- BEMPS110 The Economics of Destination Cards
by Sonia Messori & Alessandro Fedele & Paolo Figini - BEMPS109 CSR Performance, Disclosure Tone, and Cost of Capital: Evidence from European Non-Financial Reporting
by Bianca Minuth & Paul Pronobis - BEMPS108 A new two-component hybrid model for highly right-skewed data: estimation algorithm and application to finance and rainfall data
by Patrick Osatohanmwen - BEMPS107 Decarbonizzazione, Governance e Sostenibilità: le Top 100 altoatesine
by Massimiliano Bonacchi & Luca Menicacci & Fabio Zanderigo Jona
- BEMPS106 On the Existence of Nash Equilibria in Two-Sided Hotelling Models
by Emanuele Bacchiega & Elias Carroni & Alessandro Fedele - BEMPS105 Fiscal stimuli: Monetary versus Fiscal Financing
by Marco Lorusso & Francesco Ravazzolo & Claudia Udroiu - BEMPS104 A three-way dynamic panel threshold regression model for change point detection in bioimpedance data
by F. Marta L. Di Lascio & Selene Perazzini - BEMPS103 Phishing Attacks: An Analysis of the Victims’ Characteristics Based on Administrative Data
by Alessandro Fedele & Mirco Tonin & Matteo Valerio - BEMPS102 Nowcasting Inflation at Quantiles: Causality from Commodities
by Sara Boni & Massimiliano Caporin & Francesco Ravazzolo
- BEMPS101 Monopolistic Duopoly
by Emanuele Bacchiega & Elias Carroni & Alessandro Fedele - BEMPS100 Global money supply and energy and non-energy commodity prices: A MS-TV-VAR approach
by Stefano Grassi & Francesco Ravazzolo & Joaquin Vespignani & Giorgio Vocalelli - BEMPS99 Multiple Structural Breaks in Interactive Effects Panel Data and the Impact of Quantitative Easing on Bank Lending
by Jan Ditzen & Yiannis Karavias & Joakim Westerlund
- BEMPS98 Modelling spatial correlation between earthquake insured losses in New Zealand: A mixed-effects analysis
by F. Marta L. Di Lascio & Ilan Noy & Selene Perazzini - BEMPS97 Dominant Drivers of National Inflation
by Jan Ditzen & Francesco Ravazzolo - BEMPS96 Collective minimum contributions to counteract the ratchet effect in the voluntary provision of public goods
by Marius Alt & Carlo Gallier & Martin Kesternich & Bodo Sturm - BEMPS95 Wage Expectations and Access to Healthcare Occupations: Evidence from an Information Experiment
by Juliana Bernhofer & Alessandro Fedele & Mirco Tonin - BEMPS94 A Structural Analysis of Unemployment-Generating Supply Shocks with an Application to the US Pharmaceutical Industry
by Sara Boni & Francesco Ravazzolo - BEMPS93 Macroeconomic Effects of Collateral Requirements and Financial Shocks
by Aicha Kharazi - BEMPS92 Violence and Migration. The Role of Police Killings in the Venezuelan Diaspora
by Federico Maggio & Carlo Caporali - BEMPS91 Parental Religiosity and Missing School-Girls in Turkey
by Melike Kökkizil - BEMPS90 Collateral, Household Borrowing, and Income Distribution
by Luisa Corrado & Aicha Kharazi - BEMPS86 What are the drivers of Labor Productivity?
