October 2024, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 346-360 On the Right to Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Ethical Safeguards in Algorithmic Human Resource Management
by Capasso, Marianna & Arora, Payal & Sharma, Deepshikha & Tacconi, Celeste - 361-380 Exploitation, Human Rights and Corporate Obligations
by Berkey, Brian - 381-401 Norm Contestation in the BHR Field—The Role of Corporate Actors as Entrepreneurs, Antipreneurs, and Saboteurs
by Ogunranti, Akinwumi - 402-424 Reparations for Corporate Involvement in War Crimes: The Lundin Trial and Prospects for Victims’ Justice
by Holm, Fanny - 425-428 Fundamental Rights and the Legal Obligations of Business, by David Bilchitz (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), 499 pp
by Hughes, David - 429-431 Corporate Liability and International Criminal Law, by Alessandra De Tommaso (London: Routledge, 2024)
by van Baar, Annika - 432-435 Teaching Business and Human Rights, by Anthony Ewing (ed.), (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023)
by Knaak, Berit S & Poonjatt, Justin J
June 2024, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 201-220 Sweatshops and Labour Law: The Ethical and Legal Implications of Ignoring Labour Law in Developing Countries
by Muchlinski, Peter & Arnold, Denis G - 221-249 Investor Obligations: Transformative and Regressive Impacts of the Business and Human Rights Framework
by Van der Ploeg, Klara Polackova - 250-269 Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence (mHRDD) Laws Caught Between Rituals and Ritualism: The Forms and Limits of Business Authority in the Global Governance of Business and Human Rights
by Lichuma, Caroline Omari - 270-293 ‘Local Communities’ and the Development Conundrum: Where International Investment Law Meets Human Rights and Businesses
by Choukroune, Leïla & Cotula, Lorenzo - 294-300 The EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD): The Final Political Compromise
by Bueno, Nicolas & Bernaz, Nadia & Holly, Gabrielle & Martin-Ortega, Olga - 301-307 Fossil Fuel Industry Divestment and the Energy Transition: Lessons and Red Flags from Shell and the Niger Delta
by Gaughran, Audrey & Wilde-Ramsing, Joseph - 308-314 The Blood Cobalt Narrative: Addressing Human Rights Concerns or Scaremongering?
by Umpula, Emmanuel & Dummett, Mark - 315-320 Companies Operating in Conflict-Affected Environments Without Impacting the Conflict: Between Regular and Heightened Human Rights Due Diligence
by Nagaivska, Daria & Uvarova, Olena - 321-327 Economic Diplomacy and Home State Responsibility for Human Rights Abuses Involving Extractive Industries Abroad: The Case of Canada
by Szablowski, David - 328-333 The Experience of Multistakeholder Dialogue in the Process of Elaboration of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights in Peru
by Fiestas, Federico Chunga - 334-340 Striving for a Rapid Transition: How Companies are Approaching Integrating Respect for Human Rights in Their Climate Action
by Areias, Sophia Aspesi - 341-342 Review of Business and Human Rights: Ethical, Legal, and Managerial Perspectives, Florian Wettstein. (Reviewed by Michelle Westermann-Behaylo)
by Westermann-Behaylo, Michelle - 343-345 Ingrid Landau, Human Rights Due Diligence and Labour Governance, Oxford University Press, 2023
by Lee, Sang Soo
February 2024, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 15-31 Business and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe: Constitutional Law as a Driver for the International Human Rights Law
by Szoszkiewicz, Łukasz - 32-53 Corporate Human Rights Responsibility in Illiberal Regimes: The Example of the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis in Hungary
by Pap, Andras L. & Chronowski, Nóra & Nemessányi, Zoltán - 54-76 Conditionalities in International Organization Accession Processes: Spreading Business and Human Rights Norms in Central and Eastern Europe?
by Higham, Ian - 77-102 Private Military and Security Companies as a Legacy of War: Lessons Learned From the Former Yugoslavia
by Aparac, Jelena - 103-128 Business and Human Rights in Russia: Emerging or Merging?
