- 772 Electricity infrastructure- More border crossings or a borderless Europe?
by Georg Zachmann - 771 From supervision to resolution- next steps on the road to European banking union
by Nicolas Véron & Guntram B. Wolff - 770 Can Europe recover without credit?
by Zsolt Darvas - 766 The World innovation landscape- Asia rising?
by Reinhilde Veugelers - 765 Options for a Euro-area fiscal capacity
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Erkki Vihriälä & Guntram B. Wolff
- 764 Private long-term investment in uncertain times
by Georg Zachmann - 762 A budget for Europe's monetary union
by Guntram B. Wolff - 761 Smart choices for growth
by Georg Zachmann - 760 The long-term EU budget- size or flexibility?
by Benedicta Marzinotto - 759 The Greek debt trap- an escape plan
by Zsolt Darvas - 756 The known unknowns and the unknown unknowns of the EMU
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 755 The euro crisis- ten roots, but fewer solutions
by Zsolt Darvas - 752 Europe's single supervisory mechanism and the long journey towards banking union
by Nicolas Véron - 747 Intra-euro rebalancing is inevitable but insufficient
by Zsolt Darvas - 745 New ICT sectors- Platforms for European growth?
by Reinhilde Veugelers - 741 The challenges of Europe's fourfold union
by Nicolas Véron - 731 What kind of European banking union?
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & André Sapir & Nicolas Véron & Guntram B. Wolff - 730 Compositional effects on productivity, labour cost and export adjustments
by Zsolt Darvas - 729 ICT for growth- a targeted approach
by Michał Grajek - 727 How wide is the Mediterrenean?
by Georg Zachmann & Mimi Tam & Lucia Granelli - 724 Arithmetic is absolute- euro area adjustment
by Guntram B. Wolff - 721 Propping up Europe?
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Guntram B. Wolff - 718 Sudden stops in the euro area
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Silvia Merler - 711 Challenges for the euro area and implications for Latvia
by Guntram B. Wolff - 708 Innovation in EU merger control- walking the talk
by Reinhilde Veugelers - 695 Who's afraid of sovereign bonds?
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Silvia Merler - 692 Cutting carbon, not the economy
by Georg Zachmann - 674 The Euro crisis and the new impossible trinity
by Jean Pisani-Ferry
- 663 A tale of three countries- recovery after banking crises
by Zsolt Darvas - 660 Mind Europe's early-stage equity gap
by Reinhilde Veugelers - 658 Rating agencies and sovereign credit risk assessment
by Nicolas Véron & Guntram B. Wolff - 643 Assessing competitiveness- how firm-level data can help
by Carlo Altomonte & Giorgio Barba Navaretti & Filippo di Mauro & Gianmarco Ottaviano - 630 Wanted- a stronger and better G20 for the global economy
by Ignazio Angeloni & Jean Pisani-Ferry - 628 Rate expectations- what can and cannot be done about rating agencies
by Nicolas Véron - 623 Europe's growth emergency
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Zsolt Darvas - 622 Is recent bank stress really driven by the sovereign debt crisis?
by Guntram B. Wolff - 613 Testimony on the European debt and financial crisis
by Nicolas Véron - 600 Changing of the guard - Challenges ahead for the new ECB president
by Guntram B. Wolff - 582 An action plan for the European leaders
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Benedicta Marzinotto & Guntram B. Wolff - 577 Eastern European lessons for the southern Mediterranean
by André Sapir & Georg Zachmann - 567 Debt restructuring in the euro area- A necessary but manageable evil?
