- 202406 From Coal to Chlorophyll. Identifying Green Job Opportunities for Youth during South Africa’s Just Transition
by Robert Hill & Leigh Neethling & Morné Oosthuizen - 202405 The Labour Market Effects of Cash Transfers to the Unemployed: Evidence from South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Timothy Köhler - 202404 Social Security Coverage among the Working-Age Population in South Africa
by Timothy Köhler & Jabulile Monnakgotla & Haroon Bhorat - 202403 Supply-Side Economics of a Good Type: Supporting and Expanding South Africa’s Informal Economy
by Zaakhir Asmal & Haroon Bhorat & Alexia Lochmann & Lisa Martin & Kishan Shah - 202402 Just Transition and the Labour Market in South Africa: Measuring Individual and Household Coal Economy Dependence
by Haroon Bhorat & Tsungai Kupeta & Lisa Martin & Francois Steenkamp - 202401 Watts Happening to Work? The Labour Market Effects of South Africa’s Electricity Crisis
by Haroon Bhorat & Timothy Köhler
- 202308 Wages and Wage Inequality During the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa
by Timothy Köhler & Haroon Bhorat - 202307 Co-ordination to support inclusive growth in developing countries in the context of globalization: The case of the business process outsourcing sector in South Africa
by Caitlin Allen Whitehead & Zaakhir Asmal & Haroon Bhorat - 202306 Technological Change in the Insurance Sector in South Africa: Disruption with the Potential for Social Good in a Developing Country Context?
by Zaakhir Asmal & Haroon Bhorat & Lisa-Cheree Martin & Chris Rooney - 202304 Skilled Immigration in South Africa: An input into the Operation Vulindlela review of Critical Skills and General Work visas
by Zaakhir Asmal & Haroon Bhorat & David de Villiers & Lisa Martin - 202303 Manufacturing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Deindustrialisation or a Renaissance?
by François Steenkamp & Haroon Bhorat & Zaakhir Asmal & Christopher Rooney - 202302 Wage Subsidies and Job Retention in a Developing Country: Evidence from South Africa
by Timothy Köhler & Haroon Bhorat & Robert Hill - 202301 Can Cash Transfers to the Unemployed Support Economic Activity? Evidence from South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Timothy Köhler & David de Villiers
- 202203 Expansion and Diversification in the MER Sector: Results from an Enterprise Survey
by Caitlin Allen Whitehead & Haroon Bhorat & Robert Hill & Timothy Köhler & François Steenkamp - 202202 Testing Positive for Automation: Labour-replacing Technology and Job Loss during the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa
by Angela Euston-Brown
- 202109 Wage subsidies and COVID-19: The distribution and dynamics of South Africa's TERS policy
by Tim Köhler & Robert Hill - 202108 Can cash transfers aid labour market recovery? Evidence from South Africa’s special COVID-19 grant
by Tim Köhler & Haroon Bhorat - 202107 COVID-19 and the labour market: Estimating the employment effects of South Africa’s national lockdown
by Tim Köhler & Haroon Bhorat & Robert Hill & Ben Stanwix - 202106 The Potential Employment Implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: The Case of the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector
by Caitlin Allen Whitehead & Haroon Bhorat & Robert Hill & Tim Köhler & François Steenkamp - 202105 Understanding Economic Complexity: An Application to the MER Sector
by Caitlin Allen Whitehead & Haroon Bhorat - 202104 The Impact of the National Minimum Wage in South Africa: Early Quantitative Evidence
by Haroon Bhorat & Adaiah Lilenstein & Ben Stanwix - 202103 Job Quality in South Africa: A Proposed Index for Ongoing Monitoring of Job Quality
by Jabulile Monnakgotla & Morné Oosthuizen - 202102 Employment creation potential, labor skills requirements, and skill gaps for young people: A South African case study
by Caitlin Allen & Zaakhir Asmal & Haroon Bhorat & Robert Hill & Jabulile Monnakgotla & Morné Oosthuizen & Chris Rooney - 202101 Mind the gap: The distributional effects of South Africa’s national lockdown on gender wage inequality
by Robert Hill & Tim Köhler
- 202009 Social assistance during South Africa’s national lockdown: Examining the COVID-19 grant, changes to the Child Support Grant, and post-October policy options
by Haroon Bhorat & Tim Köhler - 202008 COVID-19, social protection, and the labour market in South Africa: Are social grants being targeted at the most vulnerable?
