June 2022, Volume 96, Issue 2
- 451-453 Imperial Metropolis: Los Angeles, Mexico, and the Borderlands of American Empire, 1865–1941. By Jessica M. Kim. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019. xiii + 282 pp. Illustrations, map, table, appendix, notes, bibliography, index. Paperback, $27.95. ISBN: 978-1-4696-6624-2
by Culver, Lawrence - 453-456 The Global Bourgeoisie: The Rise of the Middle Classes in the Age of Empire. Edited by Christof Dejung, David Motadel, and Jürgen Osterhammel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. 400 pp. Illustrations, index. Paperback, $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-17734-2
by Zakim, Michael - 456-458 Hollywood's Embassies: How Movie Theaters Projected American Power around the World. By Ross Melnick. New York: Columbia University Press, 2022. 528 pp. Notes, index. Paperback, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-231-20151-3
by Dodds, Klaus - 459-461 Selling the Sights: The Invention of the Tourist in American Culture. By Will B. Mackintosh. New York: NYU Press, 2019. 272 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Hardcover, $35.00. ISBN: 978-1-4798-8937-2
by Knight Lozano, Henry - 461-464 Forging Global Fordism: Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and the Contest over the Industrial Order. By Stefan J. Link. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020. 316 pp. Hardcover, $39.95. Notes, bibliography, index. ISBN: 978-0-691-17754-0
by Tompkins, Spencer - 464-466 Why the New Deal Matters. By Eric Rauchway. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2021. 232 pp. Notes, index. Paperback, $16.00. ISBN 978-0-300-26483-8
by Patel, Kiran Klaus - 466-469 Monetary War and Peace: London, Washington, Paris, and the Tripartite Agreement of 1936. By Max Harris. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. xiii + 279 pp. Appendixes, index. Hardcover, C$126.95. ISBN: 978-1-108-48495-4
by Faudot, Adrien - 469-472 A Full-Value Ruble: The Promise of Prosperity in the Postwar Soviet Union. By Kristy Ironside. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. 320 pp. Photographs, illustrations, glossary, appendixes, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $45.00. ISBN: 978-0-67425-164-9
by Woodruff, David - 472-474 Designing One Nation: The Politics of Economic Culture and Trade in Divided Germany. By Katrin Schreiter. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. 289 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $55.00. ISBN: 978-0-19087-727-9
by Augustine, Dolores L. - 474-477 Made in Hong Kong: Transpacific Networks and a New History of Globalization. By Peter E. Hamilton. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021. xv + 419 pp. Notes, bibliography, index. Paperback, $35.00, ISBN: 978-0-231-18485-4
by Roberts, Priscilla - 477-480 Undelivered: From the Great Postal Strike of 1970 to the Manufactured Crisis of the U.S. Postal Service. By Philip F. Rubio. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2020. xiv + 290 pp. Illustrations, appendixes, notes, bibliography, index. Paperback, $29.95. ISBN: 978-1-4696-5546-8
by Blevins, Cameron - 480-482 Austerity: When It Works and When It Doesn't. By Alberto Alesina, Carlo Favero, and Francesco Giavazzi. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. 296 pp. Notes, references, index. Paperback, $22.95. ISBN: 978-0-69120-863-3
by Schui, Florian - 482-484 Invisible China: How the Urban-Rural Divide Threatens China's Rise. By Scott Rozelle and Natalie Hell. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. 248 pp. Figures, tables, appendix, notes, index. Cloth, $27.50. ISBN: 9-780-22673-952-6
by Meyer-Clement, Elena
March 2022, Volume 96, Issue 1
- 3-15 Introduction: Standards and the Global Economy
by Yates, JoAnne & Murphy, Craig N. - 17-45 Men of Science and Standards: Introducing the Metric System in Nineteenth-Century Brazil
by Hanley, Anne G. - 47-76 Inching toward Modernity: Industrial Standards and the Fate of the Metric System in the United States
by Mihm, Stephen - 77-108 CE Marking, Business, and European Market Integration
by Ballor, Grace - 109-144 The Business of Internetworking: Standards, Start-Ups, and Network Effects
by Russell, Andrew L. & Pelkey, James L. & Robbins, Loring - 145-176 Making Food Standard: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Food Standards of Identity, 1930s–1960s
by Frohlich, Xaq - 177-188 Comment
by Graham, Margaret B. W. - 195-200 Intellectual Property and National Economies
by Vinsel, Lee - 201-203 Franchise: The Golden Arches in Black America. By Marcia Chatelain. New York: Liveright, 2020. 336 pp. Hardcover, $28.95. ISBN: 978-1-63149-394-2
by Harris, LaShawn - 203-206 Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership. By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019. xiv + 349 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $30.00. ISBN: 978-1-469-65366-2
by Dickerson, A. Mechele - 206-208 The English East India Company's Silk Enterprise in Bengal, 1750–1850: Economy, Empire and Business. By Karolina Hutková. Woodbridge, U.K.: Boydell Press, 2019. xii + 257 pp. Illustrations, maps, appendixes, bibliography. Hardcover, $120.00. ISBN: 978-1-783-27394-2
by Lally, Jagjeet - 208-211 Come l'acqua e il sangue: Le origini medievali del pensiero economico. By Giacomo Todeschini. Rome: Caricci editore, 2021. 336 pp. Paperback, Price, €27,55 ISBN: 978-8-82900-500-0
by Fredona, Robert - 211-213 More: A History of the World Economy from the Iron Age to the Information Age. By Philip Coggan. New York: PublicAffairs, 2020. 496 pp. Illustrations. Hardcover, $34.00. ISBN: 978-1-6103-9983-8
by Cinq-Mars, Tom J. - 213-215 Caliphs and Merchants: Cities and Economies of Power in the Near East (700–950). By Fanny Bessard. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. 400 pp. Illustrations, maps. Hardcover, $115.00. ISBN: 978-0-198-85582-8
