September 1977, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 1139-1140 The Ideology of Order: A Comparative Analysis of Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes. By Preston King. (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1974. Pp. 352. $20.00.)
by Sanderson, John - 1140-1141 The World and Ideas of Ernst Freund: The Search for General Principles of Legislation and Administrative Law. By Oscar Kraines. (University: The University of Alabama Press, 1974. Pp. 221. $8.00, cloth; $3.50, paper.)
by Jacobs, Clyde E. - 1141-1142 An Essay on the Theory of Enlightened Despotism. By Leonard Krieger. (Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press, 1975. Pp. xi, 115. $9.25.)
by Gavre, Mark - 1142-1143 The Intellectual Origins of the Prague Spring: The Development of Reformist Ideas in Czechoslovakia. By Vladimir V. Kusin. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. 153. $8.95.) - Writers Against Rulers. By Dusan Hamsik. (New York: Random House, 1971. Pp. 208. $6.95.)
by Golan, Galia - 1143-1144 Social Indicator Models. Edited by Kenneth C. Land and Seymour Spilerman. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1975. Pp. 424. $15.00. Distributed by Basic Books, Inc., New York.)
by Fox, Karl A. - 1145-1146 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ecrivain Politique (1712–1762). By Michel Launay. (Grenoble: A. C. E. R., 1971. Pp. 511. Price unknown.)
by Nichols, James H. - 1146-1147 Marxism and Epistemology: Bachelard, Canguilhem, Foucault. By Dominique Lecourt. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1975. Pp. 223. $15.00.)
by Parekh, Bhikhu - 1147-1148 The Unravelling of America: Wherein the Author Analyzes the Inadequacy of Current Political Options and Responds with a Christian Approach to Government. By Stephen V. Monsma. (Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-Varsity Press, 1974. Pp. 228. $4.95, paper.)
by Shull, Gordon L. - 1148-1149 Hegel on Reason and History: A Contemporary Interpretation. By George Dennis O'Brien. (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1975. Pp. 188. $8.50.)
by Rosen, Stanley - 1149-1150 The Measurement of Children's Civic Attitudes in Different Nations. By A. N. Oppenheim and Judith Torney. (New York: A Halsted Press Book, John Wiley & Sons, 1974. Pp. 84. $5.95.)
by Sears, David O. - 1150-1151 From Hope to Liberation: Towards a New Marxist-Christian Dialogue. Edited by Nicholas Piediscalzi and Robert G. Thobaben. (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1974. Pp. xiv, 114. $3.25.)
by Sturm, Douglas - 1151-1152 The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition. By J. G. A. Pocock. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975. Pp. 602. $22.50, cloth; $11.50, paper.)
by Mansfield, Harvey C. - 1152-1154 Political Science and Area Studies: Rivals or Partners? Edited by Lucian W. Pye. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1975. Pp. 245. $10.95.)
by Lapalombara, Joseph - 1154-1155 Between Existentialism and Marxism. By Jean-Paul Sartre. Translated by John Mathews. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1974. Pp. 302. $10.00.)
by Piccone, Paul - 1155-1156 The Politics of Rights: Lawyers, Public Policy, and Political Change. By Stuart A. Scheingold. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1974. Pp. xiv, 224. $10.00.)
by Bullock, Charles S. - 1156-1157 Where Have All the Robots Gone: Worker Dissatisfaction in the '70s. By Harold L. Sheppard and Neal Q. Herrick. (New York: The Free Press, 1972. Pp. 222. $7.95.)
by Wool, Harold - 1157-1158 Games for Society, Business, and War: Towards a Theory of Gaming. By Martin Shubik. (New York: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., 1975. Pp. 371. $16.50.)
by Guetzkow, Harold - 1158-1159 Life and Liberty: A Return to First Principles. By Frederick Martin Stern. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1975. Pp. 212. $7.95.)
by Rowan, R.J. - 1159-1160 Handbook of Leadership: A Survey of Theory and Research. By Ralph M. Stogdill. (New York: The Free Press, 1974. Pp. 613. $19.95.)
by Alderfer, Clayton P. - 1160-1162 The Formation of the New Left: The Early Years. By George R. Vickers. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books [D.C. Heath], 1975. Pp. 166. $14.00.)
by Vree, Dale - 1162-1162 Social Indicators and Societal Monitoring: An Annotated Bibliography. By Leslie D. Wilcox, Ralph M. Brooks, George M. Beal, and Gerald E. Klongan. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc., 1972. Pp. 464. $12.50.)
by Palley, Marian Lief - 1162-1163 From Radicalism to Socialism: Men and Ideas in the Formation of Fabian Socialist Doctrines, 1881–1889. By Willard Wolfe. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975. Pp. 333. $17.50.)
by Miller, David - 1163-1164 Justices and Presidents: A Political History of Appointments to the Supreme Court. By Henry J. Abraham. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974. Pp. 310. $10.00.)
by Goldman, Sheldon - 1164-1165 Political Money: A Strategy for Campaign Financing in America. By David W. Adamany and George E. Agree. (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. Pp. 221. $11.95.)
