2017, Issue 4
- 20-40 Governance, competitiveness and economic performance in attracting foreign direct investment inflow in Saarc and Asean countries
by Mohoshin ALI - 41-64 Issues regarding the quality of life in the Romanian penitenciaries - a brief research report
by Simona Ilie & Cristina Tomescu & Lucian Rotariu - 65-86 Approaches regarding a construction of a methodology for poverty / in work poverty research in romania
by Mihnea Preotesi & Cristina Tomescu & Sorin Cace
2017, Issue 3
- 3-13 Inter-municipal cooperation: World realities and Romanian strategies
by Mihai Pascaru - 14-24 The linkage between household and government expenditure on higher education: Examining the Indian case
by Nivedita Sarkar - 25-33 The Romanian national institutional social work system and social inclusion policies (2000-2016)
by Codrin Scutaru - 34-57 Syrian refugee crisis, from turkey to European Union - methods and challenges
by Mehari Fisseha - 58-66 The securitization of migration issue: Hungarian case
by Nina Miholjcic
2017, Issue 2
- 3-16 Determinants of system of root intensification (sri) method, in Bihar state, India
by Aviral Pandey - 17-30 The chimeric personalities of three professional revolutionaries in the history of the communist movement (1921-1924)
by Sebastian Fitzek & Catalina Daniela Fitzek - 31-50 Fan drain due to brand identity loss. Evidence from Romanian second league football
by Vlad I. Rosca - 51-62 A retrospective analysis of a water sector reform in Ghana: The interplay of unbalanced power and benefits
by Maliha ABUBAKARI Abubakari - 63-73 The refugee crisis in Europe and addressed solutions
by Adrian Otovescu & Maria-Cristina Otovescu - 74-81 Theoretical approaches regarding the mobbing phenomen
by Adina Mihailescu & Cristina Tomescu
2017, Issue 1
- 3-12 Evidence based practice in academic dropout policy. The pro-integra model
by Calina-Ana Butiu - 13-24 Academic writing and publishing in India: Is quality a touchstone?
by Abdul Azeez E.P. - 25-32 The monographic research of the Romanian diaspora
by Adrian Otovescu - 33-43 Access to education and living with disability among the Luo of Kenya: A complex view, a troubling response
by Fredrick Ochieng Owuor - 43-51 Social costs related to policy decisions in health care
by Cristina Tomescu - 52-66 The civil servants and their image among the citizens of Craiova
by Maria-Cristina Otovescu
2016, Issue 4
- 3-19 Crouch, touch, pause, engage: The engaging of human resources management during restructuring
by Andries J. du Plessis & J. Singh - 20-32 Profiles of active individuals in relation to a series of working conditions
by Mihnea Preotesi & Raluca Purtan Purnichescu - 33-47 International regulation framework regarding the elimination of discrimination against women
by Simona Maria Stanescu - 48-63 Discrimination against women on the Romanian and European Union labour market
by Adrian Otovescu & Maria-Cristina Otovescu - 64-79 Public policies and NGOS actions for Roma inclusion
by Lucian Sfetcu - 80-100 Evolution of the family structures in romania
by Mariana Stanciu
2016, Issue 3
- 3-12 Policy implementation: Some aspects and issues
by Anisur Rahman Khan - 13-31 Discrimination forms in the professional area
by Gabriel Stoiciu & Raluca Popescu & Ramona Caramalau - 32-51 Competition in the banking industry: Implication on financial sector development
by Ifeanyi Chris Onodugo & Okoro E. U. Okoro & Benjamin A. Amujiri & Vincent A. Onodugo - 52-66 Social policies regarding financial resources within the healthcare system in romania
by Cristina Tomescu - 67-84 The European legislative framework against discrimination. An overview
by Oana Banu - 85-97 Structural silence, exclusion, and access to justice: A case study of an indigenous girl in northern Kenya
by Oscar Mmbali & Oscar Mmbali
2016, Issue 2
- 3-17 Quality of working life, job quality and work-life balance in Romania. Measurements and policy recommendations for improving working conditions
by Laura A. Tufa - 18-38 The importance of training and education for New Zealand entrepreneurs to be successful: Some empirical evidence
by Andries J du Plessis - 39-55 Nongovernment sector fighting cancer in romania
by Adela Elena Popa & Ionela Vlase & Felicia Morandau - 56-69 Coordinates of rural development in 20 villages in the southern part of county arges
