July 1999, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 323-339 A. G. Frank and the Greatness of the East
by Vries, Peer - 341-349 Ethics, Social epistemics, Electronic communication and Scientific research
by van den Hoven, M. J. - 351-358 Reflections of a neuroscientist on the origins of ethics
by Changeux, Jean-Pierre - 359-369 The future of nature
by Markl, Hubert S. - 371-384 Understanding the ecology of plankton
by Woods, John - 385-394 Putting science at the heart of Europe: the European Science Foundation's next 25 years
by Banda, Enric - 395-412 Climate Change and health: evidence and prospect
by Berger, André & McMichael, Anthony J. - 413-415 La Science en PartagePhilippe Kourilsky Editions Odile Jacob, Paris1998 (254 pages) FF135, softback, ISBN 2-7381-0585-8
by Strömholm, Stig - 415-417 La Domination masculinePierre Bourdieu Seuil, Paris, 1998 (142 pages) FF85, paperback, ISBN 2-02-035251-6
by Wright, Barbara - 417-419 Le modèle français. Grandeur et décadenceJacques Lesourne Editions Odile Jacob, Paris, 1998 (203 pages) FF99, softback, ISBN 2-7381-0614-5
by Touraine, Alain - 419-421 The Impact of Electronic Publishing on the Academic Community. An International Workshop Arranged by the Academia Europaea and the Wenner-Gren Foundation Edited by I. Butterworth Portland Press, London, 1998 (xii + 191 pages) £75, hardback, ISBN 1-85578-112-0
by Montonen, Claus - 421-423 Life Cycle Analysis of Energy SystemsBernd Kuemmel, Stefan Kruger Nielsen and Bent Sørensen Roskilde University Press, Roskilde, 1997 (x + 216 pages) Danish crowns 150, softback, ISBN 87-7867-031-4
by Cahn, Martin - 423-424 Engineering Crop Plants for Industrial End Uses Edited by Peter R. Shewry, Jonathan A. Napier and Paul J. Davis Portland Press Proceedings, London1998 (236 Pages) £75, hardback, ISBN 1-85578-113-1
by Douce, Roland - 424-425 The Birth of the CellHenry Harris Yale University Press, New Haven and London: 1999 (xii + 212 pages) ISBN 0-300-07384-4
by Shea, William - 426-427 Magic Molecules, How Drugs WorkSusan Aldridge Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998 (269 pages) £17.95, hardback, ISBN 0 521 58414 0
by Morton, Jenny - 427-429 Rationality and Power: Democracy in PracticeBent Flyvbjerg University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1998 (290 pages) softback ISBN 0-226-25451-8
by Blondel, Jean - 429-431 Missing Persons. A Critique of Personhood in the Social SciencesMary Douglas and Steven Ney University of California Press, Berkeley and Russell Sage Foundation, London, 1998 (223 + XIII pages) $ 24.95 hardback. ISBN 0-520-20752-1
by Boudon, Raymond - 431-433 King Edward IIIGiorgio Melchiori (editor) The New Cambridge Shakespeare: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998 (xvi + 219 pages) £33.50 ($ 49.95) hardback, ISBN 43422 X. £6. 95 ($ 12.95) paperback, ISBN 59673 4
by Scattergood, John - 433-434 Organising Scientific MeetingsAugust Epple Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 (xiii + 184 pages) £35, hardback, ISBN 0 521 56351 8, £12.95, paperback, ISBN 0 521 58919 3
by Cahn, Robert - 434-435 Le MédicamentDenis Richard and Jean-Louis Senon Flammarion, Paris (Dominos Series, no. 117), 1997 (126 pages), FF 39 paperback ISBN 208-035-14-43
by Friedel, Jean - 435-436 Protein Based MaterialsKevin McGrath and David Kaplan (eds) Birkhäuser, Boston and Basel, 1997 (xx + 429 pages) Sfr 148, DM 178, hardback, ISBN 0-8176-3848-2
by Cameron, Ruth E. - 437-437 Picture ControlNicolas Rasmussen Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1997 (338 pages) £37.50, hardback, ISBN 0-8047-2837-2
by Poirier, Jacques - 438-438 Teaching ‘The Mole’, A Phenomenographic Inquiry into the Didactics of ChemistryAma Tullberg Göteborg Studies in Educational Sciences, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Göteborg, 1997 (188 pages) ISBN 91-7346-321-3
by Laszlo, Pierre
May 1999, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 175-181 The further enlargement of the European Union in a historical perspective
by Berend, Ivan T. - 183-189 Democracy and development
by Wolfrum, Rüdiger - 191-218 ‘Small’ languages and their speakers
by Rischel, Jørgen - 219-228 The Paris of Emile Zola
by Wesseling, H. L. - 229-238 Acceptance and criticism of science and technology in the German Empire and the Weimar Republic
by Schneider, Ivo - 239-246 Science: Where do we draw the line?
