- 200102 Waste Water Purification In Italy: Costs And Structure Of The Technology
by Giovanni Fraquelli & Roberto Giandrone - 200101 Competitività E Divari Di Efficienza Nell'Industria Italiana
by Giovanni Fraquelli & Piercarlo Frigero & Fulvio Sugliano
- 200016 The Public Transit Systems In Italy: A Critical Analysis Of The Regulatory Framework
by Massimiliano Piacenza - 200015 Multinational Strategies and Outward-Processing Trade between Italy and the CEECs: The Case of Textile-Clothing
by Giovanni Balcet & Giampaolo Vitali - 200014 Italian Corporate Governance, Investment, and Finance
by Robert Carpenter & Laura Rondi - 200013 Multinational Firms In Italy: Trends In The Manufacturing Sector
by Giovanna Segre - 200012 Organizational identity and corporate image of the National Council of Researches (CNR) in Piedmont-Italy
by Paolo Enria - 200011 Effects of mergers and acquisitions: a critical survey of the empirical evidence
by Luigi Benfratello - 200010 INVESTMENT, CASH FLOW AND MANAGERIAL DISCRETION IN STATE-OWNED FIRMS-Evidence across soft and hard budget constraints
by Elisabetta Bertero & Laura Rondi - 200009 The Employment Effects of Innovation. Evidence from a Sample of Italian Manufacturing Firms
by Marina Di Giacomo - 200008 Privatisation: is it a real threat for managers?
by Giovanni Fraquelli - 200007 Foreign Direct Investment and Trade in the EU: Are They Complementary or Substitute in Business Cycles Fluctuations?
by Giovanna Segre - 200006 Satisfaction, Work Involvement and R&D Performance
by Mario Coccia - 200005 Syn Method as a Tool to Measure the Endogenous Performance in the R&D Organizations
by Mario Coccia - 200004 The perception of quality in research institutions
by Gian Franco Corio - 200003 The mission of top management in health companies
by Gian Franco Corio - 200002 Industrial Poles and Local Development: a Survey on Food Technologies in the Mezzogiorno of Italy
by Francesco Leone - 200001 Technology Transfer: Spatial Analysis
by Mario Coccia
- 199915 Determinants And Effects Of Mergers And Acquisitions: An Analysis Based On The Notifications To Antitrust Authorities
by Luigi Benfratello - 199914 Beyond Profitability: Effects Of Acquisitions On Technical Efficiency And Productivity In The Italian Pasta Industry
by Luigi Benfratello - 199913 Technology Transfer: Users Analysis
by Mario Coccia - 199912 A Mathematical Model for Performance Evaluation in the R&D Laboratories: Theory and Application in Italy
by Mario Coccia - 199911 Technology Transfer on Trial: some Cases in the Piedmont Region
by Mario Coccia - 199910 The entry mode choice of EU leading companies (1987-1997)
by Giampaolo Vitali - 199909 Systemic Analysis of Performance in Research Organizations
by Mario Coccia - 199908 Structure and evolution of an industrial district of Piedmont: the production of kitchenware in the Cusio area
by Alessandra Ressico - 199907 Tacit Transfer of Knowledge:Cnr Institutes of Turin Research Area
by Mario Coccia - 199906 New Technology Based-Firms in Italia: analisi di un campione di imprese triestine
by Annamaria Gimigliano - 199905 Privatization in Italy: an analysis of factors productivity and technical efficiency
by Giovanni Fraquelli & Fabrizio Erbetta - 199904 Developing innovation in small-medium suppliers: evidence from the Italian car industry
by Giuseppe Calabrese - 199903 Empirical Studies of Vertical Integration: the Transaction Cost Orthodoxy
by Davide Vannoni - 199902 Technology Transfer and Self-Financing: the Case of CNR Institutes in Piedmont
by Mario Coccia - 199901 The Evaluation Of The Local Innovation Policy:The Case Of The Innovation Centres In Italy
by Monica Cariola & Secondo Rolfo
- 199809 Multidimensional Performance in Telecommunications, Regulation and Competition: Analysing the European Major Players
by Giovanni Fraquelli & Davide Vannoni - 199808 The R&D Evaluation in Italy: a survey of the CNR experience and a proposal fur alternative approach
by Domiziano Boschi - 199807 Managerial discretion and investment decisions of state-owned firms: Evidence from a panel of italian companies
by Elisabetta Bertero & Laura Rondi - 199806 The diversified firm: non formal theories versus formal models
by Davide Vannoni - 199805 98 S.E.M. and the changing structure of eu manufacturing, 1987-1993