by Haroon Bhorat & Tim Köhler - 202007 The Employment Tax Incentive Scheme in South Africa: An Impact Assessment
by Haroon Bhorat & Robert Hill & Safia Khan & Kezia Lilenstein & Ben Stanwix - 202006 Social Assistance Amidst the Covid-19 Epidemic in South Africa: An Impact Assessment
by Haroon Bhorat & Morné Oosthuizen & Ben Stanwix - 202005 Jobs, Economic Growth, and Capacity Development for Youth in Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Morné Oosthuizen - 202004 The Economics of Covid-19 in South Africa: Early Impressions
by Haroon Bhorat & Tim Köhler & Morné Oosthuizen & Amy Thornton & Ben Stanwix & François Steenkamp - 202003 Jobs and COVID-19: Measuring Work-Related Physical Interaction
by Haroon Bhorat & Tim Köhler & Amy Thornton & Morné Oosthuizen - 202002 Measuring Multidimensional Labour Law Violation with an Application to South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur & Benjamin Stanwix & Amy Thornton - 202001 Crime and Inequality in South Africa: Non-Linear Outcomes under Extreme Inequality
by Haroon Bhorat & Adaiah Lilenstein & Jabulile Monnakgotla & Amy Thornton & Kirsten van der Zee
- 201906 Building Economic Complexity in Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Christopher Rooney & François Steenkamp - 201905 Economic Complexity and Employment Expansion: The Case of South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Arabo Ewinyu & Kezia Lilenstein & Christopher Rooney & François Steenkamp & Amy Thornton - copwp201904 Building Economic Complexity in the South African Fibrous Plant Economy
by Haroon Bhorat & Francois Steenkamp & Caitlin Allen & Robert Hill & Christopher Rooney - 201904 Does IEB make the grade? Alternative testing methods and Educational outcomes: The case of the IEB in South Africa
by Robert Hill - 201903 “Labour Market Policy Responses amidst Globalisation: The Case of South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Kezia Lilenstein & François Steenkamp - copwp201903 Identification and Review of Downstream Options for the Recovery of Value from Fibre Producing Plants: Hemp, Kenaf and Bamboo
by Jennifer Broadhurst & Tapiwa Chimbganda & Gregory Hangone - 201902 An Initial Assessment of Biodiversity-Related Employment in South Africa
by Amanda Driver & Fulufhelo Mukhadi & Emily A. Botts - copwp201902 Towards Resilient Futures: Can fibre-rich plants serve the joint role of remediation of degraded mine land and fuelling of a multi-product value chain?
by Susan Harrison & Shilpa Rumjeet & Xihluke Mabasa & Bernelle Verster - 201901 Minimum Wages and Labor Supply in an Emerging Market: The Case of Mauritius
by Haroon Bhorat & Zaakir Asmal & Ravi Kanbur & Marco Ranzani & Pierella Paci - copwp201901 From Tailings to Tillings: Designing the Legal Framework for Mine Wasteland Rehabilitation Through Bioremediation
by Hanri Mostert & Alexander Paterson & Louie van Schalkwyk - idrcdpru4ir New Technology, Entrepreneurship and the Revival of Manufacturing in Africa: Opportunities for Youth and Women?
by Wim Naudé - idrcdprusynthesis Building Economic Complexity in Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Chris Rooney & François Steenkamp - idrcdprusouthafrica Economic Complexity and Employment Expansion: The Case of South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Haroon Bhorat & Arabo Ewinyu & Kezia Lilenstein & Chris Rooney & François Steenkamp & Amy Thornton - idrcdprughana Economic Complexity and Employment for Women and Youth: The Case of Ghana
by William Baah-Boateng & Eric Twum - idrcdprukenya An Export-led Growth for Kenya: Where is the niche?