by Drenth, Pieter J. D. - 247-262 The place of people in our knowledge
by Nowotny, Helga - 263-276 The demographic revolution
by Diczfalusy, Egon - 277-284 The impact of the New Biology on ethics
by Mittelstrass, Jürgen - 285-293 The impact of the New Biology on our philosophical view of the world, man and the environment
by Føllesdal, Dagfinn - 295-312 Organizing science in Europe
by Grande, Edgar & Peschke, Anke
February 1999, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-17 Erasmus and the republic of letters
by Burke, Peter - 19-25 What are the humanities for?
by de Botton, Alain - 27-35 Healers and the healing act in Classical Greece
by Nutton, Vivian - 37-51 Ancient medicine between hope and fear: Medicament, magic and poison in the Roman Empire
by Horstmanshoff, Manfred - 53-57 What does my left hand know?
by Burgen, Arnold - 59-76 The fall of the Roman Empire and the nations of Europe
by Wood, Ian - 77-92 International collaboration in science and technology: lessons from CERN
by Smith, C. H. Llewellyn - 93-103 Minorities in Islam: reflections on a new book by Xavier de Planhol
by Abulafia, David - 105-111 Man's many-sided biological identity
by Karli, Pierre - 113-126 Unchanging forms of identity in literary expression
by Ellrodt, Robert - 127-137 The notion of personality: historical and recent perspectives
by Caprara, Gian Vittorio - 139-149 Social context: meanings, measures and mechanisms
by Rutter, Michael - 151-151 Medieval WomenEileen Power and M.M. Postan Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 (104 pages) £6.95 (paperback) ISBN 0 521 5955
by Toubert, Pierre - 152-153 Art and the Roman Viewer: The Transformation of Art from the Pagan World to ChristianityJas Elsner Cambridge University Press, 1995 (375 pages)£6.95, paperback, ISBN 0 521 59952 0. (Previously published in hardback)
by Henderson, George - 153-154 La République des LettresHans Bots and François Waquet Belin-De Boeck, Brussels and Paris, 1997 (188 pages) FF 100 (paperback), ISBN 2-7011-2111-6
by Wright, Barbara - 155-156 Imperialism and Colonialism – Essays on the History of European ExpansionH. W. Wesseling Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, USA1997 (x + 212 pages) £47.50, hardback, ISBN 0-313-30431-9. Distributed by the European Group, London
by Low, Anthony - 156-159 Language, Thought and Consciousness: An Essay in Philosophical PsychologyPeter Carruthers Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996 (xv + 279 pages + reference + index) £37.50, hardback, ISBN 0-521-48158-91998, £14.95, softback, ISBN 0-521-63999-9
by Rhee, Jyoo-Hi - 159-160 Liberty before LiberalismQuentin Skinner Cambridge University Press, 1998 (xiv + 142 pages) £19.95, hardback, ISBN 052163206 4; £6.95, paperback, ISBN 052163876 3
by Kossmann, E. H. - 160-161 A Common Foreign Policy for Europe? Competing Visions of the CFSPJohn Petersen and Helene Sjursen (eds) Routledge, London and New York, 1998 Paperback £16.99 ISBN 0-415-17072-9
