July 1996, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 279-280 The Genie Out of the Bottle: World Oil Since 1970. By M. A. Adelman · Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1995. xxiii + 350 pp. Illustrations, biographical references, and index. $45.00. ISBN 0-262-01151-4
by Vietor, Richard H. K. - 280-282 Inventing the Nonprofit Sector, and Other Essays on Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Nonprofit Organizations. By Peter Dobkin Hall · Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992. xiv + 349 pp. Bibliographical references and index. $39.50. ISBN 0-8018-42727
by Alchon, Guy - 282-283 Capitalism in Context: Essays on Economic Development and Cultural Change in Honor of R. M. Hartwell. Edited byJohn A. James and Mark Thomas · Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1994. x + 355 pp. Tables, charts, notes, index, and bibliography. $31.00. ISBN 0-226-39198-1
by McCusker, John J. - 284-286 Patterns of European Industrialization: The Nineteenth Century. Edited byRichard Sylla and Gianni Toniolo · London: Routledge, 1991. xii + 276 pp. Figures, tables, contributors, and index. $22.50. ISBN 0-415-08156-4
by Kiesling, Lynne - 286-287 Local Markets and Regional Trade in Medieval Exeter. By Maryanne Kowaleski · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xvi + 442 pp. Maps, tables, appendices, bibliography and index. ISBN 0-521-33371-7
by Carlin, Martha - 288-288 European Women and Preindustrial Craft. By Darryl M. Hafter · Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995. xv + 204 pp. Photos, tables, notes, and index. Cloth, $29.95, ISBN 0-253-32755-5; paper, $14.94, ISBN 0-253-20943-9
by Lowengard, Sarah - 289-290 Steel City: Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Technology in Sheffield, 1743–1993. By Geoffrey Tweedale · Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1995. xiii + 436 pp. Tables, photographs, sources, and index. $75.00. ISBN 0-19-828866-2
by Lewis, Myrddin J. - 291-294 At the End of the Road: The Rise and Fall of Austin-Healey, MG, and Triumph Sports Cars. By Timothy R. Whisler · Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1995. xix + 308 pp. Graphs, photographs, pictures, charts, tables, bibliography, and index. $73.25. ISBN 1-55938-906-0
by Tolliday, Steven - 294-296 The Japanese Automobile Industry: A Business History. By Koichi Shimokawa · Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Athlone Press, 1994. xi + 189 pp. Tables, charts, figures, graphs, notes, bibliography, and index. $85.00. ISBN 0-485-11270-1
by Bernstein, Jeffrey R.
April 1996, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 1-42 Chain Building: The Consolidation of the American Newspaper Industry, 1953–1980
by Neiva, Elizabeth MacIver - 43-68 Testing for Aptitude and Motivation in South African Industry: The Work of the National Institute for Personnel Research, 1946–1973
by Coupe, Stuart - 69-90 Founding Dates of the 1994 Fortune 500 U.S. Companies
by Anonymous - 91-107 Business History Holdings at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania
by Little, Cynthia J. - 111-112 Coordination and Information: Historical Perspectives on the Organization of Enterprise. Edited byNaomi R. Lamoreaux andDaniel M. G. Raff · Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1995. vii + 338 pp. Drawings, tables, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $68.00, ISBN 0-226-46820-8; paper, $22.50, ISBN 0-226-46821-6
by Kerr, K. Austin - 112-114 Debt, Investment, Slaves: Credit Relations in East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, 1825–1885. ByRichard Holcombe KilbourneJr. · Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1995. xx + 204 pp. Appendix, notes, bibliography, and index. $36.95. ISBN 0-8173-0730-3
by Heitmann, John A. - 114-116 Early American Technology: Making and Doing Things from the Colonial Era to 1850. Edited byJudith A. McGaw · Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994. x + 482 pp. Illustrations, maps, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $49.95, ISBN 0-8078-2173-X; paper, $19.95, ISBN 0-8078-4484-5
by Lubar, Steven - 116-118 Cities of Light and Heat: Domesticating Gas and Electricity in Urban America. ByMark H. Rose · University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. xviii + 229 pp. Illustrations, tables, bibliographic essay, and index. $34.50. ISBN 0-271-01349-4
by Hausman, William J. - 118-121 Strictly Business: Walter Carpenter at Du Pont and General Motors. ByCharles W. Cheape. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. xix + 309 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliographical references, and index. $48.50. ISBN 0-8018-4941-1
by Salsbury, Stephen - 121-122 Done in Oil: An Autobiography. ByJ. Howard MarshallII; edited, with an introduction by Robert L. BradleyJr. · College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1994. xxi + 282 pp. Photos, bibliography, and index. $29.95. ISBN 0-89096-533-1
by Olien, Roger M. - 123-124 Cold War in the Working Class: The Rise and Decline of the United Electrical Workers. ByRonald L. Filippelli andMark D. McColloch · Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995. xii + 296 pp. Illustrations, notes, index, and bibliography. Cloth, $59.50, ISBN 0-7914-2181-3; paper, $19.95, ISBN 0-7914-2182-1
by Dubofsky, Melvyn - 125-126 Hidden in the Home: The Role of Waged Homework in the Modern World-Economy. ByJamie Faricellia Dangler · Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994. xvi + 225 pp. Bibliography and index. Cloth, $49.50, ISBN 0-7914-2129-5; paper, $16.95, ISBN 0-7914-2130-9
by Daniels, Cynthia R. - 126-128 The Banana Men: American Mercenaries & Entrepreneurs in Central America, 1880–1930. ByLester D. Langley andThomas Schoonover · Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1995. 219 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliographical note, and index. Cloth, $29.95, ISBN 0-8131-1891-3; paper, $17.95, ISBN 0-8131-0836-5
by McCreery, David - 128-130 On Her Their Lives Depend: Munitions Workers in the Great War. ByAngela Woollacott · Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. xiv + 241 pp. Illustrations, tables, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $38.00, ISBN 0-520-08397-0; paper, $15.00, ISBN 0-520-08502-7
by Horne, John - 130-131 Rowntree and the Marketing Revolution, 1862–1969. ByRobert Fitzgerald · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xix + 737 pp. Notes, illustrations, figures, charts, index, and bibliography. $150.00. ISBN 0-521-43512-9
