December 1989, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 1059-1060 Sports and Freedom: The Rise of Big-Time College Athletics. By Ronald A Smith. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Pp. xiv, 290. $29.95
by Engerman, Stanley L. - 1060-1060 The Wealth Creators: An Entrepreneurial History of the United States. By Gerald Gunderson. New York: E. P. Dutton/Truman Talley Books, 1989. Pp. viii, 278. $18.95
by Cochran, Thomas C. - 1061-1062 Voluntarism, Planning, and the State: The American Planning Experience, 1914–1946. Edited by Jerold E. Brown and Patrick D. Reagan. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press Inc., 1988. Pp. xix, 168. $37.95
by McCartin, Joseph A. - 1062-1063 Business and Religion in the American 1920s. By Rolf Lundén. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press Inc., 1988. Pp. xiii, 204. $37.95
by Olney, Martha L. - 1063-1064 The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order, 1930–1980. Edited by Steve Fraser and Gary Gerstle. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989. Pp. xxv, 311. $25.00
by McCoy, Donald R. - 1065-1065 Corporatism and the Rule of Law: A Study of the National Recovery Administration. By Donald R. Brand. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 340. $39.95, cloth; $12.95, paper
by Olson, James S. - 1066-1067 The Decline of Organized Labor in the United States. By Michael Goldfield. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1987, pp. xv, 294, $12.95
by Card, David - 1067-1068 Economic Thought - Governing Economy: The Reformation of German Economic Discourse, 1750–1840. By Keith Tribe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xi, 241. $44.50
by Brose, Eric Dorn - 1068-1069 Consuming Desire: Sexual Science and the Emergence of a Culture of Abundance, 1871–1914. By Lawrence Birken. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989. Pp. ix. 167. $21.50
by Folland, Angel Kwolek - 1069-1070 Trade, Development, and the World Economy: Selected Essays of Carlos F. Díaz-Alejandro. Edited by Andrés Velasco. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988. Pp. x, 399. $75.00
by Haber, Stephen - 1070-1071 The Origins of the Keynesian Revolution: The Development of Keynes's Theory of Employment and Output. By Robert W. Dimand. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988. Pp. vii, 213. $32.50
by Herren, Robert Stanley - 1072-1073 The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek. Vol. 1: The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism. Edited by W. W. BartleyIII. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989. Pp. xiii, 180. $24.95
by Pryor, Frederic L. - 1073-1074 Economic Exiles. By J. E. King. New York: St. Martin's, 1988. Pp. x, 289. $45.00
by Mirowski, Philip - 1074-1075 General and Miscellaneous - A Concise Economic History of the World: From Paleolithic Times to the Present. By Rondo Cameron. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Pp. xiv, 437. $39.95
by Rostow, W. W. - 1075-1076 Plough, Sword, and Book: The Structure of Human History. By Ernest Gellner. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Pp. 288. $24.95
by Cameron, Rondo - 1076-1078 Cities and Economic Development: From the Dawn of History to the Present. By Paul Bairoch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. Pp. xxii, 574. $49.95
by Ringrose, David R. - 1078-1079 Comparative Economic Systems: Preindustrial & Modern Case Studies. By Manuel Gottlieb. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1989. Pp. xv, 382. $39.95
by Mitch, David - 1079-1080 Bourgeois Utopias: The Rise and Fall of Suburbia. By Robert Fishman. New York: Basic Books, 1987. Pp. xii, 241. $19.95
by Binford, Henry C. - 1080-1082 Production, Distribution, and Growth in Transitional Economies. By M. Katherine Perkins. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1988. Pp. xxii, 150. $39.95
by Callari, Antonio - 1082-1083 A Theory of Efficient Cooperation and Competition. By Lester G. Telser. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp. xii, 306. $29.95
by Ulen, Thomas S. - 1083-1084 Worktime and Industrialization: An International History. Edited by Gary Cross. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989. Pp. vi, 251. $34.95
by Strikwerda, Carl - 1084-1086 Studies of Development and Change in the Modern World. Edited by Michael T. Martin and Terry R. Kandal. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Pp. xii, 458. $39.00, cloth; $19.95, paper
by Felix, David
September 1989, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 545-568 Was There a Solution to the Ancien Régime's Financial Dilemma?