by Leigh, Michael - 161-163 Mismatch Explanations of European UnemploymentHorst Entorf Springer, Berlin. 1998 (206 pages) £49 hardback. ISBN 3-540-64056-8
by Allégre, Claude B. - 163-165 Haunted HousingCassandra Chrones Moore Cato Institute, Washington DC. 1997 (283 pages) $21.95, hardback, ISBN 1-882577-41-8; $11.95, softback, ISBN 1-882577-42-6
by Duba, Al - 165-167 Studies in Contemporary Jewry, Vol. 13: The Fate of the European Jews, 1939–1945: Continuity or Contingency?Jonathan Frankel (ed) Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 1997 (422 pages) £42, ISBN 0-19-511931-2
by Lindemann, Albert S. - 167-169 Cambridge Companion to BachJohn Butt (ed) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 (xv + 326 pages) £40.00, hardback, ISBN 0 521 45350 X; £14.95, softback, ISBN 0 521 58780 8
by Oechsle, Siegfried - 170-173 LongitudeDava Sobel Fourth Estate, London, 1998 (184 pages) £5.99, softback, ISBN 1-85702-571-7 - The Quest for LongitudeWilliam J. H. Andrewes (ed) Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 1996 (437 pages) £49.95, hardback, ISBN 0-9644329-0-0 - Island of the Day BeforeUmberto Eco Minerva Fiction, London, 1997 (515 pages) £7.99, softback, ISBN 0-7493-9666-0
by Poirier, Jean-Paul - 173-174 The Stone Skeleton – Structural Engineering of Masonry ArchitectureJacques Heyman, Cambridge University Press, 1997, (160 pages) £27.95, paperback, ISBN 0 521 629632
by Crossland, Bernard
October 1998, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 395-401 Europe as an idea
by Boer, Pim Den - 403-414 The order of names
by Harris, Henry - 415-424 Good government and the historian
by van Caenegem, R. C. - 425-432 Is mathematics still the science of paper, pencils and proofs?
by Fenstad, Jens Erik - 433-439 The electronic nobel museum
by Ringertz, Nils & Mehlin, Hans & Levinovitz, Agneta Wallin - 441-457 The end of the European university?
by Scott, Peter - 459-474 Scottish higher education and the Scottish parliament: the consequences of mistaken national identity
by Paterson, Lindsay - 475-487 The changing roles of the university and non-university sectors of higher education in europe
by Teichler, Ulrich - 489-503 The future of higher education in Central-Eastern Europe: problems and possibilities
by Darvas, Peter - 505-523 The impact of policy changes on the academic profession in England
by Kogan, Maurice & Henkel, Mary - 525-542 South African higher education reform: what comes after post-colonialism?
by Cloete, Nico & Muller, Johan
August 1998, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 269-275 Some reflections on the practice of commemoration
by Kossmann, Ernst - 277-281 The long 10th century, or the creation of the New Europe
by Samsonowicz, Henryk - 283-289 Towards a concise history of South Africa
by Ross, Robert - 291-298 Language and Concepts of Identity
by Quirk, Randolph - 299-319 The Politics of Language in the European Union
by Forrest, Alan - 321-325 Machiavelli's political morality
by Skinner, Quentin - 327-332 Silhouettes: rhetoric and science?