by Rogerson, Michael - 129-149 Creating an Effective Mediation Scheme for Business-Related Human Rights Abuses: The Case of Ukraine
by Mazaraki, Nataliia & Tsuvina, Tetiana - 150-156 BHR Agenda and Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Political and Human Rights Crisis in Belarus Since 2020
by Deikalo, Ekaterina - 157-162 Human Rights-Compatible International Investment Agreements: A Voice From Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia
by Balcerzak, Filip & Drozd, Stanisław - 163-168 Evaluating the Polish NAPs: Lessons for the Future Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
by Kilanowski, Marcin - 169-175 Ukrainian Business and Human Rights Strategy: A Breakthrough Delayed
by Konopka, Ihor - 176-182 CSOs’ Perception of Corporate Activism on the LGBT+ Community in Poland
by Rudnicka, Agata & Reichel, Janusz - 183-189 Barriers to Access to Justice in North Macedonia for Violations of Human Rights in the Context of Air Pollution
by Dangova Hug, Ana - 190-192 Seeking Justice. Access to Remedy for Corporate Human Rights Abuse, by Tricia D. Olsen (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023)
by Vives-Gabriel, Jordi - 193-196 Multinational Enterprises and the Law By Peter Muchlinski (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, third edition, with a contribution from Ebbe Rogge), 912 pp
by Sjåfjell, Beate - 197-200 Business and Human Rights Law and Practice in Africa, Damilola Olawuyi and Oyeniyi Abe (eds) (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022)
by Kimotho, Wangui & Wodajo, Kebene
October 2023, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 309-328 Vulnerability Theory as a Paradigm Shift in International Investment Law: Reimagining the Role of the State
by Küçüksu, Aysel & Ünüvar, Güneş - 329-351 The UNGPs and ISDS: Should Businesses Assess the Human Rights Impacts of Investor–State Arbitration?
by Triefus, Stephanie - 352-368 Leveraging Human Rights Due Diligence in Corporate-State Procurement: The Exemplar of the Pfizer-Israeli COVID-19 Vaccination Program
by Slawotsky, Joel - 369-402 Gender-Transformative Remedies for Women Human Rights Defenders
by Nissen, Aleydis - 403-426 Confronting Challenges to Substantive Remedy for Victims: Opportunities for OECD National Contact Points under a Due Diligence Regime Involving Civil Liability
by Buhmann, Karin - 427-433 The 2023 Update of the OECD Guidelines sets Stronger Standards for Companies but Weak Expectations for Governments – High and Lowlights from the New Text
by Ingrams, Marian G. - 434-440 Downstream Human Rights Due Diligence: Informing Debate Through Insights from Business Practice
by Hogan, Benn F. & Reyes, Joanna - 441-447 Defending the Rights of Local Communities against Box-Ticking Exercises: An Analysis of Sustaining the Wild Coast NPC v Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy
by Rankin, Claire - 448-453 Lessons from the ANZ-Phnom Penh Sugar Case for the OECD National Contact Point System of Corporate Accountability
by Bugalski, Natalie & Pred, David - 454-460 Corporate Social Irresponsibility, an Elastic Wall, and a Fragile State: Sign of Hope’s Unfinished Quest to Mitigate Human Rights Violations in South Sudan
by Kinderman, Daniel & Stieglitz, Klaus & Almairac, Laure - 461-467 Chaos in the Sporting World over Russia’s War of Aggression: Political Neutrality in Light of Human Rights Protection
by Wiater, Patricia - 468-470 Kinnari I. Bhatt, Concessionaries, Financiers and Communities. Implementing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Land in Transnational Development Projects (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020)
by Schönsteiner, Judith - 471-473 Gabriel Webber Ziero, Business, Compliance and Human Rights Law. The Effectiveness of Transnational Private Regulations for Vulnerable Stakeholders (New York: Routledge, 2022), 248 pp. ISBN: 9781032026633
by Monciardini, David - 474-476 Miriam Saage-Maaß, Peer Zumbansen, Michael Bader and Palvasha Shahab (editors), Transnational Legal Activism in Global Value Chains: Ali Enterprises Factory Fire and the Struggle for Justice (Springer, 2021), 333 pp
by Khan, Muhammad Asif - 477-479 Rethinking Global Value Chains and Corporate Social Responsibility by Peter Lund-Thomsen (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022). ISBN 978 1 83910 208 0
by Bianchi, Lara - 480-482 Human Rights: A Key Idea for Business and Society by Karin Buhmann (Routledge, London, 2021). ISBN 9780367520540
by de Bakker, Frank G. A.