by Alexander, Herbert E. - 1165-1166 The Unequal Elites. By Robert P. Althauser and Sydney S. Spivack, in collaboration with Beverly M. Amsel. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1975. Pp. 204. $12.50.)
by Wirth, Clifford J. - 1166-1167 Foreign Policy and the Bureaucratic Process: The State Department's Country Director System. By William I. Bacchus. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1974. Pp. 350. $14.50.)
by Plischke, Elmer - 1167-1169 The Vision and the Dream of Justice Hugo L. Black. By Howard Ball. (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1975. Pp. 232. $8.50.)
by Strickland, Stephen P. - 1169-1170 Coastal Resource Use: Decisions on Puget Sound. By Robert L. Bish, Robert Warren, Louis F. Weschler, James A. Crutchfield, and Peter Harrison. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1975. Pp. 206. $10.95.) - Saving the Coast: California's Experiment in Intergovernmental Land Use Control. By Melvin B. Moguloff. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Company, 1975. Pp. 136. $12.00.)
by Mann, Dean E. - 1170-1171 In Command of Tomorrow: Resource and Environmental Strategies for Americans. By Sterling Brubaker. (Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. Pp. 177. $7.95.)
by Pealy, Robert H. - 1171-1172 TV Violence and the Child: The Evolution and Fate of the Surgeon General's Report. By Douglass Cater and Stephen Strickland. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1975. Pp. 167. $5.95.)
by Abeles, Ronald P. - 1172-1172 Thomas McKean: Forgotten Leader of the Revolution. By John M. Coleman. (Rockaway, N.J.: American Faculty Press, 1975. Pp. 352. $16.95.)
by Whittenburg, James P. - 1172-1173 The Politics of Revenue Sharing. By Paul R. Dommel. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1974. Pp. 211. $8.50.)
by Pfiffner, James P. - 1173-1174 Shoreline for the Public: A Handbook of Social, Economic, and Legal Considerations Regarding Public Recreational Use of the Nation's Coastal Shoreline. By Dennis W. Ducsik. (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1974. Pp. 257. $12.50.)
by Greenwald, Carol S. - 1174-1176 Pork Barrel Politics: Rivers and Harbors Legislation, 1947–68. By John A. Ferejohn. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1974. Pp. 288. $12.50.)
by Margolis, Julius - 1176-1176 Blacks and the Military in American History: A New Perspective. By Jack D. Foner. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1974. Pp. x, 278. $10.00, cloth; $3.95, paper.)
by Pinderhughes, Dianne M. - 1176-1177 Who Shall Live? Health, Economics, and Social Choice. By Victor R. Fuchs. (New York: Basic Books, 1974. Pp. 168. $8.95.)
by Koleda, Michael S. - 1177-1178 Crime and Criminal Justice: Issues in Public Policy Analysis. Edited by John A. Gardiner and Michael A. Mulkey. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co., 1975. Pp. 211. $14.50.)
by Ryan, John Paul - 1178-1179 Making the Papers: The Access of Resource-Poor Groups to the Metropolitan Press. By Edie N. Goldenberg. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Co., 1975. Pp. 164. $13.00.)
by Nimmo, Dan - 1180-1180 Barriers to Establishing Urban Ombudsmen: The Case of Newark. By William B. Gwyn. (Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, 1974. Pp. 93. $4.50, paper.)
by Effross, Harris I. - 1180-1181 Bureaucratic Politics and Foreign Policy. By Morton Halperin, with Priscilla Clapp and Arnold Kanter. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1974. Pp. 340. $8.95, cloth; $3.50, paper.)
by Davis, David Howard - 1181-1182 Policymaking by Plebiscite: School Referenda. By Howard D. Hamilton and Sylvan H. Cohen. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Co., 1974. Pp. 294. $20.00.)
by Rossell, Christine H. - 1182-1183 The Presidential Campaign: The Leadership Selection Process after Watergate. An Essay, by Stephen Hess. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1974. Pp. 121. $2.50, paper.)
by Holtzman, Abraham - 1183-1184 Aspects of Early New York Society and Politics. Edited by Jacob Judd and Irwin H. Polishook. (Tarrytown, New York: Sleepy Hollow Restoration, 1974. Pp. 150. $7.50.)
by Ellis, Richard E. - 1184-1185 Bureaucratic Encounters: A Pilot Study in the Evaluation of Government Services. By Daniel Katz, Barbara A. Gutek, Robert L. Kahn and Eugenia Barton. (Ann Arbor: Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, 1975. Pp. 264. $12.50, cloth; $7.00, paper.)
by Madar, Daniel - 1185-1186 The Domestic Presidency: Decision-Making in the White House. By John H. Kessel. (North Scituate, Mass.: Duxbury Press, 1975. Pp. 149. $7.95.)
by Sperlich, Peter W. - 1187-1187 The Washington Lobbyists for Higher Education. By Lauriston R. King. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co., 1975. Pp. ix, 127. $11.00.)
by Pettit, Lawrence K. - 1187-1189 Pollution, Prices and Public Policy. By Allen V. Kneese and Charles L. Schultze. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975. Pp. 125. $6.95, cloth; $2.95, paper.)
