Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 45843 World Population 1800-1938
by Federico, Giovanni
- 44262 US and Japan rivalry in Philippine interwar import manufactures market. Powerpolitics, trade cost and competitiveness
by Ayuso Díaz, Alejandro
- 36431 How many people on earth? World population 1800-1938
by Federico, Giovanni - 36345 Losing height: measuring the regional loss of human capital from the Republican exile to Mexico
by Sanchez Alonso, Blanca
- 36226 Opening the black box of distance: evidence from Italy, 1862-1938
by Absell, Christopher David & Incerpi, Andrea - 35286 Religious change and persistence in Bosnia: Poverty, conversions, and nationalism, 1468-2013
by Kukic, Leonard & Arslantas, Yasin
- 33368 Revealing the diversity and complexity behind long-term income inequality in Latin America: a new dataset, 1920-2011
by Astorga Junquera, Pablo - 33259 Technical change and the postwar slowdown in Soviet economic growth
by Kukic, Leonard - 31991 The loss of human capital after the Spanish civil war
by Sanchez Alonso, Blanca - 31892 Unequal mortality during the Spanish Flu
by Roses, Joan R. - 31748 Reconciliation with the official stock of fixed assets from the INE
by Bauluz, Luis - 31728 The roots of land inequality in Spain
by Beltrán Tapia, Francisco J. & Díez Minguela, Alfonso & Martinez-Galarraga, Julio & Tirado-Fabregat, Daniel A.
- 36118 Pandemics and protectionism: evidence from the "Spanish" flu
by Boberg-Fazlic, Nina & Pedersen, Maja Uhre & Sharp, Paul - 31465 Accounting for growth in Spain, 1850-2019
by Roses Vendoiro, Juan Ramon - 30673 Pandemics and protectionism: evidence from the "Spanish" flu
by Boberg-Fazlic, Nina & Pedersen, Maja Uhre & Sharp, Paul Richard - 30574 Growth, war, and pandemics: Europe in the very long-run
by Rodríguez Caballero, Carlos Vladimir - 30465 The redistributive effects of pandemics: evidence on the Spanish flu
by Roses Vendoiro, Juan Ramon - 30249 Risk management in traditional agriculture: intercropping in Italian wine production
by Federico, Giovanni
- 29185 Patterns of Iberian economic growth in the early modern period
by Palma, Nuno & Santiago Caballero, Carlos - 28775 Exploring the recent upsurge of regional inequality in Europe
by Gómez Tello, Alicia & Murgui García, Mª Jesús & Sanchís Llopis, M. Teresa - 28350 Trade in the Shadow of Power : Japanese Industrial Exports in the Interwar years
by Ayuso-Díaz, Alejandro - 28342 Have we been measuring monetary policy correctly? Analysing the Federal Reserve’s policies over the last century
by Pavon-Prado, David
- 26211 Getting to Denmark' : the Role of Elites for Development
by Jensen, Peter Sandholt & Sharp, Paul & Skovsgaard, Christian Volmar - 26152 Regional income inequality in France : what does history teach us?