by Manning, J. G. - 216-218 The Corsairs of Saint-Malo: Network Organization of a Merchant Elite under the Ancien Régime. By Henning Hillmann. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021. xii + 322 pp. Figures, tables, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover: $140.00. ISBN: 9780231180382
by Cussen, Oliver - 218-220 From Taverns to Gastropubs: Food, Drink, and Sociality in England. By Christel Lane. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. 229 pp. Tables, appendixes, notes. Cloth $47.95. ISBN: 978-0-198-82618-7
by Pilcher, Jeffrey M. - 221-222 A History of the British Lubricants Industry. By Timothy J. Hill. Chesterfield: Merton Priory Press, 2018. 527 pp. Illustrations. Hardcover, £50.00. ISBN: 978-1-898-93781-4
by Gerali, Francesco - 223-225 Varieties of Family Business: Germany and the United States, Past and Present. By Hartmut Berghoff and Ingo Köhler. Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag, 2021. 312 pp. Illustrations, tables, figures. Paperback, $49.00. ISBN: 978-3-593-51246-4
by Selgert, Felix - 225-227 City of Workers, City of Struggle: How Labor Movements Changed New York. Edited by Joshua B. Freeman. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019. x + 248 pp. Illustrations. Hardcover, $40.00. ISBN: 978-0-231-19192-0
by Snyder, Robert W. - 227-230 The Next Shift: The Fall of Industry and the Rise of Health Care in Rust Belt America. By Gabriel Winant. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. 368 pp. Photographs, illustrations, maps, tables. Hardcover, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-674-23809-1
by Simpson, Andrew T. - 230-232 Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Power, Profits, and Productivity in Modern America. By Samuel Evan Milner. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2021. xi + 329 pp. Tables, notes, index. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN: 978-0-300-25734-2
by Stebenne, David L. - 232-234 Seeing Silicon Valley: Life inside a Fraying America. By Mary Beth Meehan and Fred Turner. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021. 112 pp. Photographs. Paper, $25.00. ISBN: 978-0-2267-8648-3
by Estruth, Jeannette Alden
December 2021, Volume 95, Issue 4
- 631-670 “All the Other Devils this Side of Hades”: Black Banks and the Mississippi Banking Law of 1914
by Garrett-Scott, Shennette - 671-702 Examining the Role of a Private-Order Institution in Global Trade: The Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association and the Crowning of King Cotton, 1811–1900
by Aldous, Michael & Coyle, Christopher - 703-738 Set and Forget? The Evolution of Business Law in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey
by Ağır, Seven & Artunç, Cihan - 739-764 Sowing the Seeds of a Future Crisis: The SEC and the Emergence of the Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO) Category, 1971–1975
by Smith, Andrew & Wright, Robert E. - 765-802 Enron and the California Energy Crisis: The Role of Networks in Enabling Organizational Corruption
by Nix, Adam & Decker, Stephanie & Wolf, Carola - 805-821 History and Turning the Antitrust Page
by Cheffins, Brian R. - 823-840 How to Boost the Payoff from Innovation While Shrinking its Destructive Side Effects
by Gordon, Robert J. - 841-843 Greek Slave Systems in Their Eastern Mediterranean Context, c.800–146 BC. By David M. Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. xii + 372 pp. Hardcover, $110.00. ISBN: 978-0-19-876994-1
by Walsh, John - 843-846 Trouble of the World: Slavery and Empire in the Age of Capital. By Zach Sell. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2021. 352 pp. Halftones, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $95.00. ISBN: 978-1-4696-6045-5
by Mbah, Ndubueze L. - 846-848 Not Made by Slaves: Ethical Capitalism in the Age of Abolition. By Bronwen Everill. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020. 328 pp. Illustrations, map, notes, index. Hardcover, $39.95. ISBN 978-0-674-24098-8
by Payne, Samantha - 848-851 Men Is Cheap: Exposing the Frauds of Free Labor in Civil War America. By Brian P. Luskey. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2020. 296 pp. Halftones, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $34.95. ISBN: 978-1-4696-5432-4
by Stanley, Matthew E. - 851-853 Southern Scoundrels: Grifters and Graft in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Jeff Forret and Bruce E. Baker. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2021. 272 pp. Hardcover, $40.00. ISBN: 978-0-8071-7219-3
by Huffard, R. Scott - 854-856 Capital in the Nineteenth Century. By Robert E. Gallman and Paul W. Rhode. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019. xvi + 381 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, references, index. Cloth, $65.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-63311-4
by Kaminski, Bob - 856-859 The Underground Wealth of Nations: On the Capitalist Origins of Silver Mining, A.D. 1150–1450. By Jeannette Graulau. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019. xvi + 373 pp. Illustrations, tables, appendixes, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $85.00. ISBN: 978-0-300-21822-0
by Amundsen, Karin A. - 859-861 Venice's Secret Service: Organizing Intelligence in the Renaissance. By Ioanna Iordanou. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. xiv + 263 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $41.95. ISBN: 978-0-19-879131-7
by Kuehn, Thomas - 862-864 Niccolò di Lorenzo della Magna and the Social World of Florentine Printing, ca. 1470–1493. By Lorenz Böninger. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. 224 pp. Appendixes, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $49.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-25113-7