by Sacco, John F. - 1189-1189 Harry Hopkins and the New Deal. By Paul A. Kurzman. (Fairlawn, N.J.: R. E. Burdick, Inc., Publishers, 1974. Pp. 219. $9.75.)
by Blaisdell, Thomas C. - 1190-1191 As Orange Goes: Twelve California Families and the Future of American Politics. By Karl Lamb. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1974. Pp. 322. $8.95.)
by Marvick, Elizabeth Wirth & Marvick, Dwaine - 1191-1192 Phase II in Review: The Price Commission Experience. By Robert F. Lanzillotti, Mary T. Hamilton, and R. Blaine Roberts. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975. Pp. 209. $9.95, cloth; $2.95, paper.)
by Kagan, Robert A. - 1192-1193 Racial Conflict and the American Mayor. By Charles H. Levine. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co., 1974. Pp. 149. $13.50.)
by Haider, Donald - 1193-1194 Public Planning: Failure and Redirection. By Robert A. Levine. (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1972. Pp. 195. $6.95.)
by Spivak, Melton L. - 1194-1195 Policy Studies in America and Elsewhere. Edited by Stuart S. Nagel. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co., 1975. Pp. 229. $16.00.)
by Salisbury, Robert H. - 1195-1196 Maryland and the Empire, 1773: The Antilon-First Citizen Letters. Edited by Peter S. Onuf. (Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974. Pp. 236. $10.00.)
by Barrow, Thomas C. - 1196-1197 Public Claims on U.S. Output: Federal Budget Options in the Last Half of the Seventies. By David J. Ott, Lawrence J. Korb, Thomas Gale Moore, Dave M. O'Neill, Attiat F. Ott, Rudolph G. Penner, and Thomas Vasquez. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1973. Pp. 218. $3.75, paper.)
by Walcott, Charles - 1197-1198 Mediacracy: American Parties and Politics in the Communications Age. By Kevin P. Phillips. (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975. Pp. 246. $8.95.)
by Vree, Dale - 1198-1199 Electoral Reform and Voter Participation: Federal Registration – A False Remedy for Voter Apathy. By Kevin P. Phillips and Paul H. Blackman. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Policy Research and Stanford, Cal.: The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1975. Pp. 135. $3.00, paper.)
by Kelley, Stanley - 1199-1200 School Finance in Transition: The Courts and Educational Reform. Edited by John Pincus. (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1974. Pp. viii, 319. $15.00.)
by Cohen, Michael A. - 1200-1201 Federal Programs and City Politics: The Dynamics of the Aid Process in Oakland. By Jeffrey L. Pressman. (Berkeley, California: The University of California Press, 1975. Pp. 178. $10.95.)
by Murphy, Russell D. - 1201-1201 A Little Group of Willful Men: A Study of Congressional/Presidential Authority. By Thomas W. Ryley. (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1975. Pp. 198. $12.95.)
by Buehrig, Edward H. - 1201-1203 Patterns of Recruitment: A State Chooses Its Lawmakers. By Lester G. Seligman, Michael R. King, Chong Lim Kim, and Roland E. Smith. (Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1975. Pp. 269. $8.95, cloth; $4.96, paper.)
by Thurber, James A. - 1203-1204 Personality and Democratic Politics. By Paul M. Sniderman. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1975. $13.75.)
by Merelman, Richard M. - 1204-1206 Managing Local Government Under Union Pressure. By David T. Stanley. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1972. Pp. 177. $6.95.) - The Unions and the Cities. By Harry H. Wellington and Ralph K. WinterJr. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1971. Pp. 226. $7.95.)
by Miller, Glenn W. - 1206-1207 The Rise of the City Manager: A Public Professional in Local Government. By Richard J. StillmanII . (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1974. Pp. 170. $8.95.)
by Shafritz, Jay M. - 1207-1208 From Poor Law to Welfare State: A History of Social Welfare in America. By Walter I. Trattner. (New York: The Free Press, 1974. Pp. 276. $9.00.)
by Colon, Frank T. - 1208-1208 Black Republicans: The Politics of the Black and Tans. By Hanes WaltonJr. (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1975. Pp. 217. $8.00.)
by Gatlin, Douglas - 1208-1209 U.S. Tactical Airpower: Missions, Forces, and Costs. By William D. White. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1974. Pp. 121. $2.50.)
by Schick, Jack M. - 1209-1210 Local Administration and Politics in Modernising Societies: Bangladesh and Pakistan. By Najmul Abedin. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974. Pp. 458. $14.00.)
by Platt, George M. - 1211-1212 Agricultural Initiative in the Third World. By the Agribusiness Council. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Co., 1975. Pp. vi, 210. $16.50.)
by Olson, Gary L. - 1212-1212 Gladstone and Radicalism: The Reconstruction of Liberal Policy in Britain 1885–1894. By Michael Barker. (New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 1975. Pp. 308. $17.50.)
by Miller, David - 1212-1213 Labour, Race, and Colonial Rule: The Copperbelt from 1924 to Independence. By Elena L. Berger. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. Pp. xiv, 257. $19.25.)