by Pinkau, K. - 333-340 Basic research for the future of Europe
by Markl, Hubert - 341-347 Social psychology and human rights
by Doise, Willem - 349-363 The Obsolescence of almost all theories concerning International Relations
by Brands, Maarten - 365-370 EMBL: a gateway to European science
by Kafatos, Fotis C. & Hodge, Russ - 371-373 The language web. The power and problem of words. 1996 BBC Reith Lectures. Jean Aitchison Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997. (xiv + 139 pages) ISBN 0 521 573 858 (hardback) £25.00; 0 521 3 74757 (paperback)] £7.95 - English as a Global Language. David Crystal Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; 1997 (x + 150 pages) hardback ISBN 0 521 59247 X. £12.95
by Enkvist, Nils-Erik - 374-375 A History of Power in Europe: Peoples, Markets, StatesWim Blockmans Fonds Mercator of the Banque Paribas, Brussels: 1997 (402 pages) BF 2900, Hardback, ISBN 906153383x. Published simultaneously in French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italian editions
by Campbell, Juliet - 375-377 Olives: The Life and Lore of a Noble FruitMort Rosenblum Absolute Press, Bath, Somerset, UK, 1997 (316 pages) £ 14.95, softback. ISBN 1-899791-36-1
by Cahn, Robert W. - 377-378 Leslie Stephen and the New Dictionary of National BiographyColin Matthew Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 (37 pages) Paperback, £4.95 ISBN 0-521-59874-5
by Cowey, Alan - 378-380 Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Vol. 4 (Sp-Z) Edited by Jürgen Mittelsstrass Verlag J.B.Metzler, Stuttgart, Weimar1996 (872 pages) hardback, DM 248 ISBN 3-476-01353-7
by Hüttemann, Andreas - 380-381 Hungary 1956 – Forty Years On Edited by Terry Cox Frank Cass, Ilford1997. (167 pages) £30 hardback IBSN 0714647667, £16 paperback ISBN 0714643082
by Solymar, Laszlo - 381-382 Release 2.0. A design for living in the Digital AgeEsther Dyson Viking, London, 1997 (viii + 307 pages) £15.99, hardback, ISBN 0-670-87600-3
by Cahn, Robert - 382-384 Does the Weather Really matter? The Social Implications of Climate ChangeWilliam James Burroughs Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 (230 pages) hardback, ISBN 0-521-561264 £16.95
by Seitz, Frederick - 384-385 Historical Eclipses and the Earth's RotationF. Richard Stephenson Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 (557 pages) £95 hardback, ISBN 0-521-46194-4
by Humphreys, Colin - 385-388 The Nature of Diamonds edited by George E. Harlow Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998 (278 pages) £19.95 softback, ISBN 0-521-62935-7; £55.00 hardback, ISBN 0-521-62083-x
by Poirier, Jean-Paul - 388-389 Ernest Zebrowski, Perils of a Restless Planet: Scientific Perspectives on Natural DisastersCambridge University Press, Cambridge1997 (228 pages) £16.95, hardback ISBN 0 521 573742
by Heyman, Jacques
May 1998, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 123-136 Doctors under Tension
by Hoffenberg, Raymond - 137-156 Toward green mobility: the evolution of transport
by Ausubel, Jesse H. & Marchetti, Cesare & Meyer, Perrin S. - 157-160 Introduction: The Challenges facing liberal democracy and Political Parties at the Beginning of the 21st Century
by Blondel, Jean - 161-174 Representation and participation in the changing world of party politics
by Mair, Peter - 175-190 Governments and supporting parties: what relationship can one expect in the 21st Century
by Blondel, J. - 191-202 The new challengers: greens and right-wing populist parties in western Europe
by Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand - 203-214 Referendums and the evolution of party government in liberal democracies
by Morel, Laurence - 215-232 Parties and elections in the European Union
by Hix, Simon - 233-248 Towards a stabilization of party systems in the post-communist countries?
by Holmes, Leslie - 249-263 Globalization and the death of liberal democracy
by Cammack, Paul
February 1998, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 7-23 Changing atmospheric chemistry: causes and consequences for environment and climate
by Crutzen, Paul J. - 25-33 Postmodernism and postmodernity: What do these terms mean and why are they successful?