by Fredona, Robert - 864-866 Quantitative Studies of the Renaissance Florentine Economy and Society. By Richard T. Lindholm. London: Anthem Press, 2017. 350 pp. Illustrations, glossary, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $115.00. ISBN: 978-1-78308-636-8
by Trivellato, Francesca - 867-869 The Fabric of Empire: Material and Literary Cultures of the Global Atlantic, 1650–1850. By Danielle C. Skeehan. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020. xiii + 184 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Hardcover, $54.95. ISBN: 978-1-4214-3968-6
by Chin, Cynthia E. - 869-871 Brewing a Boycott: How a Grassroots Coalition Fought Coors and Remade American Consumer Activism. By Allyson P. Brantley. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2021. 304 pp. Halftones, notes, bibliography, index. Paperback, $29.95. ISBN: 978-1-4696-6103-2
by Wiedenhoft Murphy, Wendy - 871-873 Heartland Blues: Labor Rights in the Industrial Midwest By Marc Dixon. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. 192 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes. Hardcover, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-19-091703-6
by Bussel, Robert - 874-876 Des nations, des firmes et des montres: Histoire globale de l'industrie horlogère de 1850 à nos jours. By Pierre-Yves Donzé. Neuchâtel: Livreo Alphil, 2020. 248 pp. Tables, figures, appendix, bibliography. Paperback, $31.00. ISBN: 978-2-88950-044-4
by Garel, Gilles - 876-878 Paris to New York: The Transatlantic Fashion Industry in the Twentieth Century. By Véronique Pouillard. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. 324 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. ISBN 978-0-6742-3740-7
by Pinchera, Valeria - 879-880 Monopoly Power and Competition: The Italian Marginalist Perspective. By Manuela Mosca. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018. vi + 242 pp. References, name index. Hardcover, £80. ISBN: 978-1-78100-370-1
by Di Martino, Paolo - 880-882 Money, Power, and the People: The American Struggle to Make Banking Democratic. By Christopher W. Shaw. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019. 400 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $30.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-63633-7
by Glock, Judge - 883-885 Tea War: A History of Capitalism in China and India. By Andrew B. Liu. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020. x + 344 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $50.00. ISBN: 978-0-300-24373-4
by Reinhardt, Anne - 885-887 Pirates and Publishers: A Social History of Copyright in Modern China. By Fei-Hsien Wang. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. xiii + 350 pp. Glossary, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-17182-1
by Engman, Puck - 888-890 Brazil's Revolution in Commerce: Creating Consumer Capitalism in the American Century. By James P. Woodard. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolinia Press, 2020. xvi + 524 pp. Tables, notes, bibliography, index. Paperback, $37.50. ISBN: 978-1-4696-5643-4
by Hanley, Anne G.
March 2021, Volume 95, Issue 3
- 375-421 “Carl Laemmle Presents”: A Story of Political and Cultural Risk in Germany, 1917–1934
by Fear, Jeffrey & Stanca-Mustea, Cristina - 423-446 The Informational Economy of Vaudeville and the Business of American Entertainment
by Backer, Samuel E. - 447-481 Advertisers and American Broadcasting: From Institutional Sponsorship to the Creative Revolution
by Meyers, Cynthia B. - 483-515 Emboldening and Contesting Gender and Skin Color Stereotypes in the Film Industry in India, 1947–1991
by Sheth, Sudev & Jones, Geoffrey & Spencer, Morgan - 517-541 The Development of the Casino Industry in Chile
by Nazer, Juan Ricardo & Llorca-Jaña, Manuel - 543-567 Innovation in the British Video Game Industry since 1978
by Tsang, Denise - 571-574 The Authorized Version: The Recent Installment in the History of the Bank of England
by Michie, Ranald - 575-577 Moving Violations: Automobiles, Experts, and Regulations in the United States. By Lee Vinsel. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019. 424 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $64.95. ISBN: 978-1-4214-2965-6
by Frohardt-Lane, Sarah - 577-580 The Labor Board Crew: Remaking Worker-Employer Relations from Pearl Harbor to the Reagan Era. By Ronald W. Schatz. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2021. 344 pp. Photographs, bibliography, index. Paperback, $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-252-08559-8
by Sonti, Samir - 580-582 Chicago's Industrial Decline: The Failure of Redevelopment, 1920–1975. By Robert Lewis. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020. xi + 256 pp. Figures, tables, bibliography, index. ISBN: 978-1-5017-5262-9
by McDonald, John F. - 582-584 Engines of Redemption: Railroads and the Reconstruction of Capitalism in the New South. By Scott R. Huffard. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019. xviii + 324 pp. Illustrations. Cloth, $90.00. ISBN: 978-1-4696-5280-1
by Schakenbach Regele, Lindsay - 585-587 Provincializing Global History: Money, Ideas, and Things in the Languedoc, 1680-1830. By James Livesay. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020. 224 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $45.00. ISBN 978-0-3002-3716-0
by Smaldone, Gregory - 587-590 Taking Flight: The Foundations of American Commercial Aviation, 1918–1938. By M. Houston Johnson V. Centennial of Flight Series, no. 21. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2019. x + 287 pp. Photographs, bibliography, index. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 978-1-62349-721-7
by Byers, Richard - 590-593 Vernacular Industrialism in China: Local Innovation and Translated Technologies in the Making of a Cosmetics Empire, 1900–1940. By Eugenia Lean. New York: Columbia University Press, 2020. 416 pp. Glossary, notes, references, index. Hardcover, $65.00. ISBN: 978-0-231-19348-1