by Sparks, Leigh - 131-133 Information, Mediation, and Institutional Development: The Rise of Large-Scale Enterprise in British Shipping, 1870–1919. ByGordon D. Boyce · Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995. xi + 346 pp. Notes, tables, bibliographical references, and index. $79.95. ISBN 0-7190-3847-2
by Donovan, Arthur - 133-135 The City of London, Volume II: Golden Years, 1890–1914. ByDavid Kynaston · London: Chatto & Windus Publishers, 1995. 678 pp. Figures, pictures, photos, notes, and index. £25. ISBN 0-7011-3385-6
by Michie, Ranald - 135-137 The Brothers: The Hidden World of Japan's Richest Family. ByLesley Downer · New York: Random House Press, 1995. xxvii + 418 pp. Charts, maps, index, and bibliography. $25.00. ISBN 0-679-42554-3. - Architects of Affluence: The Tsutsumi Family and the Seibu-Saison Enterprises in Twentieth-Century Japan. ByThomas R. H. Havens · Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994. xv + 335 pp. Photos, pictures, notes, and index. $45.00. ISBN 0-674-04360-X
by Bernstein, Jeffrey R. - 137-139 Wealth of Contrasts: Nyegaard & Co.—A Norwegian Pharmaceutical Company, 1874–1985. ByRolv Petter Amdam andKnut Sogner · Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal, 1994. 257 pp. Pictures, notes, charts, figures, index, and bibliography. NOK 330. ISBN 0-82-417-0405-4
by Tweedale, Geoffrey
January 1995, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 465-493 J. & P. Coats in Tsarist Russia, 1889–1917
by Kim, Dong-Woon - 494-529 From Exit to Voice in Shopfloor Governance: The Case of Company Unions
by Fairris, David - 530-566 Competitive Boosterism: How Milwaukee Lost the Braves
by Gendzel, Glen - 569-571 Fables of Abundance: A Cultural History of Advertising in America. ByJackson Lears · New York: Basic Books, 1994. xiv + 492 pp. Illustrations, figures, notes, and index. $30.00. ISBN 0-465-09076-1
by Pope, Daniel - 571-573 Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and Rastus: Blacks in Advertising, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. ByMarilyn Kern-Foxworth · Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994. xxi + 205 pp. Tables, charts, figures, illustrations, index, and bibliography. Cloth, $49.95, ISBN 0-313-26798-7; paper, $18.95, ISBN 0-275-95184-7
by Goings, Kenneth W. - 573-574 For Each the Strength of All: A History of Banking in the State of New York. ByJ. T. W. Hubbard · New York and London: New York University Press, 1995. xxiii + 309 pp. Photos, illustrations, notes, appendix, figures, index, and bibliography. $40.00. ISBN 0-8147-3514-2
by Schweikart, Larry - 574-576 Wal-Mart: A History of Sam Walton's Retail Phenomenon. BySandra S. Vance and Roy V. Scott · New York: Twayne Publishers, 1994. xv + 220 pp. Photos, charts, notes, bibliography, and index. $22.00. ISBN 0-8057-9832-3
by Friedricks, William B. - 576-577 Co-op: The People's Business. ByJohnston Birchall · New York: Manchester University Press, 1994. viii + 217 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $49.95, ISBN 0-7190-4421-9; paper, $24.95, ISBN 7190-3861-8
by Moses, H. Vincent - 578-580 Democratic Miners: Work and Labor Relations in the Anthracite Coal Industry, 1875–1925. ByPerry K. Blatz · Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994. xv + 368 pp. Tables, figures, notes, epilogue, and select bibliography. Cloth, $64.50, ISBN 0-7914-1819-7; paper, $21.95, 0-7914-1820-0
by Landis, Mary Ann - 580-585 Merchant Capital and Economic Decolonization: The United Africa Company 1929-1987. ByD. K Fieldhouse · Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. xxviii + 832 pp. Tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $95.00. ISBN 0-19-822625-X
by Wilkins, Mira - 585-587 The Most Necessary Luxuries: The Mercers' Company of Coventry, 1550–1680. ByRonald M. Berger · University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993. xvi + 317 pp. Tables, figures, notes, appendices, sources, and index. $55.00, ISBN 0-271-008679
by Fritze, Ronald H. - 587-588 The Bank of England: Money, Power and Influence, 1694–1994. Edited byRichard Roberts and David Kynaston · Oxford: Clarendon Press. X + 315 pp. Index and bibliography. $35.00. ISBN 0-19-828952-9
by Jones, Geoffrey - 589-590 Uneasy Partners: Big Business in American Politics, 1945–1990. ByKim McQuaid · Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. xvi + 224 pp. Notes, bibliographical essay, and index. Cloth, $38.95, ISBN 0-8018-4651-x; paper, $14.95, ISBN 0-8108-4652-8
by Hart, David - 590-592 Creating the Modern South: Millhands and Managers in Dalton, Georgia, 1884–1984. ByDouglas Flamming · Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992. xxxi + 433 pp. Illustrations, maps, references, and index. $42.50. ISBN 0-807820563
by Wright, Annette C. - 592-593 Tangled Webs of History: Indians and the Law in Canada's Pacific Coast Fisheries. ByDianne Newell · Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. xiii + 306 pp. Figures, tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $40.00 cloth; ISBN 0-8020-0547-0; $18.95 paper, ISBN 0-8020-7746-3
by Judd, Richard. W. - 594-596 The French Rothschilds: The Great Banking Dynasty Through Two Turbulent Centuries. ByHerbert A. Lottman · New York: Crown Publishers, 1995. v + 416 pp. Photographs, figures, notes, and index. $30.00. ISBN 0-517-59229-0. - The Rothschilds: Essays on the History of a European Family. ByGeorge Heuberger · Rochester, NY: Boydell and Brewer, Inc., 1994. 420 pp. Photos, charts, figures, and bibliography. $63.00. ISBN 0-85115-5952
by McKay, John - 596-598 One Hundred Years on the Road: The Traveling Salesman in American Culture. ByTimothy B. Spears · New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1995. xx + 300 pp. Photos, maps, charts, notes, bibliography, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-300-05908-6
by Agnew, John A. - 598-600 The Making of Harcourt General: A History of Growth Through Diversification, 1922–1992. ByBettye H. Pruitt · Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1994. xiv + 310 pp. Notes and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-87-584-5096
by Buenger, Victoria & Hoskisson, Robert E. - 600-602 The South and the New Deal. ByRoger Biles · Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1993. x + 205 pp. Notes, bibliographical essay, and index. $23.00. ISBN 0-8131-1836-0
by Terrill, Thomas E. - 602-604 Government, Industry, and Rearmament in Russia, 1900–1914: The Last Argument of Tsarism. ByPeter Gatrell · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xvii + 399 pp. Tables, charts, notes, index, and bibliography. Cloth, $74.95. ISBN 0-521-45263-5; paper, $27.95, ISBN 0-521-46619-9
