November 1947, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 237-238 Colony to Nation: A History of Canada. By Arthur R. M. Lower. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1946. Pp. xiii, 600. $5.50
by Imlah, Albert H. - 238-239 Trade and Empire - The Spanish Empire in America. By C. H. Haring. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947. Pp. viii, 338. $5.00
by Whitaker, Arthur P. - 240-241 Great Britain in the World Economy. By Alfred Edward Kahn. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. Pp. 314. $4.00
by Jenks, Leland H. - 241-243 The World and Africa: An Inquiry into the Part which Africa Has Played in World History. By W. E. Burghardt DuBois. New York: The Viking Press, 1947. Pp. xii, 276. $3.00
by Williams, Eric - 243-244 India in World Politics. By Lanka Sundaram. Delhi: Sultan Chand and Company, 1944. Pp. 285. Rs. 10/8. - India's Armies and Their Costs. By Lanka Sundaram. Bombay: Avanti Prakashan, 1946. Pp. 256. Rs. 10. - The East India Company: 1784–1834. By C. H. Philips. [Publications of the University of Manchester No. 270, Historical Series No. 77.] Manchester: The University Press, 1940. Pp. 353. 20s
by Thorner, Daniel - 244-245 Yankee Ships in China Seas: Adventures of Pioneer Americans in the Troubled Far East. By Daniel Henderson. New York: Hastings House, 1946. Pp. xiv, 274. $3.00
by Harrington, Fred Harvey - 245-246 Greater America: Essays in Honor of Herbert Eugene Bolton. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1945. Pp. ix, 723. $6.00
by Rowland, Donald - 246-247 The Evolution of the Netherlands Indies Economy. By J. H. Boeke. New York: Netherlands and Netherlands Indies Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1946. Pp. x, 180. Cloth, $2.50; paper, $2.00
by de Kiewiet, C. W. - 247-247 Welfare and Planning in the West Indies. By T. S. Simey. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1947. Pp. xi, 267. $4.75
by Reid, Ira De A. - 247-248 Slave and Citizen: The Negro in the Americas. By Frank Tannenbaum. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. Pp. xi, 128, xi. $2.00
by Smith, T. Lynn - 248-249 The Trade of Nations. By Michael A. Heilperin. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. Pp. xix, 234, vii. $3.00
by Bowen, Ralph H. - 249-250 Agricultural Problems - Canadian Agricultural Policy: The Historical Pattern. By Vernon C. Fowke. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1946. Pp. xii, 304. $3.50
by Drummond, W. M. - 251-251 History of Agriculture in Ontario: 1613–1880. By Robert Leslie Jones. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1946. Pp. xvi, 420. $4.25
by Ross, Earle D. - 251-252 The First Half-Century of Wadsworth Tenancy. By Neil Adams McNall. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1945. Pp. 31. Fifty cents
by Alexander, Edward P. - 252-253 Marketing Farm Products. By Geoffrey Seddon Shepherd. Ames: Iowa State College Press, 1946. Pp. 455. $4.25
by Schaars, Marvin A. - 253-253 The Diary of Alexander James McPhail. Edited by Harold A. Innis. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1940. Pp. xi, 289. $2.50
by Edwards, Everett E. - 254-255 Two Blades of Grass: A History of Scientific Development in the U. S. Department of Agriculture. By T. Swann Harding. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1947. Pp. 367. $3.50
by Shannon, Fred A. - 255-256 Business Leaders and Business Practices - Men of Erie: A Story of Human Effort. By Edward Hungerford. New York: Random House, 1946. Pp. xiv, 346. $3.75
by Kirkland, Edward C. - 256-257 Light Metals Monopoly. By Charlotte F. Muller. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. Pp. 279. $3.00
by Marburg, Theodore F. - 257-257 A History of Printing in North Carolina: A detailed account of the pioneer printers, 1749–1800 and of The Edwards & Broughton Company, 1871–1946, including a brief account of the connecting period. By George Washington Paschal. Introduction by Josephus Daniels. Raleigh: Edwards and Broughton Company, 1946. Pp. xxii, 313. $5.00
by Martin, Thomas P. - 258-258 Fee and Fee Bills: Some Economic Aspects of Medical Practice in Nineteenth Century America. By George Rosen. [Supplement to the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, No. 6.] Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1946. Pp. 93. $1.50
by Stern, Bernhard J. - 258-259 Building Lenin's Russia. By Simon Liberman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1945. Pp. vi, 229. $3.00
by Lower, A. R. M. - 259-260 The French Railroads and the State. By Kimon A. Doukas. [Studies in History, Economics and Public Law No. 517.] New York: Columbia University Press, 1945. Pp. 287. $3.50
by Dunham, Arthur L. - 260-262 American Chemical Industry. Volumes II and III, The World War I Period: 1912–1922. By Williams Haynes. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1945. Pp. xliii, 440, and xv, 606. $8.00 per volume
by Kreps, Theodore J. - 262-262 California Yankee. William R. Staats, Business Pioneer. By Carol Green Wilson. Claremont: Saunders Press, 1946. Pp. 184. $3.75
by Andrews, Wayne - 262-263 Battle for Chicago. By Wayne Andrews. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1946. Pp. ix, 358. $3.75