by Fokkema, Douwe - 35-43 Postmodernism: the Enlightenment continued
by Bertens, Hans - 45-51 Postmodernism in music
by Flotzinger, Rudolf - 53-62 Postmodernity and postcommunism
by Szegedy-Maszák, Mihály - 63-74 Europe in the making of Japanese values
by Morris-Suzuki, Tessa - 75-80 The parliamentary system and direct democracy
by Kielmansegg, Peter Graf - 81-89 Culture, scholarship, and education a dilemma for the mass university
by Strömholm, Stig - 91-95 The significance of silence
by Rescher, Nicholas - 97-102 The impact of electronic publishing on the academic community
by Butterworth, Ian - 103-107 The re-establishment of good taste: on the role of academies in the 21st century
by Allén, Sture - 109-110 Le Cerveau et La LibertéPierre Karli Odile Jacob, Paris, 1996 (360 pages) FF140, paperback, ISBN 2-7381-0339-1
by Vincent, Jean-Didier - 110-111 The Idea of Progress Edited by A. Burgen, P. McLaughlin and J. Mittelstrass de Gruyter, Berlin, 1997 (ix + 241 pages) £10.00, paperback, ISBN 3-11-015393-9
by Strawson, P. F. - 111-112 Umberto Eco and the Open Text: Semiotics, Fiction, Popular CulturePeter Bondanella Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 (xvi + 218 pages) £30.00, US$44.95, hardback, ISBN 0 521 44200
by Wright, Barbara - 113-115 Goodbye Descartes. The End of Logic and the Search for a New Cosmology of the MindKeith Devlin John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997 (x + 301 pages) £17.99, hardback, ISBN 0-471-14216-6
by Enkvist, Nils Erik - 115-117 The World Food OutlookDonald O. Mitchell, Merlinda D. Ingco and Ronald C. Duncan Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 (xvii + 216 pages) £37.50, hardback, ISBN 0 521 58010 2; £13.95, paperback, ISBN 0 521 58984 3
by Myers, Norman - 117-118 Growing up with Science: Developing Early Understanding of Science Edited by Kjell Härnqvist and Arnold Burgen Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London and Bristol, Pennsylvania, and Academia Europaea, 1997 (295 pages) £14.95, softback, ISBN 1-85302 449-X
by Blin-Stoyle, Roger - 119-120 Members of Parliament in Western Europe, Roles and Behaviour Edited by W. C. Müller and T. Saalfeld Frank Cass, London, 1997 (176 pages) £29.50, hardback, ISBN 0 7146 4821 3; £15.00, paperback, ISBN 0 7146 4369 6
by Blondel, J. - 120-121 Scientific Unit Conversion: A Practical Guide to MetricationFrançois Cardarelli Springer-Verlag, London, 1997 (xvi + 456 pages) £19.50, softback, ISBN 3-540-76022-9
by Cahn, Robert
October 1997, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 353-370 Probing leviathan: the eastern enlargement of the European Union
by Jovanović, Miroslav N. - 371-381 The development of the industrial society
by Danielmeyer, Hans G. - 383-399 Language, writing and the law
by Grossfeld, Bernhard - 401-417 ‘The contagion of the throng’: absorbing violence in the Roman world
by Coleman, Kathleen - 419-428 The large-scale structure of the Universe
by de Lapparent-Gurriet, Valérie - 429-435 Centres of excellence in Central and Eastern Europe
by Pleşu, Andrei - 437-439 Regeneration Edited by Pat Barker Penguin Books, London, 1992 (252 pages). £6.99, softback, ISBN 0-14-012308-3. - The Eye in the DoorPat Barker Penguin Books, London, 1994 (280 pages). £6.99, softback, ISBN 0-14-016878-8. - The Ghost RoadPat Barker Viking, Penguin Books, London, 1995 (279 pages). £15.00, hardback, ISBN 0-670-85489-1
by Howard, Michael - 439-441 Would-be Worlds: How Simulation is Changing the Frontiers of ScienceJohn L. Casti John Wiley & Sons, New York & Chichester, 1996 (xii + 242 pages). £17.99, $24.95, hardback, ISBN 0-471-12308-0
by Clapp, Philip C. - 441-442 Are We Unique? A Scientist Explores the Unparalleled Intelligence of the Human MindJames Trefil John Wiley & Sons, New York & Chichester, 1997 (xii + 231 pages). £18.99, hardback, ISBN 0-471-15536-5
by Cahn, Robert - 443-445 The Economic Laws of Scientific ResearchTerence Kealey Macmillan Press, Basingstoke and London, 1996 (382 pages). £47.50, hardback, ISBN 0-333-56045-0; £15.99, paperback, ISBN 0-333-65755-1. Also St Martin's Press, New York, 1996, ISBN 0-312-12847-9
by Humphreys, Colin
July 1997, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 241-256 Islam in the history of early Europe
by Abulafia, David - 257-265 The functioning of a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state: the Ottoman Empire
by Majer, Hans Georg - 267-274 What will be chosen from the Islamic basket?