by Zsolt Darvas - 561 Europe's clean technology investment challenge
by Reinhilde Veugelers - 555 The Euro area's macroeconomic balancing act
by Guntram B. Wolff - 533 Suggestions for reforming the governance of global accounting standards
by Nicolas Véron - 516 Reform of the international monetary system- Some concrete steps
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Yongding Yu & Agnès Bénassy-Quéré - 509 Eurobonds- The blue bond concept and its implications
by Jakob von Weizsäcker - 504 A European fund for economic revival in crisis countries
by Benedicta Marzinotto
- 784 An assessment of the G20's initial action items
by Stephane Rottier & Nicolas Véron - 461 The threat of 'currency wars'- a European perspective
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Zsolt Darvas - 460 EU financial regulatory reform- a status report
by Nicolas Véron - 445 The unequal effect of new banking rules in Europe
by Benedicta Marzinotto & Jörg Rocholl - 437 Young leading innovators and EUs R&D intensity gap
by Reinhilde Veugelers & Michele Cincera - 420 Fiscal federalism in crisis- lessons for Europe from the US
by Zsolt Darvas - 414 Boosting innovation in Europe
by André Sapir & Bruno van Pottelsberghe & Reinhilde Veugelers & Mathias Dewatripont - 410 Euro area governance- What went wrong in the euro area? How to repair it?
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 404 The role of state aid control in improving bank resolution in Europe
by Mathias Dewatripont & Gregory Nguyen & Peter Praet & André Sapir - 387 China and the world economy- a European perspective
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 379 Financial-Transaction Tax- Small Is Beautiful
by Zsolt Darvas & Jakob von Weizsäcker - 376 Memo to the New Digital Agenda Commissioner
by Bruno van Pottelsberghe & Reinhilde Veugelers
- 368 The EU's Role in Supporting Crisis-Hit Countries in Central and Eastern Europe
by Zsolt Darvas - 367 Memo to the new Commissioner for Energy
by Georg Zachmann - 363 Monetary Policy on the Way Out of the Crisis
by Jürgen von Hagen - 360 IFRS Sustainability Requires Further Governance Reform
by Nicolas Véron - 357 The Baltic Challenge and Euro-Area Entry
by Zsolt Darvas - 354 Cold Start for the Green Innovation Machine
by Philippe Aghion & Reinhilde Veugelers & Clément Serre - 326 Can A Less Boring ECB Remain Accountable?
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Jakob von Weizsäcker - 325 The G20 is not just a G7 with extra chairs
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Rajiv Kumar - 324 The Pittsburgh G20 Checklist
by Ignazio Angeloni - 320 The monetary mechanics of the crisis
by Jürgen von Hagen - 307 EU Cohesion policy- some fundamental questions
by Indhira Santos - 302 A US strategy for IFRS adoption
by Nicolas Véron - 291 Reshaping the global economy
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & Indhira Santos - 290 International governance- is the G20 the right forum?
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 274 Weathering the storm- Fair weather versus stormy-weather governance in the euro area
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & André Sapir - 266 Estimating the size of the European stimulus packages
by Jakob von Weizsäcker - 235 Rating agencies- an information privilege whose time has passed
by Nicolas Véron
- 263 The end of Europe's longstanding indifference to the renminbi
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 230 The International agenda- immediate priorities and longer-term challenges
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 43 Will the current crisis trigger a revival of the IMF?
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 20 Progressive governance and globalisation
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 19 Fair value accounting is the wrong scapegoat for this crisis
by Nicolas Véron - 18 Policy-makers and the R&D-patent relationship
by Bruno van Pottelsberghe & Gaétan De Rassenfosse - 17 Empower users of financial information as the IASC Foundation‘s stakeholders
by Nicolas Véron
- 24 Current issues in evaluating structual reforms within the Lisbon process
by André Sapir - 23 Transparency would help to address the audit market problem
by Nicolas Véron - 22 EU climate policy- dividing up the commons
by Juan Delgado - 21 EU adoption of the IFRS 8 standard on operating segments
by Nicolas Véron
- 30 Mediocre growth in the Euro area- is governance part of the answer
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 29 Last exit to Lisbon
by Jean Pisani-Ferry & André Sapir - 28 There is room for improvement in the appointment of ECB executive board members
by Jean Pisani-Ferry - 27 Some ideas for reforming the community anti-dumping instrument
by André Sapir - 26 Choice in the UK audit market
by Nicolas Véron - 25 Economic reforms in the euro area- is there a common agenda?
by Jean Pisani-Ferry
- 31 Globalisation and the reform of European social models
by André Sapir