- 10/21 Modelling and Forecasting Noisy Realized Volatility
by Manuabu Asai & Michael McAleer & Marcelo C. Medeiros - 10/20 A Trinomial Test for Paired Data When There are Many Ties
by Guorui Bian & Michael McAleer & Wing-Keung Wong - 10/19 Analyzing and Forecasting Volatility Spillovers, Asymmetries and Hedging in Major Oil Markets
by Chia-Lin Chang & Michael McAleer & Roengchai Tansuchat - 10/18 Market Efficiency of Oil Spot and Futures: A Mean-Variance and Stochastic Dominance Approach
by Hooi Hooi Lean & Michael McAleer & Wing-Keung Wong - 10/17 A Note on Log Concave Survivor Functions in Auctions
by Seamus Hogan & Laura Meriluoto - 10/16 How Accurate are Government Forecasts of Economic Fundamentals? The Case of Taiwan
by Chia-Lin Chang & Philip Hans Franses & Michael McAleer - 10/15 A Simple Expected Volatility (SEV) Index: Application to SET50 Index Options
by Michael McAleer & Chatayan Wiphatthanananthakul - 10/14 The Emergence and Evolution of Regional Convergence Clusters in China’s Energy Markets
by Hengyun Ma & Les Oxley - 10/13 IV Estimation of a Panel Threshold Model of Tourism Specialization and Economic Development
by Chia-Lin Chang & Thanchanok Khamkaew & Michael McAleer - 10/12 Are Forecast Updates Progressive?
by Chia-Lin Chang & Philip Hans Franses & Michael McAleer - 10/11 Estimating Price Effects in an Almost Ideal Demand Model of Outbound Thai Tourism to East Asia
by Chia-Lin Chang & Thanchanok Khamkaew & Michael McAleer - 10/10 The Impact of Question Format in Principle of Economics Classes: Evidence from New Zealand
by Stephen Hickson - 10/09 Evaluating Macroeconomic Forecasts: A Review of Some Recent Developments
by Philip Hans Franses & Michael McAleer & Rianne Legerstee - 10/08 Comparing Ambiguous Inferences When Probabilities are Imprecise
by John Fountain & Philip Gunby - 10/07 Does Competition Resolve the Free-Rider Problem in the Voluntary Provision of Impure Public Goods? Experimental Evidence
by Tibor Neugebauer & Maroš Servátka - 10/06 Do We Really Need Both BEKK and DCC? A Tale of Two Multivariate GARCH Models
by Massimiliano Caporin & Michael McAleer - 10/05 Time Series Modelling of Tourism Demand from the USA, Japan and Malaysia to Thailand
by Yaovarate Chaovanapoonphol & Christine Lim & Michael McAleer & Aree Wiboonpongse - 10/04 Conditional Correlations and Volatility Spillovers Between Crude Oil and Stock Index Returns
by Roengchai Tansuchat & Chia-Lin Chang & Michael McAleer - 10/03 Crude Oil Hedging Strategies Using Dynamic Multivariate GARCH
by Roengchai Tansuchat & Chia-Lin Chang & Michael McAleer - 10/02 Aggregation, Heterogeneous Autoregression and Volatility of Daily International Tourist Arrivals and Exchange Rates
by Chia-Lin Chang & Michael McAleer - 10/01 A Note on Nonlinear Cointegration, Misspecification and Bimodality
by M.C. Medeiros & E. Mendes & Les Oxley
- 09/20 Sharing a Risky Cake
by David R. Baqaee - 09/19 An Experimental Study of Bubble Formation in Asset Markets Using the Tâtonnement Pricing Mechanism
by Volodymyr Lugovskyy & Daniela Puzzello & Steven Tucker - 09/18 Estimating Standard Errors For The Parks Model: Can Jackknifing Help?
by W. Robert Reed & Rachel S. Webb - 09/17 An Empirical Analysis of Health and Safety in Employment Sentencing in New Zealand
by Andrea Menclova & Alan Woodfield - 09/16 Gender and Generosity: Does Degree of Anonymity or Group Gender Composition Matter?