by Sklar, Richard L. - 1213-1214 Israel, The Korean War and China: Images, Decisions and Consequences. By Michael Brecher. (Jerusalem: The Jerusalem Academic Press for the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Hebrew University, 1974. Pp. 148. $6.50.)
by Luttwak, Edward N. - 1214-1215 Interdependent Development. By Harold Brookfield. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1975. Pp. 234. $8.95.)
by Althoff, Phillip - 1215-1216 Legitimacy and Ethnicity: A Case Study of Singapore. By Peter A. Busch. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co., 1974. Pp. 157. $14.00.)
by Gamer, Robert E. - 1216-1217 Political Change in Britain: The Evolution of Electoral Choice. By David Butler and Donald Stokes. 2nd Edition. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1969, 1974. Pp. 500. $19.95.)
by Zuckerman, Alan S. - 1217-1219 Latin America: The Struggle with Dependency and Beyond. Edited by Ronald H. Chilcote and Joel C. Edelstein. (New York: Halsted Press of John Wiley & Sons, 1974. Pp. 781. $24.75, cloth; $9.50, paper.)
by Alisky, Marvin - 1219-1220 The Last Days of United Pakistan. By G. W. Choudhury. (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1974. Pp. 239. $10.00.)
by Ziring, Lawrence - 1220-1221 The Labour Party and the Struggle for Socialism. By David Coates. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Pp. 257. $14.95, cloth; $5.95, paper.)
by Fairlie, Lyndelle D. - 1221-1222 The Chinese Red Army: Campaigns and Politics since 1949. By Gerard H. Corr. (New York: Schocken Books, 1974. Pp. 192. $8.95.)
by Perrolle, Pierre M. - 1222-1222 European Parliament Digest, Volume I: 1973. Edited by Mary Edmond. (Towota, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. Pp. 218. $22.50.)
by Wenden, D. J. - 1222-1223 Armies in Revolution. By John Ellis. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974. Pp. 278. $10.95.)
by McCaughrin, Craig - 1223-1225 Pluralism and Party Transformation in Lebanon: Al-Kata'ib 1936–1970. By John P. Entelis. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974. Pp. 227. Guilders 68.00.)
by Hudson, Michael C. - 1225-1226 Backward Toward Revolution: The Chinese Revolutionary Party. By Edward Friedman. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. Pp. 237. $12.75.)
by Sullivan, Lawrence - 1226-1227 Vote, Clivages Socio-Politiques et Developpement Regional en Belgique. By André-Paul Frognier, Vincent E. McHale, and Dennis Paranzino. (Louvain: Vander, 1974. Pp. 149. F.B.280.)
by den Brande, A. Van - 1227-1227 Soviet Works on Korea: 1945–1970. By George Ginsburgs. (Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Far Eastern and Russian Research Series, 1974. Pp. 168. $9.50, cloth; $6.50, paper.)
by Simmons, Robert R. - 1227-1228 Comparative Policy Analysis: The Study of Population Policy Determinants in Developing Countries. Edited by R. Kenneth Godwin. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Co., 1975. Pp. 333. $17.00.)
by Petersen, William - 1228-1229 Race vs. Politics in Guyana: Political Cleavages and Political Mobilization in the 1968 General Elections. By J. E. Greene. (Kingston, Jamaica: Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies Press, 1974. Pp. xvii, 198. $3.50, paper.)
by Anderson, Robert W. - 1229-1230 Willi Münzenberg: A Political Biography. By Babette Gross. (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1974. Pp. 337. $12.50.)
by Krisch, Henry - 1230-1231 Military Regimes in Africa. By William F. Gutteridge. (London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1975. Distributed by Barnes & Noble, New York. Pp. 195. $12.75, cloth; $7.00, paper.)
by Smaldone, Joseph P. - 1231-1233 Struggle in the Andes: Peasant Political Mobilization in Peru. By Howard Handelman. (Austin: Institute of Latin American Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, 1975. Pp. xvii, 303. $10.00.)
by Astiz, Carlos A. - 1233-1234 Divided Nations in a Divided World. Edited by Gregory Henderson, Richard Ned Lebow and John S. Stoessinger. (New York: David McKay Co., 1974. Pp. 470. $12.50, cloth; $5.95, paper.)
by Kihl, Young Whan - 1234-1235 Chinese Historiography on the Revolution of 1911. By Winston Hsieh. (Stanford, Ca.: Hoover Institution Press, 1975. Pp. 165. $9.00.)
by Levine, Steven I. - 1235-1236 Reform and Revolution in Asia. Edited by G. F. Hudson. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1973. Pp. 310. $16.95.)
by Larkin, Bruce D. - 1236-1237 The Politics of Massacre: Political Processes in South Vietnam. By Charles A. Joiner. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1974. Pp. 346. $12.50.)
by Turley, William S. - 1237-1238 The Pattern of Sino-American Crises: Political-Military Interactions in the 1950s. By J. H. Kalicki. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Pp. 279. $17.95.)
by Kegley, Charles W. - 1238-1239 Revolutionary Transformation in the Arab World: Habash and his Comrades from Nationalism to Marxism. By Walid Kazziha. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975. Pp. 118. $8.95.)