by Green, Constance McL. - 263-264 The Cotton Textile Industry of Fall River, Massachusetts: A Study of Industrial Localization. By Thomas Russell Smith. New York: King's Crown Press, 1944. Pp. 175. $2.00. - The Decline of a Cotton Textile City: A Study of New Bedford. By Seymour Louis Wolfbein. New York: Columbia University Press; London: P. S. King and Staples, Ltd., 1944. Pp. 179. $2.50
by Reynolds, Lloyd G. - 265-266 History of Economic Thought - Studies in the Classical Theories of Money. By Karl H. Niebyl. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. Pp. xii, 190. $2.50
by Redlich, Fritz - 266-268 Das Arbeitsethos des deutschen Protestantismus von der nachreformatorischen Zeit bis zur Aufklärung. By Klara Vontobel. [Beiträge zur Soziologie und Sozialphilosophie. Edited by René König, Priv.-Doz. an der Universität Zürich, Band 2.] Berne, Switzerland: A. Francke AG. Verlag, 1946. Pp. vi, 162. Swiss Fr. 12.00
by Correll, Ernst - 268-269 Religion in Economics; A Study of John Bates Clark, Richard T. Ely, Simon N. Patten. By John Rutherford Everett. New York: King's Crown Press, 1946. Pp. xiii, 160. $2.50
by Kennedy, D. R. - 269-270 The Response of Jean Bodin to the Paradoxes of Malestroit and The Paradoxes. By George Albert Moore. Translated from the French second edition. Paris: Jacques du Puys, 1578. Washington, D. C.: The Country Dollar Press, 1946. Pp. xviii, 90. $1.00
by Reynolds, Beatrice - 270-272 Labor Relations - Government and Labor in Early America. By Richard B. Morris. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. Pp. 557. $6.75
by Jernegan, M. W. - 272-273 Labor and the Law. By Charles O. Gregory. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1946. Pp. 467. $5.00
by Stein, Emanuel - 273-274 Labor Unionism in American Agriculture. [United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 836.] Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1945. Pp. 457. Seventy cents
by Cox, LaWanda - 275-277 The Social System of the Modern Factory. The Strike: A Social Analysis. By W. Lloyd Warner and J. O. Low [The Yankee City Series, Vol. 4.] New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947. Pp. 245. $3.00
by Handlin, Oscar
May 1947, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-23 Jackson, Biddle, and the Bank of the United States
by Hammond, Bray - 24-52 Inner Asian Frontiers: Chinese and Russian Margins of Expansion
by Lattimore, Owen - 53-68 Governmental Policy and the Domestic Telegraph Industry
by Goldin, H. H. - 69-82 The Decline of the Medici Bank
by de Roover, Raymond - 83-84 Social Doctrines and Economic Theory - Theory and Practice in Historical Study: A Report of the Committee on Historiography. New York: Social Science Research Council, Bulletin 54, 1946. Pp. xi, 177. $1.75
by Lane, Frederic C. - 85-87 The Economic Mind in American Civilization 1606–1865. By Joseph Dorfman. New York: Viking Press, 1946. Volume I, pp. xii, 499, xxxi; Volume II, pp. vi, 987, lv. $7.50
by Roll, Eric - 87-88 The Socialist Tradition: From Moses to Lenin. By Alexander Gray. London and New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1946. Pp. v–vii, 523. $7.50
by Artz, Frederick B. - 88-89 Monetary Policies and Full Employment. By William Fellner. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1946. Pp. xx, 268. $3.50
by Dillard, Dudley - 89-90 American Radicalism, 1865–1901: Essays and Documents. By Chester McArthur Destler. New London, Conn.: Connecticut College, 1946. Pp. xii, 276. Cloth, $3.50; paper, $2.50
by Goldman, Eric F. - 90-92 A History of Banking Theory in Great Britain and the United States. By Lloyd W. Mints. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1945. Pp. 319. $3.50
by Redlich, Fritz - 92-93 William Morris: Medievalist and Revolutionary. By Margaret R. Grennan. New York: King's Crown Press, 1945. Pp. x, 173. $2.50
by Orton, William Aylott - 93-94 China a Model for Europe. By Lewis A. Maverick. San Antonio, Texas: Paul Anderson Company, 1946. Pp. xii, 334. $4.50
by Biggerstaff, Knight - 94-95 Government Policy - Commercial Policy in the Canadian Economy. By Orville John McDiarmid. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1946. Pp. viii, 397. $4.50
by Saunders, S. A. - 95-96 Rochester: The Water Power City 1812–1854. By Blake McKelvey. [Rochester Public Library, Kate Gleason Fund Publications, No. 1.] Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1945. Pp. xvi, 383. $4.00. - Chambersburg: Its Record and Its Prospect. By the Chambersburg Community Development Committee. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania: The Chamber of Commerce, 1945. Pp. xi, 164
by Miller, William - 97-97 An Introduction to the Papers of the New York Prize Court, 1861–1865. By Madeleine Russell Robinton. Edited by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University. New York: Columbia University Press, 1945. Pp. 203. $2.75
by Morris, Richard B. - 98-98 History of the National Federation of Post Office Clerks. By Lt. Comdr. Karl Baarslag, U.S.N.R. Washington, D.C.: National Federation of Post Office Clerks, 1945. Pp. 216
