Winter 1982, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-13 Moving towards World Pricing for Oil and Gas
by Terrence E. Daniel & Henry M. Goldberg - 14-23 Resolving the Energy Conflict: From the National Energy Program to the Energy Agreements
by John F. Helliwell & Robert N. McRae - 24-27 Introduction [Reforming Regulation/R´forme de la réglementation]
by Anonymous - 28-34 A Consumer Perspective
by H. N. Janisch - 35-39 The Economic Council's Assessment, and the Future
by J. Laurent Thibault - 40-44 A Federal-Provincial Affairs Perspective
by Tex Enemark - 45-56 Communication, Property Rights, and Broadcasting Vouchers
by Jonah Goldstein - 57-68 Reflections on a Canadian Bill of Economic Rights
by Herbert G. Grubel - 69-79 Politics, Public Administration and Canada's Aging Population
by Kenneth Kernaghan - 80-87 Public Policy and the Intercity Bus Industry in Canada
by G. B. Reschenthaler - 88-94 Exploring the Ideology of Canadian Multiculturalism
by Lance W. Roberts & Rodney A. Clifton - 95-102 Is Tax-Based Incomes Policy an Answer? [The Challenge of Inflation and Unemployment in Canada during the 1980s: Would a Tax-Based Incomes Policy Help?]
by Jong S. You - 102-105 A Rejoinder [The Challenge of Inflation and Unemployment in Canada during the 1980s: Would a Tax-Based Incomes Policy Help?]
by Ronald G. Bodkin - 106-113 Language Legislation and Male-Female Earnings Differentials in Quebec
by Daniel M. Shapiro & Morton Stelcner - 114-121 The Nov. Budget: A Turning Point?
by M. C. McCracken & Peter E. Gunther - 122-128 Newfoundland: From Dependency to Self Reliance: Review Article
by Ian McAllister
July 1981, Volume 7, Issue s1
- 143-148 The Challenge of Inflation and Unemployment
by S. Q. Lemche - 149-154 Le Defi de l'Inflation et du Chomage
by S. Q. Lemche - 155-164 The Stagflationary Effects of Higher Energy Prices in an Open Economy
by John F. Helliwell - 165-178 Do We Need Separate Theories of Inflation and Unemployment?
by John Cornwall - 179-188 Inflation and Unemployment in an Open Economy: A Monetarist View
by David Laidler - 189-203 Inflation, Stagflation and Macroeconomics: Does Received Macro-Theory Explain Our Economic Circumstances?
by S. F. Kaliski - 204-214 The Challenge of Inflation and Unemployment in Canada during the 1980s: Would a Tax-Based Incomes Policy Help?
by Ronald G. Bodkin - 215-217 Introduction [Has Monetarism Failed?]
by David Laidler - 218-220 Introduction [Le Monetarisme a-t-il Echoue?]
by David Laidler - 221-232 The Failure of Monetarism in Theory and Policy
by Clarence L. Barber & John C. P. McCallum - 233-238 Monetarism: A Costly Experiment
by Douglas D. Peters & Arthur W. Donner - 239-248 The Attack on Monetarism: Muddled and Misdirected?
by Thomas J. Courchene - 249-259 The Battle against Inflation: The Bank of Canada and Its Critics
by Ronald G. Wirick - 260-264 Has Monetarism Failed: A Central Banker Responds
by G. E. Freeman
Autumn 1981, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 496-497 Introduction [Regional Economic Disparities]
by Anonymous - 498-499 Introduction [Disparites Economiques Regionales]
by Anonymous - 500-505 Regional Economic Disparities: The Challenge to Federalism and Public Policy
by David M. Cameron - 506-518 A Market Perspective on Regional Disparities
by Thomas J. Courchene - 519-525 Regional Disparity, Migration and Economic Adjustment: A Reappraisal
by Mario Polese - 526-533 A Reconsideration of Ontario Nickel Policy
by Robert D. Cairns - 534-549 Income Control Policies and Industrial Relations in Canada
by R. W. Crowley - 550-558 Reforming Canada's Retirement Income System: The Potential Role of RRSPs
by Michael J. Daly - 559-568 Compulsory Patent Licensing of Drugs in Canada: A Comment on the Debate
by Paul K. Gorecki & Ida Henderson - 569-583 The Pros and Cons of a National Export Trading House
by Charles J. McMillan - 584-595 Government Policy and Indian Urbanization: The Alberta Case
by W. Reeves & J. Frideres - 596-603 Steps to Improve International Economic Policy Co-ordination
by Grant L. Reuber - 604-616 Research and Development by Multinational and Domestic Firms in Canada
by Alan M. Rugman - 617-621 Was the 1979 Federal Budget Deficit Too Large? A Comment
by Munir A. Sheikh & Patrick Grady - 621-623 A Reply [Was the 1979 Federal Budget Deficit Too Large?]