by Josué Diwambuena & Francesco Ravazzolo
- BEMPS89 A spatially-weighted AMH copula-based dissimilarity measure for clustering variables: An application to urban thermal efficiency
by F. Marta L. Di Lascio & Andrea Menapace & Roberta Pappadà - BEMPS88 Italian Labour Frictions and Wage Rigidities in an Estimated DSGE
by Josué Diwambuena & Raquel Fonseca & Stefan Schubert - BEMPS87 The Real Effects of Uncertainty Shocks: New Evidence from Linear and Nonlinear SVAR Models
by Josué Diwambuena & Jean-Paul K. Tsasa - BEMPS85 Exponential Tilting for Zero-inflated Interval Regression with Applications to Cyber Security Survey Data
by Cristian Roner & Claudia Di Caterina & Davide Ferrari - BEMPS84 Adaptive Importance Sampling for DSGE Models
by Stefano Grassi & Marco Lorusso & Francesco Ravazzolo - BEMPS83 Forecasting Energy Commodity Prices: A Large Global Dataset Sparse Approach
by Davide Ferrari & Francesco Ravazzolo & Joaquin Vespignani - BEMPS82 Markov Switching Panel with Endogenous Synchronization Effects
by Komla M. Agudze & Monica Billio & Roberto Casarin & Francesco Ravazzolo - BEMPS81 Estimating long run effects and the exponent of cross-sectional dependence: an update to xtdcce2
by Jan Ditzen - BEMPS80 Technology vs information to promote conservation: Evidence from water audits
by Erik Ansink & Carmine Ornaghi & Mirco Tonin - BEMPS79 Communities and Testing for Covid-19
by Steven Stillman & Mirco Tonin - BEMPS78 The Economics of Missionary Expansion:Evidence from Africa and Implications for Development
by Remi Jedwab & Felix Meier zu Selhausen & Alexander Moradi - BEMPS77 Does Excellence Pay Off? Theory and Evidence from the Wine Market
by Stefano Castriota & Alessandro Fedele - BEMPS76 Spatial and Spatio-temporal Error Correction, Networks and Common Correlated Effects
by Arnab Bhattacharjee & Jan Ditzen & Sean Holly
- BEMPS75 Dangerous Games: A Literature Review on Cybersecurity Investments
by Alessandro Fedele & Cristian Roner - BEMPS74 National or Local? The Demand for News in Italy during COVID-19
by Stefano Castriota & Marco Delmastro & Mirco Tonin - BEMPS73 One Year of I-SEM: Preliminary Assessment of Capacity Mechanism Outcomes
by Filippo Del Grosso - BEMPS72 Dynamic Bayesian forecasting of English Premier League match results with the Skellam distribution
by Robert C. Smit & Francesco Ravazzolo & Luca Rossini - BEMPS71 The Role of Temporary Jobs in Explaining Increasing Inequality for Recent Cohorts in Italy
by Alessio Tomelleri - BEMPS70 Class Size Effects in Higher Education: Differences Across STEM and Non-STEM Fields
by Elif Kara & Mirco Tonin & Michael Vlassopoulos - BEMPS69 The Burning Coalition Bargaining Model
by Marco Rogna - BEMPS68 Analysing the relationship between district heating demand and weather conditions through conditional mixture copula
by F. Marta L. Di Lascio & Andrea Menapace & Maurizio Righetti - BEMPS67 Congestion and Incentives in the Age of Driverless Fleets
by Federico Boffa & Alessandro Fedele & Alberto Iozzi
- BEMPS66 Points or Prison? The Effects of Different Sanctions on Driving Behavior
by Silvia Bruzzone & Stefano Castriota & Mirco Tonin - BEMPS65 Stay or Flee? Probability versus Severity of Punishment in Hit-and-run Accidents
by Stefano Castriota & Mirco Tonin - BEMPS64 Modeling the Switch from Hail Insurance to Anti-Hail Nets
by Marco Rogna & Günter Schamel & Alex Weissensteiner - BEMPS63 The emergence of an innovation ecosystem in a low innovation region: Disrupting inertia by a young university
by Elisa Villani & Christian Lechner - BEMPS62 Choosing between Hail Insurance and Anti-Hail Nets: A Simple Model and a Simulation among Apples Producers in South Tyrol
by Marco Rogna & Günter Schamel & Alex Weissensteiner - BEMPS61 Contagion between Real Estate and Financial Markets: A Bayesian Quantile-on-Quantile Approach
by Massimiliano Caporin & Rangan Gupta & Francesco Ravazzolo - BEMPS60 From Invention to Industry: The emergence of the 3D Printing Industry
by Abeer Pervaiz - BEMPS59 Density Forecasting