June 2023, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 135-150 Business and Human Rights in a Changing World Order: Beyond the Ethics of Disembedded Liberalism
by Karp, David Jason - 151-179 Beyond Climate Due Diligence: Fossil Fuels, ‘Red Lines’ and Reparations
by Dehm, Julia - 180-196 Corporate Law’s Threat to Human Rights: Why Human Rights Due Diligence Might Not Be Enough
by Choudhury, Barnali - 197-212 Beyond Buzzwords: Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence and a Rights-Based Approach to Business Models
by Leite, Marianna - 213-236 Human Rights Due Diligence by Corporate Creditors in Sovereign Debt Restructurings – A Great Missing Link
by Bohoslavsky, Juan Pablo & Cantamutto, Francisco & Castiglioni, Lucas - 237-243 Access to Remedies and Reparations: From Brazilian Practice to International Binding Standards
by Coelho, Thales Cavalcanti - 244-251 Emerging Regulations on Content Moderation and Misinformation Policies of Online Media Platforms: Accommodating the Duty of Care into Intermediary Liability Models
by Machado, Caio C. V. & Aguiar, Thaís Helena - 252-258 A Fast and Fair Energy Transition: How Community Legal Action and New Legislation are Shaping the Global Shift to Renewable Energy
by Aba, Elodie - 259-264 Protecting Reproductive Rights Post-Roe: Can Companies Keep Your Data Safe?
by Barrera, Meagan & Rayman Labrin, Danny - 265-270 Automotive Supply Chain Links to the Uyghur Genocide: Reversing a Growing Crisis
by Salcito, Kendyl - 271-276 In the Wake of Bonsucro: Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and Third-Party Certifiers at the Test Bench of OECD National Contact Points
by Corcione, Elena - 277-283 The Catalan Centre for Business and Human Rights: Addressing Extraterritorial Corporate Human Rights Abuses at the Subnational Level
by Iglesias Márquez, Daniel - 284-291 Mind the Governance Gaps: Harmful Corporate Strategies Leading to Avoidance of Responsibility and Civil Society Counter-Strategies
by Booth, Katharine - 292-294 ‘From Nuremberg to Kabuga’ - Corporations, Accountability and International Criminal Law: Industry and Atrocity, Joanna Kyriakakis (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021)
by Kolieb, Jonathan - 295-297 Power, Participation, and Private Regulatory Initiatives: Human Rights Under Supply Chain Capitalism (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021) Edited by Daniel Brinks, Julia Dehm, Karen Engle and Kate Taylor
by Okafor, Chris & Birchall, David - 298-300 Anna Aseeva, From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Social Liability: A Socio‑Legal Study of Corporate Liability in Global Value Chains (Oxford: Hart, 2021), 244 pp
by McVey, Marisa - 301-303 Mihaela Maria Barnes, State-Owned Entities and Human Rights. The Role of International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022)
by Uvarova, Olena - 304-307 Chiara Macchi, Business, Human Rights and the Environment: The Evolving Agenda (The Netherlands: TMC Asser Press, 2022), 201 pp
by Lizarazo-Rodríguez, Liliana
February 2023, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-17 Muddying the Waters: The Concept of a ‘Safe Harbour’ in Understanding Human Rights Due Diligence
by Smit, Lise & Bright, Claire & Neely, Stuart - 18-42 Decentring Narratives around Business and Human Rights Instruments: An Example of the French Devoir de Vigilance Law
by Bose, Debadatta - 43-65 Grievance Mechanisms in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: Providing Effective Remedy for Human Rights Violations?