by Joseph Schaafsma
Summer 1981, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 378-380 Introduction [The Social Discount Rate for Canada: A Further Analysis]
by Anonymous - 380-382 Introduction [Le choix d'un taux d'actualisation social au Canada: Un prolongement de l'analyse]
by Anonymous - 383-394 The Social Discount Rate for Canada: Theory and Evidence
by David F. Burgess - 395-398 Shadow-Prices for the Economic Appraisal of Public Sector Expenditures
by Harry F. Campbell - 399-407 The Public-Sector Discount Rate for Canada: Some Further Observations
by Glenn P. Jenkins - 408-417 The Appropriate Fiscal Transfer to the Northwest Territories: A Structure
by James M. Dean - 418-432 Canadian Competition Policy at a Crossroads
by Christopher Green - 433-443 A Dilemma of Nuclear Regulation in Canada: Political Control and Public Confidence
by P. Roff Johannson & J. C. Thomas - 444-453 Canada's Irregular Economy
by Rolf Mirus & Roger S. Smith - 454-463 Housing Assistance: A Re-evaluation
by Lawrence B. Smith - 464-468 Pay Boards versus Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector: A Dissent
by W. B. Cunningham - 469-471 Reply [Pay Boards versus Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector]
by Sandra Christensen - 472-475 Electrification Is the Way to Move Canada in the 1980s
by Les Benjamin & Darrell Richards
Spring 1981, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 268-283 Two Alternative Explanations of the Problem of Regional Dependency in Canada
by Ralph Matthews - 284-296 The Politics of Approval: Regulating Land Use on the Urban Fringe
by Stuart B. Proudfoot - 297-305 An Analysis of Some Problems in Re-Orienting University Research
by Ian Chapman & Chummer Farina - 306-317 The Impact of the PARCOST Program on Prescription Drug Prices in Ontario
by Robert R. Kerton & Tapan K. Chowdhury - 318-327 Economic Policy and Electoral Self Interest: The Allocations of the Department of Regional Economic Expansion
by Bruce D. Macnaughton & Conrad J. Winn - 328-337 Giving by not Taking: A Primer on Tax Expenditures
by Kevin McLoughlin & Stuart B. Proudfoot - 338-342 Comment on 'Diagnosing Labour Market Imbalances in Canada.'
by Frank T. Denton - 343-347 Three Fiscal Irritants in Confederation
by Antal Deutsch - 348-351 The Impact of Demographic Changes on Unemployment
by Frank Reid & Douglas A. Smith
Winter 1981, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Federal Budget and Energy Program, October 28th, 1980: A Review
by Brian L. Scarfe - 15-23 The National Energy Conflict
by John F. Helliwell & Robert N. McRae - 24-27 Introduction [The Impact of Higher Energy Prices/L'Impact de prix de l'énergie plus élevés]
by Anonymous - 28-35 The Impact of Higher Energy Prices in Canada
by W. F. Empey - 35-38 On Interpreting Simulations with a Macroeconometric Model: Comment [The Impact of Higher Enery Prices in Canada]
by Gregory V. Jump - 39-41 The Impact of Higher Energy Prices in Canada: Comment
by Harry Baumann & Russell Irvine & Bertrand Paquet - 42-49 The Impact of Higher Energy Prices in Canada: Comment
by Don Drummond & Patrick Grady - 50-52 What Is the Impact of Higher Energy Prices? Comment [The Impact of Higher Energy Prices in Canada]
by M. C. McCracken & W. D. Jarvis - 52-58 The Impact of Higher Energy Prices in Canada: Comment
by John Lester - 59-65 The Impact of Higher Energy Prices in Canada: Comment
by P. Muller & W. R. White - 66-74 The Constitution as Regulation: The Case of Natural Resources
by Robert D. Cairns - 75-81 A Limited Corrective to Plurality Voting
by W. M. Dobell - 82-93 Mortgage Policies for Financial Relief in Inflationary Periods
by Jonathan R. Kesselman - 94-102 Diagnosing Labour Market Imbalances in Canada
by Keith Newton & Gordon Betcherman & Noah Meltz - 103-107 Extra-Billing and Cost-Sharing
by Lee Soderstrom - 107-114 Medical Fee Determination
by Glen Beck & John Horne - 108-114 Medical Fee Determination
by Glen Beck & John Horne - 115-118 Inflation and the Standard of Living of Pensioners: A Case Study
by Joseph Schaafsma - 119-122 The Financing of Residential Construction in Newfoundland
by Andy Rowe
February 1980, Volume 6, Issue s1
- 141-148 The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund
by Roger S. Smith - 149-157 The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund: Introduction et sythèse