by Grossman, Jonathan - 98-100 “Notes on the Economic History of the Chin Dynasty.” By Lien-sheng Yang. Harvard-Yanching Institute, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, IX (June 1946), No. 2, pp. 107–185
by Chuan, Han-sheng - 100-101 American Agriculture - Agriculture in an Unstable Economy. By Theodore W. Schultz. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1945. Pp. xix, 299. $2.75
by Danhof, Clarence H. - 101-102 The Wages of Farm and Factory Laborers, 1914–1944. By Daniel J. AhearnJr [Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, No. 518.] New York: Columbia University Press, 1945. Pp. 245. $3.00
by Reynolds, Lloyd G. - 102-103 Seaman A. Knapp: Schoolmaster of American Agriculture. By Joseph Cannon Bailey. [Columbia University Studies in the History of American Agriculture, No. 10.] New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. xiii, 307. $3.25
by Demaree, A. L. - 103-104 Production Credit for Southern Cotton Growers. By A. E. Nielsen. New York: King's Crown Press, 1946. Pp. 194. $2.50
by Saloutos, Theodore - 105-105 Two Billion Acre Farm: An Informal History of American Agriculture. By Robert West Howard. Garden City, New York: Doubleday Doran, 1945. Pp. x, 209. $2.50
by Edwards, Everett E. - 105-106 Seasonal Farm Labor in the United States with Special Reference to Hired Workers in Fruit and Vegetable and Sugar-beet Production. By Harry Schwartz. [Columbia University Studies in the History of American Agriculture, No. 11.] New York: Columbia University Press, 1945. Pp. xii, 172. $2.25
by Danhof, Clarence H. - 106-107 Land Title Origins: A Tale of Force and Fraud. By Alfred N. Chandler. New York: Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 1945. Pp. xvi, 550. $3.00
by Morris, Richard B. - 107-108 Landlords and Farmers in the Hudson-Mohawk Region: 1790–1850. By David Maldwyn Ellis. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1946. Pp. 347. $4.00
by McKelvey, Blake - 108-109 Frontier Landlords and Pioneer Tenants. By Paul Wallace Gates. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1945. Pp. 64. Seventy-five cents. (Reprinted from Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, June 1945.)
by Kemmerer, Donald L. - 109-111 Business History - The Metropolitan Life: A Study in Business Growth. By Marquis James. New York: The Viking Press, 1947. Pp. 480. $5.00
by Clough, Shepard B. - 111-113 Les Relations des papes d'Avignon et des compagnies commerciales et bancaires de 1316 à 1378. By Yves Renouard. [Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, Fasc. 151.] Paris: E. de Boccard, 1941. Pp. xxvii, 694. - Recherches sur les compagnies commerciales et bancaires utilisiés par les papes d'Avignon avant le Grand Schisme. By Yves Renouard. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1942. Pp. 62
by de Roover, Florence Edler - 113-116 Railroad Consolidation under the Transportation Act of 1920. By William N. Leonard. [Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, No. 522.] New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. Pp. 350. $4.00
by Overton, Richard C. - 116-117 History of Mutual Savings Banks in Northampton, Massachusetts. By Katherine Finney. New York: King's Crown Press, 1945. Pp. x, 225. $2.50
by Schwartz, Anna Jacobson - 117-118 Henry Meiggs: Yankee Pizarro. By Watt Stewart. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1946. Pp. xii, 370. $4.00
by Heaton, Herbert - 118-119 Letters of William Davies, Toronto, 1854–1861. Edited by William Sherwood Fox. With a Preface by H. A. Innis. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1945. Pp. viii, 144. $2.00
by Drummond, W. M. - 119-120 An Economic History of the Indiana Oolitic Limestone Industry. By Joseph A. Batchelor. [Indiana Business Studies, No. 27.] Bloomington: School of Business, Indiana University, 1944. Pp. 382
by Manes, Alfred - 120-121 The First Hundred Years of the Buffalo Chamber of Commerce. By Lloyd Graham and Frank H. Severance. Buffalo: Foster & Stewart Publishing Corporation, 1945. Pp. xviii, 302. $3.50
by McKelvey, Blake - 121-122 The Chicago Tribune: Its First Hundred Years, 1865–1880, Vol. II. By Philip Kinsley. Chicago: The Chicago Tribune, 1945. Pp. xv, 349. $3.00
by Innis, Harold A. - 122-123 Clark, Dodge & Co., 1845–1945: A Brief History, Marking the Completion of a Hundred Years of Activity on Wall St.New York: Privately printed for Clark, Dodge & Co., 1945. Pp. 45. - The First Century of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1846–1946. By John W. Colton. Hartford: Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1946. Pp. 95. - Pioneers in Industry: The Story of Fairbanks, Morse and Co., 1810–1945. Chicago: Fairbanks, Morse and Co., 1945. Pp. 159. - The Magic Powder: History of the Universal Atlas Cement Company and the Cement Industry. By Earl J. Hadley. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1945. Pp. xiv, 382. $3.50. - The First Hundred Years of An American Institution: The Story of Johnson and Higgins, Insurance Brokers and Average Adjusters, 1845–1945. New York: Johnson and Higgins, 1945. Pp. 108
by Cochran, Thomas C.