by Harrison, James & Wielga, Mark - 66-84 Localizing the UNGPs – An Afrocentric Approach to Interpreting Pillar II
by Ogunranti, Akinwumi - 85-89 Awareness, Analysis and Action: A Rights Holder Perspective on Building the Fair Food Movement and the Way Forward for Worker-Driven Social Responsibility
by Reyes Chavez, Gerardo - 90-96 Business Impacts on Economic Inequality: An Agenda for Defining Related Human Rights Impacts and Economic Inequality Due Diligence
by Litwin, Daniel - 97-102 The Modernization of the Energy Charter Treaty: Fulfilled or Broken Promises?
by Verbeek, Bart-Jaap - 103-109 Whistleblowers as Defenders of Human Rights: The Whistleblower Protection Act in Japan
by Iwasaki, Masaki - 110-114 Human Rights Violations Connected with Deforestation – Emerging and Diverging Approaches to Human Rights Due Diligence
by Perram, Anouska & Jiwan, Norman - 115-119 Remedy and Accountability a Decade after the Marikana Massacre
by Vives-Gabriel, Jordi & van der Merwe, Hugo - 120-122 Incorporating Rights: Strategies to Advance Corporate Accountability, Erika George (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021)
by Bartley, Tim - 123-126 Human Rights Litigation against Multinationals in Practice, Richard Meeran and Jahan Meeran (eds.) (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)
by Fasterling, Björn - 127-131 Pinochet’s Economic Accomplices: An Unequal Country by Force, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Karinna Fernández and Sebastián Smart (eds.) (Lexington Books, 2020) - Transitional Justice and Corporate Accountability from Below: Deploying Archimedes’ Lever, Leigh A. Payne, Gabriel Pereira and Laura Bernal-Bermúdez (Cambridge University Press, 2020) - Business, Human Rights and Transitional Justice, Irene Pietropaoli (Routledge, 2020)
by Carrillo-Santarelli, Nicolás
October 2022, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 342-374 Business and Human Rights in Latin America: A Systematic Review of Scholarship
by Blanco Vizarreta, Cristina & Betta, Weronika - 375-396 Bridging the Gap between Foreign Investor Rights and Obligations: Towards Reimagining the International Law on Foreign Investment
by Perrone, Nicolás M. - 397-417 Inter-American Elements for a Systemic Approach to State-Owned Enterprises’ Human Rights Obligations
by Schönsteiner, Judith - 418-438 Marketing Ultra-Processed Food and Beverages to Children in Latin America: Business Responsibilities and State Duties
by Guarnizo-Peralta, Diana - 439-460 The Politics of Localizing Human Rights: Chinese Policies and Corporate Practices in Latin America
by Merino, Roger - 461-467 Is Latin America Missing the Links Between Procurement, Sustainability and Human Rights?
by Treviño Lozano, Laura - 468-474 Access to Remedy and the Construction of Collective Memory: New Perspectives in the Realm of the Colombian Transitional Justice Project
by Velásquez-Ruiz, Marco Alberto & Olarte-Bácares, Carolina - 475-480 A New Route for Redress in the Samarco Case? An Overview of the Simplified Indemnification System’s (Un)Lawfulness
by Garrido Alves, Danilo B. & Arantes Prata, Daniela & Manfredini de Abreu, Camila - 481-486 Corporate Liability for Human Rights Abuses in Latin American Courts: Some Recent Developments
by Cantú Rivera, Humberto & Barboza López, Miguel - 487-493 Missing in Action? Investor Responses to the War in Ukraine
by DeWinter-Schmitt, Rebecca & Jones, Samuel & Stazinski, Richard - 494-499 The Overlooked Advantages of the Independent Monitoring and Complaint Investigation System in the Worker-driven Social Responsibility Model in US Agriculture
by Angelini, Antonella & Curphey, Shauna - 500-507 Gender Component of Internal Displacement in Ukraine: A Case of Business (In)Capability to Localize Human Rights Impact Assessment
by Khrystova, Ganna & Uvarova, Olena - 508-510 Transterritorialidade – Uma Teoria de Responsabilização de Empresas por Violações aos Direitos Humanos, Ana Claudia Ruy Cardia Atchabahian (Lumen Juris, 2020)
by Pamplona, Danielle Anne
June 2022, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 189-200 Intrinsic Values and Human Rights: Corporate Duties Depend on Industry Values
by Donaldson, Thomas - 201-225 Gender and Intersectionality in Business and Human Rights Scholarship
by Handl, Melisa N & Seck, Sara L & Simons, Penelope - 226-248 With Great (Computing) Power Comes Great (Human Rights) Responsibility: Cloud Computing and Human Rights
by Krishnamurthy, Vivek - 249-270 Corporate Responses to Tackling Modern Slavery: A Comparative Analysis of Australia, France and the United Kingdom
by McGaughey, Fiona & Voss, Hinrich & Cullen, Holly & Davis, Matthew C - 271-290 The Potential of Arbitration as Effective Remedy in Business and Human Rights: Will the Hague Rules be Enough?