by Flavius Mihalache - 70-85 Repositioning renewable energy for rural electrification in a fossil fuel-rich economy
by Theophilus Ifeanyichukwu Amokwu - 86-106 Family's socio-economic situation in the Romanian room as compared with other countries of the European Union
by Sebastian Fitzek
2016, Issue 1
- 3-18 Envisioning incentives for community participation in natural resource management: A case study of northwest Kenya
by David Kamar Imana & Oscar S. Mmbali - 19-36 Digital community storytelling as a sociopolitical critical device
by Carmen Gregori-signes & Maria Alcantud-diaz - 37-55 Economics, ethnicity and autonomy movement in Meghalaya: An analysis
by Komol Singha & Purusottam Nayak - 56-67 Key capabilities for strategic leaders in lao commercial banking sector to maximise competitive advantage
by Andries J du Plessis & J. R. Marriott & P. Manichith - 68-77 Poverty of the Romanian Roma minority - current dimensions
by Victor Nicolaescu - 78-91 Negative consequences of physical abuse of elder people on the perpetrators - empirical evidence from Zambia
by Isaac Kabelenga - 92-106 The contribution of policies, procedures and rules for successful suggestion systems in organisations: Some research findings
by Andries J du Plessis
2015, Issue 4
- 3-20 Qualitative evaluation: Interdisciplinary master
by Corina Cace - 21-31 Reciprocity of community field work practicum: The case of open community placement in social work education
by Abdul Azeez E.P - 33-48 Engaging indigenous community in development: The case of an informal Quaker movement in Kenya
by Oscar S. Mmbali - 49-73 Could Romania become a food security space in Europe?
by Mariana Stanciu & Adina Mihailescu - 73-97 State of employment among the Roma people
by Ionela Ionescu & Oana Banu - 97-104 Social economy? Challenges of an uncertain future
by Victor Nicolaescu - 105-111 Customer attitudes towards buying e-books: Perspectives from a Romanian publishing house
by Vlad Rosca - 112-114 Book review: Simona Maria Stanescu, social protection in the European union? A comparative analysis, 2014, Bucharest: Pro Universitaria
by Victor Nicolaescu
2015, Issue 3
- 3-13 Understanding how people decide: Decision-making theories as mental representations
by Alexandra Gheondea-eladi - 14-25 The ethnical otherness and the interethnic imaginary among the contact areas between the Roma and Romanians
by Sebastian Fitzek - 26-37 From socialist unsustainable development to capitalist social underdevelopment. Post-communist evolution of two small cities: Aninoasa and Budesti
by Mihnea Preotesi - 38-56 Empirical evidences on how women leaders changing governance in the grassroots based local government of Bangladesh
by Mizanur Rahman - 57-69 Assessment of settlements` centrality in Botosani county using Shimbel index
by Marian Ionut Istrate - 70-81 Changes in an age of mass higher education
by Dana-Ioana Eremia - 82-103 Transition from university to work in a Romanian postsocialist city: A case study in Oradea
by Serban Olah & Dragos Darabaneanu & Gavril Flora - 104-115 Social problems revealed in art? The Balkan expressionism movement
by Mirela Anghel
2015, Issue 2
- 3-17 Subjective well-being in European countries
by Cosmina-Elena POP - 18-27 The quality of life of the elderly in romania
by Gabriel Stanila - 28-42 Association and cooperation in Romanian rural areas? The leader experience
by Claudia Petrescu - 43-55 Urban sprawl and demographic dynamics in Suceava metropolitan area
by Marian Ionut Istrate - 56-67 Perceptions of a sample of physicians from Bucharest upon Romanian health policy
by Cristina Tomescu - 68-73 Education for a high quality of life
by Mihai Diaconu - 74-83 Biocultural landmarks mediating the acculturation process in Romanian context
by Adriana Borosanu - 84-100 Sweet as honey: A content analysis of how beekeeping is reflected in Romanian mass media
by Eugen Glavan - 101-112 The socio-economic foundations of Romanian nationalism, in the view of Antoine Roger - a critical appraisal -
by Vladimir Cretulescu
2015, Issue 1
- 3-16 Evidence of the changing activities, goals and roles of hr practitioners
by Andries J. du Plessis - 17-25 Professionalization of Romanian public social work services: An impossible challenge?