by Quandt, William B. - 1239-1240 The Military in the Third World. By Gavin Kennedy. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975. Pp. 368. $17.50.)
by von der Mehden, Fred R. - 1240-1241 Le fédéralisme soviétique: Ses particularités typologiques. By Theofil I. Kis. (Ottawa: Editions de l'Université de'Ottawa, 1973. Pp. xiii, 191. $4.95.)
by Williams, David L. - 1241-1242 Political Regime and Public Policy in the Philippines: A Comparison of Bacolod and Iloilo Cities. By Howard M. Leichter. (DeKalb, Ill.: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 1975. Distributed by the Cellar Book Shop, Detroit, Michigan. Pp. 165. $7.00, paper.)
by Nowak, Thomas C. - 1242-1243 Political Corruption: The Ghana Case. By Victor T. LeVine. (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1975. Pp. 169. $7.50, cloth.)
by Kraus, Jon - 1243-1244 Underdevelopment in Kenya: The Political Economy of Neo-Colonialism 1964–1971. By Colin Leys. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. Pp. 302. $10.50.)
by Mytelka, Lynn Krieger - 1244-1246 The Communist Parties of Western Europe. By Neil Mclnnes. (London: Oxford University Press, 1975. Published for the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Pp. 209. $16.00.)
by Greene, Thomas H. - 1246-1246 Suffragists and Liberals: The Politics of Woman Suffrage in Britain. By David Morgan. (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. Pp. 184. $12.50.)
by Punnett, R. M. - 1246-1247 Revolution at Querétaro: The Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1916–1917. By E. V. NiemeyerJr. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1974. Pp. 297. $10.00.)
by Stevens, Evelyn P. - 1247-1248 Saints and Politicians: Essays in the Organization of a Senegalese Peasant Society. By Donal B. Cruise O'Brien. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Pp. 200. $13.95.)
by Skurnik, W. A. E. - 1248-1249 Political Development and Political Parties in Turkey. By Ersin Onulduran. (Ankara, Turkey: Ankara University Press, 1974. Pp. 116. TL 12.50.) - State and Society in the Politics of Turkey's Development. By Ilkay Sunar. (Ankara, Turkey: Ankara University Press, 1974. Pp. ix, 196. TL 20.)
by Weiker, Walter F. - 1250-1251 Revolution Administered: Agrarianism and Communism in Bulgaria. By Nissan Oren. (Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973. Pp. 204. $8.50, cloth; $4.00, paper.)
by Larrabee, F. Stephen - 1251-1252 Contrasting Approaches to Strategic Arms Control. Edited by Robert L. PfaltzgraffJr. , (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Co., 1974. Pp. 350. Price unknown.)
by Crabb, Cecil V. - 1252-1253 Willy Brandt: Portrait of a Statesman. By Terence Prittie. (New York: Schocken Books, 1974. Pp. 356. $10.50.)
by Kellerman, Barbara - 1254-1254 Transition in Africa: From Direct Rule to Independence. A Memoir. By Sir James Robertson. (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1974. Pp. 272. $15.00.)
by Duignan, Peter - 1254-1255 Authority, Participation and Cultural Change in China. Edited by Stuart R. Schram. (New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 1973. Pp. viii, 350. $17.00, cloth; $4.95, paper.)
by Kau, Michael Y. M. - 1255-1257 The Wartime Alliance and the Zonal Division of Germany. By Tony Sharp. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975., Pp. 220. $19.25.)
by Hanf, Kenneth - 1257-1257 The Lions of Dagbon: Political Change in Northern Ghana. By Martin Staniland. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Pp. 241. $22.50.)
by Smock, David R. - 1257-1259 Death of a Utopia: The Development and Decline of Student Movements in Europe. By Gianni Statera. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975. Pp. 294. $10.95.)
by Sprinzak, Ehud - 1259-1260 Protest and Response in Mexico. By Evelyn P. Stevens. (Cambridge, Mass.: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1974. Pp. vi, 372. $17.95.)
by von Sauer, Franz A. - 1260-1261 Land Reform and Politics: A Comparative Analysis. By Hung-chao Tai. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. Pp. 586. $25.00.)
by Scott, James C. - 1261-1263 The Future of Democracy in Latin America. By Frank Tannenbaum. Edited by Joseph Maier and Richard W. Weatherhead. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974. Pp. 246. $10.00.)
by Tomasek, Robert D. - 1263-1264 China, the Struggle for Power, 1917–1972. By Richard C. Thornton. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1974. Pp. 403. $15.00, cloth; $3.95, paper.)
by Marsh, Susan H. - 1264-1265 Vietnamese Communism: Its Origins and Development. By Robert F. Turner. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1975. Pp. xxix, 517. $14.95.)
by Hobbs, Cecil - 1265-1266 Communism in Scandinavia and Finland: Politics of Opportunity. By A. F. Upton. (Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press, 1973. Pp. 442. $2.95, paper.)