by Hjärpe, Jan - 275-288 Scholarship after the end of history
by Lepenies, Wolf - 289-303 On looking both ways at once: scrutinies of the private life of higher education
by Neave, Guy - 305-321 ‘Improving ratings’: audit in the British University system
by Strathern, Marilyn - 323-329 European economic areas since 1914: old realities and European Unity
by Bossuat, Gérard - 331-333 Damned to Fame: The Life of Samuel BeckettJames Knowlson Bloomsbury, London, 1996 (871 pages). £25, hardback, ISBN 0 7475 2719 9. - Samuel Beckett: The Last ModernistAnthony Cronin Harper/Collins, London, 1996 (645 pages). £25, hardback, ISBN 246 13769 X
by Brown, Terence - 333-335 Improving Nature? The Science and Ethics of Genetic EngineeringMichael Reiss and Roger Straughan Cambridge University Press, UK, 1996 (288 pages). £16.95, hardback, ISBN 0 521 45441 7
by Izquierdo, M. L. - 335-336 Journal PublishingGillian Page, Robert Campbell and Jack Meadows Cambridge University Press, UK, 1997 (xii + 407 pages). £35 hardback, ISBN 0 521 44137 4
by Cahn, Robert - 336-337 Why Switzerland?, 2nd editionJonathan Steinberg Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1996 (328 pages). £40, hardback, ISBN 0 521 48170 8; £14.95, softback, ISBN 0 521 48453 7
by Frey, Bruno S. - 337-341 The Cambridge Illustrated History of AstronomyMichael Hoskin (Editor) Cambridge University Press, 1997 (400 pages). £24.95, hardback, ISBN 0 521 41158 0
by Pecker, Jean-Claude - 341-343 The CamorraTom Behan Routledge, London and New York, 1996 (225 pages). £25, softback, ISBN 0 415 09987 0
by Arunachalam, V. S. - 343-344 Policing Politics: Security Intelligence and the Liberal Democratic StatePeter Gill Frank Cass, London, 1994 (xviii + 364 pages). £25 hardback, ISBN 0 7146 3490 5; £14.95 softback, ISBN 0 7146 4097 2
by West, Nigel - 344-346 Alzheimer Disease: from Molecular Biology to TherapyRobert Becker and E. Giacobini (Editors) Birkhäuser, Basel, 1997 (620 pages). sFr 138, DM 162, oS̈ 1183, hardback, ISBN 3 7643 3879 2
by Brayne, Carol - 346-349 The Cambridge History of German LiteratureHelen Watanabe-O'Kelly (Editor) Cambridge University Press, 1997 (xiv + 613 pages). £65, hardback, ISBN 0-521-43417-3
by Gray, Ronald D. - 349-351 Urban Networks in EuropeDenise Pumain and Thérèse Saint Julien (Editors) John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 1996, 280 FF, ISBN 2-7420-0066-6
by Cahn, Martin
April 1997, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 123-133 By what right do we invoke Human Rights?a
by Perutz, Max - 135-146 Career prospects in science
by Fenstad, Jens Erik - 147-160 Priorities of independent medical research funding agencies in the UK
by Ogilvie, Bridget M. & Garnham, Diana - 161-184 The role of the European Commission in supporting research
by Fasella, Paolo - 185-191 What industry expects from science
by Danielmeyer, H. G. - 193-204 Intellectual property rights in the support of scientific research
by Tassy, J. & Dambrine, C. - 205-206 Nation and Identity in Contemporary Europe edited by Brian Jenkins and Spyros A. Sofos Routledge, London, 1996 (x + 294 pages). £45.00, hardback, ISBN 0-415-12313-7; £13.99, softback, ISBN 0-415-12313-5
by Blondel, Jean - 206-207 The Actors in Europe's Foreign Policy edited by Christopher Hill Routledge, London, 1996 (x + 288 pages). £27.50, hardback, ISBN 0-415-12222-8; £12.99, softback, ISBN 0-415-12223-6
