2000, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 91-94 The nymphal development of the predatory bug Orius majusculus (Reuter) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) reared on four aphid species
by Pavel Hejzlar & Jan Kabíček - 95-100 (E,Z)-7,9-Dodecadien-1-yl acetate acts as attractant for males of the genus Idaea (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Sterrhinae)
by Jaroslav Marek & František Krampl & Ivan Hrdý - 101-106 Variation in the germination of seeds of Rumex obtusifolius in the Czech Republic
by Zdenka Martínková & Alois Honěk - 107-111 Interaction between chlorsulfuron and phenylurea cytokinin 4-PU-30 on resistant and susceptible plants
by Georgi Georgiev & Lubomir Iliev - 112-116 Cultivation of herbicide resistant crops: Weed management and environmental aspects
by Karl Hurle & Jan Petersen - 120-121 A.A. Agrawai, S. Tuzun, E. Bent (eds): Induced Plant Defences against Pathogen and Hebivores: Biochmistry, Ecology and Agriculture
by Vladimír Táborský
2000, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 1-72 V. Skuhravý, M. Skuhravá: Bejlomorky lesních stromů a keřů
by Jaroslav Pelikán - 41-45 Comparison of DAS-ELISA and enzyme amplified ELISA for detection of Wheat dwarf virus in host plants and leafhopper vectors
by Josef Vacke & Radim Cibulka - 46-52 Characteristics of polyclonal antisera for detection and determination of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. insidiosus
by Blanka Kokošková & Iveta Pánková & Václav Krejzar - 53-56 Virulence analyses of the populations of Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici in the Slovak Republic 1996-1998
by Jozef Huszár - 57-64 Differantiation ov cereal eyespot fungi using morphologic characteristics and PCR diagnosti texts
by Marie Váňová & Ivana Polišenská & Pavel Vejl & Sylva Skupinová - 65-68 Cumulative and actual population size of stored-product pests: Effect on initial numbers and rate of increase
by Václav Stejskal - 69-71 Anaerobic seed treatment to control loose smut of barley and wheat
by Ivan Ujevič - 73-80 Bibliographical Notice - Ing. Pavel Bartoš, DrSc
by Ivo Bareš
2000, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-6 Utilization of immunochamical methods for the detection of Fusarium culmorum in winter wheat
by Jiřina Krátká & Blanka Pekárová & Andrea Zemanová & Miroslava Kutíková - 1-20 G. D. Foster, S. C. Taylor (eds): Plant Viroloty Protocols. From Virus Isolation to Transgenic Resistance
by Pavel Ryšánek - 1-40 Genetic basis of oat resistance to fungal diseases
by Jan Mikulka & Daniela Chodová - 7-10 Sensitivity behaviour of Microdochium nivale isolates to some DMI-fungicide commonly used in the Czech Republic
by Ludvík Tvarůžek & Pavel Kraus & Hana Hrabalová - 11-14 Utilization of immunochamical methods for the detection of Fusarium culmorum in winter wheat
by Milan Zapletal & Dagmar Obdržálková & Jiří Pikula & Jiří Pikula - 15-19 Changes in free amino acids content in kochia (Kochia scoparia) resistant to ALS-inhibitors
by Daniela Chodová & Jan Mikulka - 21-22 Infestation of stored medicinal plants and herbal tea by insects and mites
by Irma Kalinovič & Vlatka Rozman - 23-38 Genetic basis of oat resistance to fungal diseases
by Josef Šebesta & Hywel W. Roderick & Srbobran Stojanovič & Bruno Zwatz & Don E. Harder & Luciana Corazza
1999, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 1-1 Index of Volume 35 (1999)
by editors - 115-120 Analysis of populations of Pyrenophora teres on barley in the Czech Republic
by Věra Minařiková & Ivana Polišenská - 121-123 Antagonistic microorganisms and medium moisture as possible sources of variation in common bunt (Tilletia tritici) incidence
by Jaroslav Benada & Antonín Pospíšil - 124-124 Plant virusees, unique and intriguing pahtogens - a textbook of plant virology: Book Review
by Josef Špak - 125-130 Population changes of the potato cyst nematode (Giobodera rostochiensis) during irregular crop rotation
by Josef Šedivý - 131-135 Effectiveness of aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) on winter wheat in two agricultural systems
by Shoki Al-Dobai & Ján Praslicka - 136-138 Biological control of stored food mites on oilsecds using the mite predator Cheyletus eruditus (Schrank)
by Eva Žďárková & Radek Feit - 139-146 Geographic distribution of the field vole (Microtus arvalis) in the Czech Republic
by Milan Zapletal & Dagmar Obdržálková & Jiří Pikula & Jiří Pikula & Miroslava Beklová - 147-152 Weed control by flaming and hot steam in apple orchards
by N. Rafai & M. Lacko-Bartošová & R. Somr
1999, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 79-84 Serological and biochemical distinguishing of Pseudomonas syringae pathovars on peas
by Iveta Pánková & Blanka Kokošková - 85-92 Virulence of wheat leaf rust in Slovakia in 1997-1998
