel, Joachim & Richter, Josef & Teufelsbauer, Werner - 65-69 The largest European firms and their changing size structure: An entropy measure
by Jacquemin, Alex P. & Kumps, Anne-Marie - 71-81 Bounding constraints in certain linear programming problems and the principle of safety first
by Aigner, D. J. - 83-90 A remark on the transactions demand for money
by Saschba Telphlluch - 91-108 Impact of the added value tax on an economy; The case of Belgium
by Guillaume, Y. & Waelbroeck, J.
1971, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 403-435 Simultaneous estimation of short-run employment functions
by Van Rompuy, P. - 436-461 A model of the behavior of farmers and its application to agricultural policies
by Boussard, Jean-Marc - 462-492 The theoretical position and significance of the efficiency principle in the analysis of growth
by Rosier, Bernard - 493-522 Triangularizing input-output matrices and the structure of production
by Korte, Bernhard & Oberhofer, Walter
1971, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 251-276 A complete system of dynamic demand functions
by Mattei, Aurelio - 277-302 Consumer demand functions, Spain, 1958-1964
by Lluch, Constantino - 303-336 Means of payment and liquid savings of households
by David, J. H. - 337-369 The welfare function of income in Belgium: An empirical investigation
by Van Praag, Bernard - 370-376 On the interaction of income and prices in consumer demand
by Paroush, Jacob - 377-392 The financial system and short-run planning in a planned economy
by Mycielski, Jerzy & Trzeciakowski, Witold
1971, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 403-435 Simultaneous estimation of short-run employment functions
by Van Rompuy, P. - 436-461 A model of the behavior of farmers and its application to agricultural policies
by Boussard, Jean-Marc - 462-492 The theoretical position and significance of the efficiency principle in the analysis of growth
by Rosier, Bernard - 493-522 Triangularizing input-output matrices and the structure of production
by Korte, Bernhard & Oberhofer, Walter
1971, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 251-276 A complete system of dynamic demand functions
by Mattei, Aurelio - 277-302 Consumer demand functions, Spain, 1958-1964
by Lluch, Constantino - 303-336 Means of payment and liquid savings of households
by David, J. H. - 337-369 The welfare function of income in Belgium: An empirical investigation
by Van Praag, Bernard - 370-376 On the interaction of income and prices in consumer demand
by Paroush, Jacob - 377-392 The financial system and short-run planning in a planned economy
by Mycielski, Jerzy & Trzeciakowski, Witold
1970, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-22 On the technique of comparing trade barriers of products imported by capitalist and communist nations
by Holzman, Franklyn D. - 23-30 Monetary religions
by Kirschen, E. S. - 31-44 Uncertainty, investment and adjustment costs
by Lorie, Henri & Smith, Kenneth R. - 45-77 Distribution of income, social welfare functions, and the criterion of consumer surplus
by Milleron, J. C. - 78-110 The ownership of consumer durables
by Rault, Christian - 111-121 A note on the dynamic planning of investment projects
by Shechter, Mordechai & Hammer, Peter L.
1970, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 447-481 An explanation of investment in equipment by enterprises in the Netherlands
by Den Hartog, H. & Falke, H. G. - 482-511 Triangularizing input-output matrices and the structure of production
by Korte, Bernhard & Oberhofer, Walter - 512-545 The two-gap theory of development reconsidered with special reference to Turkey
by Martens, Andre - 546-552 Income growth and population growth-- or the race is not always to the swift
by Beckmann, M. - 553-569 Concentration, firm size, and R & D in the Belgian manufacturing industry
by Phlips, Louis
1970, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 327-356 Extension of the marginal cost concept in dynamic economics
by Albouy, M. & Nachtigal, J. - 357-400 A cross-country comparison of consumer expenditure patterns
by Goldberger, Arthur S. & Gamaletsos, Theodore - 401-427 The correlation coefficient in the general linear model
by Koerts, J. & Abrahamse, A. P. J. - 428-436 Interaction of price and income in consumer demand
by Cramer, J. S.
1969, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 199-211 Methods of choosing equipment at Electricite de France: Development and present-day concept
by Bessiere, Francis - 212-256 Forecasting the supply response of French agriculture with a linear programming model
by Desport, L. - 257-274 New evidence on the determinants of the demand for money: An empirical study of Dutch households
by Nieuwenburg, C. K. F. - 275-306 Short-term economic forecasting in Europe-forecasting methods of 18 European research institutes
by Ray, George F. - 307-313 Cycles and equilibrium
by Brody, A. - 314-318 Governmental experts discuss application of modern mathematical economic methods and computer techniques to economic research
by Sunberg, Barbara F.
1969, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-73 Maximum likelihood estimation of a complete system of demand equations
by Barten, A. P. - 74-91 The concept of separability and the optimization of economic organization
by Bessiere, Francis - 92-121 The introduction of risk into a programming model: Different criteria and the actual behavior of farmers
by Boussard, J. M. - 122-133 Comparative efficiency of maximum likelihood and ex ante reduced form for forecasting: Study of a simple model
by Geary, R. C. - 134-191 Multi-level programming --a first report on the model and on the experimental computations
by Kornai, J.