by Daniel Arpinte - 26-46 The limits and the specific instruments of policy evaluation
by Cosmin Briciu - 47-56 Health and autonomy: A review for studying patient decisions
by Alexandra Gheondea-eladi - 57-71 The modernization of rural infrastructure under the measure 322 of the national rural development programme 2007-2013
by Flavius Mihalache & Adriana NEGUT Researcher, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania - 72-93 Migration policies from origin perspective in the case of Romania. Testing a definition
by Monica Serban - 93-106 The evolution of the financial support for family in Romania after the economic crisis
by Raluca Popescu - 107-118 Vatra Luminoasa: Constructing a district, building a community (1933 - 1945)
by Andrei Razvan Voinea
2014, Issue 4
- 3-20 Patterns of delivery, financing and control for health systems
by Cristina Tomescu - 21-33 Introductory aspects on the sustainability of social enterprises
by Adriana Negut - 34-49 Work-life balance and subjective well-being in romania
by Cosmina-Elena POP POP - 50-64 Perceptions of child costs as proximate determinant for Romanian fertility decline
by Iulian Stanescu - 65-82 Tuberculosis, urban planning and politics: Social housing in Bucharest (1906 - 1910)
by Andrei Razvan Voinea - 83-94 Romanians' participation to culture
by Oana Parvu - 95-112 Socio-economic aspects of beekeeping in romania
by Eugen Glavan - 113-127 Romanian diaspora: The 2014 presidential elections as positive community practice
by Diana-Alexandra Vilcu - 128-130 Book review: Mariea Ionescu, Simona Maria Stanescu, public policies for the Roma, 2014, Bucharest: Pro Universitaria
by Victor Nicolaescu
2014, Issue 3
- 3-18 Poverty in Romania: Dimensions of poverty and landmarks of poverty research
by Cosmin Briciu - 19-38 Human resource`s role with business recovery during and after a recession to engage employees and retain talent
by Andries J. Du Plessis - 39-51 Comparative analysis regarding the level of development and spatial distribution of collective organizations in romania
by Claudia Petrescu - 52-64 Deindustrialization and underdevelopment. Case study: Valea Jiului
by Mihnea Preotesi - 65-78 Defining migration policies from origin country perspective
by Monica Serban - 79-98 Community perceptions and activisms regarding domestic violence against women: Perspectives from rural Bangladesh
by Anisur Rahman Khan - 99-113 Family policies in Romania within the European framework
by Raluca Popescu - 114-124 Is qualitative research generalizable?