by Manaseh O. Oiro & Bernadette Wanjala & Rose Ngugi & Diana Lukalo Naudé - idrcdprusenegal Senegal’s International Competitiveness and Employment Creation for Women and Youth. The Product Space Analysis and Fieldwork Findings
by Ahmadou Aly Mbaye & Stephen Golub & Anastasia Vasilyeva - idrcdpruservices The Services Industry and its Potential for Youth and Women Employment in an African Context: A review of the literature
by Franque Grimard
- 201803 Understanding and Characterizing the Services Sector in South Africa: An Overview
by Haroon Bhorat & Francois Steenkamp & Christopher Rooney & Nomsa Kachingwe & Adrienne Lees - 201802 SMMES in South Africa: Understanding the Constraints on Growth and Performance
by Haroon Bhorat & Zaakhir Asmal & Kezia Lilenstein & Kirsten van der Zee - 201801 Structural Change and Patterns of Inequality in the South African Labour Market
by Haroon Bhorat & Safia Khan - cwwwp8 Counting Women’s Work in South Africa: Incorporating Unpaid Work into Estimates of the Economic Lifecycle in 2010
by Morne Oosthuizen - cwwwp7 Counting Women’s Work in Mauritius: Household Production across the Lifecycle in 2003
by Morne Oosthuizen & Kezia Lilenstein - cwwwp6 Counting Women's Work in South Africa: Estimates of Household Production across the Lifecycle in 2000
by Morne Oosthuizen - cwwwp5 Time Use and Gender in Colombia
by B. Piedad Urdinola & Jorge A. Tovar - cwwwp4 Measuring the Gendered Economy
by Gretchen Donehower - cwwwp3 The Distribution of Paid and Unpaid Work among Men and Women in Ghana: The National Time Transfer Accounts Approach
by Eugenia Amporfu & Daniel Sakyi & Prince Boakye Frimpong & Eric Arthur & Jacob Novignon - cwwwp2 Intergenerational time transfers and their contribution to Mexico's economy in 2014
by Estela Rivero
- 201706 The Seychelles Labor Market
by Haroon Bhorat & Arabo Ewinyu & Derek Yu - 201704 The Socio-Economic Determinants of Crime in South Africa: An Empirical Assessment
by Haroon Bhorat & Adaiah Lilenstein & Jabulile Monnakgotla & Amy Thornton - 201703 Correlates of ICTS and employment in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Safia Khan & Kezia Lilenstein & Morne Oosthuizen & Christopher Rooney - 201702 State Of Manufacturing In South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Chris Rooney - 201701 The Role of Informal Urban Settlements in Upward Mobility
by Ivan Turok & Josh Budlender & Justin Visagie - cwwwp1 Challenges to increase female labor force participation: Gender inequality in Cost Rica
by Pamela Jiménez-Fontana
- 201605 The Paradox of Effective Labor Regulation
by Lucas Ronconi & Mercedes Sidders & Benjamin Stanwix - 201604 Vulnerability In Employment: Evidence from South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Kezia Lilenstein & Morne Oosthuizen & Amy Thornton - 201602 Informality and Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Aalia Cassim & Kezia Lilenstein & Morne Oosthuizen & Francois Steenkamp - 201601 Investigating the Feasibility of a National Minimum Wage for South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Tara Caetano & Benjamin Jourdan & Ravi Kanbur & Christopher Rooney & Benjamin Stanwix & Ingrid Woolard
- 201505 Labor Market Regulations in Sub-Saharan Africa, With a Focus on Senegal
by Stephen Golub & Aly Mbaye & Hanyu Chwe - 201504 Can Africa Compete with China in Manufacturing? The Role of Relative Unit Labor Costs
by Janet Ceglowski & Stephen Golub & Aly Mbaye & Varun Prasad - 201503 Minimum Wages in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Primer
by Haroon Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur & Benjamin Stanwix
- 201407 Non-Income Welfare And Inclusive Growth In South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Benjamin Stanwix & Derek Yu - 201405 The Urban Informal Sector in Francophone Africa: Large Versus Small Enterprises in Benin, Burkina Faso and Senegal