by Hodgson, John H. - 1266-1267 North Vietnam's Strategy for Survival. By Jon M. Van Dyke. With a Foreword by Edwin O. Reischauer. (Palo Alto, Calif.: Pacific Books, 1972. Pp. 336. $10.95.)
by Turley, William S. - 1267-1268 Populism and Political Development in Latin America. By A. E. Van Niekerk. (Rotterdam: Rotterdam University Press, 1974. Pp. 230. $20.00.)
by Kaufman, Clifford - 1268-1269 Uruguay: The Politics of Failure. By Martin Weinstein. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1975. Pp. 190. $13.50.)
by McDonald, Ronald H. - 1269-1269 The Chinese Calculus of Deterrence: India and Indochina. By Allen S. Whiting. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1975. Pp. 299. $15.00.)
by Hinton, Harold C. - 1269-1270 Captured German and Related Records: A National Archives Conference. Edited by Robert Wolfe. (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1975. Pp. 299. $10.00.)
by Meyer, Henry Cord - 1270-1271 Essays on the Study of Urban Politics. Edited by Ken Young. Foreword by Edward C. Banfield. (Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1975. Pp. 208. $15.00.)
by Stedman, Murray S. - 1271-1272 Liberalism i Kris. Folkpartiet 1939–1945 (Liberalism in Crisis: The Liberal Party 1939–1945). By Kent Zetterberg. (Stockholm: Liber Förlag, 1975. Pp. 428. Sw. Kr. 46:50.) In Swedish with summary in English
by Board, Joseph B. - 1272-1273 Afghanistan's Foreign Affairs to the Mid-Twentieth Century: Relations with the U.S.S.R., Germany, and Britain. By Ludwig W. Adamec. (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1974. Pp. 324. $13.00, cloth; $7.95, paper.)
by Poullada, Leon B. - 1273-1274 Oil, Politics and Seapower: The Indian Ocean Vortex. By Ian W. A. C. Adie. (New York: Crane, Russak & Co., 1975. Pp. 98. $5.45, cloth; $2.95, paper.)
by Badgley, John - 1274-1275 West German Reparations to Israel. By Nicholas Balabkins. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1971. Pp. 384. $12.50.)
by Joffe, Josef - 1275-1276 Agreement on Berlin: A Study of the 1970–72 Quadripartite Negotiations. By Dennis L. Bark. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, and Stanford: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1974. Pp. 131. $3.00, paper.)
by Whetten, Lawrence L. - 1276-1277 The Handling of International Disputes by Means of Inquiry. By Nissim Bar-Yaacov. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974. Pp. 370. $24.00.)
by Boczek, Boleslaw A. - 1277-1277 The Horn of Africa: Strategic Magnet in the Seventies. By J. Bowyer BellJr. (New York: Crane, Russak and Co., 1974. Pp. vi, 55. $4.95, cloth; $2.45, paper.)
by Spencer, John H. - 1278-1279 The Last Secret. By Nicholas Bethell. (New York: Basic Books, 1974. Pp. xiv, 224. $8.95.)
by Martic, Milos - 1279-1280 Cyprus: The Vulnerable Republic. By Dimitri S. Bitsios. (Thessaloniki, Greece: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1975. Pp. 223. No price indicated.)
by Coufoudakis, Van - 1280-1280 In Search of a Responsible World Society: The Social Teachings of the World Council of Churches. By Paul Bock. (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1974. Pp. 251. $10.00.)
by Gunter, Michael M. - 1280-1282 Decisions in Israel's Foreign Policy. By Michael Brecher. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975. Pp. xiv, 639. $25.00.)
by AlRoy, Gil Carl - 1282-1283 La Coexistence Pacifique. By Philippe Bretton and Jean-Pierre Chaudet. (Paris: Armand Colin, 1971. Pp. 328. No price indicated.)
by Pellet, Alain - 1283-1284 Diplomats in Crisis: United States – Chinese – Japanese Relations, 1919–1941. Edited by Richard Dean Burns and Edward M. Bennett. (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Press, 1974. Pp. 346. $15.00, cloth; $4.95, paper.)
by Elsbree, Willard H. - 1284-1285 Kto i kak delaet politiku SShA (Who Makes Policy in the USA and How it is Made). By Sergei B. Chetverikov. (Moscow: Izdatelstvo Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniia, 1974. Pp. 329. Rubles .98.)
by Mills, Richard M. - 1285-1286 East Asia and U.S. Security. By Ralph N. Clough. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975. Pp. 248. $8.95, cloth; $3.50, paper.)
by Whiting, Allen S. - 1286-1286 The United States and Latin America: An Historical Analysis of Inter-American Relations. By Gordon Connell-Smith. (New York: Halsted Press, 1974. Pp. 302. $16.75.)
by Ferguson, Yale H. - 1286-1287 Vienna Broadcasts to Slovakia, 1938–1939: A Case Study in Subversion. By Henry Delfiner. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1974. Pp. 142. $10.00.)
by Duchacek, Ivo D. - 1287-1288 Advancing and Contending Approaches to the Study of Chinese Foreign Policy. Edited by Roger L. Dial. (Halifax, Nova Scotia: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University, 1974. Pp. 412. No price indicated.)