by Federico Bassetti & Roberto Casarin & Francesco Ravazzolo - BEMPS58 Understanding the emergence of an industry through the lens of Social Movements and Entrepreneurial Communities
by Abeer Pervaiz & Christian Lechner - BEMPS57 A First-Phase Screening Device for Site Selection of Large-Scale Solar Plants with an Application to Italy
by Marco Rogna - BEMPS56 Optimism in Financial Markets: Stock Market Returns and Investor Sentiments
by Chiara Limongi Concetto & Francesco Ravazzolo
- BEMPS55 Dynamic Spatial Autoregressive Models with Time-varying Spatial Weighting Matrices
by Anna Gloria Billé & Leopoldo Catania - BEMPS54 Spatial Discrete Choice Models: A Review Focused on Specification, Estimation and Health Economics applications
by Giuseppe Arbia & Anna Gloria Billé - BEMPS53 Joint and conditional dependence modeling of peak district heating demand and outdoor temperature: a copula-based approach
by F. Marta L. Di Lascio & Andrea Menapace & Maurizio Righetti - BEMPS52 When the market drives you crazy: Stock market returns and fatal car accidents
by Corrado Giulietti & Mirco Tonin & Michael Vlassopoulos - BEMPS51 Paying for what kind of performance? Performance pay and multitasking in mission-oriented jobs
by Daniel Jones & Mirco Tonin & Michael Vlassopoulos - BEMPS50 Water Tariffs and Consumers' Inaction
by Carmine Ornaghi & Mirco Tonin - BEMPS49 Does Excellence Pay Off? Evidence from the Wine Market
by Stefano Castriota - BEMPS48 Pay-What-You-Want to support independent information - A field experiment on motivation
by Alessandra Casarico & Mirco Tonin - BEMPS47 Paying Politicians: Not Too Little, Not Too Much
by Alessandro Fedele & Pierpaolo Giannoccolo - BEMPS46 A Stochastic Latent Moment Model for Electricity Price Formation
by Angelica Gianfreda & Derek Bunn - BEMPS45 A Review of Balancing Costs in Italy before and after RES introduction
by Angelica Gianfreda & Lucia Parisio & Matteo Pelagatti
- BEMPS44 Quasi-ML estimation, Marginal Effects and Asymptotics for Spatial Autoregressive Nonlinear Models
by Anna Gloria Billé & Samantha Leorato - BEMPS43 Divestitures and the financial conglomerate excess value
by Claudia Curi & Maurizio Murgia - BEMPS42 Opportunism in disclosing pro-forma indicators: rationale and contextual drivers
by Silvia Gardini & F. Marta L. Di Lascio & Franco Visani - BEMPS41 The impact of institutional and cultural factors on the use ofnon-GAAP financial measures. International evidence fromthe oil and gas industry
by Franco Visani & F. Marta L. Di Lascio & Silvia Gardini - BEMPS40 Stakeholder Orientation and Capital Structure in the Social Care Sector
by Alessandro Fedele & Raffaele Miniaci - BEMPS39 A multistakeholder analysis of BES data: a focus on health in South Tyrol
by Andrea Salustri & Federica Viganò - BEMPS38 Can Immigrants Insure against Shocks as well as the Native-born?
by Asadul Islam & Steven Stillman & Christopher Worswick - BEMPS37 If Life Throws You Lemons Try To Make Lemonade: Does Locus of Control Help People Cope with Unexpected Shocks
by Steven Stillman & Malathi Velamuri
- BEMPS36 Corporate Governance of SOEs and performance in transition countries. Evidence from Lithuania
by Claudia Curi & Justas Gedvilas & Ana Lozano-Vivas - BEMPS35 An investigation on tourism farms in South Tyrol
by Maria Giovanna Brandano & Linda Osti & Manuela Pulina - BEMPS34 “Now that you mention it”: A Survey Experiment on Information, Salience and Online Privacy
by Helia Marreiros & Mirco Tonin & Michael Vlassopoulos & M.C. Schraefel - BEMPS33 Racial Discrimination in Local Public Services: A Field Experiment in the US
by Corrado Giulietti & Mirco Tonin & Michael Vlassopoulos
- BEMPS32 Clustering dependent observations with copula functions
by F. Marta L. Di Lascio & Simone Giannerini - BEMPS31 Business Models and Institutional Complexity: Understanding Value Creation in Healthcare Sector Public-Private Partnerships
by Elisa Villani & Luciano Greco & Nelson Phillips - BEMPS30 Should Different People Have Different Governments?
