Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 201805 Public research in Nanotechnology in Piedmont (Italy)
by Ugo Finardi - 201804 Le tecnologie di Industria 4.0 e le PMI/Technologies of Industry 4.0 and SMEs
by Angelo Bonomi - 201803 Overcoming sustainability barriers through Formalized Network Contracts (FNCs): the experience of Italian SMEs
by Laura Corazza & Maurizio Cisi & Greta Falavigna - 201802 A new taxonomy of rewards in public administration for management implications
by Mario Coccia & Igor Benati - 201801 The role of collective remittances in community development: the case of Hometown Associations
by Barbara Bonciani
- 201714 La correlazione tra PD ed LGD nell’analisi del rischio di credito/The correlation between probability of default and loss given default in the credit risk analysis
by Franco Varetto - 201713 L’Alterità nel “Terzo Paesaggio”: una risorsa di sostenibilità socio-territoriale. Gli stranieri residenti nella Valle del Turano, fonte di rinascita tra innovazione e tradizione. Presentazione progetto di ricerca etnografica/The otherness in the “Tierce paysage”: a resource for social and environmental sustainability. The foreigners who reside in the Valle de Turano (RI), a source of rebirth between innovation and local tradition. Working paper of an ethnographic research
by Brunella Bonetti - 201712 Long time series of highly cited articles: an empirical study
by Ugo Finardi - 201711 Un’analisi multidimensionale della sostenibilità per l’agricoltura familiare. Il caso dell’area amazzonica peruviana/A multidimensional assessment of sustainability for small farming production. The case study of the Peruvian Amazon
by Andrea Pronti & Flavio Bertinaria - 201710 Cosa s’intende per sostenibilità economica? Riflessione sul significato di sistema economicamente sostenibile/What is meant by economic ustainability? Reflection on the definition of today’s concept of sustainability
by Giuseppe Cornelli - 201709 Supportare la ricerca e l’innovazione in sanità tramite i modelli organizzativi: il caso dell’Azienda Ospedaliera “SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo” di Alessandria/Supporting research and innovation in health by organizational models: the case study of the General Hospital "SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo" of Alessandria
by Greta Falavigna & Roberto Ippoliti & Marinella Bertolotti & Franca Riva & Antonio Maconi - 201708 Technostress.Test di valutazione: il modello SOGI/Technostress. Evaluation test: SOGI Model
by Oriana Ippoliti & Silvio Giovarruscio - 201707 Agroecologia e agricoltura convenzionale a confronto. Un’analisi di sostenibilità socio-economica e ambientale nella produzione familiare di caffè in Brasile/Comparing agroecology and conventional agriculture. A socio-economic and environmental sustainability analysis in coffee smallholding production in Brazil
by Andrea Pronti - 201706 A mathematical toy model of R&D process. How this model may be useful in studying territorial development
by Angelo Bonomi - 201705 General purpose technologies in dynamic systems: visual representation and analyses of complex drivers
by Mario Coccia - 201704 Disruptive technologies and competitive advantage of firms in dynamic markets
by Mario Coccia - 201703 The role of culture in urban contexts
by Giuseppe Cornelli - 201702 A technological model of the R&D process and its implications with scientific research and socio-economic activities
by Angelo Bonomi - 201701 The relation between typologies of executive and technological performances of nations
by Mario Coccia
- 201606 Fame e abbondanza. Il glossario. Scelte lessicologiche, criteri di lemmatizzazione e analisi testuale [Famine and feast. The glossary. Lexicology choices, lemmatization criteria and textual analysis]
by Grazia Biorci & Greta Falavigna - 201605 L’agroecologia come nuovo paradigma per l’agricoltura sostenibile. Un breve quadro teorico. [Agroecology as a new paradigm for sustainable agriculture. A short theoretical framework]
by Andrea Pronti - 201604 L’ALBERO DEL RISCHIO: RELAZIONI STOCASTICHE (ELEMENTARI) TRA GLI INDICATORI DI BILANCIO [The tree of risk: (elementary) stochastic relations between financial ratios]
by Franco Varetto - 201603 Technology modelling and technology innovetion. How a technology model may be useful in studying the innovation process
by Angelo Bonomi & Mario Andrea Marchisio - 201602 Individual Disadvantage and Training Policies: The Makings of "Model-based" Composite Indicators
by Rosanna Cataldo & Maria Gabriella Grassia & Natale Carlo Lauro & Elena Ragazzi & Lisa Sella - 201601 Le ferriere genovesi in età preindustriale: aspetti tecnici, innovazioni e declino [Genoese ironworks in preindustrial age: techniques, innovations and decline]
by Giovanni Ghiglione
- 201504 Microeconomia in incertezza: un quadro di riferimento per l’analisi dei rischi d’impresa [MICROECONOMICS UNDER UNCERTAINTY: A FRAMEWORK FOR THE ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS RISKS]
by Franco Varetto - 201503 Nanotechnologies for textiles, fabrics and clothing: an overview of the scientific literature on the topic
by Ugo Finardi - 201501 Politiche di sostegno al settore agroindustriale in Piemonte: una valutazione controfattuale [Supporting agro-food enterprises in Piedmont: a counterfactual evaluation]
by Sara Pavone & Elena Ragazzi & Lisa Sella
- 201502 La carta dal mare: il porto di Livorno e la competitività del distretto cartario di Lucca [Paper from the sea: The Livorno port and the paper-processing district of Lucca]
by Barbara Bonciani & Alga Foschi & Giampaolo Vitali