by Wang, Fei-Hsien - 593-596 Le Crédit agricole (1951–2001): De la banque des campagnes à la banque universelle. By Hubert Bonin. Geneva: Droz, 2020. 472 pp. Figures, tables, index. Cloth, €39.00. ISBN: 978-2-600-06068-4
by Godelier, Eric - 596-599 Poppies, Politics, and Power: Afghanistan and the Global History of Drugs and Diplomacy. By James Tharin Bradford. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019. xii + 281 pp. Illustrations. Paperback, $30.95. ISBN: 978-1-5017-3976-7
by Drephal, Maximilian - 599-601 Lost Glory: India's Capitalism Story. By Sumit K. Majumdar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. xx + 308 pp. Appendices. Hardcover, $44.95. ISBN: 978-0-1996-4199-4
by Roy, Tirthankar - 601-604 Market Maoists: The Communist Origins of China's Capitalist Ascent. By Jason M. Kelly. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. 320 pp. Illustrations, map, notes, index. Hardcover, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-98649-7
by Thai, Philip - 604-606 Bankrupt in America: A History of Debtors, Their Creditors, and the Law in the Twentieth Century. By Mary Eschelbach Hansen and Bradley A. Hansen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. 224 pp. Drawings, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-67956-3
by Foster, Nicholas - 606-608 Class Matters: The Strange Career of an American Delusion. By Steve Fraser. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018. 304 pp. Hardcover, $25.00. ISBN: 978-0-300-22150-3
by Fine, Lisa M. - 609-611 Crap: A History of Cheap Stuff in America. By Wendy A. Woloson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. 416 pages. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $29.99. ISBN: 978-0-226-66435-4
by Logemann, Jan - 611-613 Time for Things: Labor, Leisure, and the Rise of Mass Consumption. By Stephen D. Rosenberg. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. 368 pp. Illustrations, tables. Hardcover, $49.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-97951-2
by Rojek, Chris - 614-616 First Responders: Inside the U.S. Strategy for Fighting the 2007–2009 Global Financial Crisis. Edited by Ben S. Bernanke, Timothy F. Geithner, and Henry M. Paulson Jr., New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020. xxi + 596 pp. Illustrations, tables, index. Hardcover, $37.50. ISBN 978-0-300-24444-1
by Wells, Wyatt - 616-619 After the Crash: Financial Crises and Regulatory Responses. Edited by Sharyn O'Halloran and Thomas Groll. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019. xiv + 415 pp. Figures, tables, appendices, references, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-231-19284-2
by Rose, Mark H. - 620-622 The Banks Did It: An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis. By Neil Fligstein. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. xvi + 315 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, references, index. Hardcover, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-24935-6
by Hansen, Per H. - 622-624 Big Business in America: The Corporate Century, 1900–2000. By Thomas J. Dorich. New York: Lexington Books, 2021. 346 pp. Hardcover, $120.00. ISBN: 978-1-4985-9597-1
by Specht, Joshua - 624-627 Investment Treaties and the Legal Imagination: How Foreign Investors Play by Their Own Rules. By Nicolás M. Perrone. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. xv + 242 pp. Hardcover, $99.00. ISBN: 978-0-19-886214-7
by Pitteloud, Sabine
February 2021, Volume 95, Issue 2
- 193-218 Unlimiting Unlimited Liability: Legal Equality for Swedish Banks with Alternative Shareholder Liability Regimes, 1897–1903
by Kenny, Seán & Ögren, Anders - 219-247 The Italian State's Active Support for the Aeronautical Industry: The Case of the Caproni Group, 1910–1951
by Fauri, Francesca - 249-274 The Cost and Evolution of Quality at Cipla Ltd., 1935–2016
by Zaman, Muhammad H. & Khanna, Tarun - 275-300 Making Vitasoy “Local” in Post-World War II Hong Kong: Traditionalizing Modernity, Engineering Progress, Nurturing Aspirations
by Wong, John D. - 301-332 Global Banks and Latin American Dictators, 1974–1982
by Altamura, Carlo Edoardo - 335-340 From Property Rights to Liberty Rights: We the Corporations, A Review Essay
by Phillips Sawyer, Laura - 341-343 Milton Friedman and Economic Debate in the United States, 1932–1972. 2 Vols. By Edward Nelson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. Vol. 1: xviii + 737 pp. Illustrations, tables, bibliography, index. Cloth $50.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-68377-5. Vol. 2: xiv + 587 pp. Illustrations, tables, bibliography, index. Cloth $50.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-68489-5
by Rousseau, Peter L. - 343-346 The Edge of Anarchy: The Railroad Barons, the Gilded Age, and the Greatest Labor Uprising in America. By Jack Kelly. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2018. 308 pp. Maps, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $28.99. ISBN: 978-1-250-12886-7
by Churella, Albert J. - 346-348 Grassroots Leviathan: Agricultural Reform and the Rural North in the Slaveholding Republic. By Ariel Ron. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020. 324 pp. Illustrations, maps, figures, notes, index. Cloth, $59.95. ISBN: 978-1-4214-3932-7
by Sammons, Franklin - 349-351 The Nature of the Future: Agriculture, Science, and Capitalism in the Antebellum North. By Emily Pawley. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. 312 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $50.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-69383-5