by C. Bram Cadsby & Maroš Servátka & Fei Song - 09/15 Bayesian Extreme Value Mixture Modelling for Estimating VaR
by Xin Zhao & Carl John Scarrott & Marco Reale & Les Oxley - 09/14 Unequal Outside Options in the Lost Wallet Game
by Maroš Servátka & Radovan Vadovič - 09/13 How To Pick The Best Regression Equation: A Review And Comparison Of Model Selection Algorithms
by Jennifer L. Castle & Xiaochuan Qin & W. Robert Reed - 09/12 Punishment with Uncertain Outcomes in the Prisoner’s Dilemma
by Peter Duersch & Maroš Servátka - 09/11 Building Trust One Gift at a Time
by Maroš Servátka & Steven Tucker & Radovan Vadovič - 09/10 The Price of everything The Value of Nothing: A (Truly) External Review Of BERL’s Study Of Harmful Alcohol and Drug Use
by Matt Burgess & Eric Crampton - 09/09 The Effect of Neighbourhood Diversity on Volunteering: Evidence from New Zealand
by Jeremy Clark & Bonggeun Kim - 09/08 Do Constructed-Response and Multiple-Choice Questions Measure the Same Thing?
by Stephen Hickson & W. Robert Reed - 09/07 Shocks and Relationships
by Ninghua Du & Maroš Servátka - 09/06 A New Sufficient Condition for Uniqueness in Continuous Games
by Seamus Hogan - 09/05 Extreme Value GARCH modelling with Bayesian Inference
by Les Oxley & Marco Reale & Carl Scarrott & Xin Zhao - 09/04 Innovation in New Zealand: Issues of Firm Size, Local Market Size and Economic Geography
by Philip McCann & Les Oxley & Hong Shangqin - 09/03 Saliency of Outside Options in the Lost Wallet Game
by James C. Cox & Maroš Servátka & Radovan Vadovič - 09/02 China’s Energy Economy: A Survey of the Literature
by Hengyun Ma & Les Oxley - 09/01 China’s Energy Situation and Its Implications in the New Millennium
by Hengyun Ma & Les Oxley & John Gibson
- 08/22 Physical stature and its interpretation in nineteenth century New Zealand
by Kris Inwood & Les Oxley & Evan Roberts - 08/21 Spam - solutions and their problems
by Curtis B. Eaton & Ian A. MacDonald & Laura Meriluoto - 08/20 Existence Advertising, Price Competition, and Asymmetric Market Structure
by Curtis B. Eaton & Ian A. MacDonald & Laura Meriluoto - 08/19 Constructing Structural VAR Models with Conditional Independence Graphs
by Les Oxley & Marco Reale & Granville Tunnicliffe Wilson - 08/18 Words Speak Louder Than Money
by Maroš Servátka & Steven Tucker & Radovan Vadovič - 08/17 On Estimating Marginal Tax Rates and Tax Progressivities for U.S. States
by W. Robert Reed & Cynthia L. Rogers & Mark Skidmore - 08/16 A New Procedure to Test for H Self-Similarity
by Les Oxley & Chris Price & William Rea & Marco Reale - 08/15 Re-inventing New Zealand: Institutions Output and Patents 1870-1939
by David Greasley & Les Oxley - 08/14 Industrial Agglomeration, Geographic Innovation and Total Factor Productivity: The Case of Taiwan
by Chia-Lin Chang & Les Oxley - 08/13 The Empirical Properties of Some Popular Estimators of Long Memory Processes
by Jennifer Brown & Les Oxley & William Rea & Marco Reale - 08/12 Testing for Energy Market Integration in China
by Hengyun Ma & Les Oxley & John Gibson - 08/11 Strategic Use of Trust
by Maroš Servátka & Steven Tucker & Radovan Vadovič - 08/10 Is the Growing Skill Premium a Purely Metropolitan Issue?
by Chul Chung & Jeremy Clark & Bonggeun Kim - 08/09 The Effect of Historical Entitlements in Cooperative Bargaining Over Evironment Policy: An Experimental Test
by Christopher Bruce & Jeremy Clark - 08/08 The Efficiency of Direct Public Involvement in Environmental Policymaking: An Experimental Test
by Christopher Bruce & Jeremy Clark - 08/07 The (non)Theory of the Knowledge Firm
by Paul Walker - 08/06 Does Fairness of the Outside Option Matter?