January 1946, Volume 6, Issue S1
- 1-15 An Approach to the Study of Entrepreneurship: A Tribute to Edwin F. Gay
by Cole, Arthur H. - 16-27 The Business Entrepreneur in a Changing Colonial Economy, 1763–1795
by East, Robert A. - 28-49 Entrepreneurial Leadership Among the “Robber Barons”: A Trial Balance
by Destler, Chester McArthur - 50-62 Other Wests Than Ours
by Heaton, Herbert - 63-90 Economic Stagnation in the Early Roman Empire
by Hammond, Mason - 91-102 Retardative Factors in French Economic Development in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
by Clough, Shepard B. - 103-122 The Declining American Maritime Industries: An Unsolved Problem, 1860–1940
by Hutchins, John G. B.
November 1946, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 121-152 The Pragmatic Basis of Keynes's Political Economy
by Dillard, Dudley - 153-172 The Medici Bank Financial and Commercial Operations
by de Roover, Raymond - 173-190 The Spring-Wheat Farmer in a Maturing Economy 1870–1920
by Saloutos, Theodore - 191-196 The Crisis in French Economy at the Beginning of the Revolution1
by Clough, Shepard B. - 197-199 French Histories of France - La France bourgeoise: XVIII–XX siècles. By Charles Morazé. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1946. Pp. xvi, 216
by Dunham, Arthur L. - 199-201 La Vie économique et sociale de la Bourgoyne dans le haut moyen âge. By André Déléage. Mâcon: Protat Frères, 1941. 3 vols. Pp. 1,495
by Painter, Sidney - 201-202 Politique économique de Louis XI. By Renè Gandilhon. Rennes: Imprimeries réunies, 1940; Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1941. Pp. 476
by Strayer, Joseph R. - 203-204 Business Leadership - A Century of American Life Insurance: A History of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, 1843–1943. By Shepard B. Clough. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. Pp. xiii, 402. $4.50
by Hidy, R.W. - 204-206 Mark Twain, Business Man. Edited by Samuel Charles Webster. [An Atlantic Monthly Press Book.] Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1946. Pp. xii, 409. $4.00
by Gras, N. S. B. - 206-207 Business Leadership in the Large Corporation. By Robert Aaron Gordon. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1945. Pp. xiv, 369. $3.00
by Stauss, James H. - 207-209 Timing a Century: History of the Waltham Watch Company. By Charles W. Moore. [Harvard Studies in Business History, XI. Edited by N. S. B. Gras.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1945. Pp. xxxiv, 362. $4.00
by Green, Constance McLaughlin - 209-212 Alexander Hamilton - Alexander Hamilton. By Nathan Schachner. New York and London: D. Appleton Century Company, 1946. Pp. vi, 488. $4.00
by Wettereau, James O. - 212-213 Histories of Labor Unions - The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: Its Origin and Development. By Brailsford R. Brazeal. New York: Harper and Brothers. Pp. xiv, 258. $3.00
by Leiserson, William M. - 213-214 Lumber and Labor. By Vernon H. Jensen. [Labor in Twentieth Century America.] New York and Toronto: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc., 1945. Pp. x, 314. $3.00
by Larson, Agnes M. - 214-215 Geshikhte fun der yidisher arbeter-bavegung in di Fareynikte Shtatn [History of the Jewish Labor Movement in the United States]. Edited by E. Tcherikower. New York: Yiddish Scientific Institute, 1943. Vol. I. Pp. 414. $3.50
by Rivkin, Ellis - 215-215 Father Yorke and the Labor Movement in San Francisco, 1900–1910. By Bernard Cornelius Cronin. [The Catholic University of America Studies in Economics, Volume 12.] Washington, D. C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1943. Pp. ix, 239. $2.25
by Barker, Charles Albro - 215-216 “Gentlemen, The Press!” Chronicles of a Crusade—Official History of the National Union of Journalists. By J. F. Mansfield. London: W. H. Allen, 1943. Pp. 579. 15s. 6d
by Innis, Harold A. - 216-216 Labor in America. By Harold U. Faulkner and Mark Starr. Introduction by S. P. McCutchen. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1944. Pp. xiii, 305. $1.60
by Killingsworth, Charles C. - 216-217 Trade Union Publications. By Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1945. 3 vols. Pp. xxxii, 416; lvii, 486; xv, 487–931. $25.00
by Taft, Philip - 217-218 Liberalism - Edward Bellamy. By Arthur Morgan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1945. Pp. xx, 468. $5.00