by Stephen Davies & Laura Rondi & Alessandro Sembenelli - 199804 Imports-Competition-Single European Market
by Anna Bottasso - 199802 Before and after privatization: a comparison between competitive firms
by Giovanni Fraquelli - 199801 Some preliminary consideration about multimedia instruments market
by Paolo Vaglio
- 199720 Capital Markets Imperfections And Markups Cyclicality: An Empirical Analysis On Firm Level Data In Italy
by Anna Bottasso - 199719 Structure and activity of innovation centres: advantages and limits of the Italian experience
by Monica Cariola - 199718 M&A strategy of large companies in Europe: preliminary results from the Ceris database "100 top EU firms' Acquisition/Divestment database 1987-1993"
by Giampaolo Vitali & Marco Orecchia - 199717 Investment, Financial Factors and Business Fluctuations
by Laura Rondi & Alessandro Sembenelli - 199716 Quality in the public utilities: limits of the UNI EN 29000 regulations in the health care
by Efisio Ibba - 199715 Customer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction: Aspects And Measures
by Maria Teresa Morana - 199714 Costs And Structure Of Technology In The Italian Water Industry
by Paola Fabbri & Giovanni Fraquelli - 199713 Costs, Technology And Ownership Form Of Natural Gas Distribution In Italy
by Giovanni Fraquelli & Roberto Giandrone - 199712 Industrial Districts and Innovation: the Limits of the Local Technological Systems
by Secondo Rolfo & Giampaolo Vitali - 199711 Does debt discipline state-owned firms? Evidence from a panel of Italian firms
by Elisabetta Bertero & Laura Rondi - 199710 European Integration And Leading Firms’ Entry And Exit Strategies
by Stephen Davies & Laura Rondi & Alessandro Sembenelli - 199709 National and regional aids for small and medium firms in innovation and qualty
by Giuseppe Calabrese - 199708 Technology And Productivity In Italian Electric Municipal Firms
by Giovanni Fraquelli & Piercarlo Frigero - 199707 Competitive Capability And Structural Evolution In The Specialised Suppliers Industries: The Case Of The Packaging Machinery
by Secondo Rolfo & Paolo Vaglio - 199706 The Impact Of Financing Constraints On Markups: Theory And Evidence From Italian Firm Level Data
by Anna Bottasso & Marzio Galeotti & Alessandro Sembenelli - 199705 Innovation in the Industrial Districts. A Critical Survey of Literature
by Elena Ragazzi - 199704 Buyer-supplier best practices in product development: evidence from car industry
by Giuseppe Calabrese - 199703 Reorganising the Product and Process Development
by Giuseppe Calabrese - 199702 Total Quality And Work Organisation In Health Care Firms
by Gianfranco Corio - 199701 Multinationality, Diversification And Firm Size An Empirical Analysis Of Europe'S Leading Firms
by Stephen Davies & Laura Rondi & Alessandro Sembenelli
- 199623 Firms’ Financial Structure And Real Decisions: A Critical Survey Of The Empirical Literature
by Anna Bottasso - 199622 Innovation Policies In France
by Elena Ragazzi - 199621 Research, Innovation And Market: The New Policy Of The Uk
by Secondo Rolfo - 199620 The Central Role Of Innovation Within The National And Regional Public Intervention In Germany
by Secondo Rolfo - 199619 The Italian Goldsmith Industry: The Development Relieson Exports
by Anna Maria Gaibisso & Elena Ragazzi - 199618 The Evaluation Of Technology Policy: A Survey And A Classification Of Main European Experiences
by Domiziano Boschi - 199617 Shareholders’ Voting Power And Block Transaction Premia: An Empirical Analysis Of Italian Listed Companies
by Giovanna Nicodamo & Alessandro Sembenelli - 199616 Introduction Of Total Quality In Hospital Firms Expectations And Opinions Of The Middle Management
by Gianfranco Corio - 199615 [An Instrument Of Innovation Policy: The Technology Foresight
by Secondo Rolfo - 199612 The Directions Of Diversification In Italian Manufacturing
by Davide Vannoni - 199611 Le Decisioni Di Entrata E Di Uscita: Evidenze Empiriche Sui Maggiori Gruppi Italiani
by Alessandro Sembenelli & Davide Vannoni - 199610 Dati Disaggregati E Analisi Della Struttura Industriale: La Matrice Europea Delle Quote Di Mercato
by Laura Rondi - 199609 Technological Innovation and International Competitivity: Is there a future for Italian Districts and Local Economic Systems?