by Pietruska, Jamie L. - 351-354 Ethnic Entrepreneurs, Crony Capitalism, and the Making of the Franco-Mexican Elite. By José Galindo. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2021. xvi + 222 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $54.95. ISBN: 978-0-8173-2080-5
by Suárez-Potts, William - 354-356 Madam C. J. Walker's Gospel of Giving: Black Women's Philanthropy during Jim Crow. By Tyrone McKinley Freeman. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2020. xvi + 278 pp. Photographs, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $110.00. ISBN: 978-0-252-04345-1
by Gasman, Marybeth - 356-358 Financial Stabilization in Meiji Japan: The Impact of the Matsukata Reform. By Steven J. Ericson. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020. 210 pp. Illustrations, index. Hardcover, $49.95. ISBN: 978-1-5017-4691-8
by Moazzin, Ghassan - 359-361 Enterprise, Organization, and Technology in China: A Socialist Experiment, 1950–1971. By Philip Scranton. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. xv + 395 pp. Illustrations, index. Hardcover, $119.99. ISBN: 978-3-030-00397-5
by Zhang, Elya J. - 361-364 Sameness in Diversity: Food and Globalization in Modern America. By Laresh Jayasanker. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2020. 288 pp. Notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $85.00. ISBN: 978-0-520-34396-2
by Freedman, Paul - 364-366 Engineered to Sell: European Émigrés and the Making of Consumer Capitalism. By Jan L. Logemann. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2019. vii + 371 pp. Illustrations. Cloth, $105.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-66001-1
by Gaggio, Dario - 367-369 The Huawei Model: The Rise of China's Technology Giant. By Yun Wen. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2020. 256 pp. Maps, charts, notes, index. Cloth, $110.00. ISBN: 978-0-252-04343-7
by Zeng, Zhaojin - 370-372 The Conversational Firm: Rethinking Bureaucracy in the Age of Social Media. By Catherine Turco. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. 272 pp. Appendix, notes, references, index. Hardcover, $37.00. ISBN: 978-0-231-17898-3
by Eilbert, Casey
January 2021, Volume 95, Issue 1
- 3-32 Creating a New Legal Form: The GmbH
by Guinnane, Timothy W. - 33-58 The Making of Commercial Innovations: The Use of Printed Commercial Circular Letters in France and Europe, 1750-1850
by Bartolomei, Arnaud & de Oliveira, Matthieu & Deschanel, Boris & Mollanger, Thomas - 59-85 Do Institutional Transplants Succeed? Regulating Raiffeisen Cooperatives in South India, 1930–1960
by Nath, Maanik - 87-120 The Logic and Legitimacy of Bank Supervision: The Case of the Bank Holiday of 1933
by Conti-Brown, Peter & Vanatta, Sean H. - 121-148 How History Shaped the Innovator's Dilemma
by Nicholas, Tom - 151-157 After Managerial Capitalism
by John, Richard R. - 159-162 Represented: The Black Imagemakers Who Reimagined African American Citizenship. By Brenna W. Greer. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019. ix + 336 pp. Photographs, illustrations, notes, index. Cloth: $34.95. ISBN: 978-0-8122-5143-2
by Winford, Brandon K. L. - 162-164 Business, Ethics and Institutions: The Evolution of Turkish Capitalism in Global Perspectives. Edited by Asli M. Colpan and Geoffrey Jones. New York: Routledge, 2020. x + 258 pp. Figures, tables, references, notes, index. Hardcover, $160.00. ISBN: 978-0-367-14290-2
by Artunç, Cihan - 165-167 The Anarchy: The Relentless Rise of the East India Company. By William Dalrymple. London: Bloomsbury, 2019. xxxv + 522 pp. Illustrations, maps, notes, index. Hardcover, £30.00. ISBN: 9781408864371
by Hutková, Karolina - 167-169 Entrepreneurship in Africa: A Historical Approach. Edited By Moses E. Ochonu. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2018. viii + 334 pp. Illustrations, tables, maps. Hardcover, $90.00. ISBN: 978-0-253-03260-7
by Olukoju, Ayodeji - 170-172 The Global History of Work: Critical Readings. Edited by Marcel van der Linden. 4 vols. London: Bloomsbury, 2019. Illustrations. Hardcover, $890.00. ISBN: 978-1-4742-9731-8
by Cohen, Andrew - 172-174 Laid Waste! The Culture of Exploitation in Early America. By John Lauritz Larson. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. 312 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-8122-5184-5
by Anderson, Jennifer L. - 174-176 Money and Markets: Essays in Honour of Martin Daunton. Edited by Julian Hoppit, Duncan Needham, and Adrian Leonard. Woodbridge, U.K.: Boydell & Brewer, 2019. xiv + 294 pp. Illustrations. Paper, $25.95. ISBN: 978-1-78327-445-1
by Livesey, James - 176-180 Britain and the Growth of US Hegemony in Twentieth-Century Latin America: Competition, Cooperation and Coexistence. Edited by Thomas C. Mills and Rory M. Miller. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. xiv + 318 pp. Illustrations. Hardcover, $119.99. ISBN 978-3-030-48320-3
by Bucheli, Marcelo - 180-182 The Train and the Telegraph: A Revisionist History. By Benjamin Sidney Michael Schwantes. Hagley Library Studies in Business, Technology and Politics. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019. xix + 199 pp. Illustrations, map, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, $54.95. ISBN: 9781421429748
by Seely, Bruce - 182-184 Spectacular Flops: Game-Changing Technologies That Failed. By Michael Brian Schiffer. Clinton Corners, NY: Eliot Werner, 2019. xii + 308 pp. Illustrations, references, index. Paper, $32.95. ISBN: 978-0-9898249-9-6
by Schneider, Howard - 184-187 China Bound: John Swire & Sons and Its World, 1816–1980. By Robert Bickers. London: Bloomsbury Business, 2020. viii + 534 pp. Illustrations, map, notes, bibliography, index. Hardcover, £30.00. ISBN: 978-1-4729-4994-3
by Zeng, Zhaojin - 187-189 Naoroji: Pioneer of Indian Nationalism. By Dinyar Patel. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020. ix + 355 pp. Photographs, notes, index. Hardcover, $35.00. ISBN: 9780674249080