by Federico Boffa & Amedeo Piolatto & Giacomo Ponzetto - BEMPS29 Do your Rivals Enhance your Access to Credit? Theory and Evidence
by Vittoria Cerasi & Alessandro Fedele & Raffaele Miniaci - BEMPS28 Pay package reshuffling and managerial incentives: A principal-agent analysis
by Alessandro Fedele & Luca Panaccione - BEMPS27 Human development and well-being during the great recession. The non-profit sector as a capability enhancing workplace
by Andrea Salustri & Federica Viganò - BEMPS26 Price Formation of Pledgeable Securities
by Andrea Pinna - BEMPS25 In Medio Stat Virtus: Does a Mixed Economy increase Welfare?
by Alessandro Fedele & Sara Depedri - BEMPS24 Well-Paid Nurses are Good Nurses
by Alessandro Fedele - BEMPS23 Tourism Destination Competitiveness: Measurement Issues
by Mendola Daria & Serena Volo
- BEMPS22 Tourism statistics: correcting data inadequacy using coarsened exact matching
by Patricio Aroca & Juan Gabriel Brida & Juan Sebastián Pereyra & Serena Volo - BEMPS21 Indirect Contagion in an Originate-to-Distribute Banking Model
by Andrea Pinna - BEMPS20 Fuzzy segmentation in postmodern consumers
by Pierpaolo D'Urso & Marta Disegna & Riccardo Massari & Linda Osti - BEMPS19 The productivity of French Technology Transfer Offices after government reforms
by Claudia Curi & Cinzia Daraio & Patrick Llerena - BEMPS18 Foreign bank diversification and efficiency prior to and during the financial crisis: Does one business model fit all?
by Claudia Curi & Ana Lozano-Vivas & Valentin Zelenyuk - BEMPS17 Financial Centre Productivity and Innovation prior to and during the Financial Crisis
by Claudia Curi & Ana Lozano-Vivas - BEMPS16 How often to a museum? Motivations matter
by Juan Gabriel Brida & Chiara Dalle Nogare & Raffaele Scuderi - BEMPS15 The Impact of Large Orders in Electronic Markets
by Luisella Bosetti & Pietro Gottardo & Maurizio Murgia & Andrea Pinna
- BEMPS14 The Influence of Visitors’ Satisfaction on Expenditure Behaviour
by Marta Disegna & Linda Osti - BEMPS13 Market Segmentation using Bagged Fuzzy C–Means (BFCM): Destination Image of Western Europe among Chinese Travellers
by Pierpaolo D'Urso & Girish Prayag & Marta Disegna & Riccardo Massari - BEMPS12 Does Accrual Management Impair the Performance of Earnings-Based Valuation Models?
by Lucie Courteau & Jennifer L. Kao & Yao Tian - BEMPS11 Benefits and Costs of Auditor's Assurance: Evidence from the Review of Quarterly Financial Statements
by Jean Bédard & Lucie Courteau - BEMPS10 A multivariate nonlinear analysis of tourism expenditures
by Marta Disegna & Fabrizio Durante & Enrico Foscolo - BEMPS09 Determinants of Individual Tourist Expenditure as a Network: Empirical Findings from Uruguay
by Antonio Abbruzzo & Juan Gabriel Brida & Raffaele Scuderi - BEMPS08 Moonlighting Politicians: Motivation Matters!
by Alessandro Fedele & Paolo Naticchioni - BEMPS07 Moneycracy
by Alessandro Fedele & Pierpaolo Giannoccolo - BEMPS06 An examination of tourist arrivals dynamics using short-term time series data: a space-time cluster approach
by Dogan Gursoy & Anna Maria Parroco & Raffaele Scuderi - BEMPS05 European spin-offs Origin, value creation, and long-term performance
by Dmitri Boreiko & Maurizio Murgia - BEMPS04 In Dubio Pro Reo. Behavioral explanations of pro-defendant bias in procedures
by Antonio Nicita & Matteo Rizzolli - BEMPS03 The Behaviour of Repeat Visitors to Museums: Review and Empirical Findings
by Juan Gabriel Brida & Marta Disegna & Raffaele Scuderi - BEMPS02 Visitor Satisfaction at the Museum: Italian versus Foreign Visitors
by Juan Gabriel Brida & Marta Disegna & Tsvetina Vachkova - BEMPS01 Severity vs. Leniency Bias in Performance Appraisal: Experimental evidence
by Lucia Marchegiani & Tommaso Reggiani & Matteo Rizzolli