by Baaij, Andi - 291-297 The EU’s Draft Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: A First Assessment
by Patz, Christopher - 298-302 Coca-Cola’s Cape Town Crisis: Examining Companies’ Water Rights Obligations in a Changing Climate
by Marcoux, Shannon - 303-310 Vietnam Marine Life Disaster: A Test Case of a Home State’s Jurisdiction in Taiwan
by Po, Chia-Yun - 311-318 Candidate City Human Rights Proposals for the 2026 World Cup: The Promise of a Positive Legacy
by Alfrey, David & Amis, Lucy & Nickelsburg, Steve & Rook, William - 319-325 Qatar Labour Reforms Ahead of the FIFA 2022 World Cup
by Qadri, Mustafa - 326-328 Jena Martin, Karen E Bravo and Tara Van Ho (eds), When Business Harms Human Rights: Affected Communities That Are Dying to Be Heard (New York, Anthem Press, 2020)
by Buhmann, Karin - 329-332 Beate Sjåfjell and Irene Lynch Fanon (eds.), Creating Corporate Sustainability: Gender as an Agent for Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018) 337 pp
by George, Erika - 332-334 Georges Enderle, Corporate Responsibility for Wealth Creation and Human Rights (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021) pp 316
by Kriebitz, Alexander
February 2022, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 12-28 Enough of the ‘Snake Oil’: Applying a Business and Human Rights Lens to the Sexual and Reproductive Wellness Industry
by Patton, Clare & McVey, Marisa & Hackett, Ciara - 29-44 Overcoming Silencing Practices: Indigenous Women Defending Human Rights from Abuses Committed in Connection to Mega-Projects: A Case in Colombia
by Tapias Torrado, Nancy R - 45-66 Fast Fashion for 2030: Using the Pattern of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to Cut a More Gender-Just Fashion Sector
by Vijeyarasa, Ramona & Liu, Mark - 67-83 Informal Mining in Colombia: Gender-Based Challenges for the Implementation of the Business and Human Rights Agenda
by Céspedes-Báez, Lina M & Prieto-Ríos, Enrique & Pontón-Serra, Juan P - 84-99 Women and the ‘Business’ of Human Rights: The Problem with Women’s Empowerment Projects and the Need for Corporate Reform
by Russell, Roseanne - 100-116 Reframing Corporate Subjectivity: Systemic Inequality and the Company at the Intersection of Race, Gender and Poverty
by Samaradiwakera-Wijesundara, Charmika - 117-133 The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Women and Digital ID in Kenya: A Decolonial Perspective
by Mutung’u, Grace - 134-156 Reclaiming the Human Rights Foundations of the UN Standards of Conduct for Business on Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI People
by Lyons, Amanda & Christiancy, Cooper - 157-162 Selling Stereotypes: Reviewing the Impact of Business Advertisements on Gender Norms and Socialization
by Gutmann, Bernadette & Jha, Shreyasi & O’Doherty, Emer & Banerji, Ranjavati - 163-167 The Human Rights Implications of Not-for-Profit Surrogacy Organizations in Cross-Border Commercial Surrogacy: An Australian Case Study
by Luo, Yingyi & Marshall, Shelley & Cuthbert, Denise - 168-174 The Implications of the Adoption of a Model Sexual Harassment Policy Within the Flower Sector in Kenya
by Kuira, Mary - 175-180 A Feminist Analysis of the Legal Mechanisms of Protection and Repair in the Context of the Brazilian Extractive Industry: The Doce River Case
by Bertholdi, Juliana & Pamplona, Danielle Anne - 181-187 Private Military and Security Companies and Gendered Human Rights Challenges: Oversight or Blatant Disregard?