by Roger S. Smith - 158-165 The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund: An Overview of the Issues
by A. F. Collins - 166-177 The Optimal Savings Question: An Alberta Perspective
by Brian L. Scarfe & T. L. Powrie - 177-179 Comment on the Collins [The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund: An Overview of the Issues] and Scarfe/Powrie [The Optimal Savings Question: An Alberta Perspective] Papers
by Scott Goldsmith - 179-181 Comment on the Collins [The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund: An Overview of the Issues] and Scarfe/Powrie [The Optimal Savings Question: An Alberta Perspective] Papers
by John F. Helliwell - 182-191 Natural Resource Revenues and Canadian Federalism: A Survey of the Issues
by Richard Simeon - 192-204 Energy Revenues: Consequences for the Rest of Canada
by Thomas J. Courchene & James R. Melvin - 205-206 Comment on the Simeon [Natural Resource Revenues and Canadian Federalism: A Survey of the Issues] and Courchene/Melvin [Energy Revenues: Consequences for the Rest of Canada] Papers
by F. C. Engelmann - 206-210 Comment on the Simeon [Natural Resource Revenues and Canadian Federalism: A Survey of the Issues] and Courchene/Melvin [Energy Revenues: Consequences for the Rest of Canada] Papers
by Anthony Scott - 210-212 Comment on the Simeon [Natural Resource Revenues and Canadian Federalism: A Survey of the Issues] and Courchene/Melvin [Energy Revenues: Consequences for the Rest of Canada] Papers
by Bruce W. Wilkinson - 213-220 Province-Building vs. a Rentier Society
by Melville L. McMillan & Kenneth H. Norrie - 221-228 Industrial Diversification in Alberta: Some Problems and Policies
by S. E. Drugge & Terrence S. Veeman - 229-230 Comment on the McMillan/Norrie [Province-Building vs. a Rentier Society] and Drugge/Veeman [Industrial Diversification in Alberta: Some Problems and Policies] Papers
by Gilles G. Cloutier - 231-233 Comment on the McMillan/Norrie [Province-Building vs. a Rentier Society] and Drugge/Veeman [Industrial Diversification in Alberta: Some Problems and Policies] Papers
by Robert L. Mansell - 234-235 Comment on the McMillan/Norrie [Province-Building vs. a Rentier Society] and Drugge/Veeman [Industrial Diversification in Alberta: Some Problems and Policies] Papers
by John Vanderkamp - 236-244 Opportunities for Portfolio Diversification
by Rolf Mirus - 245-248 The Effect of the AHSTF on Capital Markets
by Andrew G. Kniewasser - 249-251 Comment on the Mirus [Opportunities for Portfolio Diversification] and Kniewasser [The Effect of the AHSTF on Capital Markets] Papers
by John Grant - 251-253 Comment on the Mirus [Opportunities for Portfolio Diversification] and Kniewaser [The Effect of the AHSTF on Capital Markets] Papers
by Stephen A. Jarislowsky - 254-264 The Politics of Accountability: Executive Discretion and Democratic Control
by L. R. Pratt & Allan Tupper - 265-274 Political Constraints and the Province-Building Objective
by Garth Stevenson - 275-277 Comment on the Pratt/Tupper [The Politics of Accountability: Executive Discretion and Democratic Control] and Stevenson [Political Constraints and the Province-Building Objective] Papers
by Douglas G. Hartle - 277-279 Comment on the Pratt/Tupper [The Politics of Accountability: Executive Discretion and Democratic Control] and Stevenson [Political Constraints and the Province-Building Objective] Papers
by Donald V. Smiley - 279-280 Comment on the Pratt/Tupper [The Politics of Accountability: Executive Discretion and Democratic Control] and Stevenson [Political Constraints and the Province-Building Objective] Papers
by William Thorsell
Autumn 1980, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 574-583 The Impact on the Quebec Economy of a Disruption of Trade Relations between Quebec and Its Major Trading Partners
by A. Anastasopoulos & L. Brault & William A. Sims - 584-590 Reverse Annuity Mortgages as a Source of Retirement Income
by Henry Bartel & Michael Daly - 591-604 Agricultural Land Regulation in Several Canadian Provinces
by C. E. Bray - 605-613 Pay Boards versus Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector
by Sandra Christensen - 614-627 Canadian Nuclear Export Policy and the Problems of Proliferation
by James F. Keeley - 628-641 Canadian Aid in the Commonwealth Caribbean: Neo-Colonialism or Development?