by Tumbe, Chinmay
December 2020, Volume 94, Issue 4
- 675-697 Partners, Servants, or Entrepreneurs? Banians in the Nineteenth-Century Bengal Economy
by Aldous, Michael - 699-727 Multinational Companies and the Cultural Industries: W.H. Smith in Canada, 1950–1989
by Buckley, Thomas R. - 729-751 Ghost in a Shell: The Scenario Tool and the World Making of Royal Dutch Shell
by Andersson, Jenny - 753-778 Politics, International Banking, and the Debt Crisis of 1982
by Altamura, Carlo Edoardo & Zendejas, Juan Flores - 779-802 Public Policy, Industrial Innovation, and the Zero-Emission Vehicle
by Eisler, Matthew N. - 807-833 Training Leaders to Win Wars and Forge Peace: Lessons from History
by Tufano, Peter - 835-852 The Sky above and the Mud below: Two Books about Steve Jobs
by Tedlow, Richard S. - 853-855 The Merchant Prince of Black Chicago: Anthony Overton and the Building of a Financial Empire. By Robert E. Weems Jr. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2020. 224 pp. Photographs, tables, appendices, notes, index. Cloth, $110.00; paper, $24.95. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-252-04306-2; paper, 978-0-252-08493-5
by Hollingsworth, Keith - 855-858 Automating Finance: Infrastructures, Engineers, and the Making of Electronic Markets. By Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2019. xvi + 357 pp. Illustrations, tables, appendix, bibliography, index. Cloth, $39.99. ISBN: 978-1-108-49642-1
by Vanatta, Sean H. - 858-859 Darkness by Design: The Hidden Power in Global Capital Markets. By Walter Mattli. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. x + 248 pp. Illustrations, tables, appendix, glossary, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-18066-3
by Hannah, Leslie - 859-861 Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You Eat. By Ai Hisano. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. 336 pp. Photographs, illustrations, figures, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 9780674983892
by Elmore, Bartow J. - 861-864 Savannah's Midnight Hour: Boosterism, Growth, and Commerce in a Nineteenth-Century American City. By Lisa L. Denmark. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2019. xvi + 247 pp. Maps, illustrations, tables, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $59.95. ISBN: 978-0-8203-5632-7
by Edwards, Justene Hill - 864-867 The Industrialists: How the National Association of Manufacturers Shaped American Capitalism. By Jennifer A. Delton. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020. 358 pp. Photographs, figures, table, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-691-16786-2
by Schaufelbuehl, Janick Marina - 867-869 The Marginal Revolutionaries: How Austrian Economists Fought the War of Ideas. By Janek Wasserman. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019. xii + 354 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-300-22822-9
by Coyne, Christopher J.
October 2020, Volume 94, Issue 3
- 483-505 The True Revolution of 1968: Mineral Water Trade and the Early Proliferation of Plastic, 1960s–1970s
by Marty, Nicolas - 507-534 Investing in the New Republic: Multinational Banks, Political Risk, and the Chinese Revolution of 1911
by Moazzin, Ghassan - 535-568 British Fire Insurers in Australia, 1860–1920: A Story of Enterprise, Luck, and Resilience
by Keneley, Monica - 569-592 Trade, Finance, and Industry in the Development of Indian Capitalism: The Case of Tata
by Raianu, Mircea - 593-625 Adapting to Crisis: Accounting Information Systems during the Weimar Hyperinflation
by Hoffmann, Sebastian & Walker, Stephen P. - 631-636 The City-State of Boston: The Rise and Fall of an Atlantic Power, 1630–1865
by Maggor, Noam - 637-652 The Promise and Peril of Credit: What a Forgotten Legend about Jews and Finance Tells Us about the Making of European Commercial Society
by Fredona, Robert - 653-655 Global Economic History. Edited by Tirthankar Roy and Giorgio Riello. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. xiv + 370 pp. Tables, figures, references, notes, index. Paper, $54.99. ISBN: 978-1-4725-8843-2
by Tumbe, Chinmay - 655-658 Learning Empire: Globalization and the German Quest for World Status, 1875–1919. By Erik Grimmer-Solem. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2019. xiv + 654 pp. Maps, photographs, figures, bibliography, index. Cloth, $44.99. ISBN: 978-1-108-48382-7
by Tworek, Heidi - 658-660 Animal City: The Domestication of America. By Andrew A. Robichaud. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. 352 pp. Photographs, maps, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 9780674919365
by Specht, Joshua - 660-664 Revolutionary Networks: The Business and Politics of Printing the News, 1763–1789. By Joseph M. Adelman. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019. 280 pp. Illustrations, maps, figures, notes, index. Cloth, $54.95. ISBN: 9781421428604
by Smith, Steven Carl - 664-666 Creating Global Shipping: Aristotle Onassis, the Vagliano Brothers, and the Business of Shipping, c. 1820–1970. By Gelina Harlaftis. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2019. xxiv + 375 pp. Maps, figures, tables, bibliography, appendices, index. Cloth, $120.00. ISBN: 978-1-108-47539-6
by Sicotte, Richard - 666-669 Vernacular Industrialism in China: Local Innovation and Translated Technologies in the Making of a Cosmetics Empire, 1900–1940. By Eugenia Lean. New York: Columbia University Press, 2020. 416 pp. Notes, references, index. Cloth, $65.00. ISBN: 978-0-231-19348-1
by Takayama, Emilie - 669-672 Whom Fortune Favours: The Bank of Montreal and the Rise of North American Finance, vols. 1 and 2. By Laurence B. Mussio. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2020. 752 pp. Photographs, figures, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $90.00. ISBN: 978-0-2280-0068-6
by Wright, Robert E.