by MacLeod, Sorcha & van Amstel, Nelleke
October 2021, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 399-422 The Future of Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations in the English Courts: Is Forum [Non] Conveniens Back?
by ARISTOVA, Ekaterina - 423-448 OECD National Contact Points as Sites of Effective Remedy: New Expressions of the Role and Rule of Law within Market Globalization?
by BHATT, Kinnari & ERDEM TÜRKELLİ, Gamze - 449-489 Closing the Accountability Gap in Corporate Supply Chains for Violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act
by GREEN, Jennifer - 490-513 Including Disability in Business and Human Rights Discourse and Corporate Practice
by STEIN, Michael Ashley & BANTEKAS, Ilias - 514-541 Conceptualizing Work Integration Social Enterprises under International Human Rights Law
by HOFMAYER, Sarah - 542-549 The Swiss Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation: Between Law and Politics
by BUENO, Nicolas & KAUFMANN, Christine - 550-558 Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in Germany and Norway: Stepping, or Striding, in the Same Direction?
by KRAJEWSKI, Markus & TONSTAD, Kristel & WOHLTMANN, Franziska - 559-566 The Reformed EU Human Rights Sanctions Regime: A Step Forward or an Empty Threat?
by LETNAR ČERNIČ, Jernej - 567-575 Responses to the Uyghur Crisis and the Implications for Business and Human Rights Legislation
by POLASCHEK, Rosa - 576-583 Racism as a Human Rights Risk: Reconsidering the Corporate ‘Responsibility to Respect’ Rights
by GEORGE, Erika - 584-591 COVID-19 Exposes Warped Global Health Power: The System Needs a Course Correction
by KASHYAP, Aruna & KNIGHT, Kyle & WURTH, Margaret - 592-598 When the Complexity of the Large-Scale Development Project Becomes a Roadblock to Access to Justice
by HWANG, Pillkyu & PARK, Yae-Ahn - 599-606 The Montara Class Action Decision and Implications for Corporate Accountability for Australian Companies
by RYAN, Richard & PARRY, Ellen - 607-615 Promoting Business and Human Rights Education: Lessons from Colombia, Ukraine and Pakistan
by EWING, Anthony - 616-620 Gamze Erdem Türkelli, Children’s Rights and Business: Governing Obligations and Responsibility (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020)
by COLLINS, Tara M. - 621-624 Nora Götzmann (ed.), Handbook on Human Rights Impact Assessment (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019), 483 pp
by MAJEKOLAGBE, Adebayo - 625-627 Sára Hungler, The Dual Nature of Employee Involvement (Budapest and Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020), 131 pp
by MILOŠ, Matija
June 2021, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-1 Municipio de Mariana v BHP Group: Implications of the UK High Court’s Decision – CORRIGENDUM
by FARRINGTON, Francesca - 179-197 Ten Years After: From UN Guiding Principles to Multi-Fiduciary Obligations
by RUGGIE, John Gerard & REES, Caroline & DAVIS, Rachel - 198-211 UN Guiding Principles at 10: Permeating Narratives or Yet Another Silo?
by JÄGERS, Nicola - 212-226 The Impact of the UN Guiding Principles on Business Attitudes to Observing Human Rights
by MUCHLINSKI, Peter - 227-240 The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility Research
by RASCHE, Andreas & WADDOCK, Sandra - 241-254 Rise of Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: A Beacon of Hope or a Double-Edged Sword?