by Maroš Servátka & Radovan Vadovič - 08/05 Some New Approaches to Forecasting the Price of Electricity: A Study of Californian Market
by Eduardo Mendes & Les Oxley & Marco Reale - 08/04 Long memory or shifting means? A new approach and application to realised volatility
by Eduardo Mendes & Les Oxley & William Rea & Marco Reale - 08/03 The Knowledge Economy/Society: The Latest Example of “Measurement Without Theory”?
by Les Oxley & David Thorns & Paul Walker & Hong Wang - 08/02 The Pastoral Boom, the Rural Land Market, and Long Swings in New Zealand Economic Growth 1873-1939
by David Greasley & Les Oxley - 08/01 China’s Energy Economy: Technical Change, Factor Demand and Interfactor/Interfuel Substitution
by John Gibson & Bongguen Kim & Hengyun Ma & Les Oxley
- 07/06 Understanding Credit Risk: A Classroom Experiment
by Maroš Servátka & George Theocharides - 07/05 The Implementation of Monetary Policy in New Zealand: What Factors Affect the 90-Day Bank Bill Rate?
by Alfred V. Guender & Oyvinn Rimer - 07/04 How Conservative Does the Central Banker Have to Be? On the Treatment of Expectations under Discretionary Policymaking
by Alfred V. Guender - 07/03 Does Generosity Generate Generosity? An Experimental Study of Reputation Effects in a Dictator Game
by Maroš Servátka - 07/02 Boundary Algebra: A Simple Notation for Boolean Algebra and the Truth Functors
by Philip Meguire - 07/01 A Monte Carlo Evaluation of Some Common Panel Data Estimators when Serial Correlation and Cross-sectional Dependence are Both Present
by W. Robert Reed & Haichun Ye
- 06/16 Is There an Exchange Rate Channel in the Forward-Looking Phillips Curve? A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation
by Alfred V. Guender & Yu Xie - 06/15 A Comparative Analysis of the Stabilizing Properties of Nominal Income Growth Targeting
by Alfred V. Guender - 06/14 A Monte Carlo Evaluation of the Efficiency of the PCSE Estimator
by Xiujian Chen & Shu Lin & W. Robert Reed - 06/13 The Robust Relationship Between Taxes and State Economic Growth
by W. Robert Reed - 06/12 The Effects of Unemployment on Childbearing
by Andrea Kutinova - 06/11 What About Mom? The Forgotten Beneficiary of the Medicaid Expansions
by Karen Smith Conway & Andrea Kutinova - 06/10 Paternity Deferments and the Timing of Births: U.S. Natality During the Vietnam War
by Andrea Kutinova - 06/09 Overconfidence in Forecasts of Own Performance: An Experimental Study
by Jeremy Clark & Lana Friesen - 06/08 Paying Vs. Waiting in the Pursuit of Specific Egalitarianism
by Jeremy Clark & Bonggeun Kim - 06/07 Differential Time and Money Pricing as a Mechanism for In-kind Redistribution
by Jeremy Clark & Bonggeun Kim - 06/06 The Causes of Order Effects in Contingent Valuation Surveys: An Experimental Investigation
by Jeremy Clark & Lana Friesen - 06/05 The Determinants of U. S. State Economic Growth: A Less Extreme Bounds Analysis
by W. Robert Reed - 06/04 Another Look at what to do with Time-series Cross-section Data
by Xiujian Chen & Shu Lin & W. Robert Reed - 06/03 Incentives and the Changing Structure of Penalties in New Zealand's Health and Safety in Employment Act
by Paul Gordon & Alan E. Woodfield - 06/02 Ex Ante Liability Rules in New Zealand's Health and Safety in Employment Act: A Law and Economics Analysis
by Paul Gordon & Alan E. Woodfield - 06/01 Piracy Accommodation and the Optimal Timing of Royalty Payments
by Alan E. Woodfield
- 05/04 The Value of Statistical Life and the Economics of Landmine Clearance in Developing Countries
by John Gibson & Sandra Barns & Michael Cameron & Steven Lim & Frank Scrimgeour & John Tressler