by White, Eugene Nelson - 569-591 Technological Adaptation in Canadian Manufacturing, 1900–1929
by Wylie, Peter J. - 593-619 Losing to Win: U.S. Steel's Pricing, Investment Decisions, and Market Share, 1901–1938
by McCraw, Thomas K. & Reinhardt, Forest - 621-634 Sweden's Financial Sophistication in the Nineteenth Century: An Appraisal
by Fisher, Douglas & Thurman, Walter N. - 635-655 Economic and Geographic Mobility on the Farming Frontier: Evidence from Appanoose County, Iowa, 1850–1870
by Galenson, David W. & Pope, Clayne L. - 657-675 A Spatial Approach to Structural Change: The Making of the French Hexagon
by Blum, Ulrich & Dudley, Leonard - 677-692 New Jersey Corporate Chartermongering, 1875–1929
by Grandy, Christopher - 720-724 Promising and Stimulating: Modern Business History in Germany and the Netherlands
by Bläsing, Joachim F. D. - 727-728 Early Modern - Pre-Industrial Economic Growth: Social Organization and Technological Progress in Europe. By Karl Gunnar Persson. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988. Pp. viii, 159. $45.00
by Mokyr, Joel - 728-730 The Maritime Trade of the East Anglian Ports, 1550–1590. By N. J. Williams. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. xvii, 321. $64.00
by Pollitt, Ronald - 730-731 Capitalism, the State, and the Lutheran Reformation: Sixteenth-Century Hesse. By William John Wright. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 326. $37.95
by Kittelson, James M. - 731-732 Modern Europe - Handbuch der europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte. Vol. 6: Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte vom ersten Weltkrieg bis zur Gegenwart. Edited by Wolfram Fischer. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1987. Pp. xvii, 1,136
by Cameron, Rondo - 732-733 Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class, 1780–1850. By Lenore Davidoff and Catherine Hall. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. Pp. 576. $35.00
by Slater, Miriam - 733-735 A Histry of GKN. Vol. 1: Innovation and Enterprise, 1759–1918. By Edgar Jones. London: MacMillan Press Ltd., 1987. Pp. xxxviii, 422
by Tolliday, Steven - 735-736 Transport in Victorian Britain. Edited by Michael J. Freeman and Derek H. Aldcroft. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988. Pp. vii, 310. $40.00
by Szostak, Rick - 736-737 The Process of Occupational Sex-Typing: The Feminization of Clerical Labor in Great Britain. By Samuel Cohn. Philadephia: Temple University Press, 1986. Pp. xiii, 279. $34.95
by Rotella, Elyce J. - 738-739 Labour and Society in Britain, 1918–1979. By James E. Cronin. New York: Schocken Books, 1984. Pp. x, 248. $22.50
by Lewchuk, Wayne - 739-741 The Economic Modernization of Spain, 1830–1930. Edited by Nicolás Sánchez-Al-bornoz. New York: New York University Press, 1987. Pp. xv, 295. $45.00
by Thomson, J. K. J. - 741-742 Russian Economic History: The Nineteenth Century. By Arcadius Kahan. Edited by Roger Weiss. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989. Pp. xii, 244. $47.50, cloth; $18.95, paper
by Gregory, Paul R. - 742-743 Africa, Middle East, Asia - Culture and Context in Sudan: The Process of Market Incorporation in Dar Masalit. By Dennis Tully. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 306. $49.50, cloth; $18.95, paper
by Spaulding, Jay - 743-745 The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy: The Nineteenth Century. By Reşt Kasaba. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 191. $39.50 cloth; $12.95, paper
by Keyder, Çağlar - 745-746 The Ottoman Empire and European Capitalism, 1820–1913: Trade, Investment and Production. By Se¸vket Pamuk. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp. xii, 278. $42.50
by Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü - 746-747 The Economy of the Mughal Empire, c. 1595: A Statistical Study. By Shireen Moosvi. Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1987. Pp. xi, 442. $29.95
by Bose, Sugata - 747-749 Economic Development in Provincial China: The Central Shaanxi since 1930. By Eduard B. Vermeer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xv, 534. $79.50
by Naughton, Barry - 749-750 Agricultural Development and Tenancy Disputes in Japan, 1870–1940. By Richard J. Smethurst. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986. Pp. xii, 472. $52.50
by Brandt, Loren - 750-751 Japanese Agriculture Under Siege: The Political Economy of Agricultural Policies. By Yujiro Hayami. New York: St. Martins Press, 1988. Pp. xlv, 145. $45.00
by Ruttan, Vernon W. - 751-752 Latin America - Spain's Empire in the New World: The Role of Ideas in Institutional and Social Change. By Colin M. MacLachlan. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. Pp. xiv, 201. $35.00