by Díez Minguela, Alfonso & Sanchís Llopis, M. Teresa
- 25443 American divergence : lost decades and Emancipation collapse in Latin American and the Caribbean 1820-1870
by Federico, Giovanni - 24658 Decomposing competitive balance in the major European football leagues : a Rawlsian approach
by Santiago-Caballero, Carlos & Fernández-Roldán Díaz, Alejandro - 24544 The origins of economic growth and regional income inequality in South-West Europe 1870-1950
by Díez Minguela, Alfonso & Martínez-Galarraga, Julio & Sanchís Llopis, M. Teresa & Tirado, Daniel A. - 24511 The Reconstruction of Brazil's Foreign Trade Series, 1821-1913
by Absell, Christopher David - 24208 Exports and American divergence. Lost decades and Emancipation collapse in Latin American and the Caribbean 1820-1870
by Federico, Giovanni
- 23799 Institutions, Knowledge Accumulation and Productivity Growth in the Second Half of the XXth
by Cubel Montesinos, Antonio & Esteve, Vicente & Sanchís Llopis, M. Teresa & Sanchís-Llopis, Juan A. - 23463 Agriculture and Economic Development on the European Frontier : Portugal, 1000-2000
by Lains, Pedro - 23305 Lewis revisited : tropical polities competing on the world market 1830-1938
by Federico, Giovanni - 23304 The roots of regional trade in the Americas 1870 to 1950
by Restrepo-Estrada, Maria Isabel - 22859 Knowledge shocks diffusion and the resilience of regional inequality
by Lopez-Cermeño, Alexandra - 22354 A tale of two globalizations : gains for trade and openness 1800-2010
by Federico, Giovanni - wp16-01 World trade, 1800-1938 : a new data-set
by Federico, Giovanni
- wp15-06 Philip II against the Cortes and the credit freeze of 1575-1577
by Chamley, Christophe - wp15-05 Persistence vs. Reversal and Agglomeration Economies vs. Natural Resources. Regional inequality in Argentina in the first half of the twentieth century
by Aráoz, María Florencia - wp15-03 Brazilian export growth and divergence in the tropics during the nineteenth century
by Absell, Christopher David - wp15-02 Equity short-term finance under Philip II, with an option to long-term funded debt
by Chamley, Christophe - wp15-01 Uruguay and the First Globalization. On the accuracy of export performance, 1870-1913
by Bonino Gayoso, Nicolás & Willebald Remedios, Henry Francisco
- 35281 Greasing the Wheels of Rural Transformation? Margarine and the Competition for the British Butter Market
by Sharp, Paul - wp14-06 How the Danes discovered Britain : the international integration of the Danish dairy industry before 1880
by Sharp, Paul - wp14-05 Housing affordability during the urban transition in Spain
by Rosés, Joan R. - wp14-03 Just add milk: a productivity analysis of the revolutionary changes in nineteenth century Danish dairying
by Sharp, Paul
- wp13-07 The great escape? The contribution of the empire to Portugal’s economic growth, 1500-1800
by Costa, Leonor Freire & Palma, Nuno & Reis, Jaime - wp13-05 Structural change, collective action, and social unrest in 1930s Spain
by Miley, Thomas Jeffrey - wp13-04 Market potential and city growth : Spain 1860-1960
by Viladecans-Marsal, Elisabet & González-Val, Rafael & Tirado, Daniel A. - wp13-03 On the accuracy of export growth in Argentina, 1870-1913
by Willebald Remedios, Henry Francisco - wp13-02 The ripples of the Industrial revolution: exports, economic growth and regional integration in Italy in the early 19th century
by Federico, Giovanni
- wp12-10 Housing markets during the rural-urban transition : evidence from early 20th century Spain
by Rosés, Joan R. - wp12-09 Coping with regional inequality in Sweden : structural change, migrations and policy, 1860-2000
by Enflo, Kerstin & Rosés, Joan R. - wp12-08 Tariffs and income : a time series analysis for 24 countries
by Sharp, Paul - wp12-07 Public borrowing in harsh times : the League of Nations Loans revisited
by Decorzant, Yann & Flores, Juan-Huitzi - wp12-06 Default, rescheduling and inflation : debt crisis in Spain during the 19th and 20th centuries
by Comín, Francisco - wp12-05 Explaining wheat yields in eighteenth-century Spain
by Santiago-Caballero, Carlos - wp12-04 Provincial grain yields in Spain, 1750-2009
by Santiago-Caballero, Carlos - wp12-03 Economic integration and regional inequality in Iberia (1900-2000) : a geographical approach
by Tirado, Daniel A. & Badia-Miró, Marc - wp12-02 How much trade liberalization was there in the world before and after Cobden-Chevalier?