by Hinton, Harold C. - 1288-1289 A Global Approach to National Policy. By Richard A. Falk. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975. Pp. 320. $12.50.)
by Kaplan, Morton A. - 1289-1291 Neither Peace Nor Honor: The Politics of American Military Policy in Viet-Nam. By Robert L. Gallucci. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. Pp. 187. $10.00, cloth; $2.95, paper.)
by Westerfield, H. Bradford - 1291-1292 The United States Against the Third World: Antinationalism and Intervention. By Melvin Gurtov. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1974. Pp. 288. $9.50, cloth; $3.95, paper.)
by Korany, Bahgat - 1292-1293 The National Archives and Foreign Relations Research. National Archives Conferences, Volume 4. Edited by Milton O. Gustafson. (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1974. Pp. xvii, 292. $10.00.)
by Bacchus, William I. - 1293-1295 Cultures in Conflict: The Four Faces of Indian Bureaucracy. By Stanley J. Heginbotham. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1975. Pp. xii, 236. $12.50.)
by Potter, David C. - 1295-1296 Arab and Israeli Elite Perceptions. By Daniel Heradstveit. (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Publishers and New York: Humanities Press, 1974. Pp. 146. $9.50, paper.)
by Thompson, William R. - 1296-1298 National Monetary Policies and International Monetary Cooperation. By Donald R. Hodgman. (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1974. Pp. 266. $12.95.) - Problems of a World Monetary Order. By Gerald M. Meier. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974. Pp. 305. $4.95, paper.)
by Story, Jonathan - 1298-1298 The Middle East and North Africa in World Politics: A Documentary Record. Volume I: European Expansion, 1535–1914. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Edited by J. C. Hurewitz. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975. Pp. 616. $30.00.)
by Davison, Roderic H. - 1298-1299 Vision Accomplished? The Enigma of Ho Chi Minh. By N. Khac Huyen. (New York: Collier Books, 1971. Pp. 377. $8.95, cloth; $2.95, paper.)
by Joiner, Charles A. - 1300-1300 China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. By J. P. Jain. (New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 1974. Distributed by South Asia Books. Pp. v, 264. $14.00.)
by Maniruzzaman, Talukder - 1300-1301 India and Disarmament: Volume I, Nehru Era, An Analytical Study. By J. P. Jain. (New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 1974. Pp. 211. $10.00.)
by Babu, B. Ramesh - 1301-1302 The Lin Piao Affair: Power Politics and Military Coup. Edited by Michael Y. M. Kau. (New York: International Arts and Sciences Press, 1975. Pp. 591. $20.00, cloth; $8.95, paper.)
by Rice, Edward E. - 1302-1303 Soviet-United States Naval Balance. By Robert A. Kilmarx. (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1975. Pp. 181. $5.00, paper.)
by Polmar, Norman - 1303-1304 A Nation Writ Large? Foreign Policy Problems Before the European Community. By Max Kohnstamm and Wolfgang Hager. (New York: Macmillan, 1975. Pp. 275. $17.00.)
by Ionescu, Ghita - 1304-1305 The Forgotten Friendship: Israel and the Soviet Bloc 1947–1953. By Arnold Krammer. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1974. Pp. 224. $10.00.)
by Kass, Ilana - 1305-1306 Japanese Radicals Revisited: Student Protest in Postwar Japan. By Ellis S. Krauss. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. Pp. 210. $10.00.)
by Steslicke, William E. - 1306-1307 A Nation Observed: Perspectives on America's World Role. Edited by Donald R. Lesh. (Washington, D.C.: Potomac Associates, Inc., 1974. Pp. 150. $8.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.)
by Johnson, Harold S. - 1307-1309 The Soviet Impact on World Politics. Edited by Kurt London. (New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1974. Pp. 312. $13.95.)
by Kulski, W. W. - 1309-1310 The Angels' Game: A Handbook of Modern Diplomacy. By William Macomber. (New York: Stein and Day, 1975. Pp. 225. $10.00.)
by Henrikson, Alan K. - 1310-1311 Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia: The Times and The Man. By Fergus MacPherson. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975. Pp. 478. $10.75.)
by Melady, Thomas Patrick - 1311-1311 The Middle East in Soviet Policy. By R. D. McLaurin. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Co., 1975. Pp. 206. $13.50.)
by Rubinstein, Alvin Z. - 1311-1312 Malawi: Foreign Policy and Development. By Carolyn McMaster. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1974. Pp. 246. $15.95.)
by McGowan, Patrick J. - 1312-1313 Changing Perspectives in East-West Commerce. Edited by Carl H. McMillan. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Co., 1974. Pp. 207. $14.00.)
by Hajda, Joseph - 1313-1313 Labour in Irish Politics, 1890–1930. By Arthur Mitchell. (New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 1974. Pp. 317. $12.50.)
by Maltby, A. - 1314-1314 Democratic Campaigning in Venezuela: Caldera's Victory. By David J. Myers. (Caracas, Venezuela: Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales, 1973. Pp. 259. 20 bolívares.)