by McCaffray, Susan P. - 604-605 From Airships to Airbus: The History of Civil and Commercial Aviation, 2 vols. Edited byWilliam M. Leary and William F. Trimble · Washington, D.C.,: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994. Photos, drawings, tables, charts, figures, and maps. - Volume I: Infrastructure and Environment. Edited byWilliam M. Leary, xix + 203 pp. $33.00, ISBN 1-56098-467-8. - Volume II: Pioneers and Operations. Edited byWilliam F. Trimble, vii + 296 pp. $34.95, ISBN 1-56098-468-6
by Bugos, Glenn E. - 606-607 International Capital Markets and American Economic Growth, 1820–1914. ByLance E. Davis and Robert J. Cull · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. vii + 166 pp. Charts, tables, maps, endnotes, bibliography, and index. $38.95, ISBN 0-521-460549
by Neal, Larry - 607-610 Constructing a Competitive Order: The Hidden History of British Anti-Trust Policies. ByHelen Mercer · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. x + 274 pp. Notes, appendices, bibliography, and index. $59.95. ISBN 0-521-41292-7
by Freyer, Tony - 611-612 World Trade since 1431: Geography, Technology, and Capitalism. ByPeter J. Hugill · Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. xxiii + 376 pp. Illustrations, tables, figures, maps, bibliographical index, and references. $59.95. ISBN 0-8018-4241-7
by Johnston, Ron - 613-614 Regulation and the Revolution in United States Farm Productivity. BySally H. Clarke · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xiv + 310 pp. Tables, charts, maps, figures, and index. $59.95. ISBN 0-521-4411-7X
by Ferleger, Louis - 614-616 The Fountain of Privilege: Political Foundations of Markets in Old Regime France and England. ByHilton L. Root · Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. xv + 280 pp. Notes and index. $45.00. ISBN 0-520-08415-2
by Kete, Kathleen
October 1995, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 273-350 Enterprise and State in the West German Wirtschaftswunder: Volkswagen and the Automobile Industry, 1939–1962
by Tolliday, Steven - 351-397 Businessmen Against Pollution in Late Nineteenth Century Chicago
by Rosen, Christine Meisner - 398-421 Financing the Micro-Scale Enterprise: Rural Craft Producers in Scotland, 1840–1914
by Young, Craig - 425-426 The Cooperative Edge: The International Politics of International Cartels. By Debora L. Spar · Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1994. xii + 273 pp. Appendix and index. $29.95 ISBN 0-8014-26588
by Barbezat, Daniel - 426-428 Other People's Money and How the Bankers Use It. By Louis D. Brandeis; edited with an introduction by Melvin I. Urofsky · Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1995. vii + 168 pp. Charts, notes, and index. Cloth, $35.00, ISBN 0-312-12257-8; paper, $6.50, ISBN 0-312-10314-X
by Adelstein, Richard P. - 428-429 The CIO: 1935–1955. By Robert H. Zieger · Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1995. x + 491 pp. Notes, figures, photos, illustrations, and index. $39.95. ISBN 0-8078-2182-9
by Fraser, Steven - 430-431 International Business History: A Contextual and Case Approach. By Dennis M. P. McCarthy · Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994. xii + 290 pp. Notes and index. Cloth, $59.95, ISBN 0-275-94413-1; paper, $18.95, ISBN 0-275-94414-X
by Jones, Geoffrey - 431-433 The Sports Franchise Game: Cities in Pursuit of Sports Franchises, Events, Stadiums, and Arenas. By Kenneth L. Shropshire · Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995. xii + 102 pp. Index and notes. $24.95. ISBN 0-8122-3121-X
by Gendzel, Glen - 433-435 The Federal Civil Service System and the Problem of Bureaucracy: The Economics and Politics of Institutional Change. By Ronald N. Johnson and Gary D. Libecap · Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994. viii + 229 pp. Charts, tables, maps, figures, and index. Cloth, $49.95, ISBN 0-226-40170-7; paper, $17.95, ISBN 0-226-40171-5
by Rung, Margaret C. - 435-437 New Deals: Business, Labor, and Politics in America, 1920–1935. By Colin Gordon · Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xii + 329 pp. Bibliographical essay, manuscript sources, and index. Cloth, $59.95, ISBN 0-521-45122-1; paper, $17.95, ISBN 0-521-45755-6
by Fones-Wolf, Elizabeth - 438-439 The Regulated Economy: A Historical Approach to Political Economy. Edited by Claudia Goldin and Gary Libecap · Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994. viii + 312 pp. Tables, charts, and index. $56.00. ISBN 0-226-30110-9
by Vietor, Richard - 439-441 American Technological Sublime. By David E. Nye · Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, xx + 362 pp. Photos, notes, index, and bibliography. $35.00, ISBN 0-262-14056-X
by Rydell, Robert W. - 441-443 The Origins of Japanese Industrial Power: Strategy, Institutions and the Development of Organisational Capability. Edited by Etsuo Abe and Robert Fitzgerald · London: Frank Cass, 1995. 140 pp. Tables and notes. $30.00. ISBN 0-7146-4623-7
by Bernstein, Jeffrey - 443-445 Building IBM: Shaping an Industry and its Technology. By Emerson W. Pugh · Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1995. xvi + 403 pp. Illustrations, tables, charts, notes, and index. $29.95. ISBN 0-262-16147-8
by Usselman, Steven W. - 445-447 International Organization and Industrial Change: Global Governance since 1850. By Craig N. Murphy · New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. xiii + 337 pp. Photos, tables, figures, notes, and index. Cloth, $39.95, ISBN 0-19-521070-0; paper, $17.95, ISBN 0-19-521071-9
by Lodge, George C. - 448-449 To Steal a Book Is an Elegant Offense: Intellectual Property Law in Chinese Civilization. By William P. Alford · Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1995. ix + 222 pp. Figures, Notes, bibliography, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-8047-2270-6
by Rose, Mark - 449-451 The Battle for Homestead, 1880–1892: Politics, Culture, and Steel. By Paul Krause · Pittsburgh, Penn.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992. xiv + 548 pp. Notes, maps, appendices, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $39.95, ISBN 0-8229-3702-6; paper, $19.95, ISBN 0-8229-5466-4
by Vichniac, Judith E. - 451-453 The Business of Newspapers on the Western Frontier. By Barbara Cloud · Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada Press, 1992. xvii + 255 pp. Tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $27.95. ISBN 0-87417-184-9