by Ralph R. Paragg - 642-647 Do Minorities Participate in Canada's Old Age Security Programs? A Case Study of the Chinese
by Derek Hum & Ellen Chan - 648-650 Comments on the Public-Sector Discount Rate: Response to Jenkins [Benefit-Cost Analysis in Canadian Practice]
by M. T. Sumner - 651-654 Comment on Energy Self-Sufficiency
by Ted Schrecker - 655-661 L'autosuffisance et la politique des prix petroliers au Canada
by Antoine Ayoub - 662-667 Will Federal Centralization Help the Poor? Comment [How Should the Redistributive Power of the State be Divided between Federal and Provincial Governments?]
by Edwin G. West - 667-669 A Reply [How Should the Redistributive Power of the State be Divided between Federal and Provincial Governments?]
by Dan Usher - 670-677 Arbitration and the Medical Profession: A Comment on the Hall Report
by Pran Manga - 678-682 Perspectives on Power: Views on the Report of the Royal Commission on Corporate Concentration
by Donald N. Thompson
Summer 1980, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 430-434 Introduction [Energy Self-Sufficiency/L'Autosuffisance en matière d'energie]
by Anonymous - 435-443 Energy Self-Sufficiency: Possible and Desirable?
by William A. Ross - 444-453 Canada: A Soft Path in a Hard Country
by David B. Brooks & Robert C. Paehlke - 454-462 The Prospects for Canadian Self-Sufficiency in Oil over the Next Decade
by John McNicholas - 463-471 Oil Self-Sufficiency for Canada?
by Ronald S. Ritchie - 472-480 Energy Self-Sufficiency: A Realistic and Desirable Goal?
by F. W. Gorbet - 481-488 Prerequisites of a Self-Sufficiency Debate
by John A. Olthuis - 489-491 Introduction [Quebec options/Les Option pour le Québec]
by Anonymous - 492-505 Consitutional Reform Canadian-Style: An Economic Perspective
by Robin Boadway & Kenneth H. Norrie - 506-520 Lecture du Livre blanc et du Livre beige selon une perspective 'super-federaliste'
by Gerard Bergeron - 521-532 The Implications of Established Program Finance for National Health Insurance
by Malcolm C. Brown - 533-541 Industrial Development and Port Activity in Halifax-Dartmouth
by G. B. Norcliffe - 542-544 Some Economic Implications of the Projected Age Structure of Canada: Comment
by Keith Patterson - 544-545 Some Economic Implications of the Projected Age Structure of Canada: Comment
by Paul Barker - 546-548 Some Economic Implications of the Projected Age Structure of Canada: A Reply
by Neil B. Ridler - 549-555 Discount Rates for Economic Appraisal of Public Sector Expenditures
by Glenn P. Jenkins - 556-559 Was the 1979 Federal Budget Deficit too Large?
by Joseph Schaafsma
Spring 1980, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 281-282 Introduction [Inflation in the 1970s/L'inflation dans les années 70]
by Anonymous - 282-282 Introduction [L'inflation dans les années 70]
by Anonymous - 283-299 Unemployment and Inflation: An Assessment of Canadian Macroeconomic Policy
by Frank Reid - 300-306 Food Price Increases and Inflation
by Norman E. Cameron - 307-312 The Research Output of the Anti-Inflation Board: A Review
by Michael Parkin - 313-324 The Control of Natural Resources through the Trade and Commerce Power and Proprietary Rights
by S. I. Bushnell - 325-341 The Strategic and Economic Implications for the United States of a Sovereign Quebec
by R. B. Byers & David Leyton Brown - 342-351 Federal Governments and University Science Research: A Comparison of Practices in the United States and Canada, 1970-1979
by T. C. Clark - 352-360 Eliminating Mandatory Retirement: Economics and Human Rights
by Morley Gunderson & James E. Pesando - 361-373 Contemporary Canadian Refugee Policy: A Critical Assessment
by Rhoda Howard - 374-388 Gaslight Follies: The Political Economy of the Western Arctic
by Jack C. Stabler & M. R. Olfert - 389-393 Benefit-Cost Analysis in Canadian Practice
by M. T. Sumner - 394-399 The Drury Report: Constitutional Development for Whom?