by Hornemann, Jørgen - 208-209 European Policies on Competition, Trade and Industry: Conflict and Complementarities edited by Pierre Buigues, Alexis Jacquemin and André Sapir Edward Elgar, Aldershot, Surrey, UK, 1995 (400 pages). £49.95, hardback, ISBN 1-85898-315-0
by Jovanović, Miroslav N. - 209-211 Pour l'Emploi et la Croissance et l'EuropeJacques Drèze DeBoeck Université, Bruxelles & Namur, 1996 (256 pages). BF 850, softback, ISBN 2-8041-2081-3
by De Grauwe, Paul - 211-212 Le Prioritá Nazionale della Ricerca Industriale: Primo RapportoFondazione Rosselli, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1996 (351 pages) Lit 54 000, ISBN 88-2-4-9759-X
by Battezzati, Livio - 213-214 The Way the Modern World Works: World Hegemony to World ImpassePeter J. Taylor John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1996 (xiv + 276 pages). £18.99, softback, ISBN 0-471-96586-3
by Klein, P. W. - 214-219 Population Migration in the European Union Edited by Philip Rees, John Stillwell, Andrew Convey and Marek Kupiszewski John Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1996 (410 pages). £45, hardback, ISBN 0-471-94968-X
by Coleman, David - 219-220 Studia Europaea, Volume I ‘Centrum voor Europese Cultuur’ of the Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, volume I, 1995 (pages 5–109), Paleis der Academiën, Hertogstraat 1, 1000 Brussel, Belgium. BF 1250
by Amelinckx, Severin - 220-223 Words. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Lund, 25–26 August 1995 edited by Jan Svartvik Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, 1996 (249 pages). Swedish Crowns 192 (+ value added tax), softback, ISBN 91-7402-261-X
by Whitcut, Janet - 223-224 L'Image Ecrite, ou la Déraison GraphiqueAnne-Marie Christin Flammarion, Paris, 1995 (252 pages). 260 FF, softback, ISBN 2-08-012635-0
by Wright, Barbara - 225-226 Your Mother's Tongue—A Book of European InvectiveStephen Burgen Victor Gollancz, London, 1996 (223 pages). £15.99, hardback, ISBN 0-575-06131-6
by Cahn, Robert - 226-228 Telling Lives in Science. Essays on Scientific Biography edited by Michael Shortland and Richard Yeo Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996 (xiv + 295 pages). £50.00, hardback, ISBN 0-521-43323-1
by Russell, Colin A. - 228-229 Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine edited by Roy Porter Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996 (400 pages). £24.95, hardback, ISBN 0-521-44211-7
by Burgen, Arnold - 230-231 Depression and the Spiritual in Modern Art: Homage to Mirò edited by J. J. Schildkraut and A. Otero John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, 1996 (244 pages). £40.00, hardback, ISBN 0-471-95403-9
by Mitchell, A. R. K. - 231-234 Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Band 3 (P–So) edited by Jürgen Mittelstrass (with Martin Carrier and Gereon Wolters) Verlag J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart & Weimar, 1995 (866 pages) DM248, hardback, ISBN 3-476-01352-9
by Hüttemann, Andreas - 234-235 Le Noyau de la TerreJean-Paul Poirier Flammarion, Paris, 1996 (126 pages) FF 39, softback, ISBN 2-08-035430-2
by Cahn, Robert - 236-237 Online searching: A Scientist's PerspectiveDamon D. Ridley Wiley, Chichester, 1996 (xx + 344 pages). £50.00, cloth, ISBN 0-471-96520-0; £24.95, paperback, ISBN 0-471-96521-9