by Kicza, John E. - 752-753 Way of Death: Merchant Capitalism and the Angolan Slave Trade, 1730–1830. By Joseph C. Miller. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1988. Pp. xxx, 770. $35.00
by Cohn, Raymond L. - 753-755 British West Indian Slavery, 1750–1834: The Process of Amelioration. By J. R. Ward. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Pp. x, 320. $65.00
by Engerman, Stanley L. - 755-756 External Constraints on Economic Policy in Brazil, 1889–1930. By Winston Fritsch. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988. Pp. xvi, 265. $49.95
by Topik, Steven C. - 756-757 The Peruvian Mining Industry: Growth, Stagnation, and Crisis. By Elizabeth Dore. Boulder: Westview Press, 1988. Pp. xxiii, 297. $33.50
by Gonzales, Michael J. - 757-758 The Political Economy of Argentina, 1946–83. Edited by Guido Di Tella and Rudiger Dornbusch. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989. Pp. xvi, 349. $49.95
by Goodwin, Paul B. - 759-760 United States and Canada - The Politics of Progress: The Origins and Development of the Commercial Republic, 1600–1835. By Hiram Caton. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 627.$49.00
by Egnal, Marc - 760-762 Authority and Resistance in Early New York. Edited by William Pencak and Conrad Edick Wright. New York: New York Historical Society, 1988. Pp. xvii, 252. $19.95
by Schweitzer, Mary M. - 762-763 A History of the American Rice Industry, 1685–1985. By Henry C. Dethloff. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 215. $29.50
by Clifton, James M. - 763-764 Work and Labor in Early America. Edited by Stephen Innes. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988. Pp. vii, 297. $29.95, cloth; $9.95, paper
by Margo, Robert A. - 764-766 Pursuits of Happiness: The Social Development of Early Modern British Colonies and the Formation of American Culture. By Jack P. Greene. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988. Pp. xv, 284. $32.50
by Main, Gloria L. - 766-767 A Mighty Empire: The Origins of the American Revolution. By Marc Egnal. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. Pp. xv, 381. $36.95, cloth; $10.95, paper
by Shy, John - 767-769 Origins of Southern Radicalism: The South Carolina Upcountry, 1800–1860. By Lacy K. FordJr, New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 414. $39.95
by Kousser, J. Morgan - 769-769 From Open Door to Dutch Door: An Analysis of U.S. Immigration Policy Since 1820. By Michael C. LeMay. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1987. Pp. vii, 183. $36.95, cloth; $12.95, paper
by Gemery, H. A. - 769-771 The American Census: A Social History. By Margo J. Anderson. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 257. $30.00
by Atack, Jeremy - 771-772 German Workers' Culture in the United States, 1850 to 1920. Edited by Hartmut Keil. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1988. Pp. xxii, 330. $24.95
by Leonard, Henry B. - 772-774 Hard Times in Paradise: Coos Bay, Oregon, 1850–1986. By William G. Robbins. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1988. Pp. xiv, 194. $30.00, cloth; $14.95, paper
by O'Connor, Richard - 774-775 Radical Protest and Social Structure: The Southern Farmers' Alliance and Cotton Tenancy, 1880–1890. By Michael Schwartz. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. [Reprint, New York: Academic Press, 1976.] Pp. xi, 302. $12.95, paper
by Ferleger, Lou - 775-777 That Noble Dream: The “Objectivity Question” and the American Historical Profession. By Peter Novick. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 648. $49.50, cloth; $15.95, paper
by Elton, Geoffrey - 777-778 Conspicuous Production: Automobiles and Elites in Detroit, 1899–1933. By Donald Finlay Davis. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 282. $29.95
by Hyde, Charles K. - 779-779 The Automobile Age. By James J. Funk. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 456. $25.00
by Hyde, Charles K. - 779-780 Women, Work, and Fertility, 1900–1986. By Susan Householder Van Horn. New York: New York University Press, 1988. Pp. xiv, 232. $35.00
by Rotella, Elyce J. - 780-781 Prairie Grass Roots: An Iowa Small Town in the Early Twentieth Century. By Thomas J. Morain. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1988. Pp. xviii, 287. $24.95
by Pope, Clayne L. - 781-783 Legacy of the Ludlow Massacre: A Chapter in American Industrial Relations. By Howard M. Gitelman. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988. Pp. xv, 355. $29.95
by Fishback, Price V. - 783-784 Creating the Welfare State: The Political Economy of Twentieth-Century Reform. By Edward Berkowitz and Kim McQuaid. Second Edition. New York: Praeger, 1988. Pp. xiv, 243. $39.95