by Pavel Bartoš & Jozef Huszár & Eva Herzová - 93-95 Occurrence of plum pox virus in plums, myrobalans, blackthorns, apricots and peaches in South Moravia along the Austrian border
by Jaroslav Polák - 96-102 Fusarloses of barley with emphasis on the content of trichothecene
by Josef Hýsek & Marie Váňová & Jana Hajšlová & Zuzana Radová & Jana Koutecká & Ludvík Tvarůžek - 103-107 Seed size and dormancy in Rumex obtusifolius
by Zdenka Martínková & Alois Honěk & František Pudil - 108-112 Pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana strains isolated from Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to original host and to ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinelidae)
by Ľudovít Cagáň & Vladimír Uhlík - 113-113 C.E. Taylor, D.J.F. Brown: Nematode Vectors of Plant VIrusse
by Pavel Ryšánek - 114-114 J. Patočka, A. Krištín, J. Kulfan, P. Zach: Die Eichnschädlinge und ihre Feinde
by Josef Šedivý
1999, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 41-46 Preparation and use of monoclonal antibodies to detect Phytophthora nicotianae var. nicotianae
by Blanka Pekárová-Kyněrová & Miroslava Kutíková - 47-50 Silky bent grass (Apera spica-venti [L.] Beauv.) - a new host and reservoir of wheat dwarf virus
by Josef Vacke & Radim Cibulka - 51-56 Wheat leaf rust races/pathotypes in the Czech Republic in 1997-1998
by Pavel Bartoš & Eva Stuchlíková - 57-62 Virulence analyses of the powdery mildew population on wheat in the Czech Republic in 1995-1998
by Karel Klem - 63-66 Effectiveness of fungicides against head blight of wheat caused by Fusarium culmorum
by Yahya Takish & Slavoj Vaverka - 67-70 Abundance of cereal aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) within wild Triticum and Aegilops spp., and cultivated wheat
by Helena Havlíčková & Vojtěch Holubec - 71-76 Early weed succession on an abandoned field: vegetation composition and production of biomass
by Jindra Štolcová & Alois Honěk - 77-78 The sixty-fifth birthday of Prof. Dr. Anton J. Novacky, CSc.Ing. Josef Vacke, CSc., sedmdesátníkem
by Václav Kůdela & Zdenko Polák
1999, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-9 Molecular characterization and phylogeny of the entomopathogenic fungus
by Miroslav Oborník & Richard Stouthamer & Ellis Meekes & Menno Schilthuittzen - 10-13 Chemical communication in horse-chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimić
by Aleš Svatoš & Blanka Kalinová & Michal Hoskovec & Jiří Kindl & Ivan Hrdý - 14-16 Development of Cheyletus eruditus (Schrank) (Acarina: Cheyletidae) at low temperature
by Eva Ždarková & Pavel Horák - 17-22 Occurrence and bionomics of Eriborus terebrans (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a parasitoid of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in Central Europe
by Peter Bokor & Ľudovít Cagáň - 23-25 Survival over the winter of Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in hot spots caused by improper grain storage technology: the first record in the Czech Republic
by Václav Stejskal & Jan Zuska & Petr Werner & Zuzana Kučerová - 26-29 Variability of resistance to common bunt of wheat
by Antonín Pospisil & Josef Benada & Ivana Polisenská - 30-32 Study of semipersistent transmission of beet yellows virus by the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae Sulz
by Jiban Kumar Kundu & Pavel Ryšánek - 33-36 Virus diseases of poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) and some other species of the Papaveraceae family - a review
by Darina Kubelková & Josef Špak
0000, Volume preprint
- 32775 Determination of resistance improving potentials of cotton whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotypes against cyantraniliprole
by Isse Hassan Ali & Utku Yükselbaba - 41116 Brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) seasonal activity and association with abiotic factor
by Prince Mahore & Nikki Bhardwaj & Pradyumn Singh & Mitesh Makwana & Dheerendra Mahor & Naveen & Neeraj Kumar & Sitaram Seervi & Sonu Sharma - 41288 Population composition and virulence of wheat yellow rust in Kazakhstan
by Shynbolat Rsaliyev & Aralbek Rsaliyev & Rakhim Urazaliev & Saltanat Dubekova & Akerke Serikbaykyzy - 42202 Advancements in sensor-based weed management: Navigating the future of weed control
by Santhappan Vignesh & Palanisamy Murali Arthanari & Rengabashyam Kalpana & Ranganathan Umarani & Subburamu Karthikeyan & Ponnusamy Janaki - 42360 Sustainable medicinal plant production - responses of Lamiaceae plants to organic acid elicitors spraying during environmental stress: A review
by Ismail Mahmoud Ali Shahhat & Arbi Guetat & Salma Yousif Sidahmed Elsheik & Medhat Ahmed Abu-Tahon & Abdelrahman Talha Abdelwahab & Marwa Abdelfattah Awad - 42477 Comparative evaluation of fungicide effectiveness in controlling Coffee leaf rust in Hawai'i
by Zhening Zhang & Julia Coughlin & James Kam & Zhiqiang Cheng