by Ahmadou Aly Mbaye & Nancy Benjamin & Stephen Golub & Jean-Jacques Ekomie - 201404 The Real Exchange Rate and Sectoral Employment in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Nan Tian & Mark Ellyne - 201403 The Silent Success: Delivery of Public Assets Since Democracy
by Haroon Bhorat & Carlene Van Der Westhuizen & Derek Yu - 201402 Trade Unions In An Emerging Economy: The Case Of South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Karmen Naidoo & Derek Yu - 201401 Economic Policy in South Africa: Past Present and Future
by Haroon Bhorat & Alan Hirsch & Ravi Kanbur & Mthuli Ncube
- 13161 Do Industrial Disputes Reduce Employment? Evidence from South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Elne Jacobs & Carlene van der Westhuizen - 13160 Unemployment Insurance in South Africa: A Descriptive Overview of Claimants and Claims
by Haroon Bhorat & Sumayya Goga & David Tseng - 13159 Labour Unions and Wage Inequality Among African Men in South Africa
by Miracle Ntuli & Prudence Kwenda - 13158 Inflation Inequality In South Africa
by Morne Oosthuizen - 13157 Maximising South Africa's Demographic Dividend
by Morne Oosthuizen
- 12156 Disability Grant and Individual Labour Force Participation: The Case of South Africa
by George Mutasa - 12155 Demographic, Community and Macroeconomic Effects on Disability Grant Programme Participation
by George Mutasa - 12154 The Impact of Sectoral Minimum Wage Laws on Employment, Wages and Hours of Work in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur & Natasha Mayet - 12153 Student Graduation, Labour Market Destinations and Employment Earnings
by Haroon Bhorat & Natasha Mayet & Mariette Visser - 12152 Employment Outcomes and Returns to Earnings in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Natasha Mayet - 12151 Poverty, Inequality and the Nature of Economic Growth in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Carlene Van Der Westhuizen - 12150 A Nation in Search of Jobs: Six Possible Policy Suggestions for Employment Creation in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat - 12149 Estimating the Impact of Minimum Wages on Employment, Wages and Non-wage Benefits: The Case of Agriculture in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur & Benjamin Stanwix - 12148 The Gender Wage Gap in the Post-apartheid South African Labour Market
by Haroon Bhorat & Sumayya Goga - 12147 The Newly Unemployed and the UIF Take-up Rate in the South African Labour Market
by Haroon Bhorat & David Tseng
- 11146 Institutional Wage Effects: Revisiting Union and Bargaining Council Wage Premia in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Sumayya Goga & Carlene Van Der Westhuizen - 11145 Estimating the Causal Effect of Enforcement on Minimum Wage Compliance : The Case of South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur & Natasha Mayet - 11144 Economists versus the Street: Comparative Viewpoints on Barriers to Self-employment in Khayelitsha, South Africa
by Paul Cichello & Liberty Mncube & Morne Oosthuizen & Laura Poswell - 11143 Minimum Wage Violation in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur & Natasha Mayet - 11142 Estimating a poverty line: An application to free basic municipal services in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Morne Oosthuizen & Carlene Van Der Westhuizen
- 10141 Transformation: African People in the Western Cape An Overview
by Sabie Surtee & Martin J Hall
- 09139 Labour Reform in South Africa: Measuring Regulation and a Synthesis of Policy Suggestions
by Haroon Bhorat & Halton Cheadle - 09138 Income and Non-Income Inequality in Post-Apartheid South Africa: What are the Drivers and Possible Policy Interventions?