by Neiva, Elizabeth M. - 454-456 World of Fairs: The Century-of-Progress Expositions. By Robert W. Rydell · Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. x + 269 pp. Illustrations, figures, notes, and index. Cloth, $49.95, ISBN 0-226-73236-3; paper, $16.95, ISBN 0-226-73237-1
by Marchand, Roland - 456-458 The Economics of Power: The Private Finances of the House of Foix-Navarre-Albret during the Religious Wars. By S. Amanda Eurich · Kirksville, Mo.: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, 1994. xviii + 245 pp. Notes, tables, bibliography, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-940474-25-5
by Denault, Gerard F. - 458-460 Trade, Industrial, and Professional Periodicals of the United States. By Kathleen L. Endres · Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994. xi + 467 pp. Illustrations, notes, index and bibliography. $99.50. ISBN 0-313-28042-8
by Whitten, David O. - 460-461 Public and Private Ownership of British Industry, 1820–1990. By James Foreman-Peck and Robert Millward · New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1994. xvii + 386 pp. Figures, tables, index and bibliography. $59.00. ISBN 0-19-820359-4
by Gourvish, Terence R. - 461-463 Entrepreneurial Politics in Mid-Victorian Britain. By G. R. Searle · New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. viii + 346 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $59.00. ISBN 0-19-820357-8
by Botticelli, Peter
July 1995, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 119-155 G. Harold Powell and the Corporate Consolidation of the Modern Citrus Enterprise, 1904–1922
by Moses, H. Vincent - 156-190 Organizing and Reorganizing the World Bank, 1946–1972: A Comparative Perspective
by Galambos, Louis & Milobsky, David - 191-229 Corporate Culture and Marketing in the American Railway Locomotive Industry: American Locomotive and Electro-Motive Despond to Dieselization
by Churella, Albert - 234-238 Alternative Tracks: The Constitution of American Industrial Order, 1865–1917. By Gerald Berk · Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. xi + 243 pp. Index, bibliography and tables. ISBN 0-8018-4656-0
by Miranti, Paul - 238-241 Working Women, Working Men: São Paulo and the Rise of Brazil's Industrial Working Class, 1900–1955. By Joel Wolfe · Durham: Duke University Press, 1993. xii + 312 pp. Tables, illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $45.00, ISBN 0-8223-1330-8; paper, $17.95, ISBN 0-8223-1347-2
by French, John D. - 241-244 Technological Innovation and the Development of Transportation in Japan. Edited by Hirofumi Yamamoto · Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 1993. xiii + 296 pp. Notes, tables, charts, appendix, bibliography, and index. $50.00. ISBN 92-808-0551-7
by Yonekura, Seiichiro - 244-245 Technology and Industrial Development in Pre-War Japan: Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard, 1884–1934. By Yukiko Fukasaku · London and New York: Routledge, 1993. xviii + 189 pp. Tables, charts, appendix, notes, index, and bibliography. $59.95. ISBN 0-415-06552-6
by Davies, Peter N. - 246-248 Japanese Government Loan Issues on the London Capital Market, 1870–1913. By Toshio Suzuki · London and Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Athlone Press, 1994. xv + 307 pp. Tables, charts, notes, selected bibliography, and index. $90.00. ISBN 0-485-11446-1
by Michie, Ranald - 248-250 The Japanese Iron and Steel Industry, 1850–1990: Continuity and Discontinuity. By Seiichiro Yonekura · New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994. xix + 327 pp. Tables, figures, photographs, notes and references, bibliography, and index. $65.00. ISBN 0-312-10673-4
by O'Brien, Patricia - 250-254 Models of Management: Work, Authority, and Organization in a Comparative Perspective. By Mauro F. Guillén · Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994. xiii + 424 pp. Tables, charts, appendix, index, and bibliography. Cloth, $57.50, ISBN 0-226-31035-3; paper, $18.95, ISBN 0-226-31036-1
by Kogut, Bruce - 254-256 Logs for Capital: The Timber Industry and Capitalist Enterprise in the Nineteenth Century. By Sing C. Chew · Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992. xi + 191 pp. Tables, charts, notes, bibliography, and index. $45.00. ISBN 0-313-28497-0
by Reinhardt, Forest - 256-258 Insider Lending: Banks, Personal Connections, and Economic Development in Industrial New England. By Naomi R. Lamoreaux · New York: NBER, Cambridge University Press, 1994. xii + 170 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $39.95. ISBN 0-521-46096-4
by Keehn, Richard H. - 258-260 The English Gentleman in Trade: The Life and Works of Sir Dudley North, 1641–1691. By Richard Grassby · Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. xvi + 390 pp. Illustrations, notes, and bibliography. $69.00. ISBN 0-19-820439-6
by Hancock, David - 260-262 Selling Free Enterprise: The Business Assault on Labor and Liberalism, 1945–60. By Elizabeth A. Fones-Wolf · Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1995. xii + 307 pp. Photos, drawings, figures, and index. Cloth, $49.95, ISBN 0-252-02118-5; paper, $16.95, ISBN 0-252-06439-9
by Lichtenstein, Nelson - 262-264 Women's Work, Men's Work: The Informal Slave Economies of Lowcountry Georgia. By Betty Wood · Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1995. x + 247 pp. Notes and index. $45.00. ISBN 0-8203-1667-9
by Schweninger, Loren - 264-266 City Bankers, 1890–1914. By Youssef Cassis · Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xv + 350 pp. Charts, graphs, tables, figures, and index. $64.95. ISBN 0-521-44188-9
by Jones, Geoffrey - 266-267 Erie Lackawanna: Death of an American Railroad, 1938–1992. By H. Roger Grant · Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994. ix + 284 pp. Illustrations, maps, notes, and index. $45.00. ISBN 0-8047-2357-5
by Miner, Craig - 267-269 The Medieval Super-Companies: A Study of the Peruzzi Company of Florence. By Edwin S. Hunt · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. x + 291 pp. Tables, charts, notes, maps, index, and bibliography. $59.95. ISBN 0-521-46156-1
by Blomquist, Thomas W. - 269-271 Enterprise and Technology. The German and British Steel Industries, 1865–1895. By Ulrich Wengenroth (translated by Sarah Hanbury Tenison) · Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xiv + 293 pp. Tables, charts, illustrations, and notes. $69.95. ISBN 0-521-38425-7
by Tolliday, Steven W.