by Ayris, Paul - 237-239 Science International: A History of the International Council of Scientific UnionsFrank Greenaway Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996 (xii + 279 pages). £35, US $49.95, hardback, ISBN 0-521-58015-3
by Cahn, Robert
January 1997, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-21 Language and the evolution of the human minda
by Markl, Hubert - 23-37 Aspects of Language Mechanisms: a Hebbian perspective
by Pulvermüller, Friedemann - 39-54 The genetic revolution and medicine in the 21st century
by Davies, Kay E. & Clarke, Angus J. & Harper, Peter S. - 55-73 The exportation of the European idea of the Nation-State to Africa
by Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine - 75-87 Limits to globalization
by Holmén, Hans - 89-104 The World Wide Web and the Virtual Library museums pages
by Bowen, Jonathan - 105-111 Twentieth Century Physics
by Seeger, Alfred - 113-115 Einstein: A LifeDenis Brian. John Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1996 (509 pages). £18.99 (ISBN 0-471-11459-6)
by Cahn, Robert - 115-116 Political Parties and the European Union Edited by John Gaffney Routledge, London, 1996 (340 pages). £45.00, hardback (ISBN 0-415-09059-8); £13.99, softback (ISBN 0-415-09060-1)
by Freedman, Lawrence - 116-118 Social Security, Household and Family Dynamics in Ageing SocietiesJean-Pierre Gonnot, Nico Keilman and Christopher Prinz Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London. Dfl 130, £55. (ISBN 0-792-33395-0)
by Laslett, Peter - 118-119 Kurt Gödel, Unpublished Philosophical Essays Edited by Francisco A. Rodriguez-Consuegra Birkhäuser, Basel, 1995 (236 pages). DM 88, SF 78, hardcover (ISBN 3-7643-5310-4)
by Potter, Michael - 121-121 Erratum
by Anonymous
October 1996, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 293-300 Science and Culture
by Mittelstrass, Jürgen - 301-311 Where Asia and Europe meet: culture, research and education
by Svensson, Thommy - 313-327 Stress and Gender
by Frankenhaeuser, Marianne - 329-332 Up and down scalar levels: reductionism or infinite fractal complexity in biology?
by Lüttge, Ulrich - 333-334 The genetic revolution 1950–1996: an introduction
by Birnstiel, Max L. - 335-356 Gene therapy
by Birnstiel, Max L. - 357-370 Gene cloning
by Murray, Noreen E. - 371-391 Transgenic animals
by Sibilia, Maria & Wagner, Erwin F. - 393-414 Transgenic plants
by Walden, Richard & Maas, Christoph & Martini, Norbert & Schell, Jeff - 415-426 The human genome project and its impact in medicine
by Antonarakis, Stylianos E. & Scott, Hamish S. - 427-431 Goals and Purposes of Higher Education in the 21st Century edited by Arnold Burgen Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London and Bristol, Pennsylvania. Higher Education Policy Series 32, 1996 (221 pages) ISBN 1-85302-547-X. £27.50
by Jonsson, Inge
July 1996, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 183-191 Technical changes and the contemporary growth of the big metropolis
by Claval, Paul - 193-214 Circuits of calories: flows of food and energy in Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden 1960–1990
by Buttimer, Anne & Stol, Taeke - 215-219 Europe versus Asia: Truth versus Virtue
by Hofstede, Geert