by Haroon Bhorat & Carlene van der Westhuizen & Toughedah Jacobs - 09137 Understanding the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Dispute Resolution System in South Africa:An Analysis of CCMA Data
by Haroon Bhorat & Kalie Pauw & Liberty Mncube - 09136 A Synthesis of Current Issues in the Labour Regulatory Environment
by Haroon Bhorat & Carlene van der Westhuizen - 09135 Analysing Wage Formation in the South African Labour Market: The Role of Bargaining Councils
by Haroon Bhorat & Carlene van der Westhuizen & Sumayya Goga
- 08134 An Analysis of Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration Awards
by Ian Macun & Daniel Lopes & Paul Benjamin & Jonathan Gunthorpe - 08133 Poverty and ‘Second Economy’ in South Africa: An Attempt to Clarify Applicable Concepts and Quantify Extent of Relevant Challenges
by Vusi Gumede - 08132 Seta Review
by Carmel Marock & Candice Harrison-Train & Bobby Soobrayan & Jonathan Gunthorpe
- 07131 Costing, Comparing and Competing Developing an Approach to the Benchmarking of Labour Market Regulation
by Paul Benjamin & Jan Theron - 07130 The State of Collective Bargaining in South Africa: An Empirical and Conceptual Study of Collective Bargaining
by Shane Godfrey & Jan Theron & Margareet Visser - 07129 Consumer Price Inflation across the Income Distribution in South Africa
by Morne Oosthuizen - 07128 Welfare Shifts in the Post-Apartheid South Africa: A Comprehensive Measurement of Changes
by Haroon Bhorat & Sumayya Goga & Carlene van der Westhuizen - 07127 Expanding the Social Security Net in South Africa: Opportunities, Challenges and Constraints
by Kalie Pauw & Liberty Mncube - 07126 The Impact of Growth and Redistribution on Poverty and Inequality in South Africa
by Kalie Pauw & Liberty Mncube - 07125 Setas – A Vehicle for the Skills Revolution?
by Renee Grawitzky - 07124 The International Literature on Skills Training and the Scope for South African Application
by Sean Archer - 07123 Sticking to the Facts: Official and Unofficial Stories about Poverty and Unemployment in South Africa
by Charles Meth - 07122 Have Pro-Poor Health Policies Improved the Targeting of Spending and the Effective Delivery of Health Care in South Africa?
by Ronelle Burger & Christelle Grobler - 07121 Skills Shortages in South Africa: A Literature Review
by Reza Daniels - 07120 Unemployment, Education and Skills Constraints in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Rosa Dias & Dorrit Posel - 07119 Regulating Flexibility and Small Business: Revisiting the LRA and BCEA. A Response to Halton Cheadle’s Concept Paper
by André van Niekerk - 07118 Women in the South African Labour Market, 1995 - 2005
by Carlene van der Westhuizen & Sumayya Goga & Morne Oosthuizen - 07117 Wage Trends in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Constructing an Earnings Series from Household Survey Data
by Rulof Burger & Derek Yu - 07116 An Exploratory Look into Labour Market Regulation
by Anton Roskam
- 06115 Graduate Unemployment in the Context of Skills Shortages, Education and Training: Findings from a Firm Survey
by Kalie Pauw & Haroon Bhorat & Sumayya Goga & Liberty Ncube & Morne Oosthuizen & Carlene van der Westhuizen - 06114 Graduate Unemployment in the Face of Skills Shortages: A Labour Market Paradox
by Kalie Pauw & Morne Oosthuizen & Carlene van der Westhuizen - 06113 The Regulatory Environment and SMMEs. Evidence from South African Firm Level Data
by Neil Rankin - 06112 The Impacts of Sector-Specific Policies and Regulations on the Growth of SMES in Eight Sectors of the South African Economy
by Sbp - 06111 Risks to Global Trade and Implications for South Africa’s Economy and Policy
by Jeremy Wakeford - 06110 The Regulatory Efficiency of the CCMA: A Statistical Analysis of the CCMA’s CMS Database
by Paul Benjamin & Carola Gruen - 06109 Regulated Flexibility and Small Business: Revisiting the LRA and the BCEA
by Halton Cheadle - 06108 Shifts in Non-Income Welfare in South Africa: 1993-2004
by Haroon Bhorat & Carlene van der Westhuizen & Pranushka Naidoo - 06107 Impact of Municipal Regulations on SMMEs
by AFReC & BEES & MCA - 06106 Conditions of Employment and Small Business: Coverage, Compliance and Exemptions
by Shane Godfrey & Johann Maree & Jan Theron - 06105 Recent Findings on Tax-Related Regulatory Burden on SMMEs in South Africa. Literature Review and Policy Options
by Doubell Chamberlain & Anja Smith - 06104 Trends in Poverty and Inequality since the Political Transition
by Servaas van der Berg & Ronelle Burger & Rulof Burger & Megan Louw & Derek Yu - 06103 The Post-Apartheid Labour Market: 1995-2004
by Morne Oosthuizen - 06102 Second Best? Trends and Linkages in the Informal Economy in South Africa
by Richard Devey & Caroline Skinner & Imraan Valodia
- 05101 Poverty and Well-being in Post-Apartheid South Africa: An Overview of Data, Outcomes and Policy
by Haroon Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur - 05100 Have Labour Market Outcomes Affected Household Structure in South Africa? A Descriptive Analysis of Households
by Farah Pirouz - 05099 The Effect of Minimum Wages on the Employment and Earnings of South Africa’s Domestic Service Workers
by Tom Hertz - 05098 Market Failure, Human Capital, and Job Search Dynamics in South Africa: The Case of Duncan Village
by Patrick Duff & David Fryer - 05097 ‘Two Million Net New Jobs’: A Reconsideration of the Rise in Employment in South Africa, 1995-2003
by Daniela Casale & Colette Muller & Dorrit Posel - 05096 Subjective Well-being Poverty versus Income Poverty and Capabilities Poverty?