April 1995, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-41 Crossed Wires and Missing Connections: Valdemar Poulsen, The American Telegraphone Company, and the Failure to Commercialize Magnetic Recording
by Clark, Mark & Nielsen, Henry - 42-79 Strategy and Structure in the Textile Industry: Spencer Love and Burlington Mills, 1923-1962
by Wright, Annette C. - 83-87 Contrived Competition: Regulation and Deregulation in America. ByRichard H. K. Vietor · Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994. 439 pp. Tables, notes, bibliographical references, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-674-16962-X
by Nelles, Viv - 87-89 American Public Finance and Financial Services. ByEdwin J. Perkins · Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1993. xii + 433 pp. Tables, appendix, notes, index, and bibliography. $49.50. ISBN 0-8142-0619-0
by Schweitzer, Mary M. - 89-91 Engendering Business: Men and Women in the Corporate Office, 1870–1930. ByAngel Kwolek-Folland · Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. xiv + 256 pp. Photos, appendix, notes, index, and bibliography. $39.00. ISBN 0-8018-4860-1
by Aron, Cindy S. - 91-92 Producers, Proletarians, and Politicians: Workers and Party Politics in Evansville and New Albany, Indiana, 1850–87. ByLawrence M. Lipin · Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1994. xii+ 313 pp. Notes and index. $42.50. ISBN 0-252-02019-7
by Faler, Paul G. - 93-95 Magazines for the Millions: Gender and Commerce in the Ladies Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post, 1880–1910. ByHelen Damon-Moore · Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994. x + 263 pp. Illustrations, notes, index, and bibliography. Cloth, $59.50, ISBN 0-7914-2057-4; paper, $19.95, ISBN 0-7914-2058-2
by Zuckerman, Mary Ellen - 95-97 Making Arms in the Machine Age: Philadelphia's Frankford Arsenal, 1816–1870. ByJames J. Farley · University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994. xv + 142 pp. Illust., appendix, notes, index, and bibliography. $32.50. ISBN 0-271-01000-2
by Meyer, David R. - 97-99 Dimensions of Law in the Service of Order: Origins of the Federal Income Tax, 1861–1913. ByRobert Stanley · New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. xiv + 331 pp. Illust, appendix, notes, and index. $48.00. ISBN 0-19-505848-8
by Bergstrom, Randolph - 99-101 Science on the Run: Information Management and Industrial Geophysics at Schlumberger, 1920-1940. ByGeoffrey C. Bowker · Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994. viii + 191 pp. Illust, charts, notes, index, and bibliography. $27.50. ISBN 0-262-02367-9
by Bamberg, James H. - 101-102 The Origins of Railway Enterprise: The Stockton and Darlington Railway, 1821–1863. ByMaurice W. Kirby · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xv + 223 pp. Illust, maps, plans, appendices, and bibliography. $59.95. ISBN 0-521-38445-1
by Smith, Cecil O. - 102-104 Business, Politics and International Relations: Steel, Cotton and International Cartels in British Politics, 1924–1993. ByClemens Wurm · Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. 389 pp. Bibliographical references and index. $84.95. ISBN 0-5214-0520-3
by Teichova, Alice - 105-106 Telecommunications and Politics: The Decentralized Alternative. ByAndrew Davies · New York and London: Pinter Publishers, 1994. xi + 265 pp. Tables, figures, bibliography, and index. $49.00 ISBN 1-85567-144-1
by Lipartito, Kenneth - 106-108 Planning the French Canals: Bureaucracy, Politics, and Enterprise Under the Restoration. ByReed G. Geiger · Cranbury: University of Delaware Press, 1995. 338 pp. Tables, charts, notes, index, and bibliography. $43.50. ISBN 0-87413-527-3
by Szostak, Rick - 108-110 Trade and Traders in Muslim Spain: The Commercial Realignment of The Iberian Peninsula, 900–1500. ByOlivia Remie Constable · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xxiv + 320 pp. Illustrations, maps, index, and bibliography. $59.95. ISBN 0-521-43075-5
by Abulafia, David S. H. - 110-111 A Mediterranean Emporium: The Catalan Kingdom of Majorca. ByDavid Abulafia · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xiii + 292 pp. Maps, illust., appendixes, index and bibliography. $59.95. ISBN 0-521-32244-8
by Freedman, Paul - 112-114 Pacific Banking, 1859-1959: East Meets West. Edited byOlive Checkland, Shizuya Nishimura, and Norio Tamaki · Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1994. xix + 213 pp. Tables, charts, figures, and index. $65.00. ISBN 0-312-12386-8
by Wilkins, Mira - 114-115 “Rich Nation, Strong Army”: National Security and the Technological Transformation of Japan. ByRichard J. Samuels · Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994. xiii + 455 pp. Abbreviations, notes, references, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-8014-2705-3
by Barnhart, Michael A. - 116-117 The Japanese Enterprise System: Competitive Strategies and Cooperative Structures. ByW. Mark Fruin · New York: Clarendon Press of Oxford, 1992. viii + 397 pp. Tables, charts, notes, appendix, index, and bibliography. $49.95. ISBN 0-19-828318-0
by Yamazaki, Hiroaki
January 1994, Volume 68, Issue 4
- 451-482 Foundations, Statistics, and State-Building: Leonard P. Ayres, the Russell Sage Foundation, and U.S. Government Statistics in the First World War
by Breen, William J. - 483-514 Physiological Science and Scientific Management in the Progressive Era: Frederic S. Lee and the Committee on Industrial Fatigue
by Derickson, Alan - 515-576 The Counterproductive Management of Science in the Second World War: Vannevar Bush and the Office of Scientific Research and Development
by Owens, Larry - 582-583 Southwest Virginia's Railroad: Modernization and the Sectional Crisis. By Kenneth W. Noe · Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1994. iv + 221 pp. Maps, tables, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $27.95. ISBN 0-252-02070-7
by Trelease, Allen W. - 583-585 Local Attachments: The Making of an American Urban Neighborhood, 1850 to 1920. By Alexander von Hoffman · Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. xxiv + 311 pp. Illustrations, maps, notes, bibliography, and index. $39.95. ISBN 0-8018-4710-9
by Burgess, Patricia - 585-587 Panic in Paradise: Florida's Banking Crash of 1926. By Raymond B. Vickers · Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1994. xvi + 336 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $34.95. ISBN 0-8173-0723-0
by Schweikart, Larry - 587-589 Chester I. Barnard and the Guardians of the Managerial State. By William G. Scott · Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1992. Tables, figures, notes, selected bibliography, and index. $27.50. ISBN 0-7006-0550-9
by Balogh, Brian - 589-591 The Origins and Evolution of the Field of Industrial Relations in the United States. By Bruce E. Kaufman · Ithaca, N.Y.: ILR Press, 1992. xv + 286 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $40.00. ISBN 0-87546-191-3
by Dubofsky, Melvyn - 591-593 The Union Inspiration in American Politics: The Autoworkers and the Making of a Liberal Industrial Order. By Stephen Amberg · Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press, 1994. xiii + 354 pp. Tables, notes, and index. $44.95. ISBN 1-56639-189-X