by David, Henry - 218-219 The Church and the Liberal Society. By Emmet John Hughes. Princeton: Princeton University Press; London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1944. Pp. xv, 310. $3.00. - An Essay on the Economic Effects of the Reformation. By George O'Brien. Westminster, Md.: The Newman Bookshop, 1944. Pp. x, 194. $2.50
by Orton, William Aylott - 220-220 The Liberal Tradition: A Study of the Social and Spiritual Condition of Freedom. By William Aylott Orton. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1945. Pp. xiv, 317. $3.50
by Handlin, Oscar - 220-221 The Co-operative Movement - A Century of Co-operation. By G. D. H. Cole. Manchester: The Co-operative Union, 1945. Pp. iv, 428. 10s
by Williams, Judith Blow - 221-222 A Century of Rochdale Co-operation, 1844–1944: A Critical but Sympathetic Survey of a Significant Movement of the Workers for Economic Emancipation. By Joseph Reeves. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1944. Pp. vi, 202. 7s. 6d
by Warbasse, James Peter - 222-223 Industrial and Agricultural Studies - Etat des péches maritimes sur les côtes occidentales de la France au début du XVIII siècle d'après les procès-verbaux de visite de l'Inspecteur des Pêches le Masson du Parc (1723–1732). By Eric Dardel. Paris: Imprimerie André Tournon et Cie, 1941. Pp. 156. - La Pêche harenguière en France: étude d'histoire économique et sociale. By Eric Dardel. Paris: Imprimerie André Tournon et Cie, 1941. Pp. 319
by Innis, Harold A. - 223-224 The Romance of Mining. By T. A. Rickard. Toronto: Macmillan Company, 1945. Pp. viii, 450. $3.75
by Richter, F. E. - 224-225 Shepherd's Empire. By Charles Wayland Towne and Edward Norris Wentworth. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1945. Pp. xii, 364. $3.50
by Edwards, Everett E. - 225-225 A Saga of the St. Lawrence: Timber and Shipping Through Three Generations. By D. D. Calvin. Boston: Bruce Humphries, 1945. Pp. x, 176. $3.75; Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1945. $3.00
by Lower, A. R. M. - 225-226 James Watt and the Industrial Revolution. By H. W. Dickinson and H. P. Vowles. [Science in Britain.] London: Longmans, Green and Company, 1944. Pp. 59. 1s
by Roll, Eric - 226-227 Mississippi Farmers, 1850–1860. By Herbert Weaver. Nashville: The Vanderbilt Press, 1945. Pp. 139. $2.50
by Shannon, Fred A. - 227-227 Steelways of New England. By Alvin F. Harlow. New York: Creative Age Press, 1946. Pp. 461. $3.50
by Kirkland, Edward C. - 228-228 Other Reviews and Brief Notices - Capitalism and Slavery. By Eric Williams. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1945. Pp. ix, 245. $3.00
by Donnan, Elizabeth - 229-230 Government Assistance in Eighteenth-Century France. By Shelby T. McCloy. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1946. Pp. xi, 496. $6.00
by Beik, Paul H. - 230-231 Currency in Roman and Byzantine Egypt. By Louis C. West and Alan Chester Johnson. [Princeton University Studies in Papyrology, No. 5.] Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944. Pp. ix, 195. $3.00
by Johnson, Jotham - 231-232 The Rise of the Jew in the Western World: A Social and Economic History of the Jewish People of Europe. By Uriah Zevi Engelman. New York: Behrman's Jewish Book House, 1944. Pp. xiii, 238. $3.00
by Rivkin, Ellis - 232-233 The East India Company and the British Empire in the Far East. By Marguerite Eyer Wilbur. New York: Richard R. Smith, 1945. Pp. xiii, 477. $7.50
by Das, Taraknath - 233-234 The Letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the Governor and Committee: Third Series, 1844–46. Edited by E. E. Rich. Toronto: The Champlain Society, 1944. Pp. lxi, 341, xiii
by Pritchett, John Perry - 234-234 The Coopers' Company: A Short History of the Worshipful Company of Coopers of London. By SirWilliam Foster. Cambridge: The University Press, 1944. Pp. viii, 147. £1 15
by Coates, Willson H. - 234-235 Economie internationale: effondrement et reconstruction. By Laurent Dechesne. Bruxelles: Les Editions Comptables, Commerciales et Financières, 1946. Pp. 255
by Emerson, Donald E. - 236-236 Federal Aid and Regulation of Agriculture and Private Industrial Enterprise in the United States: A Survey. By George W. Rightmire. [Graduate School Studies, Contributions in the Social Sciences, No. 17, Law Series, No. 1.] Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1943 Pp. x, 126. $2.00
by Fowke, Vernon C. - 236-237 The South Carolina Rice Plantation: As Revealed in the Papers of Robert F. W. Allston. Edited by J. H. Easterby. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1945. Pp. xxi, 478. $5.00
by Woody, R. H.