by Secondo Rolfo - 199608 Verso La Riconversione Di Settori Utilizzatori Di Amianto:Risultati Di Un'Indagine Sul Campo
by Marisa Gerbi Sethi & Salvatore Marino & Maria Zittino - 199607 Accordi, Joint-Venture E Investimenti Diretti Dell’Industria Italiana Nella Csi: Un’Analisi Qualitativa
by Giampaolo Vitali & Chiara Monti - 199606 I Nuovi Scenari Competitivi Nell'Industria Delle Telecomunicazioni:Le Principali Esperienze Internazionali
by Paola Fabbri - 199605 Privatizzazioni: Meccanismi Di Collocamento Ed Assetti Proprietari. Il Caso Stet
by Paola Fabbri - 199604 Coerenza D'Impresa E Diversificazione Settoriale: Un'Applicazione Alle Società Leaders Nell'Industria Manifatturiera Europea
by Marco Orecchia - 199603 Un contributo al dibattito sul metodo normalizzato per la determinazione della tariffa del servizio idrico integrato
by Giovanni Fraquelli & Paola Fabbri - 199602 L’analisi e la valutazione della soddisfazione degli utenti interni:un’applicazione nell’ambito dei servizi sanitari
by Maria Teresa Morana - 199601 Aspetti E Misure Della Produttività. Un'Analisi Statistica Su Tre Aziende Elettriche Europee
by Donatella Cangialosi
- 199507 Panel Ceris Su Dati Di Impresa: Aspetti Metodologici E Istruzioni Per L’Uso
by Alessandro Sembenelli & Diego Margon & Davide Vannoni - 199506 Strategie Di Crescita Esterna Nel Sistema Bancario Italiano: Un'Analisi Empirica 1987-1994
by Giampaolo Vitali & Stefano Olivero - 199504 Explaining Corporate Structure:The Md Matrix, Product Differentiation And Size Of Market
by Alessandro Sembenelli & Laura Rondi & Stephen W. Davies - 199503 Restructuring product development and production networks: Fiat Auto
by Giuseppe Calabrese - 199502 Regulation Of The Electric Supply Industry In Italy
by Elena Ragazzi & Giovanni Fraquelli - 199501 Form Of Ownership And Financial Constraints: Panel Data Evidence On Leverage And Investment Choices By Italian Firms
by Alessandro Sembenelli & Fabio Schiantarelli
- 199404 Fiat Auto: A Simultaneous Engineering Experience
by Giuseppe Calabrese - 199403 Perche' Le Matrici Intersettoriali Per Misurare L'Integrazione Verticale ?
by Davide Vannoni - 199402 Scelte cooperative in attività di ricerca e sviluppo
by Marco Orecchia - 199401 Una Politica Industriale Per Gli Investimenti Esteri In Italia:Alcune Riflessioni
by Giampaolo Vitali
- 199305 Firms' Financial And Real Responses To Business Cycle Shocks And Monetary Tightening: Evidence For Large And Small Italian Companies
by Alessandro Sembenelli & Laura Rondi & Fabio Schiantarelli & Brian Sack - 199304 The Italian Machine Tool Industry
by Secondo Rolfo - 199303 The uk machine tool industry
by Alessandro Sembenelli & Paul Simpson - 199302 The Machine Tool Industry In Japan
by Giampaolo Vitali - 199301 Spanish Machine Tool Industry
by Giuseppe Calabrese
- 201425 Vocational training and labour market: inclusion or segregation paths? An integrated approach on immigrant trainees in Piedmont
by Falavigna Falavigna & Elena Ragazzi & Lisa Sella - 201422 The impact of Rural Development Program on the economic performances of agro-food industry: the results of a counterfactual analysis in Piedmont, Italy
by Elena Pagliarino & Monica Cariola & Sara Pavone & Alessandro Manello - 201418 Labour productivity and social network metrics in scientific research
by Greta Falavigna & Alessandro Manello - 201415 Bridging Organizations between University and Industry: from Science to Contract Research
by Angelo Bonomi - 201406 Explaining the efficiency of Italian car suppliers during the crisis
by Alessandro Manello & Giuseppe Calabrese & Piercarlo Frigero - 201403 Italy’s New Requirements for Academic Careers: The New Habilitation and its Worthiness
by Giulio Marini - 201402 The role of inter-organizational proximity on the evolution of the European Aerospace R&D collaboration network
by Pier Paolo Angelini