by Atleson, James - 593-597 The State & Labor in Modern America. By Melvyn Dubofsky · Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994. xviii + 321 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $34.95, ISBN 0-8078-2125-X; paper, $14.95, ISBN 0-8076-4436-5
by Tomlins, Christopher L. - 597-599 Old Age and the Search for Security: An American Social History. By Carole Haber and Brian Gratton · Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994. xv + 230 pp. Tables, figures, illustrations, notes, and index. Cloth, $35.00, ISBN 0-253-32691-5; paper, $14.95, ISBN 0-253-20836-X
by Berkowitz, Edward D. - 599-601 Canadian Papers in Business History, vol. 2. Edited by Peter A. Baskerville · Victoria: University of Victoria, B.C., 1993. ix + 233 pp. Tables, figures, maps, and notes. $27.95. ISBN 0-921278-10-1
by Forster, Ben - 602-603 The Economy and Material Culture of Slaves: Goods and Chattels on the Sugar Plantations of Jamaica and Louisiana. By Roderick A. McDonald · Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1993. xiv + 339 pp. Illustrations, tables, appendixes, notes, bibliography, and index. $39.95. ISBN 0-8071-1794-3
by Morgan, Philip D. - 604-606 Missionaries of Science: The Rockefeller Foundation and Latin America. Edited by Marcos Cueto · Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994. xx + 171 pp. Tables, illustrations, and index. $24.95. ISBN 0-253-31583-2
by Cobbs, Elizabeth A. - 606-608 Engines of Growth: The State and Transnational Auto Companies in Brazil. By Helen Shapiro. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1994. xi + 267 pp. Tables, figures, appendixes, notes, and index. $54.95. ISBN 0-521-41640-X
by Cason, Jeffrey - 608-610 The European Economy, 1750–1914: A Thematic Approach. Edited by Derek H. Aldcroft and Simon P. Ville · New York: St. Martin's Press for Manchester University Press, 1994. x + 323 pp. Tables, notes, and index. Paper, $29.95, ISBN 0-7190-3599-6
by Kiesling, Lynne - 610-611 The Industrial Revolution and British Society. Edited by Patrick K O'Brien and Roland Quinault · New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xii + 295 pp. Tables, figures, references, and index. Cloth, $59.95, ISBN 0-521-43154-9; paper, $16.95, ISBN 0-521-43744-X
by Hudson, Pat - 612-613 Aufsteig der Kleinen: Multinationale Unternehmen aus fünf kleinen Staaten vor 1914. By Harm G. Schröter · Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1993. 342 pp. Tables, figures, appendix, notes, bibliography, and index. 138 DM. ISBN 3-428-07827-6
by Dornseifer, Bernd - 614-615 War and Economy in the Third Reich. By R. J. Overy · New York: The Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, 1994. xiv + 390 pp. Tables, figures, notes, and index. $55.00. ISBN 0-19-820290-3
by Bartov, Omer - 616-617 The Economic History of Italy, 1860–1990. By Vera Zamagni · New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. xv + 413 pp. Figures, tables, appendixes, notes, and index. $59.00. ISBN 0-19-828773-9
by LoRomer, David G.
October 1994, Volume 68, Issue 3
- 325-363 Rhetoric and Reality: Corporate America's Perceptions of Southeast Asia, 1950–1961
by Gillespie, Lodge - 364-411 Personal Capitalism and British Industrial Decline: The Personally Managed Firm and Business Strategy in Sheffield, 1880–1920
by Lloyd-Jones, Roger & Lewis, Myrddin J. - 416-418 A Measure of Success: Protestants and Public Culture in Antebellum Cleveland. By Michael J. McTighe · Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1994. xii + 283 pp. Illustrations, tables, appendixes, notes, bibliography, and index. $21.95. ISBN 0-7914-1825-1
by Farrell, Betty - 418-419 News Over the Wires: The Telegraph and the Flow of Public Information in America, 1844–1897. By Menahem Blondheim · Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994. 305 pp. Tables, notes, and index. $39.93. ISBN 0-674-62212-X
by Baldasty, Gerald J. - 420-421 A Place to Live and Work: The Henry Disston Saw Works and the Tacony Community of Philadelphia. By Harry C. Silcox · University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994. xix + 231 pp. Illustrations, tables, appendixes, notes, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-271-01079-7
by Fones-Wolf, Ken - 421-423 Radicals of the Worst Sort: Laboring Women in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1860–1912. By Ardis Cameron · Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994. xix + 229 pp. Illustrations, notes, and index. $36.95. ISBN 0-252-02013-8
by Blewett, Mary H. - 423-425 The American Grocery Store: The Business Evolution of an Architectural Space. By James M. Mayo · Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1993. xviii + 286 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $59.95. ISBN 0-313-26520-8
by Klassen, Henry C. - 425-427 A Century in the Works: Freese and Nichols Consulting Engineers, 1894–1994. By Simon W. Freese and Deborah Lightfoot Sizemore · College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1994. xix + 435 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $34.50. ISBN 0-89096-561-7
by Reynolds, Terry S. - 427-429 Railroads Triumphant: The Growth, Rejection, and Rebirth of a Vital American Force. By Albro Martin · New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. xiv + 428 pp. Illustrations, tables, selected bibliography, and index. $29.95. ISBN 0-19-503853-3
by Hofsommer, Don L. - 429-431 Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128. By Annalee Saxenian · Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994. xi + 226 pp. Figures, tables, notes, and index. $24.95. ISBN 0-674-75339-9
by Wollner, Craig - 432-433 Regulatory Politics in Transition. By Marc Allen Eisner · Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. xxii + 246 pp. Tables, figures, bibliography, and index. $45.00. ISBN 0-8018-4557-2
by Clarke, Sally - 433-434 The Workplace before the Factory: Artisans and Proletarians, 1500–1800. Edited by Thomas Max Safley and Leonard N. Rosenband · Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1993. xi + 252 pp. Illustrations, notes, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-8014-2847-5
by Schwarz, Leonard D. - 435-436 Family Capitalism. Edited by Geoffrey Jones and Mary B. Rose · Brookfield, Vt: Frank Cass, 1993. 211 pp. Illustrations, figures, notes, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-7146-4553-2
by Roth, Matthew W. - 437-438 Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy. By John H. Dunning · Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1993. xvi + 687 pp. Illustrations, tables, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $58.50. ISBN 0-201-17530-4
by Penrose, Edith - 438-440 Women, Work, and Life Cycle in a Medieval Economy: Women in York and Yorkshire, c. 1300–1520. By P. J. P. Goldberg · New York: The Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, 1992. xiii + 406 pp. Figures, maps, tables, appendixes, notes, bibliography, and index. $ 82.00. ISBN 0-19-820154-0
by Safley, Thomas Max - 441-444 The British Industrial Revolution: An Economic Perspective. Edited by Joel Mokyr · Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1993. xi + 362 pp. Tables, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $58.00, ISBN 0-8133-8509-1; paper, $21.95, ISBN 0-8133-8510-5