July 2020, Volume 94, Issue 2
- 287-320 Shorting the Future? Capital Markets and the Launch of the British Electrical Industry, 1882–1892
by Kennedy, William P. & Delargy, P. J. R. - 321-346 Investing in a Wealthy Resource-Based Colonial Economy: International Business in Australia before World War I
by Ville, Simon & Merrett, David Tolmie - 347-371 The Changing and Flexible Nature of Imitation and Adulteration: The Case of the Global Wine Industry, 1850–1914
by da Silva Lopes, Teresa & Lluch, Andrea & Pereira, Gaspar Martins - 373-397 The Advantage of Being Swiss: Nestlé and Political Risk in Asia during the Early Cold War, 1945–1970
by Donzé, Pierre-Yves - 399-423 Building Industrial Districts: Do Subsidies Help? Evidence from Postwar Italy
by Spadavecchia, Anna - 429-431 Seapower States: Maritime Culture, Continental Empires and the Conflict That Made the Modern World. By Andrew Lambert. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018. xvii + 399 pp. Maps, illustrations, glossary, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $30.00. ISBN: 9780300230048
by White, Nicholas J. - 432-434 The Corporation as a Protagonist in Global History, c. 1550–1750. Edited by William A. Pettigrew and David Veevers. Leiden: Brill, 2019. x + 393 pp. Index. Cloth, $157.00. ISBN: 978-90-04-38781-2
by Tazzara, Corey - 434-436 Engineering Rules: Global Standard Setting since 1880. By JoAnne Yates and Craig N. Murphy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019. xiv + 421 pp. Photographs, illustrations, figures, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $64.95. ISBN: 978-1-4214-2889-5
by Hochfelder, David - 436-439 Empire of Guns: The Violent Making of the Industrial Revolution. By Priya Satia. New York: Penguin Press, 2018. 544 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-735-22186-4
by Regele, Lindsay Schakenbach - 439-442 The Enchantments of Mammon: How Capitalism Became the Religion of Modernity. By Eugene McCarraher. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2019. xii + 799 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-98461-5
by Schwarzkopf, Stefan - 442-445 Evangelicals Incorporated: Books and the Business of Religion in America. By Daniel Vaca. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. 329 pp. Photographs, illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 9780674980112
by Wosh, Peter J. - 445-448 Free Enterprise: An American History. By Lawrence B. Glickman. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019. 360 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $32.50. ISBN: 978-0-300-23825-9
by Eisenstadt, Peter - 448-451 The Economists’ Hour: False Prophets, Free Markets, and the Fracture of Society. By Binyamin Appelbaum. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2019. 448 pp. Photographs, table, notes, index. Cloth, $40.00. ISBN: 978-0-316-51232-9
by Childs, William R. - 451-453 American Bonds: How Credit Markets Shaped a Nation. By Sarah L. Quinn. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. xiv + 288 pp. Figures, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-691-15675-0
by Myles, Jamieson Gordon - 453-456 The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets. By Thomas Philippon. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2019. xii + 343 pp. Figures, tables, glossary, appendix, references, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 9780674237544
by Levinson, Marc - 456-458 Red Meat Republic: A Hoof-to-Table History of How Beef Changed America. By Joshua Specht. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. xv + 339 pp. Photographs, illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $27.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-18231-5
by Kideckel, Michael S. - 458-461 India Moving: A History of Migration. By Chinmay Tumbe. Haryana: Penguin Random House India, 2018. xv + 285 pp. Illustrations, photographs, notes, index. Cloth, INR599.00. ISBN: 978-0-670-08983-3
by Shah, Shashank - 461-464 Navigating Semi-Colonialism: Shipping, Sovereignty, and Nation-Building in China, 1860–1937. By Anne Reinhardt. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018. xii + 381 pp. Maps, figures, table, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-98384-7
by Harris, Lane J. - 464-467 Africapitalism: Rethinking the Role of Business in Africa. Edited by Kenneth Amaeshi, Adun Okupe, and Uwafiokun Idemudia. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. xv + 295 pp. Illustrations, figures, tables, index. Cloth, $89.99; paper, $29.99. ISBN: cloth, 978-1-107-16070-5; paper, 978-1-316-61370-2
by Chachage, Chambi - 467-470 Heineken in Africa: A Multinational Unleashed. By Olivier van Beemen. Translated by Bram Posthumus. London: Hurst & Company, 2019. xvi + 307 pp. Photographs, figures, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978-1-849-04902-3
by Wells, Louis T. - 470-472 Imperial Standard: Imperial Oil, Exxon, and the Canadian Oil Industry from 1880. By Graham D. Taylor. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2019. xii + 368 pp. Photographs, maps, figures, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Paper, $39.99. ISBN: 978-1-77385-035-1