by Gratton, Brian - 784-785 The New Deal at the Grass Roots: Programs for the People in Otter Tail County, Minnesota. By D. Jerome Tweton. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1988. Pp. x, 205. $19.95, cloth; $10.95, paper
by Reagan, Patrick D. - 785-786 Reasons of State: Oil Policies and the Capacities of the American Government. By G. John Ikenbery. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 213. $31.50, cloth; $10.95, paper
by Clark, John G. - 786-788 Land Rites and Wrongs: The Management, Regulation and Use of Land in Canada and the United States. Edited by Elliot J. Feldman and Michael A. Goldberg. Cambridge, MA: The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 1987. Pp. xiii, 326. $35.00
by Preston, Valerie - 788-789 Winning the Second Battle: Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life, 1915–1930. By Desmond Morton and Glenn Wright. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987. Pp. xl, 328. $40.00, cloth; $17.95, paper
by Hawley, Ellis W. - 789-790 Economic Thought - Classical Economics. By Samuel Hollander. New York: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1987. Pp. x, 485. $75.00
by Miller, William L. - 790-791 Phases of Economic Growth, 1850–1973: Kondratieff Waves and Kuznets Swings. By Solomos Solomou. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xv, 197. $44.50
by Thomas, Brinley - 791-793 Competition: The Economics of Industrial Change. By Paul Auerbach. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988. Pp. viii, 339. $5.00
by Greenstein, Shane - 793-794 The Innovative Choice: An Economic Analysis of the Dynamics of Technology. By Mario Amendola and Jean-Luc Gaffard. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988. Pp. xii, 116. $39.95
by Steinmueller, W. Edward - 794-796 General and Miscellaneous - The Evolution of Central Banks. By Charles Goodhart. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1988. Pp. viii, 205. $22.50, cloth; $11.95, paper
by Grossman, Richard S. - 796-797 Colonial Trade and International Exchange: The Transition from Autarky to International Trade. By R. A. Johns. New York: Pinter Publishers, 1988. Pp. xii, 206. $39.95
by Hanson, John R. - 797-800 Comparative Patterns of Economic Development, 1850–1914. By Cynthia Taft Morris and Irma Adelman. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. Pp. xi, 575. $39.50
by Szirmai, A. - 800-802 Interwar Unemployment in International Perspective. Edited by Barry Eichengreen and Timothy J. Hatton. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988. Pp. xxii, 434. $114.00
by De Long, J. Bradford
June 1989, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 267-284 What Did Merchants Do? Reflections on British Overseas Trade, 1660–1790
by Price, Jacob M. - 285-296 The Decline of Property Rights in Man in Thailand, 1800–1913
by Feeny, David - 297-310 The Integration of Regional and Interregional Capital Markets: Evidence from the Pacific Coast, 1883–1913
by Odell, Kerry A. - 311-322 State-Issued Currency and the Ratification of the U.S. Consitution
by Schweitzer, Mary M. - 323-336 System Building at the Margin: The Problem of Public Choice in the Telephone Industry
by Lipartito, Kenneth - 337-349 Why Apprenticeship Persisted in Britain But Not in the United States
by Elbaum, Bernard - 351-360 Biological Consequences of Segregation and Economic Deprivation: A Post-Slavery Population from Southwest Arkansas
by Rose, Jerome C. - 361-375 Explaining Vertical Integration: Lessons from the American Automobile Industry
by Langlois, Richard N. & Robertson, Paul L. - 377-391 Credit as a Production-Smoothing Device: The Case of Automobiles, 1913–1938
by Olney, Martha L. - 393-406 Plantation Management in the Chesapeake, 1620–1820
by Walsh, Lorena S. - 407-418 Land, Labor, and Economies of Scale in Early Maryland: Some Limits to Growth in the Chesapeake System of Husbandry
by Carr, Lois Green & Menard, Russell R. - 419-433 Managing Competition in German Coal, 1893–1913
by Peters, Lon L. - 435-447 Cooperation and Rivalry in the International Steel Cartel, 1926–1933
by Barbezat, Daniel - 448-450 State Intervention and Industrialization: The Origins of the Brazilian Automotive Industry
by Shapiro, Helen - 450-452 Reforming the Urban Environment: Sanitation, Housing, and Government Intervention in Germany, 1870–1910
by Brown, John C. - 452-454 Migration, Marriage, and Household Formation: The Irish at the Turn of the Century
by Guinnane, Timothy - 454-457 Schooling and Occupational Choice in Nineteenth-Century America
by Saad, Ali I. - 457-459 Movements in Aggregate Price Uncertainty in the United States: 1884–1981