by QUIJANO, Gabriela & LOPEZ, Carlos - 255-269 Multinational Human Rights Litigation in the UK: A Retrospective
by MEERAN, Richard - 270-278 The South African Experience: Litigating Remedies
by ABRAHAMS, Charles - 279-292 A Decade of the UNGPs in India: Progressive Policy Shifts, Contested Implementation
by SRINIVASAN, Vasanthi & VENKATACHALAM, Parvathy - 293-311 Advisors or Enablers? Bringing Professional Service Providers into the Guiding Principles’ Fold
by RAMASASTRY, Anita - 312-325 Betting on the Wrong (Trojan) Horse: CSR and the Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
by WETTSTEIN, Florian - 326-335 Why the United Nations is Not the Ideal Forum for Business and Human Rights: The UNGPs and the Right to COVID-19 Vaccine Access in the Global South
by SANTORO, Michael A. - 336-351 The UN Guiding Principles’ Orbit and Other Regulatory Regimes in the Business and Human Rights Universe: Managing the Interface
by DEVA, Surya - 352-359 Pandemic Innovation: The Private Sector and the Development of Contact-Tracing and Exposure Notification Apps
by SCASSA, Teresa - 360-367 EU–China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: An Appraisal of its Sustainable Development Section
by COTULA, Lorenzo - 368-376 Okpabi v Shell and Four Nigerian Farmers v Shell: Parent Company Liability Back in Court
by ROORDA, Lucas & LEADER, Daniel - 377-383 The Juukan Gorge Incident: Key Lessons on Free, Prior and Informed Consent
by NAGAR, Anirudha - 384-391 A Neatly Engineered Stalemate: A Review of the Sixth Session of Negotiations on a Treaty on Business and Human Rights
by SUBASINGHE, Ruwan - 392-398 Municipio de Mariana v BHP Group: Implications of the UK High Court’s Decision
by FARRINGTON, Francesca
February 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-20 Wages: An Overlooked Dimension of Business and Human Rights in Global Supply Chains
by LEBARON, Genevieve - 21-41 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Sustainable Development Goals, and Duties of Corporations: Rejecting the False Dichotomies
by CHIRWA, Danwood & AMODU, Nojeem - 42-66 Corporate Power over Human Rights: An Analytical Framework
by BIRCHALL, David - 67-92 Assessing the Effectiveness of Non-State-Based Grievance Mechanisms in Providing Access to Remedy for Rightsholders: A Case Study of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
by WIELGA, Mark & HARRISON, James - 93-119 The Climate Change Dimension of Business and Human Rights: The Gradual Consolidation of a Concept of ‘Climate Due Diligence’
by MACCHI, Chiara - 120-126 Big Data on BHR: Innovative Approaches to Analysing the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre Database
by JANZ, Nicole & ALLEN-ROBERTSON, James & MAJUMDAR, Rajeshwari & HERTEL, Shareen - 127-134 Irresponsible Exit: Exercising Force Majeure Provisions in Procurement Contracts
by SHERMAN, John F. - 135-140 Teaching Business and Human Rights During the Pandemic
by CHAMBERS, Rachel & EWING, Anthony & ROGGENSACK, Meg - 141-152 The French Law on the Duty of Vigilance: Theoretical and Practical Challenges Since its Adoption
by SAVOUREY, Elsa & BRABANT, Stéphane - 153-158 Expanding California’s Law to Increase Protections for Temporary Guest Workers Benefits Businesses
by RICHARD, Stephanie & LA PIERRE, Suzanne - 159-162 Working with the Financial Sector to Correct the Market Failure of Modern Slavery
by COCKAYNE, James - 163-169 The Child Labour Quagmire in Ghana: Root Causes and Ephemeral Solutions
by DOWUONA-HAMMOND, Christine & ATUGUBA, Raymond A. & TUOKUU, Francis Xavier Dery - 170-173 Dalia Palombo, Business and Human Rights: The Obligations of the European Homes States (Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 2019), ISBN 9781509928033, 280 pp. + notes and index
by OGUNRANTI, Akinwumi - 174-177 Olga Martin-Ortega and Claire Methven O’Brien (eds.), Public Procurement and Human Rights: Opportunities, Risks and Dilemmas for the State as Buyer (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019), ISBN 1788116305
by AKINKUGBE, Olabisi D. - 178-178 Big Data on BHR: Innovative Approaches to Analysing the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre Database – ERRATUM
by JANZ, Nicole & ALLEN-ROBERTSON, James & MAJUMDAR, Rajeshwari & HERTEL, Shareen
July 2020, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 179-199 How Company Law has Failed Human Rights – and What to Do About It
by SJÅFJELL, Beate - 200-220 Developing a Business and Human Rights Treaty: Lessons from the Deep Seabed Mining Regime Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
by BERNAZ, Nadia & PIETROPAOLI, Irene - 221-240 Business, Human Rights and Peace: Linking the Academic Conversation
by KATSOS, John E. - 241-251 Nevsun: A Ray of Hope in a Darkening Landscape?