by Alexandra Gheondea-eladi
2014, Issue 2
- 5-10 Probation in the European landscape of criminal justice
by Mihaela Tomita - 11-27 The quasi-coercive treatment of young drug offenders in South Africa: The role of the family
by Tara Harris & Rika Swanzen - 28-36 Proactive strategies for efficient discipline policy
by Ioana Darjan & Mihaela Tomita - 37-49 Additional types of elder abuse? Empirical evidence from Zambia
by Isaac Kabelenga - 50-60 Mapping the price of development induced displacement: A study on displaced of Sariska tiger reserve in Rajasthan, India
by Abdul Azeez E.P & Prashant Saini & D.P. Negi - 61-70 The capacity of young offenders to design their life strategies
by Gabriel Pricina & Gabriela Ilie - 71-80 Therapeutic approaches for the drug addicts from penitentiaries
by Daniela Nicolaescu - 81-114 Towards a new European polity? Social democrats and the 2014 ep elections
by Laura Caroli & Nicola Genga & Alvaro Imbernon & Iulian Stanescu - 115-117 Book review: Mihaela Tomita - probation as a field of study. Institution and profession 2012, Bucharest: Universul Juridic publishing house
by Simona Maria Stanescu - 118-119 Book review: Thanasis Apostolou (eds.) - Drug policy and drug legislation in south east Europe 2013, Athens: Nomiki Bibliothiki group
by Victor Nicolaescu
2014, Issue 1
- 3-14 Migration and social transformation. The case of Albania and Greece
by Rifat Demalija - 15-26 From European migrants to European citizens: An unfinished process
by Alina Dinu - 27-36 Romania-emigration`s impact on families and children
by Monica Elisabeta Paduraru - 37-47 Eu integration: Addressing the young generation. The Italian case
by Francesca Romana Bastianello - 48-63 The effects of Dutch linguistic integration policy on migrants` feelings of belonging, as mediated by Dutch society
by Daniela Trifu - 64-74 Brain drain in Romania: Factors influencing physicians` emigration
by Irina Boncea - 75-91 Understanding the social exclusion of Zimbabwean migrants in Johannesburg, South Africa
by Chipo Hungwe & Derik Gelderblom - 92-103 Assistance of the children traffic victims - interventions and multidisciplinary evaluations
by Daniela Nicolaescu - 104-115 Immigration and integration regimes in EU countries
by Ana-Maria Zamfir & Cristina Mocanu & Monica Mihaela Maer-matei & Eliza-Olivia Lungu - 116-130 Remitting democracy? The role of migrant remittances in promoting social and political change in Guanajuato, Mexico
by Benjamin James Waddell - 131-140 Minimum standard of living, a constant of research and social policy work option
by Adina Mihailescu
2013, Issue 4
- 3-15 Social economy and social entrepreneurship: An exercise of social responsibility
by Amalia Petrovici - 16-31 Enterprises recovered by their workers in Argentina: An assessment of articulations of reciprocity with society
by Denise Kasparian - 32-54 Refugee farmers and the social enterprise model in the American southwest
by Vanna Gonzales & Nigel Forrest & Noreen Balos - 55-70 Community engagement as a form of social entrepreneurship in higher education curriculum
by Rika Swanzen & Craig Darrel Rowe - 71-88 Understanding the impact of summer service-learning program on the social dominance orientation of gifted adolescents
by Trae Stewart & Nicole Webster & Haiyan BAI - 89-95 Human resources formation in the sector of social economy
by Victor Nicolaescu - 96-114 Social economy as a possible solution for the current world economic crisis
by Serban Olah & Lioara Coturbas - 115-117 Book review: Territorial profiles of quality of life in romania
by Lucian Sfetcu
2013, Issue 3
- 3-24 Determinants of child labor in Malawi and Tanzania
by Courage C. Mudzongo & Christopher M. Whitsel - 25-35 Mental health problems of children of undocumented parents in the united states: A hidden crisis
by Jorge Delva & Pilar Horner & Ramiro Martinez & Laura Sanders & William D. Lopez & John Doering-white - 36-51 The immigrant population in northwest Alabama: Barriers and opportunities
by Joy Borah - 52-73 Survival strategies of Zimbabwean migrants in Johannesburg
by Chipo Hungwe - 74-87 Do people with disabilities feel excluded? Comparision of learning and physical disabilities
by Kendall Goodrich & Rosemary Ramsey - 88-99 The role of corporate social responsibility in the social inclusion of women victims of domestic violence. The Sensiblu foundation
by Amalia Petrovici - 100-112 The qualification need for the unemployed persons in rural areas of Gorj county
by Gabriela Ilie - 113-129 About the ratio between the individual needs and the family income-romania 2010
by Stefan V. Stefanescu
2013, Issue 2
- 3-10 Applied social sciences, action research and the returning of inquiry findings
by Mihai Pascaru - 11-21 Board of directors as a critical factor in the success of social enterprises
by Victor Chikadzi - 22-40 Social capital and organizational innovation: The mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation
by Jahangir Yadollahi Farsi & Arash Rezazadeh & Amer Dehghan Najmabadi - 41-52 Competitive advantage: Recruitment and retention of senior managers in financial sectors in laos
by Andries J. Du Plessis & Suksamon Sumphonphakdy & James Oldfield & Cristoff Botha - 53-68 Redefining social desirability: Policies for alternative families in Europe and in Romania
by Georgeta Ghebrea - 69-79 Understanding runaway behaviour in group homes: What are runaways trying to tell us?