May 1946, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-23 A Merchant Adventurer in Brazil 1808–1818
by Heaton, Herbert - 24-52 The Medici Bank Organization and Management
by de Roover, Raymond - 53-72 George Bernard Shaw and Karl Marx
by Irvine, William - 73-79 The History of Prices in the Netherlands - Nederlandsche Prijsgeschiedenis, Deel I: Goederenprijzen of de Beurs van Amsterdam, 1585–1914; Wisselkoersen te Amsterdam, 1609-1914. By N. W Posthumus. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1943. Pp. cxxii, 660. 112.5 florins
by Hamilton, Earl J. - 79-84 The Age of Jackson. By Arthur M. SchlesingerJr, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1945. Pp. xiv, 577. $5.00
by Hammond, Bray - 84-86 The Bank of England: A History, 1694-1914. By Sir John Clapham. Cambridge: The University Press, 1944; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1945. 2 volumes. Pp. x, 278 and 460. £2 2s.; $7.50
by James, F. Cyril - 86-88 North Atlantic Triangle: The Interplay of Canada, the United States, and Great Britain. By John Bartlet Brebner. [The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of Economics and History, The Relations of Canada and the United States.] New Haven: Yale University Press, 1945. Pp. xxii, 385. $4.00
by Heaton, Herbert - 88-91 Origins of Inter-American Interest, 1700-1812. By Harry Bernstein. Published under the direction of the American Historical Association from the income of the Albert J. Beveridge Memorial Fund. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1945. Pp. vii, 125. $2.00
by Goebel, Dorothy Burne - 91-93 National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade. By Albert O. Hirschman. [Publication of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of California.] Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1945. Pp.xiv, 170. $3.00
by Mann, Fritz Karl - 93-94 The Fall of the Old Colonial System: A Study in British Free Trade, 1770-1870. By Robert Livingston Schuyler. New York: Oxford University Press, 1945. Pp. vv, 344. $3.00
by Willcox, William B. - 94-96 Demographic Studies of Selected Areas of Rapid Growth: Proceedings of the Round Table on Population Problems. [Twenty-Second Annual Conference of the Milbank Memorial Fund, April 12-13, I944-] New York: Milbank Memorial Fund, 1944. Pp. iv, 158. $1.00
by Knight, M. M. - 97-97 Aspects of Agrarian History - The Farmer's Last Frontier: Agriculture, 1860-1897. By Fred A. Shannon. [The Economic History of the United States, Vol. V.] New York and Toronto: Farrar and Rinehart, 1945. Pp. xii, 434. Text edition, $3.50; Trade edition, $5.00
by Loeus, Rodney C. - 98-98 The Influence of the Potato on the Course of Irish History. By Redcliffe N. Salaman. Dublin: Brown and Nolan, 1943. Pp. 32. 2s. 6d
by Pomfret, John E. - 98-99 Tin Horns and Calico: A Decisive Episode in the Emergence of Democracy. By Henry Christman. With an Introduction by Carl Carmer. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1945. Pp. xvii, 377. $3.75
by Rezneck, Samuel - 100-100 This Milk Business: A Study, from 1895 to 1943. By Arthur Guy Enock. London: H. K. Lewis and Company, 1943. Pp. 296. 185
by Spang, Kenneth M. - 100-101 Triumphs in Transportation - The Builders of the Bridge: The Story of John Roebling and His Son. By D. B. Steinman. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1945. Pp. xi, 457. $3.50
by Overton, Richard C. - 102-102 Amerigo Vespucci, Pilot Major. By Frederick J. Pohl. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. Pp. x, 249. $3.00
by Lane, Frederic C. - 102-104 Paddle-wheel Days in California. By Jerry MacMullen. Stanford University: Stanford Uni versity Press, 1944. Pp. xiv, 157. $3.00. - Steamboats Come True: American Inventors in Action. By James Thomas Flexner. New York: Viking Press, 1944. Pp. x, 406. $3.50
by Hunter, Louis C. - 104-105 Other Reviews and Brief Notices - The Letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the Governor and Committee, Second Series, 1830-44. Edited by E. E. Rich. With an Introduction by W. Kaye Lamb. [The Publications of the Champlain Society, Hudson's Bay Company Series, VI.] Toronto: The Champlain Society, 1943. Pp. xlix, 427, xv
by Pritchett, John Perry - 105-105 An Essay on the Nature of Real Property in the Classical World. By Angelo Segre. New York: Paul Bassinger, 1943. Pp. 143. $1.50
by Brady, Thomas A. - 106-106 American Catholic Opinion in the Slavery Controversy. By Madeleine Hooke Rice. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. Pp. 177. $2.50
by Crenshaw, Ollinger - 106-107 Calendar of Plea and Memoranda Rolls Preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London at the Guildhall ad. 1413-1437. Edited by A. H. Thomas. Cambridge: The University Press, 1943. Pp. xli, 369. $3.75
by Thrupp, Sylvia L. - 107-108 The History of Rubber Regulation, 1934-1943. Edited by Sir Andrew McFadyean. London: George Allen and Unwin, for the International Rubber Regulation Committee, 1944. Pp. 239. 10s. 6d
by Martin, Thomas P. - 108-109 Historia Económica de Cuba. By H. E. Friedlaender. Prólogo de Herminie Portell Vilá. [Biblioteca de História, Filosofía y Sociología, Vol. XIV.] La Habana: Jesus Montere, 1944. Pp. 596. $6.00
by Jenks, Leland H. - 109-109 The Spirit of Russian Economics. By J. F. Normano. Issued in co-operation with the Russian Economic Institute. New York: The John Day Company, 1945. Pp. xiv, 170. $2.00
by Bergson, Abram
December 1945, Volume 5, Issue S1
- 1-19 In Search of a Business Class in Thirteenth-Century Genoa
by Reynolds, Robert L. - 20-44 The American Business Elite: A Collective Portrait
by Mills, C. Wright - 45-53 Business History and Economic History
by Cole, Arthur H. - 54-65 The Economics in a Business History
by Cochran, Thomas C. - 66-85 Invention as a Factor in Economic History