by Tâmega, Felipe
- wp11-11 La calidad institucional en Argentina en el largo plazo
by Aráoz, María Florencia - wp11-10 Floating against the tide : Spanish monetary policy, 1870-1931
by Martín-Aceña, Pablo & Martínez Ruiz, Elena - wp11-08 Spanish housing markets during the first phase of the rural-urban transition process
by Rosés, Joan R. - wp11-07 Economic Reforms and Growth in Franco’s Spain
by Rosés, Joan R. & Sanz Villarroya, Isabel - wp11-06 Debt policy under constraints between Philip II, the Cortes and Genoese bankers
by Chamley, Christophe - wp11-04 Hunger in hell’s kitchen : family living conditions during Spanish industrialization : the Bilbao estuary, 1914-1935
by Rojo Cagigal, Juan Carlos & Houpt, Stefan - wp11-01 Was land reform necessary? : access to land in Spain, 1860 to 1931
by Rosés, Joan R.
- wp10-14 Making sense of immigration policy : Argentina, 1870-1930
by Sánchez-Alonso, Blanca - wp10-13 The role of technology and institutions for growth : Danish creameries in the late nineteenth century
by Henriksen, Ingrid & Sharp, Paul - wp10-12 Tithe series and grain production in modern Spain : Guadalajara 1700-1800
by Santiago-Caballero, Carlos - wp10-11 Income inequality in central Spain, 1690-1800
by Santiago-Caballero, Carlos - wp10-10 Trends and cycles in regional economic growth : how spatial differences formed the Swedish growth experience 1860-2009
by Henning, Martin & Enflo, Kerstin & Andersson, Fredrik NG - wp10-09 From an agrarian society to a knowledge economy : Portugal, 1950-2010
by Santos Pereira, Álvaro & Lains, Pedro - wp10-08 The long-term patterns of regional income inequality in Spain (1860-2000)
by Tirado, Daniel A. & Rosés, Joan R. & Martínez-Galarraga, Julio - wp10-05 The origins of the Bilbao Stock Exchange, 1891-1936
by Houpt, Stefan & Rojo Cagigal, Juan Carlos - wp10-04 Amartya Sen revisited : trade, inequality and growth in central Spain, 1700-1800
by Santiago-Caballero, Carlos - wp10-03 Swedish regional GDP 1855-2000 : estimations and general trends in the Swedish regional system
by Enflo, Kerstin & Henning, Martin & Schön, Lennart - wp10-02 Stabilization and growth under dictatorship: the experience of Franco's Spain
by Rosés, Joan R. & Sanz Villarroya, Isabel - wp10-01 Financial crises and financial reforms in Spain : what have we learned?
by Martín-Aceña, Pablo & Pons, Ángeles & Betrán Pérez, Concha
- wp09-08 Regional value added in Italy (1891-2001) : estimates, elaborations
by Felice, Emanuele - wp09-07 Estimating regional GDP in Italy (1871-2001): sources, methodology and results
by Felice, Emanuele - wp09-06 Human Capital and Economic Growth in Spain, 1850-2000
by Rosés, Joan R. - wp09-05 The upswing of regional income inequality in Spain (1860-1930)
by Martínez-Galarraga, Julio & Rosés, Joan R. & Tirado, Daniel A. - wp09-03 Paying for the liberal state : the rise of public finance in nineteenth century Europe
by Cardoso, José Luís & Lains, Pedro - wp09-02 Land markets and agrarian backwardness (Spain, 1900-1936)
by Rosés, Joan R.