by Humphries, Jane - 444-445 Local Authority Accounting Methods: Problems and Solutions, 1909–1934. Edited by Hugh M. Coombs and J. R. Edwards · New York: Garland Publishing, 1992. xiii + 370 pp. Tables, figures, and bibliography. $70.00. ISBN 0-8153-0685-7
by Miranti, Paul J. - 445-446 Chartered Accountants in England and Wales: A Guide to Historical Records. Edited by Wendy Habgood · New York: St. Martin's Press for Manchester University Press, 1994. viii + 241. User's guide, name index, place index. $69.95. ISBN 0-7190-4229-1
by Jones, Edgar - 446-448 Leeds City Business, 1893–1993: Essays Marking the Centenary of the Incorporation. By John Chartres and Katrina Honeyman. Leeds: University of Leeds Press, 1993. xiii + 291 pp. Illustrations, figures, tables, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-85316-157-7
by Jenkins, David T. - 448-450 Forging Revolution: Metalworkers, Managers, and the State in St. Petersburg, 1890–1914. By Heather Hogan · Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1993. xiv + 319 pp. Tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-253-32837-3
by McKay, John P.
July 1994, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 205-243 Monetary Reform and the Redemption of National Bank Notes, 1863–1913
by Selgin, George A. & White, Lawrence H. - 244-275 Kindling a Flame under Federalism: Progressive Reformers, Corporate Elites, and the Phosphorus Match Campaign of 1909–1912
by Moss, David A. - 283-285 The Public Prints: The Newspaper in Anglo-American Culture, 1665–1740. ByCharles E. Clark · New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. xiv + 330 pp. Illustrations, appendix, notes, and index. $49.95. ISBN 0-19-508233-8
by Gilmore-Lehne, William J. - 285-287 Night Riders: Defending Community in the Black Patch, 1890–1915. ByChristopher Waldrep · Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1993. xii + 264 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $45.00, ISBN 0-8223-1359-6; paper, $16.95, ISBN 0-8223-1393-6
by Foster, Gaines M. - 287-289 Black Business in the New South: A Social History of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. ByWalter B. Weare · Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1993. xv + 312 pp. Illustrations, charts, notes, bibliographic essay, and index. Paper, $18.95, ISBN 0-8223-1338-3
by Kwolek-Folland, Angel - 289-292 African-American Business Leaders: A Biographical Dictionary. ByJohn N. Ingham and Lynne B. Feldman · Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing, 1993. xiv + 806 pp. Appendixes, bibliographic essay, and index. $99.50. ISBN 0-313-27253-0
by Henderson, Alexa Benson - 292-294 Daniel Willard and Progressive Management on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. ByDavid M. Vrooman · Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1991. xvi + 218 pp. Illustrations, tables, maps, notes, and index. $42.50. ISBN 0-8142-0552-6
by Licht, Walter - 294-295 Creating an American Institution: The Merchandising Genius of J. C. Penney. ByMary Elizabeth Curry · New York: Garland Publishing, 1993. xviii + 348 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $85.00. ISBN 0-8153-0991-0
by Carsky, Mary L. - 296-297 Justice Lies in the District: The U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, 1902–1960. ByCharles L. Zelden · College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1993. xii + 312 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $49.50. ISBN 0-89096-520-X
by Freyer, Tony - 298-299 Service Clubs in American Society: Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions. ByJeffrey A. Charles · Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1993. x + 226 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $32.50. ISBN 0-252-02015-4
by Wiebe, Robert H. - 299-301 Pride and Solidarity: A History of the Plumbers and Pipefitters of Columbus, Ohio, 1889–1989. ByRichard Schneirov · Ithaca, N.Y.: ILR Press, 1993. x + 189 pp. Illustrations, appendix, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $35.00, ISBN 0-87546-306-1; paper, $14.95, ISBN 0-87546-307-X
by Erlich, Mark - 301-303 Profits of Science: The American Marriage of Business and Technology. ByRobert Teitelman · New York: Basic Books, 1994. xi + 258 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $23.00. ISBN 0-465-03983-9
by Owens, Larry - 303-305 Second Thoughts: Myths and Morals of U.S. Economic History. Edited byDonald N. McCloskey · New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. x + 208 pp. Appendix, notes, and index. $24.95. ISBN 0-19-506633-2
by Samuels, Warren J. - 305-307 The New Democracy: Challenging the Social Order in Industrial Ontario, 1914–1925. ByJames Naylor · Toronto, Ont: University of Toronto Press, 1991. x + 336 pp. Appendix, notes, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $55.00, ISBN 0-8020-5953-8; paper, $18.95, ISBN 0-8020-6886-3
by Brushett, Kevin - 307-309 Money Doctors, Foreign Debts, and Economic Reforms in Latin America from the 1890s to the Present. Edited byPaul W. Drake · Wilmington, Del.: SR Books, 1993. xxxiii + 270 pp. Notes, references, and suggested reading. Cloth, $40.00, ISBN 0-8420-2434-4; paper, $14.95, ISBN 0-8420-2435-2
by Cobbs, Elizabeth A. - 309-312 Poverty and Peasantry in Peru's Southern Andes, 1963–90. ByR. F. Watters · Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1994. xviii + 366 pp. Maps, tables, charts, notes, bibliography, and index. $75.00. ISBN 0-8229-1182-5
by Garner, Richard L. - 312-314 The Honourable Company: A History of the English East India Company. ByJohn Keay · New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1994. xxii + 474 pp. Illustrations, maps, bibliography, and index. $25.00. ISBN 0-02-561169-0
by Buchans, P. Bruce - 314-315 British Multinational Banking, 1830–1990. ByGeoffrey Jones. · New York: Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, 1993. xiii + 511 pp. Charts, tables, appendixes, notes, selected bibliography, and index. $69.00. ISBN 0-19-820273-3
by Michie, Ranald - 315-317 The Coachmen of Nineteenth-Century Paris: Service Workers and Class Consciousness. ByNicholas Papayanis · Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1993. xvi + 247 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $45.00. ISBN 0-8071-1814-1
by Stewart, Mary Lynn - 317-318 Wealth and the Demand for Art in Italy, 1300–1600. ByRichard A. Goldthwaite · Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. 266 pp. Notes and index. $29.95. ISBN 0-8018-4612-9
by Litchfield, R. Burr - 319-321 From Peasant to Entrepreneur: The Survival of the Family Economy in Italy. ByAnna Cento Bull and Paul Corner · Providence, R.I.: Berg Publishers, 1993. ix + 174 pp. Tables, charts, notes, bibliography, and index. $42.50. ISBN 0-85496-309-X
by LoRomer, David G. - 321-323 Strategic Capitalism: Private Business and Public Purpose in Japanese Industrial Finance. ByKent E. Calder · Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1993. xxii + 373 pp. Tables, figures, appendixes, notes, index, and bibliography. $35.00. ISBN 0-6910-4318-3
by Smitka, Michael J.