by Gilfillan, S. C. - 86-92 Labor Policy and Economic History
by Wolman, Leo
November 1945, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 145-171 The “Railroad Scheme” of Massachusetts
by Kirkland, Edward C. - 172-200 Early Examples of Marine Insurance
by de Roover, Florence Edler - 201-214 Isaac Bronson: His Banking Theory and the Financial Controversies of the Jacksonian Period
by Venit, Abraham H. - 215-230 The Historical Explanation of Land Use in New Zealand
by Clark, Andrew H. - 231-234 Changing Economic Systems - A Planned Economy or Free Enterprise: The Lessons of History. By Ephraim Lipson. London: A. and C. Black, 1944. Pp. viii, 318. 15s
by Willcox, W. B. - 234-237 England in the Eighteen-Eighties: Toward a Social Basis for Freedom. By Helen Merrell Lynd. London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1945. Pp. viii, 508. $4.50
by Orton, William Aylott - 237-240 The Nazi Economic System: Germany's Mobilization for War. By Otto Nathan. Durham: Duke University Press, 1944. Pp. ix, 378. $4.00
by Brady, Robert A. - 241-243 Businessmen and Their Methods - The House of Hancock: Business in Boston, 1724–1775. By W. T. Baxter. [Harvard Studies in Business History, Vol. X.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1945 Pp. xxvii, 321. $3.50
by Hedges, James B. - 243-245 The Hall Carbine Affair: A Study in Contemporary Folklore. By R. Gordon Wasson. New York: Privately printed, 1941. Pp. x, 184
by Destler, Chester McA. - 245-247 Development of Two Bank Groups in the Central Northwest: A Study in Bank Policy and Organization. By Charles Sterling Popple. [Harvard Studies in Business History, IX.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1944. Pp. xxv, 418. $4.50
by James, F. Cyril - 247-248 Benjamin Tallmadge: Revolutionary Soldier and American Businessman. By Charles Swain Hall. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. x, 375. $3.50
by East, Robert A. - 249-250 Social Thought and Economic Theory - History of Economic Doctrines: An Introduction to Economic Theory. By Eduard Heimann. London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1945. Pp. ix, 263. $3.50
by Whittaker, Edmund - 250-251 Social Darwinism in American Thought, 1860–1915. By Richard Hofstadter. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1944. Pp. viii, 191. $2.50
by Cochran, Thomas C. - 251-252 The Economic Thought of Woodrow Wilson. By William Diamond. [The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series LXI, No. 4.] Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1943. Pp. xiv, 210. Paper, $2.00; cloth, $2.50
by Spengler, J. J. - 252-253 The History of Economics in Its Relation to Social Development. By W. Stark. New York: Oxford University Press, 1944. Pp. viii, 80. $2.00
by Roll, Eric - 253-255 Money and Banking - Essays in American Economic History: Eric Bollmann and Studies in Banking. By Fritz Redlich. New York: E. G. Stechert and Company, 1944. Pp. v, 199. $2.00
by Wettereau, James O. - 255-256 Gold and the Gold Standard: The Story of Gold Money Past, Present and Future. By Edwin Walter Kemmerer. New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1944. Pp. ix, 238. $2.50. - International Currency Experience: Lessons of the Inter-War Period. By Economic, Financial and Transit Department, League of Nations. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944. Pp. 249. $3.25
by Nichols, Jeannette P. - 256-257 Central Banking Functions of the United States Treasury, 1789–1941. By Esther Rogoff Taus. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. xii, 313. $3.50
by Warren, Robert - 257-258 Land Use in America - Land Tenure Problems in the Santa Fe Railroad Grant Area. By Sanford A. Mosk. [Publications of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of California.] Berkeley: University of California Press, 1944. Pp. 66. $1.00
by Gates, Paul Wallace - 258-258 Plant Geography and Culture History in the American Southwest. By George F. Carter. [Publications in Anthropology, No. 5.] New York: Viking Fund, 1945. Pp. 140. $1.50
by Mosk, Sanford A. - 259-260 Malaria in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1760–1900. By Erwin H. Ackernecht. [Supplement to the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, No. 4.] Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1945. Pp. viii, 142. $2.00
by Clapesattle, Helen - 260-260 The Boom of the Eighties in Southern California. By Glenn S. Dumke. San Marino, California: Huntington Library, 1944. Pp. xi, 313. $3.75
by Gates, Paul Wallace - 261-261 The Méline Tariff: French Agriculture and Nationalist Economic Policy. By Eugene Owen Golob. [Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, No. 506]. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. Pp. 266. $3.25
by Knight, M. M. - 261-262 Principio to Wheeling, 1715–1945: A Pageant of Iron and Steel. By Earl Chapin May. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1945. Pp. xiv, 335. $3.00
by Batchelor, Joseph A. - 262-263 The Completion of Independence, 1790–1830. By John Allen Krout and Dixon Ryan Fox. [A History of American Life, Vol. V.] New York: The Macmillan Company, 1944. Pp. xxiii, 487. $4.00
by Handlin, Oscar - 263-263 Pioneering in Penology: The Amsterdam Houses of Correction in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Thorsten Sellin. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1944. Pp. viii, 125. $2.50
by Barbour, Violet - 263-263 Asia Between Two World Wars. By J. F. Normano. [Proceedings of the Graduate Seminar on Economic Problems of Modern Asia, Vol. I.] New York: Iranian Institute and School of Asiatic Studies, 1944. Pp. 89. $2.00
by Lattimore, Owen - 264-264 Israel Pemberton: King of the Quakers. By Theodore Thayer. Philadelphia: The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1943. Pp. v, 260. $2.50