by Rana Karam & Marie Robert - 80-91 Virtually speaking: How digital storytelling can facilitate organizational learning
by Matthew Militello & Francisco Guajardo - 92-108 Career decisions of university students
by Muhammed Kürşad ÖZLEN & Dino Arnaut - 108-115 Understanding multicultural communication and cooperation through multicultural Dobrogea
by Vladimir-Aurelian Enachescu - 116-120 Book review: Financing the activities of the social economy
by Lucian Sfetcu
2013, Issue 1
- 3-25 The usefulness of health disparity: Stumbling blocks in the path to social equity
by A. Henry Eliassen - 26-44 Public health services in Romania in terms of European policies
by Mariana Stanciu & Ana-Diana Jawad - 45-60 Inclusive health in India: A disaggregated level analysis
by Reena Kumari - 61-91 Employing people with disabilities: The Romanian protected units system
by Simona Ilie - 92-111 Digging among the roots of entrepreneurship
by Alin Croitoru - 112-129 Comparison of the adoption of knowledge management systems among the employees of a Turkish municipality
by M. Kursad Ozlen - 129-146 Coordinates of the budgets of revenues and expenditures of the rural localities
by Flavius Mihalache - 147-164 Overcoming drawbacks of hierarchy: Examples from kibbutz communities
by Uriel Leviatan - 165-181 Workforce cost effects on productivity, quality and satisfaction in organisations
by Andries J. du Plessis & Pieter S. NEL & Josefino San Diego - 182-203 Consumption, consumer culture and consumer society
by Aytekin Firat & Kemal Y. Kutucuoglu & Isil Arikan Saltik & Ozgur Tuncel
2012, Issue 4
- 601-615 A successful experience of immigrant integration: Evidence from Utah
by Kenneth P. Jameson - 616-641 Immigrants communities from Italian society
by Adrian Otovescu - 642-666 South Asian women and the labour market in the UK: Attitudes, barriers, solutions
by Andrea Wigfield & Royce Turner - 667-680 Defining and measuring public sector employment: Romania's case
by Monica Marin - 681-702 Community perceptions as a coping resource among adolescents living under rockets fire: A salutogenic approach
by Daniella Peled & Shifra Sagy & Orna Braun-lewensohn - 703-725 Agents of community empowerment? The possibilities and limitations of non-governmental organizations in Bangladesh
by M. Rezaul Islam & W. John Morgan - 726-743 European perspectives on the social economy
by Victor Nicolaescu & Daniela Nicolaescu - 744-768 Challenging implicit gender bias in science: Positive representations of female scientists in fiction
by Helen Merrick - 769-789 Perspectives on gender inequality and the barrier of culture on education
by Juliet Joseph - 790-796 Relationships and communication networks
by Stefan Vladutescu - 797-811 The digital divide: Ict development indices in Mexico
by Edgar Tello-leal & Claudia M. Sosa-reyna & Diego A. Tello-leal - 812-837 Social policies of inclusion of the people with physical disabilities in Romania - social diagnosis
by Ionela Ionescu - 838-8385`1 Subjective evaluation of the health state in Romania during 2006-2010 years
by Maria Livia Stefanescu & Stefan Stefanescu - 852-856 Book review - social economy. Comparative analysis in eight member states of the European union
by Lucian Sfetcu
2012, Issue 3
- 345-360 Pathways for youth mentoring: Merging communities of practice
by Nicole Webster & Shakoor Ward - 361-379 International students in New Zealand: Empirical evidence of their influence on future environmental sustainability