by BAXI, Upendra - 252-260 Companies, COVID-19 and Respect for Human Rights
by TRIPATHI, Salil - 261-269 Business Views on Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Regulation: A Comparative Analysis of Two Recent Studies
by SMIT, Lise & BRIGHT, Claire & PIETROPAOLI, Irene & HUGHES-JENNETT, Julianne & HOOD, Peter - 270-275 Business and Armed Non-State Groups: Challenging the Landscape of Corporate (Un)accountability in Armed Conflicts
by APARAC, Jelena - 276-281 Lithium Might Hold the Key to our Clean Energy Future, but Will this Star Metal Fully Deliver on its Green Potential?
by QUIJANO, Gabriela - 282-288 Jam v International Finance Corporation: The US Supreme Court Decision and its Aftermath
by SIMONS, Marco & GRAZIANO, MacKennan - 289-295 The First International Standard on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work
by SAHAN, Makbule - 296-302 How to Reduce Conflicts Between Mining Companies and Artisanal Miners in the Province of Lualaba: Overcoming the Policy and Systemic Barriers to a Model that Respects Human Rights
by NKUMBA, Emmanuel Umpula - 303-305 Azadeh Chalabi, National Human Rights Action Planning (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2018), ISBN 978-0-19-882284-4, 251 pp
by REIF, Linda C. - 306-308 Justine Nolan and Martijn Boersma, Addressing Modern Slavery (University of New South Wales Press, 2019), 214 pp. + notes and index
January 2020, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-27 Climate Change as a Business and Human Rights Issue: A Proposal for a Moral Typology
by TOFT, Kristian Høyer - 28-55 Business and Human Rights Scholarship in Social Issues in Management: An Analytical Review
by SCHREMPF-STIRLING, Judith & VAN BUREN, Harry J. - 56-83 In Defence of Direct Obligations for Businesses Under International Human Rights Law
by LÓPEZ LATORRE, Andrés Felipe - 84-104 Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: A Business Ethical Assessment
by KRIEBITZ, Alexander & LÜTGE, Christoph - 105-129 A Nightmare or a Noble Dream? Establishing Investor Obligations Through Treaty-Making and Treaty-Application
by KRAJEWSKI, Markus - 130-136 Vedanta v Lungowe and Kiobel v Shell: The Implications for Parent Company Accountability
by CROSER, Marilyn & DAY, Martyn & VAN HUIJSTEE, Mariëtte & SAMKALDEN, Channa - 137-142 Canada’s New Corporate Responsibility Ombudsperson Falls Far Short of its Promise
by KEENAN, Karyn - 143-149 Striking the Right(s) Balance: Conflicts between Human Rights and Freedom to Conduct a Business in the ILVA Case in Italy
by NEGLIA, Maddalena - 150-155 Confronting the Constraints of the Medium: The Fifth Session of the UN Intergovernmental Working Group on a Business and Human Rights Treaty
by METHVEN O’BRIEN, Claire - 156-163 De-contextualized Corporate Human Rights Benchmarks: Whose Perspective Counts? See Disclaimer
by MAHER, Rajiv - 164-170 Modern Slavery Laws in Australia: Steps in the Right Direction?
by SINCLAIR, Amy & NOLAN, Justine - 171-174 Angelica Bonfanti, Business and Human Rights in Europe: International Law Challenges (Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press, 2018), 264 pp
by KAEB, Caroline - 175-177 Stéphanie Bijlmakers, Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights and the Law (Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2018), ISBN 9780815399230, 201 pp
by ROORDA, Lucas
July 2019, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 213-237 National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights: Progress or Mirage?
by CANTÚ RIVERA, Humberto