by Crane, Verner W. - 264-265 Camillus: The Story of an American Small Business. By Alfred Lief. [Business Life in America Series.] New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. Pp. 88. $2.00
by Gibb, Georce S. - 265-265 The Food Front in World War I. By Maxcy Robson Dickson. With an Introduction by Claude Wickard. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1944. Pp. 194. Cloth, $3.25; paper, $2.50
by Edwards, Everett E. - 265-267 The Economic Development of French Indo-China. By Charles Robequain. Translation by Isabel A. Ward. With a Supplement, “Recent Developments in Indo-China: 1939–1943,” by John R. Andrus and Katrine R. C. Greene. Issued under the auspices of the International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations. London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1944. Pp. vii, 400. $4.00
by Knight, M. M. - 267-267 Local History: How to Gather it, Write it, and Publish it. By Donald Dean Parker. Revised and edited by Bertha E. Josephson for the Committee on Guide for Study of Local History of the Social Science Research Council. New York: Social Science Research Council, 1944. Pp. xiv, 186. $1.00
by Bogart, E. L. - 267-268 Confederate Mississippi: The People and Policies of a Cotton State in Wartime. By John K. Bettersworth. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1943. Pp. xi, 386. $3.00
by Clark, Thomas D. - 268-268 The Harmonists: A Personal History. By John S. Duss. Harrisburg: The Pennsylvania Book Service, 1943. Pp. xviii, 425. $3.50
by Leopold, Richard W. - 269-269 British Economic Interests in the Far East. By E. M. Gull. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs as a report in the International Research Series of the Institute of Pacific Relations. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations in association with the Oxford University Press, 1943. Pp. vii, 272. $3.00
by Jenks, Leland H. - 270-270 Iron and Steel in Britain, 1870–1930: A Comparative Study of the Causes Which Limited the Economic Development of the British Iron and Steel Industry Between the Years 1870–1930. By T. H. Burnham and G. O. Hoskins. London: Allen and Unwin, 1943. Pp. 352. 25s. - A Steel Man in India. By John L. Keenan, with the collaboration of Lenore Soresby. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1943. Pp. xiii, 224. $2.50
by Usher, Abbott Payson
May 1945, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-23 Origins of the American Business Corporation
by Handlin, Oscar & Handlin, Mary F. - 24-42 The Realism of Saint-Simon's Spiritual Program1
by Stark, W. - 43-59 Business Manuscripts: A Pressing Problem
by Cole, Arthur H. - 60-64 The New York Committee on Business Records
by Cochran, Thomas C. - 65-69 Medieval Money and Banking - The Early History of Deposit Banking in Mediterranean Europe. By Abbott Payson Usher. [Harvard Economic Studies LXXV.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1943. Vol. I. Pp. xx, 649. $5.00
by Stockder, A. H. - 69-75 Labor History - The Cotton Mill Worker. By Herbert J. Lahne. [Labor in Twentieth Century America.] New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1944. Pp. xiii, 303. $3.00. - The Printing Trades. By Jacob Loft. [Labor in Twentieth Century America.] New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1944. Pp. xiii, 301. $3.00. - The Rubber Workers: Labor Organization and Collective Bargaining in the Rubber Industry. By Harold S. Roberts. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1944. Pp. xiii, 441. $4.00. - The Headwear Workers: A Century of Trade Unionism. By Charles H. Green. New York: United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union, 1944. Pp. 269. $2.00. - Growth of a Union: The Life and Times of Edward Flore. By Jay Rubin and M. J. Obermeier. New York: The Historical Union Association, 1943. Pp. xv, 320. $3.00. - Bread Upon the Waters. By Rose Pesotta. Edited by John Nicholas Beffel. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1944. Pp. x, 435. $3.00. - Tailor's Progress: The Story of a Famous Union and the Men Who Made It. By Benjamin Stolberg. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1944. Pp. vi, 360. $2.75
by Leiserson, William M. - 75-77 American Negro Slave Revolts. By Herbert Aptheker. [Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, No. 501.] New York: Columbia University Press, 1943. Pp. 409. 4.50
by Craven, Avery - 77-80 Possibilities in the History of Prices - Western Prices Before 1861: A Study of the Cincinnati Market. By Thomas Senior Berry. [Harvard Economic Studies, Vol. LXXIV.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1943. Pp. xxi, 645. $5.00
by Bezanson, Anne - 80-81 Prices Paid by Vermont Farmers for Goods and Services and Received by Them for Farm Products, 1790–1940; Wages of Vermont Farm Labor, 1780–1940. By T. M. Adams. [Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 507.] Burlington, Vermont: Agricultural Experiment Station, 1944.Pp. 176 and 71. Gratis
by Danhof, Clarence H. - 81-84 Social Thought and Economic Theory - The Growth of American Thought. By Merle Curti. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1943. Pp. xx, 848. $5.00
by Kirkland, Edward C. - 84-86 British Colonial Theories, 1570–1850. By Klaus E. Knorr. With a Foreword by H. A. Innis. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1944. Pp. xix, 429. $4.00
by Whittaker, Edmund - 86-87 A Judgment of the Old Régime; Being a Survey by the Parlement of Provence of French Economic and Fiscal Policies at the Close of the Seven Years War. By Paul H. Beik. [Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, ed. by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University, No. 509.] New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. Pp. 290. $3.00
by Gershoy, Leo