by Callahan, Colleen M. - 459-461 The Strategy and Consistency of Federal Reserve Monetary Policy, 1919–1933
by Wheelock, David C. - 461-464 Comments on Shapiro, Brown, and Guinnane
by Cohen, Jon S. - 464-468 Comments on Saad, Callahan, and Wheelock
by Whatley, Warren - 473-473 Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern - Sons, Slaves and Freedmen in Roman Commerce. By Aaron Kirschenbaum. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1987. Pp. xiv, 220. $29.95
by Strauss, Barry S. - 474-474 Untersuchungen zu Handel und Verkehr der vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Zeit in Mittelund Nordeuropa. Part IV: Der Handel der Karolinger- und Wikingerzeit. Edited by Klaus Düwel, Herbert Jankuhn, Harald Siems, and Dieter Timpe. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1987. Pp. 818. DM 228
by Wells, Peter S. - 474-476 Reproducing Families: The Political Economy of English Population History. By David Levine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. ix, 251
by Goldstone, Jack A. - 476-477 From Manor to Market: Structural Change in England, 1536–1640. By Richard Lachmann. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1987. Pp. xiv, 166. $35.00, cloth; $17.75, paper
by Baack, Ben - 477-478 The Horse Trade of Tudor and Stuart England. By Peter Edwards. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 205. $39.50
by Langdon, John - 478-478 Pastoral Economics in the Kingdom of Naples. By John A. Marino. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 381. $38.50
by Toscano, Peter R. - 479-479 Economy and Society in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Hungary (1525–1650). By Vera Zimányi. Budapest: Akademiai Kaido, 1987. Pp. 119. $14.00
by Bodo, Peter & Pete, Peter - 480-481 Modern Europe - People, Cities and Wealth: The Transformation of Traditional Society. By E. A. Wrigley. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1987. Pp.x, 348. $49.95
by Fridrichs, Christopher R. - 481-482 Calicos und gedrucktes Zeug: Die Entwicklung der englischen Textilveredelung und der Tuchhandel der East India Company, 1650–1750. By Sergio Aiolfi. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1987. Pp. x, 441. DM 76
by Sicknger, Raymond L. - 482-482 Studies in British Privateering, Trading Enterprise and Seamen's Welfare, 1775– 1900. Edited by Stephen Fisher. Exeter: University of Exeter, 1987. Pp. xiii, 165
by Price, Jacob M. - 483-484 Economic Growth and the Ending of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. By David Eltis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. Pp. xiii, 418. $39.95
by Crout, Robert Rhodes - 484-485 The History of the British Coal Industry. Vol. 4: 1913–1946: The Political Economy of Decline. By Barry Supple, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. Pp. xxv, 733. $98.00
by Mitchell, B. R. - 485-486 Employment Policy: The Crucial Years, 1939–1955. By Jim Tomlinson. New York:Oxford University Press, 1987. Pp. xi, 185. $47.50
by Shiells, Martha Ellen - 486-487 The French Sugar Business in the Eighteenth Century. By Robert Louis Stein. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1988. Pp. xvi, 185. $27.50
by Boulle, Pierre H. - 487-488 The Alliance of Iron and Wheat in the Third French Republic, 1860–1914: Origins of the New Conservatism. By Herman Lebovics. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 219. $25.00
by Miller, Judith A. - 488-489 Jews in the German Economy: The German-Jewish Economic Elite, 1820–1935. By W. E. Mosse. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. Pp. viii, 420. $67.00
by McClelland, Charles E. - 489-490 Industrialisering och beskattning i Sverige, 1861–1914. By Peter Gårestad. With a summary in English. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1987. Pp. 294. SEK 182
by Sandberg, Lars G. - 491-492 Proto-industrialisation in Scandinavia. Craft Skills in the Industrial Revolution. By Maths Isacson and Lars Magnusson. New York: Berg Publishers, 1987. Pp. viii, 151. $29.95
by Hildebrand, Karl-Gustaf - 492-493 Autocracy, Capitalism, and Revolution in Russia. By Tim McDaniel. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. Pp. xi, 500. $45.00, cloth; $14.95, paper
by Hayward, Oliver - 493-495 Die deutsche Industrie und die Industrialisierung Russlands, 1815–1914. By Walter Kirchner. St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 1986. Pp. v, 409. DM 58
by McKay, John P. - 495-496 Africa - Merchants of Essaouira: Urban Society and Imperialism in Southwestern Morocco, 1844–1866. By Daniel J. Schroeter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xxii, 322. $49.50