- wp08-13 European business cycles and economic policy, 1945-2007
by Foreman-Peck, James & Kling, Gerhard - wp08-12 Proximate causes of economic growth in Spain, 1850-2000
by Rosés, Joan R. - wp08-11 The institutions of house tenancy markets in post-war Western Europe : an economic analysis
by Mora, Juan S. - wp08-10 Prosperity and depression in the European economy and during interwar years (1913-1950) : an introduction
by Rosés, Joan R. & Wolf, Nikolaus - wp08-09 Trade and Empire, 1700-1870
by O'Rourke, Kevin H. & Daudin, Guillaume - wp08-08 Are dictatorships more unequal? : economic growth and wage inequality during Portugal's estado novo, 1944-1974
by Lains, Pedro & Gomes da Silva, Ester & Guilera, Jordi - wp08-07 Long-run Estimates of Physical Capital in Spain, 1850-2000
by Rosés, Joan R. - wp08-06 Human development and inequality in the 20th Century : the Mercosur countries in a comparative perspective
by Bértola, Luis & Camou, María & Maubrigades, Silvana & Melgar, Natalia - wp08-05 Income distribution in the Latin American Southern Cone during the first globalization boom, ca: 1870-1920
by Bértola, Luis & Castelnovo, Cecilia & Rodríguez, Javier & Willebald Remedios, Henry Francisco - wp08-03 Choosing a legal framework for Spanish stock markets, 1800-1936
by Rojo Cagigal, Juan Carlos - wp08-02 Economic distress and discourse : the rise of a corporatist rhetoric in Northern Spain after World War I
by Rojo Cagigal, Juan Carlos - wp08-01 On state autonomy : pressure groups and public policy in Britain and Spain in a comparative perspective, 1830s-1930s
by Rojo Cagigal, Juan Carlos
- wp07-17 The other Europeans : inmigration into Latin America and the international labour market (1870-1930)
by Sánchez-Alonso, Blanca - wp07-16 Information asymmetries and financial intermediation during the Baring crisis : 1880-1890
by Flores, Juan-Huitzi - wp07-15 Central banking in the iberian peninsula : a comparison
by Martín-Aceña, Pablo - wp07-12 Bonds and Brands : intermediaries and reputation in sovereign debt markets 1820-1830
by Flandreau, Marc & Flores, Juan-Huitzi - wp07-10 Productivity and transition in Swedish iron and steel, 1870-1940
by Houpt, Stefan - wp07-09 The Spanish savings banks and the competitive cooperation model (1928-2002)
by Comín, Francisco - wp07-08 Globalization, growth and distribution in Spain 1500-1913
by Rosés, Joan R. & O'Rourke, Kevin H. & Williamson, Jeffrey G. - wp07-07 Crises and growth : a Latin American perspective
by Edwards, Sebastián - wp07-04 Los resultados macroeconómicos y la posición relativa de la economía argentina : 1875-2000
by Sanz Villarroya, Isabel - wp07-03 Real exchange rates in Latin America : what does the 20th century reveal?
by Astorga, Pablo - wp07-02 The sources of long-run growth in Spain 1850-2000
by Rosés, Joan R. - wp07-01 Lending booms, underwriting and competition : the baring crisis revisited
by Flores, Juan-Huitzi
- wh061902 A methodological approach to estimating the money demand in pre-industrial economies: probate inventories and Spain in the 18th century
by Ramos, Fernando - wp06-11 The power of peripheral governments : coping with the 1891 financial crisis in Portugal
by Lains, Pedro - wp06-10 Economic crisis and democratic consolidation in Spain, 1973-82
by Harrison, Joseph - wp06-07 Monetary reform in times of Charles II (1679-1686): aspects concerning the issued dispositions
by Font de Villanueva, Cecilia - wp06-06 Contract enforcement and Argentina's long-run decline
by Sanz Villarroya, Isabel - wp06-03 India's contribution to the British balance of payments, 1757-1812
by Cuenca Esteban, Javier
- wh051302 Subcontracting and vertical integration in the Spanish cotton industry
by Rosés, Joan R. - dilf0509 El impacto exterior de las revistas españolas de economia
by Tirado, Daniel A. & Pons Novell, Jordi - dilf0508 Is there life beyond the ISI journals lists? the international impact of Spanish, Italian, French and German economics journals