by Geeta Kingdon & John Knight - 05095 Community, Comparisons and Subjective Well-being in a Divided Society
by Geeta Kingdon & John Knight - 05094 Measuring Recent Changes in South African Inequality and Poverty using 1996 and 2001 Census Data
by Murray Leibbrandt & Laura Poswell & Pranushka Naidoo & Matthew Welch & Ingrid Woolard - 05093 The Post-Apartheid South African Labour Market
by Morne Oosthuizen & Haroon Bhorat - 05092 Poverty, Inequality and Labour Markets in Africa: A Descriptive Overview
by Haroon Bhorat - 05091 Estimating an Earnings Function from Coarsened Data by an Interval Censored Regression Procedure
by Reza Daniels & Sandrine Rospabé
- 04090 Homing in on the Core – Households Incomes, Income Sources and Geography in South Africa
by Sten Dieden - 04089 Half Measures: The ANC's Unemployment and Poverty Reduction Goals
by Charles Meth - 04088 Internal Migration to the Gauteng Province
by Morne Oosthuizen & Pranushka Naidoo - 04087 Emergent Black Affluence and Social Mobility in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Rulof Burger & Ronelle Burger & Servaas van der Berg - 04086 Coordination Failure and Employment in South Africa
by David Fryer & Désiré Vencatachellum - 04085 Productivity, Wages and Employment in South Africa’s Manufacturing Sector, 1970-2002
by Jeremy Wakeford - 04084 What has the Feminisation of the Labour Market ‘Bought’ Women in South Africa? Trends in Labour Force Participation, Employment and Earnings, 1995-2001
by Daniela Casale - 04083 Poverty and Labour Market Markers of HIV+ House holds: An Exploratory Methodological Analysis
by Haroon Bhorat & Najma Shaikh
- 03082 The Post-Apartheid Challenge: Labour Demand Trends in the South African Labour Market, 1995-1999
by Haroon Bhorat - 03081 Expected Labour Demand in South Africa, 1998-2003
by Morne Oosthuizen - 03080 The Contribution of Technikons to Human Resources Development in South Africa
by Charlton Koen - 03079 Sector Education Training Authorities and the Delivery of Training: Preliminary Remarks on the New Skills Dispensation in South Africa
by Paul Lundall - 03078 The Impact of Privatisation and Regulatory Reform on Wage Premia in State-Owned Enterprises in South Africa
by Damian Hattingh & James Hodge & Sandrine Rospabé - 03077 Earnings and Employment Dynamics for Africans in Post-apartheid South Africa: A Panel Study of KwaZulu-Natal
by Paul Cichello & Gary Fields & Murray Leibbrandt - 03076 Returns to Education in South Africa: Evidence from the Machibisa Township
by David Fryer & Désiré Vencatachellum - 03075 Estimates for Poverty Alleviation in South Africa, with An Application to a Universal Income Grant
by Haroon Bhorat - 03074 What has been happening to Internal Labour Migration in South Africa, 1993-1999?