by Latham, A. J. H. - 496-497 Islam and Urban Labor in Northern Nigeria: The Making of a Muslim Working Class. By Paul Lubeck. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. Pp. x, 362. $49.50
by Roberts, Richard - 497-498 Asia - Family, Fields, and Ancestors: Constancy and Change in China's Social and Economic History, 1550–1949. By Lloyd E. Eastman. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Pp. x, 267. $29.95, cloth; $10.95, paper
by Feuerwerker, A. - 498-499 Economic Integration and Planning in Maoist China. By Thomas P. Lyons. New York: Columbia University Press, 1987. Pp. xviii, 376. $45.00
by Schran, Peter - 499-500 Economic and Social Aspects of the Performing Arts in Japan: Symphony Orchestras and Opera. Yoshimasa Kurabayashi and Yoshiro Matsuda. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Company Ltd., 1988. Pp. xxxi, 431
by Gill, Richard T. - 500-501 The Evolution of the State Bank of India: The Roots, 1806–1876. Part I: The Early Years, 1806–1860; Part II: Diversity and Regrouping, 1860–1876. By Amiya Kumar Bagchi. Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1987. Part I: Pp. xxii, 535; Part II: Pp. xiii, 515. $45.00 the set
by Anderson, Gary M. - 501-502 Village Republics: Economic Conditions for Collective Action in South India. By Robert Wade. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 238. $44.50
by Feeny, David - 503-504 Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce, 1450–1680. Vol. 1: The Lands below the Winds. By Anthony Reid. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988. Pp. xvi, 275. $25.00
by Khan, M. Mahmud - 504-505 Latin America - Textiles and Capitalism in Mexico: An Economic History of the Obrajes, 1539–1840. By Richard Salvucci. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987. Pp. xiv, 250. $40.00
by TePaske, John Jay - 505-506 The Political Economy of Venezuelan Oil. By Laura Randall. New York: Praeger, 1987. Pp. xiii, 246. $42.95
by Adelman, M. A. - 506-507 United States and Canada - American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A Population History since 1492. By Russell Thornton. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987. Pp. xx, 292. $29.95
by George, Peter - 507-508 The Decline of Authority: Public Economic Policy and Political Development in New York State, 1800–1860. By L. Ray Gunn. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 284. $29.95
by Sylla, Richard - 508-509 Families and Farmhouses in Nineteenth Century America: Vernacular Design and Social Change. By Sally McMurry. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 261. $29.95
by Rothenberg, Winifred B. - 510-511 Freak Show: Presenting Human Oddities for Amusement and Profit. By Robert Bogdan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 322. $29.95
by Frayer, David W. - 511-512 The Politics of Community: Migration and Politics in Antebellum Ohio. By Kenneth J. Winkle. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 239. $32.50
by Schaefer, Donald - 512-513 Union Maids Not Wanted: Organizing Domestic Workers, 1870–1940. By Donna L. Van Raaphorst. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1988. Pp. ix, 318. $39.95
by Weiner, Lynn - 513-515 Creating Chicago's North Shore: A Suburban History. By Michael H. Ebner. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988. Pp. xxx, 338. $29.95
by Cain, Louis P. - 515-516 American Rubber Workers and Organized Labor, 1900–1941. By Daniel Nelson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988. Pp. xi, 339. $32.50
by Engerman, Stanley L. - 516-518 The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capitalism, 1890–1916: The Market, The Law, and Politics. By Martin J. Sklar. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xiv, 484. $49.50, cloth; $15.95, paper
by Salvatore, Nick - 518-518 “Big Bill” Haywood. By Melvyn Dubofsky. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987. Pp. viii, 184. $19.95
by Salvatore, Nick - 518-520 America in the Age of the Titans: The Progressive Era and World War I. By Sean Dennis Cashman. New York: New York University, 1988. Pp. xvi, 605. $40.00, cloth; $17.50, paper
by Mirantim, Paul J. - 520-521 American “Reparations” to Germany, 1919–1933: Implications for the Third-World Debt Crisis. By Stephen A. Schuker. Princeton Studies in International Finance, No. 61. Princeton: Princeton University, 1988. Pp. 170. $6.50, paper
by Webb, Steven B. - 521-522 Academic Scientists and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Corporate Research in Twentieth-Century America. By John P. Swann. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. Pp. xi, 249. $32.50