by Andries J. du Plessis & Jinming Chen & William TOH - 380-402 The design of a nationwide sample for Romanian youths living in rural areas: A multiple solution problem
by Iulian Stanescu & Vlad Achimescu - 402-424 Identity, contestation and development in north east India: A study of Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland
by Komol Singha - 425-440 Tourism contribution to regional development: Best practice in Macedonia
by Biljana Petrevska - 441-461 Identity features of the Romanian immigrants from Italy
by Adrian Otovescu - 462-477 Improving the situation of the ruthenian minority in Serbia
by Mihajlo Fejsa - 478-499 The resistance of land-lost farmers in china: 'Interests-striving' and 'struggle by order'
by Hongping Lian - 500-519 Current enterprise resource planning snapshot in Bosnian small and medium enterprises
by Muhammed Kürşad Ozlen - 520-536 Importance of financing the social economy projects
by Victor Nicolaescu & Corina Cace & Sorin Cace - 537-555 Grounds for the development of social economy in romania
by Claudia Osvat & Florica Stefanescu & Amalia Jurj - 556-570 Positive practices in reorganising the consumption patterns
by Mariana Stanciu - 571-588 Organisational analysis: The environmental guard from Romania - getting ready for change
by Silvia Branea - 589-695 Book review: "Radical reform: Interracial politics in post-emancipation north Carolina Deborah Beckel"
by Victoria A. Redd
2012, Issue 2
- 156-169 Roma community practices as subject encounters with state policy events
by Bettina J. Brown - 170-185 Citizenship a tool of social inclusion and exclusion in post-apartheid South Africa
by Sipho Jonathan Nkambule - 186-203 The displaced black women in the armed conflict in Colombia: Some memoirs of the victims
by Bibiana Escobar Garcia & Jorge Eduardo Vasquez Santamaria - 204-221 Rural entrepreneurship: Between economic objectives and traditional culture
by Gabriel Pricina - 222-239 Rural non-farm economy in India: A study of Uttar Pradesh
by Aviral Pandey & Rakesh Raman - 240-255 Tourism, identity and economy in a Magyar village from Romania
by Alexandru Iorga - 256-265 Austerity - the trigger for waves of contention in romania
by Ruxandra Gubernat & Henry Rammelt - 266-277 Perspectives on the limitation of the right to abortion during 1966-1989. Case study: Teleorman county
by Mihaela Cristina Udvuleanu - 278-302 Employment policies for the young people infected with HIV/AIDS
by Oana Banu - 303-321 Buddhism: Rethinking sexual misconduct
by Huai BAO - 322-334 Fundaments in the paradigm of desistance
by Andreea Faur & Gabriel Oancea - 335-339 Book review. Between opportunities and risks: The offer of social economy in Bucharest-Ilfov and south-east regions of development
by Corina Cace & Victor Nicolaescu
2012, Issue 1
- 5-17 Theoretical debates on the concept of "gender equality"
by Cristina Radoi - 18-35 Women's work participation in labour market in contemporary India
by Reena Kumari & Aviral Pandey - 36-50 Parenting and social roles in Turkish traditional families: Issues and choices in parenting for Turkish expatriate families living in Bucharest
by Ahmet Ecirli - 51-70 Applied sociology and human resources development strategies a project in Apuseni mountains (Romania)
by Calina Ana Butiu & Mihai Pascaru - 71-89 Transnational corporations and local economic growth in china - a comparative case study of Ningbo and Wenzhou
by Zhu Ruolei - 90-109 Financing of the regional policy and of the cohesion policy in the European union through structural instruments
by Adela Dorobantu