by Dorrit Posel & Daniela Casale - 03073 Education and Socio-Economic Differentials: A Study of School Performance in the Western Cape
by Ronelle Burger & Servaas van der Berg - 03071 Measuring South Africa’s Informal Sector: An Analysis of National Household Surveys
by Colette Muller
- 02070 Cape Town International Convention Centre:The Projected Economic Contribution
by Barry Standish - 02069 Special Problems in Securing a Reduction in Working Hours: The Case of Security Workers
by Paul Lundall - 02068 Employment, Wages and Skills Development: Firm Specific Effects - Evidence from Two Firm Surveys in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Paul Lundall - 02067 Foreign Investment in SADC
by Samson Muradzikwa - 02066 An Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of the Clothing and Textile Industry in SADC
by Eckart Naumann - 02065 An Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of the Clothing and Textile Industry in SADC
by Cecil Mlatsheni & Sandrine Rospabé - 02064 Transaction Costs and Clothing and Textile Trade in SADC
by Shannon Tagg - 02063 A Decomposition of Growth of the Real Wage Rate for South Africa: 1970-2000
by Dipak Mazumdar & Dirk van Seventer - 02062 A Comparison of Wage Levels and Wage Inequality in the Public and Private Sectors, 1995 and 2000
by Ingrid Woolard - 02061 Achieving Employment Equity in the Public Service: a study of changes between 1995 and 2001
by Ingrid Woolard & Keith Thompson - 02060 Achieving Employment Equity in the Public Service: a study of changes between 1995 and 2001
by Tahir Abdi & Lawrence Edwards
- 01059 Labour Market Reform and the Evolution of the Racial Wage Hierarchy in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Paul Allanson & Jonathan Atkins - 01058 The Southern African regional clothing and textile industry: Case studies of Malawi, Mauritius and Zimbabwe
by Samson Muradzikwa - 01057 The role of intra-industry trade and cross-border supply chains in facilitating regional integration in the SADC markets
by Martine Visser - 01056 Regional supply chain development: A case study of the clothing and textile industry in SADC
by Martine Visser - 01055 Consumer Indebtedness Among Urban South African Households: A Descriptive Overview
by Reza Daniels - 01054 The role of education and fertility in the participation and employment of African women in South Africa
by Cecil Mlatsheni & Murray Leibbrandt - 01053 Inflation and the role of wages in South Africa: A co-integration analysis
by Ben Smit & Stan du Plessis - 01052 Evaluation of Spatial Development Initiatives: Case studies of the Maputo Development Corridor and the West Coast Investment Initiative
by David Bek & Ian Taylor - 01051 The Determinants of Intra-Regional Trade in Southern Africa with Specific Reference to South Africa and the Rest of the Region
by Rashad Cassim - 01050 Key Issues facing Sugar Industries in the Southern African Development Community
by Michael Matsebula - 01049 Racial Wage Discrimination in South Africa: Before and After the First Democratic Election
by Gaute Erichsen & Jeremy Wakeford - 01048 Making Racial Wage Relations Fair in South Africa: A Focus on the Role of Trade Unions
by Sandrine Rospabé - 01047 Institutional Aspects of the Maputo Development Corridor
by Fredrik Söderbaum - 01046 Poverty Alleviation in the Subsistence Fisheries Sector: A Microeconometric Analysis
by Reza Daniels - 01045 Competition Policy and Privatisation in the South African Water Industry
by Beatrice Conradie & Jacqui Goldin & Anthony Leiman & Barry Standish & Martine Visser
- 00044 Public-private partnerships: Lessons from the Maputo Development Corridor Toll Road
by Ian Taylor - 00043 Wage premia and wage differentials in the South African labour market
by Haroon Bhorat - 00042 Regional Trade Integration in Southern Africa: Critical Policy Issues
by Paul Kalenga - 00041 Are Wage Adjustments an Effective Mechanism for Poverty Alleviation?: Some Simulations for Domestic and Farm Workers
by Haroon Bhorat - 00040 Assessing the South African Brain Drain, a Statistical Comparison
by Jean-Baptiste Meyer & Mercy Brown & David Kaplan