by Dekosky, Robert K. - 522-523 Social Security: The First Half-Century. Edited by Gerald D. Nash, Noel H. Pugach, and Richard Tomasson. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 344. $24.95, cloth; $12.95, paper
by Quadagno, Jill - 524-525 Welfare, Democracy and the New Deal. By William R. Brock. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. viii, 376. $49.50
by Fearon, Peter - 525-526 The New Deal in the Urban South. By Douglas L. Smith. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1988. Pp. 287. $29.95
by Rosen, Elliot A. - 526-527 Workers on the Waterfront: Seamen, Longshoremen, and Unionism in the 1930s. By Bruce Nelson. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 352. $29.95
by Galenson, Walter - 527-528 The Irony of Victory: World War II and Lowell, Massachusetts. By Marc Scott Miller. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Pp. xi, 233. $24.95
by Clive, Alan - 528-530 And the Wolf Finally Came: The Decline of the American Steel Industry. By John P. Hoerr. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988. Pp. xiv, 689. $39.95, cloth; $14.95, paper
by Prechel, Harland - 530-531 American-Soviet Trade in the Cold War. By Philip J. Funigiello. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 289. $32.50
by Wilson, Theodore A. - 531-533 Growth in a Changing Environment: A History of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) 1950–1972 and Exxon Corporation 1972–1975. By Bennett H. Wall. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1988. Pp. xlv, 1020. $39.95
by Pratt, Joseph A. - 533-534 Issues in US-EC Trade Relations. Edited by Robert E. Baldwin, Carl B. Hamilton, and André Sapir. Chicago: University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1988. Pp. xii, 397. $49.00
by Barbezat, Daniel - 534-535 The Decline and Crash of the American Economy. By Joel Kurtzman. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1988. Pp. 224. $18.95
by Vedder, Richard - 535-536 Corporate Takeovers: Causes and Consequences. Edited by Alan J. Auerbach. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. Pp. ix, 343. $45.00
by O'Brien, Anthony Patrick - 536-537 The Fall of the Bell System: A Study in Prices and Politics. By Peter Temin with Louis Galambos. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp. xviii, 378. $27.95
by Libecap, Gary D. - 538-539 Canadian Papers in Rural History. Vol. VI. Edited by Donald H. Akenson. Gananoque, Ontario: Langdale Press, 1988. Pp. 353. $35.00
by Dupre, Ruth - 539-541 Economic Thought - Econometric History. By Donald N. McCloskey. London: Macmillan Education Ltd., 1987. Pp. 117. $9.95
by Parker, William N. - 541-543 General and Miscellaneous - In Search of Stability: Explorations in Historical Political Economy. By Charles S. Maier. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp. x, 293. $29.95, cloth; $10.95, paper
by Kennelly, Brendan - 543-544 The Rise of Modern Business in Great Britain, the United States, and Japan. By Mansel G. Blackford. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988. Pp. 176. $19.95, cloth; $8.95, paper
by Galambos, Louis
March 1989, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-41 The Remarkable Efficiency of the Dollar-Sterling Gold Standard, 1890–1906
by Officer, Lawrence H. - 43-72 Agricultural Supply During the Industrial Revolution: French Evidence and European Implications
by Grantham, George - 73-94 Capital Mobilization and Southern Industry, 1880–1905: The Case of the Carolina Piedmont
by Carlton, David L. & Coclanis, Peter A. - 95-124 Tontines, Public Finance, and Revolution in France and England, 1688–1789
by Weir, David R. - 125-144 The Quality of Services in Company Towns: Sanitation in Coal Towns During the 1920s
by Fishback, Price V. & Lauszus, Dieter - 145-165 Locational Choice in the Antebellum South
by Schaefer, Donald F. - 184-200 Jean Meuvret and the Subsistence Problem in Early Modern France
by Grantham, George - 205-206 Medieval and Early Modern - Your Money Or Your Life: Economy and Religion in the Middle Ages. By Jacques Le Goff. Translated by Patricia Ranum. New York: Zone Books, 1988. Pp. 116. $18.95 cloth
by Waugh, Scott L. - 206-208 Money and Its Uses in Medieval Europe. By Peter Spufford. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xiv, 467. $79.50
by Stuard, Susan Mosher - 208-209 Landlords, Peasants and Politics in Medieval England. Edited by T. H. Aston. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp. viii, 446. $44.50
by Hamilton, J. S. - 209-210 Modern Europe - Technologischer Wandel und internationaler Handel im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert: Die Eisenindustrien in Grossbritannien, Belgien, Frankreich und Deutschland. By Rainer Fremdling. Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 1986. Pp. 493. DM190 paper
