July 1989, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 286-289 Book Review: Shaping of Diamonds in Surat: Some Passas (Facets)
by V. N. Kothari
July 1989, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-23 Recent Theories of Imperfect Competition and International Trade: Any Implications for Development Strategy?
by T. N. Srinivasan - 25-43 Consumer Demand in a System of Partial Rationing and Dual Pricing
by Subhash C. Ray - 45-66 Trade Behaviour of Firms: An Empirical Study of the Size and Foreign Collaboration Effects
by Neelam Singh - 67-81 The Unequal Exchange Thesis-A Critical Evaluation
by N. Agarwala - 83-100 Lending Decisions and Spreads: The Syndicated Euro-Currency Credit Market
by Khan Masood Ahmad - 101-123 A Planning Model for Punjab in Consistency Framework
by B. S. Ghuman
January 1989, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 125-127 Book Review: India's Trade with Japan: Constraints and Opportunities
by R. N. Bharadwaj - 127-128 Book Review: World Bank and the Third World Countries of Asia
by Swapna Mukhopadhyay - 128-130 Book Review: The State and the Rural Economic Transformation: The Case of Punjab 1950-1985
by Ranjit Sau - 130-132 Book Review: Multinationals from the Third World
by N. S. Siddharthan - 133-135 Book Review: Unstable Agriculture and Droughts
by A. Vaidyanathan - 135-138 Book Review: Farmers' Movement in India
by Harsh Sethi - 139-140 Book Review: State Policies and Internal Migration: Studies in Market and Planned Economics
by L. K. Deshpande - 140-142 Book Review: Economic impact of Government Expenditure
by K. N. Reddy - 142-144 Book Review: Theories of Inflation: A Critical survey
by V. S. Minocha - 144-147 Book Review: Pricing Policies and Price controls in Developing Countries
by Ashok Mathur - 148-150 Book Review: The Estimation and Forecasting of Trade Shares
by Puran Mongia
July 1988, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 145-165 Macro Constraints on India's Economic Growth
by Lance Taylor - 167-205 Regional Disparities in Agricultural Labour Productivity and Rural Poverty in India
by S. Mahendra Dev - 207-229 R & D Behaviour of Indian Firms: A Stochastic Control Model
by L. K. Raut - 231-262 A Comparative Analysis of India's Export Performance, 1965-80
by Manmohan Agarwal - 263-274 Dynamic Benefit Cost Ratio Criterion for Practical Sequential Ranking to Encourage Cost Control and Self Help
by H. D. Vinod - 275-277 Book Review: Pharmaceutical Economics
by Neelam Singh - 277-278 Book Review: Macroeconomic Systems: Construction, Validation and Applications
by P. D. Sharma - 278-280 Book Review: Consumer Economics After Keynes
by B. L. Pandit
January 1988, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-26 Ideology and Economic Policy
by Raj Krishna - 27-43 Policy Choices for Developing Countries
by Bela Balassa - 45-59 Macroeconomic Adjustments in a Dual Economy under Policy Controlled Domestic Terms of Trade
by John Rattso - 61-81 The Determinants of Urban Unemployment in India
by Deepak Lal - 83-106 Household Composition and the Measurement of Disparity in Levels of Living
by Satya Paul - 107-120 Firm Size and Saving Behaviour: A Study of Selected Indian Engineering Firms
by B. C. Purohit - 121-138 Finance Commission Transfers in India: A Critical Note
by Sudha Subrahmanyam - 139-140 Book Review: Modern Theory of Public Finance
by S. Ahsan
July 1987, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 107-109 Book Review: Pioneers in Development
by Mrinal Datta Chaudhuri - 109-112 Book Review: Quarterly Prediction of Reserve Money Multiplier and Money Stock in India
by S. B. Gupta - 113-114 Book Review: Culture and Development
by Shanti George - 115-149 The Planning Process and the Annual Budgets: Some Reflections on Recent Indian Experience
by B. S. Minhas - 151-178 Trends in Productivity Growth Across Large Scale Manufacturing Industries of India: 1973/74 to 1978/79
by Parviz Dabar-Alai - 179-194 Harris-Todaro Migration-Mechanism and the Optimum Development of the Urban Sector
by Manash Ranjan Gupta - 195-211 Tariff and Non-Tariff Protection Through a Social Accounting Matrix-Case Study of an African Economy
by A. Ghosh - 213-218 Book Review: Agricultural Change and Rural Poverty: Variations on a Theme by Dharam Narain
by Raghav Gaiha - 219-220 Book Review: Statistical Foundations of Econometric Modelling
by V. Pandit - 221-223 Book Review: Oilseeds Economy of India-A Case Study of Groundnut
by Ashok Gulati - 223-225 Book Review: Income, Productivity and Industrial Structure
by K. R. G. Nair
January 1987, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Political Economy of Development in India
by P. N. Dhar - 19-49 On the Choice of Appropriate Consumer Price Indices and Data Sets for Estimating the Incidence of Poverty in India
by B. S. Minhas & L. R. Jain & S. M. Kansal & M. R. Saluja - 51-77 Determinants of Foodgrain Prices in India: An Empirical Study, 1961-83
by C. Bhujangarao - 79-93 Use of Pooled Data- An Empirical Note on Demand Analysis
by Amita Majumdar - 95-105 A Note on the Effects of Tax-Subsidy Policies on the Personal Distribution of Income in Dual Economies
by A. Das-Gupta