by Priest, Tyler - 472-475 Londres en Caracas y la Haya en Maracaibo: Retos empresariales de Royal Dutch Shell en la industria petrolera venezolana entre 1943–1958 [London in Caracas and The Hague in Maracaibo: Business challenges of Royal Dutch Shell in the Venezuelan oil industry, 1943–1958]. By Alejandro E. Cáceres. Caracas: Fundación Bancaribe para la Ciencia y la Cultura, 2019. 130 pp. Figures, bibliography, references, tables. Paper. ISBN: 978-980-7125-25-3
by Bucheli, Marcelo - 475-479 Crack: Rock Cocaine, Street Capitalism, and the Decade of Greed. By David Farber. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. x + 214 pp. Photographs, illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $24.95. ISBN: 978-1-108-42527-8. - Coca Yes, Cocaine No: How Bolivia's Coca Growers Reshaped Democracy. By Thomas Grisaffi. Durham: Duke University Press, 2019. ix + 261 pp. Photographs, maps, references, notes, index. Cloth, $99.95; paper $26.95. ISBN: cloth, 978-1-4780-0171-3; paper, 978-1-4780-0297-0
by Duran, Xavier
April 2020, Volume 94, Issue 1
- 5-38 Italy and the Origins of Capitalism
by Fredona, Robert & Reinert, Sophus A. - 39-72 Premodern European Capitalism, Christianity, and Florence
by Caferro, William - 73-94 Profit and Patrimony: Property, Markets, and Public Debt in Late Medieval Genoa
by Miner, Jeffrey - 95-123 Big Business for Firms and States: Silk Manufacturing in Renaissance Italy
by Franceschi, Franco - 125-177 Political Economy and the Medici
by Reinert, Sophus A. & Fredona, Robert - 179-200 The Burden of Risk: Early Modern Maritime Enterprise and Varieties of Capitalism
by Fusaro, Maria - 201-228 Port of Trade or Commodity Market? Livorno and Cross-Cultural Trade in the Early Modern Mediterranean
by Tazzara, Corey - 229-251 Renaissance Florence and the Origins of Capitalism: A Business History Perspective
by Trivellato, Francesca - 257-261 Robert Skidelsky Money and Government: The Past and Future of Economics
by Rockoff, Hugh - 263-266 Banking on Freedom: Black Women in U.S. Finance before the New Deal. ByShennette Garrett-Scott. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019. xi + 273 pp. Photographs, tables, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $105.00; paper, $35.00. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-231-18390-1; paper, 978-0-231-18391-8
by Traflet, Janice - 266-269 From the Grounds Up: Building an Export Economy in Southern Mexico. ByCasey Marina Lurtz. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019. xiv + 280 pp. Maps, figures, tables, bibliography, appendixes, notes, index. Cloth, $65.00. ISBN: 9781503603899
by Gauss, Susan - 269-271 The Wealth of Religions: The Political Economy of Believing and Belonging. ByRachel M. McCleary andRobert J. Barro. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. viii + 199 pp. Maps, illustrations, figures, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-17895-0
by Campbell, David E. - 271-274 Trade in the Ancient Mediterranean: Private Order and Public Institutions. ByTaco Terpstra. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. x + 274 pp. Maps, illustrations, figures, bibliography, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-17208-8
by Vlassopoulos, Kostas - 274-276 The Commerce of Vision: Optical Culture and Perception in Antebellum America. ByPeter John Brownlee. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019. 264 pp. Illustrations, figures, notes, index. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 9780812250428
by Johnson, Martin L. - 276-279 Does America Need More Innovators? Edited byMatthew Wisnioski, Eric S. Hintz, andMarie Stettler Kleine. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019. ix + 397 pp. Photographs, figures, tables, index. Paper, $45.00. ISBN: 9780262536738
by Levinson, Marc - 279-281 The Power of Your Life: The Sanlam Century of Insurance Empowerment, 1918–2018. ByGrietjie Verhoef. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. xxv + 409 pp. Figures, tables, appendix, bibliography, index. Cloth, $85.00. ISBN: 978-0-19-881775-8
by Clark, Geoffrey - 281-283 Taking Nazi Technology: Allied Exploitation of German Science after the Second World War. ByDouglas M. O'Reagan. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019. xi + 281 pp. Figures, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $54.95. ISBN: 978-1-4214-2887-1
by Schneider, Michael C.
December 2019, Volume 93, Issue 4
- 659-664 New Perspectives in Regulatory History
by Phillips Sawyer, Laura & Hovenkamp, Herbert - 665-696 Institutional Economics and the Progressive Movement for the Social Control of American Business
by Novak, William J. - 697-699 Comment on William J. Novak: Institutional Economics and the Progressive Movement for the Social Control of American Business
by Pak, Susie J. - 701-724 Anti-Competition Regulation
by Fleming, Anne - 725-728 Comment on Anne Fleming: Anti-Competition Regulation
by Allensworth, Rebecca Haw