by Taylor, Philip B. - 1315-1315 Collective Security and the United Nations: A Definition of the UN Security System. By M. V. Naidu. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975. Pp. xv, 164. $12.95.)
by Rowe, Edward Thomas - 1315-1316 The United States and Britain. By H. G. Nicholas. The United States in the World: Foreign Perspectives Series. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975. Pp. 195. $10.00.)
by Gardner, Lloyd C. - 1316-1318 Deutschland und der Kalte Krieg. By Ernst Nolte. (Munich: Piper, 1974. Pp. 760. DM 64.)
by Hanrieder, Wolfram F. - 1318-1319 South Africa in Africa: A Study of Ideology and Foreign Policy. By Sam C. Nolutshungu. (New York: Africana Publishing, 1975. Pp. ix, 329. $20.00.)
by Shaw, Timothy M. - 1319-1320 Integracion Andina. By Edgar Camacho Omiste. (La Paz: Editorial Los Amigos del Libro, 1975. Pp. 254. Price unknown.)
by Mytelka, Lynn Krieger - 1320-1321 International Marine Environment Policy: The Economic Dimension. By Charles S. Pearson. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. Pp. 127. $9.00, cloth; $2.65, paper.)
by Plano, Jack C. - 1321-1322 A Memoir of China in Revolution: From the Boxer Rebellion to the People's Republic. By Chester Ronning. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1974. Pp. 306. $10.00.)
by Fairbank, J. K. - 1322-1323 Defence Yearbook 1974. Edited by the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1974. Pp. 338. $20.00.)
by Sivard, Ruth Leger - 1323-1324 The King's Parliament of England. By George O. Sayles. (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1974. Pp. 164. $7.95, cloth; $2.95, paper.)
by Lees, John D. - 1324-1325 Freiheit – Die Anfänge der Bürgerlichen Emanzipationsbewegung in Deutschland im Spiegel ihres Leitwortes. By Jürgen Schlumbohm. (Düsseldorf, West Germany: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1975. Pp. 299. Price not listed.)
by Pois, Robert A. - 1325-1326 Fourth Shore: The Italian Colonization of Libya. By Claudio G. Segrè. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1975. Pp. 237. $15.00.)
by Lovett, Clara M. - 1326-1327 The Americas in a Changing World. Selected Papers. By Kalman H. Silvert et al. (New York: Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co., 1975. Pp. 248. $3.95, paper.)
by Berenson, William M. - 1328-1330 The Strained Alliance: Peking, P'yongyang, Moscow, and the Politics of the Korean Civil War. By Robert R. Simmons. (New York: The Free Press, 1975. Pp. 287. $10.95.)
by Koh, B. C. - 1330-1331 Unequal Partners: Philippine and Thai Relations with the United States 1965–75. By W. Scott Thompson. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Co., 1975. Pp. 183. $13.50.)
by Jacobini, H. B. - 1331-1331 Intercountry Income Distribution and Transnational Enterprises. By Constantine V. Vaitsos. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974. Pp. 198. $16.00.)
by Renninger, John P. - 1332-1332 Nonintervention and International Order. By R. J. Vincent. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1974. Pp. viii, 457. $18.50.)
by Bowett, D. W. - 1332-1334 International Law and Psychology; Two Studies: The Intrusion of Order and Conscience and Society. By Ranyard West. (Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1974. Pp. 418. $17.50.)
by Auerbach, Kenneth D. - 1334-1335 The Politics of Foreign Aid. By John White. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1974. Pp. 316. $13.95.)
by Johnson, M. Glen - 1335-1336 Technology in Comecon: Acceleration of Technological Progress Through Economic Planning and the Market. By J. Wilczynski. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1975. Pp. xvii, 379. $22.50.)
by Harasymiw, Bohdan - 1336-1336 Case Studies on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: A World Survey. 2 vols, published for the Foundation for the Study of Plural Societies. Edited by Willem A. Veenhoven and Winifred Crum Ewing. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975. Pp. 1137. Price unknown.)
by Haas, Ernst B. - 1336-1337 Plato's Republic. Translated by G. M. A. Grube. (Indianapolis, Ind.: Hackett Publishing Co., 1974. Pp. vii, 263. $10.00, cloth; $1.50, paper.)
by Pangle, Thomas L.
June 1977, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 441-447 Confusion, Diffusion, and Innovation
by Eyestone, Robert - 448-453 A Revised Theory of Winning in House-Senate Conferences
by Strom, Gerald S. & Rundquist, Barry S. - 454-467 Behavioral Correlates of Political Support
by Muller, Edward N. - 468-476 The Cabal in Kabul: Great-Power Interaction in Afghanistan
by Dil, Shaheen F. - 477-496 Partisan Dealignment in the Postwar South
by Beck, Paul Allen - 497-508 Contextual Models of Electoral Behavior: The Southern Wallace Vote
by Wright, Gerald C. - 509-521 The Stability and Reliability of Political Efficacy: Using Path Analysis to Test Alternative Models
by McPherson, J. Miller & Welch, Susan & Clark, Cal - 522-539 The Philippines before Martial Law: A Study in Politics and Administration
by Nowak, Thomas C.