by Pons Novell, Jordi & Tirado, Daniel A. - dilf0506 Globalization, de-industrialization and underdevelopment in the third world before the modern era
by Williamson, Jeffrey G. - dilf0505 El coste de uso del capital en la explicación del boom de la inversión europea de posguerra
by Cubel Montesinos, Antonio & Sanchís Llopis, M. Teresa - dilf0504 A 50 años de la curva de kuznets : crecimiento económico y distribución del ingreso en Uruguay y otros países de nuevo asentamiento desde 1870
by Bértola, Luis - dilf0503 Disaggregated productivity growth and technological progress in the interpretation of Spanish economic growth, 1958-1975
by Sanchís Llopis, M. Teresa - dilf0502 Not guilty? : agriculture in the 1920s and the Great Depression
by Federico, Giovanni - dilf0501 La economía de occidente y la del resto del mundo : una perspectiva milenaria
by Maddison, Angus
- wh046705 Institutional instability and growth in Argentina: a long-run view
by Sanz Villarroya, Isabel - wh043101 Nutrition and growth in Italy, 1861-1911 what macroeconomic data hide
by Vecchi, Giovanni & Coppola, Michela - dh041001 Respuestas empresariales en el País Vasco ante la crisis económica de 1921
by Rojo Cagigal, Juan Carlos
- wh034509 Macroeconomic aspects of Spanish American independence : the effects of fiscal and currency fragmentation, 1800s-1860s
by Irigoin, María Alejandra - wh032608 Regulation and promotion of an addictive product : Spanish tobacco business in the spread of cigarette consumption (1880s to 1930s)
by Gálvez Muñoz, Lina - wh031006 Wages and labor income in history : a survey
by Rosés, Joan R. - dh030403 Derechos de propiedad y crecimiento económico en Argentina : 1875-1990
by Sanz Villarroya, Isabel - dh030302 Los procesos de convergencia de Argentina con Australia y Canadá : 1875-2000
by Sanz Villarroya, Isabel
- wh025301 Regional wage convergence in Spain : 1850-1930
by Rosés, Joan R. & Sánchez-Alonso, Blanca - dh020301 "La expansión ganadera de la campaña de Buenos Aires": ¿Una consecuencia de la financiación inflacionaria del déficit fiscal en Argentina del siglo XIX?
by Irigoin, María Alejandra
- wh017103 More than ore : modern Spanish steel, 1856-1936
by Houpt, Stefan - wh016502 Atlantic trade and regional specialisation in nothern Spain 1550-1650: an integrated trade theory-institutional organisation approach
by Grafe, Regina
- 8559 Why isn't the whole of Spain industrialized? the localization of Spanish manufacturing during the early industrialization (1797-1910)
by Rosés, Joan R. - 3815 Contingent commodities and implementation
by Chattopadhyay, S. & Naeve, Jörg - dh001401 La competitividad internacional de la industria algodonera española (1830-1860)
by Rosés, Joan R. - dh000503 El consumo familiar de bienes duraderos y semiduraderos en la Castilla pre-industrial: Palencia, 1750-1850
by Ramos Palencia, Fernando Carlos - dh000301 Contratos de transferencia de tecnología y crecimiento de la economía española: 1959-1972
by Cebrián, M. Mar
- dh990101 La influencia de la productividad en la consolidación de los grupos nacionales de la banca privada española (1900-1914)
by Cuadras-Morató, Xavier & Fernández Castro, Ángel & Rosés, Joan R.
- wh985504 Did trade policy foster Italian industrialization evidences from the effective production rates 1870-1930
by Federico, Giovanni - wh983303 Location of Spanish integrated steel, 1880-1936
by Houpt, Stefan - dh982303 Las balanzas de pagos de la autarquía. Una revisión
by Martínez Ruiz, Elena - 6183 Balance sheets for the acquisition, retention and loss of european empires overseas
by O'Brien, Patrick K. - 6182 The choice of tecnology in the Mediterranean basin : some evidence from the Spanish, Italian, British and us cotton mills(1830-1860)
by Rosés, Joan R. - 6180 Markets, institutions and culture patterns of wine consumption in europe, 1850-1950
by Sánchez León, Pablo
- 28438 Living Standards, Inequality, and Human Development since 1870 : a Review of Evidence
by Cha, Myung Soo