by Gurston Dacks - 400-401 Fact and Fantasy in the Unity Debate: Rejoinder
by A. Milton Moore - 402-405 One in Three-Pensions for Canadians to 2030: A Review
by James L. Clare
Winter 1980, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction [The Search for a Constitution]
by Anonymous - 3-15 The Individual, Political Tension, and Canada's Quest for a New Constitution
by Edwin G. West & Stanley L. Winer - 16-29 How Should the Redistributive Power of the State be Divided between Federal and Provincial Governments?
by Dan Usher - 30-40 The Effects of Revenue Sharing on the Distribution of Disposable Incomes
by J. Gregory Ballentine & Wayne R. Thirsk - 41-46 Multiculturalism in Canada: A Muddle
by Howard Brotz - 47-62 Bill C-20: An Evaluation from the Perspective of Current Transportation Policy and Regulatory Performance
by Edward J. Chambers & M. James Dunn & David W. Gillen & D. Gordon Tyndall - 63-77 The Federal Ombudsman Legislation: A Critique of Bill C-43
by K. A. Friedmann & A. G. Milne - 78-88 Municipal Arrogance or Economic Rationality: The Case of High Servicing Standards
by Michael A. Goldberg - 89-100 The Farm Products Marketing Agencies Act: A Case Study of Agricultural Policy
by Grace Skogstad - 101-105 Another Labour Market Indicator: Some Estimates and Implications of Labour Hoarding in Canada
by Tom Siedule & Keith Newton - 106-109 A Demographic View on Canadian Language Policy: A Comment
by Richard J. Joy - 107-109 In Defence of Family Allowances
by Constantine Kapsalis - 110-114 Two Cheers for the Eighties: A Review of the ECC Annual Review
by Douglas A. L. Auld - 115-123 Organization without Environment: A Review of Walter Stewart's Paper Juggernaut
by Sandford F. Borins - 124-125 Compte rendu: American Multinationals and American Interests
by Abraham Hollander - 126-129 Regulating the Professions: A Review
by Angus Richard MacMillan
Autumn 1979, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 463-465 Introduction [The Impact of Regulation: Panel Discussion]
by Anonymous - 466-468 Introduction [Les Effets de la Reglementation: Table Ronde]
by Anonymous - 469-474 Comment [Les Effets de la Reglementation: Table Ronde]
by Marcel Boyer - 475-477 Comment [The Impact of Regulation: Panel Discussion]
by Graeme C. Hughes - 478-481 The Impact of Regulation: Discussion
by Robert E. Olley - 482-485 The Impact of Regulation: Discussion
by J. Robert S. Prichard - 486-490 The Impact of Regulation: Discussion
by Richard Schultz - 491-492 The Impact of Regulation: Discussion
by Sylvia Ostry - 493-494 Introduction [The Measurement of Income Distribution]
by Anonymous - 494-496 Introduction [Mesure de la distribution des revenus]
by Anonymous - 497-505 Income Distribution in Canada and the Disaggregation of the Gini Coefficient of Concentration
by Lionel Needleman - 506-509 The Measurement of Income Distribution in Canada: Policy Implications
by M. S. Shedd - 510-517 Income Distribution in Canada: A Reply to Needleman and Shedd
by Donald E. Armstrong & Peter H. Friesen & Danny Miller - 518-532 Public Policy and Technology: Passenger Rail in Canada as an Issue in Modernization
by J. Lukasiewicz - 533-541 Some Economic Implications of the Projected Age Structure of Canada
by Neil B. Ridler - 542-552 La situation demographique et socio-economique des francophones du Quebec: une revue. (With English summary.)
by Francois Vaillancourt - 553-559 Unemployment Insurance: Insurance or Welfare? A Comment [Unemployment Insurance in Canada]
by Constantine Kapsalis - 559-560 A Reply [Unemployment Insurance in Canada]
by Lars Osberg - 561-562 The Language Crisis: An Exchange of Views
by Garth Stevenson - 563-563 The Language Crisis: An Exchange of Views
by Roderic P. Beaujot - 564-566 An Inappropriate Comparison of International Firm Sizes Used by the Royal Commission on Corporate Concentration
by R. Andrew Muller
Summer 1979, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 304-305 Introduction [The Science Council and Industrial Strategy]
by Anonymous - 305-306 Introduction [Le Conseil des Sciences et la Strategie Industrielle]
by Anonymous - 307-317 Weak Links in 'The Weakest Link.'
by Donald J. Daly - 318-335 Foreign Ownership and Industrial Behaviour: A Comment on 'The Weakest Link.'
by A. E. Safarian