April 1994, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 1-1 Competitiveness and Capital Investment: The Restructuring of U.S. Industry, 1960–1990
by Chandler, Alfred D. - 1-72 The Competitive Performance of U.S. Industrial Enterprises since the Second World War
by Chandler, Alfred D. - 73-109 Capital-Budgeting Systems and Capabilities Investments in U.S. Companies after the Second World War
by Baldwin, Carliss Y. & Clark, Kim B. - 110-143 Corporate Restructuring and Investment Horizons in the United States, 1976–1987
by Hall, Bronwyn H. - 147-148 Eighteenth-Century Capitalism: The Formation of American Marine Insurance Companies. ByMary Elizabeth Ruwell · New York: Garland Publishers, 1993. xiii + 184 pp. Tables, appendix, notes, bibliography, and index. $49.00. ISBN 0-8153-0969-4
by Perkins, Edwin J. - 148-150 An Anxious Pursuit: Agricultural Innovation and Modernity in the Lower South, 1730–1815. ByJoyce E. Chaplin · Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1993. xiv + 411 pp. Illustrations, tables, maps, notes, bibliography, and index. $45.00. ISBN 0-8078-2084-9
by Weiss, Thomas - 150-151 To Sow One Acre More: Childbearing and Farm Productivity in the Antebellum North. ByLee A. Craig · Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. xii + 161 pp. Tables, appendixes, notes, bibliography, and index. $28.50. ISBN 0-8018-4529-7
by Steckel, Richard H. - 152-153 Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest. By Carlos A. Schwantes · Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1993. 360 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $50.00. ISBN 0-295-97210-6
by White, W. Thomas - 154-155 The American Railroad Freight Car: From the Wood-Car Era to the Coming of Steel. By John H. WhiteJr., · Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. xi + 644 pp. Tables, charts, illustrations, appendixes, notes, and index. $125.00. ISBN 0-8018-4404-5
by Grant, H. Roger - 155-158 The Passenger Train in the Motor Age: California's Rail and Bus Industries, 1910–1941. ByGregory Lee Thompson · Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1994. xvii + 247 pp. Maps, figures, appendix, notes, bibliography, and index. $42.50. ISBN 0-8412-0609-3
by Salsbury, Stephen - 158-159 From Machine Shop to Industrial Laboratory: Telegraphy and the Changing Context of American Invention, 1830–1920. ByPaul Israel · Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992. viii + 251 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $38.50. ISBN 0-8018-4379-0
by John, Richard R. - 159-161 Made to Play House: Dolls and the Commercialization of American Girlhood, 1830–1930. ByMiriam Formanek-Brunell · New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993. xi + 233 pp. Illustrations, notes, and index. $25.00. ISBN 0-300-05072-0
by Heininger, Mary Lynn Stevens - 161-163 Bank Behavior, Regulation, and Economic Development: California, 1860–1910. ByRoger C. Lister · New York: Garland, 1993. xxv + 261 pp. Tables, charts, notes, bibliography, and index. $62.00. ISBN 0-8153-0967-8
by Doti, Lynne Pierson - 163-164 Platt Brothers and Company: Small Business in American Manufacturing. ByMatthew W. Roth · Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1994. x + 256 pp. Illustrations, appendixes, notes, and index. $40.00. ISBN 0-87451-654-4
by Bean, Jonathan J. - 165-167 From Texas to the East: A Strategic History of Texas Eastern Corporation. ByChristopher J. Castaneda and Joseph A. Pratt · College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1993. xix + 296 pp. Illustrations, maps, tables, notes, and index. $35.00. ISBN 0-89096-551-X
by Olien, Diana Davids - 167-168 Ringling: The Florida Years, 1911–1936. ByDavid C. Weeks · Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1993. xvii + 350 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $49.95, ISBN 0-8130-1242-2; paper, $24.95, ISBN 0-8130-1243-0
by McDermott, Kathleen - 168-170 Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture. ByWilliam Leach · New York: Pantheon Books, 1993. xvii + 510 pp. Illustrations, notes, and index. $30.00. ISBN 0394-543-505
by Beal, Thomas D. - 171-172 The Story of NationsBank: Changing the Face of American Banking. ByHoward E. CovingtonJr., and Marion A. Ellis · Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1993. xvi + 328 pp. Illustrations and index. $24.95. ISBN 0-8078-2093-8
by Schweikart, Larry - 172-174 The Structure of a Modern Economy: The United States, 1929–89. ByKenneth E. Boulding · New York: New York University Press, 1993. xii + 215 pp. Tables, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $60.00. ISBN 0-8147-1203-7
by Scherer, F. M. - 174-176 Before the Computer: IBM, NCR, Burroughs, and Remington Rand and the Industry They Created, 1865–1956. ByJames W. Cortada · Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1993. xx + 344 pp. Illustrations, tables, charts, notes, and index. $59.50. ISBN 0-691-04807-X
by Rosenbloom, Richard S. - 176-178 Alberta's Petroleum Industry and the Conservation Board. ByDavid H. Breen · Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. lxii + 800 pp. Illustrations, tables, maps, bibliography, notes, and index. $39.95. ISBN 0-88864-245-8
by Cruikshank, Ken