by Huber, Paul B. - 210-212 Trade and Banking in Early Modern England. By Eric Kerridge. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988. Pp. 185. $39.95
by Hayes, Michael N. - 212-213 Warshipbuilding on the Clyde: Naval Orders and the Prosperity of the Clyde Shipbuilding Industry, 1889–1939. By Hugh B. Peebles. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1987. Pp. 205. $45.00
by Huberman, Michael - 213-214 Modernization Frustrated: The Politics of Industrial Decline in Britain Since 1900. By Scott Newton and Dilwyn Porter. Winchester, MA: Unwin Hyman, 1988. Pp. xv, 224. $14.95 paper
by Worcester, Kent - 214-215 Paying for the German Inflation. By Michael L. Hughes. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 267. $32.50
by Dwyer, Gerald P. - 215-217 The Gold Standard and the International Monetary Standard, 1900–1939. By Ian M. Drummond. London: MacMillan Education Ltd., 1987. Pp. 71. $8.50. - The Netherlands and the Gold Standard, 1931–1936: A Study in Policy Formation and Policy. Edited by Richard T. Griffiths. Amsterdam: NEHA, 1987. Pp. xvi, 214
by Cunningham, Thomas J. - 217-218 The Small Giant: Sweden Enters the Industrial Era. By Carl G. Gustavson. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1986. Pp. xi, 364. $23.95
by Schön, Lennart - 218-219 Government and Peasant in Russia, 1861–1906: The Prehistory of the Stolypin Reforms. By David A. J. Macey. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 1987. Pp xviii, 380. $32.00
by Kelly, William J. - 219-220 The Best Sons of the Fatherland: Workers in the Vanguard of Soviet Collectivization. By Lynne Viola. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. Pp. x, 285. $29.95
by Gibbons, Robert J. - 220-221 Stalin's Industrial Revolution: Politics and Workers, 1928–1932. By Hiroaki Kuromiya, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Pp. xviii, 364. $44.50
by Hunter, Holland - 221-223 Africa and Middle East - African Economic History: Internal Development and External Dependency. By Ralph A. Austen. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1987. Pp. ix, 294. $22.50
by Spaulding, Jay - 223-223 Palm Oil and Protest: An Economic History of the Ngwa Region, South-Eastern Nigeria, 1800–1980. By Susan M. Martin. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988. pp. xi, 209. $42.50
by De Gregori, Thomas R. - 224-224 Agrarian Relations in the Ottoman Empire in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. By Vera P. Moutafchieva. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1988. pp. xiii, 245. $25.00
by Tuma, Elias H. - 225-226 Latin America - The Political Economy of the Brazilian State, 1889–1930. By Steven Topik. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1987. pp. xii, 241. $25.00
by Fishlow, Albert - 226-227 United States and Canada - Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New England Shoe Industry, 1780–1910. By Mary H. Blewett. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1988. pp. xxii, 444. $29.95
by Folbre, Nancy - 227-228 The African Exchange: Toward a Biological History of Black People. Edited by Kenneth F. Kiple. Durham: Duke University Press, 1987. Pp. vi, 280. $34.95
by Higman, B. W. - 228-229 The Paddy Camps: The Irish of Lowell, 1821–1861. By Brian C. Mitchell. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 247. $24.95
by Mulligan, William H. - 229-230 The Economic Effects of the American Civil War. By Patrick O'Brien. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press International, Inc., 1988. Pp. 79. $9.95, paper
by Poulson, Barry W. - 230-231 Like a Family: The Making of a Southern Cotton Mill World. By Jacquelyn Dowd Hall et al. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1987. Pp. xxxiii, 468. $34.95, cloth; $12.95, paper
by Blicksilver, Jack - 231-232 Women Adrift: Independent Wage-earners in Chicago, 1880–1930. By Joanne J. Meyerowitz. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. Pp. xxiii, 224. $29.95
by Hempstead, Katherine - 232-234 Power, Protection, and Free Trade: International Sources of U.S. Commercial Strategy, 1887–1939. By David A. Lake. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. Pp. xi, 242. $29.95
by Randall, Stephen J. - 234-235 Grand Plans: Business Progressivism and Social Change in Ohio's Miami Valley, 1890–1929. By Judith Sealander. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1988. Pp. viii, 263. $26.00
by Blackford, Mansel - 235-236 Workers, Managers, and Welfare Capitalism: The Shoeworkers and Tanners of Endicott Johnson, 1890–1950. By Gerald Zahavi. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Pp. xiii, 261. $24.95
by Van Tine, Warren R.